Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B120. Winter hibernation of soplivtsy. .28.33.34. (.35.) .36.39.

There are creatures that sleep in the winter and have frozen snot hanging from their noses. (The motive is highlighted by Evgenia Korovina).

Russian written tradition, Kyrgyz, Tojan Tuvans, (Kets), Western Evenks, Central Yakuts, Russkoe Ustye.

Central Europe. Russian written tradition ("The Tale of the Unknown Man in an Eastern Country and the Language of the Different", late 15th - early 16th centuries) [In the same country, those people are followed by inaa samoyed: like other h (e) l (ov), but winter dies by two m (e) s (i) tsa. Taco dies: how does he find him in that m (e) s (i), that toto sit down, and oh his nose will remove water, like from a stream of snot, let him freeze to the ground. And whoever h (e) l (ove) to other lands with blind vision will reflect oh to him, and snoops, and he dies, he will no longer come to life. If she doesn't swell, she will come to life. And he learns and says: what are you talking about, drone, by /l. 75ob./ mutilated? And others come to life, as it turns from (o) lntse to summer. Tacos come to life and die every year]: Pliguzov 2001:.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [animals lie in a den at the beginning of winter, biting magic grass; these are a bear, badger, hedgehog, turtle, snake, etc.; one Kyrgyz from the Chuy Valley had a Kazakh friend; on a winter day The Kyrgyz went to him; his house was covered with snow, the cattle were grazing in the forest; everyone in the house was dead, saliva had flowed from his mouths, snot from his noses, tears from his eyes, pus had accumulated in the corners of his eyes; one of the little ones the Kazakh daughters were a favorite of a Kyrgyz, he found it, cleaned it, noticed the grass in his mouth, removed it and threw it away, did not touch the rest of the lying people, went home; came again in the spring; two friends started talking; Kyrgyz told the Kazakh how he visited him in winter and what he saw; the Kazakh replied that he had taken the grass out of the girl's mouth in vain, because of this she died, and the others were alive; explained that every winter they bite everything magic grass and fall asleep until spring like in a den; the Kyrgyz, saddened, told the Kazakh that he should have warned him in advance]: Narynbayeva 2017:44-45.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans - Todzhins (Mongolian, Kungurtug, SE Tuva) [Kizhi-ah ("beast man", "badakhshans") live in the mountainous taiga; one meter tall, covered with light brown hair; once reindeer herders they built a pen; in the morning no deer or pen, each tree is attached to its own stump; when people leave an immense horse on the arcana for the night, the Badakhshans ride it around the stake all night; in the morning the horse is covered sweat and tired; if the deer antlers are crooked at random, then the Badakhshans ride them; previously, residents of the highlands drove children into the room for the night, otherwise they could be taken away by the badakhshans; if left in reindeer milk in a bucket, and milk is drunk in the morning and a flower is laid - good; if the Badakhshans drink milk and leave a handful of earth, they must immediately migrate to another camp; the badakhshans fall into blue hibernation , sleep standing up, snot flows down to the ground; snow leopards ate them while they were sleeping, so now there are few badakhshans]: https://sharanur.blogspot.com/2014/07/tu-ru.html.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Kety [in autumn, Bulus, the daughter of old man Iris, went to buy berries and disappeared; the following summer, a woolly woman approached the plague; old people ask where B. spent the winter; she replies that she was taken away by the kaigus; we spent the winter in the den; we spent a month - like one day has passed for us; we went outside in the summer; if her parents don't let her go, she'll die anyway, and she'll come back again next summer; and they always have food will be]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 65:139-140).

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Idukon River, between Upper Podkamennaya Tunguska and Angara, 1926) [One guy was looking for a squirrel, found someone's snow-covered plague. Snow dug up, climbed into the plague - people are sitting. They themselves were frozen, and snot was slowly oozing out of their nostrils. The snot fell to my knees and froze. A lot of snot was frozen in front of each person. The guy asked people not to move. When we got the fire, they thawed, started to move little by little. We saw fire and were scared. The old man says: Man, we don't know fire, we melt from the sun and come to life only in spring. As long as it's warm, we live. In autumn we go into our plague, sit down and freeze. We'll freeze and sit until it's warm again. Why did you come to us? You've killed us. We're all going to die now. And no one else has seen these people since then. The old people said: they became streams - yuctas. The water in the yucts has been freezing since autumn and boils all winter long. Ice is snot. In spring they will melt and become kipuna rivers again]: Osharov 1936a: 52 and 1936b, No. 18:282; Central Yakuts (Tattinsky Ulus, 1908) [One Tungus migrated to the west. And he got to people. That's where he married his son. I came back the same summer. The father-in-law, when his son-in-law returned, said: "Son, don't visit us in winter, never come to us in winter." Hearing this, my son-in-law was surprised and thought, "Why don't they want me to come in winter; wait, I'm coming after all!" I started to wander near them. When winter came, without saying anything to his wife, he rode a deer (to his father-in-law). I saw that the snow was not trampled near the houses and was frightened. I flew into the house and saw that all the pets were sitting with their heads down and legs crossed, and the ice icicles from the nose froze to the floor with the lower end. The son-in-law broke an icicle that had frozen to his father-in-law's nose. The father-in-law fell on his back without saying a word. Frightened, the son-in-law jumped into the yard, jumped on his reindeer and returned back. When I arrived, I told my wife about how he had traveled. After listening to him, she cried and said, "That means you killed my father." These are how weird people used to be. They died in winter, when icicles fell down from their noses, but in spring, when the ice thawed, they resurrected]: Ergis 1960:114.

SV Asia. Russkoe Ustye ["Chandaly" is the oldest nation. They lived only in summer and fell asleep for the winter. During hibernation, snot flows, flows to the ground and freezes. Whoever breaks, that man dies. They are very light on their feet and had lots of deer. They began to mock them: they ripped off their skins and let them go alive. These deer began to take revenge on them: they came together in herds and ran away. The Chandals, unable to catch them, became extinct. The remaining buildings are called "chandals". There are still buildings]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986:217.