Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

A6B. The bisexual sun. (.

In the same ethnic group, the sun is described as both a man and a woman. See motif A3 - A5.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin; Miller 1994 (Yunnan) [Straight and Crooked go and argue whether it is better to act directly and honestly or vice versa; plowman: it's better to act crooked (plow crooked and everything else); lumberjack: better straight ( machetes cut trees straight); fisherman: sometimes it's better like this, sometimes that way; Straight and Crooked got into a fight, Crooked snatched from the Straight Eye, threw it into the river; Straight cries; the Sun God notices that one of the thread of fate that he holds in his hands is weakened, sends his daughter to find out; she tells us what happened; the Sun God descends an old man, inserts a blinded eye, tells the house to prepare the pot three-year-old rice and three-year-old rice wine, fence the cowshed, pigsty and poultry house with bamboo, do not spend the night at home; in the morning the cowshed is full of cows, the pigsty with pigs, the poultry house with chickens, gold instead of rice, instead of wine is silver; upon learning about this, Crooked pulls out his eyes, tells the Sun god that the Straight has blinded him; then the same, but Krivoy dilutes the wine with water, puts three pots of freshly harvested rice, encloses large areas with bamboo; the next morning the barn, pigsty and poultry house are full of cow and pig manure, chicken droppings, crap and urine in pots]: 205-208; see motif A4 (sun-woman).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Shanxi, W. Yicheng) [Heavenly Lord's wife gave birth to 10 sun sons; at first they took turns taking turns, but one day they all appeared together; they were happy and the people suffered; half of the people died, the rest they began to pray to the heavenly lord, but he could not control his sons; Erlan was the son of the Jade Lord, had three eyes, and had the art of 72 transformations; he descended from heaven to Mount Kunlun, he pulled a poplar out of the ground, cleared it of branches, made it a rocker, hung two mountains on it, chased the suns for several days, pressing them down with mountains; near the village of Baiju, the rocker arm broke, the mountains fell to the ground; E. stuck two parts of the rocker arm into the ground, they turned into two poplars without crowns; there was only one sun left in the sky]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 16:27-28; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Yuanping) [The Sun and Moon were sisters; the Moon is beautiful, the Sun is unpretentious; she offered to leave the house one by one; then asked that only the Moon come out at night, because she, the Sun, is afraid; but people are all they laughed at the Sun equally; then she made rays out of the needle and stabbed the eyes of those who try to look at it with them; but everyone still admires the beauty of the moon]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 6:9.

Central Europe. Russians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Hittites.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts; Chuvash people.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [The Sun is the husband of the Moon, or the Sun and Moon are sisters]; Torgouts; Altaians.

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Turukhans) [The sun is the master of the sky, the younger brother of the Moon; the Sun and the Moon are sisters]; the central Yakuts [the sun and the moon are two sisters in some texts, two men in others].

SV Asia. Koryaks.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [the old sun is the father, the present sun is the daughter].

Southeast USA. Yuchi.

Mesoamerica Huasteci [see motif A3]; chol [see motif A4].

Llanos. Cuiva.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Characterbet [first there were two suns, a man and a woman].