B111. Bees are from the animal's body. (.28.) .30.
Bees or wasps fly out of the corpse or body of a large animal (lion, bull) (usually the episode explains the origin of bees).
Maragoli, Guro, Old Testament, Baiga, Ancient Greece, (Russians), Persians (A. Biruni).
Bantu-speaking Africa. Maragoli [the peasant plowed the plot and burned the uprooted grass; a bird flew in: who plowed my father's field, let it be as before; the field was overgrown again; the peasant sacrificed a sheep for his ancestors, but it did not help: every time the field overgrows; then he began to guard and grabbed the bird; it asked it not to kill: she would give it uvudugi (something edible and sweet) instead of excrement; soon all the pots in the house are full of uvudugi; one day the adults left, telling the girl to remove the manure; she called the other children, promising to feed them something extraordinary; she took the bird and began to crush it; everyone was full; the bird flew away; the brother went in search; helped the old woman collect firewood; she brought it home, began to hide it from her 8 daughters; when he became a strong boy, he showed that he began to herd cattle; he drove them to himself home; asked the river to part; when the best animals crossed, he closed the waters so that the sick and thin would drown; the bird reported this to the old woman and her people; they ran to the river: how did they cross? the guy told the waters to part, and when the pursuers went on a dry bottom, the waters closed and the pursuers drowned; then towards the old man: where are you driving my cattle: the guy tells the "wasps of his father" to attack old man; the bull roared, wasps flew out of him and bit the old man to death; the sister heard her brother's voice from afar, but the mother did not believe her and killed her with a stick, and then saw her son herself; the brother told the animals step over my sister's body and she came to life]: Kavaji 2005, No. 4:202-207.
West Africa. Guro [the wild bull killed all the hunters; the young man who went to that village to visit his sister failed him; and when he cut the carcass, bees flew out of it and attacked it (the origin of the bees); the villagers gave the young man a lot of gifts]: Tououi Bi 2014:111-115.
Western Asia. Old Testament [when Samson and his parents came to the vineyards of Fimnaf, a young lion came to him, but S. killed him with his bare hands; a few days later he went to see the corpse and flew out a swarm of bees; S. took honey, but said where it came from; marrying a Philistine woman, S. at a feast offered to guess the riddle: the eater came out of the poisonous and the strong came out of the sweet; if you guess, he would give 30 changes clothes and 30 shirts, and if they don't guess, the audience will give it to him; the Philistines asked S.'s wife to find out the clue and finally tell her; having received the right answer, S. killed in Ascalone 30 men, took their clothes, gave them to the guessers, but left his wife for their parents, and she married his friend who was at the feast]: Court. 14.8 (5-20).
South Asia. Baiga [bees were born from a bull's ear; they sat on food intended for the great Dewar; and it had poison; D.: now the poison will be in your teeth; for bothering me, you will be, all 700 thousands together, live in the same house; and you will feed on your own children, and the rest will survive]: Elwin 1939, no. iii: 482.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Gunda 1979:398 [Nikander, 741-742 {200 BC, Colophon}: Wasps emerged from a sliced horse corpse and bees from a bull (Rinderkadaver)], 399 [Ovid, Metamorphoses: Aristeus began to lament that his bees had died; Proteus told him to bury the bull's carcass, bees came out of it; hornets flew out of the buried corpse of a warhorse, and scorpions crawled out of the crab; Plutarch (Plut., Cleon., 60, 39): bees arise from the rotting of a bull's corpse, hornets come out of a horse, drones beetles; Servius (commentator Virgil, 390 AD): bees emerge from the corpse of a bull, horses - drones, a horse - hornets, a donkey - wasps].
(Wed. Central Europe. {I.P. Sakharov is considered an unreliable source. In the absence of parallels on Slavic material, it is better not to take into account} Russians (north-central provinces, possibly Tula or Tver provinces) [Healers believe that all bees originally swarmed from a horse worn by the Water Grandfather and thrown into the swamp. When the fishermen lowered the seine into this swamp, they pulled out a hive with bees instead of fish. Bees all over the world have bred from this hive]: Sakharov 1836:49).
Iran - Central Asia. Persians ["The emergence of... bees from cow meat and horse meat is known among nature scientists"]: Biruni 1957:244.