Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B14A. Tears turn into water. (.11.-.13.18.-.26. 28.-.33.37.39.-.

Rivers, springs, sea, flood waters, rain arise from tears (see H16 for rivers of tears in the world of the dead).

Comorians, Kera, Kissi, Ekoi, Malgashi, Wilman, Melanesians of the Finschhafen Peninsula, Moriori, Tibetans, Kachari, Khasi, Ancient India, Sora, Toda, Malays, Tetum, Panayans, Tinghian, Ibang, Ilokan, Koreans, Russian written tradition, Ukrainians (Chernigov), Karachays and Balkarians, Ossetians, Dargins, Lezgins, Georgians, Uzbeks, Lutsi, Chuvash, Komi, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Karakalpaks, Chuvash , Nanai, Chukchi, Itelmen, Asian Eskimos, Helmet, Winnebago, Grovantre, Teton, Omaha, Ponka, Caddo, Chiroki, Shasta, Karok, Yuki, Northern Payut, Western Shoshones, Pima, Papago, Paypai, Huichol, Kekchi, Guajiro, Macushi, Rio Solimons, Nazca, Ayacucho, Cimane, Siriono, Ache, Southern Tehuelches, Yagans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Comorians [God was the first to create heaven and earth; they fell in love with each other, the sky descended to earth; God spread them apart, but they were united again; then he created a mountain, a volcano and a tree, and then the lovers were separated; God convinced them not to contradict him; created people who began to cultivate the land; seeing this, the sky began to cry, (from the rain) vegetation appeared, the rivers and the sea filled with water; the sky suggested: if people stop injuring the earth, they could cut off pieces from it and feed on them; then people stopped working, began to eat pieces of the sky; some cut off so much what they could not eat and the pieces deteriorated; for this, God moved the sky high so that people could not reach it and work; the sky is angry, it is winds and hurricanes, the earth is angry - earthquakes occur]: Hatubou 2004, No. 18:85-87

West Africa. Kera [rainbow is Pepeng's mother-in-law" (Pépê, supreme god, thunder, rain is his tears]: Evert 1976:206; kissy [rain is the tears of Sia, the little daughter of the supreme heavenly god Meleka; she often cries because people do evil; then M. screams and takes out his sword - thunder and lightning; at first M. and her daughter lived in the same place, S.'s tears also shed in the same place, filling the sea; M. handed his daughter to the winds and they began to bring rain to land]: Pinney 1973:61-62; ecoi [(long story; the boy is offended, his tears began to rain, it had not rained before]: Talbot 1912: 340-344.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [out of loneliness and fear of wild animals, people on earth began to cry and their tears filled water bodies with water]: Haring 1982, no. 1. 02:78.

Australia. Wilman [Emu was taken to heaven; she tried to sit between the horns of the moon, but it became round; the sun's inhabitants drove her away because she chatted a lot; the stars agreed to let her in if she took part of the earth's load (the Stars held the ground); they gradually shifted everything to it, because Emu is afraid that she will be driven to (empty?) the sky; when it gets tired, shifts from wing to wing, the earth trembles; if it does so often, the inhabitants of the sun become angry, bring darkness; cries, suffering from heaviness, her tears rain; sometimes stars gather and they take some of the burden to get Emu to rest; but only a small part because they are afraid that Emu will give them everything]: Hassell 1934, No. 3:239-240.

Melanesia. Melpa [Taewamb cries, feeling sorry for animals killed by hunters; rain is his tears]: Vicedom 1977, No. 6:8; Melanesians of the Finschhafen Peninsula (prov. Morobe, north coast of Papua New Guinea) [when 10 brothers got together, 9 always beat the youngest on the 10th; he climbed a tree, it began to grow, the wind rocked him, threw him into the sky, and he became The Morning Star; his brothers followed and became a group of stars {Pleiades?} ; dew - tears of 9 brothers who cried when their tenth went missing]: Slone 2001, no. 56:4-5.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Moriori [first Range and Rape, i.e. Heaven and Earth, darkness; Rangifocona was born between them, asked them to separate, they refused, he divided them himself, put 10 pillars, pushed the sky aside with them; The sky began to grieve for the Earth, his tears were rain and dew; Rangofocona made man Tu out of the earth; his descendants Rongo, Take, Tangaroa, Tiki, and many others; they are "heavenly born", children of Heaven; of them the last Ro Tauira, married Rangimaomao, she gave birth to Winds, the first to East]: Shand 1894 (3): 121-122.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (bon mythology) [the sky emerges from the head of goddess Lumo, the moon from her right eye, the sun from her left eye, the planet from her upper teeth; when she closes her eyes, night falls when she opens they are day; thunder from her voice, rain from tears, wind from her nostrils, rivers from her veins, earth from her body]: Ogneva 1982c: 74; kachari [six widow's sons notice an unusual taste in rice; mother says that a neighbor has given seasoning; it is the excrement of a huge snake; brothers find a snake in the forest; she suggests that they pick leaves from the tree without tearing them; they fail; they cannot hit the snake with arrows; swallowed; at home, a thorn pierces the mother's hand, she gives birth to a new son; he plucks the leaves without damaging them, kills the snake, extracts living brothers from it; they do not believe that the young man is their brother, chasing him away; he turns into Thunder, turns brothers into different types of lizards; seeing them, she sends lightning every time; the mother tried to follow her youngest son, hung between heaven and earth; clouds are her tears]: Soppitt 1885:52-55; khasi [boy born after his father dies; stepfather does not love him; he killed him once, made food out of his meat, hid his bones, but left his fingers; mother ate, saw fingers, rushed into the abyss; her tears gave rise to the river, her screams the sound of a waterfall]: Bertrand 1958:133.

South Asia. Ancient India [sage Bhrigu married Puloma; her father had previously promised to give her to the demon Puloman; he grabbed and carried pregnant Puloma in the form of a boar; she gave birth, the baby was sparkling, Puloman turned to ashes; Puloma and the child were walking and crying, and the Vadhusara River arose from tears; Puloma replied to Bhrig that Agni had given her away; B. cursed him, ordered him to be devouring]: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 17:43-44; Hill Saora [Maru, Kittung's son, married in heaven, was later killed by his father-in-law during an argument; Kittung turned his bow into a rainbow; when M.'s widow cries, it rains]: Elwin 1954, No. 18:89-90; toda [ Originally, people on earth and the inhabitants of the world of the dead Amu-no-r walked freely to each other; one day Kwa-töw and Po-nï-ta-n went to the lower world; there they quarreled over something; K. came back and lied to P.'s relatives that P. decided not to return, but ordered to sacrifice 30 heifers and a buffalo ïn-mo-n and perform a memorial ceremony over a cane; crying and crying, the relatives performed a ceremony and sent buffaloes to P.; on the way they met P., who was returning to earth; P. and buffalo Ï. began to cry, their tears formed Lake Marlimund, and a wild olive grew out of the snot; then P. together with his sacrificed cattle, he went to the world of the dead forever; since then, the dead have not returned and the living do not visit them]: Emeneau 1984:244f in Walker 2018:398-399.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [God told Gabriel to kill the (anthropomorphic) snake Sakatimuna (believed to have ravaged Minangkabau in Sumatra in the 12th century) with a club; he smashed the snake to pieces and its head rose higher the sky, the tail went underground; from some parts of the body of snakes, all evil and good spirits and other objects arose, namely: the rainbow from the sword, the grass from the hair on the body, the trees from the hair on the head, the rain from the hair on the head, the rain from tears, dew out of sweat]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:3-4; tetum (West Timor) [seven sailed to Belo country {self-name tetum}; the elder prepared the field but there was no rice; they asked for help from ancestors; it became dark, the ancestors cried, their tears fell in the form of rain, their scream thundered; the eldest of those who came became rice]: Vroklage in Mabuchi 1969:62-63.

Taiwan - Philippines. Panayan [Tungkung Langit and his wife Alusina were the first to appear; she was senselessly jealous, he drove her away from nowhere; wanting to attract her and bring her back, he created the sea, then the land; hers He turned the necklace into stars, the comb into the moon, the crown in the sun; when he cries for it, it rains]: Eugenio 1994, No. 31:82-83; Tinghian [Aponitolau (A.) planted sugarcane, he grows up in a few days; his wife Aponibolinaen planted gold beans; from the sky, Moon Woman's daughter, the star Gaigayoma sent stars for reeds and beans, then descends into the field herself; A. He watches, frightens the stars, sits on G.'s clothes; she tells him to go to heaven with her, otherwise the stars will eat him; a chair comes down from the sky for him; five months later, G. and A. have a son, Tabyen; he goes between his mother's fingers after being injected into his hand; G. lets A. go to his former wife; he wanted to stay, but the stars came for him; next time G. lets her husband and son go; T. plays with his son born Aponibolinaen; it's raining, these are G.'s tears; they later rose to heaven, but eventually T. stayed on earth and his mother G. in heaven]: Rybkin 1975, No. 38:105-111; ibanag [giant Dakallafu prohibits taking water from a spring; people drink dirty seawater; they violate the ban; D. encloses them in clouds; when people cry, it rains]: Eugenio 1994, No. 143:257-258; ilocan [there was no dew; Another princess fell in love with a prince, he forgot his Lin-na-aw; one day he remembered her but she was gone; her tears became dew]: Eugenio 1994, No. 153:265-266.

China - Korea. Koreans [the king's daughter is Jinknyeo (Weaver), her father married her to Kyeonoo, a good shepherd; then he got angry with the young, sent his son-in-law east, daughter to the west; they are caused by heavy rains; they can to meet once a year on July 7, after which the rains stop; for this purpose, the crow and forty make a bridge out of their bodies; their heads are bald, as the Shepherd (Altair) and the Weaver (Vega) are stepping on them]: Choi 1979, no. 723:315.

Central Europe. Russians (Pigeon Book, Orel Gubernia) [The Pigeon Book falls out of the cloud; Prince Vladimir asks the wise Tsar Davyd Yevseich to read it; then V. asks questions, D. answers them without reading, from memory; the white light "conceived" from the holy spirit, Christ himself; the sun from his face, the month from his breasts, the night from his hair, the morning dawn from the reese, the stars from the eyes, the wind from the breath, the rain from tears; above all kings the king is the white king, the mother of all cities - Jerusalem, mother to all churches, is a church in Jerusalem, with the relics of Christ; mother to all mountains is Fangor Mountain, mother to all rivers is Jordan, mother to all seas is Kiyon Seas, mother to all fish is a whale, because it has a whale all the white world is based, mother cheese is the earth; the Strafil bird keeps all the white light under its right wing when it hits, the storm on the seas; Vyndrik the beast walks through the dungeon like the sun across the sky; Cypress to everyone mother to trees (Christ is crucified on him), weeping grass - mother to all herbs (arose from the tear of the Virgin)]: Vlasova 1986, No. 5:10-16; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov) [after the death of their parents Ivan and Hanna they went to live in the forest, set up a dugout; snakes began to fly to G.; offers to get rid of I.; let G. pretend to be sick, ask for fox milk; the fox gives milk and a fox; the same she-wolf, bear, lioness; then the serpent offers to send I. to Baba Yaga for living (aiming) water; 12 snakes are chained around the well; I. tried to approach, but the snakes spewed smoke, I. fell dead; the dogs began to push I., he came to life { we are talking about dogs; usually animals that were presented by a fox, a she-wolf, etc.}; magpie has taken out water, tells them to return through the sands and rivers, otherwise it will not reach; the snake offers to send And . to the mill on the sea, which grinds and bakes itself; there are 12 doors; I. will come out and the dogs will stay outside the door; I. goes home, and forty every day reports how many doors the dogs have gnawed; when sister was going to slaughter I., the magpie shouts that the dogs were about to come running; I. asks for permission to climb the oak tree and hang; the dogs ran up and tore the snake; I. shackled his sister, put him in the cellar, left a tub (ceber ): when she fills him with tears, she will come out; since then, her sister has been crying underground, her tears come to the ground - it is dew; G.'s tears are sinful, the tree does not accept them, they fall to the ground]: Rudchenko 1869, No. 50: 130-139.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. See motif K38. Karachays, Balkarians [Sosruk falls into the lower world; eagle chicks are devoured by a dragon every year; S. kills a dragon with an arrow and sword; chicks explain that the rain is the tears of their desperate mother; warm rain in half with the sun - she hopes for salvation; Orlitsa brings S. to earth]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 47:383-387; Lipkin 1973:68-77; Ossetians [the dog's son falls into the lower world; kills a snake that devours three eagle chicks every year; a shower gushes, then the sun shines, then the wind blows; the chicks explain that the rain is their mother's tears, the sun rays from her eyes when she I saw that the chicks were alive, the wind was from its wings; the eagle carried the dog's son to the ground]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 45:162-177; Dargins [a young man kills a snake that regularly devours eagle chicks; eagle the wind arrives with its wings, the rain is her tears; gives the young man one eagle to help; the young man defeats enemies, marries]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 401-413; Lezgins [Groza-dev was in love with the Sun -khanum; when the Sun went to him, the earth was cloudy; the daughter of the Sun turned Thunder Deva into a porcupine, settled in the forest; once seeing the Sun, Groza-dev burst into tears, rivers and seas appeared from his tears, springs]: Khalidova 2012, No. 15:42; Rutultsy [God decided to separate the Cloud Boy and the Mountain Girl; began to quilt the Cloud with a fiery lightning whip; he did not budge, but cried - it was raining]: Khalidova 1912, No. 22:47; Georgians: Chikovani 1954 [(=1985, No. 3:19-22); young man falls into the lower world; Pashkunji chicks are constantly eaten by gveleshapi; one chick is crying, it will be eaten today, the other laughs - tomorrow; a young man kills Mr. with an arrow; there is thunder, it rains, it is the mother of the chicks who cries, thinks that the children have been swallowed; the children first hide the savior, then show their mother; she takes him to the ground]: 28-33

Iran - Central Asia. See motif K38. Uzbeks [storm - Semurg bird's breath, lightning - the shine of its eyes, sighs - thunder, hail - sweat drops, rain - tears]: Sherkhunayev 1972:498-509.

Baltoscandia. Lutsie (Western 1933, told in Russian) [the tsar was walking playing the cantel; one day he did not return; three daughters went looking for, found their father dead; began to cry, a river formed from tears; the prince did not can cross, sends servants to find out where the river flows from; they tell us; the prince asks what each of the sisters would do if he took it; the eldest: she would feed the whole country with one pea; medium: with one oatmeal - all horses; youngest: would give birth to 12 sons; the prince married her; her sisters called her a sorceress, but the prince did not listen; the prince went to the army; the wife gave birth to 12 sons, wrote a letter; the messenger stopped in the hut, the enchantress changed the letter: she gave birth to children with pig heads, etc. (as she could compose); the prince writes in response: let them live; the enchantress changed the letter again: let 11 be killed and the one who looks like his father be left; the queen and her 12th son were lowered into the sea in a barrel; when they arrived to the island, the mother allowed the boy to knock out the bottom; on the island there is a palace, fruits and everything else; the young man went to shoot the ducks, sees a swan, she asks not to shoot at her, but to go to the shore, there is a thread, you have to pull it out behind it the ship on which his father is; with his father, his new wife, the queen's sister; the king does not recognize the son; the king wants to see the beauty on the island, his wife does not allow him; the next day the swan tells him to take 12 pebbles, Put one in your pocket and throw 11 into the sea; 11 young brothers will come out of the water; again the father's ship, the young man asks what the news is; father: her 11 missing sons came to the island to the beautiful woman; the wife again does not let the king ashore; on the third day, the swan tells us to throw the hook, catch the goldfish, and his father's ship will come for it; this time the king went with his son; everything was clarified; he drove his new wife away and stayed at a palace on an island with old and sons]: Annom et al. 2018:157-161.

Volga - Perm. Komi [Parma's son Pera asks the Rainbow why she drinks water from his river; she promises to take it to heaven for this; he sits on its horns, visits the upper world, takes it Zaran's wife, the daughter of the Sun, descends with her to earth; the Sun tells her daughter to return, threatens to burn everything; Parma did not let her children go with her; Pera and his seven sons shot in the Sun from bows, they beat off a piece; dew - the tears of Z., crying from separation from children]: Konakov 1999, No. 7:433; Udmurts [giants lived on earth; one found a man hammering a deck under a hive; brought to his mother said he had found a woodpecker; his mother explained that it was not a woodpecker, that soon people would live instead of giants, cried, rivers formed from her tears; giants went north]: Munkácsi 1887:54-55 c Vladykin 1994:320-321; Chuvash [giant Ul ă p returned from hunting tired, climbed into the sky like a polaty, fell asleep; his four brothers did not wake him up, supported the sky with their shoulders from four corners, they lifted him up; the sleeper woke up, went to look for his brothers; the vault of heaven shook under his feet, a rumble rose, sparks (thunder and lightning) flew; when he realized that he would not be able to go down earth, crying - rain; became the supreme god Tour ă]: Egorov 1995:116.

Turkestan. See motif K38. Kazakhs: Potanin 1916, No. 47 [Zadá swims to the island, lies under a tree, kills a dragon crawling to eat cherry plum kara-gus (bird hero) chicks; their mother arrives with storm and wind; brings Z . to the city he wanted to go to]: 159-162; Sidelnikov 1971 (3) [the old woman sends Hasan to the tree where the bird is Samruk's nest; H. kills a boa constrictor crawling towards the chicks, they eat pieces of the boa constrictor's body, they say that the rain is their mother's tears, the wind comes from her wings]: 66-75; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1989:19-24 (=1981:19-23) [at the top of the poplar that reaches the sky, there is a doodle bird's nest; every year the one-eyed dragon eats the chicks; Bekjal killed the dragon with an arrow, climbed into the nest; the chicks said that the mother's tears were rain, the storm was the flapping of her wings; the chicks explained to the mother that B. killed the dragon]; Karakalpaks [the Aydarkha serpent devours two king bird chicks every year; Meitin is killed by a snake, a storm begins with rain; rain is the tears of birds, the wind is from their wings]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:3-13.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [in winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter again and again to fetch water; she asks the moon to take it; now you can see a girl with a bucket and a rocker arm on the moon; if it rains or snows under the moon, it means the girl is crying]: Chadaeva 1990:34-35.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 5 [young husband dies; wife keeps his head (skull) in her bag in her bedroom; the skull laughs all the time; the woman's mother finds it; parents migrate, leaving their daughter and the skull alone; the skull asks to be put in the fire; is reborn as the former man; the wife gives birth to his son, who grows up quickly; they ride deer to heaven; the wife turns around, the last sledge with poles and He falls with his skins from the plague; in the sky, the husband repairs the plague, stretching his skins; the heavenly woman asks the earth to look into the lake; she sees the earth below; drops a tear, while it rains on the ground]: 324-325; itelmen [the wife of the wind master paints her face when he returns (morning and evening dawn); if the husband does not return for a long time, she cries, the weather is cloudy]: Krasheninnikov 1994 (2): 168-169.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Baboshina 1958, No. 69 [a girl approaches the yaranga of two brothers, eats there, leaves; then sews pants; the eldest remains guarded, finds a girl, marries; one day the youngest began to bother her, she stabbed him in the throat, hid his body; her brother found him; began to feed worms in a pit; pushed his wife, but she grabbed the web and disappeared into the sky; she was sitting with God in yaranga, he pushed his skin off the floor, the ground could be seen; the girl began to cry, it rained on the ground, her mother quickly began to collect the hides that had been hung to dry; the girl went down the web back to her yaranga]: 170-173; Menovshchikov 1988, No. 4 (=1985, No. 79:178-182) [the husband gives his youngest wife whale meat, eats venison with the eldest; the youngest kills the childless elder, runs away with the baby; someone brings her by kayak to the unknown land; the local owner says that he sent killer whales for her; she gives birth to him a son, her first son has grown up; her husband forbids me to look into a small dugout; she looks in, her children are sitting there, and the woman half cooks, sews, scrapes skins; children cry, half fell; next time a woman violates the ban on touching bags; the skins of fur animals fall out of them, the flame burns her hand; the husband knocks on the tambourine, the skins come back, the burn disappears; the husband lifts the stone slab in the dugout; through the hole, the woman sees her house on the ground; she cries, it's raining on the ground; the husband lowers her on deer with her elder son to the ground; she has lots of fur and reindeer skins; her earthly husband takes her back], 24 [the whaler's eldest wife has many children, the childless youngest hates her; the eldest killed her with a knife, took the child, left, fell asleep by the lake ; people in kayaks invited her to sail with them; they were cormorants, took her to heaven to Kiyaghnyk (master of life); when leaving, K. does not tell her to touch the bag and the house; she looks inside, sees an old woman, her fingers, joints, eyes at work; she drops the old woman, trying to fix it, breaks her; K. revived her; the woman gave birth to a son from K.; the woman opens the bag, clothes fall out of there, lights up; K. extinguishes with a blow to a tambourine; pushes a stone on the floor of the house, through the hole you can see the ground; the woman cries, it has rained on the ground; K. lowers her deer with her eldest son to the ground; she has a lot of fur and reindeer skins; earthly husband takes her back], 30 [jealous husband beats his wife; she wants to die, goes to the sea, into the tundra, descends into a hole in the ground; the owner of the dugout Kiyagnyk (master of life) marries her; pushing her apart a wall, swims out into the sea and returns with her loot; a woman gives birth to a son and daughter; hears relatives singing, crying, it rains on the ground; the husband removes the stove from the floor, lowers his wife and daughter on a rope to the ground, gives yaranga and lots of skins with him; an earthly husband drives away two new wives, takes the old one, does not hit her anymore]: 30-33, 113-115, 139-143; Rubtsova 1954, No. 13 (Chaplino) [the girl does not marry, her father drives her away looking for a groom; she meets five brothers, marries an older one; gives birth to a son and daughter; her husband's brother bothers her, she swings a knife, accidentally kills him; hides the corpse on the stage; blood drips, husband finds a corpse; a spider warns that brothers feed caterpillars in a pit with deer meat; tells them to grab the web when her husband collides her into a hole; a woman rises to heaven; she is taken by a man who has everything objects move at his request; when he leaves, he tells him not to untie the bag, not to look into the small yaranga; fox fur falls out of the bag (do not shove it back, the husband puts it back when he returns); opens boxes, there are whales, walruses; half (vertical) of a woman in yaranga, she immediately falls, the fire burns the heroine; the husband returns everything to its place; the woman gives birth to a son, a daughter; the husband pushes the stone, through a hole can be heard talking in Chaplino; a woman cries, it's raining on the ground; a husband lowers his wife and daughter on a belt to the ground to her parents, keeps his son for himself]: 183-191.

Subarctic. Helmet [because the sky was low, it was cold on the ground; the giant could only crawl; he raises the sky to his full height; it gets warmer; he goes to the upper world; the rain is his tears]: Teit 1917a, No. 6:445.

The Midwest. Winnebago: Radin 1909, No. 4 [the creator of Ma-ona cries in empty space; his tears form the primary ocean; created the earth with his thought, it swings; created four Winds, putting four each to the sides of the world like four mighty men; threw four snakes with their heads east, they pierced the ground, it stopped swaying; created four Thunderbirds, they hit the ground with clubs, creating hills and valleys; created four brothers, gave them tobacco, sent them to land]: 307-310; 1932:56; Smith 1997:18-22 [The creator woke up, cried, his tears formed the sea; by the power of thought he created light, the earth, it swayed on waves; grew grass, created stones, placed four Winds to the cardinal points, but the swing continued; then he pierced the earth with four snake heads to the east, the earth froze; created four from clay Thunderbirds in his likeness; created four brothers by giving them tobacco, the Thunders lowered them to the ground; by hitting clubs, they created hills and valleys], 149 [the creator of Ma-ona saw that the land he created was smooth, people They slip off her; he began to cry, his tears formed seas, rivers, washed valleys, mountains appeared; under their weight, the earth moved, people stopped sliding].

Plains. Grovanter [The Creator destroys the earth by the flood; the turtle dives, brings clay from the bottom; the Creator throws clay on the water, the earth grows; now there is no water; the Creator cries, his tears arise from his tears streams and rivers]: Clark 1966:222; Kroeber 1907b: 60; teton (Brule) [The creator splits the earth, the water is pouring from above and below, everything is drowned; he swims on his sacred pipe; the crow is flying, says she has no place to sit; the Creator pulls out all the animals and birds from the pipe bag; sends Loon, then the Otter, the Beaver, they do not dive; the turtle brings land from the bottom under the shell and to paws; The Creator puts it on the water, creates land; the crow sits down to rest; now there is no water; The Creator cries for the earth and its inhabitants, his tears turn into seas and other bodies of water; The Creator sculpts from clay people; says that he destroyed the first world by fire, the second by the flood; this one calls the Continent of the Turtles; then there will be the fourth world]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:496-499; Omaha, Ponca: Dorsey 1888b: 204-205 [Haxige warned his younger brother not to hunt on the ice of the river; he chased otters, ended up in the lair of water monsters, was dismembered, his skin hung in the doorway; H. went to look brother, cried, the current rivers arose from his tears; as a leaf, he got to the two Ducks discussing the murder of his brother, grabbed them by the throat, tore the evil one, spared the good; tried to enter the lair monsters in the form of an eagle, leaf, black-headed kite, exposed every time; in the form of a grass snake got close; when he became human, shot at both monsters, ran away; sees, hunting, that someone crossed his trail; so for four days, this is Ictinike in the form of Vulture, going to heal monsters; H. asked him to tell him how he would shamanize, killed him, took his rattle, and so on; when he entered, he recognized his brother's skin , whispered to her, the servants suspect something, others claim that he is a real shaman; H. kills monsters (Vulture ordered to quickly put hot iron sticks in the wounds and remove them, apparently H. stabbed them deep), cuts into pieces, cooks; the grass snake looked in, H. filled her mouth with monster meat; ran away, taking his brother's skin, turned into a stone at the bottom in a boiling spring; taking the meat out of his mouth snakes, monsters they rushed in pursuit, could not pull the stone out of the bottom, came back; H. revives his brother four times in the steam room, but he becomes a spirit again; H. says it means that people will die; the old beaver does the boat, warns of the flood, because the water monsters want revenge; if they cannot drown H., they will let snakes into the ground; H. says he is not afraid, kills Bobrikha; once again trying to revive his brother, turns him into a wolf, himself into a deer], 205-206 [two water monsters killed Haxige's younger brother, hung their skin in the doorway; invited all the animals to the party, giving everyone the meat of the victim; looking for brother, H. approached two Ducks in leaf form; one says she was only given a little finger, so she will tell H. everything; talks to him about the Vulture Shaman healing monsters; H. rewards this Duck by giving (hitting her on head) tuft, making white feathers near his eyes; H.'s tears formed rivers; H. asked Vulture to sing his shamanic song, killed him, took his rattle, iron rod, bag; two of the four servants, carrying H. on buffalo skin, they suspect deception; as in pp. 204-205; Bobrikha, without recognizing H., explains that the gods (i.e. water monsters) took her to help them fight X.; they will send a flood and she will gnaw through the bottom his boats; then they will send darkness and snakes; H. says who he is, breaks her skull; on the fourth day in the steam room, he is convinced that his brother cannot be revived; tells him to become a young deer, he becomes a wolf himself]; 1890 [= 1888b]: 238-253.

Southeast USA. Caddo [people live underground in the Old Dwelling-Middle of Darkness; choose the Month as chief, go west to go to earth; Coyote decides there will be too many people; violates the ban on looking back; some people return to the underworld; the Month cries because it has caused people to suffer, its tears form a lake; it ascends to the sky; the new leader Owl leads people west; they see it lake of tears]: Dorsey 1905, No. 1:7-13; chirokee [The sun was on the other side of the sky, and her daughter was in the middle of the sky above the earth; every day the Sun stopped at her place for lunch; the Sun did not like people because they frowned at her; the Sun's brother loved the Month because they smiled at him; the Sun sent a fever with its rays, almost everyone died; Tiny People advised me to kill the Sun; turned two people in Spreading-adder snakes and Copperhead, placed them at the door of the Sun's daughter's house, but they could not bite; then the Tiny Men turned the other two people into the horned serpent Uktena and the Rattlesnake; The Rattlesnake bit the Sun's daughter to death and crawled away, U. followed him; since then, humans have not killed rattlesnakes; U. became so dangerous that he was sent to the upper world; the Sun disappeared from grief, people more they did not die, but it became dark; Tiny People ordered the soul of the daughter of the Sun to be brought in the box; on the way back, she asked to open the box, flew away as a Redbird bird; the Sun filled the earth with a flood of tears from grief; then the boys and girls began to sing and dance, the Sun opened their faces slightly, smiled, the disasters were over]: Mooney 1900, No. 4:252-254.

California. Shasta [The Old Mole digs, the earth he threw out forms our world; the Great Man created people; they were cold; the Coyote went east, brought flint, gave it to people; the Sun had nine brothers, as hot as it is, the Month has nine cold and icy; it was terribly hot during the day, cold at night; the Coyote killed the Soltzn brothers and the Month with his flintlock knife; the rain was the tears of a man crying in heaven; once a young Indian died, everyone cried for him so much that a flood flooded the earth; only one couple of people were saved]: Judson 1994:27-28; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. E1 [little Dentalium ( shell) cries; his tears form rivers, as well as the mythical sea to the east in the upper reaches of the rivers and the dentalia shell], V6 [the young man does not believe that the girl loves him; his tears turn into a stream]: 48-49, 275; Yuki [Rain - Tears of Thunder]: Foster 1944:233.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [a woman gives birth to a son and a daughter; they fight; the father sends them away; they are the ancestors of various tribes; when they part with them, their parents cry; their tears give rise to sources]: Lowie 1924, No. 1b [mother], 1c and 1 e [elderly spouses]: 202, 204, 207; Western shoshones [hot springs - Sun tears shed when the Rabbit hit him with an arrow]: Smith 1993:171.

The Great Southwest. An abandoned baby cries: the flood. Pima: Neff 1912:52; Papago: Kroeber 1912:98; Papago [dark at first; Creator of Earth (NW) and Yellow Vulture (HS) meet four times in the void, each forcing the other create peace; the NW took something out of his heart or rolled dirt off his skin, put it in the palm of his hand, grew a green branch, greasewood; the louse on the plant produced resin and created the earth from this NW; he sang, bored hers, it became flat; he placed on the ground of the mountains, on the tops of the mountains, bird fluff (clouds) and shamans; when the earth spread out, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he was small, bearded, gray or blond; Coyote came out from the northwest from under the bush; the earth swayed, Coyote, I. and JS unsuccessfully confused to fix it; this was done by two Spiders, connecting sky and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, rivers flowed into different sides; NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon and sun appeared; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome Man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the ground with a flood; NW escaped to a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, a Coyote in a reed, JS pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees, took root; others with a dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever comes first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the eldest; all three began to sculpt new people; those made by Coyote are shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW's made are also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; NW and I. became argue; NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, he died; he was burned (since then maricopa cremate the dead); Coyote stole a heart from a funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, water or wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown at it; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose ; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed the ogre eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack girls during their maturity ceremony; people killed him three times; on the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); 4 years later, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into a pen; two brothers paid a shaman so that everyone could hunt; JS is scalped so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underworld]: Underhill 1946:8-12.

NW Mexico. Paypai [Miabkiak killed deer; his father crushed bones, ate bone marrow; one day M. ate his brain himself; his father was furious, left wearing shoes that left back marks; M. searched for a long time, guessed it , found his father on the mountain, his tears washed the ravine; when M. tried to approach his father, he fell into the ground, leaving only his sandal in his hands; the father came out in a stream of light from the other side of the ravine, became By the sun; M. remained on earth, but Chalai (the devil) and his servants pursued him; M. gathered his people, i.e. animals, announced that he would leave; they did not want to, but Coyote agreed that it was necessary; leaving, M. identified the characteristics of animals and birds; M. went to heaven, the animals forgot how to speak out of grief; after death, people come to M.]: Olmos Aguilera 2005:95-97; Huichol: Cunningham 1978:31-35 [Ulianaka (mother earth) comes to Tatevaliha (fire); he explains that he cannot illuminate and warm the whole earth because she will burn it; promises to give her Son the sun, then everyone will see W. beautiful; T. tells four Deer from four parts of the world to decide from which side the sun will rise; puts burning coal on everyone's horns, tells them to run in their direction and raise their heads; whose fire will be seen First, the sun will rise from there; Deer's hooves injure W. while running, she cries, it's raining; hooves carve sparks - lightning, thunder; rain extinguishes Black Deer's coal; White drops its coal into the river ; Red runs west, drops coal into the sea; Blue runs east, then across the sky; in the west, coal picks up the Red Deer and drops again; so the sun sets into the sea], 40-46 [mother earth Ulianaka, in the form of an old woman, collects mesquite pods, magey stems, cacti fruits; Citaima cries for losing her five daughters; Black, Blue, Red, White, Variegated Corn; On the fifth day, W. is tired of listening to her crying, turned her into a Coyote crying at night; five Corn girls teach W. to cultivate the field, take care of crops, etc.; Coyote promises to deceive because she herself deceived; sends the Rattlesnake, placing a seed in its tail - let it resemble corn; W. cries, watering the ground with rain; pierces his chest with a thorn, blood mixes with tears, so the earth red; The Sun Father does not look at the old woman; W. becomes beautiful, lifts up his skirt; Corn girls do the same; now the Sun looks at them; the beautiful colors of the sunset sky are a sign of the Sun's love for W. and to the Corn Girls].

Mesoamerica Kekchi [see motif K16; Kagua Sake (Sun) and Kagua Chok (Cloud) are brothers; CS marries Kan Po (Moon); she does not have a vagina; a mountain sheep can't, a deer makes a vagina hoof; the aroma is very strong, the COP is afraid that people will fight because of it; tells the rat to write there; KC and KP fall in love with each other; CS mixes turkey bile into their food, making people quarrel; they quarrel over who to bring water; the spacecraft does not return when they go to get water; KC cries, his tears turn to rain; brothers play buluc on a board laid through a deep ravine; when KC jumps in For the third time, the board breaks, it falls into the depths; since then, clouds have risen above the ravines; his tears become rivers flowing from the gorges; the vulture invites KP to marry their king; carries it first up and then down to Xibalba, where the devil Mausahquink lives, a real fiancé; the COP learns about what happened from flies; asks a goat to lend him his skin; flies gather under his tail; Vulture goes down to the carrion, puts his head inside; the COP grabs him by the neck, tells him to tell him everything, take him to Xibalba; KP complains loudly; CS sends a toothache to M. using 13 grains and 13 needles; KP must invite CS, pretending to be a great magician; blowing three times on M.'s head, the COP puts him to sleep; CS and KP rise to the sky; motionless; San Cosme heals them with flowers and fragrant seeds; they turn into sun and moon; when they first see them, 400 people and animals turn into stars]: Becker-Donner 1976:122-124.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [salty stream from a girl's tears]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 50:618

Guiana. Makushi [the hero's mother stays at the top of the mountain; when she cries, the storm begins, streams flow down the slope]: Roth 1915, No. 41:135.

Central Amazon. Rio Solimons (the exact recording location is not known) [The Moon (Jassy) was supposed to go beyond the Sun (Kurasé); if this happened, the heat of love The sun would burn the earth, and the Moon's tears would flood it with a flood; the Sun and the Moon would part, and the tears of the Moon would form Amazon; not wanting to mix its tears with the waters of the sea, the Moon allows the river to flow east for six months and then tries to regain its tears and the Amazon flows westward (dry and wet seasons?)] : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:212 (quoted in Barroso 1930:91; German translation in Teschauer 1906:733).

The Central Andes. Nazca (dep. Ica) [there was a long drought; people went to Mount Cerro Blanco (where the main place of communication with the gods); Viracocha came down from the sky, heard them; tears rolled from his eyes, and seeped down the mountainside into the ground became sources of groundwater]: Reinhard 1988:366; prov. Lucanas (dep. Ayacucho) [water monster Amaru steals a magic flower, drought begins; Condor soars to die to the top of the mountain; there the Fox tells him how to stop the drought: throw the cleanest lake into the lake human; many are abandoned; when a shepherdess is drowned, a storm begins; drowned people rise to the sky in the form of rain clouds; their tears are rain]: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947:92.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chimane [wife is lazy and untidy; husband does not bring her game; she turns her little daughter into paka or agouti, cooks meat; husband beats her, she cries, tears turn to rain; since then she has been going rain; if he hits her again, the flood will begin]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 4:63; Siriono [Amêy's main deity, "grandfather", is associated with thunderstorm and rain, rain is his tears; lightning he throws An angry look, a thunder punishes someone]: Lunardi 1938:206.

Southern Brazil. Ache [Clouds - Tears of the Month]: Godoy 1982:20

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 1 [the creator cries in heaven; his tears form the primary ocean; he then creates the sun, the moon, raises the earth from the bottom of the sea], 108 [summoned flood rain from the tears of a four-legged monster]: 17, 155; yagans [dark gray Night Heron (Nycticorax obscurus) takes her grandson fishing, but gives him only small fish, eats her own; boy turns into a forest bird; a woman and her husband cry, their tears form streams and rivers]: Wilbert 1977, No. 38:108-110.