Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B23. Fire and smoke despite the ban .52.62.

The Divine forbids making a fire for cooking and punishes those who violate the ban.

Mesoamerica After the flood, God forbids people to make a fire and fry fish or meat for a while. Celestials smell smoke and turn violators of the ban into birds or animals. Huasteci: Alcorn 1984 [A man who escaped the flood is not told to eat fish (drowned fish have become fish); he roasts fish, smoke rises to the sky; the gods send seven messengers, who are not come back, turned into birds; the gods turned man into a raccoon by putting a fire drill in his mouth and taking him out of his ass; next time the world will be destroyed not by water, but by fire]: 61; Relatos Huastecos 1994 [ the guns used to work on their own; the man sent them to clear the site; in the morning he saw that the vegetation had revived; he found the Rabbit, who explained that there would be a flood, ordered them to make a box, fit there with his family and with enough food, take him too, Rabbit; the box floated to the sky; The rabbit climbed into the sun out of curiosity, but it was too hot, then he climbed to the moon; could not return, because during this time the water had come down, the box fell to the ground, the Rabbit remained on the moon; on earth, man and his family made a fire, began to fry fish; the smoke that rose colored the sky, turning it white blue; the creator of Huítom ínik sent the bird to find out what was going on; it also began to eat fish, was turned into a vulture, because in fact they were not fish, but corpses of drowned people; the same with the eagle sent; then the hummingbird came back and reported; The Creator went down, put the man in the ass of a smut, turning him and his family into otters that eat dead fish; the head is the tail; the hummingbird is innocent, and now feeds on flower nectar]: 93-99; otomi [the person clears the area to sow beans; by morning the forest is reborn; the man hides, sees the Rabbit tell the trees to get up; the Rabbit explains that there will be a flood, orders to make a wooden box for himself and his family; it begins to rain, the Rabbit also sits in the box; the box pops up to the sky; the flood ends; the Rabbit tells you to eat only tortillas taken with him; the man and his daughter fry fallen animals; God sends angels to know who made the fire; The rabbit doesn't eat meat, stays a rabbit; Angels eat, God turns them into vultures]: Paredes 1970, No. 1:3-4; mountain totonaks [man cuts trees, clearing the field; at night the Rabbit revives them; the man puts a resin doll, the Rabbit sticks to it; the man cuts off his tail, since then it has been short; the Rabbit says that there will be a flood, tells him to make a box, take food, fire, parrot; parrot hits its head against the sky (since then it has been red with blood), screams; so a person manages to hide his head; people turn into fish; after the flood they die; Rabbit offers to fry fish; smoke is understood to the sky; the gods decide to punish people for it; it used to be enough to look up to die in peace; now death is painful; the gods send Vulture to find out whoever makes a fire; a vulture eats fish with man; the gods tell him to eat carrion from now on; send a Hawk to raise a man to heaven; the gods turn him into a monkey with his head to his back]: Ichon 1969:44-46; Totonaki (Río Necaxa) [a man cuts down the forest on the plot, vegetation recovers by morning; he stays watching, sees the Rabbit telling the trees to rise up; that asks him not to kill, says that there will be a flood, water will rise to heaven; let a man make a big coffin, get inside with his family; after the flood, the man made a fire, the fire rose to the sky; San Miguel was sent to find out what was going on; he started eating on earth, came back, said he hadn't eaten anything; he was caught lying, turned into a vulture]: Beck 2010:195-218; mountain gatherings: Foster 1945a, No. 43 [a person clears the plot, trees are in place in the morning; sees a rabbit restoring them; this is Jesus; he gives man cedar seeds, from which trees will grow in seven days, trees must be made of trees make an ark, take a couple of animals; it's raining, the parrot clings to the ark, which hits the sky, since then the parrot's legs are broken and crooked; after the flood, I. does not tell you to eat without permission; a man with the wife makes a fire, roasts fish; I. sends the Vulture to find out why the fire is; he joins the meal; the Hawk says what he saw; the Hummingbird confirms; I. puts the man's head his wives and children to the ass, and ass to neck, turns them into monkeys; Vulture tells him to eat carrion], 44 [I. tells man to build an ark, take animals; after the flood, the survivors fry fish; I. sends The vulture also eats; The hawk returns, says that people eat the former inhabitants of the earth; the hummingbird confirms; I. puts people upside down, makes them monkeys]: 235-236, 239; sayula poluka : Clark 1961 [in vultures, monkeys, jaguars]: 121-123; Münch 1983a [man clears the area; felling on a huge chikosapote tree overgrows in the morning; old man (The Sun, or Jesucristo) at night he restores the trunk with his rod; people watch it; he predicts a flood, gives cedar seed, tells him to plant, make a boat out of cedar; after the flood, people fry dead fish; God sends the king of white Vultures find out what's going on; he also eats fish; God turns people into monkeys, tells Vulture to eat carrion (and makes him black?) ; Hummingbird becomes God's messenger]: 160-161; oluta and sayula poluka: Lehmann 1928, No. 1 [old man (=God) tells a man to plant a seed; cedar grows; a carpenter makes a boat out of cedar; man flees her from the flood; after the flood, he makes a fire, contrary to God's prohibition; roasts the corpses of animals; God turns him into a punishment into a howler monkey, swapping his head and ass; turns him sons into vultures], 2 [Tata Dios runs away from Satan; asks the peasants what they sow; the first two say stones; their corn turns into stones; the third replies that corn, beans; on the third day, the harvest ripens; TD treats the peasant; he cuts trees in the area under the field; TD tells them to get up and grow again; then as in (1); turns a person into a vulture, his children in howler monkeys; son and daughter remain; humans descend from them]: 753-754, 754-757; northern Puebla Nahuat [rabbit; flood warns]: Taggart 1983:194; Nahuat (Huasteca, State Hidalgo) [a person loves a forest on the site; finds a Rabbit reviving trees; he warns of a flood, orders to build a houseboat; water rises to the sky, then descends; God sends A vulture, two birds of prey, other birds find out what condition the earth is in; they eat carrion, only the Hummingbird returns; God sees smoke, turns firefighters into monkeys]: Stiles 1985b: 22-25; Aztecs [the gods destroy the world with a flood; allow men and women to escape in a hollow tree; tell them to eat only corn; they fry dead fish; the gods turn them into dogs with their heads to their asses and their asses to the neck]: Historia de los Reynos de Colhuacan y de Mexico (Leyenda de los Soles, 1558) in Lehmann 1928:788-790; in Ichon 1969:49; in Taggart 1983:88-89; Taraska, Nahuatl, Celtal [ in monkeys]: Horcasitas 1988:212-213; tequistlatecs [God saved several people, after the flood sends them one by one to the ground; the first three fry dead fish without permission; first head put to the ass, he became a dog; others turned into vultures; dogs and vultures are allowed to eat all kinds of food]: Carrasco 1960:112-113.

NW Amazon. The character forbids young initiators to eat fruits until the time comes. When they make a fire to fry fruit, he smells smoke and kills boys. Bare; baniva; guariquena [Nápiruli was fishing, Mapiríkuli came out of the water, said she wanted to be his wife; pregnant but did not have a hole to give birth; fish became they failed to try, two failed, the third did it, N. grabbed her tail, the stain remained; the baby was born, disappeared into the water; found the placenta, threw it away, it became a stingray; later the boy came, he has no mouth , first his mouth was cut vertically (since then there has been a mark on his lip), then normally; this is Kúwe; he told him to fast before the dabukuri festival (fruit festival and boys' initiation); the boys made a key from an ant tooth (ants had teeth), wasp larvae bait, began to catch and fry fish; K. was in a tree, felt smoke; when the smoke rose to the sky, the smoke formed a thundercloud, K. became a cave in which The boys took refuge from the rain, swallowed them; he was in the sky; N. lured him to the ground with alcohol; after drinking, he spewed the dead swallowed, revived them with tobacco; he was pushed into the fire, he rose to the sky with smoke, heard the sounds of sacred musical instruments; the intestines did not burn, they became all kinds of snakes, ants appeared from the heart, scorpions and other ants from the hair; three bushes, their names, grew at the site of the burning forbidden for women]: González Ñañez 1980, No. 2:148-162; vacuenai [Made of bone got along with her paternal aunt Ámaru; she doesn't have a hole for the baby to come out, SK sends a fish to bite through it; the placenta turns into a stingray; the UK hides the baby, says A. that she only gave birth to a stingray, but she does not believe it; the children play Kuwái by placing a buzzing wasp in the vessel and hitting it a vessel with a whip; a real K. comes out, teaches boys initiatory rituals; tells them to fast; throws fruits from the tree, the boys bake and eat them, does not eat them alone; it has begun to rain, K. opened his mouth, three boys they entered it like a cave, he swallowed them; Éeri, who did not break the fast, did not enter; K. regurgitated the remains, flew away; the UK made wooden images of the dead boys; sent Osu-Káalimátu for K. into the "mouth" of the sky; this is a place in the sky that constantly opens and closes; Kaalimatu was almost seen, so the wasp has a narrow waist; when its jaws opened, it flew on; says K. that the UK has revived those eaten and invites him to smoke tobacco; K. promises to come in two days; says that he can only be killed by fire; all other substances and objects are his body; K. was drunk, pushed into the fire; when K. died, the world became small again; at the site of the burning, a tree grew to the sky and powerful vines; The squirrel cut the trunk in the form of horns and flutes, the UK pushed it, and a pile of sacred tools; A. took the tools, let them be from women; men processed cassava, and women only collected wild fruits; SK and her relatives, who took the form of little frogs, came to A., hit her with a thunder; frogs became warriors, killed A.'s women with poisoned arrows, carried away Kuwai's tools; K. revived A., said that the tools turned into jaguars and others animals and fish; men brought them to the women's home, A. believed that they were really animals (horns and flutes are named after animals); later A. and her women broke in, took away the most important ones I put flutes, jaguars, in my vagina; they swim along the river, the UK sets traps, but they bypass them; they eventually reach the sea and both live there in a village at the mouth of the river, performing all the rituals]: Hill 2009 : 117-134; Tariana: Coudreau 1887 [Yurupari was born to a virgin who did not have genitals; shamans gave her kashiri a drink, which made her pregnant; swam in the river, taire fish bit her lower abdomen, she was able to give birth; shamans hid the baby; his body emitted light, finger movements gave birth to sounds; at the festival he said to fast or men and boys would die; children burned a fire under the uaku tree; fruits fell from the tree, which Yu forbade eating during fasting; Yu ate the children; the men gave Yu drink at the festival, threw them into the fire; pashiuba palm trees grew from the ashes, these are his bones; the soul of Yu. climbed them into heaven; before dawn, secretly from women, men made sacred instruments out of pashiuba, containing the voice of Yu; Yu wore monkey skin; his macacaraua mask (monkey hair) is made of wool Obzians mixed with hair cut off from girls during the first period; after Yu's death, women blew horns, wore macacaraua (206: weaving the hair of men, not girls), summoned Yu; Yu. descended from heaven, followed a woman who had horns and a mask, raped; since then shamans have been killing women who see macacaraua with poison]: 184-187; Biocca 1965 in Brüzzi 1994:107 and S.Hugh- Jones 1979, No. 8:305-306; Brüzzi 1994:241; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [Bisiu decided to arrange a dabukuri festival with uacum fruits; took the boys to collect them, climbed a tree; the boys under the tree began to bake fruits, B. smelled; tears, his fingers sounded miñapõ'rã flutes; it rained, B. opened his ass, the boys hid there from the rain, died; B. agreed to come to the village drink corn kashiri because he hadn't drunk it before; he started dancing, he was pushed into the fire; sacred flutes were heard; B. made a dabukuri underground; one person began to listen, B. shot from- underground, but the arrow only hit the listener's ear]: 23-24; baniva (curripaco) [the world was small, the low sky could be touched with a stick; Iñápirrikúli's four sons were placed in a vessel an insect (cigarrón), they said it was Kuwái; a big man came, explained that K. was himself, ordered him to fast, flogged, and all members of his body at that time made sounds like sacred flutes; the mother was surprised that her sons refused to eat, he followed, told his wife that K. was a dangerous cannibal; invited him to the village, K. agreed that all women at that time they will leave from there; K. came, playing the flute, which made powerful sounds; then the world became big, people, animals, and everything else appeared in it; 5 days before the end of fasting, K. climbed a tree for fruit, and the young men became secretly bake and eat the falling fruits; feeling the smoke, K. went down, told him to show his mouth, found out that four were eating, but Hérri did not, called a door, turned his mouth into a house, the young men hid there from the rain, K. closed his mouth, ate them; regurgitated them, placed them in vessels, brought I.; H. explained what had happened; I. ordered wooden statues of the dead to be made as if they were alive; H. called K., said that I. was not angry, for the boys are alive; K. told H. that only fire can kill him; K. came, soplaba (apparently inhaled the drug) with his younger brother I. Dzúli, intoxicated, fell into the fire, he was burned; the world became small again for a while; but in 4 days matica de Yébaro grew up and next to macanilla; on her, the squirrel cut its paw and bleed tags, enough to make flutes; the world is big again, its owner is I.]: Domínguez Méndez 1986:148-152; baniva/tarian [old man Ualri ("big anteater" on baniva) asked the boys took him to the forest to collect fruits with them; climbed a tree, cut off the fruits, asked them not to make a fire; they began to fry oily fruits, which caused suffocating smoke; W. brought an amulet to his nose, a vine appeared "anteater saliva"; W. caused a thunderstorm, the boys began to seek shelter, W. turned into a house; when everyone entered, W. took on the same image, the boys remained in his stomach; (more about how shamans burned W., from ash rose a palm tree to the sky)]: Stradelli 1890:668-670; barasana; desana; tatuyo.