B18. A day in a vessel, A1411.1.
Daylight, heat, sun or moon are stored in a vessel, under a vessel, under a blanket, in a bag, etc.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Sukuma: Millroth 1965:196-177 [The lion gathers everyone for advice, offers to get light from the sky; the Mouse, the Spider, the Fly agree to go; they climb the web into the sky; the local chief suggests 1) mow grass all over the savannah (The mouse calls ants to cut the grass), 2) eat a lot of meat (The mouse digs passages, they hide the meat underground), 3) identify which box is light, what darkness is in; the fly overhears finds out that there is a red box, the chief gives it away; on the ground, a rooster jumps out of the box, sings, the sun rises], 198 [people on the web climb into heaven in search of light; locals try to slip they have beautiful boxes, but they choose the most modest ones; when they return to earth, people open the boxes, the sun appears from the first, the second moon, the third star]; lala [Lesa is the supreme god, leader in heaven, thunder; married to his sister Mushili, she is associated with earth; died; they have elder sons Kashindika and younger Luchele; L. sent them to earth to "establish villages"; it is dark on earth; they went to their father to get the sun and moon; K. stabbed the ox, the dog came, he hit her on the back; L. offered to choose a bag of lights, but there were many bags, K. did not know which one to take; Lucele came and fed the dog, she said that she would scrape and sniff the right bags (var.: in addition to bags of sun and moon, roosters and rhinoceros birds that foreshadow dawn); the sun placed to the east, the moon to the west; people woke up singing and screaming; K. was furious, asked L. for poison, he did not give it, K. took it himself, brought it, died Lucele's wife, then K. himself; this is how death appeared]: Munday 1942:49-50; mongo-nkundo [people complain to Lianja that the earth is too dark; L. gathers all living creatures; fish, forest animals, owls and bats refuse to look for the sun, birds and insects agree; hawks are at the head Nkombe; in the sky, the god Yemekonji offers three packages; The fly tells you to choose gray rather than colored ones; N. opens the package where heaven meets earth; the sun rises]: Knappert 1997:102-103.
Melanesia. EspĂrito Santo [Sari went down to the underground country of Nalovlovvetal and brought daylight from there; asked his mother if she saw him, she answered what she saw; then S. brought the night, the mother replied that doesn't see it; S.: that's good, it'll be time to sleep]: Guiart 1958:192.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Woleai (Central Carolinas) [the chief's daughter rejects suitors; the chief sees the moon in the sky, promises a daughter to whoever gets him the moon; two poor brothers promise to do so; the youngest comes to the sky, on the way to the man`s house where the moon is kept, meets people who give him two crooks, two roosters, a pandanus fruit, a hibiscus stick; Yalulep owns the moon; the young man puts the audience to sleep with fairy tales unties the moon, leaves quietly, holding it with the bright side to the audience so that they do not get alarmed; when they move away, he runs away; I wake up, sends the man in pursuit; the young man throws plows behind them, they begin to fight , the stalker stops to watch; the same - throws the roosters; the pursuer returns; another runner is sent; the young man throws the pandanus fruit, the pandanus forest appears; the hibiscus stick is new the forest, the pursuer gets stuck; the young man runs home to his mother; gets the leader's daughter, tells him not to remove all the covers from the moon; the chief takes off, every time the moon is brighter; then he takes off the last moon, the moon flies into the sky; the young man advises not to be upset - now everyone will see the moon that belongs to the leader]: Mitchell 1973, No. 1:17-18.
Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [an old woman stole the sun, hid it in a cave behind a mountain; Aina and Gaina were hunting deer; felt the heat from below, dug up the entrance to the cave, put the sun in a deer bag skins, hung on the deer's horn, so they swam across the river, Ubyr could not swim across; A. and G. untied the bag, released the sun]: Nadrshina 1985, No. 95:78.
SV Asia. Chukchi [people live in the dark, eat stones; kele keeps the sun wrapped in three skins; his daughter plays ball; Raven comes to play with her; says the ball is not good, let her mother give the ball- the sun; takes it away, discovers it; turns branches into deer; flies, dragging its wing, drawing riverbeds; creates marine and land animals; turns into thunder]: Bogoras 1928, No. 4:304-305
The Arctic. Chugach [The raven comes to a village where there is no light, people are always sleepy; comes again, unloads the box, tells it to be opened, there is daylight; the Raven tells me to get up in the morning; gets a wife and gifts; only moss brings from hunting, his wife is taken away from him; the people of this village are killer whales; The raven turns the souls of animals into people. comes with them unrecognized; turns the villagers into ice, who have arrived back in animals]: Birket-Smith 1953:163-164; central yupik (hall. St. Michael) [there are too many people; the creator raven hides the sun in a bag, opens it only for a while; his older brother turns into a leaf (needle?) ; Raven's wife goes to fetch water, drinks, eats a leaf, gives birth to a boy; he asks for a bag of sun to play; takes him away, opens; makes the Morning Star out of a bunch of burning grass; his descendants gradually become common crows]: Nelson 1899:460-462 [like the Bering Strait Inupiate; no details]: Nelson 1899:452; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Spencer 1959:384-385 [Tulungishirak (Raven) lives with his parents on a tiny island; a bubble hangs in the house; T. asks him to play, vomits, it becomes light; the father wants it to be night, does not let him tear it to the end; T. swims in a kayak, sees the ground; she then rises above the water, then dives; he harpoons it; the earth becomes earth, grows], 385 [the world is dark; a woman and her father live by the sea; she goes for water, swallows a feather floating in the water; gives birth a boy with a crow's beak; this is Tulugaak (Raven); he wants to play with the bubble that hangs in the house; tears it up, it becomes light; T. disappears; the woman's father is angry].
Subarctic. See M46 motif. Like on the NW Coast: sun, moon, stars. Koyukon; atna; tagish, inner tlingits; taltan; kuchin; slevi [winter doesn't end; animals gather for advice; only the Bear; Lynx, Fox, Wolf , Mouse, Pike, etc. go up to the sky; find two Bear cubs in the house; learn from them that the bags contain rain, wind, fog, warmth; Lynx turns into a caribou, Mother Bear rushes after her; animals steal heat; snow melts, flood begins; huge creature drinks water]: Bell 1901, No. 1:26-27.
NW Coast. See motif M46; the world is dark; the chief keeps the sun/daylight in his home; a young man wearing a raven or crow skin turns into a needle; the chief's daughter swallows it with water; gives birth to a boy; that cries until he gets sun/light to play; steals it, brings it to people. Eyak [and moon]; Tlingit [stars, month, sun]; haida [sun or moon]; tsimshian; bellacula; heiltsuk; uvikino; nootka; quakiutl [The omial (raven) becomes the child of the mistress of daylight (she is a seagull); asks for a boat to play, then a vessel with light; sails away in a boat, brings light to the world]: Boas 1910, No. 17:233-235; makah [Quati turns into a little man, becomes a slave to the owner of the sun; his daughters tell him to guard the boat while they collect oysters; he sails away with a box in which the sun is; randomly determines the length of night and day; the former owner kills Quati, takes the sun back]: Densmore 1939:207-208.
The coast is the Plateau. Except for chilcotin and quileout: like California. Chilkotin [one person owns the light; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the man's wife goes down for a drink, swallows a needle along with water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, gets a box to play with light; becoming a Raven again, he takes him away; women give him berries for opening the box slightly; the Raven breaks the box by releasing light; people are tired of eternal light, the Raven tells the night and day to alternate]: Farrand 1900, No. 2:14-15; quileut [the chief owns the sun and the month; Kwety turns into a baby, picked up by the chief's daughter; while she collects the shells, K. stays in the boat with the box with light; swims away, throws the sun and month into the sky]: Andrade 1931, No. 28:85-89; Reagan, Walters 1933 [month not mentioned]: 299-300, 308-309 [K. turns into a slave, not a baby]; chalkomel (snanaimuk) [The seagull keeps the light in the chest; the Raven wanted the Seagull to step on the thorn; promises to extract its thorn legs if the Seagull opens the chest; it is light made]: Boas 1895, No. V.2:55 (=2002:153) ; skagit [Mink turns into an old woman or an old man, comes to the owners of light and sun while everyone sleeps, takes away the sun, light (it is not specified what they were stored in), passes the baton to the Raven]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 12 [daylight], 13 [sun]: 391-393.
California. Sun or day owners keep it in a bag or basket in the main dugout. Yurok [the hero comes and carries baskets with day and fire; birds and animals carry baskets along the relay race; the Frog puts them in his mouth, dives; darkness temporarily returns, the pursuers stop chasing; The frog emerges]: Kroeber 1976, No. D1:237-242; Karok [Coyote puts the best runners along the way; stealing the basket (?) with light, passes it on the baton]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. F 10:61; lassik [Coyote pretends to be an old woman; when everyone goes out, the sun grabs; he is caught and beaten, but the sun falls out of the bag]: Goddard 1906, No. 3:136-137; cato [The Coyote feels warm from the east; comes to two old women, puts them to sleep; The mouse gnaws through the ropes that bind the sun; The mole tries to raise the alarm, he is not hear; stalking old women turn into stones; Coyote cuts off pieces from prey, makes stars, moon and sun out of them]: Goddard 1909, No. 3, 4:191-195; Pomo Barrett 1906 [as in 1933, No. 4/5]: 44-46; 1933, No. 4/5 [Bird people kill Coyote's two sons, make a bag out of their skin, fill them with light; Coyote comes to the owners of the sun disguised as an old man; dances until everyone falls asleep; mice gnaw the rope; a bag of sun falls off a pole; the Coyote blows the sun away; The fog tries to detain the Coyote first and then the Rabbit, who received the sun from the relay race; the Rabbit opens the bag; all birds try to hang the sun from sky, only the Crow succeeds], 15/5 [the sun hangs in its owners' house, only barely appears in the east; the Coyote and the birds come there to dance; the Coyote puts the owners to sleep, the mice gnaw the rope; only The raven brothers manage to hang the sun not the sky], 27 [The lizard sees the light in the east; the dove confirms that the sun is there; bags of snow, wind, rain, sun hang in the house of sun owners; mice they gnaw the rope, the Vulture opens the bag; all the birds try to attach the sun to the sky, only the Ravens can do it], 28 [The lizard sees the light, the Coyote comes to dance to the owners of the sun, puts them to sleep, sends mice to gnaw through the rope; blows away the sun; all the birds try, only the Raven Brothers hang the sun from the sky], 29 [The lizard sees the light in the house of the sun owners; the crane carries the Coyote across the lakes; in the house has bags of sun, snow, cloud, cold, fog, frost; Coyote gives children shells, they tell them which bag the sun is in; people come to dance, mice gnaw the rope; trout screams to their own people that Coyote people steal the sun; all birds try to hang the sun from the sky, only two Raven Brothers can do it], 30 [two Coyote nephews play ball (shinny) with two grizzly bears; people Grizzlies kill them, make a bag of their leather, hide daylight in it; a lizard sees the light in the east; a Coyote comes there disguised as an old man, dances, puts the owners of the light to sleep, sends mice to gnaw through a rope, ties the hair to the sleepers, takes away the light; the fog almost grabs it, he unties the bag], 31 [The lizard sees the light in the east; the Coyote comes there disguised as an old man, dances, putting the owners of the light to sleep, sends mice to gnaw through the rope, carries the bag with the sun, the moon, the Pleiades; the fog almost grabs it, it unties the bag; only the Raven Brothers manage to put the sun on the sky]: 77-79, 103-106, 135-137, 138-139, 140-142, 143-145, 146-147; screw [the hero comes to people living in the east; there are baskets of valuables along the walls of the dugout]: Curtin 1898 [Rabbit, Possum carry away darkness, day; Blue Jay carries away acorns; running under the edge of the sky, the Rabbit releases darkness; the pursuers stop chasing]: 211-218; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 11 [in baskets 1) early evening, 2) darkness, 3) dawn; Blue Jay grabs the dawn, runs away; the owners chase him; he opens the basket], 12 [Gopher grabs fire, daylight, acorns, etc.], 13 [Antelope steals shell money; in other baskets there is daylight, darkness, etc.]: 300-304; nomlaks [the world is dark; animals send Raccoon, then Skunk, Fox, Badger to get light; none of them have returned; Coyote reaches the sea; Log replies that he will not be able to transport him; the Oak Growth transports him; the Coyote meets the Old Mole; he has a coyote leg pendant in his ear, he gnaws on an oak tree; replies that he will bring it on his back, that the oak tree will split into wood when he dumps it in camp; that the Coyote is his enemy; the Coyote sits on top of a tree, presses the Mole to death, takes his form, tells the tree to move, but it does not fall apart to pieces; he explains that he is old; eats everything that was brought to him clean; the mosquito says he senses the Coyote; he replies that it smells like his pendant in his ear; after dancing, people fell asleep, the Coyote took the light away; The fly raises the alarm, but the Coyote was not caught up; then the Mist Brothers were sent; the Coyote turns first into boys throwing chestnuts, then into an old man collecting fuel, then an old woman; each time replies to the Mists that he did not see the Coyote; when they want to look into the old woman's basket, Coyote throws and tears the bag of light, it spreads around the world]: Goldschmidt 1951:391-393.
Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [sun bird in a basket]: Wilbert 1959:57-59
Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 113 [daylight; no vessel details], 147 [sun in the basket]: 240, 311-313; arekuna [stolen sun under a vessel]: Loven 1935:566; curl [1) (by Coll) The Sun and the Month keep daylight in a box; The sun marries; as soon as he turns away, the wife opens the box, the light pours out, the world becomes light; 2) (by Penard) a person keeps There is daylight in the basket; each hunter takes a little as needed, shines in the desired direction; children playing lift the lid, the light pours out]: Goeje 1943, No. d. 21:108.
NW Amazon. Cubeo [stolen moon lamp under a vessel]: Goldman 1963:259.
Central Amazon. See motif B17 (munduruku [thread of the day]).
Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [daylight]: Ans 1975:85-88
Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [daylight; no details regarding the vessel]: Caspar 1975:192.
Southern Amazon. Bakairi: Steinen 1897:324 [sun stolen from vultures under a vessel]; nambiquara [see motif B17; shaman; var: Owl Speotito cunicularia) keeps the day white, night in black calebash]: Pereira 1983, No. 3:18-20; Iranshe [Battleship tatu-galinha (Dasypus novemcinctus, active at night) keeps the day in a calebass or basket; his wife tatu-peludo (Euphractus sexcintus, active in the afternoon) allows his brother Battleship tatuira (Meletia hybridum, active during the day) to break the vessel, hides it in a hole; when the husband wants to pull the intruder out of the hole, the wife says that there are hornets; all participants turn into battleships]: Pereira 1985, No. 3:43-44 (=1974:55).
Araguaia. Tapirape [it was dark, people were afraid to go to work in the gardens where they could be attacked by jaguars; Petura went to Owl's house, walked for a long time; spent the night there in a hammock, and noticed in the morning how The owl takes the day out of the bag; refused the invitation to go to the garden together, citing leg pain; stole and took the bag at night with the day; people got light, and owls now only see in the dark]: Wagley 1977:177.
The Southern Cone. Araucany (Chile): Lehmann-Nitsche 1929 [night in a vessel, but it is clear from the context that it must be the sun]: 44-47; Lenz 1896, No. 5:34-35; Araucanas (Argentina) [sun, moon under leather bag]: Keller 1962:528; Kossler-Ilg 1982:137-139.