Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A6A. Bisexual moon/month.


For the same ethnic group, the sex of the moon/month is not the same in different texts; it varies depending on the phases; the moon is a couple of spouses; the moon is a woman who used to be a man. See A3 - A5 motives. {The material is not complete. For Western European traditions, data contained in fairy tales are not included}.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba; tabwa: Roberts 1991:260 [Morning and Evening Venus are two wives of the Month], 261 [when twins are born, a special midwife called Mother Moon gives birth]; kamba [there is Luna is a woman and there is a month-man, the latter does not send rain; no details could be found out]: Lundblom 1920:337.

West Africa. Ijo.

Sudan - East Africa. Hadza.

Melanesia. Admiralty Islands; Malekula [Tahar is connected to the moon, created the earth and people, the dead are coming to him; his figure is visible on a full moon on the lunar disk; every child born on earth comes here from the moon, is born when the moon passes over the mother's womb; the moon is a grandmother, she has children in the form of unborn embryos; when the moon disappears every month, people are afraid that it will not revive, and When there is a new moon, they rejoice; the moonlight produces, Tahar conceives children; it is also connected to the sun, but indirectly by association with light]: Layard 1942:210-213.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. See motive A20. Kachiny.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans: Man 1932 [Tomo created and inhabited the world; created the Moon, married her; after death he went to live in heaven; all the Andamans are his descendants]: 194; Radcliffe-Brown 1933 [The Sun is the wife of the Month, stars are their children (denoted by the same word as fireflies); according to another version, the Moon is a woman, her husband is Maia Tok, the Sun is a man]: 141; Semangs (Jehai) [The Sun is a woman, the Month is a man, y Everyone has many children, just like their parents; because of the children of the Sun, the Earth is terribly hot; the Month decides to help people, hides its children under their arms, tells the Sun that it has eaten them, advises them to do the same; The Sun eats its children, then the Month releases its stars again]: Schebesta 1931:107; 1937:101; Semangs (Kintak) [The Moon and the Sun are the elder and younger sisters; the Moon hides her children in hair (hair-knot), tells the Sun that it has swallowed them; the Sun is eating its children; if this did not happen, people would not be able to survive the heat of many suns]: Evans 1937:167 (quoted in Ho 1967, No. 18:222); mentawai [The sun and moon are women, both had many children, the children of the Sun were extremely hot; to save people, the Moon hid her children, smeared her mouth with red juice, said to the Sun, that she gladly ate them; the Sun ate its children; in the evening, the children of the Moon, stars, appeared; the Sun hit the moon with a knife, now it is visible in parts; the Moon has hit the Sun, now the edge of the Sun is jagged, and The Sun does not meet the Moon]: Schefold 1988:71-72; Loeb 1929, No. 12 [The month is the adoptive father of the Pleiades Brothers; see motive I99]: 149-162.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [Kovava (kov is a month, ava is a woman) is the patroness of the moon; she has a husband, Kovatya (moksha), Kovpaz (erzya), god of the moon]: Devyatkina 1998:127.

Turkestan. Kazakhs; Karakalpaks [The sun was the daughter of bay; the Month was the husband of the Sun, the son of another bay; during a quarrel, the Sun scratched the face of the Month, after which they were ashamed to appear in front of their eyes to people; but people themselves asked the Sun to continue to shine; husband and wife no longer see each other, but continue to warm and illuminate the earth]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 28; Karakalpaks [ The Sun and Moon were twin sisters; one day Satan comes to the Sun: The moon is more beautiful than you, and you are ugly; out of envy, the Sun burned the face of the Moon with its heat; the spots remain; after that, each other's sisters they don't see]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 29.

Western Siberia. The Nenets.

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks: Vasilevich 1959 (Podkamennaya Tunguska, Vanavara) [The Moon, the Sun and the Silver Woman (LJ) were three girls; Thunderstorm and Tree were workers (Thunderstorm still cuts firewood)]: 164- 165; 1969 [the Ilimpic Evenks, which included Evenks of Trans-Baikal origin, had a story about the sun as the mistress of the sky and the moon as its younger brother]: 211; central Yakuts: Pekarsky, Popov 1928 [the girl went to get water; a strong wind blew, picked it up with rocker arms and buckets filled with water; planted it on a birch tree with large branches, and then carried it to heaven; there the girl took a month; she and the rocker arms are still visible in the sky; this girl is the th ichitya (spirit is the master of the moon)]: 5; Erkis 1974 (the place of recording is not specified - central?) [in riddles, the Sun and the Moon are two sisters ("When the older sister comes to visit, the youngest hides")]: 353;.

Amur - Sakhalin. Naikha Nanais.

Japan. Miyako Islands: Nevsky 1996:267 [1) The sun is the husband, the moon is the wife; when the husband throws his foot over his wife's body, a lunar eclipse occurs, when the wife on her husband's body is sunny; 2) the light of the wife-moon was brighter than the Sun Husband's light; she refuses to change; her husband shoves her to the ground, she falls into the mud; the farmer carries two tubs of water, washes the moon, helps her get out of the mud; the moon rises to heaven, but loses its former shine; in gratitude he takes the peasant to him; he is seen on the moon, holding a rocker with two tubs on his shoulders], 268-269 [Akana, a boy-shaped creature with red, is visible on the moon], 268-269 [Akana, a boy-shaped creature with red face and red hair; he is Mrs. Moon's brother; goes down to the ground to eat fish and crab eyes], 269-270 [The month gives Akariyazagama a tub alive and a tub of dead water, sends them to the ground, tells pour live water on a person, a snake is dead; when he reaches the ground, A. falls asleep, the serpent splashes living water on himself; frightened A. waters the dead person, returns to heaven; the Month punishes him, commanding him from now on stand on the moon with a tub in hand]; Ainu.

The Arctic. Kodiak [two girls spend the night outside to see a month, want him to be a husband; he goes down, carries them to heaven; one opens his eyes, falls; the other in the sky violates her husband's ban on entering at two at home; in one he sees half, a quarter and a small sickle of the moon; in the other he sees the full, almost full and slightly more than half of the moon; puts almost full to his face, can no longer take it off; since then he has been dividing husband's work (the growing month is a man, the decreasing moon is a woman)]: Golder 1903, No. 5:28-31; see motive A3. Igloolik.

The Midwest. See A3, A32D motifs. Ojibwa/chippewa.

Northeast. Delaware [The Sun is our Father; the Moon for the Eastern Lenapes is our Mother; Western Lenapes in Oklahoma consider the Month a man]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:34.

Plains. Crowe; mandan; arapaho.

California. Shasta: Dixon 1910a, No. 32 [mother-in-law tries to destroy her son-in-law with difficult assignments; he throws her into the sky, she turns into the moon]: 365-368; Farrand 1915, No. 13 [Coyote tries unsuccessfully shoot Month with a bow]: 222; yurok [Moon is a woman (along with Month Man)]: Driver 1939:344; yuki [Coyote calls both stars sister's son; according to another version, Luna is wife Suns].

The Great Southwest. Yavapai; navajo; jicarilla; Taos tiva.

NW Mexico. Huichol [sometimes the Month is a man, not a woman; first it was in the water, then the great gods of the sea placed it in heaven]: Zingg 1938:514; bark [for men, the moon is female, for women - male]: Lumholtz 1903 (1): 516.

Mesoamerica Aztecs? ; otomi; huastecs; mountain totonaki; Puebla Nahuat; mije; masateks; chol (Buena Vista, Chiapas) [The Sun is the mother of the Month; associated with the Virgin Mary; when growing up, a woman; when she gets old, a man]: Iwaniszewski 1992:133 in Wilbrath 1999:32; quiche [the moon is usually female but becomes a man on a full moon]: Tedlock 1992:183 in Milbrath 1999:32.

Honduras vs Panama. Kuna.

The Northern Andes. Embera; ihka; muiski.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [a moon-related character (Buoka or Muoka) is either Vahari's brother or sister; V. himself is associated with the sun)]; panare [according to Mattei- Muller, Month is male, Dumont has a female Moon]: Halbmayer 2004:39; Yanomami [two-sex moon, no data on the sun]: Becher 1974:185.

Guiana. Varrau; kalinya.

Western Amazon. Shuar; napo; huambisa [?] ; canelo [changes depending on phases].

NW Amazon. Whitoto; bora; chikuna.

Central Amazon. Moore [The moon is female for half a month and a man for the other half; the evening star is hung from the moon like a hook; souls pull the moon from west to east like fishermen pull hooked fish, so the moon appears more east every night]: Tastevin 1923:526.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita; shipibo; kanamari [Sun (Tsam) - man, Month/Moon (wadja) in different stories of different sexes; 1) a married couple; 2) a boy who grows, then loses weight, dies, Tamakori makes a new son, like this every month; 3) a girl (while her period is full, then loses weight); 4) I went to my sister (not native, classification) at night for a month; she smeared his face with her genipa in the morning I found out that he rose to heaven out of shame and became the Month]: Carvalho 2002:283-284.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tacana; chacobo; chiriguano.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara; trumai [in some texts the half of the moon is female]: Murphy, Quain 1955:72; kuikuru [The month is male, but he is itseke ("original ancestor, dead, spirit, non-human"), so turns into a woman to menstruate]: Fausto 2012:74.

SE Brazil. The floor of the moon changes depending on the phases. Botokud.

Chaco. Kashiha chamacoco [changes with phases]; maca.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches.