Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B109A. A bear from the sky.. 34.35.

Originally, a (human-) bear lived in the sky, then descended to earth (and became a bear).

Mongols, Northern Khanty, Mansi.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols {group not specified} [the bear is the son of Heaven, who descended to earth against his father's will; for disobedience, his father left him on earth and covered his body with hair forever; he did not become an animal the whole body: it has some human meat that you can't eat - it's cut out and not eaten]: Erdenebold 2012:65.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty: Karjalainen 1996 {place of recording not specified} [Num-Torum's son violates his father's ban on leaving the palace; frightens horses, the horse's hoof pierces a hole, he sees through hole in the ground; wants to go down to eat fruits and berries; N. lowers him into the cradle at the end of the chain; tells him not to eat corpses and human supplies, tear only guilty people; son descends, becomes a bear]: 11-12; Senkevich-Gudkov 1949 [according to Kazim ideas, the bear was the son of Torym, who lowered him to the ground in an iron cradle; for the fact that the bear began to eat people without the permission of his father Torum, T. and allowed the Khanty to hunt bears]: 158; 1980 (written in 1938 by the author and I.S. Gudkov in the Kazim district near the northern Khanty) [(in the first person); the great god our father lowered me to the lower land; (described below the beauty of the earth; it is said how a hunter killed him, a bear holiday is described)]: 250-254; Mansi: Lukina 1999 (Severnaya Sosva), No. 116 (song on behalf of a bear) [the bear is the daughter of the Upper Spirit; he raised her in a house, in a fur nest; when she went hunting, he forbid her to go outside; she went out, saw horses in the pen, wanted to play with them; the horses chased her, she fell into a hole, saw the ground through the hole , she liked her; the Upper Spirit, after a long request, forged a golden cradle, lowered her daughter to the ground; ordered not to touch people's labazas, she did not listen; she arranged a den for the winter; her son of the City Prince found her; people killed her, had a party], 117 (a song on behalf of a bear) [the bear is the son of a poor woman Mos; she asks him not to go to the far end of the village; the son went and began to play with the children; children They run away when he has claws, fangs, and bear skin; he leaves his mother and goes to the forest]: 301-307, 307-311; (cf. Munk√°csi 1995 [(narrated on behalf of a woman descended from heaven); in the sky, going to inspect the traps, the Supernatural Sky hunter tells the daughter of the Huge Beast not to leave the house; she goes out chases a moose, falls with one leg, sees the ground through the hole that has formed, she likes it; the same the next day; she asks her father to let it down; seven years and in winter, the father lowers it in silver cradles; she is hungry on earth; she asks Wolverine, Raven, Squirrel to leave her food]: 124-131).