Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B119. The magical wife's husband turns into a rooster.. 21.26.38.

A woman of an inhuman nature agrees to live with a man, but leaves him after learning about his real or imaginary infidelity.

Mishmi, Koreans, Orochi.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mishmi (taraon) [people were clearing the forest on the site; the Star Girl flew in; the young man cut off her wings, hid them in the drum; he began to beat him with joy, the drum burst, the Star grabbed her wings flew back; Chin offered to follow her into the sky, made a ladder, climbed up; the star lowered a thin rope, Chin grabbed it, she broke off, he fell, became a rooster; the young man made him a scallop from a flower, leaf wings]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:350.

China - Korea. Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 205 [(=ZÄ…ng 1952, No. 11:21-25); the lumberjack saved the deer from the hunter; he indicated the place where the heavenly maidens bathe; the lumberjack hid the clothes alone, got married; the rest of the fairies returned to heaven on the rainbow; the deer warned the logger not to give clothes to his wife until she gave birth to four children; the husband gave it after the birth of the third; the wife and the children flew away; the husband on a pumpkin gorlyanka for her sky; after living with his wife, he wanted to visit his mother; the wife gave a dragon horse, told him not to get off him; the husband spilled porridge on his back, the horse was frightened, flew away; the husband died of grief, turned into a rooster; var.: not return before the birth of a third child; in heaven, his wife's parents give difficult tasks; he did not complete the last one - to descend on a dragon horse]: 62-63; Cho 2001, No. 81 [=Pack 1991:42-46; the lumberjack saved the deer from hunter; he indicated the place where heavenly maidens descend from the sky on the rainbow and bathe; the lumberjack hid his clothes alone, got married; the deer warned not to give up clothes until his wife had four children; the husband gave after the birth of the third; the wife and the children flew away; the deer says that now the fairies do not go down to the pond, but collect water with a bucket on a rope; advises you to sit in a bucket, he will be taken to heaven; after living with his wife, wanted to visit his mother; the wife gave a winged horse, told him not to get off him; the husband spilled the soup served by his mother on his back, the horse rushed, threw off the rider, flew away; the husband died of grief, turned into a rooster, until still screaming, calling his wife and children]: 127-130.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi (the text was published in a collection of Oroch folklore; the authors (note on p. 150) believe that this is a borrowed fairy tale, probably of Manchu origin, although the motives of swan girls and hidden clothes "are originally inherent in Oroch folklore"; however, the Orochi did not keep poultry, so the rooster motif was undoubtedly borrowed; since the source is Manchu or Korean - it is impossible to determine, the text is still recorded by us as Oroch) [the ox tells the owner to go to the sea, 12 swans will arrive, take off their clothes, become girls; we must hide the youngest's plumage; she slammed in hands, created a rich house, fed her, put her to sleep; he woke up - neither home nor girl; the ox reproaches that the young man did not make her a wife; you need to sow two sunflower seeds, they will grow to the sky; you have to climb him; the stars are the roots of the trees in the upper world; the ox also tells him to get into one ear, get out of the other, the young man has become well done and handsome; the young man hit his head against the sky, it parted, he saw houses , in one of them she is beautiful; her father gives difficult tasks, the girl helps to solve; 1) recognize the bride among three chickens (she will raise her wing, there is a white feather); 2) recognize among 12 girls with curtains faces in identical dresses (the bride sticks a needle to her clothes); 3) find and bring three arrows fired in different directions; the bride tells you to choose a frozen skate, he has wool in the opposite direction; gives a bottle of medicine to heal wounds; the first arrow in the side of the sturgeon; the young man took the arrow, cured the sturgeon; the second was brought by the mice to their queen; ate the young man's horse; the mouse returned the arrow and revived the horse; the young man helped more to a weak army; after the victory, he found out that the princess in their city was wounded by an arrow; took out an arrow, put medicine, the princess recovered; the young man returned to his bride, her father gave it to him; one day the man decided visit the ground; his wife warned him not to eat chicken; he was greeted, given cock meat; he ate it and became a rooster, so the rooster greets the morning dawn]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82:133-135.