Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B1. Two creators, A50. .11.-.13.19.-.21.24.-.32. .34.-.36.38.39. (.44.) .

At the beginning of time, two characters compete to create land and/or humans. One is often or becomes the master of the lower world.

Soko, Bambara, Sarah, Malgashi, Banks Islands, Gazelle Peninsula, Pentecost, Leepers Island, Ifaluk, Tibetans, Apatani, Minyong, Bory, Miri, Kaman Mishmi, Dusun, Toraja, Tirurai, Blaan, Bilaan, Tboli, Mangian, Lolo, Lahu, Chinese (Sichuan), Bulgarians, Serbs, Romanians, Russian written tradition, Russians (Olonetskaya, Vologda), Northern Ukrainians, Western Ukrainians, Terek Cossacks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Sami, Estonians, Setus, Finns, Karelians, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, Mordovians, Altaians, Kumandins, Tubals, Khakas, Shors, Baikal (?) Buryats, Mongols, Nenets, Mansi, Northern Khanty, Eastern (?) Khanty, Ket, Northern Selkups, Western, Northwestern and Central (probably) Yakuts, all Evenks, Evens, Ainu, Forest Yukaghirs, Hurons, Tuscarora, Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Malesit, Abenaki, Delaware, mandan, hidatsa, arikara, maidu, cahuilla, serrano, cupeño, yuma, maricopa, cocopa, papago, pima, bocotta, ambera, machigenga, kaingang, caduveo, chiripa.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Soko [at first the earth is covered with water; the water has dried up, plants have appeared; there is only a Month in the sky, only a Toad on earth; the Month said it wants to create a man and a woman; the Toad replied that the Month belongs to heaven, so he must create people on earth, the Toad; The Month said that his people would be eternal, and the Toad's people would die and the Toad himself would also die; the Toad created man and woman; the Month sent his sparks in the Toad burned down; cooled his anger in the pond that boiled because of it; the people created by the Toad had no reason and had to live only a month; the Month gave them a longer life and more intelligence; washed, finished; gave the man the name Bateta and the woman Hanna; gave them an ax, fire, pottery, bananas, indicated animals and birds to hunt, returned to heaven himself; H. gave birth to 242 children; the dog showed B. that the fruits of various cultivated plants lying under the tree are edible]: Stanley 1893:4-28 (retelling in Scheub 2000:24-25).

West Africa. Bambara [the god of heaven sent Pemba ("great thing") to create the earth; he visited its four ends in the form of a tornado, created a relief; the god of heaven sent Faro to also equip the sky, set its boundaries in four directions; P. could not finish the work, F. was sent to help, came down with rain that filled the lowlands with water; P. took the image of an acacia, it dried up without rain, turned to dust, he moistened it saliva, creating her female twin Muso Koroni; she created animals, P. became an acacia (Acacia albida), which is the only one that preserves green leaves during the dry season; F. created people they hid under this tree; it taught them crafts; people could not speak and did not die; F. told the heavenly spirit to send people food (oil-rich shea tree nuts); the woman wiped her hands on the tree; P. liked oil, he ordered him to be fed again; told all women to have sex with it, he grew up on the trunk for this purpose; MK was jealous, left, crippled her genitals, causing the first menstruation; P.-tree began to demand that people give him their blood, but rejuvenated them when they grew old; but tired of working for P.; F. defeated him; an old man climbed onto the P.-tree, picked the fruit, in which is the essence of the power given to a tree with blood; the tree stopped rejuvenating people; the fruit that plucked ran west but died; it was buried, and then everyone began to die]: Belcher 2005:414-416.

Sudan - East Africa. Sarah: Belcher 2005 (mbai) [Loa did everything well and beautifully: boats, ornaments, tops; his brother Sou did everything badly, carelessly; Loa was always silent; to make him speak, Sou broke it traps, Loa: Are you a destroyer? Sou accused his brother of insulting him at first words; Loa went up to heaven; Sou found him there, went into his house, took a rock to cause rain, it started raining when people were in the fields; Loa told him come back, lowered the rope, asked them to fight off the birds without throwing weapons at them; he threw them, ran out of knives and blades, the birds cut off the rope, Sou fell, fell into the ground, now he is there]: 349-351; Fortier 1967 (mbai): 123-125 [Sou and Loa lived together; L.: let cereal fields cover all the land; S.: but then there will be no place to relieve themselves; let people dig graves for the dead; this is how S. did people mortals; L. wanted people to die and be reborn; the lizard quickly ran to L. and said that people would die forever; the chameleon walked slowly and came later; said that people would die and revive; L. replied he was late], 129 [when Sou made people, he put them on their heads and placed their genitals under his arms; Loa put people on their feet; when the women peeled, them the genitals will be visible - it's not good; placed the genitals between his legs; his mouth was on the back of his head, Loa placed it in front; Su and Loa quarreled, Loa rose in the sky, leaving people at Su's mercy]; malgashi (Betsimisaraka): Abrahamsson 1951:116 [The six Zanahari created the sky to have a place to live; the first three also created land to walk; one of them, Ratsivalanorama, was sent to live on earth, but he decided live in the depths of the earth; created a man and a woman out of clay, could not revive him; he was visited by heavenly Z., he asked him to revive the figures; they agreed, asked him to make birds and animals as well; dropped a grain of rice, rice was only in heaven, R. now grew it on earth for people; envious, heavenly Z. sent misfortune and death to earth; R. told people that he would keep at least what he had done - bodies], 116-117 (prov. Vohémar) [earthly Zanahary made figures of humans and animals out of clay; heavenly Z. made the sun, received animals and birds in exchange; but wanted women, he revived figures in payment for them; but earthly demanded more and people's ability to reproduce; earthly and heavenly quarreled, heavenly tries to harm, take life]; malgashi (Betsileo) [Andriamanitra created flesh and form, Andriananahary - bones and blood, Ingahina - breathed life into the first human couple; people were told to call on all three gods for help, but they forgot about I., he began to take his gift - life]: Abrahamsson 1951:117; Antanala [Raondiana's first man made figures out of wood and clay, Zanajanahary breathed life into them; they quarreled over who owns the creation, Z. began to take away his gift]: Abrahamsson 1951: 117; Sakalava [Zanahart created empty land, returned to heaven; Ratovoantany came out of the earth, sculpted figures of humans and animals out of clay; Z. agreed to revive them, but wanted to take them to heaven; argued with R., agreed that he would take souls, and R. would leave bodies; man dies like a tree because he was made of wood]: Abrahamsson 1951:118-119; malgashi [Zatuvu, who had only half his body ( vertically) was not created by Zanahari, but grew out of the ground as a plant; he had zebu and rams that did not eat Zanahari's herbs; Zatuvu lit a fire, Zanahari sent an ambassador to find out what was going on, got angry, flooded fire with rain; this is how the seas and lakes appeared; Zatuva created a mountain, sat in a cave; Zanahari tells Zatuva to determine who is the cow, who is the heifer (mother mooes), where the stick is down (threw it, it stuck at the lower end ); Zanahari's daughter went to get water, saw Zatuva's reflection, decided that her own was upset; next time Zatuva became a fat man, married Zanahari's daughter; made clay figures of people and he could not revive the animals; Zanahari revived them, people ate everything, hunger came; Zatuva recognized Zanahari's superiority, who sent rain and rice; made women give birth; allowed Zatuva to take the bodies of the dead, hide them in the ground where he grew up]: Korneev 1962:70-74 (=1977:226-229.

Melanesia. Gazelle Peninsula: Meier 1909, No. 1-29:13-81; the main texts are also retold in Dixon 1916:107 [Meier 1909:15-16; at first someone drew two figures on the ground, sprinkled his blood, covered it leaves, the figures turned into To-Kabinana and To-Karvuvu; To Cabinana climbed onto a coconut, threw off two unripe nuts, they turned into two women; That Karvuvu did the same, but his nuts fell flat by the side, the resulting women had flattened noses; he left these women, took one of Toh Cabinan's wives], 108 [Meier 1909:21; To-Kabinana tells To-Karvuvu to get two coconuts with a light peel, put one aside, bring the other; Then Karvuva picked one dark walnut, laid it down, the light one brought To Cabinan; he tied it to the stern of the boat, swam, ignoring the noise of the walnut and not looking back at him; the walnut turned into a beautiful woman; That Karvuva wished her, but To Kabinana told me to bring the laid nut; seeing that it was dark, he said that now people would be mortal and would share into two classes: light men will marry dark women and vice versa], 109 [Meier 1909:25; the old woman who was collecting the shell had pain in her hands, she cut them into breadfruit leaves, bloody leaves threw it into a pile of garbage; To-Kabinana came from the blood of her right hand, To Karvuvu from the blood of her left hand], 122-123 [Meier 1909:27; To-Kabinana asked To-Karvuvu to go take care of their mother; he realized that his mother I must kill it, cook it in an earthen furnace; Then Cabinana said that now their descendants will eat human beings], 123 [(according to Meier?) ; Either Cabinana built a house with leaves on the outside, and To Karvuva covered his inside; it was flooded with rain; Then Kabinana called To Karvuva to live with him in the same house]; Permyakov 1970, No. 43 [(same in Dixon 1916:123-124, Meier 1909, No. 19:59-61); Then Cabinana carved tuna from the tree, it came to life, brought a lot of fish; Then Karvuva carved a shark, she ate the others herself], 44 [That Karvuva roasted the bread wood; That Cabinana told him to share it with his mother; his mother changed her skin, To Karvuva said he liked it better in the old one; found the old one and put it on it; That Kabinana said that now only snakes they will change their skin, and people will grow old and die; he stepped on the snake's head, flattening it, for it was she who took the skin], 45 [Then Cabinana took live snakes, climbed the breadtree, began to shed fruit, everyone once with a snake; the evil spirit guarding the tree ran away to catch the snake, Then Kabinana picked fruit; Then Karvuva took the dead snakes; the spirit rushed to the sound of the falling fruit, beat To Karvuva, Then Kabinan saved him, driving him away spirit]: 120, 120-121, 121-123; Isis 1998 [That Kabinan sent To Karvuva to the lower world to teach people how to shed their skin and make snakes mortal; he did the opposite; snakes shed their skin and do not die]: 30; Pentecost (New Hebrides) [Tagar planted yam peel, Suqe planted a core; T. wanted people to die for five days, S. wanted six nights to have only one day, T. did day and night are the same]: Codrington 1881:293; Torres Islands (Loch) [Tagaro Big (TB) - negative character, Tagaro Little (TM) - positive; TB wants eternal night; trees without edible fruits; TM wants an alternation of night and day, trees with good and bad fruits so that people do not get lazy; and so with everything; TB went to live in Omba volcano, when he quarrels with his wife, the earth shudders, the fire is full of fire] : Coombe 1911:27; Banks Islands (Santa Maria) [Qat carved human figures out of dracaena in 6 days; hid it for three days, then danced around for three days and beat the drum to revive; made 3 figures men and 3 women; Marawa made figures out of tavisoviso wood; he did everything like Qat, but when they started moving, he buried them in a hole for 6 days; when he opened it, the figures had already rotted; this is how death appeared]: Codrington 1891:157-158 (retelling in Dixon 1916:106-107); Maewo (more precisely the Whitsuntide islet south of Maewo) [Tagaro descended from heaven, created humans and everything else, returned to heaven; Suqe lived on earth; his head is split, so he always has two thoughts; S. does everything badly; wanted people to die only for 5 days; wanted to plant scooped meat yams, not peel; wanted five for one day nights; T. sent him to a bottomless abyss, he now rules the dead there; where T. drowned, leveling the ground, there is a plain, elsewhere in the mountain; son T.'s mother replied that his father is in heaven; son shot into the sky, the arrow turned into something like a banyan root, the son and mother took to heaven; T. sat on a tree, took a picture of the fruit, threw it to the boy, his mother looked, recognized T.; T. agree to go down but cut off the vine when son and wife came down, stayed in heaven]: Codrington 1891:169; Aoba: Codrington 1891 [T. made trees with good fruits, S. with bitter ones; T. said that humans should walk on two legs, S., on all fours like pigs; S. wanted people to sleep in sago palm trunks, T.; T. brought the night with Maewo in a shell shell; (retelling in Dixon 1916:124)] : 171.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ifaluk [Aluelap created heaven, then earth and islands; he has brothers Saulan, Autran (according to another version, she is a woman, she created people) and Meta ("what"); Aluelap began to live in the sky, S. under water. Autran is in the air, and M. is in people's words; but more often M. is Aluelap's wife; S. lives in the lower world of Ilal, where there are no lights, only water; its inhabitants are mortal people living in waterproof houses; S. manages fish; for a person to die, Aluelap and S. must both agree to this; if one does not agree, the person continues to live; A. decides, S. reports, and he tells Meta who (who?) extracts the soul from the body]: Burrow, Spiro 1957:209-211.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Bon religion) [a white and black egg arose from nothing; Panbyed ("creator of good") appears from white, Nodbyed ("creator of evil") from black; P. is light, lord of being, N. is darkness, lord nothingness; all good from the first, all evil from the second]: Ogneva 2004:172-173; apatani [Kolyung Pinii created good earth, sun, moon, sky, spirits; one of the spirits, Giirii, became his rival was expelled from heaven to earth, created a parallel world there, where the earth, sun, moon, and the essence of arii are bad; she has many forms, including Aria's Mother; her eyes have become bad sun and moon, her throat has become eastern the horizon, the heart is the Arii Midii bird, the brain is vigilantly seeing Miro Tago; from the bone of Mother Aria's lower leg, a giant Khaku Sanii tree appeared, which cannot be cut down, it is so hard, the top is not visible, thicker the Apatani Valley; only MT saw the summit, the flying creature Arii Midii settled there, bringing people and animals to its chicks; people found Palo Talo, who lived in the south, asked to kill AM; he shot her, she fell, burned down; but he was asked to climb into the nest and kill the chick; he hammered nails into the trunk, got up; people took out his nails; the chick lowered the PT to the ground; married; the chick grew up and became dangerous on its own; PT agreed to kill him; but the tree was standing, there could be a new bird on it; people cut down for 10 years, chipped off only a chip; Miro Tago ordered to gnaw termite, five years later the tree fell; people made boards lapangs ritual platforms, each for a specific spirit in Neli's Underworld]: Blackburn 2008:83-87; miniong [Rabbo and Nibu brothers have agreed to bury a rock; whose stone will turn into a bird pengum, he will get good land, and whose peku-peku bird is bad; R. lost, but N. invited him to live with him; R. replaces the fish at the top, N. with garbage that falls into its top; replaces the deer in N. a rhino bird and his trap; advises N. to sacrifice a pig and beer to spirits, throwing them off a tree, and eats them himself; N. tries to deceive R. in the same way, but he threw a stone from the tree on N. since then, people have chest pain); N.'s son is handsome, R.'s son is ugly; N. replies that he put his son in a basket, poured boiling water over him; R. does this to his own; while N. sleeps, R. lowers him down the river in a boat, covered with another boat and tied up, takes his wife; the Siggo-Pareng bird tore the ropes; N. returns to his wife; his daughter tells her mother that the father is coming, she does not believe at first, hits the girl with a weaving shuttle on stomach, since then people have abdominal pain; N. drives R. away, he went to the spirits, works for the female spirit Nippong Wiyu; spirits attack N., R. rushes to help his brother, they kill Nippong Wiyu and carry her meat; N. sees that R. eats meat raw; says that they must part, everyone will go blindly; R. closed his eyes with leaves with holes and N. with dense leaves; spirits are descendants of R., they see people, and people, descendants of N., do not see spirits]: Elwin 1958b, No. 12:188-191 (=1958a: 172-175); Hill Miri [Abo-Teni married a leaf, but only a leech was born; banana leaf - a mosquito was born; when it bit father, AT left, married Fire; then various animals; finally, Duinye's sun marries; tells her that he has a big house and farms, but D. sees only a hut; tells her husband to build everything outbuildings, hedges, etc.; when her husband woke up, they are full of pets and poultry; D. no longer does the household, only weaves, so AT decided to take a second wife; brought cattle to sacrificed to perfume, carried meat; and D. gave more cloth and beads; AT lost his way, slipped, fell, everything rolled down the slope; Dir-Pecha lived downstairs, dirty with sore skin, in rags; he wore a dress that carried AT, put on jewelry, brought meat to the girl at was going to, married her; AT returned to D. in rags left by DP; D. refused to live with him and has been wandering around the sky ever since; AT came to the village where the DP lived became a bird, climbed into the DP trap; he brought the bird to his son to play; the bird sat on the head of the DP wife, DP shot her, hit her wife, she died; the same with her son; the bird flew away, DP realized that this is AT; lured AT into a boat and let him go down the river; only D. caught him and released him, but still refused to live with him; DP became a lizard, disappeared into a hole; AT climbed to dig a hole to kill DP, but he jumped out of the other way, became human again; they divided the land: hills for DP, Assam plains for AT; sometimes sends diseases to people and animals that live on the hills]: Elwin 1958a, No. 9:163 -165; bori [Tani is the younger brother, Taki is the elder; Tani advises Taki to sacrifice a pig to the spirits by throwing it down the slope; takes it, he and his children are fat; Tanya laughs at Taki; Taki tries repeat the deception, but Taki heated a stone on the mountain and let it go down the slope, Taki grabbed it, burned it; Taki made the boat, said it was warmer to sleep in it at night; Tanya believed, Taki closed the lid tightly, lowered it a boat on the river; Tanya asks the vines, then the reeds to stop the boat; the reeds stopped; asks the birds for help; two birds began to hammer but broke their beaks; the Randang bird freed Tanya, he returned home; tied the bows and arrows of monkeys to the tree, became a bird himself, began to shout that monkeys could not fish; they grabbed their bows but could not tear them off; they got into a fight, only three monkeys survived; after a fight they have flat noses and sunken eyes; Tanya brought monkey meat and onions, his wife and children are tired; told Tanya that they got fat when he put them in a trough and poured boiling water over them; Taki did so, wife and children became worms; Tanya began to swing on the vine; Taki wanted to too, saw sharp rocks under him; Tanya had a pair of eyes in front and back of her head; Taki promised to take him off the swing if he gave him one pair; he I looked at the back of his head, now Taki has two pairs of eyes; he became Wiyu; so spirits see people, but people can't see spirits; Taki made Tanya's wife and children fall ill and die; Tanya himself is also ill; dadi's perfume Doini Aiye is his wife; after that he recovered, they have many children]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:144-147; Kaman Mishmi [Khrane was the god of heaven, put the month and the sun there; Matai was the god of the earth; suggested K . create, imitating each other; K. sculpted a creature with two hillocks in front, M. is the same, but without hillocks and stronger; creatures became woman and man; M. made the likeness of a human hand - a crab; that made two holes in the ground, from which two rivers flowed]: Elwin 1958b, No. 12:122-123).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Tuaran [Kenharingan created humans and a fragile land, sent a green parrot to Bisagit, the spirit of smallpox, behind (another) land; he agreed to give him half of the people; K. He put the land brought from B. in the middle of his own, the land hardened; after two or three years, half of the people died of smallpox; K. agreed that B. should come every 40 years, but did not kill everyone; smallpox is not treated, because K. and B. agreed in advance to share people]: Evans 1913:424-425); toraja (bada) [Ala Tala created the world; the owner of the spirits Wuala claims to be equal with him; they throw spears, A. flies to infinity, V.'s spears pierce the ground; V. claims power over the earth; A. creates people; they are starving, V. teaches them to eat rice; on the seventh day A. descends to lie at his creation; Satisfied that W. gave rice, makes rice people's main food]: Woensdreght 1925 in Knappert 1999:304-305.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tirurai [God Sualla lived in the sky, his sister Sinoggol lived in the lower world; in the palace of the rising sun there were 8 pillars from the core of hard wood leaning against the walls of the sky; one of them was S. turned him into a man, turned his rib into a woman; their son Mantalalan fell ill, his mother sent her husband to S. for medicine; on the way, the demon king changed the medicine, the child died; S. thought it was his machinations sisters; S. sent his four brothers from four parts of the world to heaven to the Prophet Mohammad, who gave soil to bury M.; corn grew from his teeth, rice from his navel, bananas from his hands; Sister S. threw his comb, he became a pig to ruin banana plantings and serve as food for itself; he spat to create rats; because of it, people die and starve; she lives in a world of the dead, so she wants to come to her More people, animals, insects - all dying people came there]: Eugenio 1994, No. 181a: 304-305; blaan: Eugenio 1994, No. 187 [Tasu Weh first made all people male and female genitals, penis on one knee, vagina on the other; people had sex all the time; Fiu Weh said it wasn't good, TW refused to change his creation; FW made other people who either have a penis or vagina]: 313; Cole 1916 [giant Melu was in the upper world; scraped off his skin scales, created the earth and the first two humans from the heap; Tau Tana came out of the ground and wanted to participate in the creation; placed people's noses with holes up; M. and TT began to quilt the figures and they came to life; after that, M. took to the sky and TT returned underground; the Lui almost drowned in the rain, so M. went down and moved his noses; created many people from the fallen hair and skin scales of the first people]: 139-140; Cole 1913 [after the creation of the world, one of the gods proposed to populate it; others decided to make people from wax; but the wax by the fire melted; then Melu and Finuweigh made figures out of clay; making his nostrils, F. turned the figure upside down; M. said that this way people would drown, rain would fall into their nostrils; F. refused to change his the idea, but when he turned away, M. gave his nose its current position; traces of his fingerprints made in a hurry are still visible; Var.: clay figures were revived by flogging]: 137 in Dixon 1916: 175; tboli [the supreme god d'Wata and his sons dug holes for the pillars of the house; from the excavated ground, his wives Hyu We and Sedek We sculpted human figures; H. did the right thing, and S.'s nostrils were open up, and the genitals were on her knees; S. began to destroy the rice, hit the sky with a pestle, it moved away from the ground; S. and H. quarreled, H. hit the figures sculpted by S., their noses and genitals got to where they are now; H. wanted to place the figures on the moon so that they would always be children; S. wanted to place them on a stone to be hard as stone; H. disagreed, turned away, then S. put them on a banana; so people they multiply like bananas and die; D. revived the figures by blowing on them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 182:307-308; the mangian [Mahal Makanaako held a tree in his hands, it gave shade; he fell from a tree to his hand the worm, its bowel movements became earth; other worms appeared in the ground, there was more of it; MM created the brothers Malvay and Dalidali, ordered the earth to be sculpted; M. worked diligently, valleys appeared; D. was in a hurry - mountains; a grain of rice was enough to feed everyone; a machete cleared the field itself; people shed their skin and were younger; men gave birth to children from calf legs; the first were born to M.; Doug's woman ("earth") felt sorry for men told her brother that women would give birth; stepped over his leg, the baby was in her stomach; the sky was low, preventing rice from breaking; D. hit him with the upper end of the pestle, it rose; Wild Chicken gave people eggs; D. ran impatiently to see if there was droppings in the basket, Wild Chicken refused to give more eggs; D. watched one rice fill the pot; the rice felt ashamed to be at it they look, now they need a lot of rice]: Eugenio 1994, No. 25:73-74 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 1:27-28).

China - Korea. Lolo [A-chi worked well, made the sky flat; A-li woke up, saw that the sky was ready, hurried to make land, piled up mountains; the moon and sun were muddy at first; two heavenly the maidens washed them and they shone]: Henry 1903:105; lahu (northern Thailand) [at first, only G'ui-sha in the center of the world is like a spider in a web; he scraped off the dirt from his hands and feet, made it four fish: gold, silver, copper and iron; put them on a pole; laid 4 beams of heaven and 4 earth; made poutrelles from the same scraped mud, creating heaven and earth, but the earth staggered; from G. rolled 70,000 balls of the same mud, filling the cells (mailles) of the earth; from the bones of his hands he made the bones of the sky, and from the bones of his legs, the bones of the earth; to find out how thick the earth is and the thickness of the sky, he created from the mud of two ants; one climbed through the sky, the other through the ground; when they returned, they said that the thickness was the same; G. had two assistants: Ca Law, the man he told to make the sky, and Na Law, a woman, who was told to make earth; NL worked day and night, and KL drank tea, so heaven and earth were not the same in size: the sky was like a large canopy, and the earth was narrow, wrinkled; because the earth was compressed, valleys and mountains appeared; to prevent the earth from swell, G. put a rock on it, but it slipped; the bulbul bird (Hypsipetes mcclellandii) told it not to slide; G. placed fire in The sun, fireflies to the moon; but they do not go to heaven, they are afraid of people; then G. gave them needles {obviously rays that pierce their eyes}; tiger to the Sun: you are too bright; he bit him, hence the eclipses; frog to the Moon: you're too cold; she tried to swallow it, so there are spots on the moon; by letting a tiger and a frog into the sky, G. made the sun go east and the moon west, otherwise they were constantly in the sky; from G. created stars, as well as a chicken with a rooster, scraped off his hands and feet; the rooster sang three times and the east lit up; this is how the light separated from the darkness; G. moon: it will be 12 months in the year]: Coyaud 2009, No. 1:9-12; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 1c (u. Pingshan) [The sky was created by King Pangu, and the earth was created by King Biangu. Before creating heaven and earth, they agreed that whoever would finish the work first would be the big brother, and who would be the second the youngest. Pangu was more capable than Biangu and could easily finish earlier, so he worked and slept. Biangu was a simple man and knew that Pangu did not take him seriously, so he worked non-stop and finished the land in a few days. Pangu saw that Biangu was about to finish his work, waited for him to fall asleep, and called Ganshangao (Pole that controls the mountains) to wrinkle the ground. He took the bamboo pole that ruled the mountains, waved it three times, and the flat ground wrinkled. This is how mountains, gorges and plains appeared on earth. Biangu woke up and saw that the wrinkled earth was the same size as the sky and realized that King Pangu had deceived him but said nothing. At night, he invited Tezhugan (Iron and Bamboo Pole) and told him to pierce the sky. He took up his weapon and made a lot of holes in the sky, so stars and the moon appeared in the sky, and since then heaven and earth have looked like this], 2 (y. Yunlian) [Long ago, the sky and earth were ruled by Zhang-lan and Li-lan. Zhang-lan took control of the sky and Li-lan ruled the earth. They found that the earth is much larger than the sky, and it doesn't completely cover it. Then Li-lan came up with the idea of wrinkling the land, and so mountains and lakes appeared on it. Zhang-lan told Li Lan, "The Earth has become smaller, but what are you going to do with the water when it rains?" Li-lan said he would make several caves in the ground. So now there are caves in all lowlands]: 23, 24.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [(Strausz 1892; 1899); God invites Satan to go down to the bottom to get the earth; before that, S. must say, With God and with my help; S. puts his name in front twice, not can reach the earth; the third time he speaks correctly, brings earth under his fingernail, God makes dry land out of it; pretends to fall asleep; S. drags him into the water, but the earth grows because of it; so in everyone directions; further on the creation of man]: Nadi 1989:117 (also Köngäs 1960:161-162); Macedonians [first water everywhere; God was above the sky and the hell was below the water; hell saw God, called him a sister, offered to go down; God has nowhere to go down, he asks if there is a little land; hell: yes, but deep; God asked the devil to get land; hell: how much? God: as much as you can get; the devil dived, grabbed the sand with both hands while he emerged, there was only a little bit left under his fingernails; God created earth out of this sand; but it was not big enough, so he asked the devil to dive again; after the third time God made the earth as it is now]: Lafazanovsky 2003:31 in Rakhno 2016:250-251; Serbs [God created the sheep, the Devil the goat; the Ox God, the Horse Devil, The god of the dog, the Wolf Devil, and so on all living creatures; God created an angel in his likeness, and the Devil made an angel-like creature out of earth and water, but could not revive it; began to blow into him, the air escaped, forming anus; runaway water made a furrow in the ground, it became a snake; the devil could not revive man, God put his soul into him; they agreed that the living would belong to God, and the dead to the Devil; all the dead went to Hell; God heard their groans; began sending different animals to serve the Devil to learn how to break the contract; the Devil sent them away; The bee served not three years, but nine years; the Devil told her that if God gave birth to a son, he would not be bound by agreement with the Devil; the bee flew to God, the Devil had cut it down, God put the halves together, but all the insects became thin-waisted; Mary became pregnant by smelling the basil given by the angel Gabriel; gave birth to Jesus; hid it from Judas in the hay; the ox and the sheep covered the baby, and the horse ate almost all the hay almost opening the child to Judas; cursed the horse, telling me to be full only once a year on the eve of St. George; when Christ ascended, the Judes threw ropes and hooks, tore off a piece of their leg; so people had a dent on their feet; the angel opened the door to hell, souls came out of there, went up to heaven]: Vukicevich 1915: 109-114; Romanians: Beza 1928:121 [God tells the Devil to dive to the bottom of the sea, bring land; the devil took clay, but not in God's name, but in the name of the Devil, the clay washed away from his hands; the next time he took it in the name He brought God and the Devil; God made land out of it, fell asleep; the devil tried to drown God and pull the earth out of him, but the earth only grew], 123 [The devil sculpts people's bodies from clay, but he cannot revive; asks God to do so; therefore, the body is dominated by the Devil and the soul by God]; Johns 2005 [1) God sends the Archangel Gabriel to bring sand from under his water; finds several grains of sand under his fingernails, puts the hedgehog on the water to create land; from the bushes, the hedgehog tells God to make sure that the layer of earth is thick enough (Muller 1972:250); 2) on the first attempt, the Devil cannot reach the earth from the bottom; brings it, saying that in the name of God; therefore, the black dirt under his fingernails belongs to the Devil, the rest belongs to God; in order for the deceased not to fall under the control of the Devil, he must clean his nails; after creating dry land, God pretended to be sleeping; The devil tried to drown him, but the earth only expanded in all directions. The devil tried to drown him, squeezed the ground, creating valleys and mountains; God sends a bee to the Devil; she overhears how The devil thinks out loud why God should not compress the earth, creating valleys and mountains; when the Devil sees a bee flying away, the Devil whips it; the bee turns black (from bruises) and is almost cut in two (= Murgoci, Murgocu 1929:135-137)]: 257-258; Bukovina (Romanians or Ukrainians; no record of the informant's language and circumstances) [water and sky first; God found a piece of foam, on which the hell stood, asked who he was; hell: I won't say until you take me into action (in dein fahrzeug); God promised he said he was hell; offered to create land; God: Dive to the bottom for sand, I'll make of I dry it; but take it "in the name of God"; hell dived, took sand in both hands and said "in my name"; when he came up, his hands were empty; dived again: "I take in his name"; brought a few grains of sand under his fingernails; God threw them on the water, and there was land large enough to lie on it; God lay down and fell asleep, and the devil began to pull it east to push it into the water, but the land grew; then he pulled west, to the other sides; land grew up; God rose to heaven, damn wanted to follow him, heard sweet singing in honor of God and asked how he could create as many followers; God: wash your face and hands and splash water behind you; the devil arose so many that there is no place in heaven for angels; God commanded St. Ilya would drive them away with a thunderstorm; the storm lasted 40 days, the devils understood from heaven to earth; when the angels were already being washed away, God ordered St. Ilya to stop; but sparks flying from heaven to earth are still visible]: Waldburg 1853:178-179.

Central Europe. Russian written tradition (literary tradition; hand. Solovetsky Library; from Palea in the late 16th or early 17th centuries) [God walked on water, saw Gogol's bird; began to ask her, she replied that he was the God of the gods, from the upper ones, and she was from the lower ones; God told her to give it from the lower ones; the bird dived, brought God foam like silt, God made the earth out of it; called the bird Sotonail, made it chief over the heavenly forces; he decides to throne over the stars; God handed over power over heavenly forces to Michael; M. first retreated from S., but God removed S.'s divinity, M. overthrew him from heaven; he fell, fell into the ground, with him part of his strength; others fell to the ground, became demons; still others remain in the air, pretending to be angels]: Porfiriev 1877:87-89; Russians (Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Vladimir, Kostroma, Ryazan, Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula, Vyatskaya, Tambov, Orlovskaya, Penza, Saratov, Kazanskaya) [various local versions of the myth about the creation of the world and man with the participation of God and Satan]: Kuzmina 1998:68-109; Russians ( Olonetskaya) [Two gogol swam along the upper Okiyan Sea: one white gogol and the other black gogol. And the Lord Almighty himself and Satan sailed with these two gogols. By God's command, with the blessing of the Virgin, Satan summoned a handful of land from the bottom of the sea. From that handful, the Lord created flat places and rolling fields, and Satan made impassable abysses, shilli, and high mountains. And the Lord hit the stone with a hammer - and created the powers of heaven, Satan hit the stone with a hammer - and created his own army. And a great war broke out between the armies: at first Satan's army prevailed, but in the end the power of heaven prevailed. And Michael the Archangel overthrew Satanin's army from heaven, and they fell to earth in different places: who fell into the forests became forest dwellers, who into the water became watermen, who fell into the house as housewives; others fell into baths also became bayenniks, some in the yards became courtyards, and others in Riga became rigachniki]: Rybnikov 1864:191-192; Russians (Vologodskaya) [there were two brothers - a dove and a gogol; they take the earth out of the depths waters; create a man from sand, a woman from bone]: Belova 2004, No. 70:47; Russians: Morokhin 1998 (Makarevo, Gorky Region, Western Author 1965) [Satan answers God that the land is at the bottom of the sea; dives in the form of a waterfowl, takes land in his mouth, loses it along the way; for the third time he brings it; God scattered it across the sea, islands and continents have appeared; S. hid part of the earth behind his cheek, it began to inflate; he threw it behind his back, the northern cold lands arose from it], No. 455:425; Zavaritsky 1916, No. 1 (Saratov Volga Region) [God created heaven and waters, drives along on the water on a rock, spat, Titan came out of the abyss; says his name is Titaniel, but you can simply call him Gogol; ready to listen to the order; God tells him to fly to heaven, bring land; he brought it, but hid a pinch by the cheek; God scattered the earth over the water, became dry; to keep it, created three whales, a stone slab on them, earth on it; God sees Gogol's swollen cheek, tells him to spit out the earth, earth has arisen from valleys and mountains; out of envy, Gogol rested, squeezed God's land, it also wrinkled; Gogol claims that it is more beautiful; the man will remember the Lord when he goes uphill, and the jester when he goes downhill; God tells bring seeds from paradise, gave it to God from his right hand, kept them from his left hand; useful plants grew from those sown by God, useless, prickly, poisonous from those sown by Gogol]: 67-69; Belarusians ( Smolensk) [the sea is everywhere; The devil is in the body of a swan; God promises to free him if he gets the earth from the bottom; tells me to say, Lord bless "; The devil swan dives, takes sand in his mouth, but not says that they ordered, the sand has washed away; the third time he says, brings sand, hides some in his mouth; the earth grows, including in his mouth Devil, he spits it out, creating swamps]: Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 8:229- 300; northern Ukrainians (Kozeletsky u. Chernigov governorate) [There was no earth, no sky, water was everywhere; God was flying above the water; he saw a gun without arms and legs; it was Satanael; God said to him: "Dive into the water and get the earth in my name"; S. dived, said: "Take it, earth, in my name"; the land was not given; S. dived a second time, the situation repeated; the third time S. said: "Take, earth, in the name of God"; the land was given, S. gave it to God; God said that they would now sow; where the earth fell like a hill, there was a mountain; where it was flat, there were even fields; where the earth drowned and did not cover the water, there was a lake; when they sown, God crossed the earth and flew to heaven; this is how the earth appeared]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 96:359-360; Ukrainians [the southern (Ukrainian) version of the dualistic world: Satan dives for the material for creation in a non-ornithomorphic form, saying words, I don't take it, but God takes; God puts S. to sleep, while creating land on the waters; the earth increases as a result of S.'s attempt to drown the sleeping God - he pushes or carries God from shore to shore, but the end of the earth "runs away" further; God sends an angel to take away a valuable item from S.; the one sent encourages S. to dive to the bottom of the sea, at which time he takes away the object (thunder, lightning, heavenly power, robes, golden crown, chariot, board with a record of the agreement with S.); in the northern (Russian) version there are no characteristics of the southern version]: Kuznetsova 1998:69-70; Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [at first there is water everywhere; God walked on the water, Aleya slept in the clouds ( Ilya); one place on the water was covered with foam, God turned it into Aridnyk (Satan); told him to dive, he brought clay from the bottom under his fingernail, God made earth out of it; God lay down to rest; A. began to try push him into the water, but as he dragged him to the edge, the earth grew larger; when God woke up, He threw A. into the water, which became covered with ice; A. broke through the ice with his head, climbed back to land; after that God became call him an enemy, not a friend; Alei woke up, saw the ground, pushed it in fear, valleys and mountains formed; to prevent this from happening again, God chained his hand to the rock; with one hand he can shake only clouds (thunder); only A. had the ability to create and only God could revive creatures; so all creatures belonged to A., God had to steal them from him; their struggle ended with God threw A. into prison; when they were fighting, a piece of God's skin was ripped off his hand and fell to the ground; that's where Adam came; one day A. fell off the chain, found A., spat on it, and he became unclean; then God turned A. inside out, the impurity remained inside; when A. was sleeping, God put a willow branch next to him, Eve arose from it; she ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, caused people to be sinful; people multiplied; sinners became devils - helpers of A.; the first people were small and long-bearded ("lectobeards"); after them, giants inhabited the earth; they were evil, God destroyed them by the flood; they were saved Only Noah and his family; Var.: A horn was sticking out of the water, two clung to it and did not drown; from then on, fewer people will become dwarfs again]: Koenig 1936:369-370.

Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism: Chunakova 2004.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Terek Cossacks (art. Karabulak) [when the Lord created the sky and the sea, he "began to plant the earth"; sent the devil into the sea to bring sand; the devil climbed into the sea, collected sand in both handfuls, and hid one handful for himself the cheekbone to do what the Lord did; when he got out of the sea, he gave the Lord two handfuls; the Lord began to spread sand in all directions; where even one grain of sand fell, the earth began to grow out of it; the sand in the devil's mouth also began to grow; the devil screamed in pain; told the Lord that he wanted to hide some sand from him, and he began to burst his mouth; the Lord told the devil to run and spit until He will not spit out all the sand; the devil did so; mountains appeared where he spit]: Baranov 1899, No. 9:192-193.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [God consulted Perkel on how to make peace; wanted all trees to be from the core, a lake of milk, berries on all herbs and flowers; P. resisted, so the world is like this as it is]: Kharuzin 1890:194-195; Finns (? Eastern Finland) [God sends the Line to the bottom; C. dives in the form of a black-throated loon, brings earth; hides part in his mouth; by God's will, the earth begins to grow; C. spits out the earth, ravines form and other bad places]: Harva 1938:101 in Napolsky 1991:140; Finns or Karelians (Eastern Finland): Mansikka 1909:171 [God was on a golden pillar in the middle of the sea; commanded his reflection rise to him; the devil has appeared; God asks how the earth can arise; - We must dive to the bottom three times; God tells the devil to dive three times, the third time he hides part of the earth in his mouth; God tells the earth to grow, the hidden part also grows; God agrees to take it out of the devil's mouth, throws it north, where stones and rocks appear (=Kongas 1960:161 referring to Mustakallio, MS, No. 72)], 171-172 [ Gogol sailed on the sea, Satan invited him to get land from the bottom; he brought land in his beak three times, both began to live on it; God appears, says that part of the land is hidden, pulls out what Satan's mouth hides, throws north, stones and mountains appear]; Karelians: Yevseyev 1981 [(Salminen 1908); Loon flies over the sea, Satan sends her to dive underground; she dives three times, most of them each time the earth is washed away; yet enough for Loon to be able to live on earth; God says that there is not enough land, S. hid part in his mouth; God ordered to spit it it out, he spit north, creating rocks and mountains; S. cut his finger, God spoke to the wound]: 311-312; Estonians [the old God asks the devil if he missed anything when creating the world, animals; hell answers that there is not enough beast that is in winter, when bears and snakes sleep, would protect young shoots and trees in the forest from shepherds and hares; the old god suggests a line to make such a beast, and since hell can't revive his creation, he must say, Get up and eat the devil ; hell made a ridge out of a pole, a head out of a stump, a back of bricks, in front of old bast shoes (viisrajakatest) and twigs, a tail of fern, legs made of alder logs, a heart and a stone, a moss skin, into the eyes - sparks, teeth and claws made of iron nails; the devil told the wolf several times to stand up and eat the old god, but the wolf did not come to life; running away, said, And eat the devil; the wolf came to life and has been looking for a trait everywhere ever since to eat it]: Juhan Kunder in Talvet 1991:77-80; seto [God created a beautiful land where rivers of milk flowed and bread, bread and all kinds of food grew along the banks; created Adam and Eve, they finally they became lazy; they were tired of going to the river for milk and bread, they wanted everything to be at home; then God destroyed such abundance, only fruit trees remained; and people had to work hard to get food; but Where can they get milk now? At this time, Judas created hell; created filthy animals and birds on earth; and he had a cow; God decided to steal it; created gadflies and horseflies, and they drove the cow to one man; God told him to answer Judas, that his cow was; and in order for Judas to be convinced of this, he added horns, a tail and divided her hooves, which used to be like horses; Judas believed that the cow was a stranger and went to look for his own]: Vanahunt 2015:42; Latvians [The devil created a wolf, instead of a ridge, a fence stake, could not revive it, asked God to do it, saying that the purpose of this creature was to be a sheep shepherd; God ordered every master to leave the shepherd did not leave bread from scraped flour; one housewife did not leave, the wolf came to God to complain, God allowed him to take one sheep at a time; the hostess asked not to take it, promised to give bread; threw the wolf who came into fall a hot stone instead of bread; since then, the wolf has a black face, a red mouth, a big throat, white scorched hair on its chin]: Pogodin 1895:428; Latvians [in mythological legends, god Dievs and the god of darkness, earth, and the dungeon Welns build the world they created; V. has cows or creates them; they are black, hornless, tailless, with uncut hooves; D. cunningly lures V. cows to him, makes them cloven-hoofed animals, attaches horns, tails, repaints them from black to white, brown, variegated, and other colors; "In the footsteps of his cows, V. comes to I'll drive Dieves and demand that his cows be given to him. D. says, "Go see and get them if they're yours!" V. did not recognize his cows and left with nothing"; in other versions, D. left several cows black in color. "Since then, all brown, white, colorful cows have been owned by Dieves. There are few black cows and they belong to Wellns"]: Barovskis, Kursite 2017:153; Lithuanians: Velus 1980:262 [God created man, Vyalnyas in revenge - livestock; God throws a ball of clay, a bird flies out; the slug throws a handful of silt - a toad is crawling; God appropriated the animals of the vyalnyas: he divided the hooves of those who ran into his stable, the Vyalnyas could not recognize them; God did not notice the horse, so they do not eat its meat], 265 [God made a cow, Vyalnias a goat]; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [God created an island and lay down on it to rest; Damn dragged God to the water, but the island began to grow in this direction; by order of God The devil dived into the water to reach the ground, but did not reach the bottom; he carried the silt only under his fingernails; God removed the silt from under his fingernails and created the island]: 44.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyrians: Doronin 2004 [Zap. P.G. Doronin in 1927, I knew it since childhood); at first there was no earth, no sky, one swamp; two frogs, blind and sighted, climbed onto the hummock; the sighted one was Yong, the blind was cunning Omel; falling off the hummock, turned into human beings; the sighted one broke two teeth, they turned into horns, all living things appeared from a drop of blood, all living things appeared from a drop of blood; and when they fell into hummocks, they turned into humans; the sighted broke two teeth, they became a woman; she became O.'s wife, met in E., O. beat him; E. tamed pigeons, created the sky, created a hole in the center, released pigeons through it; O. vorona, this one for them the hole is small, O. made the other wider, the crows flew into the sky, killed the pigeons, escaped alone; returned to E. with mud; O. sent a crow, he took the mud, E. grabbed the crow by the throat, squeezed it, the mud fell down, formed land; the water that spilled out of his beak was the sea; while E. was away, O. plugged the hole in the sky with the hut in which E. lived; flame burned around the hole; O.'s wife said it was from her silk mitt, gave a flap of her dress to make another mitten, her E. broke the flame; O. sucked the flame; O. from her silk mitt, let a flap of her dress make another mitten, to her E. with her crows and animals fell to the ground; O.'s wife stayed in heaven with E., gave birth to his daughter Yoma and son Wojpel; O. persuaded her to open a hole in the sky, broke in there, threw Y. and V. on the ground (they are the ancestors of people), found a mitten, grabbed half of the sun, but ran into a branch, got stuck in a tree; E. cursed him, O. threw away what he had captured, this half became a month, it had O.'s fingerprints; the female broke off, O. fell, the branch became his tail; E. went down to visit his son, who was making pots; demons O. flew in, boasting that they could cloud the sun or fit in four pots; E. closed the pots, but one crashed, E. drove the demon; whoever fell into the water became water, the goblin into the forest, his fingers became damn fingers; in the ground in the pot O. tries to escape; one day he will come out, fight with E.; (another translation into Russian in Novikov 1936: 40)]: 392-396; Nalimov 1903, No. 1 [in the darkness, two pigeons called each other brothers; the first found land, the second found mud; the earth gathered to land, tina blossomed; the first pigeon was Yong, the second Mistletoe; that's it, what E. created during the day, O. spoiled at night; spoiled a person by smearing him with his own saliva, but could not deprive a person of the ability to speak (=Limerov 2005, No. 4:24-25)], 2 [E. began to mow with a scythe, O. with a chisel ; E. mowed more, O. stole his hay], 3 [O. created everything ugly in the hope that E. would see the imperfection of the world and destroy it], 4 [E. created man, stars, rivers; O. - spirits, undertook to lead by the wind], 5 [O. created all ugly creatures], 6 [E. created, O. harmed, so the world is imperfect]: 80, 80-81, 81, 81, 82; Plesovsky 1972 (Western 1923 in the village. Prondor, P.G. Doronin's list) [the duck is swimming, does not know where to lay its eggs; four are swallowed in the depths, kept the last two under its wing, of which the ducklings Yong and Omöl hatched; the mother asked them to get the lost eggs from the bottom, break them on her body, took off herself, killed herself against the water; E. dived, O. shouted, the water was covered with ice, O. broke the ice with thunder and lightning; E. hit the egg he had brought about the mother's body, the body grew, turned into land, the sun appeared from the broken egg; he brought a second egg, angel assistants came out of it; O. brought two eggs covered with mud; threw one up, arose moon; from the second he made helpers - evil spirits; E. made useful birds and animals, O. - reptiles; E. sculpted Adam's man, blew, revived; O. sculpted a woman, could not revive her, E. revived her; wife gave birth to 12 daughters, killed them herself at the instigation of O.; E. cursed her, she turned into death, her daughters became ill; from A. E. created Eve; O. seduced her, so the offspring were bad; E. made the first heaven, O. higher than the second, E. the third, etc., seven in total; E. destroyed the lower six with thunder and lightning, over O. and his assistants into forests, swamps and rivers; E. asked the demon leader Anthus if he and his army could climb into three pots; threw pots into hell, one crashed, some of the demons remained on the ground]: 39-41 (=Sidorov 1924, 1-2:24; =Limerov 2005, No. 2:17-20); Fokos-Fuchs 1915, No. 25 [what is mainly borrowed from here]: 210-219; Udmurts [water is everywhere, Inmar sailed in a boat, called on Shaitan, ordered to dive, get everything he found from the bottom; on the way, Cancer says S. that he has been living in the water for 12 years, but has not seen the bottom; S. reached the bottom, brought sand in his mouth, despite the ban I. hid it a little; the earth began to grow; Seeing Sh.'s swollen cheeks, I. ordered him to spit out the hidden, mountains and ravines formed]: Munkácsi 1887:49 in Vladykin 1994:319-320, in Perevozchikov 1988:15; Mordovians [Cham-paz (sun god ) spits, the spit turns into a stone, he breaks it, he turns into Shaitan; C. tells me to dive, get the earth from the bottom; S. hid part in his mouth, spit it it out, mountains appeared; C. made a blue sky, S. - clouds, C. ordered them to bring rain; C. made useful animals, S. - predators, snakes, spiders, mosquitoes; C. made a man under the protection of a dog, S. blew cold on her, she was naked, hid in the hay; Sh. spat on a person, giving him diseases, vices; C. gave man reason, S. sent him to the lower world]: Sedova 1982:13-15; Chuvash [Tour ă creates land flat, it grows; Shuittan spits out silt hidden in his mouth, creates mountains, ravines, or causes a storm in the ocean before the earth has time to harden; for S. to spit out silt, T. hits him, evil spirits emerge from the splashes of blood; T. begs for earth , agrees to a patch to lean on his staff, makes a hole in the ground, falls into the lower world; diseases, reptiles come out of the hole; T. drives them back; S. clumsily imitates T.; T. makes apples, a cow, sheep, S. - potato berries, goat, pig; predatory and harmful animals, reptiles, fish (throwing pebbles into the water); T. made a man, went after his soul, left the dog without hair to guard; S. let cold, promised the dog a fur coat, spat on a man; T. turned the man inside out, ordered the dog to eat bones, be beaten]: Egorov 1995:117-118; Marie: Aktsorin 1991, No. 7 [Yumo created man, left To protect the naked dog; Udey caught up with the cold, promised the dog a fur coat if it let him go to a person; spat it on; because of this, a person has various diseases]: 38; Vasiliev 1907 [Yuma blinded a man, went to heaven for his soul; Kiremet spat on his body, Yu could not clean it, turned it inside out]: 50-51 (retelling in Count 1952 [first the myth of the diver, Kiremet swims in the form of a drake, Yumo sends bring him land from the bottom, that part hides behind his cheek, forced to spit it out, so mountains and inconveniences appeared; then about how Kiremet spat on man}: 59); Kaliev 2003 [To the bosom of the primary ocean from his nests - "Ludo Pyzhash" (letters. "duck's nest" - Pleiades) a duck flew in. After laying two eggs, she sat them under her wings. Two drake brothers, Yumo and Yeun, were born from these eggs. Then they alternately dived under the water and pulled land from the ocean floor. The land that Yumo got formed a flat surface. On the other hand, Eun choked and spit out his saliva along with the ground. This is how mountains, lakes and swamps appeared on earth]: 17-18 (quoted from Yuziev 2016:106; the same text cites Limerov 2016:22 with reference to Kaliev 2004:108).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Dyakonova 1976 [Ulgen overthrows Erlik into the lower world, who creates evil spirits and reptiles; his servant Aldachi (Usmekchi) extracts souls from dying]: 269- 271; Khokholkov 1924 [while creating man, Ulgen put a blue anemone flower (kök-chächäk) in a golden cup; Erlik's elder brother stole part of the flower from him, and also created man; W. cursed his people, telling them to be black, to go west; led his people to the east; the black people were the first to make a tambourine and began to camlah]: 18; the Kumandins [The Creator made the human body, followed the soul , left the Dog and the Cat to guard; the Demon bribed the Dog, giving it warm skin, spat on the man; The cat did not let the Demon pass, he spat in her mouth, she fell silent; the Creator had to turn the man inside out; dogs have a filthy skin, but a clean mouth, a cat has the opposite]: Khokholkov 1997:16-17; Shors: Khlopina 1978 [Ulgen created luminaries, smooth earth, rivers; Erlik created mountains; W. created man, went to look for his soul, left the naked dog to guard; E. gave it wool so as not to freeze in winter, for which she let him approach the creation; E. smeared the man with mud; W. returned without finding a soul; agreed that E. will breathe in the soul, it will belong to him; E. breathed his soul through the hollow stalk of Angelica; W. agreed to give E. the land against which his staff rests; snakes and insects crawled out of the hole; E. fell into it, lives in the lower world; W. got fire, dispersed reptiles with smoke]: 71-72; Shtygashev 1894 [God created man from clay, went after his soul, left the dog as a watchman; the devil Aina gave the dog hair, for this let him come to the man, he didn't care in his mouth; so people have saliva and harkotin in their mouths; God revived man, told the dog to be his servant]: 7-8; tubalars [Poiana created man, went Kudai told him to watch over his soul; Erlik promised to give her golden hair, she gave him a man, he spit on him; K. could not clean it out, turned it inside out, made a dog filthy]: Radlov 1989:221; Khakas: Katanov 1963 [first it was a duck; having made another friend, she sent her to the bottom of the river for sand; she brings and gives it first three times; the third time part of the sand left it in my mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the earth grew; the mountains grew after the messenger duck spit the stones out of its mouth; because of this, the first refuses to give her land; agrees to give land the size of a cane; the messenger pierces a hole in the ground, goes into it; the remainder sends a swallow for the human soul, telling the dog to watch and bark at Erlik Khan; E. created winter, gave the dog a fur coat, spat on man; God poured his soul on man, made him a wife out of a rib; ordered him to eat red currants at sunrise, but not at sunset; wife ate; woman with a child and a mare and a foal eat grass, a woman has crossed seven slides, a mare over one; God has decided that if people eat grass, they will eat it all; see motive D13]: 155-156; Radlow 1907:523-524; Sagalayev 1992:39 in Butanayev 2003 [water is everywhere; Ah-Khudai decided to create land; his younger brother Irlik Khan: there is "live clay" under water; becoming a pike or duck, he reached the bottom, took it in his mouth and brought them AH, but hid some of them in his mouth; AH caught three perch (ala pua) and made them float on the surface of the water; scattered grains of sand on their backs, from which flat ground grew; I. spit out of his mouth hidden grains of sand and mountains and abysses appeared; "Let them call your name out of the blue, and when they meet mountains and gorges, they will remember me with curses"; when fish wag their tails, they happen earthquakes"; when I. saw the animals created by AH (including a cow), he decided to imitate him; created a goat and a pig; when he revived them, he could not stand their bleating and grunting himself and disappeared; therefore, these animals are not sacrificed to the supreme gods; Ah-Khudai created a human body from clay, but did not know where to find the soul; went to his younger brother Irlik Khan, who played Khomys; not noticing the presence of AH, sang: Even if he was smart, he didn't have enough thought. Can't you take a person's soul from the breeze coming from a water source coming out of the ground?" ; hearing the hint, AH went for his soul, instructing the dog and cat to guard the creation; the dog was without hair; I. came up, the dog did not let him in; I. created frost, promised the dog a fur coat, the dog agreed show him a man; the dog ordered not to touch the person with his hands and I. did not touch it, but spit on the person; the cat began to lick mucus, and the dog to cover the person with its body; since then, the cat's mouth has been dirty , and the coat is clean, it can be ironed, and the dog's mouth is clean, but the coat is dirty; AH came back, turned the man inside out, the mucus remained inside in the form of saliva and snot; the dog was set to serve man and depend on it]: 109-111; South Altai Tuvans [Burgan Bashky and Ochirvaan decided that the ruler over people and the world would be the one in whose bowl the flower would bloom; O. saw that the flower blooms at BB, quietly moved it to his bowl; BB agreed for O. to become ruler, but there will be warriors in O.'s world; since wars are caused by wolves and theft, BB in his world would tie him to wolves bells, and I would put fire on the thieves' heads to recognize them]: Taube 1994, No. 62:284; Baikal (?) Buryats [(Potanin's archive); The King of Heaven swam on the surface of the ocean; to create solid land, it was necessary to dive into the water, turning into a waterbird; Erlik Khan turned to Gagara, dived and carried a handful of land from the bottom of the sea; the Creator turned it into a continent that was then covered with vegetation and inhabited by animals; E. demanded the right to participate in the management of the land; between two creators a quarrel arose, which, in some cases, ended in a duel or a fight; both concluded a condition that all living creatures must belong to the King of Heaven, and the dead to E.; according to another option, a struggle between the King of Heaven and E. continues to this day; E. has a power equal to that of the King of Heaven, is at the head of the kingdom of the dead; see also other options, motif B3A]: Sharakshinova 1980:27; Mongols : Potanin 1883, No. 46b [(recorded by your missionary. Postnikov from Khalkhas); water was everywhere, the Ochurmans lived in the sky; decided to make land, looked for a friend, found Chagan-Shukuta; both went down to the water; the Frog that noticed them dived; O. sent ChSH find it in the water; he took out the Frog, put it belly up on the water; O. sat on it, told ChSH to dive, get the ground; he brought an armful of liquid earth from the bottom, said O., If it weren't for me, you wouldn't get it land; the earth immediately fell out of his hands, fell into the water; O. told him to dive again, take the land and carry it on his behalf; O. poured the land he had brought onto the Frog, the earth began to grow, both sat on it, fell asleep; Shulmus grabbed them to throw them into the water, but the earth grew faster than he ran to its edge; he left them; O. and ChS made a man, went looking for a soul, left the dog as a guard; promised find hair for the dog; The devil gave it wool, fed it, lit yarn, blew smoke into the man's nose, reviving him; O. and ChSH put a cup of water; on whoever side he would grow up in the cup, rule the earth; Sh. he also asked for land, got as much as at the end of his stick; stuck worms, snakes, reptiles in the ground, crawled out; the flower grew from O.'s side, but he dozed off and ChSH put it on his edge; O. said that now both people and animals will steal and enmity; went to heaven; he is a real god, and Ulgen was invented by the kams (shamans)]: 220-223; Skorodumova 2003 [there were water and air, Buddha Ochirvani was in the sky; he decided to create the earth, found Tsagan Schuhert's assistant White Umbrella; told him to turn a turtle swimming in the water over his stomach, dive, bring it from the bottom of the earth, think about it (O.), sat on the turtle himself; grabbed the ground, but felt that something was interfering; thought that O. should take the land; immediately a handful was filled with earth, the CSH surfaced; poured the earth onto the turtle's stomach, earth appeared instead of the turtle; both the celestial fell asleep; Shulmas went to the edge of the island to drown them, but as he ran to the edge, the earth expanded; O. and the CSH sculpted the people, O. ordered the CSH to make a guard, who sculpted the dog, Oh . and the CSH went for intelligence for man and hair for the dog; Damn gave the dog hair, said that it would be fed by its owner, a man; he lit a thread in front of the man's nose, he came to life from the smoke; O. and the CS argued which they should rule by living beings; decided who would have a flower in a cup of water first; O., but the CS put it in his cup; O. said that now people would deceive each other, flew to heaven] : 35-37; the Mongols [Yerlik Khan used to reign forcibly somewhere in the mountainous world, but was defeated by the deity Yamandai, after which he was called the ruler of the lower world]: Timkovsk., Travels., III, pp.390 c Potanin 1883:692.

Western Siberia. Nenets (Yamal): Golovnev 2004 [Num Vesako and Nga (Nga) Vesako went down to the island, began to dig with their hands, made land; Num Vesako made rivers A Vesako - swamps and mounds; Num V. - people, and V. - n (d) ayatar, here, parne; Num V. went to revive his people, at this time a V. revived his own; Num V. made a wild deer, and V. - wolf, dog; Num V. ran to revive them himself, left; and V. they were revived, their hair grew; Num V. began to live above, and V. - downstairs; asked if he could eat a couple of animals; Num V. allowed them because they made them together; people and V. went to live underground; Num V. made fish, and W. - Burbot (burbot and pike are "lower fish")]: 97; Lar 2001:188-205 [Num and Nga are sons of old woman Puhutz; Nga asks for food, P. says let Num make the land first; tells build a plague where she will live underground with old man Vesoko (Iri-Vesoko); Num tells Gagara to dive, she brings sand first from the bottom, then silt, and grass for the third time; Num sculpts the earth throws it on the water; it is unstable at first; Num puts it on the whale, the earth trembles again; throws a stone of copper, iron and transparent stone on the ground; the earth freezes; for his mother, Num makes red earth, puts plague; Nga wants land for herself, brothers fight for a long time; reconcile; Num rolls a ball, throws, the sun comes up; Nga gets a moon; Num sculpts a naked man, he wants to eat; Nga makes hairy people, they they fight, Noom advises to send them underground; the brothers fight, Numu has to agree that they both breathe life into a person; it was warm, the man and the dog walked naked; Nga gave the dog warm skin, for this she let him go to the man, Nga spat on him, sent illnesses; the man began to hunt, dress in the skin of a dog; Num told the dog to eat feces, to be a servant; taught man to shamanize; went to heaven, Nga gave the underworld], 286-287 [Num made a deer, Nga a wolf, etc.; Nga made huge spiders, they weaved nets out of human hair, caught and ate people; Num made spiders small; people did not tell throw your hair (the spider will weave the net), don't kill spiders (Nga will make them big again); now people burn their hair], 287-288 [Num created fish, Nga created a huge pike, it ate all the fish; Num said Hehe Sarmik kill a pike; he made a huge arrow, pierced the pike's shell, Num hit the pike with his staff, which became small]; northern Selkups [Icha fights Kyzy, his sister's son mothers and an alien hero; they rise higher to the sky, it's hot there, their chain mail is soldering, they freeze; the Old Mother descends from the upper sky, breaks chain mail with a hammer, freeing both; orders I. to stay in the sky, shoot at evil spirits with lightning - K.'s servants; they hide in tree hollows; I.'s horse running across the sky causes thunder, fire from his nostrils blazes when I. shoots; K. lives in the sea of the dead, followed by the village of the dead]: Prokofiev 196:55-56, 59 (retelling and other sources in Tuchkova 2004:157); (cf. the southern Selkups, the Keth River [Itte and Imya were strong and kind; Itte lived with his mother, Imya with his parents, three brothers, three sisters; then Imya began to go to other people, his waterya, Itte with parents, three brothers, three sisters; beat; Itte began to chase Imya, cut him to pieces, fed a crow, magpie, crows; 3 days later Itte died himself; he was mourned, buried]: Cooper, Maximova 1995:156-157); Kets [Es and Dotet began to make land from the middle, E. higher along the Yenisei, D. below; D. hid part of the earth behind their cheeks, the surface came out inclined, so the Yenisei flows to north; E. took away excess land, scattered it, hills and ridges appeared; both drew rivers and lakes; E. created useful animals, fish, etc. - harmful and useless (wolf, cow, pig, perch, ruff), tried leave commercial fish in your half]: Alekseenko 1976:71-72; Mansi [zap. BUT. Cannisto in 1906 on the river. Pelymka; God pushed the Devil out, thought it was in vain; Damn came back, said he knew that God intended to create man, but there was no black earth; God offered him land; Damn dived brought God from the bottom to in both hands of black earth, God drew a man and a woman on paper, made them out of the ground, created people; the devil himself tries to make them too, but it turns out to be a lizard, then a beetle, a toad; God left the Dog to guard the people he created, the hell let the frost fall, the dog began to freeze; the devil began to cough, pulled his skin over the Dog for letting him approach people; smeared people with snot and drooling; God twisted people inside out, told them to blow their nose and cough now; told the Dog to stay tight in Devil's Skin]: Kannisto 1951, No. 3:10-12 (translated into Lukina 1990, No. 114B: 300); northern Khanty (northern, not eastern, based on the fact that all materials on Berezovsky Uyezd are further; western end of the 19th and early 20th centuries) [Num-Torum lived in the house in the air; a drop fell, became Evi's girlfriend ("girl"); they had a son; a paper came down from above, picked up the boy to his grandfather; he gave land, ordered him to return to the NT house, throw it off the ground down; then the grandfather went down to the NT house himself; the boy replied that the father was taller than the son, and the mother and father began to argue that God was one; the grandfather said they had no mind; mother and son went down in the cradle on the earth, but it was liquid, the mother drowned; the boy got up and cried; the mother left the room, said that people would mourn the dead; the boy was lowered again, the earth was strengthened, he made a man and a woman, blew, they came to life; NT created cloudberries and lingonberries for them, said Kul would come, told them not to believe him; K. said that you would not get enough cloudberries and lingonberries, ordered them to eat bird cherry; NT blew on them, they died, he revived them, allowed them to eat raspberries and hare meat; K. said that pine nuts should be eaten; after eating a cone, the man and woman saw that they were naked, they had sinned; NT said that they would dress into animal skin; gave winter, people began to die, NT showed how to carve fire out of stone; NT told K. that each of them would take half of the people; K. - only with the permission of the NT]: Dunin-Gorkavich 1911:38- 41 (=Lukina 1990, No. 1:60-63); oriental (?) The Khanty [Kyn-lung (Kul-Otyr), taking advantage of Numi-Torum's dream, began to drag him along the ground, trying to drown him; at the same time, hills, valleys, pits, hummocks, swamps appeared; into his underground K.'s world went through a hole from a staff stuck in the ground; bloodsucker mosquitoes and disease spirits rose to the ground through the hole, but the goddess Mykh-Imi blocks it]: Petrukhin, Khelimsky 1982:567.

Eastern Siberia. Northwestern and Western (Viluyan) Yakuts: Gurvich 197:191-192 [see B3A motif; Ayyy-Toyon (AT) makes his evil brother Allaraa-Ogonnyor (AO) dive in the form of a loon, get the land], 194 [the lower world was considered the land of Allara-Ogonnyor, as the head of the lower spirits, Arslan-Duolai, was called in the north; various monsters, including the three-headed eagle, also lived here] 195-196 [AT decided to create man; created two asexual creatures covered in hair and, without finishing them, retired, leaving them in the barn and putting a watchman; the watchman was naked and resembled a man; AO created cold, the naked watchman began to freeze, agreed to let AO pass on the condition that he would grow warm hair; hungry creatures in the barn asked AO for food; he gave one berry, the other half a berry; because of this their hair has come down, the first creature has become a woman, the second into a man; AT has turned the watchman into a dog; it is doomed to serve humans, eat scraps and excrement], 197 [AT has created all useful trees: pine, birch, talnik. AO decided to imitate him and created spruce instead of pine, larch instead of birch, and created aspen instead of a talnik. AT has created useful plants: tea, barley, and medicinal herbs. AO, imitating him, created a poisonous herb. AT made all good, edible fish. The AO created all bone fish: perch, pike, huchen, small fish, etc. AT created all edible birds: partridge, duck, goose, etc. AO is associated with loon, crossbills and woodpecker. All useful animals are associated with AT (in some cases, each group of animals has its own creator); reptiles are associated with AO: snakes (Erien), lizards. AO created all insects and finally wanted to create a mosquito the size of a crow. AT stood up for people, threatening to give the dog the ability to shoot as opposed to a huge mosquito. This forced the AO to abandon its plan. In one version of the legend, animal creation is attributed to Hara Swor (Black Crow). Hara Suor is seen as a personification of Bayanaya-Ehekeen's hunting spirit. He created a deer, an elk, a fox, a fox, a dog, a lynx, etc. Therefore, the population particularly respected the crow. It is sometimes mentioned that when the earth was created, crows already existed together with other creators (Hara Suor). It can be assumed that the raven, along with the loon, was a cultural hero of the population and creator in the past. Apparently, under the influence of more developed religious systems, these functions were transferred to the anthropomorphic deities Ayia-Toyon and Allaraa-Ogonnyor. Attention should be paid to the population's clear distinction between the world of animals and plants into two groups, depending on whether a good or evil cause gave rise to them]; central (?) Yakuts (no place of recording) [the world consisted of water; God (B.) claimed that the devil (D.) would not be able to reach from the bottom of the sea; D. decided to go down to defeat B. in arguing; three years later he emerged, but saw that the land he had taken from the bottom in both fists was washed away by water; B. noticed that D. had a grain of land under one claw, which he had stolen unnoticed; B. to mock D. that he could not reach the promised land; D. dived again; taking advantage of this time, B. created a bed-sized land from the stolen grain, lay down on it to rest and fell asleep; when D. he emerged from the water and saw B.'s prank, he gave out a terrible scream, which crumbled in all directions the earth he had taken in his mouth from the bottom of the sea; it formed mountains, irregularities, and generally unsuitable for humans places; then D. sent a bunch of his servants, and everyone together began to pull the land on which B. lay with their iron claws in order to sink it; instead, the land stretched in all directions and formed the present earth; God began to create animals and plants. The devil, imitating him, also began to do such things. God got everything that was useful to man, and the devil had everything that was harmful or useless. When God created everything on earth and man, the devil created fish and blasphemed God's creation by saying that they could not live and stay in the water element. From this blasphemy, God justified himself by the fact that fish cannot live in the air. Realizing that humans and animals cannot live without water, God blessed water and fish, so it became possible for humans to eat fish]: Kulakovsky 1979:14-15; Evenks [all Evenks have a younger brother (later he became the master spirit of the upper world of Sewek Action) made people in the middle land. The elder tried to spoil his creations; the Ilimpic Evenks of the Evenki District and Olekminsky believed that from the very beginning there were three lands. The younger brother lived on the upper one, and the older brother on the lower one. Both came to the middle land to work and create]: Vasilevich 1959:174; Trans-Baikal Evenks [At first there was only water. And there were Buga and Buninka (two brothers). Buga sent fire to the water, which partially destroyed it. Then the earth was formed. Booga created light and separated it from darkness. Then he descended to earth and here he met Buninka, who began to claim to be the creator of the earth. A struggle ensued between them. Buninka ruined the harp, Bug's 12-string musical instrument. Angry Buga offered a contest: you need to grow a pine tree from the bottom of the lake. Anyone who does not know how to do this must admit defeat. By order of the Bug, pine immediately emerges from the bottom of the lake and rises above the water. Buninka pine cannot stand and falls. But Buninka doesn't want to admit defeat. And then, to punish Boog, he made his skull iron. Buninka is hard to carry an iron head on his shoulders, and he asks to be released from torment. In return, Buga demands not to interfere with him when he makes a person. To make a Bug man, they took iron in the east, fire in the south, water in the west, and land in the north. He transformed these elements into heart, warmth, blood, meat and bones, respectively. This is how Buga created man and woman. When humans began to breed, the buninka needed half of it. Then the bug promised him vicious people after their death, and he took those who lived virtuously on earth for himself; (retelling by E.S. Novik)]: Spassky 1822:54-55; Evenki Orochons [Kharga's two brothers and The Saveki made animals, muscles from clay, hearts from iron, blood from diluted ocher; S. made useful animals, H. made harmful animals; the dog knew how to speak and was supposed to protect human sculptures from X .; in the absence of S. let H. in, who made people sick; S. left the dog speechless, made a man's assistant; S. and H. quarreled, H. went to the lower world, S. remained on earth]: Mazin 1984:22; Ilympic Evenks (village. Ekonda) [Heweki made a dog, Hargie made a wolf]: Yermakov 1988:12; Evens: Robbeck 2005:206 [water everywhere first; Hevki: Can you find clay? goose: no, we'll die from the cold; duck: no, we'll die in the water; the loon dived, brought a piece, H. ordered to keep it in its beak for now, but Arinka stole it; H. sang, clay slipped out of A.'s mouth; X. singing the earth opened (I mean expanded}, streams and mountains appeared], 209-210 [there was a fire on the ground, then it was flooded; deer and people gathered on the high mountain also drowned when the mountain went under water; Mikola asked the loon to dive, she brought some clay in her beak; clay slipped out of the beak, the hell stole it, M. spat at it, the devil fell underground; M. began to sing: a river, a lake, a mountain appear; M.: let there be no mosquitoes; hell: let mosquitoes stay so people don't get proud and there are fewer of them].

Japan. Ainu [The creator sends a man and a woman to make the shores of Yezo (Hokkaido); the man worked hard, and the woman spoke to the character's sister named Aeoina; realized she was late, did Somehow, that's why the western shores are rocky, uncomfortable, and the southern and eastern shores are good; the man scolded the woman, she cried, and people have been crying ever since]: Batchelor 1927:13.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky District) [in riddles and proverbs, the products of the activities of two antagonists Man and Satan are opposed to each other as positively noted (branch, carbas, ugurcha) and negatively marked (chips, raft, colic); the former make it possible to move both upstream and downstream, slope, the latter only down; the same principle of assessing the activities of Christ and Satan ( Sharp Head) underlies many fairy tales]: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (2): 83.

(Wed. The Midwest. Chippewa [unnoticed, the old woman's daughter conceives from the Wind or the Sun; gives birth to triplets; does not put children immediately on the ground, so people do not walk for the first year of life; one brother is Flint; the elder Venebozho kills him (first murder); second brother Nekacivejik (The One Who Goes Beyond Sunset) gets tired of wandering around with V., makes the way for the dead; puts an Otter, an Owl, two hills on it to the sides (these are fire-breathing snakes with their heads to each other), a log-snake across the river (see motif H24); strawberries eaten at the fork turn into toads or go to the left, disappear; those who go to the right come to N.]: Barnouw 1972, No. 1:13-18; kickapoo [Kitsihiath is Visaka's father; W.'s younger brother is Pepaske; the brothers turned into acorns, let the wind carry themselves; underground horned cougars caught P. in the net, beat him to death; P. placed his spirit in the west, where he now reigns over the world of the dead; the earth is his grandmother, raised by V. (and P.)]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:263, 267; potauatomi [Chibiabos - Visyaki's brother - killed by underground gods, resurrected, placed west to rule the world of the dead]: Skinner 1924: 48).

Northeast. See B3A motif. Hurons [a woman falls from the sky into the primary ocean; geese or loons pick her up, put her on the turtle's back; a toad brings silt from the bottom of the sea in her mouth; a woman throws it around, the earth grows]: Barbeau 1960, No. 1 [woman finds two twins, good and evil]: 4; Hale 1888 [husband throws his pregnant wife to the ground; Loons pick her up in the air, put her on the Turtle's back; she tells the animals dive; Beaver, Muskrat, Dive can't reach the bottom, some pop up dead; when the Toad pops up, the Turtle finds some clay in its mouth, gives it to the woman, she puts clay on the Turtle's shell, the earth grows, the Turtle has been supporting the earth ever since; the twins in the woman's womb are arguing how to be born; the good Tijuskeha (Ioskeha of French sources; "good", "savior") is born normal Thus, the evil Tawiskarong ("flint") comes out of her mother's side, killing her; she is buried; a pumpkin has grown from her head, corn from her breasts, beans and other cultivated plants from her arms and legs; snakes make evil, predators, huge mosquitoes, a huge toad that has drunk all the water on earth; the good makes harmless and useful animals; the partridge flies to Tawiskarong in search of water; Tijuskeha follows it, rips open the Toad stomach, water pours out; he reduces evil creatures in size; the good one says that he can only be killed with a bag of corn and beans; evil - that he can only be killed with a deer horn; the first to hit the evil one, but the good comes to life, kills the evil with the horn; he goes west, becomes the master of the dead; the good wanted rivers to flow in both directions, the evil demanded that only one]: 180-183; Tuscarora: Cusick 1827 [a woman in the upper world is ready to give birth to twins; at this time she falls down; sea monsters pull some land from the bottom, put it on the turtle; when a woman lands on it, land begins to grow; the good son Enigorio (E.) is born normally, the evil Enigonhahethea (EH) is born through his mother's side, killing her; E. turns his mother's head into the sun, the body into the moon; creates plants animals, humans, it turns out to be monkeys; E. lies that he can be killed with reeds; OH replies that he can be killed with a deer horn; brothers fight, E. kills OH, he falls into the ground, becomes an evil spirit] in Leland 1968:24, in Beauchamp 1922:8-11; Rudes, Crouse 1987 [in the upper world, a sister got together with a brother, gave birth to a girl; brother died, people in heaven had never died before; put in a coffin; girl stops crying, when she comes to her father's coffin; talks to her father; he sends her south to marry the chief; he tells the person who comes to undress, cook porridge, not show that she is in pain when hot spray burns her body; cougars she is licked with rough tongues to blood; the chief spends three nights with her, sends her back to tell people that corn will fall from the sky at night; they remove roofs, the barns are filled with corn; a woman returns to the chief; he feels unwell; tells him to dig a tree with the flowers of light, pushes his wife down; then he is healthy again, tells him to put the tree of light back in its original place; below there is water, birds and animals first think that a woman comes from below; a duck sees her falling from the sky; only a Turtle can support the ground; only a Beaver brings earth from the bottom in its mouth and paws (the manuscript breaks off)] : 18-36; Seneca: Converse 1908 in Turner 1978 [In the sky, the Great Chief pulls a tree, sends a pregnant woman down; birds pick her up without letting her fall into the sea; the muskrat brings clay from the bottom to paw; clay is placed on the Turtle, the earth grows; the woman gives birth to twins; the evil comes out under her arm; she dies giving birth to good; the good makes the sun out of her face, the moon and the star from her chest, gives it to the Earth body; makes mountains, straight rivers; goes across the sea to his father, who asks how high he can reach; the son reaches the sky; how much he can lift, raises the mountain; the father recognizes him as a son, gives two bundles, in which birds led by an eagle, animals led by a deer; an evil brother makes rivers winding, creates storms, sea monsters, predators, reptiles; brothers fight, the good puts the evil in underworld]: 36-39; Cornplanter 1938, No. 1-2 [in heaven, the chief thinks his wife is pregnant with the Blue Puma or the Fire Dragon; pulls out the Tree of Light, throws his wife into the hole; birds they catch a falling woman; everyone dives to get the ground from the bottom; the Muskrat brings the earth in the mouth; the turtle puts her back; the woman throws the earth around, the earth grows; the woman gives birth to a daughter; a stranger hangs two arrows over the girl, one of them with a flinttip; a girl gives birth to twins; one of them kills her mother when born through her armpit; an evil one accuses the good of her mother's death; a grandmother throws away the good, she likes the evil; the good finds his father; this is the West Wind; the good wants to make the rivers flow in both directions at once; the evil, apparently, does not allow it to be done (without details), creates rapids and rifts; good creates fruits, animals, birds, fish; evil puts many small bones in fish; creates snakes, monsters, diseases; makes pine cones inedible; brothers play bones to whom own the world; the good wins by getting the dice from the Chickady and not taking the ones that the grandmother had]: 19-33; Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 74 [in heaven, a woman is instructed in a dream to dig a tree with flowers light; people dig it up, it falls into the abyss; the leader tells the woman to be left after her; Loon tells the Osprey to pick her up; rejects the Horned Serpent's offer to take care of the woman; the Turtle is chosen for this role; animals and birds dive to get the ground, emerge dead; Hell-diver brings some land; it is put on the Turtle, Beavers and Ducks make the earth big; a woman gives birth to a daughter; she gets pregnant from a man who turns out to be a Turtle; gives birth to twins; the youngest comes out of her armpit, killing her mother; his head is flint; the woman is buried, one of her breasts grows white, the other is red corn; the older brother makes people; the younger brother tries to imitate him, creates monsters; the elder puts them underground; after death, the good go to the older brother, the evil to the younger brother]: 409-415; onondaga : Hewitt 1903:141-201 [in heaven the first person dies; the first woman (his sister?) gives birth to a daughter with him; a girl visits a coffin, receives instructions from her father; marries a heavenly leader; gives birth to a daughter with him although she did not sleep with him; he thinks it is a child of the Northern Lights; pulls out The Tree of Light, throws his wife and girl into the abyss; waterfowl pick them up; the muskrat brings land from the bottom of the sea; it is placed on the Turtle's back, the earth grows; the woman's daughter gives birth to twins from a stranger; one of them is Flint, comes out of the mother's body under her arm, killing her; a good brother, a Young man, makes the sun out of his mother's head, the moon out of her body; Flint hides animals in a cave; Young man releases them] 1928 [like Seneca; a good brother creates berries, corn, sunflower, animals; evil brother Flint hides animals in a cave; kills only for himself and his grandmother; man says good to a brother where animals are hidden; he opens the cave door, makes animals wild; Flint creates thistles, flies; a good brother makes people out of clay; Flint imitates, but makes only a frog and a monkey; instead of a deer and a bear, he makes a grizzly; creates monsters; a good brother separates the world of Flint with a water barrier, sends monsters to the other side; good creates Indians, evil creates Europeans; both brothers agree that monsters will remain in the cave in the mountain; the good one revives the mother, turns her into the moon]: 470-543; mohawks: Hewitt 1903 [like onondag in Hewitt 1903; man hangs an arrowhead over the bed women; after that she gives birth to Flint and Maple Shoot; a woman's mother makes the moon out of her head, the sun out of her daughter's body; Escape lies that he will be killed by sedge or grass (cattails); Flint says that for him yellow flints and deer rolls are deadly; brothers fight; Flint is killed, turns into a mountain range]: 255-339; Rustige 1988 [a man dies in the world for the first time in the sky; a girl whose father is unknown goes to his remains; she is watched, heard her call the deceased father; he tells her to go to the chief at the end of the world; the chief likes the way she makes porridge, he marries her, sends her home for a while; as a result Corn falls from above; the woman becomes pregnant, the leader falls ill; tells the tree to be uprooted, asks his wife to look down, pushes her, immediately recovers himself; ducks pick up the falling one, put it on turtle's back; woman asks animals to dive; Beaver, Otter emerge dead, Muskrat brings silt under her claw; while a woman sleeps, earth emerges from it; a woman gives birth to a daughter; a man comes at night, leaves an arrow near the girl; she conceives twins; good brother Rostock is born normally, the evil Flint comes out of the mother's side, killing her; proves to her grandmother that it was Rostock who killed her daughter, she throws her away Sprout in willow thickets; Sprout creates birds, Flint creates bat; Flint and grandmother hide animals; Sprout finds and opens the door in the rock; monsters are still in the rock; Flint and grandmother hide the sun on the tree on the island; the Beaver, the Spider, the Rabbit, the Hawk do not want to take the Otter Talker with them; they take out the sun, the Rabbit runs away with him, the glitter has whitewashed his belly hair; the otter talker is hit with an oar, the jaw has become short; the sun is thrown into the sky; Flint and Rostock fight to create irregularities in the landscape; Flint is thrown into the lower world; Sprout creates people, Flint creates evil spirits; Grandma Rostock creates evil spirits; Grandma Rostock cuts off his head, makes it a moon]: 3-18; malesite [Gluscap wants rivers to flow in both directions; his brother Mikumwezi: Too good for humans]: Mechling 1914, No. 1: 3; Abenaki [Glooskap and his younger brother Malsumsis ("wolf") argue in the womb about how to be born; G. wants to go out the usual way, M. goes over the side (var.: armpit), killing his mother; G. answers Malsumsis, as if only a blow with an owl feather would kill him; he admits that being hit by a fern root is fatal for him; M. hit the sleeping G. with a pen, he woke up and said that he would kill the pine root; the same; G. says to himself that it is actually a blooming reed; the Great Beaver hears this, reports M., asks for wings as a reward; M. laughs; Beaver reports everything to G.; he kills M. at the root ferns; M. turns into mountains on the Gaspé Peninsula]: Leland 1968:15-18; delaware [see also motif L75; Kishel ömukong created useful plants, Mahtantu created poisonous plants ; K. created eating berries, M. created thorns on bushes, created harmful insects and snakes]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 152:65.

Plains. Mandan: Beckwith 1938 [The First Creator (PS) and Lonely Man (PTS) walk on the water; asked the duck to dive, it brought sand in its beak, from which the PTS created land north of Missouri, PS to south; PS says OCH that it is too smooth; PTS turns into corn grain, the girl swallows it, gets pregnant; PTS goes down the river with other young men; on the island, the leader tells you to eat a lot; PTS passes through the pipe, the food goes to the 4th underworld; the same when you need to smoke a huge pipe; took a bag of gifts; the owner understood who it was; PTS taught me how to arrange Sun Lodge]: 1-7; Bowers 1950:347-348 [A lonely Man walks on the water, sees a Flower with blood in it; the Flower says PTS is her son; PTS tells two Ducks to dive four times, they bring four pieces of land from the bottom; he scatters it, land with trees appears; OCH picks up his phone, comes to the First Man (this is the Coyote); they argue which one is older; PTS pierces his spear into the ground, symbolizing the two who brought it the land of ducks, and the IF lies side by side; PTS comes to this place four times; the last time, after many years, the spear has almost fallen, only bones from the IF; but the IF has revived, proving that it is older; they go together arrange the land; because the PTS tube was two-halved, Missouri in the middle of the earth; the OCH created the land north of the river, the IF to the south; the ground was flat, and the IF created irregularities to make it convenient to sneak up on the bison; created buffalo; PTS domestic cattle, IF bison wild], 353-354 [the world was sandy and wet; A lonely Man finds a plant that does not know if the flower or beetle in the flower is his mother; meets the First Creator (this is Coyote), argue which of them is older; both go to bed dead, their bodies decompose; PTS stands first, Coyote comes after him, OCH admits that Coyote is older; PS (=Coyote) has begun to build land on the right bank of Missouri, PTS - on the left; the ground is very flat, the PS makes a rugged terrain, happy with it; PTS makes a man and a woman out of their two ribs or clay brought by mudhen], 361-364 [A lonely man walks on the waters, sees a flower, decides he was born from it; someone says, I am your father; PTS meets the First Creator; both ask the Dive to get silt from under the water; PTS gives half of the land brought by the Diver to the First To the creator, he himself creates the eastern, masculine, flat side, livestock, PS creates western, female, crossed, bison; they argue who is older; decide that the one who will stay dead longer; PTS puts A stick for himself, PS lies down with a coyote; when a few years OCH pity thinks of the long-dead PS and takes out the stick, the Coyote is resurrected, proving his seniority]; mandan, hidatsa [ A lonely Man walks on the water, finds some land, breaks his reed, there's blood; This is my mother; and the tobacco blower insect is my father; meets the First Creator; both ask Dive (Mudhen), what he eats; I dive to the bottom for mud; Dive brings silt four times, OCH and PS each takes half; PS creates land south of Missouri, OCH - north; PS created mountains, rivers, and OCH plain; they argue whose land is better, then which one is older; PTS sticks a rod with feathers into the ground; if it takes out before the PS dies, it means he is younger; finds decayed PS bones, takes out the rod, PS comes to life; PTS turns into a Coyote]: Beckwith 1938:7-9; hidatsa [A lonely man walks on sandy ground to the water; a plant tells him it is his mother, a bison cake is that she is his father; PTS meets second person, they argue who is older; Let's lie down, whoever gets up first is younger; PTS reserves a rod (as in p. 7-9); sand everywhere; on the lake, female and male Dives bring land from the bottom, they they create animals; Grandma Frog proposes to create death; they hit her on the back with a stone; the Frog's child died first; she and people ask for a change of mind, the creators refuse; PTS made the ground flat, First The Creator made rocks, hills; OCH made the northern half, PS made the southern half of the earth]: Beckwith 1938:13-15; hidatsa [water everywhere; The First Creator tells you to get sand from the bottom, creates land; creates Lonely Human; grass says she is his mother, beetle that he is his father; they argue who is older; PTS: if you are older, where were you born? - I don't know, probably in the waves; then the episode with the rod and the resurrection; OCH created the earth to the north, PS to the south; PS created buffalo (PTS - something else); PS: people will feed on what you created only if they have meat will run out; PTS created Europeans, PS - real people]: Beckwith 1938:15-17; Arikara [two Ducks swim on a big lake; Wolf comes from SW, Happy Man (MF, Lucky Man) from the north; Wolf offers to compete who can withstand the rain longer; hangs his skin on a stick, midrange - different feathers; The Wolf loses, offers the MF to be his co-creator; tells the Duck to get dirt from the bottom, she dives, brings , The Wolf scatters it, land appears, this is a plain north of Missouri, with bisons on it; the MF also asks the Duck to bring silt from the bottom; it brings more, he throws what he has brought to the south, appears hilly a country south of Missouri; MF says people and buffalo would be more comfortable living among the hills; Missouri flowed like a border between two lands]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 1:11.

California. Maidu [Heavenly Chief (HB) sends the Turtle to the bottom; the second time she brings the ground under its claws; HB puts it on the water, the land grows; the Talker through the Nose (GN) eats a piece of salmon put HB in the river; the river dries up; causes not two deer or badgers, but many at once, cannot get a single one; HB causes salmon from a hollow tree, fills the basket; warns not to eat first fish; GN eats, calls fish from the next tree, frogs and snakes fall in from there; HB puts two sticks side by side, by morning they turn into a man and a woman; a woman tickles him, he doesn't laugh; GN brings ten sticks, HB takes eight of them; the remaining two make two beauties; they tickle GN, he laughs, they become old women; HB creates a rejuvenating lake; Kuksa swims in him, becomes young and handsome; Mr. says that people should die and hold memorial ceremonies; NV sends a rattlesnake, the bitten son of the GN dies; the GN regrets that the death has been made irreversible; NV goes inside the mountain, meets the first deceased, the son of GN; sends back GN himself, because he is alive]: Curtis 1976 (14): 173-176; Konkov [Kó-doyam-peh and Hel'-lo-Kai-eh came from the east; K. promised to create a man, H. did not believe; K. took two yellow sticks, put them to bed; in the morning they turned into a man and a woman; H. tried to do the same; in the morning he felt him twice poked under his ribs, laughed; two women nearby, normal and one-eyed; K.: this is because you laughed; K. sent the man he created to earth; fruits and game were abundant and easily accessible there; but K. forbade lighting a fire; H. advised to break the ban; the game and fruits immediately disappeared, leaving only rhizomes, clover and earthworms; K. also made three seasons, rain, wind, etc.; sickness and death appeared; C. said that those who behaved correctly will follow the right path after death, and those who did wrong on the left]: Powell 1877:292-294; Cahuilla: Curtis 1976 (15) [in In the primary darkness, two creatures appeared from red and white lightning; they began to feel parts of their bodies, naming them from crown to toe; Múkat easily reached the smoking pipe, and Témayawut with difficulty; everyone said he was older; they took out two (red and white) crickets, pupae, lizards, mudhen, told them to postpone the night; they pushed them back a few; the brothers took out a rod, made a pole out of it, They told all the snakes to wrap themselves around him, all the spiders to attach a web to it; they climbed up the pole; the bottom from which they got out was menstrual blood; from their hearts they created earth sky and water; created stars; the earth rotated, they sent ants into it, it froze; M. created the sun and T. created the moon; the people created by T. had membranes on their fingers, too many eyes and ears, noses and mouths did not on the spot; T. wanted death and M. wanted the dead to come to life; T. decided to leave, taking his creations; the Moon woman stayed with M., taught people how to shoot bows and dance]: 106-110; Hooper 1920 [ At first, only Darkness, it seems to be permeated with lightning, it has a kind of web; two white clots appear and dissolve in it twice; the third time they turn into two eggs, Mukat emerges from them and Tumayowit (Tamaioit); quarrel about who was the first to hear the noise coming from the Darkness; M. pulls hot coal from the heart to light their pipes; the brothers climb two pillars up, reach the ground, M. makes it strong; creates dark, and T. - bright people; T. people have faces in front and back, their feet are directed to both sides, women's breasts on their chest and back, on their fingers; M. says he worked in a hurry; M. creates normal people; T. wants people to live forever or be resurrected the next day, M. objects because the land will overflow; both agree that the harvest will not ripen in 40 months, but in 4 months; T. finally quarrels with M. and falls into the ground, taking the people he created; M. does not allow Heaven and Earth to follow him; where he held the sky with his palm, her imprint remains; after that, the sky became crooked; so the Sun stops at noon, reaching its highest point; M. made the people T who remained on earth normal, but forgot the duck, so it has membranes]: 317- 321; Strong 1929 [inside the cluster of darkness - male and female; gave birth to Temaīyauit and Mūkat; they got out, began to argue which one was older; M. took the black pipe and the black pipe out of his heart tobacco, and T. was a white pipe and white tobacco; to light the pipe, M. took the sun out of his heart, but it fell and rolled into the darkness; M. took out Western light, T. took out the eastern light, they lit the pipes; smoke from M. formed clouds; M. said he lowered the phone and picked it up himself, T. did not see it; T. said he picked it up and lowered it himself, but M. found it; so it turned out that he was older; they took it out of their hearts are the central pillar of the world, but it did not stand; they created all the snakes to support it - they could not hold it; two mountains were the same; then spiders; they braided it with webs and the pole was established; T. and M. climbed to the top the table and saw clouds of smoke below; these are all kinds of diseases that arose from where M. and T. were born; M. and T. decided to create shamans to treat diseases; M. extracted black earth from his heart, and T. white earth, they put it on the top of the pole, but it fell down; then they took out black and white spiders, they entangled the earth with their web; the ants spread it, and the whirlwinds did it quickly; but the world swayed, for ants are too light; then around the earth, M. and T. created an ocean, placing two water demons and all aquatic creatures in it; the earth stopped swaying; they placed the sky, but it swayed in the wind; they fixed the sky with their saliva - stars; T. created (more precisely: "took it out of his heart", this is the standard formula) a coyote, and M. created an owl; making a person, M. worked slowly and diligently; and T. turned out to be a man with belly and face in front and back, with eyes everywhere, hands like dog paws; T. managed to make three times more such freaks than M. created the moon; T. and M. argue; T. wants people not to die, or they came back, cleared of the mortal smell; there is not enough food, let them eat the land, if necessary, we will expand it; M. objects every time: let people die forever, otherwise the earth will overflow; offended T. decided to go underground, taking his creatures; wanted to take both heaven and earth, but M. did not allow it; this shuddered the earth, forming a rugged relief; when the sun appeared, M. people created by M. spoke different languages; when the sun came, the dog stopped speaking; Luna (she is a woman) divided people into a coyote fratria and a wild cat; everyone offended the rattlesnake, but M. gave her a poisonous tooth; invited people to shoot at each other, many were killed; M. made a hole in the ground for the souls of the dead to go into it; the Moon was a beautiful naked woman, sleeping separately from the others; once M. touched her ( No details, but it was "the Creator's terrible sin"); the moon fell ill and disappeared; but then reappeared; people decided to get rid of M.; the lizard peeked where he was relieving himself, the frog swallowed it excrement; M. fell ill and died; the coyote ran after the fire, but at that time the fly received friction fire; the coyote jumped over the surrounding fire, grabbed, carried and ate M.'s heart; at the site of the burning, M. grew up strange plants; the shaman caught up with M.'s spirit and asked what it was; M.: tobacco grew out of my heart, pumpkins from my stomach, melons from my pupils, corn from my teeth, wheat from nits, beans from sperm; all others vegetables are also from parts of his body; after Coyote ate M.'s heart, he fell ill; then he rolled reeds into a ball, swallowed and regurgitated all diseases; from sea cane (and whatever else he needed get it out of the sea) made an image of M.; people, singing mournful songs, put him on the fire and burned him (funeral ritual)]: 130-141 (translated to Zolotarev 1964:156-160); serrano [first in the dark Pakrokítatc and Kúkitatc; they created animals, quarreled, P. left; {this ends the topic of the two creators, but given the parallels between the neighboring groups, most likely there were lengthy texts}; K. : man dies and comes back to life; people: no, the earth will overflow; they decided to kill K.; the shaman sent the Frog to swallow K.'s excrement when he, as always, went to relieve himself at sea in the morning; K . realized that the excrement had not fallen into the water and that he was now going to die; asked him to cremate, having previously sent the Coyote; when he saw the fire, Coyote returned, slipped between Badger's legs, took and ate K. ]: Benedict 1926, No. 1:1.

The Great Southwest. Diegueño: Gifford 1931 (kamia) [Heaven and Earth lay tight together; Chiuy, Chiyi, Pukumat, Mastambo, and the White Woman were between them; the ground was wet; Chiyuk and Chiyi went west, where heaven and earth converge, they brought a handful of red ants from there, rubbed the earth, it dried up; appointed P. their son and head of people; when P. died, M. took his place; Chiyi was the first to come out of the earth with red fox; Chiyyuk answered that he went out with his eyes open; he did so, Chiyi threw sand into his eyes, Chiyyuk went blind; both began to make birds; because Chiyyuk was blind, made them too large and long-legged; both brothers put green leaves in the water, the sick birds drank and recovered; both told P. that they made birds; Chiyyuk went out with the brown fox, Chiyi changed the fox; when he learned about this, Chiyuk went to the ground, wanted to demolish everything on earth; Chiyi wrapped around it, but his illnesses passed through his fingers; a month later Chiyyuk ascended to the east, left again a month later; this is the constellation Chiyuk - one month you can see him, the other did not; Chiyi made all living beings (except man), they looked like people; they handed them over to P.; that night he made a fire, all those created gathered to the fire; the Month said that he would go east, in 4 days it will revive in the West; announced the names of 6 months; the hanuchip bird told the kwasaman bird that the dead bird will no longer be reborn and the same will happen to people, otherwise the earth will overflow; The lizard on at dawn she spoke and died, the corpse was burned; daughter P. The frog let another Frog swallow his hair from his head; P. fell ill, died; the Coyote ran to the sun for the fire, at which time the others lit the funeral fire; Coyote returned, jumped over those around him the fire took away and ate P.'s heart; M. ordered the first ancestors to become animals, told who to do; sculpted 10 people of each tribe out of clay; they were small, then grew up; the White Woman descended from heaven , gave birth to many people; M. invited the Mayihauchawit sea serpent to a memorial ceremony; it was created by Chiyyuk and Chiyi, it is speckled; the houses where the serpent crawled, burned, and ritual came out of the body of the snake songs from different tribes; different tribes went to their habitats]: 75-81; Spier 1923 [the sea first came from both the west and east of the hills; a man came up, opened his eyes to see the sun; second He came up, was blind; there were two foxes, silver and plain, silver belonged to a blind man; he touched the ordinary; the sighted said it was his, silver; but he knows not; the blind man created a coyote, ankle birds, moon; fell into the lower world, and the sighted man rose to heaven; when the blind moves, earthquakes occur, if he turns over, the earth will turn over; the sighted one descends where the blind man came down, took red clay, made a man and a woman, left him by the fire; one of the figures fell apart; so several times they finally came to life; the sighted said that the blind man could not make people, so he did he; returned to heaven; one of the people, Tcikumat, was in the east, fell ill; he was brought home, he died; he was put on a burial fire, blue flies lit fire with their fire drills; the Coyote did time was sent away; when he came running, only his heart was not burned; the Badger was standing on the east side of the fire, the Wild Cat on the west; the Coyote grabbed the heart, carried it away, ate it; a drop of blood fell into the water, from it birds with red feathers appeared; the Wild Cat sent the Crane to bring the Mattiawit snake, placed Tcikumat's property inside the fence, the snake lay inside in a ring, set it all on fire; part of the snake flew back, other fragments, to people, became different songs; those who received them became different groups of people, went away]: 328-331; yuma: Densmore 1932a [as in Harrington, without details]: 5; Harrington 1908 [ The creator and his companion live at the bottom of the sea; rise to the surface, the satellite opens his eyes, goes blind; he is the Blind Old Man; the creator makes an island; both make people; the Blind Old Man makes freaks, the Creator throws them back into the sea; the Blind Old Man jumps after them, water splashes cause diseases]: 328-329; maricopa [water floods the world; Kukumat and Isacipas (hereinafter just Cipas; I.) sink to the bottom; I. comes up first, answers K., that he kept his eyes open; K. goes blind from salt water; both swim on a log, gradually the water descends, but around the swamp; one of them digs a hole, pulls out sand, throws it out, the earth dries up; I. rolls his hair into a ball, puts it in the eastern sky, making the sun; out of the nail, the moon; puts it on different sides of the world, it slides off; when to the west, it remains in the sky; throwing it sand creates stars into the sky; I. and K. make people out of clay, people K. have fingers with membranes, he says that it is more convenient to take water to drink; I. says that it is more convenient for people to make their hands with a cup; I. and K. they argue whose creations are better; K. falls into the ground in anger, breaks what he has created, throws fragments into the sea, from which ducks, beavers and other creatures with webbed legs emerge; failing, I. pulled the sky with him; left a hole in the ground, blood (i.e. illness) flowed from it; I. covered the hole with his foot, but left a small stream to prevent people from becoming too numerous; now they are sometimes get sick; I. gives the tribes their customs; the Rabbit offended the Snake, I. gave the Snake poisonous teeth, she bit the Rabbit, he died; for this people decided to kill I.; The frog drank water from the reservoir where I. swam, he fell ill, died ; The Coyote was sent to the sun for a funeral fire, lit a fire in his absence; looking around, the Coyote ran back; animals and birds formed four rings around the fire; where the Opossum stood, The fox and the other short ones jumped over those standing, carried away and ate I.'s heart; I. is waiting for people to speak; the Indians of Southern California (Mission Indians) first spoke, then maricopa, then others; Chemewevi are at night, so their speech is incomprehensible; Europeans are the last; they were crybabies; trying to calm them down, the Creator made them richer than the Indians]: Spier 1933:345-352; cocopa: Densmore 1932a [in At the beginning of time, two people rise to earth; one creates light and people, the other creates a destroyer (without details)]: 86; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [Sipa and Komat under water as in a mother's womb; S. pushes K. the first upstairs, so he is two older; replies that his eyes must be opened; he opened it in the water, went blind; the brothers sent flying ants to dig up land, land was formed; they began to make people, K. did better he went away, S. replaced them with his own; the next time he replaced his fox with a different kind of fox; both times K. guessed it; S. wanted to put his eyes on his toes, K. wanted to put his eyes on his toes, K. wanted to put his eyes on his head; S. made a bow and arrows, shot up, the arrow fell, slightly hitting K.; S. made the sun, but turned pale; K. made it bright, launched across the sky from east to west, sun S. became the moon; S. replaced people again; K. was furious broke the sky, made a hole in the ground, went down, releasing smoke, lightning and everything that kills people, including diseases; Coyote annoyed his sister Snake; S. gave her poison, Coyote died; S. died, vomited four flowers, from which edible wild plants (comidas silvestres); the Coyote was sent to the sun, at which time S.'s body was cremated; before the body burned down, chants came out of it]: 75-79; papago : Densmore 1929a [After the Flood, Big Brother, Coyote, and the Great Wizard create different things; the Great Wizard is angry, falls into the ground; at this moment they emanate from him and spread throughout the world illness and fear]: 17-21; Underhill 1946 [dark at first; Earth Creator (NW) and Yellow Vulture (HS) meet four times in emptiness, each forcing the other to create peace; NW has taken something out of the heart or rolled dirt off his skin, put it in his palm, from which a green branch, greasewood, grew; the louse on the plant produced resin and created the earth from this NW; he sang, bored it, it became flat; he placed it on the ground mountains, bird fluff (clouds) and shamans to the tops of the mountains; when the earth spread, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, saying that he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he is small, bearded, gray or blond; from the northwest, a Coyote came out from under the bush; the earth was swaying, Coyote, I. and JS unsuccessfully confused to fix it; two Spiders did this, connecting the sky and land; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all the rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, the rivers flowed in different directions; the NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon and the sun appeared; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls the next morning everyone gave birth; the sorcerer made the Handsome Man himself give birth; he left the child, who began to cry, his tears flooded the earth with a flood; the NW escaped on a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, Coyote in a reed, JS - pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees, took root; others with their dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam they are visible on the water; the NW and I. agreed that whoever emerges first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the oldest; all three became to sculpt new people; those made by the Coyote are shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW's made are also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; the NW and I. began to argue; the NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through land, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit a maricopa, who died; he was burned (maricopa has been cremated since then); Coyote stole the heart from the funeral fire; opened a hole in the ground, water or wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown into it; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed an ogre eagle, feathers - for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed ones; I. grew old, began to attack the girls during the adulthood ceremony; people They killed him three times; on the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); after 4 years, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, the evil shaman drove them into the pen; two brothers paid the shaman, so that everyone can hunt; JS is scalped, so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underworld]: 8-12; pima: Russel 1908 [Earth Doctor (ED) appears in the dark abyss; takes from his chest some dust, makes a cake out of it, grows a bush on it; creates a termite that makes the earth as big as it is now; first it trembles; ED makes a gray Spider, which webs the edges of the earth and the sky, the earth stops wobbling; ED makes water, mountains, plants; pours water into a bowl, it freezes, it throws this piece of ice west, north, south; it slides down every time; thrown east, turns into the sun, it begins to move as it should; a month is similarly created; after taking water into his mouth and spraying it into the sky, the Creator makes stars; the Milky Way is his staff, at the ends of which he poured ashes; humans did not die, multiplied, began to eat each other; ED told Sky to copulate with the Earth and the Sun with the Moon; the first couple gave birth to Big Brother (SB) and the second Coyote; drawing Heaven to Earth, ED crushed all its inhabitants, created a second race of humans; the SB shortened the human age, then destroyed the second race; to do this, sent a young man who converged with all women; every next pregnancy was getting shorter; the daughter of South Doctor (SD) immediately gave birth, the tears of the abandoned baby flooded the ground with a flood; Coyote escaped on a log, SB in a clay vessel, ED in a reed rod, some people left through a hole made in the ground by SD with his staff was on the other side of the earth; five birds, including the Woodpecker and the Vulture, escaped from the flood (they clung their beaks to the sky, their tails were removed, the trail remained; they made their nests in the waters); some people escaped to the mountain with SD; he sent the dog to see if the water was high; these people were petrified; Coyote and ED are arguing who first showed up after the flood; admit it was The SB, who is becoming the ruler of the world; the Coyote and the SB ran west and east to determine where the center of the earth is; they returned at the same time to the center; the SB sat facing west, the Coyote to the south, ED to the east, became create; Coyote created webbed animals, snakes, birds; ED created people with defects (without a leg, with big ears, without holes in the body, with flames burning from their knees, etc.); the SB told Coyote to abandon him creatures into the water and ED to the west; ED fell into the ground; SB tried to hold it, got his hands dirty, shook it off, so diseases appeared; SB created humans; gave a sting to a rattlesnake, it bit the Rabbit, he died; The coyote was sent away, the Fly made the first fire drill, the Rabbit's body was put on the fire; the Coyote broke through, took the Rabbit's heart, ate it; the food began to fall through the Coyote, the Wolf and the Puma sewed it; he pretended to be sick, asked Puma's wife to carry him, began to copulate; the sorcerers hid all the ungulates in the cave; the Coyote released the animals, ran away; one young man was told to close the deer passage, and he became build a fence from hill to hill; shoot a pregnant woman (deer) - he killed a woman; at an old man (horned male) - killed an old man; the player beat everyone; the girl gave him a drink with ground feathers; he became an eagle, began to carry people away; ED climbed into his nest, asked Eagle's wife to put Eagle to sleep when he returned, hid a fly under corpses; killed Eagle and his son, revived them with people's blood; people tried to kill SB; he fell into the ground, brought out people who had hid from the flood; Coyote came up, laughed, the hole closed, some people remained; those who came out killed many (Pueblo Indians?)] : 206-230; Shaw 1968 [After the Flood, Big Brother, Coyote, and Earth Wizard mold people; the Sorcerer's people have one arm and leg at a time; in anger he falls underground]: 4-5; papago (or pima) [ The creator, our sister, decided to destroy the earth by the flood; she herself sat in a vessel (olia) made of wood latex; the fox found out, sat in an empty tree trunk, but did not know how to seal the hole; she showed him; the blue bird, the red bird and the little bird clung to the sky; the sister's oaks swam east, the Fox deck to the south; the water wet the tails of the birds; after the flood, the Fox said he was the first went out, the birds - what were they; the sister kept silent; the fox and sister began to sculpt people; the fox made halves with one eye, one hand, etc.; the sister said that these people should be placed across the sea in the other the world; she revived her own people; Indians mockingly call the fox brother]: Neff 1912:52-53.

Honduras vs Panama. Bokota [Doya lives in a world where there are only stones, Chube in another; C.'s father sends him to defeat D.; C. (again) born a woman; D. kills all newborns, but instead of C. destroys a doll; C. and D. agree to compete; D. cannot make land, and C. throws the earth in four directions, it arises; before these were only stones; C. creates a living boy, D. cannot; D. throws a lot of salt into the water, but cannot create the sea; C. throws a handful, the sea becomes salty; C. makes good animals, D. makes bad animals]: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 1:42-46.

The Northern Andes. Embera [Karagabi is the master of the upper world, Tutruika is the lower world; they compete in shamanic power, are equal]: Rochereau 1929 (katio) [Karagabi arises from saliva creator, descends from the sky; makes people out of stone, Tutruick makes clay; only Tutruick's people have come to life; Karagabi asks his opponent twice for a piece of clay, makes people alive; Tutruica predicts that people and everything else in the Karagabi world will die]: 86-87; Torrez de Arauz 1963 [Tatzitsetze ("father of everything") created Caragabí; K. defeated his father and seized power ; there are 4 worlds behind ours and 4 ahead; K. and Tutruica started making people; K. did not have good material, people only opened their eyes and laughed, and T. came to life; K. asked T. for a piece of good clay, made a man; 10 years later he said that a piece broke, got another, made a woman; T. said that people made by K. would be mortal, like everyone else in his world, and T. and K. competed, both were on fire and under water, were equal; the Sun and Moon were people, K. turned them into stars as punishment; K. taught them how to plant corn, etc.; the woman Gensera keeps all the water in the cave; Caragabí cut the woman in half, turning her into a narrow-waisted black ant; the ant hid the water in the hollow trunk of a Genené tree (sacred to katio); K. and his men began to cut down the tree, cutting down first overgrown; when cut down, the trunk remained hanging on the vines; The squirrel gnawed through the vine, the tree fell, the water flooded the ground; K. and his people escaped on the rock; K. sent the Heron, the Duck, the Raven - did not return, they were fishing ; K. created the Dove, he returned when he found land; the trunk formed the sea, the branches formed rivers, the buds were streams and swamps; the Genené trunk and the Monpahuará rock are still somewhere, surrounded by four lights; when- Once the mountain opens, a fiery river will flood the earth; then K. and his descendants will live on earth forever]: 23-26; Wassen 1933 [recorded by Nordenskiöld in 1927; the devil wanted half of the people Karagabi made; decided to compete, the devil made bitter reeds out of the stick, and K. sweet; so the devil did not get people; K. made men in San Juan and women at the mouth of the Rio Baudo; made immortal people out of wood, but they went to the lower world, they have no anus, they feed on the smell of food; after cutting his hand, K. does not want to use wood anymore, sculpts people from clay, they are mortal; if they were not from clay, they would change skin like snakes and crustaceans]: 110; Zuluaga Gomez 1991 (chami) [people are mortal because Karagabi made them; in the lower world of Tutruik, people are watered and they are getting younger]: 94.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [Irioshi (aka Tasurinchi, Taso'rintsi) lives in the sky, created all good things; Kenti'vakori is underground in a dark, smelly world surrounded by his disgusting creatures; created everything is bad; first water is everywhere; I. proposes to create land; K. does not dare; I. throws his rod into the water, the water is covered with an even crust; K. also throws something, but creates unusable ones infertile plots of land (sand, clay, rocks); I. creates useful animals, useful plants, machigenga people; K. - harmful animals, demons, foreigners; if the land was flat, it would be cut through There would be numerous canals that would make it easy to swim anywhere; and now rivers flow down to where all the water at the edge of the earth falls into the abyss; if I. were the sole creator, people would not die or suffer from hard work; children would be born without sex and without pain, like I.'s creatures in heaven (in particular star people)]: Baer 1984:237-241 (=1994:149-155, quotes from early sources; Christian influence of the XVII-XVIII centuries is likely).

SE Brazil. Kaingang [water flooded the ground, Mount Krinjijinbe remained; people from the Kaingang, Kayurukre and Kame groups swam, holding smoldering smut in their teeth to keep the fire; kayyurukre and kame drowned and penetrated inside the mountain, they began to live there; the kaingang climbed the mountain, some on the trees on the mountain; the Sarakura birds began to sing, brought baskets of soil, poured them on the water, and came to their aid ducks; a plain arose; those who climbed trees became monkeys; they began to pour the ground from the east, so the rivers flow westward to Parana; kayyurukre and kame climbed to the surface from different sides of the mountain; kame their legs were injured, they were swollen, now their legs were big and kaiyurukre's legs were small; the shaman Kaiyurukre made jaguars out of coal and ash; when he made tapirs, there was only ash left; told them to eat meat; tapir ears they were small, the tapirs were asked again, the shaman was already sculpting another animal, telling them to eat leaves and grass; by morning the shaman did not have time to finish the anteater, so he had no teeth; Kaiyurukre made good ones animals, including bees, and Kame are bad so that they could defeat Kaiyurukre's created: cougars, venomous snakes, wasps; after learning that jaguars were eating humans, Kaiyurukre and Kame threw a log across the river; when The jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the Kame pushed the log; got scared, let the parts go; Kayyurukre, Kame and Kaingang set rules for exchanging marriage partners]: Borba 1904:57f in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 77:209-212 (German retelling in Teschauer 1914:33; Russian translation Siebert 1972:134-137; French retelling by Ploetz, Metraux 1930:212-213).

Chaco. Caduveo [people come out of a hole in the ground, steal fish from God's pond or stream; he tells the birds to watch; all the guards fall asleep, Ibis discovers people, dogs find a hole from which they came]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 1 [No-Iacailbadio dege pulls out Europeans, Brazilians, Tereno; his opponent A-li-Ginigo says he forgot to pull out the caduveo; N. pulls out four, says they kidnap foreigners to grow in number; N.: Let food appear, if you name it; let food be cooked if you put three stones together; A.: It's too easy for people, let them work, keep the fire; A.: Let men have menstruation; a hunter who has a period misses; N. and A. decide to pass on periods to women; N.: The dead can be pulled out of the ground, they will come to life ; A.: No, the earth will overflow; mother A. dies, he wants to change his mind, N. does not agree; A. cries, N. tells him to take a twig to revive his mother; the twig breaks, the mother does not come to life], 2 [someone steals fish from God's trap; dogs can't detect a thief, God sends night birds; one of them sends him on the trail of a dangerous beast; God finds a hole in which people and animals were, pulls out them, caduveo - after the Europeans; the beast ate people coming out; God kills the beast, distributes its fat between animals; the pig came first, the caiman also got a lot of fat; nandu, the deer remained skinny], 3 [starting in (1); Onoenrgodi: I'll cook food for the caduveo; Caracara: Let them hunt and collect honey themselves; O.: Let cotton cloth grow on trees; K. advises to pick it off, scatter in the bushes (the origin of cotton); K.: Let people spin and weave; O. is afraid of K., because that cannibal wanted to eat it while O. slept], 4 [God's name Go-noeno-go], 5 [no episode with dogs; Onoenrgodi pulls people out of the cave], 6 [god Onoe-noe; Chamacoco Indians arise from his excrement]: 15-29.

Southern Brazil. Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the land on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the plot, returned, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way to him; from the womb their mother's son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked her to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, she hid her under the pot from her Añag's nephews; she herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked for fruit from the womb to eat, but neither cook nor bake it; K. considered the old woman a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell them to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers birds are being killed, NG sent them a parrot, who told them about their mother's fate; after that, K. blew on the dead birds and revived them; when A. killed his mother, K. was stained with her blood, so at every solar eclipse; K. He revived her mother from her bones, but I came too early, she crumbled again; therefore, people are mortal; an inambu bird flew out of her bones; seeing that her mother could not be revived, K. made her bones agouti; the brothers killed many A., luring them into traps; created a fruit tree, a bridge to it across the river, piranhas and caimans; I. rocked the bridge too early, all A. and the old woman died, but one pregnant female escaped from her jaguars; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but Y. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; the urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a toad cururu, she swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated them; K. made sugar cane, I imitated, a snake came out; K. created animals, and Añag created ways to hunt them; A. told K. to get off the tree, hit them with a stick, carried it in his bag, putting the dead koati on top; put the basket on the ground, K. ran away, putting up a rotten tree; A.'s daughters did not find game in the basket; A. returned, mistook the tree for K., knocked down, it became a deer, ran away; K. climbed the tree, A. saw its reflection in the water; Owl said where K.; A. climbed after K., who created wasps, they bit A. to death; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, I got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (the first fish); K. asked for bones, I revived it. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; Y. wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the episode with feathers at the fork at p.18-19).