Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

A9. The moon is the protector of people. 51.55.71.

Luna Woman does not allow her son or husband Sun to destroy humans.

Mesoamerica Canhobal [Mother Moon does not allow the Sun Son to destroy people]: La Farge 1947:104; tseltal [Mr. Sun sees our sins, especially copulation on a mile, wants to destroy us; our grandmother Luna is afraid that those who appear after us will have one arm, one leg and will not be able to work; wants everything to remain as it is; fighting the Sun is eclipses]: Nash 1970:200-201; lacandons: Boremanse 1986:105-107 (northern) [Nach Ak Yum decided to end the world, but his wife is against it; he tells his son to eclipse the sun, but his mother says that then she will go down to earth herself share the fate of people; came down; Our Father sent his son-in-law to bring her back; it's already cold, jaguars; Ah Kyantho (Nah Ak Yum's elder brother) put the sun in place], 278-280 (southern) [Our Father went to hang earth to heaven; while he was away, Our Mother killed a giant harpy eagle because it killed her children - humans; her husband beat her, she retired to an island in Usumasinta, with her son; Our Father is starving without her, Wayantekob (owns water, air, fire) gave him nothing because he beat Our Mother; Our Father began to eat wild peppers and wild fruits that were sweet, but Our Mother made them bitter; home for Our Mothers made white herons, the waves carried him away; green herons did the same; the herons of Agamia agamia made a solid house out of stones; Our Mother returned to her husband but promised to go away forever if he beat her again; Ours The Father says that the support for peace will soon collapse; Our Mother then threatens to go to people; Our Father explains that his older brother Ah K'in Ih Ahau ("The Lord of the Sunface") wants to destroy the world; Instead of humans, he was given rubber animal figures (mostly bakers); but he lowered male celestial jaguars, and Sukunkyum lowered underground female jaguars; they dug underground in the sky, tied to a tree, under the ground - to the mountain tree; finally, Ah K'in Ih Ahau agreed not to destroy the world, brought the sun and jaguars back to their place]; 1989:71-72.

The Northern Andes. Nonama [The Moon is the Sun's wife; the Sun wanted to destroy the world, the Moon did not allow it]: Lotero Villa s.a.: 29.

SE Brazil. Kamakan [The sun eats the dead, sends diseases to kill people; the moon helps people, sends rain]: Metraux 1930:270-271.