A8. The sun, moon and stars are three siblings. .21.22.26.
The sun, moon and stars are three brothers or three sisters.
Kachin, Burmese, Koreans.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 29 [mother went to buy firewood, told her daughters not to unlock the door; Tiger says his eyes are red with pepper, his hands are dirty from work; the girls open they hide in a tree; the eldest advises to smear the trunk with oil, but the middle one advises to make notches; God lowers a golden vessel on a rope from the sky, picks up the girls; raises the Tiger in clay with a rotten rope, he falls, crashes; the older sister becomes the sun, the middle moon, the younger star]: 104-106; Miller 1994 [the woman has a daughter Hosuni, Dusuni, Bisuni; when she leaves, she tells others not to open the door; werewolf- The leopard became a young man, began to sing, the sisters liked it, they left the house, went to their voices; when they saw a werewolf, they ran, climbed a tree; the werewolf asks me how they got in; younger sister B. explained that leopards have been able to climb trees ever since; God asks if sisters go up to heaven and stay there forever; sisters agree, they end up in heaven; God allows them to see their mother only one at a time, but sometimes two sisters go out together; they became sun, moon and stars]: 175-177.
Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the mother goes to the village for a holiday, tells her three daughters not to open it - a tiger may come {rather a tigress; gender is not specified}; the mother has not returned; the eldest daughter is the first to guard, replies to the tigress that her voice is rude and does not unlock it; then the middle daughter asks her hand to be put under the door, says that it is a paw covered with hair; the youngest unlocks it; when they see the tigress, the sisters jump out the window they climb a walnut tree; the tigress, still pretending to be the mother of girls, asks for help climbing the tree; the older sister advises to pour liquid soap on the trunk, the middle one with oil, and the tigress slides; the simple-minded youngest feels sorry for her mother, she advises making notches on the trunk with an ax; the tigress rises, the sisters ask the rain god to save them; at that time he was pulling water from the sea with a bucket and rope, threw the rope to his sisters, they went to heaven; the tigress asked her to throw it too, but under her weight, the rope broke off and she drowned; the rain god turned his older sister into the sun, the middle sister into the moon, the youngest into the moon evening star]: Coyaud 2002, No. 7:25-29
China - Korea. Koreans: Kontsevich 1980b [The tiger ate the mother of four boys, dressed in her dress, came to her house, grabbed his younger brother; the others climbed the pine tree, the Tiger followed; heavenly lord lowered an iron rope for his brothers; the Tiger also began to rise, fell off, fell into the millet field, broke, and since then the millet stalks have been red; Brother Hesun became the sun, Halsun became a month, and Pilsun became stars; Var.: Brother and sister, who love each other, were frightened of the tiger, went to heaven, became the Moon and the Sun]: 565; Choi 1979, No. 100 [The tiger ate the mother, put on her clothes; her three children do not open the door because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see a shaggy paw; when they open it, the Tiger eats the youngest; the other two asked for permission to go out of need, ran away, hid in a tree; two ropes came down from the sky - new and rotten; brother and sister went to heaven, brother became Sun, sister Moon; Tiger climbed through a rotten field, fell into a millet field; since then, the millet stalks have been red with his blood; options: The tiger tied ropes to the children when they went out, they bandaged them to a mortar; the Tiger fell into the well, drowned; the sister was afraid to shine at night, asked me to give her a day; embarrassed, became a bright Sun not to be looked at; three sisters were running turn into Sun, Moon, Stars]: 27-28.