Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B22. An offended tree is knocked down. .13.52.72.


character left under the tree is offended by those who climb the tree up (they usually don't share food with him or her). In retaliation, he or she knocks down a tree. The events described are cosmic in scale.

Sudan - East Africa. Uduk [Arum created man and the world; after death, people go to the underworld of Arum; the sky was close to the ground, the Birapinya tree reached the sky; the inhabitants of earth and sky went to visit each other, going up and down the tree; the old woman was hurt, she destroyed the tree; the sky moved off the ground, people stopped reborn after death]: Scheub 2000:16.

Mesoamerica The Sun's brother or brothers go up to the top of the tree for honey; the sun makes animals that undermine the tree; brothers fall down and turn into wild pigs. Zeltal: Monod Becquelin 1980:132-145 [The month was the younger brother, the Sun was the elder; went to clear the site; the rabbit and the court-chemin bird became witchcraft restoring vegetation; I saw this Sun; The Month grabbed the Rabbit by the tail and threw it up; the tail came off, now the rabbits are without a tail; the bird hit the head with a stick, now it sings plaintively and does not speak; The sun climbed the tree, began to eat honey , he shed one wax to his brother; the month made animal figures out of wax; they began to dig up a tree; the tree fell, dug up by agouti; when the Sun fell, the Sun turned into bakers and domestic and wild pigs; when A month came back, he was asked where his brother was], 147-159 [there were two Suns, the youngest killed the eldest; one had a leg ache, the other promised to throw honey off the tree, but only shed wax; he made it out of wax agouti; they dug up a tree, it fell; the insides of the tree stretched along branches, became fish and animals; the other went home], 161 [a brief retelling of the entry in Slocum, Gerdel 1965:8-18; y the women had two sons, the Blue Sun and the Younger; they went to work every day, the Sun killed their brother; the wasps and the bee collected his body parts, he came to life; the Sun climbed a tree, ate honey, threw wax to his brother; the youngest cut down a tree; animals formed from the body of the fallen]; Hermitte 1970:23-25 [the boy asks his two older brothers to climb the tree to get honey; the brothers eat honey, throw only wax to the younger one; that throws wax against the trunk, the tree falls, the brothers die; the youngest clears the area under the milpa, finds the trees intact in the morning; stays watching, sees the rabbit, la urraca and la gallineta come , shout: Go up the trees, rise the rocks! ; Galinete curls her neck, since then she has a headache; brings the rabbit to her mother; goes with her to the fair; there people try to climb the big wheel; only the boy succeeds, his mother, holding a rabbit, He goes up after him, clinging to his shirt; people throw stones at them, knock out the woman's eye; the cart ascends to the sky, the boy becomes the Sun, his mother the moon; because of the knocked out eye, her light is pale; the rabbit in her arms is still visible on the moon]; Nash 1970 [the moon has three sons; the eldest is God the Father, the middle is God the Son, the youngest is Kosh ("younger"); the brightest shone; when the eldest was in the sky, there was no night, he constantly worked; Kosh took him to buy honey, asked his mother for tortillas, two of them small; the elder climbed a tree, threw down only wax (the same word means excrement); the animal blew up the tree, the older brothers were frightened, fell with the tree; K. put one small tortilla in the face of his older brother, he turned into a pig; the other to the face of the average, but he ran into the forest and became wild wild boar; to feed the pig, K. decided to clear the milpa; in the morning the forest grew again; sees a bird come and says that he does not want the forest to be burned; but K. set fire to the site; went where the day meets the day sky, started walking and coming back, now day alternates with night]: 198-200; Ramirez Hernandez, Melo 1988 [also in other wild and domestic animals]: 29-35; Slocum 1965:7-18; Tsotzil: Gossen 1974, Nos. 114, 140, 167:312, 325-326, 338; Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [Jesus was the son of the Virgin Mary, the Younger (Kox, "kosh"); threw cotton seeds on a tree, so bees appeared; I.'s two older brothers teased him; he called them for honey, they climbed a tree, threw only chewy wax to the youngest; the youngest made gopher out of wax, they undermined the roots, the tree fell, the brothers died; hung his tecomate on a branch; when his mother told him to call his brothers, the wind was buzzing in the tecomat; he asked his mother for 6 tortillas, brought pigs in the morning; three ran away, became wild; I. grabbed their tails, but their tails came off; tortillas are theirs piglets]: 183-185; Laughlin 1977, No. 13 [it was three suns, it was always light, they took turns; went for fruit, the elders climbed a tree, threw one peel to the youngest; the youngest put her paws, buried her at the roots; the peel became a baggy rat, the roots were torn, the tree fell, the brothers died; at home, the youngest asked his mother for 6 tortillas; made the brothers noses and ears out of them, turned them into pigs; one became domestic a pig, he locked it; the other was bakers; he tried to grab his tail, his tail came off; the brothers' mother Luna cried, so the moonlight was weak; the youngest's name is now used to refer to wild beans], 162:40-41, 387; Laughlin, Karasik 1988 [about Laughlin 1977, No. 13]: 181-182; Rubel 1964 [The moon is the mother of the Sun, that is 6-8 years old; his older brother walks with him, wants to eat, throws him into the abyss ; The sun falls to the top of the cliff; the monkeys form a chain, lift it up; his brother leads him into the thorny forest, sets fire to the thickets; the sun hides in a flea hole, returns home again; throws cotton thread on the tree branch, the branches turn into a hive; he invites his brother to go for honey, asks him to throw honey too; he throws only wax; the Sun asks agouti to knock down the tree; turns pieces of wax in mice and scorpions, they help knock down a tree; brother falls; the sun creates all kinds of animals from the blood and flesh of the deceased; the red parrot is made of blood; the bakers' face is from a cake taken by the Sun from mothers]: 51-53; chol: Aulie, Aulie 1951 [Sun brothers climb to the top of the tree for honey; the sun makes animals that undermine the tree; brothers fall, turn into wild pigs and other wild and domestic animals] in Thompson 1977:434-435; Gebhardt Domínguez 2001 [Ch'ujtat took the earth out of his heart; at first it was like wind, wind became cloud, cloud water, water mud , dirt with earth; in the four corners of the earth, put three Chuntewinikes people each to support it; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected him heart with earth; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people, smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; needing nothing, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them in a flood, sent Vulture to find out if anyone was left, told him not to touch anything, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some escaped on rafts; after staining their feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned the surviving people into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before; C. created two people, one tried kill another, C. destroyed him, gave him a woman to another; their descendants inhabited the land; one woman hides from Askun's eldest son that he has a younger brother Ijts'in; he noticed his traces, his mother showed I.; I. made gadflies and bees, told the gadflies to wake him up if he sleeps for a long time; A. is jealous, killed I. on the site, he returned; lured I. into an agouti trap, he came back again; cut it, fed the fish, he came back from fish; offered to climb the tree to get honey; he threw off his honeycombs 12 times, but wax, I. made 12 agouti, they blew up the tree; it fell, A. crashed, I. made all animals out of it; from teeth, blood, the hearts of certain birds, and from the heart of the hummingbirds; I. led the animals to the house; those who went through one door and came out of the other became domestic, the rest were wild; the mother was happy, but the Dog told her that the animals were made of her son's flesh; she wept, the rabbit and the deer did not go through the right doors in fear, rushed to run, I. grabbed their tails, they broke away; other forest animals scattered after these two; one day I. caught a white rabbit, gave it to his mother; lay down in a hammock, swayed, and the trees fell on their own; but in the morning the vegetation was intact; the young man waited for the rabbit given to his mother, who told the trees to have them got up; he returned the rabbit to his mother, she never parted with him again; the son jumped into the sky, became the Sun, the mother became the Moon, the rabbit's shadow on her]: 49-57; Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, No. 1-6 [mother hides first the youngest son from the eldest in a box; one day she was late to hide him; the boy grew up, his brother began to take him to the site, cut him into pieces, threw him into the cave (he returned from Aguti), into the fire, into the water (returned with fish); the younger brother planted a cotton seed, grew up a seiba, created honey from cotton seeds, sent his older brother to the tree for it, asked him to drop the wax, sculpted the gopher, he blew up the tree, it fell, brother crashed, the youngest turned it into all forest birds and animals; blackbird came from pubis, so black; the animals came to the house eating corn; the boy went to clear the area from weeds, swinging in a hammock, machetes, hoes worked themselves; in the morning it turned out that the vegetation was intact; the same the next day; he saw the Rabbit revive it at night; he caught the rabbit, gave it to its mother; soaked it before sowing corn kernels, they do not sprout; one person explained how to sow; climbing his head down, the boy climbed onto the roof of the house, then bamboo into the sky, became the Sun; his mother followed and became the Moon; You can see a rabbit on the face of the moon; the Sun has a chicken with it]: 13-45.

(Wed. Eastern Brazil. Crash [Schultz 1950:160; the old woman led her grandchildren to eat peka fruits; told them to climb the tree and shake it, and she waited with the basket below; the children stayed on the tree, ate the fruit, the old woman ate the fallen; then the children threw her unripe fruits, the old woman began to scold them; they turned into long-tailed parrots and flew away; the old woman decided to become an anteater because she was toothless; went into the forest]: Wilbert 1978, No. 106: 266).

Chaco. Hunters, fishermen, or honey collectors climb wood into the sky; they don't give honey, fish, or good meat to the person below; he or she destroys the tree with fire or gnaws on the trunk, becoming a rodent or an insect. Chamacoco: Escobar 2006 [people climbed wood to collect honey; the shaman widow's daughter Laguylta complained about them to her mother; she turned into a termite, gnawed on a tree, and it swayed and collapsed; The people on the branches were scattered, they became different groups of chamacoco (Ebytoso, Tomáraho, Horio); L.'s daughter ran away, became a source of disease; the sky had previously rested on tree branches, now rose; The sun on the contrary descended closer to the ground]: 222; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 2 [the sky was low above the ground, people went there to hunt for honey, climbing wood (quebracho blanco or bottle tree); the old woman and her orphans were given almost nothing; she turned into a locust-like insect, gnawed through the tree trunk; when it fell, the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; not in time people become stars to go down], 3 [people don't believe one of them is a strong shaman; he promises to cut down the tree that people walk on to heaven; when people go to heaven for honey, the shaman sent bugs gnaw the gun; the mouse finished the work], 4 [The bat hurt the child, his brother promised to tell his father not to give the offender honey; when people went to heaven for honey, the Bat sent a beetle gnaw through a tree trunk; people burned the Bat, bats flew out of the fire]: 31-34, 35, 36; matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 5 [people often went to heaven for fish and honey when they climbed there on a tall tree; houses refused to share with the old woman; she burned a tree; those who remained in the sky turned into Pleiades], 6 [people from earth went to heaven to hunt, climbing a large tree; once killed jaguar; while sharing meat, they gave the old man a stomach; he was offended and burned a tree; those who remained in heaven turned into Pleiades; one woman threw a bag of honey from the sky to the children; the children grew up, these are our ancestors]: 45, 46; poppy: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 86 [people went fishing in the sky, climbing the lignum vitae tree; the grandson of the old people asked for food; the old woman looked for fish, found a large one hidden from them fishermen; realized that they were deliberately given only small fish; the old people burned the tree; some people managed to go down, some stayed in the sky; those who came down chased the old people, they turned into a caiman and capybaru], 87 [as in (86)]: 193-194, 194-195; mokovi [in the history of the Nandu chase, a hunter with dogs or one dog chases nanda; they all go to heaven through a tree, the Milky Way; i.e. a tree = Milky Way = river; river because in the story of the Nalliagdiga tree it stretched from ground to sky; people used it from branch to branch to fish in large rivers and lakes; the old woman did not have anything I caught it, the others refused to help her, she turned into a capybara, destroyed the tree and it fell]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1927:152-154 (=Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 20:46); Eastern Tobas: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 43 [(Teran MS); there was the Latée Na Mapik tree, the mother of all carob trees (lateé - capybara); people climbed it to the first heaven; those who rose gained wisdom; the tree fell down, for people too close to Kharta; those capybaras that lived in heaven descended to earth, and earthly ones came to heaven], 44 [(Teran MS); this tree was actually human; Walikiaray Ltaá (Father Capybar) found a tree that had grown to the sky; began to climb it to heaven and back; capybaras from the sky also descended and rose; those who rose gained wisdom; Werayk Ltaá, like Capybara, lived in water, envied The capybaré that climbs into the sky is why he cut down a tree; since then, people have not risen to heaven]: 69, 70.