Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B13. Drawn riverbed.


The character intentionally or accidentally makes a riverbed, digging it up, tracing it on the ground, or spilling water as it goes (cf. B13A motif: water rushes in human footsteps in addition to his desire, he tries to run away from her).

Iran - Central Asia. Khorezm Uzbeks: Snesarev 1983:56 [a man owes a Jewish moneylender who demands a debtor's daughter; Ali sells himself into slavery to pay off his debt; the padishah promises to buy it if he will pacify the Amu Darya, kill the dragon that prevents the river from damming, polonite A., i.e. himself; A. moved the mountain, then held the branches of the river with five fingers; jumped into the dragon's mouth with a sword, cut its belly to the tail; offered to shackle himself, bring himself to the padishah (the end is cut off)], 172 [strongman Palvan-ata won the competition, asked the Hakan for land from the skin of a bull; cut the skin into straps, fenced off a large area with many people, he took him to Khorezm, drawing the channel of a new channel with his staff; the people who arrived with him formed the population of Khiva].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [Sartakpay and his Aduchi-Mergen are laying the channels of Altai rivers; A. first mistakenly led the Katun to the west; Woodpecker ordered his father to turn, for which S. taught him to knock on insects, allegedly, to the wedding of his son Karata-Kaan; S. is waiting for A., holding the Biy River with his finger, Teletskoye Lake was formed; in the light of lightning, S. began to build a bridge across the Katun, told his son go home but not sleep with his wife; they broke the ban, the bridge collapsed; A. and his wife turned into gray geese, S. threw a stone after them, it still lies]: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978:269-274.

Amur-Sakhalin. Wilta [Hadau rode a sledge, drove deer with a light pole; he slowed down the mountain with a pole, creating rivers; where the ground was hard, bends appeared, where he hit the ground - channels ]: Vasiliev 1929:21.

NW Coast. Tsimshian [the chief keeps all the water; the raven stains the sleeping chief with chewy bark that looks like excrement; the chief is ashamed, he allows the Raven to drink water; he fills his blanket with water, runs to the sea, water flows from the blanket; this is how the Ness River appears]: Boas 1902:25-27.

California. Kato [creator walks on the ground, dragging his leg, forming riverbeds]: Goddard 1909, No. 2:188; yuki [The creator creates a river by leading it from side to side, going upstream]: Kroeber 1932b: 918; mountain mivok [carrying a basket of acorns and other goods and a frame for carrying children, Tissaak goes home for many days; her husband Nangas, following her, wants to eat and drink , beats his wife; she runs, the path turns into a river, oaks grow out of crumbling acorns; T. drinks all the water, there is nothing left for N., he hits T. again; both, a basket and a frame for carrying children turning into mountains]: Godfrey 1977:32-33.

Llanos. Sicuani [the land is small, flat; it has two Ámakahiélabóto trees, Nákuabetuína and his wife Irratsap live on it &# 235; rto (Írratsapërto); N. and I. pour clay in baskets along the perimeter of the earth, expanding it; N. draws riverbeds with his finger; on the eighth day they create new land, the old one goes down; now those two trees support our land; the Jaguar Woman and the Hawk Man live there.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 22:112-114.

Guiana. The trio [see motif K32; poor old man Përëpëräwa caught fish, she became a Waraku woman, brought cultivated plants from her father; the Kaikë spirit woman ate her, took it appearance; P. understood the deception, killed K.; V.'s father covered all the water; P. turned into a frog to hear the voice of another frog (where the frog is water); Makitiri (the grandfather of waterfowl makitiri) found it; P. "dived" into imitation birds, but only fell; Father V. came to find out where his daughter was; tied P., dragged him with him; where he dragged through the mountains, river valleys formed, so all rivers were created; brought P. to the sky]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1:21

The Central Andes. Dep. Ayacucho [the demon Mancharu pursues the girl Chirapa (Rainbow); she follows from source to spring as if forming bridges between them; he turns into the Mantaro River, connecting the selva and mountains]: Menesis 1954:8-9 in Toro Montalvo 1990a: 345.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Mosethen [Dohitt created people out of clay; he climbed the stairs to the sky, closed it; invited his companion, the white condor Keri, to descend to earth; hammered the vault of heaven for a long time, made a hole, saw the ground; made a rope out of snot, climbed down, K. followed; the rope broke off, K. broke to pieces; D. threw his head into the river, it turned into a fish; D. asked fishermen everywhere fish, he was turned down, especially by women; he turned everyone into vultures, ants and other animals; elsewhere he asks people what they're doing; We paint tipoy; so three times, they angry; he turns them into red monkeys; shot one, made many monkeys out of wool, they ran in all directions; the same with people who painted black tipoy (black monkeys); the same, just tipoy, turned Penelope into birds; turned others into capuchins; asked another to climb a tree for an arrow, turned him into a squirrel; boy by arrow into a night monkey (Nyctipithecus); birds they gave him feathers, he flew, they pulled out feathers over the village, he fell on a tree, it grew tall; he descended on the back of a caterpillar, it fell in front of the ground, D. remained hanging on bamboo; Jaguar, a big cat refused, the little cat took it off; in the house, the shaman sat on a snake, went out, D. took his place; he pierced him with a stake, nailed him to the ground; first he moved, the ground shook, then the shaman drove him another stake into head, D. froze; D. gave the shaman a basket of water, it grew, the water filled the riverbeds that used to be dry; people turned into stones, the shaman remained; he led the water with him, creating Mamore, Beni; when thunders, D. tells the shaman to pour more water, it's raining]: Nordenskiöld 1924:140-141; chimane [Dohitt created the earth as a raft on the water; brought Kiri (the moon) to see - his brother's wife, whose name is Meech; made a vine out of snot, went down to the ground; K. climbed, the vine broke, she fell; returned to heaven the next day; D. sent Hummingbird and another bird to find out where the end of the earth was; that bird returned quickly, Hummingbird searched for a long time; D. marked the center of the earth with his footprint, but Hummingbird said that the center was in the mountains; then D. made a salt rock here, and a village - in the mountains (var.: La Paz); where D. walked, the Beni River formed there; the Inigua River turned; from the cry of an eagle, he was frightened, peed, and a lake formed; walking on the ground, he turned evil people into animals; chimane created from stone, carved the inhabitants of San Borja and others out of balsa; since then, people have spoken different languages; D. and M. come to women who live without men; they lock them in the house; M. digs a tunnel to the edge world; D. dies, women throw his wormy corpse into the river; he comes to life, turns them into frogs, their house into a rock; D. received feathers from birds, flew; feathers fell, he fell on a tree; the caterpillar lowered him; D. almost catches up with his brother; cuts a tree without noticing that M. is sitting on it; M. falls with his neck broken; D. puts his head to his ass; D. takes the eldest of his brother's two wives, she is pregnant; in Rio Pacena turned them into salt; asks people in the tree what they eat; they eat fruits, say their eggs; D. hit himself in the eggs with a stone, died; came to life, turned those people into monkeys; goes on, turned them other people into arachnids; in the same way created jaguars, agouti, wild pigs, birds, fish; jaguars ate almost all people; D. turned jaguars into battleships, bakers, anteaters, but one escaped, from him, the current ones; turned monstrous cannibal animals (huge duck, fish, snake, monkey, dog) into stone]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1:60-63.

Southern Amazon. Bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 25:59

Chaco. Ayoreo [drought; woman walks laying rivers]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 47, 48:83-84; Toba Pilaga [one water first; Lapichí (constellation responsible for maturation wild fruits) prevented, rubbed between and made it hard land; created the Paraguay River, carrying a stick on his shoulder - the water followed him; threw a bottle tree into the river, it turned into a (mythical) water tree Lek creature swallowing people; met Nowaikalachigí shot a big fish, the water rose; L. noticed N.'s wool, picked it up, rubbed it, it turned into mosquitoes; there's another world underground, there's another world there People and sky too - three skies; fire is burning, which is why the earth is like burnt brick; L. is watching this fire; there are no trees there, but houses are made of iron]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 78:113-114.