Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B108. The remains of the deceased turn into snow.. 29.31.


anthropomorphic character broken into pieces turns into snow.

Lezgins, Tabasarans, Lithuanians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lezgins [{cf. Mordovians}; an angel in a dream tells the poor man that he should send one of his three daughters to heaven as a shepherd; only the youngest agrees; dressed in men's clothes, the wind lifted her up with a dog to the sky from the top of the mountain; father and son have sheep in the sky; the father says that a guy has come, the son suspects that the girl; she withstands all the tests (hit the target, the dog changed her duties at night under the mistress of violets - violets will wither under the woman, but not under the man); seven years later she was released; from the sky the young man saw that she was still a girl; on the holiday everyone swung on a swing, the dog did not let her in the girl, but she sat on them, the swing took her back to heaven; she had to marry; her mother-in-law did not give her keys; fell asleep, the girl took the keys, began to open the rooms; in one jug in which the moon, sun, rain, wind; she took off the lid, saw the ground where mother and father jumped into this jug; flew and turned into sunlight; the boy jumped into a jug of snow out of grief, turned into a jug of snow, turned into snowflakes]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 20:235-237 (=Khalidova 2012, No. 10:37-39); Tabasarans [the father confesses to his daughter that Galigambar ("a formidable giant", but the name Kambar goes back to the name of Ali's servant in Shia tradition, p. 225) calls him to heaven for 7 days to herd sheep; his daughter goes instead of him, wearing men's clothes and taking a talking dog; 7 days in heaven - 7 months; the dog helps the girl stay unrecognized, eavesdropping and telling her what celestials are talking about; the girl walks into one house; the owner shows her all but one of the rooms; she steals keys, unlocks the room; there are vessels in one rain falling to the ground, snow in the other, in the third sun; in the seventh she sees parents harvesting crops in the field; she called out to them, but they warn her not to go down; she begins to go down the chain ( or rope), but the chain broke, the girl turned into snow crystals; when the snow shines in the sun, these are the body particles of a girl who fell from the sky]: Khalidova 2012, No. 9:35.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 93 [9 brothers have left, Elyana's sister is at home, she has a coachman bunny; laume calls to swim: there is a wine well in the middle of the river, at the edge of silk; bunny: a blood well and algae; laume consistently comes out, tears off the bunny's leg, then his head; turns himself into a flea, E. into a louse: whoever comes out of the water faster will put on clothes; a flea is faster than a lice; laume takes the place of E., and that he grazes the horse and sings: laume is sitting at the table, and E. herds the horse; the brothers heard it, returned his sister; they smeared the horse's stomach with resin, glued the lauma, the horse smashed it to shreds; when the snow shines in the sun, it laume fat glitters], 94 [when going to war, 9 brothers tell their mother to hang out an ax if a son is born (then they will not stop by), a spinning wheel if her daughter (then they arrive); laume ragana replaced the spinning wheel with an ax; the sister grew up, went to her brothers; laume ragana followed her in a trough drawn by a pig; persuaded the girl to get off and wash her face, drove off in her wagon, wearing her clothes; the brothers mistook her for her sister, and sister they sent her horses to herd; she sings about what happened, her older brother understood; her sister was returned, the laume-ragana was tied to a harrow and the horse was released; the gleam of snow in the winter in the sun is her scattered bones]: 208-210, 210-213; Lebite 1965:84-90 [Sigute's brother went to war; her stepmother gives her a bundle of tow, tells her to hide, sew a shirt; a black cow swallows a tow, spits out a shirt; stepmother's daughter spies, stepmother decides to burn S., otherwise brother S. will return, take revenge; fills the hole under the threshold with hot coals, sprinkles it with earth; the black dog warns S. every time not to go there; the stepmother breaks Every day she has a paw, then pulls out her tongue; on the sixth day, S. failed, burned down; the cow licked the ashes, the duck flew out, told his returning brother about the incident; he smeared his horse with tar, told his stepmother to push him, she stuck with her hands, legs, and head; his brother tells the horse to scatter her stepmother's bones across the field; snow is her bones turn white], 111-114 [the orphan boy inherited horses, bulls, dogs; after feeding them, he sleds down the mountain, sings a song; limes make a big sleigh, also ride and sing; make a bag, catch a boy with a sled, bring him home to fry; boy cut the bag with a knife, put the sleeping lime in his place; it was fried; the boy runs, climbs a tree, the limes begin to cut it; the fox offers to sharpen the axes, blunts them; limes gnaw the trunk with their teeth; the boy calls his animals; horses, bulls, dogs come running, tearing lime, pushing it into powder; since then, the snow has been sparkling in the sun - it shines lime fat].