B10. Drinking water, A1013.
.16.18.19. (.21.) .
The character drinks the lake or all the water in the world, or the only water in his stomach. They pierce his stomach or take out his plug, force him to regurgitate the water - the water pours out. See motif B7.
Western Europe. The Bretons (Saint-Malo) [The moon drank the Sea, punishing it for the shipwreck; one captain asked the Moon to return the Sea, because it is impossible to swim without water; the Moon belched the Sea, taking its promise obey her]: Sébillot 1904:37 in Krappe 1940:162.
Australia. Kurnai Lake Tyers [the huge Frog swallows all the water; animals take obscene positions to make it laugh; this succeeds when the Eel wriggles on its tail; the Frog laughs, the water it pours out, the flood begins; Loon (or Pelican) made a boat and saved many; when they refused to give him a wife, he painted combat paint with clay, turning into a black and white pelican (or stone)]: Waterman 1987, No. 2400 (1): 79; Jauan, Murinbata [A frog dives into a pond, drinks all the water; a brolga man (bird) drained the contents of the remaining reservoirs into a vessel, ran to the top of the mountain; The frog rushed into the pond as usual, but there was no water and he broke his arms and back; one person managed to pierce the vessel with a spear; the water spilled out, people turned into frogs, and Brolga flew away]: Waterman 1987, No. 2410 (1): 81; Northern Australia [The Sandfrog drank all the water, became huge; the Eagle found him sleeping; only the Kangaroo managed to pierce it, the water spilled out; the frog is now hiding from shame in the sand, going out at night]: Waterman 1987, No. 2410 (2): 81.
Melanesia. Dauan [the fruit fell, breaking the crab shell; the mollusk cut the fruit in half with its shell; the fire began to burn the mollusk, the water flooded the fire, the quail drank the water, the arrow pierced the quail, the water poured out; while turtle hunters damaged one of them's gallbladder, the bile got into the water, so the sea formed]: Wirz 1932:294; Saibai [the fruit fell on the crab, which asked the mollusk to cut its fruit with a sink; the fruit asked the Fire to burn the mollusk; the mollusk to fill the fire with water, the fire asked the jellyfish to drink water, the water asked Kimus (any sharp object) to pierce the jellyfish, it pierced, the water poured out, filled the sea again; at this time, turtle hunters damaged the turtle's gallbladder, bile made the sea water salty]: Laade 1970:273-274; mono (Shortland Islands) [nitu saw children; they said they caught cancer, after drinking all the water in the river; N. began to drink, swelled; one bird failed to peck a hole in his stomach, the crane pecked, the water poured out; the children told N. that they had taken out an edible mollusk by diving and sticking head to sink; N. did so, the sink cut off his head]: Wheeler 1926, No. 60:60; New Caledonia [an episode of drinking the sea like in Indonesia]: Lambert 1900:317 in Dixon 1916:335 (note 33) .
(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [crab and blackbird became friends; killed and cut a wild boar, but there was no fire; the thrush went in search, came to the demoness Samoo; she gave smut, but told her to shake it along the way; in the wake of the falling sparks, S. came to the place where the wild boar was cut, but the thrush took its share to the tree and the crab into the water; the thrush threw wood latex at the demoness; she sewed up her anus, drank a pond in which the crab hid; but the thrush pecked the anus and the water flowed out again; S. closed her anus again, but this time covered it with latex, the thrush's beak stuck, she caught it, put it in a cage, and took out the crab too and hung it by the claw; the thrush began to scream that the crab stinks; S. leaned over to the crab to smell, and it cut its throat; the crab returned to the water and the thrush to the tree]: Gorer 1938:490-491).
Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [The woodpecker invited the Toad to take her to the tree for honey; began to lift her on the vine in the bucket, let go of the vine, the Toad fell; to take revenge, she drank water in all rivers and streams; began to dance, the water spilled out of it, the drought is over]: Man 1932:105-106; galela, Van Hasselt 1908:543, minahasa [The turtle tricked the Monkey, made a betel out of her hair, wine from blood, lime from burnt bones, dried flesh meat; invited other Monkeys to a feast; they heard her talking to herself about what they eat; decide to crush, burn the Turtle; they say that Her parents did this to her; pretends to be afraid of being thrown into the water; screams out of the water about deception; monkeys ask Buffalo to drink the sea; when he drank almost everything, the Turtle lured him with ripe coconut, I bit a hole in my stomach, the sea spilled out, the monkeys drowned; the current ones come from a pregnant woman who escaped in a tree]: Dixon 1916:195-197, 335 (approx. 33).
Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [The turtle catches the floating banana stalk; takes the bottom, the Monkey gets the upper hand, both plants, the Monkey planted wilted; the Turtle banana has borne fruit, the Monkey climbs upstairs, the Turtle throws one peel; the turtle masks sharp stakes with leaves, tells the Monkey not to jump on them, she stubbornly jumps; the turtle feeds the other Monkeys with the meat of the deceased; one cub recognizes its brother's finger; The turtle hides under the coconut peel, the Monkeys find it; the turtle says it likes to sit on fire, pretends to be afraid of water; Monkeys ask Fish to drink water in the pond, go down to the bottom to look The turtle; she asks Kingfisher to peck a hole in the fish's belly; the water poured in, the Monkeys drowned; var.: The turtles tried to drink the water themselves, burst]: Maxfield, Milington 1907:316-318; bagobo [ The turtle tries to climb the banana, the Monkey mumbles to fall, it falls; the monkey climbs the banana, eats the fruit, throws its excrement into the Turtle's mouth; the next time the Turtle sticks around banana sharp stakes, screams that a storm is coming, the Monkey attacks the stakes, the Turtle fried it; turned its ears into leaves that chew with the betel; the heart into betel; the heart into betel; the brain into lime, the stomach is a basket, the tail is a plant that they chew in the absence of betel; divides it all between monkeys; shouts to them that they are chewing a Monkey; they catch a Turtle, they want to hack it with an ax (You've already tried it, there are only traces on the shell), burn it (I tried it, I just turned brown); it is thrown into the water; monkeys and all animals almost drink the pond, covering the urinary canal with a leaf; red-billed the batak bird takes out the leaves, the water pours out; the monkeys pluck the bird's feathers; when they have grown, the bird bears fruit to the Monkey; all monkeys, wild boars, deer, except one pregnant monkey and deer, gather in and around the tree; the bird and the Turtle set fire to the grass around, all burned down, some of the wild boars ran away]: Benedict 1913, No. 6:58-59.
Amur - Sakhalin. Bikin Nanais [Crucian and Raven mow reeds, Raven offers to compete, who will assemble the sheaf faster, turns off the other's eyes; wins, Crucian carp hides in the lake; Bear drinks the lake, but the Fox scratches the Bear, the water flows out; the fox cooks glue, tells the Bear that he will cure their eyes; the Bear asks him to anoint his eyes, has difficulty ripping off the glue; the fox cuts the ice, says that in the ice-hole sleep warmly, advises the Bear to put its tail into the water; the Bear's tail froze to the ice, he tore it off; The fox offers to ride down the mountain, puts a spit, the Bear ran into, died; Foxes ask the old woman for a cauldron, a knife , a meat board, forget to leave meat for him; they brush their teeth, bring the collected goods to the old woman; she kills two foxes with a knife, makes a hat and mittens; the girl offers to help bring water, takes away the hat and mittens; Heron, Eagle do not bring, the bird lets the girl and her sister catch itself, put her hat and mittens under the fox, she brings them to the old woman; entangled in the branches, dies; the old woman put her to bed, she became a girl]: L.Sam 1976, No. 1:120-122; nivhi [nivh pulled out a seal, she turns into a woman; her mother died at sea, she leaves; he tells the teal to drink the sea; the next morning, hand in hand, two suns rise; the sea man asks the nivkh not to break the universe; he tells the teal to spew water; only one sun rises again, his wife returns]: Kreinovich 1929:88-89 (quail in Ostrovsky 1997 , NO. 28:227).
Subarctic. Tanaina [Chickady drinks several lakes; asks to be taken to the house; a piece of granite explodes in the fire, a shard pierces Chickady's belly; water pours out, all people drown; only an old woman swims in sink; roasts the deceased Chickady; fat drips into her eyes; she goes blind, dies]: Vaudrin 1969:4-6; atna [Lynx came to the Bear; he has two daughters; he insists on calling Lynx son-in-law; Lynx asks where to get material for arrows; 1) poles; Bear sends crashing trees into the forest; Lynx slips between converging trees, brings solid wood; 2) arrow feathers; on such a cliff; in a nest two eagles, their parents flew away to hunt people; the elder eagle promises to tell his parents about the Lynx, who kills him; tells the youngest to say that he fell asleep and fell out of the nest; the Eagle flew in, the Lynx killed eo arrow; then Eagle, the same; each of them brought half a man; Lynx told the eagle to eat partridges and rabbits from now on; brought feathers; 3) a bowstring; there lies a deer (moose) as big as a mountain; Lynx asks the Mouse to chew hair from where the heart is; she gnaws, tells the Deer that her children are cold; The deer allows; the Lynx pierces him in this place with an arrow, brings tendons; 4) glue to secure it bowstrings; The bear sends the Lynx to where resin boils on the fir; he brings it without being burned; the Bear offers to hunt bears (these are his daughters), gives arrows with bark tips, but Lynx uses his own, kills the Bear's daughters; he chases the Lynx, the Lynx hides in the middle of the lake; the Bear is great for the Frog to drink it; the Lynx asks Sandpiper (snipe or curlew) to hole the Frog's stomach, the water pours out; The bear digs the runoff into the lower lake, but the Lynx slips, the Bear cannot catch it]: Tansy 1982:8-14; Khan: Mishler 2004, No. 2 [after killing the Cannibal Otter, Tsá'Wëzhaa comes to the Bear; he gives him a daughter, sends him for material for onions and arrows; 1) eagle feathers; C. kills male and female cannibal eagles, feeds the chicks with ordinary meat, tells them to eat animals from now on; 2) the tendons of a dangerous moose; C. asks the Mouse to climb into the anus of a lying moose, cut the heart; C. made a bow and arrows], 3 [3) now the Bear asks for resin; it is dangerous to approach the resin hanging on the fir, C. knocks it down with a stick; C. kills from the bow to the Bear, it turns out that this is the Bear's daughter; C. ran away, hid in the lake, the Bear tells the Frog to drink water, she drank it, but Snipe pierced her belly with his beak, the water spilled out; the bear with the net waited where the river flows out of the lake, but C. threw his clothes into it, slipped by himself]: 147-149, 149-151; Schmitter 1910 (Eagle) [The bear harpoons salmon; the old man turns into salmon, lets himself harpoon, breaks off and takes the tip away; comes to the Bear in human form; he suspects that the old man has stolen the harpoon; the old man marries the Bear's daughter; he demands 1) bring an arrow tree (the stump falls on son-in-law, he dodges, makes poles out of a stump; 2) bring cannibal eagle feathers for arrows (the son-in-law climbs into the nest, kills one chick, asks another how the parents will arrive; Mother with snow, father with hail; kills adult birds with a spear, brings feathers); 3) get resin to glue the tips (the son-in-law puts a long pole into the lake of boiling resin, splashes all over the fir trees; since then, the fir trees have been resinous; brings resin); 4) bring tendons (the son-in-law asks the Mouse to gnaw the hair from the place on the body of the monstrous moose under which the heart (The mouse explains to the moose that it needs hair to warm the babies; the son-in-law kills an elk with an arrow, brings tendons); 5) The bear advises making birch bark tips; sends his son-in-law to hunt, tells his daughter to become a bear, kill her husband; her son-in-law kills her with arrows with bone arrows with tips; The bear chases him, the son-in-law hides in the lake; the bear tells the Frog to drink the lake; the son-in-law tells the Snipe to hole the Frog's belly, the water pours out; the son-in-law runs away from the Bear]: 21-23; upper tanana [a man marries a bear's daughter; he decides to run away, sails in a boat, hides in reeds; the bear tells the frog to drink the lake; the man asks a snipe to pierce that belly, water spills out; The bear tries to catch his son-in-law with nonsense, but he runs away with his shirt filled with branches]: Brean 1975:54-58; Tagish [Beaver (Smart Man) marries Bear's daughter; he tells daughters wear bear skin, invites her son-in-law to hunt, gives arrows with larch bark tips; The Beaver replaces them with bone ones, hits the Bear, her bear skin falls off, she dies; The bear with his wife chases Beaver, who hides in the lake, shoves a deck into the net instead of himself; the Bear tells Curlew to drink the lake, the Beaver asks the Snipe to pierce his belly, the water pours out, the Bears hang themselves]: McClelland 2007, No. 74a: 369-372; Southern Tutchoni: McClelland 2007, No. 2c [The Beaver (Smart Man) marries the Bear's daughter; he tells his daughter to wear bear skin, invites his son-in-law to hunt, gives arrows with the unfit with tips; the Beaver replaces them with good ones, kills the Bear; the Bear chases him, he hides in the lake, the Bear tells the big bird to drink all the water, the Beaver asks the Snipe to hole that belly, the water spills out; Bear stops chasing], 11d [Beaver (Äsúya, Smart Man) marries Bear's daughter; he gives bad arrows to hunt the bear, Beaver takes his own bow and arrow, kills a bear, it turns out to be the Bear's daughter; the bear chases Beaver, who hides in the lake, shoves a stick into the Bear's trap; he tells South Wind to drink the lake, Beaver asks Snipe to hole in his stomach, water spills out; The Beaver tells the Bear to eat animals, not humans]: 37-39, 72-77; Workman 2000 [Äsúya (Beaver, clever) walks on the ground, correcting animals that ate people; spends the night in the forest with Wolverine; he offers to dry the moccasins; Ä. quietly changes the moccasins in places; at night Wolverine gets up, pushes her own moccasins into the fire; in the morning Ä. leaves on the ice of the lake; Wolverine stalks but freezes; Ä. throws a corpse into the water, says wolverines will no longer kill people; Ä. comes to a huge Bear; he turns his daughter into a pretty girl; offers hunt a grizzly that takes and eats any prey; gives Ä. arrows with sedge tips; the grizzly is the Bear's daughter; sedge arrows bounce off her, Ä. hits her with his with a flint arrow, but she is only injured; Ä. turns into a beaver, hides in the middle of the lake; she tells Kulik to drink water, looks for a beaver in the mud with her Bear Father; Ä. asks yellow legs (snails) yellow-legged, Tringa flavipes, long-legged bird) to hole Kulik's stomach; Ulit asks Kulik for permission to collect worms for his kids, holes, water pours out, Bear and Bear drown; (eagles episode - p. 85-96); Ä. comes to the nest of cannibal eagles; asks the chicks which one is the biggest talker; female and male nod at each other; Ä. knows that the male is lying, piercing his sharp stick; the eagle arrives with snow; the female chick replies that her brother has a headache, he went down to look for cold water, disappeared; that the foreign smell is half brought by the mother human; Ä. pulls the Eagle down, kills; The eagle arrives with hail, the same; Ä. teaches the female chick to eat rabbits, partridges, etc., no longer eat humans; (tendon extraction - p. 97); Ä. asks the Mouse where to get the tendons for the bowstring; she shows a huge animal lying in a clearing; Ä. asks to climb from below, gnaw the hair on his chest; Ä. hits the beast with an arrow at this place, takes tendons; a huge worm in the mountains kills hunters; Ä. lures him out of his lair, cuts him apart with a spear, throws him off the mountain, blood turns into ocher; the cannibal offers hunters hunt a mountain sheep, leads to a cliff, collides, his wife downstairs finishes them off with a copper stick; Ä. collides him, his wife mistakenly finishes off her husband; at night, Ä. comes to her plague, kills her]: 91-100; taltan [there was no lake; the raven made a basin, the water gathered there, he let the fish go there; the giant drank all the water, lay down on the dried bottom; the Raven gave Snipe a long beak, asked hole the giant's belly; water and fish poured out of there; the Raven told the Snipe to run along the shore from now on and make sure that the water level did not fall; the raven took water from the lake into his beak, spit it it it out, creating lakes along the all over the earth]: Teit 1919, No. 25:219-220; helmet [like heaps; father-in-law tells the Bird (species not specified) to drink water; Snipe holes the Bird's belly with its beak, the water pours back; hea [see B3A motif; after the flood, Kunyan creates new land; The bittern drinks all the water; the plover pierces her belly; the water pours out to form lakes and rivers]; slevi: Mason 1946 [Jay and Partridge marry two sisters ; first Jay, then Partridge starved; Wolf and Wolverine took their widows; Wolf killed an elk, Wolverine killed a beaver, but Wolverine took the meat for himself, and Wolverine starved to death; one of them drank all the water in the world, but his belly burst and water spilled out]: 43; Moore, Wheelock 1990, No. 9 [Yamonhdeyi's father advises him to marry; the old man is ready to give him his daughter; I understand that she already has a husband, he kills sleeping people; me. kills him with an arrow; his wife replies that her father takes arrow feathers from huge eagles; I. climbs into a nest in a tree; an eagle says that her mother will fly in the rain, the father with snow; the eagle's sister promises complain to my mother that he told this to the person; I kill an eagle girl, kill a female who brought half a man; tell the eagle to eat rabbits, ducks, fish; I go to get the tendons that my father-in-law uses it for a bowstring; a mouse gnaws at the hair under the heart of a lying monster, says her children are cold; I pierce his heart, brings tendons; brings flint tips from where they fly like arrows; the wife turns into a bear, I kill her with an arrow; her parents hoped that she would kill her son-in-law; I run, became a fish at the bottom of the pond; my wife's parents tell two pelicans to drink water; I tell Tringa melanoleuca pierce the pelican's stomach; water pours out, I. pops out, father-in-law and mother-in-law drown]: 43-48; Petitot 1886, No. 5 [enemies kill everyone, grandson and grandmother remain; he marries, he needs arrows; climbs into the eagle's nest for feathers; the chick hides it under its wing, replies that the father will bring snow, the mother will bring rain; the man kills adult birds, tells the chick to eat fish, not humans; asks the Mouse to dig a passage under a huge deer lying on the ground, gnaw the hair off the skin under the heart; kills a deer, takes tendons for the bowstring; kills a toad sitting on a piece of flint, makes tips; the wife turns into a bear, he kills her; his father-in-law chases him, turns into a flying monster; a man, becoming a Beaver, hides in the lake; a monster drinks a lake; a plover holes in his belly, water spills out; monster flies to the sky; Beaver makes rapids on the McKenzie River]: 321-327; Chipewyan: Birket-Smith 1930 [The squirrel wants the rocks to stay at the bottom and the birch logs to swim; the bear wants the opposite; others support Squirrel; when angry, the Bear promises to make an eternal night; the Squirrel proves that the Bear will suffer himself; listeners admit that Squirrel is right, then the stones roll into the sea, sink to the bottom; the Bear unsuccessfully chases the Squirrel, steals the summer; the animals go to a warm country; decide to lure the Bear by sending a caribou herd across the pond, the Mouse must gnaw the paddle; but the paddle does not break, the Bear rows in the boat; because of fear, the Mice's eyes are left bulging; finally, it breaks; the animals learn from the cubs that the bag is warm, carry the bag away; the Pike carries the last, it teeth hole in the bag; the bear screams that from now on, heat and cold will alternate; the snow melts, the water floods the world, but the 'tulkkuzji bird drinks all the water; the lynx strokes first, then vomits her stomach, water pours out]: 83-86; Petitot 1886, No. 16 [The bittern drinks all the water; the lynx tears its belly, the water pours out to form lakes and rivers]: 382-383; taltan [The raven makes the first lake; pot-bellied the man drinks it; the Raven asks the Snipe to hole his stomach with his beak; the lake fills up again]; the beaver [footnote only]: Teit 1917a: 439 (note 4).
The coast is the Plateau. Kutene [The partridge deceives the Hawk Husband with the Water Monster; says she is sick, cannot collect blueberries; gives them to the Monster herself; the husband comes ashore, kills lovers with arrows; from the body A partridge flies out of the partridge; the monster drinks the whole lake; the Hawk takes an arrow out of his body, water pours from there; people wait for the flood on the mountain]: Boas 1918, No. 66:219-225.
The Midwest. Ojibwa (Sault Ste. Marie, runoff from Upper to Huron) [Nanabozho called the young wolf his nephew; warned him not to go out on the ice; when he hunted, the underwater spirits broke the ice, drowned him; in the summer N. turned into a stump on the shore; the leader of the spirits Mishi Bizi (white puma) sends a horned snake, a yellow bear, a red bear to check if it is N.; they cannot pull out the stump, they answer that they are not N.; spirits in the guise of animals go ashore to bask, N. hits MB with an arrow, spirits hide in the lake; N. meets MB's grandmother Frog going to heal him; not recognized by her; learns from her that spirits are gathering fill it with stones; hides, rockfalls do not harm him; since then, there have been rubble of stones on the ground; spirits send winter (the origin of winter), N. hunts on skis; The frog replies that now the spirits will send the flood; N. finds out how she camlates with a rattle, kills her, pulls her skin over herself, at the entrance to the cave, MB tells two frog guards that she looked like N. because she cried; finishes off MB, driving an arrow into his heart, runs away; escapes from the water on a pine tree, it grows, cannot go further; N. tells the Heron to drink water, she drinks part; N. sends Beaver to dive, then the Otter, both come dead, N. revives them; Muskrat is But there is earth in its paws; N. blows on it, throws it into the water, a new land appears; the Heron lies with a swollen stomach, N. kicks it in the stomach, the water pours out]: Kidder 1994:25-29; potauatomi [Loon - a chief named White Wampum; his brother Red-necked Toadstool is nobody, married to an old woman; comes to another village, meets two women, says he is BV, takes them as his wife; on the way they ask to kill an elk, he replies that this is one of his horses; at home he calls his old wife grandmother; in the evening he is invited to dance with a real BV; wives leave decks with ants in bed, come to BV; the toadstool is bitten by ants; kills a sleeping BV with hot stones in his mouth; hides blood in his mouth, simulates suicide; says that he will survive if his daughters-in-law come to him; they swim in a boat, he knocks it over, that's it they go down; he comes up, screams that he killed BV; people ask the Frog to drink the lake; The toadstool kicks her first, then pierces her stomach; now the toadstool has two wives]: Skinner 1924:361-363.
Northeast. Hurons [husband throws his pregnant wife to the ground; Loons pick her up in the air, put her on the Turtle's back; she tells animals to dive; Beaver, Muskrat, Dive cannot reach the bottom, some they pop up dead; when the Toad pops up, the Turtle finds some clay in her mouth, gives the woman, who puts clay on the Turtle's shell, the earth grows, the Turtle has been supporting the ground ever since; the twins in The woman's womb is arguing how to be born; the good Tijuskeha (Ioskeha of French sources; "good", "savior") is born normally, the evil Tawiskarong ("flint") comes out of the mother's side, killing her; she is buried; a pumpkin has grown from her head, corn from her breasts, beans and other cultivated plants from her arms and legs; makes snakes, predators, huge mosquitoes, a huge toad that has drunk all the water on the ground; good makes harmless and useful animals; the partridge flies to Taviskarong in search of water; Tijuskeha follows her, rips the Toad's belly, the water pours out; he reduces evil creatures in size; the kind says that he can only be killed with a bag of corn and beans; evil - that he can only be killed with a deer horn; the first to hit the evil, but the good comes to life, kills the evil with the horn; he goes west, becomes the master of the dead ; the good wanted rivers to flow in both directions, the evil one demanded that only one way]: Hale 1888:180-183; mikmaq: Leland 1968 [the giant blocks the river with a dam; the man asks for water, gets only a drop; Gluscap pierces the giant's belly with a spear, from there water pours; the giant turns into a bull frog with wrinkled skin, living in the same village as him - leeches, crabs, fish and other aquatic creatures]: 114-119; Parsons 1925, No. 1 [husband's father comes to his daughter-in-law, pierces her heart with a burning chip, rips open her stomach, throws her insides into the river, carries her body away, eats her body; her six-year-old the son lures him ashore in his guts; he returns to the river if he sees his father; the father catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother says that the father told his grandfather to kill their mother; they burn father in the house; found in the guts pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, let his grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax; brothers kill the Ox Frog, swallowing all the water; water pours out of his belly; brothers go north, withstand the cold sent by Ice and the North; come back; turn into stones]: 56-59; penobscot [bull frog swallows all the water; Gluskabe breaks her spine with an ax, knocks a birch tree on it, killing it; the Penobscot River flows out of the monster, the branches of the birch tree turn into its tributaries; thirsty people throw themselves into the water, turn into fish, turtles, frogs; only a few remain human]: Speck 1935b, No. 7:42-43.
Plains. Omaha, Ponka [The turtle goes to war; comrades the Red-breasted Turtle, Squirrel, Terochnik, Crest, Shiloh, Pest, Smut, Bison Bubble; rejects Puma, Wolf; on the way Bubble breaks, Red-breasted turtle cannot climb over a log; a woman picks up Terochnik, Crest, Shiloh, Pest; injures herself trying to use them for their intended purpose; The turtle is captured; says who will cut it, cook it, burn it themselves; pretends to be afraid of water, thrown into the river, turns out to be alive; the Snake and the Otter dive after it, the Turtle bites the Otter; two birds drink water, the Squirrel their goiters bite through them, the water fills the river again; the Turtle and his comrades come home triumphantly]: Dorsey 1890:271-277; from [The Biting Turtle reluctantly agrees to go camping with the Spotted Turtle; they reject the Hare, take the Skunk, the Squirrel, the Mortar, the Crest; when they approach the enemy camp, the Stupka asks to leave it in the bush, the Comb closer to their homes; they immediately grab the Spotted Turtle, want to throw it in fire; she asks to be allowed to sing first; says that the fire will spread throughout the camp; if boiled, it will fill the whole camp with boiling water; pretends to be afraid of being drowned in the pond; she is thrown three times not far away, she laughs; when she's far away, people think the turtle has dropped; she screams that the water is her home; the chief tells Big Belly to drink water; the turtle asks Squirrel for help; she shoots from a tree, water pours back from the hole in the monster's stomach; the Skunk, hiding in the bushes, stunned the woman with the stench, took off her scalp; the girl picked up the comb, he took the hair off her and her father's head, she threw it away; The squirrel screams that the Comb had taken the scalp; the girl tried to pick up the Mortar with a pestle in it; the pestle stuck, she pulled, the mortar hit her forehead; the squirrel shouted that Mortar had scalped; hiding at the bottom , The Biting Turtle almost drowned the boy's leg; the Squirrel offered to return home; The elk doubts that such slow-walkers could get scalps; the Spotted Turtle invites him to race; The turtle arranges the other turtles when the Elk comes to the finish line, the Turtle is already sitting there]: Curtis 1976 (19): 164-166.
Southeast USA. Shawnee [1) oriental shawns: Our Grandmother's grandson pierces Big Man's belly with a knife; water flows out from there, floods the ground; grandson and Grandmother flee in a tree; Grandma sends the Shrimp, that brings silt from the bottom; Grandma makes new land; sends Vulture to fly and dry the earth with flaps of wings; 2) shony absinthe: the same, but the grandson violates Grandma's ban on going west; pierces the Monstrous's belly Pisces; Grandma and grandson escape in a boat]: Voegelin 1936:9-10.
California. Pomo [see motive C11; after a global fire, Coyote descends back from the sky; eats grilled meat, wants to drink; drinks seawater]: Barrett 1906 [drinks seawater; creator Kuksu's bathhouse attendant steps on his stomach; Coyote bursts; rivers and lakes emerge from drinking water]: 40-41; 1933, No. 15/2-3 [as in 1906], 16/2 [The frog sits at the spring, does not give water; then the Coyote drinks seawater, which It was fresh; it spewed up what he had drunk, created rivers and lakes. Clear], 17/3 [The old frog hides the water under the basket; the Coyote cleans the basket, drinks all the water; the girl pokes him under the rib with a stick, he regurgitates the water, creates a lake. Clear; regurgitates eaten snakes, turning them into different types of fish; creates streams], 18/3-4 [The Frog and the Salamander make baskets, do not give the Coyote water; he drinks sea water, lies down; Kuks pierces his stomach is awl; water pours out to form a lake. Clear], 19/2-3 [The frog does not give the Coyote water; both of his sons die; he drinks somewhere in the Great Valley; pierces his stomach with an awl, the spilled water forms a lake. Clear; all the fish that people now catch comes out with the water], 21 [Frog and Triton don't give Coyote water; he drinks seawater, go to bed; Kuks pierces his stomach with an awl; the water pours out, forming a lake Clear], 22 [The frog owns water; the Coyote drinks it all, he feels bad; the frog comes to heal him, rips open his swollen belly with a knife; the water pours out to form a lake. Clear]: 96-100, 110-111, 116-117, 119-121, 121-122, 124-125, 125-126; yuki (huchnom) [only grasshoppers remained after the drought and fire; the Coyote and his two sons ate them; but the water remained only in Clear Lake; on the way to it, first one son, then the other, died of thirst, Coyote built stone structures over them {something like about}; Coyote drank the whole lake and fell asleep; someone came up and pricked him with a spear; the spilled water filled the lake again, and the grasshoppers eaten became fish]: Powell 1877:144-145.
NW Mexico. Varigio [The turtle offers Coyote to drive deer at her, she will shoot; misses; only the Coyote catches the deer; decide to cook meat, go to drink before that, the Turtle immediately comes back, asks aura {Vulture?} pick meat on the palm tree and then it; thorns poke thorns in the head; the Coyote's children come across them; the Coyote lies under a palm tree, the Turtle drops a piece of meat on him, he asks God to throw more; Seeing the Turtle, the Coyote cuts a palm tree, the Turtle asks Aura to move the meat to the top of the mountain; despite the warning, he opens his eyes, falls; answers Coyote that trying to eat it, break it, he will break it teeth, a knife, an ax, will break a stone; pretends to cry when he offers to drown her; laughs when she gets into the pond; Coyote asks ducks and herons to grab her, she swims to a nearby pond; two frogs drink almost all the water, but the hummingbirds pierce their bellies, the water pours out]: Relatos Guarijíos 1995:33-39
Chaco. Maca [people asked Tipa to drink water from the lake to collect fish from the bottom; when they descended to the dry bottom, Tipu was bitten by an ant, the water spilled out {it's not clear whether he regurgitated the wound or he regurgitated it}, forming rivers that carried people and fish; T. ate fish caught by humans]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 25:88; toba-pilaga [The fox and the bird Čelmót collect honey; C. witches, the Fox falls from wood, attacks a sharp stick, dies; it began to rain, the Fox got wet, came to life; went to the lake, jumped into it, and the lake was dry, he died; a man came, saw a dry lake, a dead Fox and a Frog; pierced the Frog's belly with a thorn, the water poured out, filled the lakes, the Fox came to life]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 123-124:242-243.