Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

A9. The moon is the protector of people. 51.55.71.

Luna Woman does not allow her son or husband Sun to destroy humans.

Mesoamerica Canhobal [Mother Moon does not allow the Sun Son to destroy people]: La Farge 1947:104; tseltal [Mr. Sun sees our sins, especially copulation on a mile, wants to destroy us; our grandmother Luna is afraid that those who appear after us will have one arm, one leg and will not be able to work; wants everything to remain as it is; fighting the Sun is eclipses]: Nash 1970:200-201; lacandons: Boremanse 1986:105-107 (northern) [Nach Ak Yum decided to end the world, but his wife is against it; he tells his son to eclipse the sun, but his mother says that then she will go down to earth herself share the fate of people; came down; Our Father sent his son-in-law to bring her back; it's already cold, jaguars; Ah Kyantho (Nah Ak Yum's elder brother) put the sun in place], 278-280 (southern) [Our Father went to hang earth to heaven; while he was away, Our Mother killed a giant harpy eagle because it killed her children - humans; her husband beat her, she retired to an island in Usumasinta, with her son; Our Father is starving without her, Wayantekob (owns water, air, fire) gave him nothing because he beat Our Mother; Our Father began to eat wild peppers and wild fruits that were sweet, but Our Mother made them bitter; home for Our Mothers made white herons, the waves carried him away; green herons did the same; the herons of Agamia agamia made a solid house out of stones; Our Mother returned to her husband but promised to go away forever if he beat her again; Ours The Father says that the support for peace will soon collapse; Our Mother then threatens to go to people; Our Father explains that his older brother Ah K'in Ih Ahau ("The Lord of the Sunface") wants to destroy the world; Instead of humans, he was given rubber animal figures (mostly bakers); but he lowered male celestial jaguars, and Sukunkyum lowered underground female jaguars; they dug underground in the sky, tied to a tree, under the ground - to the mountain tree; finally, Ah K'in Ih Ahau agreed not to destroy the world, brought the sun and jaguars back to their place]; 1989:71-72.

The Northern Andes. Nonama [The Moon is the Sun's wife; the Sun wanted to destroy the world, the Moon did not allow it]: Lotero Villa s.a.: 29.

SE Brazil. Kamakan [The sun eats the dead, sends diseases to kill people; the moon helps people, sends rain]: Metraux 1930:270-271.