Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B11B. A drowned mammoth. (.34.-.36.)

At the beginning of time or during a flood, a mammoth drowned or fell into the ground and has not been on earth since then.

Khakas, tundra Nenets, Dolgans, northwestern Yakuts (Olenyok), Evens.

Southern Siberia. Khakas (Kachins and Sagais) [before the current generation, the people began to do bad things, the land became dirty; Khudai decided to destroy people with a flood; ordered one person to build a raft and gather a couple of animals and birds, plant seeds; Khan Kirede said that she would survive 40 days in flight, and the mammoth would swim for 40 days; when it rained, the tired birds sat on Khan's back kirede, and the animals were on the mammoth's back; on the 40th day, Khan Kirede was tired and sat on a mammoth, both drowned; the raft caught on the top of the mountain; the birds were looking for land, did not find it; the raven found, brought a chip; the water came down, the birds and the animals dispersed, the seeds sprouted]: Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 3:81-83, 324-325 (comm.).

Western Siberia. The Nenets (Turukhansky Krai) [seven people escaped from the flood in a boat; were lifted under the sky by water, so they could not stand up, bent under the sky; asked the loon to find land; she dived, a few days later she took out some land with sand and grass; throwing it on the water, people asked Nua to arrange land for them; the water began to decline and disappeared altogether; one woman sucked her own breasts, died from this; the other drank her urine, survived; people guessed to dig a hole, found water; they began to starve, a boy and a girl remained; they were fed up with mice; the mammoth turned mountains and ravines, Lakes and rivers formed; Nua became angry, the mammoth drowned, now lives underground; one man made a bow out of wood, the other made an arrow out of a mammoth bone, killed a deer; removed the skin with a mammoth bone knife] : Tretyakov 1871:201-202.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgani [the mammoth agreed with the man that he would walk on the ground for three years before going down to the lower world; rivers formed where he passed, lakes where he lay down]: Popov 1937:85; northern Yakuts reindeer herders (Oleneksky Nasleg) [the rivers were trampled by selia (mammoths) created by Allaraa-Ogonyor; they could trample the entire land, but Ayy-Toyon destroyed them or sent them to lower world]: Gurvich 1977:199-200; Evens [Havki first threw giants into the deserted land; seeing that they had nothing to eat, he threw off mammoths (kyami, plural kamil); under the weight of giants and mammoths the earth caved, lakes and rivers formed; to prevent the earth from collapsing, H. turned the giants into rocks and sent mammoths underground]: Robbeck 2005:214-215.