B106. Sky Rooster.. 14.15.28.-.32.
First the heavenly rooster sings, only then the earthly rooster sings.
Western Asian Arabs (written sources), Spaniards, Poles, Ukrainians (Hutsuls), Armenians, Persians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Udmurts.
Western Asia. Arabic classical tradition (13th and 14th centuries) [the heavenly rooster motif at Qazwini, Damiri, and Al-Kisai; in Bei Huart, Livre de la Création d'Abou-Zéïd, p. 11: "Ibn Ishag describes the Prophet's words: God's throne has a rooster, his spurs under the seventh the ground, the crest under God's throne, the wings from horizon to horizon; when the last third of the night falls, it flaps its wings and shouts glory to the Lord; after that, all the roosters from east to west too begin to sing"]: 373; Donaldson 1938 [the huge rooster is under God's throne; its wings stretch from east to west; in the morning he claps them and screams, Thank God, Glory to the holy king; After that, roosters on the ground also start flapping their wings and shouting praise to God]: Dähnhardt 2010:373.
Southern Europe. Spaniards: Dähnhardt 2010 (Moriski) [According to legend, Mohammed describes his journey to heaven; God's throne has four angels, one with the face of a rooster; he announces a time of prayer; when begins to praise God, shouts, "Glorify the Lord, oh you ungrateful!" ; roosters on the ground hear it and start singing it; also from Islamic authors (see Iran below)]: 372; cf. chol {the motive is undoubtedly Spanish} [the rooster father screams first in the sky in the morning, and then the roosters on the ground start singing]: Hopkins, Josserand 2016:60.
Central Europe. Poles (Kelec Voivodeship) [the sky opens at midnight when the rooster of paradise sings and fiery sparks fall from its golden feathers; awakened by sparks and his voice, roosters begin to sing on earth, asking each other - are you in paradise? If a rooster lays an egg, the Antichrist will hatch]: Dähnhardt 2010, No. 9:372; Belova 2004, No. 207:122; Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [a rooster lives in the sea that starts screaming after midnight; after that roosters on earth are also starting to sing]: Dähnhardt 2010, No. 10:372
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [first the heavenly rooster sings, then the angels begin their chants, and when they hear them, the roosters on the ground start screaming]: Abeghyan 2012 ("The Morning Star and the house rooster").
Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the huge rooster is under the throne of God; its wings stretch from east to west; in the morning he claps them and screams, Thank God, Glory to the Holy King; then the roosters on they also start flapping their wings and shouting praise to God]: Donaldson 1938:162.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the biggest rooster sings first, one leg of which rests against the clouds and the other against the ground; then all the other roosters sing]: Kerbelite 2001:522; Estonians []: (remember source)?
Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [there are people like us in the center of the earth, but as tall as children; there are also roosters - kilchin atas; when kilchin atas sings, then our roosters; giants live in the sky]: Vladykin 1994: 75.