A7A. Torches in the hands of the heavenly bodies . (.45.) .48.
The light of the sun (moon, Venus) is a burning torch in the hand of the star.
Nyamwezi, Tiwi, Murngin, Keraki, Bining, Sinhala, Nanai, Nuniwak Island, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Caribou, Netsilic, Igloolik, Polar, Baffin Land, Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland, Angmassalik, bellacula, chilcotin [Venus], (seneca), chumash.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyamwezi [The Sun is the wife of the Month; he tries to grab his wife when he achieves his goal, the full moon comes, then walks in front of her, and the wife obediently follows behind; the spots on the moon are burns, which the Sun inflicted with its torch; sometimes Venus is considered the wife of the Month - the Evening Star is called "Wife of the Month"]: Millroth 1965:35.
Australia. Tiwi: Mountford 1958:25-30 [Purukupali is the son of the blind old woman who created Fr. Melville; when the Wedge-tailed Eagle and the Fork-tailed Hawk accidentally fired, rotating their sticks, got scared, P. lit the torch, gave it to his sister Wuriupranala, another torch gave the character Tjapara; P. went down to sea, V. and T. took to heaven, became the Sun and the Month], 172 [when, at the end of the era of creation, the characters turned into animals and plants, the woman carrying the measles torch became the Sun; At sunrise, it adorns itself with red ocher, hence the red color of dawn; the same at sunset; before heading east in the light of the barely smoldering tip of the torch, the Sun rests behind the heavenly lake] ; murngin (yolngu) [Wells 1964; before dawn, the Walu woman paints red ocher, some of which also falls on the clouds, and lights a torch from the bark; she carries it all day, and it extinguishes at sunset; at night it bends (from below) the ground and everything repeats itself]: Hamacher 2011:131.
Melanesia. Keraki [Kambel made the Sun and Month from the lumps of palm core contents, named them Bangi (Month) and Eram (the secret name of the Sun), told them to be husband and wife; they pursue each other; The appearance of the Sun The month extinguishes its torch]: Williams 1969:302; mining: Laufer 1946-1949:510-511 (Uramot) [The male sun and the female moon are the first people created by the supreme deity; the Sun gave torch; The sun moves fast at sunrise, then slower, resting at noon], 531 (Mali) [The male sun and the female moon are the first people created by the supreme deity; the sun was given by a torch].
South Asia. The Sinhales [Sun, Moon and Rahu were the widow's sons; went to the wedding, leaving their mother at home; when they returned, she asked what they had brought her; Rahu said it was okay, the Sun threw her torch, with which they lit the road, and younger Month hid several rice trees under his fingernails and filled a whole pot with them; the mother blessed the youngest; Rahu tries to swallow the brothers during eclipses]: Perera 1917: 3.
Amur - Sakhalin. Naiha Nanais [the sun and moon have skins that are lit at one end in the form of a torch, which makes them emit light; these skins are home to pudis that control the sun and the month; sunny Siulike pudi is the most beautiful of all; the moonlit one, Bialto pudi, is slightly less beautiful]: Aurora 1986, No. 36, note 2:219.
The Arctic. Nuniwak Island [husband's nephew lives in their house; wife says someone goes to her at night, puts off the lamp; the husband realizes that this is his beloved nephew; he comes openly, they both love each other; the wife takes a lamp, runs, rises to the sky, becomes the sun; the nephew follows her, becomes a month; once she caught up, the Sun almost burned the ground]: Lantis 1946, No. 2:268-269; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatagmiut) [the young man goes to his sister at night; she smears his finger with soot, stains his forehead, recognizes his brother in the morning; cuts off his breasts, serves him on a plate; lights a torch, goes up to the sky becomes the sun; oil that has dripped from the torch turns into oil outlets; brother follows her to the moon]: Lucier 1958, No. 2:91-92; caribou [people find brother and sister in each other's arms; from they run to heaven, turn into the Month and the Sun; both carry torches; the Month moves fast, its torch goes out; when the Month is not visible in the sky, it helps souls return from heaven to earth for something new birth]: Rasmussen 1930b: 79-80; netsilic: Rasmussen 1931:232-236 [Aninga is blind; his mother Agthulg-Rarnan aims his arrow, lies that he missed the bear; eats meat herself; his sister Aleka secretly feeds him; he asks him to be taken to the sea; two Loons in human form lick his eyes, making them keen; he harpoons the walrus, tying the tench to his mother, the walrus drags her into the sea; brother and sister are leaving; the mother's spirit in the form of a strip of fire, a moving belt blocks the road; they jump over these obstacles; the sister goes asking for water from spirits with claws in their arms; they want kill her, her brother kills them, heals her sister; they come to people without anuses; they suck meat to be satiated; brother marries, sister marries; those women do not have vaginas, pregnant women have their bellies ripped open; sister gives birth normal; her mother-in-law pierces her vagina with a meat fork, dies; sister smears black on the face of an unknown lover, identifies her brother in the morning; they decide to turn into something; sister suggests brother rejects options (wolves: their teeth are too sharp; bears: clubfoot; musk oxen: sharp horns; seals: sharp claws; etc.; in the sun and month); they light moss torches, run, rise in air; sister extinguishes brother's torch, so the month is cold], 236-238 [two var.: the shaman hunts seals by the ice-hole; the month goes down, invites him into his sleigh, brings the dead to heaven in the village; walls passages to the house of the Month converge and disperse like a chewing mouth; a shaman slips; in another room, a Sunwoman sits with a child in her arms, her lamp is hot; an entrail eater stands outside the house Ajuk; the shaman runs away from her, returns home; his mouth closes, he can't open it anymore]; Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 3 [young people play a game of extinguished lamps; a young man sleeps with younger sister; both run with torches in their hands; brother stumbles, his torch goes out; they rise to heaven; sister turns into the Sun, brother into the Month], 4 [about like (3); in heaven, brother is a month and the sun sister lives in different parts of the same house]: 7-8, 8; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 26 [a lover goes to the girl at night; she finds out that it is her brother (without details); cuts off her chest, offers him to eat; runs away, he chases her, falls, his torch goes out, both rise to the sky; the Month has a wife in the sky; the Sun Sister lives in another part of the house]: 179-180; Spalding 1979 (Repulse- Bey) [Aningaat is blind; his mother points his arrow at a polar bear, says A. got into a dog; feeds him a dog, eats bear meat with her daughter; his sister secretly gives it to his brother; takes him to the lake; Loon He dives with him, rubs his eyes three times, he sees the light; ties tench to his mother's belt, harpoons a large white whale, which takes his mother to sea; brother and sister come to people with long nails; sister comes in ask for water into the house; the inhabitants begin to rip off its meat; the brother breaks in, kills everyone with an ice ax; wipes his sister's back with snow and urine, the flesh recovers; they come to the cup-and-ball players; A. picks up one device, runs away; comes to people without anus; A. tells her sister to take her husband there; she gives birth; the local foreman says they now have a man with an anus and a penis; pierces his anus; the other pierced, missed, died; A. began to secretly go to his sister; she smeared her nose with soot; both came to the meetinghouse, where it's a holiday; everyone laughs at A., seeing his black nose; sister dips the moss torch in fat, runs away; A. runs after her, but did not dip the torch in fat, so it quickly went out; sister became the sun, A. month]: 48-50; Baffin's Earth [like an igloolik in Rasmussen]: Boas 1888:597-598; Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916 [girl smears her chest with soot to identify her night lover; sees soot on her brother's face in the morning; cuts off her breasts, puts her in front of him; If you wanted me, eat now; my brother rushes after her in anger around the house, outside, into heaven; they become the month and the sun; when they meet, eclipses occur]: 156; Turner 1894 [girl smears her chest soot to identify a night lover; in the morning she sees soot on his brother's lips; parents scold them; brother runs away, turns into a Month; sister grabs burning smut, chases him, turns into the Sun; sparks from smut - stars; when sister catches up with brother, eclipses occur]: 266; West Greenland: Egede 1818 [the month was a young man Anningait, his sister Malina was the Sun; boys and girls gathered for playing in a house made of snow; A. began to come to M. at night; she smeared her hands with soot, stained his face and clothes; therefore, there were spots on the moon; his snow-white deer suede clothes were covered with soot; M. lit a bright moss torch, and A.'s torch went out, so the moonlight is pale; M. rose into the air, A. has been haunting her ever since]: 207-208; Ostermann 1939 [during the wife exchange, when the lamps are turned off, the girl suspects that her older brother is converging with her; stains his face with soot; when the light is lit, he sees a mark; lights a torch, rises to heaven, becomes the sun; brother with another torch behind her, his torch goes out, it becomes a month]: 137; Rink 1875, No. 35 [in the absence of her husband, two little birds enter the house, first snow bunting (Plectrophanes nivalis), then wheat-ear (Saxiola ænanthe); each says that someone else will come in and tell something; a Sunwoman comes in, tells her story; she smeared soot on the back of an unknown lover, identified her brother in the morning; cut off her breasts , invited him to eat them if he liked her body so much; both lit pieces of moss, began to rise into the air; her moss burned well, it went out; she became the Sun, he became the Month; in front the Sun is beautiful, and looks like a skeleton from the back]: 236-237; Angmassalik [four var, also early records from 1735; The month comes to Sister Sun; she smears his face with soot, recognizes his older brother in the morning; runs with the burning with a torch, rising in circles to the sky; cuts off one chest, throws the Month; he stumbles, his torch goes out; he rises behind it to the sky]: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 215:397-403.
NW Coast. Bellacula [the girl rejects her suitors, goes to the Sun, immediately gives birth to a son named Totkoaya; he grows up quickly, wants to see his mother's parents; the Sun lowers his wife and son on the ground on his eyelashes (= rays); children tease T. that he does not have a father; T. shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, goes up to the Sun; asks him to be vilified by torches; he tells him to be vilified in the morning and evening light only the little ones; T. lights everything at once, the earth burns, the water is boiling; the ermine has climbed into the hole, the tip of the tail has turned black; the mountain sheep hid in the cave, remain white; many animals have turned black, but they kept lighter hair on their bellies; the Sun threw T. on the ground, turned it into a hole; caused a sea flood, people escaped on the mountain tops; the water descended, people settled on the ground again; the Sun taught how to use meat, skins and other parts of different animals]: Boas 1898:95-97.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [three young men hunt with two dogs; give their blind grandmother a rotten tree disguised as caribou liver; she witches, they can no longer descend from heaven; the elder tells them to cover themselves with blankets, don't look; they start to descend, but the youngest peeks, they turn into three stars (probably Orion's Belt); dogs and elk are also visible among the stars; the Morning Star is their grandmother holding in torch hands]: Farrand 1900, No. 15:31.
(Wed. Northeast. Seneca [at the time of the first people there were 7 brothers, one was lazy; said he could not stand up, four carried him on a stretcher, one walked in front with a torch, one behind with a pot; walking I noticed the traces of a bear in front; the lying man asked him to drool so that they could give him some of their strength; five rushed after the bear, the seventh began to collect firewood for the fire; the brothers said they were not able to drag the lazy man, left him; he jumped up, rushed forward full of strength, hacked a bear with an ax, refreshed him; they began to cook the bear, saw that they were in the sky; blood and fat spilled, colored the autumn foliage; every year the bear comes to life and everything repeats itself; in the constellation Ursa Major, the man with the pot is the star in the middle of the bucket handle]: Parker 1989 [1923], No. 4:81-82 (=Curtin 2001:503-504).
California. Chumash: Blackburn 1975, No. 2 [every night, the Sun and the cannibal eagle Slo'v play a ball in the sky against the Morning Star and Schneilemun (Sky Coyote); the Moon (a lonely woman) is the judge; If the Sun wins, it gets paid with people's lives on earth; if S., the Sun opens the door, and acorns, deer, eslay (wild cherry), chia (sage or something like that), ducks, geese fall into our world; The sun is a naked old man, carrying a torch in his hand; he rests three times: at ten in the morning, at noon and at three in the afternoon; at night he quickly returns, going far south; he is widows, his two daughters have aprons from explosive days; The sun and its daughters eat people, drink blood], 18 [Momoy (Datura meteloides, Indian dope) tells her daughter not to stay long while swimming; she lingers, the Bear comes to her first in the form of a man, then a bear; when she becomes pregnant, he kills her; M. revives his grandson from a drop of blood; the boy hunts larger animals; his grandmother made him small first, then a real bow; talks about the death of his mother; a young man kills the Bear with arrows; puts a corpse by the river as if the Bear is drinking; the grandmother is frightened, the grandson explains what is going on; the grandmother does not tell me to go over the hill; the young man goes, sees the village, stays there, takes his wife; Coyote makes him lose (apparently, the ball game is on the court), loses his property and his wife; decides to leave, Coyote goes with him; he flies north to Huasna (he may take the form of a fly), the Coyote runs; then the road to heaven, the Coyote leads the young man; at the Sun's house they are greeted by two daughters of the Sun in rattlesnake skirts; the guests were given a deer, but told not break bones; Coyote accidentally broke his leg bone; the daughter of the Sun threw her bones into the water, the deer came to life, but the leg is not enough; the Coyote wants to drink; there is blood, pus, snot, body fluid in four vessels; he does not drink, he they give sweet juice; and the young man drinks from every vessel; daughter of the Sun: when the father comes, there will be fog, wind, then he will throw stones into the house; brings dead people, the Coyote eats them; the Coyote asks the Sun to allow him go across the sky instead of him; carries the torch too low, the earth burns; does not return for a long time; the Sun takes his torch away; the Coyote decides to return to earth; asks the cannibal eagle Slo? w bring him down; he stretches his wing down; the Coyote runs on it, jumps ahead of time, breaks to the ground; comes to life; the grandson stays with the daughters of the Sun forever], 21 [stars are sparks from the torch of the Sun], 29 [Coyote's son marries a rich Rat; with her money, Coyote organizes a party, inviting even inhabitants of other worlds; Xoy descends from the fifth (uppermost) sky; Coyote wants to see the upper world; when K. rises, clings to his legs; frightened, stays in the first heaven; comes to the daughters of the Sun; the Sun returns home; Coyote asks him to allow him to accompany him in the morning; asks carry his torch, almost drops him, the Sun struggles to save the earth from fire; the Coyote asks the Eagle to lower it to the ground; sitting on the Eagle, plucks his feathers to make wings for himself; the Eagle throws him off, he falls, breaks; brothers Sumivovo and Six'usus revive him]: 91-93, 131-133, 164, 198-201.