Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B28A. Nailed to the ground. (.55.) .61.65.-.67.

A character nailed to the ground with a rod has been moved to the edge of the world and is associated with an object that continues to influence people.

(Paez), Aguaruna, Aymara, Ashaninka, Amuesha, Machigenga, Moseten.

(Wed. The Northern Andes. Paez: Bernal Villa 1953, No. 9 [at the sunrise point; people ask him to try on the coffin and nail the lid; he asks for two eye holes; the carpenter does one and the other eye gouges out] 13 [his sister Maria Santissima locks him in a bronze box]: 299-302; Nachtigall 1955, No. 5 [Chauté did a lot of harm, people removed him to where the sun went down; there used to be only humans and C. made animals out of them; Chiguaro was a priest (sacristan); the rabbit was a rogue, now running away from the dogs, winding; the carpenter made large boxes; invited C. to go to trial; C. lay down, the carpenter covered it with a lid; C. asked to make two holes to see; the carpenter made it, but the instrument bounced into his eye, he became a woodpecker; C. stayed in the box; when he moved, earthquakes occur]: 198).

Western Amazon. Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 1977 (1) [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted it, washed the meat in the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone to bake it later, the goose carried him to his nest down the river; a boy came out of the egg, the goose raised him; the boy began to come to his murdered mother's site, ate hot pepper there; the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife noticed that on their property (they considered him their own) someone was eating all the pepper; the Predator waited for the boy, called him a son, brought him to him; made him a small sarbakan; wanted to shoot flies, stuck to the Predator's body, and fell into each one without injuring the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked for a pole hole to go down to deepen it, lowered the pole from above and threw earth at the hole; Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar; both pretended that nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator made him a big sarbakan on the condition that he would bring him all the game; the Sun brought him birds, the Predator barely fried them, devoured them raw; made thundering pendants in the Sun's ears to hear him approach; left alone, played the flute from his mother's skull;; The Sun destroyed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot bird feathers from the sarbakan, the birds were reborn; the dove told everything; ordered to fasten the pendants so as not to make noise, come quietly and see what the Predator was doing; he tried to hide his skull, the skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears were dripping from his eyes; the Sun created a tree whose fruits deer love; the predator ordered him to go hunting tomorrow; the Sun made him a spear out of bad bewitched the tree so as not to hit the target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; since the Sun hit the target, he was the one who went hunting; let the Predator send his wife to the site for cassava; Sun turned her into a deer, killed her, but her head was human; The sun told the digger stick to be responsible for it; brought home a deer without a head; The predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call "its mother", answers the stick- digger; The Sun sent the Predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; when he saw his head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but everything he picked up fell to dust ; The Sun pierced the Predator with a spear, nailing him to the ground; a vine grew and tied him; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of his penis, hummingbirds flocked to it, the Predator caught them and ate them; one day almost ate a man, the Sun decided to move him to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, raised the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree, many birds rushed to it; The Sun spoke about the tree The predator did not resist, he sucked the guts of the gathered birds; he did not want to fly, but the birds carried it; they screamed "like a balsa" (i.e. light) and he "like a stone"; at the edge of the world downstream, the Predator could grab and eat only fish, caught it all; then the Sun left him only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds ) - with leaves; at certain times of the year, the leaves dry out, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the souls of the dead to the Predator, but they themselves say they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, Many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds are driven away]: 135-169; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1), No. 1 [Ajáim went to the station, met a pregnant woman, killed, gutted by the river, in I found an egg in my stomach, put it on a stone; duck (sem. Phalacrocoracidae) took him away; Etsa (the sun) was born from him; one day he got out of the water, came to site A. and began to eat hot pepper, which was sweet to him; A. sent a snake to find out who was on the site; E. he ran away from the snake, but then A. caught him, brought him to his place; E. began to live with him; A. tied seed bells to him; when E. grew up, A. made him a small sarbakan; E. shot flies, then A. sent him to bird hunting; E. brought them, A. ate them; made a big sarbakan for E.; E. soon shot all the birds, the hummingbirds were the last; the dove tells me not to shoot, says that A. killed E.'s mother; from her head made a resonator for a wind instrument, played it; E. crept up and saw that it was; his mother's skull rolled up at E.'s feet, tears were dripping from his eyes; E. calls A. into the forest: there is a fruit tree, to whom deer walk; E. throws his spears more accurately; tells A. to send his wife to the site; he killed her himself, turned her into a deer, only a human head; E. cut her off, and ordered A.'s wife's digging stick to be responsible for her; A. ate the deer, and when he returned from bathing, E. gave him his wife's head; A. grabbed his spear, but it turned out to be rotten, and E. pierced A. with his spear; a flower grew out of A.'s penis, and they began to flock to it hummingbirds, A. caught and ate them; to take A. to take A. to where he could not eat, E. called for help from Pauhil, Toucan, Woodpecker and Peacock (Pipile cumanensis, sem. Cracidae); at first A. shouted: as heavy as a stone, the birds could not lift it; then he was promised two women and A. began to scream: light, light; he was placed on the island, but he ate all the fish; this place called Tunkín; left one hand on the ground - the same, he was fishing with one hand; you can still hear his screams when he is hungry; the Leistes militaris (Pexites militaris) bird fumigates sick people or the dead and brings A. to eat; A. sings, birds flock to him, sitting on trees]: 39-45/

Central Andes. Aymara: Pachakuti Yamqui 1968:283-284 (Russian translation in Yakushenkov 2001:75-76) [when people lived like savages and fought each other, they had to constantly suffer from the evil spirits of hapinyunyu (aim. "breast sucking"), who carried people away at night to suck their blood. At this time, a man of medium height, bearded, appeared on Altiplano. He was no longer young, as the gray hair in his hair said. His thin body was hidden by a long white shirt in the form of a tunic, and he carried a staff in his hands. This man spoke to the Indians with words of love, calling them his sons and daughters. While traveling across the land, he performed various miracles. He treated patients with one touch and knew the languages of all peoples better than the speakers of these languages themselves. It was named Tonapa (Tunupa) or Tarapaca Virakochanpachayachiachachachan (Kech. "peace teacher Viracocha Tarapaca") or Pakchakan ("servant") and Vikchaykamayok ("preacher"). He mentored people but they paid no attention to him. Once he came to the village of Apotampo, where they heard his words, for which Tunupa handed his staff to the village's elder. In another large village, Yamkisupa, he was less fortunate and was expelled from this village. For this attitude towards him, he cursed the inhabitants of this village, and it disappeared under water. From now on, this is where Lake Yamkisupakocha. On one of the highest mountains, called Cacha Pucara, Tunupa destroyed by fire an ancient Indian shrine in the form of a woman in the area. In another village in Kinamares, where Tunupa went to during his wedding, no one listened to his words and turned the residents into stones. This has also happened in some other places. Finally, he went to Cordillera de Carabaya, carrying a large cross on his shoulders, and there, on Mount Karapuco (Karabuco), he installed it. For some of his actions, which were misunderstood by the local Indians, he was captured and brutally executed. But a divine messenger appeared and released him, despite the fact that Tunupu was guarded by many guards. Together with God's messenger, he entered the waters of the lake, and his cloak turned into a boat that took them away. After that, Tunupa stayed on a rock called Titicaca for a long time, and then went to Tiahuanaku, where his attempts to preach failed again and residents who did not heed him were turned into rock. Without understanding, he sailed along the Chacamarca River and fled to sea (Chacamarca by Aim. "machacamarca", "city by the bridge"; Desaguadero, across which there was a reed bridge at its source)]; Sarmiento de Gamboa 1960 [1572]: 208-209 [(Yakushenkov 2001:77). It is said that everything was destroyed by a flood called unyu pachakuti (ketch. "water that turns the world upside down"). But when Viracocha Pachaiachachi destroyed this land, he saved the lives of three people, one of whom was named Tahuapaca, to help him create new people to be created in second era after the flood. So, after the water came down and the earth dried up, Viracocha gave people a second term, and to make this era better than the previous one, he decided to create lights to illuminate the world. After that, he went to the province of Colhão, which has an island called Titicaca. Viracocha arrived on the island and ordered the sun, moon and stars to appear in the sky and illuminate the world. This is what happened; Viracocha gave various orders to his servants, but Tauapaca did not obey his commands. This made Virakoc very angry and ordered his two other assistants to grab the apostate, tie his arms and legs, and put him in a boat on the lake. And that's what was done. Tauapaca cursed Viracocha for his treatment and threatened to return and take revenge, but the flow of the lake carried the boat further away and was never seen again. Viracocha then created an idol in this place in memory of what happened here]; Calancha 1638 (p.?) [(Yakushenkov 2001:78); Kalancha follows an earlier chronicle by Ramos Gavilan; "One was named Tunupa, which means sage, lord and creator, and the other was named Taapak, which means the creator's son, and about life and about The latter's extraordinary death has more memories in the provinces of Colhão, Chucuito and Charcas"; Tunupa and Taapak were Saint Thomas and their disciple; "the apostle was called lord, sage and creator, and the student was given the name of his son, and in their language this word does not mean his own son, but an adopted son, meaning hand-made, taught his traditions"; Tarapaca dies at the hands of the Indians, not who heed his sermons, he is put on a stake, or rather the trunk of a chonta palm tree, which, after passing through it, seems to grow from his body, blooming above his head. After that, "either fearing the dead or wanting to please the devil even more, they put the holy body in a totor boat and let it into the lake, whose quiet waters served as rowers for him, and the gentle wind helmsman, the boat sailed at such a high speed that it left in such panic surprise those who killed him so mercilessly, this fear was born in them because this lake has no flow. A boat carrying precious cargo sailed to the shore of Cachamarca, where the Desaguadero River now originates. And the Indians unanimously claim that this very boat, having torn the ground, opened the source of this river from a lake that did not exist before, and it has been flowing ever since. And the holy body sailed through these waters to the village of Aulagas, which is located many leagues away from Chucuito and Titicaca on the coast near Arica and Chile" (i.e. Lake. Poopo). As a symbol of Tarapaca's martyrdom, a blooming palm appears on Easter in different parts of the Desaguadero River to commemorate that the tree sprouted from Tarapaca's body].

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river camps): Sosnowska, Kujawska 2014 [Abireri has a grandson Irori; I. points his grandfather to children picking Inga feuilleei fruits from a tree, who turns children into monkeys; shows A. does not pay attention to a person who eats red fruit; points to a person clearing a plot for a vegetable garden, A. turned it into a partridge; A. turned it into a man who drags branches an ant; his mother reproaches him; people cooked masato, gave A. a drink, pushed him into a hole dug by the Battleship; the Battleship told his wife about this and became an battleship; one, then the other woman asks I. watch over her baby; I. turned the child into a grain grater, the other into the base of a bunch of bananas; people are trying to tie I., the vine breaks; one shot him, but killed a friend with an arrow; I.: if If you want to kill me, put me on a pole; the stake passed I. through his skull, but he kept talking; became a peach palm tree, taught me what and how to make from its fruits]: 183-188; Weiss 1975:310-314 [(brief in Weiss 1986:310); Avíveri has Kiri's grandson ("peach palm, Guilielma speciosa); going to visit his sisters, A. carries K. on his back; along the way turns people into animals; sister's boys, sons, who climbed on A.'s tree for fruit - white monkeys, ants nest, bee nest; drunkard - fly who loves masato (alcoholic beverage); ferocious warriors - wasps; warriors fleeing and who threw themselves into the water - at crayfish, shrimp; naked woman - in a rock; a bearded Spanish priest - into a rock by the salt spring; others, fearing to be turned], 328 [ relatives chase K íri; along the way he plants corn; in the first field the pursuers see, the corn is ripe; in the last one it has just been planted; they are trying to kill K. with arrows, but only kill each other; K. tells the rest to pierce themselves so that the stake passes over their heads and bodies, plunges into the ground; turns into a peach palm tree (kir í, Guilielma speciosa); his blood forms a lake, birds swim in it; good ones only once, get beautiful plumage; bad twice, they look ugly; Vulture wiped its ass on the palm tree, its trunk is covered thorns]; ashaninka [Avíveri lived with his nephew Kiri on his shoulders and transformed people when he walked; his sister Sawoni hated him because she knew that he had transformed her husband; cooked masato from cassava and told her son K. to call A. to drink masato; when A. started drinking, he began to sing and everyone around him shuddered; S. sang what night and darkness wanted, and A. what day; if he hadn't sung, night would prevail; when A. fell asleep, S.'s husband dug a hole under him and A. fell (to the mouth of the river); K. went to look for him; sent Pauhil, who was fast, but he did not find A.; reaching the lower reaches rivers, K. blocked it and water flooded the ground; K. ordered not to be killed, but pierced his head with a pole next to (some) tree; they did it; K. began to move upstream, becoming a peach palm; from a lake of blood flowed out and all the birds swam in it {it is listed who made which feathers red}]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 16, option 1:177-178; Ashaninka [Kiri is Avíveri's nephew; sister A. went fishing, leaving her daughter at home; K. tries to get along with her; she refused; he latex her eyes, ears and mouth and urinated on her face; when her mother came back, the girl's brother found her in the attic and washed; K. ran; the girl's parents set off in pursuit; they consistently pass the chakras, where the corn is less and less mature (the latter has just been sown); K. agrees to be stabbed in top of his head (nailed to the ground); when he returned to this place, he saw that K. had turned into a peach palm (Bactris gasipaes); man {sister A.'s husband?} He was ready to share the palm seeds with the vulture, but the vulture insisted on collecting it himself; the palm tree immediately grew to the sky; the vulture climbed the trunk, but the palm tree threw it off; it turned into an ominous bird]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 16, option 2:179-180; Ashaninka [Avéveri's sister left her son under the supervision of a childless woman; she turned him into lying in a hammock; calebasu; afraid that his mother the child will now come, turned her other children into calebasses; two of them were sitting on a palm tree and opening the pods; A. asked them to shed the fruit for him, but they shed only the peel; he turned the children into There are two types of monkeys; the sister gave A. drunk and began to offer types of death; A. rejected everyone and promised to go get the fiery bird, which would burn everything; the parrot, the son of sister A., followed him to prevent him find the bird; as he caught up with A., the corn in the plots was less and less mature; when he caught up with A., he began to reject the types of death: the Ashaninka themselves would die like this; and let him be stabbed in his head; turned into a peach paolma; the vulture secretly followed A.'s nephew and learned about a new plant with oily fruits; he could not climb it, feathered it on the trunk, and it became covered with thorns; A.'s nephew turned him into a current vulture]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 16, Variant 3:180-182; Amouesha: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 14 [Ayots descended from heaven and mocked Amuesha; his son Poporrona he also liked to turn people into different animals; people tried to catch up and kill him, but only killed each other; then P. allowed himself to be captured; ordered him to build a throne on which he would be nailed; five years later For days, a poporroch palm with edible fruits appeared at this place; when the cathartes melambrotos yellow-headed vulture wiped its ass on it, the palm trunk was covered with thorns], 14a [none but a small birds, could not reach the top of the palm tree; the bird collected two bags of fruit, people sowed seeds, from which raw palm trees grew]: 152, 154; machigenga [Parenya has daughters and sons; got fish from the anus, they were also her sons; tells her daughter to let some into the river, cooks, gives her husband a Hummingbird, says she caught it; he saw where she got the fish, refused to eat; she turned him in a hummingbird, let him drink flower juice; the second husband, the Bee; began to lick her sweat, she turned it into a bee; the next, Fly, saw that he was eating crap, made it a fly; the next was Battleship; P. cooked masato, sent her sons for her brother Pachákama; he said he would come; walking back, the boys climbed the tree for pakae fruits; Pachákama came, asked for him, they peeled him off; he turned them into monkeys; together with his son I 'giane came to Pareni; said that her sons would come, eat fruits; they came running laughing; the boys called them, they became little and black monkeys; they ran again as humans, then finally turned into monkeys; Igiane turned her daughters into tapir, deer and paka; the boys told Pachákama to sit down, he began to fall into the ground; tried to become bamboo, ants, did not help; The battleship took it to the mouth of the Amazon, secured it with pillars; I. turned the Battleship into an battleship; Pareni placed I. in the upper reaches of the Amazon; when the ground shakes, Pachakama's son goes to him; the same does not move; if he moves, the world will end; the boy has become a salt rock, with her youngest daughter; fish swim to suck their mother]: Baer 1984, No. 3:426-429.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Mosethen [Dohitt created people out of clay; he climbed the stairs to the sky, closed it; invited his companion, the white condor Keri, to descend to earth; hammered the vault of heaven for a long time, made a hole, saw the ground; made a rope out of snot, climbed down, K. followed; the rope broke off, K. broke to pieces; D. threw his head into the river, it turned into a fish; D. asked fishermen everywhere fish, he was turned down, especially by women; he turned everyone into vultures, ants and other animals; elsewhere he asks people what they're doing; We paint tipoy; so three times, they angry; he turns them into red monkeys; shot one, made many monkeys out of wool, they ran in all directions; the same with people who painted black tipoy (black monkeys); the same, just tipoy, turned Penelope into birds; turned others into capuchins; asked another to climb a tree for an arrow, turned him into a squirrel; boy by arrow into a night monkey (Nyctipithecus); birds they gave him feathers, he flew, they pulled out feathers over the village, he fell on a tree, it grew tall; he descended on the back of a caterpillar, it fell in front of the ground, D. remained hanging on bamboo; Jaguar, the Big Cat refused, Little Cat took it off; in the house, the shaman sat on a snake, went out, D. took his place; he pierced him with a stake, nailed him to the ground; first he moved, the ground shook, then the shaman drove him another stake in his head, D. froze; D. gave the shaman a basket of water, it grew, the water filled the riverbeds that used to be dry; people turned into stones, the shaman remained; he led the water with him, creating Mamore, Beni; when thunders, D. tells the shaman to pour more water, it's raining]: Nordenskiöld 1924:140-141.