Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B29. An eschatological holiday. .

People turn into animals, birds or stones, living beings acquire their current characteristics at a general meeting, celebration, after a holiday, after a ritual, or after defeating a common enemy.

Melanesia. Vatut [the girl refuses everyone; the bird Tsuktsuk; at first, all the characters are anthropomorphic) goes to the bird Minjur for a love potion; M.'s mother puts her son on her head, but not on C. an ornament that provides the girls' attention; at the dance, the girl drew attention to M.; then all the birds injured themselves (schlugen sich); chukhchukh burned his feathers; the dove smeared his back with ash; the bird- the rhino was painted with charcoal, and has a circle of white tapa on its tail; other birds have found color in the same way; everyone disperses, the birds do not dance anymore; M. and his wife stayed in the village]: Fischer 1963, No. 22:166-167; Dobu [Kasabwaibwaleta has a skin disease; his mother gives him a drug; he sails to another island to his kula partner; becomes handsome; gets precious a sink, hides on his head under his skin with boils; the boy looks in his head, notices a shell, tells others; he is left on an island; he tells the tree to grow to the sky, climbs upstairs; by The Kibi constellation sails, refuses to pick him up, says that his boat is full; the Pleiades give a ride; K. stays with heavenly people, marries, his son, playing, throws a spear, holes in the firmament, K. sees below native village, ties a rope to the necklace, goes down, falls on a bethel palm tree; the mother sees him; at this time they celebrated a wake on it; K. turns all relatives gathered in the house into various birds; K. dives, emerges at Woodlark Island]: Fortune 1932:216-220; Tanna: Bonnemaison 1987 [giant Semo-Semo ate everyone; the last old woman and lost her little daughter in the grass; she sucked roots, grew up, got fire by friction, found yams in abandoned vegetable gardens; became pregnant by inserting a vine into her vulva; gave birth to twins, taught everything; they lit a fire to attract the SS, ran, throwing them into he was killed by spears stuck in advance along the way; first the ants checked if the SS was dead, then one bird put the SS head in the anus, the other flew through and again from mouth to anus; then various parrots and other birds of different colors climbed into the SS; brothers cut the body, swallowed people, chickens, rats, birds came out; everyone was thrown a piece of SS flesh, told who would live, how and where; mother and sons turned into stones at the entrance to the cave]: 98-105; Humphreys 1926 [one woman left her baby daughter to eat tree sap; she and all other people were eaten by the giant Semsem; Nepkalam ate a piece edible stone, gave birth to twins Kasasaou and Kaniapnin; taught them how to make spears; they killed S. with spears; asked birds to check if he was dead; two flew into his wound, got blood stained; the third (now this parrot is all red) flew through; the brothers cut the ogre's body, the pieces turned into swallowed (retelling in Poignant 1967:95)]: 95-97.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lucy [during an eclipse, people beat drums to drive away the awk that swallows the moon; once the awk swallowed the sun and darkness sets in; everything is alive except for the skulls animals killed while hunting; dry trees and even stones with leaves came to life; there was nothing to light the fire; in complete darkness, tigers devoured trees, stones and people; people turned into animals and birds, depending on what they were doing at the time; people wearing white turbans laughed - became thrushes with white feathers on their heads; people in striped clothes became tigers; leaders had sticks to interfere rice, when it is cooked, they became rhinoceros birds; those who dyed the threads became gibbons (they have black hands or crows); old women became elephants; wrestlers became bears; people of the two clans became squirrels; domestic animals became wild; after that, the world was repopulated by people coming out of a hole in the ground; mitans (semi-wild buffaloes) reappeared from pumpkin seeds; pigs came out of the lake; chickens out of the mud (these associations are based on the similarity of the sounds that animals produce with the words "pumpkin seeds", "dirt", etc.); all clans came out of this hole; the sun was told not to shine (hot), because the leader the tarsier is going to dance; the bamboo rat began to beat the drum; but the sun wanted to watch the dance, looked out, everyone felt hot; the tarsier got angry at him and has not looked at him at all since; the owl left without meat, got angry, sat on the branch; big rat: well, I ate it! The owl rushed at her and pecked, and has been attacking rats ever since]: Shakespear 1912:92-94.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans (Akar-Bale): Radcliffe-Brown 1933:208 [Ta Kolwot (tree lizard) held a party, behaved violently; he was held by the hands, but he threw everyone around; fallen in the water became fish and turtles, and the land became animals and birds; the Crab grabbed his hand and stopped his riot; there were no animals before], 208-209 [Dugong called everyone to celebrate; Tree Lizard quarreled with the Karami bird; Dugong grabbed the Lizard by the hand, but he threw him into the sea, he became a dugong; so with all the participants until the Crab grabbed and killed him; the Crab himself was also thrown into the sea; the Lizard's mother cut a tree in the forest belonging to the supreme god Puluga; he sent a storm, killing the remaining people]; aluna, vemale (zap. Seram) [Amete killed the pig that brought the first coconut; planted it, climbed the coconut to cut the leaves, cut his finger, the blood mixed with the juice, the girl Hainuwele appeared; when she was walking out of need, she came out of her Chinese porcelain, corals, gongs came out; during ritual dances, others, out of envy, pushed H. into the prepared grave, fell asleep; A. dug up the corpse, cut it, buried the pieces around the dance hall playgrounds, they became various cultivated tubers; she held her hands to the goddess Mulua Satene; she built a gate in the form of a spiral with 9 curls, told her to run through a spiral; not those who managed to run turned into various animals, birds, fish, and spirits; those who managed to pass to the left or right of the tree on which MC was sitting, she hit them with X.'s left or right hand, they became patalima or patasima; MS then retired to the land of the dead on Mount Salahua]: Jensen, Niggemeyer 1939:59-65 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:143-144.

The Arctic. Inupiat (Northern Alaska?) [Eagles want to teach people how to celebrate songs; two brothers refuse, are killed; a third learns rituals from the old Eagle; builds a meeting house, invites guests; they are actually animals; after the festival they turn back into wolves, foxes, wolverines]: Ostermann 1952:38-42

Subarctic Inhalic: Chapman 1914, No. 5e: 28-30 [var.1; everyone wants to go to the daughter of a rich man; women swim across the river to pick berries; Raven hijacks boats, invites women carry them back in his own; the chief's daughter takes the last, sails away with her; she asks her to be allowed ashore to relieve herself; he ties a rope to her, she ties her to a tree, runs home; the Raven comes to her house; grandmother says that this rich girl is not for him; after that, all people turned into animals], 30-32 [the girl refuses the grooms; the raven stole the women's boats in which they swim across the river for berries; offered to transport her in his own; that girl takes last, swims away with her; she asks to stop out of need; he ties a rope to her, she ties her to the stump, leaves her the stump is responsible for her, runs away; he pulls a stump, jumps ashore, the girl gets into the boat, breaks and throws out his arrows, swims away; after 20 days, the Raven gets home to grandmother, dies two days later; the morning after singing funeral songs (some women sang them mockingly), the raven flies away and all the other people too]; taltan [1) The raven paints the birds; convenes for a holiday, but then wants to attack them; the birds run away, retain their color; 2) The raven gathers his warriors; they are birds and small animals; he paints them before going to the Grizzly, gives them weapons (beaks, etc.); cooks meat for the holiday, eats everything himself; birds are angry, they threaten them; they scatter around the country, turn into birds]: Teit 1919, No. 10:208-209.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [The raven calls all animals to the party, feeds them fat and meat; suddenly screams, all the guests turn into stones]: Boas 1895, No. XXV/1:317; Hyda (Masset) [wife lies to her blind husband, as if he missed shooting a grizzly; leaving him, eating grizzly meat; husband crawling to the lake; Loon dives with him, he sees the light; Loon advises her husband to want a grizzly head to bite his wife when she starts eating it; the wife dies; the husband distributes grizzly meat at the party, tells his story; the Raven comes, he is not given candlefish, he turns everyone into stones]: Swanton 1908a, No. 3:353-362.

The coast is the Plateau. Colitz [animal people are dancing and singing inside the house; the rabbit tells the central pillar to move to the edge; everyone understands that the house is about to collapse; they jump out, turn into birds and animals; those left under the ruins now live in the ground (mice, snakes, etc.); the rabbit is still dancing, he was jealous that others were having fun]: Adamson 1934:192-193; lower ampquas [the old woman's grandson marries a girl who lives in a waterfall; her father sends a whale; envious people try to kill a young man; he gathers people for a party, turns them into different birds, giving each a name]: Frachtenberg 1914, No. 23:103-106; Klamath [people dance; Old Raven laughs, they turn into rocks]: Gatschet 1890:131.

Northeast. Mikmak [Gluscap calls animal people to the party; sails away in a boat; party participants stop understanding each other and run away in the guise of animals]: Leland 1968:67.

Plains. Santi [The spider summons all bird people to the festival; gives everyone a name, coloring, and tells them whether people will eat their meat]: Wallis 1923, No. 10:66; crowe [birds and dragonflies play against four-legged animals; birds win, sun rises for the first time; Old Coyote transforms all participants into birds and animals, determining their lifestyle]: Lowie 1918:26-27.

Southeast USA. Shawnee [White Hawk young man sees twelve daughters of stars descending from the sky in a basket; on the third attempt, he grabs the youngest (for this purpose he turns into a mouse, hides in an old stump, girl tries to catch her); the wife gives birth to a son, weaves a new basket, goes up to heaven with her son; her father tells her to go down to pick her husband, who must take samples of all animals and birds with him; the Chief of the Stars convenes their own people, everyone takes a wing, leg, tail, claw, etc., becoming an appropriate animal or bird; the White Hawk, his wife and son become white hawks, and fly along with other birds land]: Schoolcraft 1999:9-12 (quail in Miller 1997:69-71).

California. Yuki (huchny) [water is everywhere, the feather floats, Taikomol emerges from it; he asks Gopher to get the ground; he brings it, but the earth is too soft, he sinks again; T. creates a Mole, he takes a long time works, establishes land; T. creates mountains, vegetation on it, makes people, birds and animals; they behave incorrectly, T. decides to destroy them by the flood; at this time everyone gathered in a house for dancing; T. hits the Raccoon with a charred stick, since then he has black spots on his head and circles on his tail; one Rabbit got into a fight with another, tore his lip; Vulture wants to be a big man, T. does not allow , he rubs his head into his blood (now red); Jackbird wants to be an Eagle, rubs his shoulder in blood, now she has red wings; after the flood, T. returns animals and birds in their current form; does huchny and yuki from shrub oak, so they grew low and ugly); makes kato from good oak, they are taller; Wailaki is made of cedar, Little Lake pomo is made of pine]: Foster 1944:232-233; vappo [in the steam room, the old coyote man shows his penis to two girls; they kick it, the penis breaks off; the Coyote sticks it with resin, comes back; the resin melts from the heat, the penis falls off again; he's his sticks it again, goes back to the girls; they dress him up as a girl; the imaginary girl marries Blue Jay; gets pregnant, dies because she can't be born; he was cremated; after the Blue steam room Jay invited everyone to become birds; everyone turned into birds (and animals), the Turtle became a turtle, jumped into the water]: Radin 1924, No. 10:83-85; achomavi [Edechewe (Fisher) - Sr., Yahtch ( Laska) - younger brother; Y. disappears; E. asks the Spiders to shoot into the sky; their two arrows pierce the sky, they attach a rope to them, E. climbs into the sky, gives the Month a rainbow in jewelry; for this he says that the Lizard kidnapped Y., keeps him bound over the fire, his people are dancing around, soon I. will be killed; Osprey, the wife of Coyote, goes to these dances; she pretends that her teeth hurt, supposedly spends the night on on the street; E. did not tell me to fry fat; he broke the ban, the Lizard sensed, became a Mouse, let himself be caught, became big, took me away; E. returned to earth, asked Coyote for help; he became an old woman, came to where The lizard collected firewood, found out everything, killed him (he fell into the ground), gave his skin to E.; he came to the dance, threw firewood like the Lizard did; he was poured boiling water into his mouth; he blinked, Teal woman suspects it was not a Lizard; he took off his brother, told everyone to dance, then sleep; together with Coyote they set fire to the house; Teal, Ducks, Geese, Osprey jumped out; E. tells everyone where and how to live (origin species); the rest burned]: Merriam 1992:127-144; (cf. Pomo: Barrett 1906 [Coyote invites animal people, predicts everyone's future way of life; asks them all to scream; everyone runs away into animals]: 47-48; 1933, No. 7 [Puma - chief, three Thunders take him to heaven; the Spider ties a web to the sky, picks up the Coyote, putting it in his bag; the Coyote finds the Puma in the steam room, lowers him to the ground; the Puma tells the first ancestors to turn into different animals and separate], 15/6 [Coyote is dissatisfied with the behavior of the people he created; turns them into animals and birds, showing everyone their way of life], 35 [as in (7); Kilak takes Falcon to heaven] : 81-83, 106-108, 177-179); Maidu [Coyote invites animal people, arranges a party; offers a running competition; turns them all into animals; since then, animals of every species have lived where they got to during the competition]: Dixon 1902, No. 10:93-94; miwok [Skunk takes all the meat; other animal people call him to dance; kill him; have a party when they get to Stocks accumulated by Skunk; turning into animals]: Barrett 1919, No. 1:4; (cf. Southern mountain mivok [a stone giant lived in the north; goes south, kills and eats people; people send Fly his bite and recognize a vulnerable place; this is the heel; people stick sharp chips and flints in his way, he dies; the healer tells him to burn the corpse; turns the First Humans into animals and birds, asking everyone for a name and habits]: Merriam 1993:169-172); yokutz [birds and animals from the mountain led by Coyote and Hummingbird are at war against the inhabitants of the lake; kill them all; Epis and Turtle fish are the last to remain in alive; Coyote breaks his leg, pulls out a bone, makes an arrowhead out of it, kills both; Chief Eagle turns winners into birds and animals; everyone says what they will do in their new form]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 33:223-224; (cf. tubatulabal [Coyote invites animal people to his place of residence and type of food]: Voegelin 1935, No. 8:207).

Big Pool. North Payute (Owens Valley) [Coyote and Frog win the race; Sun, Bear and other losers Coyote throws into the fire; it gets dark; the Duck sings, the day comes back; the Coyote comes back tells everyone to become an animal of a certain species, indicates a lifestyle]: Steward 1936, No. 32, 33:411-417.

The Great Southwest. Diegueño (kamia) [The frog pulls out the hair of its father, the creator of Pukumat 'a, lets another Frog swallow; P. dies from this; while the Coyote is sent for the fire of the sun, the first ancestors light up funeral pyre; Coyote jumps over them, carries and eats P.'s heart; after that, god Mastamho convenes the first ancestors, turns them all into animals and birds]: Gifford 1931:76-77; (cf. ipai [all plants and animals gathered in the old woman's house; her grandson comes and hits them; they run away, losing their anthropomorphic appearance]: DubOis 1906:162; mojave [animal people come together; God watches everyone's activities, asks who wants to be what he wants to be, turns them into animals and birds of appropriate species]: Bourkes 1889:174).

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [The sun arranges a party, transforms participants into animals and plants]: Chapin 1989:62

The Northern Andes. Amber: Chaves 1945, No. 7 (chami) [Karagabi (supreme deity) was invited to the party, but he did not go because he was covered with ulcers; his wife went, he told her not to drink much, her name is Baracoco (owl); at dawn, K. took off his ulcer clothes, came to the party; his wife did not recognize him, got together with him, he scratched her stomach; asked at home where the scratches came from, she said that she had made her way through the blackberries; K. turns it into an owl; her brother is an ugly bird obitétede, took possession of his wife, so people converge with their relatives (cuñadas); after that K. called all the people, told him to scream; the leader was Jaguar, roared became a jaguar; almost all of them turned into different animals; left only good people, then killed them by rain and flood; one couple escaped in a boat, from which today's Indians]: 153-154; Rochereau 1929 [after the festival, God turns some people into animals according to their voices]: 89; guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 41 [By calling people, the hero turns late arrivals into birds, distributes species birds between ancestral units], 92 [the cannibal Lijonta tyrants people; Maleiwa sends wasps at her, they drive her outside our world; when they return, M. sees that people are celebrating by eating corn for which was supposed to be watched; punishes people by turning festival participants into animals that have since ravaged fields; whoever L. punched in the face became a boar; to whom she burned his legs - a parrot; whom she threw three times was a monkey, his loincloth became his tail; to whom L. rubbed pepper into his ass became a squirrel, his loincloth also became a tail; L. cut off people's tongues, so animals do not speak, but howl, hiss, etc.]: 116, 247; yupa [god turns people into various types of birds at the festival]: Wilbert 1974, No. 31:117.

Llanos. Sikuani [Kuwai gathered people; they began to take yopo (Anadenantera peregrina); K. turned them into animals and birds of various types (monkeys, parrots, otters, etc.), who scattered into water, some to the forest, etc.]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 58:244.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Wahari organized the first warime (rituals and celebration); the animals and plants that gathered for it lost their human appearance, and people gained culture]: Monod 1975:219.

Guiana. Taulipan [the hero travels, transforms people and animals (including party participants) into rocks and trees]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 3, 5:39, 41-42; arekuna: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 4 [?] , 5 [Makunaima made a wax hook, caught nothing; the fisherman catches large predatory Aymara fish (Macrodon Trahira); M. turns into aymara fish, tells Jigi's brother to ask the fisherman for it, when he catches it; he catches it twice; the third time M. turns into piranha, bites off and takes the hook; brothers fish with it; one day a real aymara bites off and takes the hook away; from a fisherman no more hooks, he goes to the other side of Mount Roraima; the brothers become crickets, hide in his bag, also find themselves on the other side of the mountain; on the way, M. turns everyone into stones and trees people, animals, birds they met; people ran from the dance to drink kashiri; M. also turned them and the dancers into stones]: 39, 40-42; waiwai [hunters eat a harpy eagle, at night the forest spirit comes, shouting: You ate an eagle's liver! Some wake up, poke the rest on the cheeks with smut, they run away, becoming kibihee (some animal, hunting object); so they have a white spot on their cheeks; Kurum-yenna (people- Vultures) play flutes, inviting them to dance in their village; Kworo-yenna (Parrot People) and other Birds come and take local girls; some of the current waiwai bands descend from them; when they parted home, became real birds; Kamara-yenna (Jaguar people) came to the river; turtles formed a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it; Kurum Yenna asked the turtles to destroy the bridge; the Jaguars were eaten by a giant piranha , the boy escaped, part of his foot was bitten off; Kurum Yenna kept him with him; a woman married to a red mako (Kworo-yenna); she keeps the Petalï anaconda in a fenced place in the river; feeds her meat, which her husband brings; but she gives her ish agouti, and she eats the meat of large animals herself; someone told the anaconda about this; when the woman called her, the anaconda jumped out and swallowed it and swam away; the shaman husband caught an otter, went with them to catch up with P.; aquatic people answer every time that P. had just swam; they come to the place where P.; otters surround her, these places are now the whirlpools of Mapuera waterfalls; otters P. jumped down the throat, collected the woman's bones, went out carrying them out through the anaconda's ass; when they returned home, they washed the old woman's hands and feet, collected water in a vessel, poured them into the river, the fish began to die; grabbed two fish, lifted it to the sky so that he would then have something to eat; P. began to jump out, people shot her, cut it in half, began to drag her ashore, the tail jumped back into the water, the current ones come from him anacondas; all bird people bathed in the blood of the anaconda, became birds; it rained, some hid in hiding, others did not; so some birds remained red, others had only a few red feathers; those who were bathed in bile turned yellow, and those who were then caught in the rain turned blue; birds tried on wings and tails; animal people also became animals; women who married remained human, the rest became birds and animals; the old woman became various plants from which fish poison is made]: Fock 1963:62-66, 71 (approx. 50) [participants were turned into animals and birds by a particular character, it's not clear who exactly].

Western Amazon. Canelo [two sisters turn themselves into dye plants and anyone they've met before into animals]: Whitten 1985:9-11; shuar [the adventures of two sisters end with them turn into coloring plants (black genipa and red achiote), and all the characters they meet along the way get together and become animals]: Barrueco 1988 [sisters Ipiacu and Sua go marry Nayapi; he tells them that there will be a parrot's tail at the fork in the path to his house, and Ikiachimi's tail on the path to his brother; the Tsuna replaces signs, the sisters come to him; he hunts brings a crab; his body exudes a fetid liquid (like plants with that name); at night, sisters get the same smell; return to N.; he chases them away, sends animal people and birds to kill them; sisters they think about what to turn into; reject hill, water, tree, etc. (People will say what kind of hill it is, what a nasty tree, etc.); I. turns into an achiota (a bush with seeds that give red paint), S. into the genipa (a tree with fruits that give black paint); pursuers climb on them, paint them with red and black paint, turn into animals and birds]: 33-36; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 20:13; 1993:129; Rueda 1987, No. 22, 22a: 118-120, 123-127; shuar: Karsten 1919:327-328; same in 1935, No. 9 [celebration after defeating the giant snake]: 527-532; Pelizzaro 1993:158-182 [old man- Salt invites people to celebrate, turns people into animals, birds, rocks], 179-182 [like Karsten]; Porras García 1978 [a woman cheated on her husband, he wanted to kill her, she ran away, got to the cave where they lived (and tayos birds (guajaro, steatornis caripensis., goats) live now; caught and ate, liked it, brought it to her husband; he forgave his wife, came to the cave with other men, people are happy got drunk; they began to eat the eggs of various birds; whoever ate whose egg turned into that bird; all the animals that are now in the forest have come out of this cave]: 75; aguaruna [two species of monkeys, one species of bird and probably other transformations]: Wavrin 1932:127; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1) [like Canelo]: 77-78, (2) [fish people, birds, animals fight among themselves; the Sun comes and transforms them all]: 43-66; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 [like a Canelo], No. 39:463; Guallart 1958 [like a canelo]: 98; achuar [like a canelo]: Mowitz 1978:85-87; waorani [ a deity comes to a crowded house; turns one group of people after another into animals and birds]: Rival 1996:109-110; sekoya [The month comes to the party, turns participants into toads and frogs]: Cipolletti, No. 2b: 33.

NW Amazon. Tucano actually [animal people take the drug Banisteriopsis; they start eating their tails; God turns them into animals so humans can hunt them]: Fulop 1954: 127-129; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1975:134-135; Yagua [After the Month met his sister, people became intoxicated at the festival, turned into herons and flew away; the Sister of the Month went looking for them; asked about the road of Heron's ancestors, they almost killed her; Agouti ordered her to turn at the fork not to where the parrot's feathers were, but where the pineapple peel was; on that way she would reach her uncle; she did not understand, she turned where the feathers were, I got to the Jaguars; the old woman hid her under the roof; the Jaguar came, she dropped something, he began to copulate with her; the second Jaguar ate her; the grandmother took the embryo, he jumped into the water; the woman's uncle's sons are swimming, they see him; he lit a fire, threw himself at it, became the Sun; one of his uncle's sons ran after him, became the Evening Star]: Chaumeil 1983:193-194.

Central Amazon. Maue [god comes to the party, transforms participants]: Pereira 1954:118-119; Ubbe 1991, No. 6 [without details: transforms before going to heaven]: 187.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [like Maue]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 6:291-292

Montagna - Jurua. Character [birds gather for a festival, get drunk, acquire their current characteristics (turning into birds)]: Calífano 1995, No. 22:187.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Siriono [A month comes to the festival; turns participants into animals as punishment for killing his son]: Calífano 1977:104-111; Holmberg 1969:118; Vazquez 1991:130-148; chiriguano [festival participants into birds]: Metraux 1932 [mostly pigeons; hero turns]: 178; Nordenskiöld 1912 [woman turns]: 283.

Eastern Brazil. Sherente [Nimuendaju 1944:183-184; The Waprokwá Sun comes to people, they feed it human; it tells all people to come together, split into two groups, passes between these turns groups that were in one into animals so that others do not have to hunt each other]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 86:260.

Chaco. Mokovi [after the festival, animal people fight with each other, acquiring the current characteristics of the respective animal species]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 41, 42:65-68; (cf. Chorote [A hawk comes and bakes people in an earthen furnace; once reborn, they choose the names and habits of various birds]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 69-71:129-145).

(Wed. SE Brazil. Botokudo [animals were like humans; the marten (Tayra barbata) quarreled, taught the snake to bite, the mosquito to drink blood, etc.; everyone became animals, including Marten, so that no one would recognize him; The sorcerer woodpecker's stone axe turned into its beak]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 112).

(Wed. Southern Brazil. Ofaye [in order for game to be hunted, the Sun lures some people to a tree; when they fall, they turn into animals]: Ribeiro 1951, No. 1:119-121).

The Southern Cone. North Tehuelches [the daughter of the Sun goes to marry Guinapo (a white-breasted bird); meets the hawk Carancho, who claims to be G.; she tells him to jump, his knees are like round pebbles; only a cabbage leaf takes off the ground; she does not believe him; all bird people gather in Carancho's house; G. rejects the girl, since she comes with K., locks her in the room, leaves himself; the fox rattles a rattle, proclaims, the End of the World, the End of the World! Everyone flies, turns into birds]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 95:138.