Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B13A. Water rushes after a person.



stream of water (with a predator in the water) follows the character who is trying to escape from it.

Fka, komba, keraki, gambadi, okanagon, ne perse, natchez, yokutz, chumash, northern shoshoni, mojave, yuma, paes, andoque, carijona, spike, juruna, kamayura, bakairi, calapalo, gaviones, chamacoco, chorote, nivakle, maka, matako, toba-pilaga, pilaga.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Aka [only Sambakoundé had water; people living elsewhere had to pay money for permission to drink; antelope, elephant, buffalo go away with nothing; blue duker (Philantomba monticola) drinks water, tramples the exit and runs away, the water flows after him; this is how all the rivers appeared; S. pursues him; the duker ran to the mountain, but the water does not lag behind, he drowned; since then, water has been everywhere]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 4:36-41.

(Wed. West Africa. Guro [a man has two wives; one's daughter is beautiful Donian, the other's daughter is a freak ("the daughter of a knee and a crooked leg"); she asks her mother to make her beautiful, but she can't do it; then her mother killed D.; a seiba grew up on her grave, under which all residents began to gather and remember D.; her mother cut down the seiba - all people began to come and sit on the gun; burned the gun; people began to use ash to chewing tobacco; mother and daughter began to pour water on the ash; water poured out of the ground and formed a river that carried away mother and daughter; rivers did not exist before; the freak daughter turned into a crocodile, the mother into hippopotamus, the vessels with which they filled ash - in river turtles]: Tououi Bi 2014:181-184).

Melanesia. Comba (SV N.Gv.) [The widow cut off her deceased husband's penis and scrotum, placed her in a fenced area, where a salty sea full of fish splashed; she feeds fish to her two sons; the youngest spies on her, the brothers shoot fish, while the mother was in the field; when they tried to pull out a very large fish, the dam collapsed, the stream followed the brothers wherever they ran; formed the sea]: Wagner 1963, No. 6:126-127; keraki [under the tree , under which the first fire was found (see motif D4A), Kambel saw an eel in the hole; a trickle of salt water flowed from his mouth; K. started shooting, only an arrow with a blunt, hard end pierced a hole in his head eel; water poured in from there; K. and his dog ran from the stream of water (var.: from the eel itself); the whole country was flooded to the south, the sea formed; in the north, K. stopped the water, marking the ground with a broom (var.: hitting an eel in the face); where K. ran, the Wassi Kussa River formed]: Williams 1969:305; gambadi [Gwam and his younger brother Muri heard a pulsating noise from the tree trunk; began to shoot arrows at the trunk; finally, G.'s arrows pierce a hole, from there water flows, forming a sea; G. escapes, fleeing north, M. disappears]: Williams 1969:306.

The coast is the Plateau. Okanagon [The coyote doesn't like the sound of dripping water, he kicks this place; the water chases him, he runs away; he drinks from streams, but his thirst increases; wants to swim in the water; this is how the Columbia River appeared]: Teit 1917c, No. 2a: 65-66; ne perse: Packard 1891 [A beaver steals fire from the Pines, runs; the Grande-Ronde River follows him and is therefore tortuous]: 328; Walker, Matthews 1994, No. 9 [The frog widow sat on at the source of the river, the water is gone; the Coyote comes, asks him to drink from the bucket; spies on where the Frog gets the water; pushes it, throws it into the stream; runs in front of him until he finds a raft, on which sails next]: 31-33; (cf. tillamook [South Wind makes two girls out of fish caviar; one tells them to row, the other to control his boat; the boat sails crooked; the riverbed has been winding ever since]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 38:143-144).

Southeast USA. Natchez [see motif K48; The rabbit is told to lead the water in a straight line; the water chases the Rabbit, he winds, leaves the water to flow winding; says the fields on the banks of the winding river are better]: Swanton 1929, No. 8:230-234.

California. Jokutz [Coyote steals fire, runs away; fire owners chase it; he winds, so rivers are winding]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 16:212; Stewart 1908 [a stream of water flows behind him]: 238; chumash [Coyote has sixteen sons; he eats all supplies alone, gets sick from overeating; sends sons one by one to announce his imminent death; the youngest declares him "loving"; Coyote satisfied; geese come to mourn him; Coyote says that this requires lowering their heads; hits them with a club; only half escape; Coyote eats all the meat alone again; his wife Frog closes water sources; Coyote goes up the gorge to look for water; Frog suddenly lets water out; Coyote draws a zigzag trying to escape (so Mission Creek winds) but is carried away by water into the sea; turns into laxux fish] : Blackburn 1975, No. 31:204-207.

Big Pool. Northern Shoshones [Mother Earth has a basket of fish; the Coyote overturns it; the water from the basket rushes after him, forming the Snake and Yellowstone rivers; rapids appear where he tried stop the stream]: Clark 1966:175-177.

The Great Southwest. Mojave: Kroeber 1948, No. 7 [the hero plunges a stick into the ground; the Colorado River flows out of the hole; he runs ahead, showing her the way]: 54; 1972, No. 9 [to wash away ashes and bones after burning the first The deceased, Matambo created wind and hail, but that was not enough; then he plunged his staff into the ground, took it out, the water poured; he directed it south, sailed in a boat, leaned to the right and left, so the Colorado River has different widths; holding people in his arms, M. walks on the water, there is an island left, everyone is squeezing on it; M. stepped in four directions, the earth grew; when he made holes in it with a stick, he poured out of the hole the flood; M. dried it, two ants scraped it, helped the waters come off, they are still building nests on sticks in the water], 16F [as No. 7; also the flood, the sea]: 8-9, 88-89; yuma [The rattlesnake bit a man, in the sea began to grow, his body circled the whole earth; Kumastamxo sent a Spider for the Serpent to ask him to cure a man; in fact, there is a dummy in the house; the Serpent put four heads into his house, K. them at once cut off; the serpent's blood became gold, saliva became silver, and his urine was the sea, so it was salty; K. makes a hole in the ground, draws the Colorado riverbed with a spear]: Harrington 1908:340-342.

The Northern Andes. Paez [Chauté was thirsty, there was no water, found a swamp in the mountains, got drunk through a cane, got up, ran, the water followed him; C. climbed the tree, the water formed a lake around him; C. tears, ran again, to confuse his tracks, he ran in a zigzag, so the Paez River winds; ran to the large Magdalena River, fell into it, so Paez flows into it]: Bernal Villa 1953, No. 8:299 (=Nachtigall 1955, No. 6:299).

NW Amazon. Andoque [The month has a love affair with his Sun Brother's wife; he creates two parrots, asks the Month to get them out of the tree; throws the pole; the Month falls into the hollow, the hole overgrows ; woodpeckers push new things; from hummingbird excrement, two vines appear, outside the tree and in the hollow; The month rises and descends on them; makes himself a wife out of wood; the woodpecker presses her mouth and vagina; in the vulva was a red fruit, the woodpecker smeared his head with juice; the chips turned into eagles; stones; fish; water and fish were enclosed in the tree from which the Month got out; the Month closed the hole so that the water would not spilled onto the ground; the Sun and the Month quarreled over the fish, the fish twitched, the hole opened, the water flooded the earth with a flood; the Sun flew east, the Month went to look for it in the sky]: Landaburu, Pineda: 1984 45-52; carijona [Tukučimobi (The Sun) shed water to make a lake; balsa wood carved two catfish (or whales); chips turned into all types of fish; grew a Reventillos tree (Hura crepitans) ), during the dry season, fish feed on its fruits; he turned into a fruit himself, let the fish swallow itself, went out through the gills; this is how he caught five; his brother Month tries to repeat the trick, swallowed by sabalo fish; T. rips open the bellies of many fish, finds and revives his brother; he decides to harpoon the two largest fish; T. tells the tench to be tied to a mighty tree; the month binds it to the common; the fish tear out the tree, swim to form the Caqueta River; the male swam along one coast, the female along the other, so there are many islands; T. throws stones trying to detain fish; this is how the rapids turned out; the fish dragged the Month into the sea, his swallowed by a sea turtle; T. catches the leg bone of the Month with a net; other bones scattered across the sky, became stars; both brothers went to heaven]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:48-54.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [there was no water, taitetú owned it from animals; Kuñaríma came to ask him, he gave it once, drove him away the second; Marušáwa kept water in two large vessels; K . sent Brother Aruβiatá to M. (this is their father) for water, he gave the calebas water, but hid where he got it from; angry, K., taking A. with him, came to the vessels; in the big male was the male monster Pai, in the small female there was a female; A. not was able to break, K. broke, the Shingu River poured out of the big one, from the small Iriry; K. turned into a hummingbird, pulled away, A. became another bird, rushed forward, swallowed by the monster; K. began to put obstacles on water paths, so rapids appeared; finally caught it; became a crab, took out his brother, revived it; A.'s face left two spots from Pai's teeth; in the form of a hummingbird, the brothers flew home]: Nimuendaju 1920:1016-1018; Juruna [Sinaá's father is a giant jaguar; like S. himself, he sees a pair of eyes on the back of his head; he conceived S. by sticking his penis into the hole where S.'s mother urinated; S. has three sons, the youngest is not his, their mother conceived him with animals; S. tests his sons, wanting to make sure that they are his children; there is no water, the juriti pigeon brought it, once did not bring it; the eldest son decided to go break the water tank; S. warned that in the water dangerous fish; the youngest son smashed but did not bounce to the side, the fish swallowed him, his legs stick out of his mouth, the fish rushes with a stream of water; the brothers run, make dams, the stream blows them away; the last one was not demolished, the elder brother snatched the youngest out of the fish's mouth, revived him; he lost his memory, he had to be taught everything again; S. warned his sons to be careful with the Jabiru stork; the brothers decide to grab him by the beak; the youngest turns into a fish, swims up, is swallowed; the elder turned into a fly, collected blood from his beak, revived the youngest from it; he himself became a fish, swam, became a man, broke off his beak, brought it to his father; S. warns that there is someone who can cut it in half; they come to the man's house; he asks them to take the sand fleas out of his leg; the youngest comes up, he kicks him with his foot, cutting him in half; the elder turns into a wasp, collects blood, revives the youngest from it; approaches that creature; when he tries to kick, breaks off his leg, brings it to his father; S. warns that there are dangerous wild Indians; brothers find them; the youngest turns into pirarara fish to bite off the hook, caught, fried, eaten; the elder turns into a wasp, picks up blood, revives the younger one; becomes a piranha, bites off, carries fisherman's hook, brings to father]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-236.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973:107; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Canutsipém owned the water, kept it in vessels in the men's house; when the Sun and Month came, he invited them to swim, but in dirty water; later gave the calebass clean; they brought it home to Morena, the wives liked it; the inhabitants of Morena wore perfume masks, came to K. along with the Sun and the Month, he was frightened, they broke vessels; the last month was broken, swallowed by an animal inside; a lake formed on the site of the mansion; each participant led a river; the Sun - Ronuro, Vanivaní - the Maritsau River á, Kanaratê - Paranajuva river, tracaja turtle - Culuene; The sun began to kill fish, look for the Month in their bellies; akará asked her not to kill, said that Jacunaum swallowed Months; The sun asked Swallow for a hook, tied a cigar in the woods, Akará let Jacunaum smoke her, gave a signal when he took it in his mouth, the Sun pulled Jacunaum out, found the bones of the Month inside, folded it, built it up flesh; Tinam, Gorlinka failed, Mosquito revived the Month; the Sun was the first shaman]: 157-162; bakairi [Ewaki sent her nephews Keri (Sun) and Kame (Month), then about 8 years old, to get it water; on the third day they found three pots owned by the Ochobi water snake; two had good water, the third from which you would die; it was untouched, the other two were broken; one flowed a river Paranatinga, led by Keri, from the other, the more difficult Ronuro (var.: and Kuliseu), took her, Kame took her; Keri saw that Culiseu had stopped, went to look for Kame; he was swallowed by jahú fish; in the stomach of the third Keri found his brother's bones caught, put them on a leaf, blew, revived them; Keri told the duck to lead Ronuro on, and returned with his brother to Paranatinga; reached the waterfall, and below told the ducks to lead the river, pigeons and other birds]: Steinen 1897:325 (detailed retelling in Oberg 1953:79); calapalo: Basso 1987:141-152.

Eastern Brazil. Gaviones [the Piti sun and the month of Ingage are the first men, men; all the water in the cave, where there are huge toad turtles; I. forced them to go out, the water poured in a stream, forming lakes and rivers; I. threw peel the fruit into trees, which grew to the sky; I wanted his bowel movements to be like P.]: Arnaud 1975:32.

Chaco. Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 47 [when throwing his rod, the young man loses and the rod disappears; he finds him pierced into a tree with water and fish in its trunk; the tribesmen are careful they take fish from there; a fox (single, she has children from different fathers) releases fish, water floods the forest; a fox flees in a tree; a hawk carries it on his back, she says he has a bald head; he sheds her into the fire; people killed her children, except her son and daughter, who are foxes], 48 [throwing his rod, the young man hits the target, but the rod disappears; he finds him pierced into a tree with water and fish in its trunk; mother-in-law notices that he eats eels; he gives it donated fish for permission to get along with it; people take fish, Lisa only gives little ones; she takes out the plug; water floods the forest; the Hawk carries the Fox, dumps it; people kill her children], 49 [a man who has appeared with the moon and the sun throws his rod, he pierces a tree with water and fish; the fox spies on how they take fish, release fish and water, climb on tree; the eagle carries it, throws it into the fire; it is reborn], 50 [a rod thrown by a young man pierces a tree with water and fish; mother-in-law asks for eels, for which he gives himself; the fox finds big eels, but people they always turn them into little ones; the fox takes out the plug, releasing water and fish; people kill her daughters; the Vulture carries it on her back, she says his head is disgusting; he throws it into the fire; she runs away, carrying fire into the savannah; her daughters are reborn as foxes]: 158-165, 166-169, 169-171, 172-173; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 28 [a single man conceives a son in a vessel; tells him to come to the women who came to get water, call each mother; only the latter recognizes him as a son; the boy began to live with her; while hunting, a caraguata tree hit a tree with an arrow, there was a fish in its trunk; the fox saw ate all the fish, then pulled out the main one; the stream of water with the fish carried away the Fox, he turned into a calebass, swam], 29 [starting at (28); the boy and his adoptive mother find an arrow he fired in a caraguat tree, they take fish out of the trunk; the woman did not call other women who rejected the boy to the tree; the boy called the men; the fox decided to go by himself, started shooting at the tree, the fish ran out and did not appear again]: 92-93, 94- 95; nivacle [water was in the trunk of a bottle tree; Kaa pierced it with an ax, water poured in, forming rivers and lakes; frogs who did not pay attention to the warning drowned; along with the water toads, frogs, thunderbirds came out]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 32:95-96; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 42 [Kixwet fertilizes his clenched palm, the next day a boy is born, three days later he walks; K. marries one of four girls whose boy stops crying; gives people fish by catching it from a bottle tree; the fox tries to do the same but forgets to close it the lid; the stream rushes out and it sinks; K. puts the water back with his rod; decides not to keep the fish in the tree anymore; creates Pilcomayo, who follows him, his rod; the river is filled with fish, the population is increasing], 44 [the young man finds a vessel of fish; people take it little by little; the fox spies, opens the lid, the water takes it away, the owner of the vessel revives it; lakes and rivers form], 45 [ a young man Pasá owns a lake with frogs and eels; the fox lifts the lid, the water pours out, the Fox sinks; P. revives it, fills the lake again], 46 [the lake owner catches frogs in it, roasts it; the fox releases frogs and water, sinks; the owner revives it], 47 [battleship Setá warns the Fox not to go to the lake; it tries to catch fish, releases water, sinks, S. revives it], 48 [fish owner takes it out of the well one by one; the fox opens the lid, takes a lot of fish, releases water, sinks], 49 [the owner of the bottle tree keeps water and fish in it; the fox releases them, drowns]: 81-83, 85-86, 87-88, 89, 90-91, 92; matako: Alvarsson 1984:92-97; Calífano 1974:38-39; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 68-76, 78 [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. told T. to take the water away; stick a stick in the ground for the night, the water would stop, he would be able to sleep; ordered not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; until This was offered to Iguana by anal sex; he said that T.'s penis was too big, but did not say that he had two penises himself; T. began to eat mistol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he covered it with grass; T. eats the baby nanda, they drive it into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they are still here; he escapes as a hummingbird; in an empty village he asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws her against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks a needle, she says pin-pin, he steps on her, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he gives his foot, covered in crap; thinks that frogs are croaking in the water, diving, and there are cacti; the white bird advises digging into hot ash to turn white; T. is burned; asks the chakha birds to give him feathers, they they wax them, it takes off, the wax melts in the sun, T. falls, screams, I'm a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; The hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two himself; the Spider puts his leg back, he calls it redmouth and fat, his leg falls off again; the other Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rub red pepper into his eyes, T. goes blind temporarily; a white-faced bird with a long beak advises him to smear clay and put sticks in his nose; he does this]: 143-160, 165-167; tobacco pilaga [ At first, water is everywhere; Lapichí (associated with the constellation, probably with the Pleiades) created something thick as honey, prevented it, it hardened, became earth; L. made riverbeds with a stick; Nowaikalachiguí shot a big fish, the water rose, N. drowned, L. pulled it out by the hair, pulled it out, rubbed it, threw it up, his hair turned into mosquitoes]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 78:113-114; pilaga: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 90 [a man conceived two boys in a vessel; a vessel on a path where women go to fetch water; the father said that when a beautiful woman passes, the vessel will split, this woman is theirs mother; their arrow got stuck in the tree, they pulled it out, a stream poured in; they ran to their mother, the water followed them; they stuck an arrow in the ground, the water stopped; so they led the river with fish further; The deceiver, despite warning them, shot a big fish, the stream behind them, he drowned; during the rainy season he revived bald; his hair turned into mosquitoes], 91 [people found a child in the river in the vessel; the vessel was his mother; the boy and the Fox began to lead rivers; the fox shot a big fish, it drowned him, he revived during the rainy season]: 122-124, 125-126.