B2B. The Earth eats the dead .
The earth feeds on people who are buried there. See B2A motif.
Igbo, Catalans, Karachays, Kickapoos, Mayo, Cora, Popoloka, Aztecs, Nahua (Huasteca, Puebla), Mixtecs, Masateks, Tzotzil, Achi, Chuh, Hikake, Guaimi, Ramcocamecra.
West Africa. Igbo [Ala is a woman earth, dominates the earth and the lower world, kills and eats people (when they are buried in the ground); Amadioha is the lord of heaven, his weapon is thunder, he is peaceful and merciful; Ala - his mother or wife; he is light-skinned and associated with white and other light colors]: Cole 1982:56-58.
Southern Europe. Catalans [when completing the creation, God told the earth to feed everyone; she asked where to get strength; God: devouring everything]: Valriu 2015, No. 1:11.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [when people began to plow the first field, the land hurt, she prayed to God Teiri; he told her to endure pain and feed people, but also to absorb them; all her property would become return to her]: Dzhurtubayev 1991:66.
The Midwest. Kickapoo [the land is a grandmother, Visaka was raised by her; her food is the people who are buried in her bosom; the vegetation is her hair]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:267.
NW Mexico. Mayo: Crumrine 1973:1143 in Birhorst 1990:214; bark [Father Sun asks first ancestors what should happen to people (when they get old); one suggests that people go to the sky, others to dive into living water in the west, others that people should not disappear; some want people to turn into mountains; the lizard says that people must die, be buried into the ground; the land should feed on people and produce crops]: Preuβ 1912, No. 2:144-145.
Mesoamerica Popoloka [the earth is like a person; water is its blood, its heart is in the south; others say that the earth is an iguana whose movements cause earthquakes (San Felipe residents don't eat iguanas); the earth eats corpses humans so that corn can grow; the Sun eats human hearts to shine; the Earth's heart is living people, the heart of the Sun is human hearts]: Jacklein 1974:285; Aztecs (16th century) [after the destruction of the first world, the goddess Tlaltentl (Tlalteutli) was the land itself, some say she was a woman and others a man; Tezcatlipuca entered her through her mouth and Ehecatl through her navel, both penetrated her heart in the depths of the earth, raised the sky, helped them with this; Eekatl (according to Mendiet - Scholotl, note 6 at p. 26) descended to hell to Mitlantentli? carried the ashes of the dead and a huge bone from there, but it broke on the ground, so the new people turned out to be small, and the people of the first world were giants; the gods sprinkled blood from their tongue, created man and woman; according to another version (pp. 28-29), the goddess of the earth was Atlalteutli (=Ilamatecutli, the "old goddess", she had eyes and mouths in all her joints, she bit them like a predatory creature; Quetzalcoatl (aka Eecatl) and Tezcatlipoca took her one by the right hand and left leg, the other by her left arm and right leg, tore her, made the earth out of one half, and the sky out of the other; to comfort her, they said that her hair would become trees, herbs and flowers, her skin would become low grass and little flowers, her mouths would become rivers and large caves, her nose would become valleys, her shoulders would become mountains; this goddess cries at night and did not calms down until it is given humans (to be eaten) and bears fruit unless it is irrigated with human blood]: Histoyre du Mechique 1905, ch. 7:25-29; Nahua (Huasteca region) [Earth is alive being, soil - flesh, rocks - bones, water - blood; Earth has two entities - Father Earth and Mother Earth; the negative aspect of the Earth is Moctezuma, which devours the bodies of the dead; human activities (defecation, childbirth, field cultivation) irritates the Earth, it must be appeased; if the crime is particularly great, shamans bury poultry alive]: Sandstrom, Effrein Sandstrom 1986:77-78; Nahua (Puebla, Sierra Norte) [people sow on land, feed on crops, and land eats people]: Báez 2004:78; tsotsil [Our Father and Santo Tomas threw maize seeds; milpas arose, people grew up and other saints; the dove pecked many grains from which people were to grow; Our Father hit her, sent her into the forest as punishment; this is a gray forest neck; but the domestic white dove stayed with him, he is good]: Gossen 1974, No. 163:335; mixteks: Monaghan 1990:561 [when people come to the site in the morning, they see that the vegetation cut down the day before has revived again; they conclude a contract with the land; it will give them their fruits, they will feed it with their bodies after death], 566 [in order to feed themselves, people must feed the earth and rain with their bodies]; achi, choo: Shaw 1971:51-52, 104 in Bierhorst 1990:214.
Honduras-Panama. Hikake [Tomam Major (thunder) creates Mother Earth; she kills, eats people, so they die]: Chapman 1982:127-130; 1992, No. 14 [Earth feeds us and eats us], 15 [Earth is angry for digging it, it will eventually eat everyone]: 166-167; Bribri: Bozzoli 1977 [the world is only rocks; The Bat flies to suck the blood of the Earth Girl; trees grow from the Bat's excrement ; Shibyo sends the Mouse again, Earth's mother and grandmother cut the Mouse in half with a thread; now the bats hang upside down to prevent their insides from falling out; S. sends people to dance in front of their homes Earth; Earth's mother drops it, dancers trample on the child, fertile soil spreads; Earth's mother and grandmother say they (=Earth) will now devour the dead; grandmother's tears turn into birds of prey and animals]: 172-175; 1982:154-155; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1982 [old woman Sula lives in the lower world; S. kidnaps her granddaughter, turns her into fertile land]: 6; 1987 [The Earth was a little girl- orphan, lived with her grandmother; the Bat sucked her blood; where the Bat relieves her need, plants grow; he is trapped; the grandmother is invited to dance; she drops the girl, she turns into fertile land; grandmother tells S. that the dead will go to her, i.e. to the ground (grandmother is also Earth)]: 32; Pereira in Bierhorst 1990 [Earth hates people because they killed her child, turning it into fertile soil; when the dead are buried in the ground, it is Earth's revenge on people]: 76-77; Guaimi [two boys live with their mother Evia; she goes to holidays, leaves the children in ash at the hearth; one day she meets there are two handsome men, one in gold, the other in white (silver); she tries to get their attention, they don't answer; someone says they're her sons, she doesn't believe it; the same on the second holiday; looks after her sons for the fourth time, returns before them; when sons return in the form of beautiful men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; before drinking white and colored cocoa, they go swimming in the river, tell their mother not to open the vessel; she took off the lid; there is a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter; butter burned her eyes; sons come back and drink cocoa; mother is thrown east, west, south, she comes back every time; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to get out, an earthquake occurs; she gets out wants to see if tree fruits are ripe; (hereinafter, apparently, that it is land, eats the dead (I don't have page 22)]: Septimo, Joly 1986:11-22.
Eastern Brazil. Crocker MS; The sun ate the fruits of the buriti palm (Maurutua flexuosa), its bowel movements turned red; the sun said that the flowers were eaten by the pau d'arco tree (Tabebuia inpetiginosa, ant tree); The month ate them, but its bowel movements contain whole flowers; in the end, the Sun admitted that it ate, but made the fruits of the ant tree that the Month ate unripe on one side; The month hit the tree, it has become high since then; the Sun and the Month are diving, pulling girls and boys out of the water; the people of the Month are ugly, the Sun is beautiful; the Sun has thrown a stick of wood into the water Mauritian palm tree; said that let the dead revive like a stick that pops up; the Month threw a stone, said they should die like a drowned stone; the Sun told axes and machetes to work by themselves; the Month heard sounds, began to look; the guns stopped and no longer worked on their own; the Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw off his shining fiery headdress; threw it from hand to hand until he cooled down; put it on his head; The Month wanted the same dress, dropped it, the ground caught fire; the Sun hid in a wasp house made of clay, and the Month in a hollow made of straw; then in a hollow, in a battleship's hole; a little bit did not burn; left without a hat; The sun found two capybaras who died in the fire, the Month chose a fat male, but when brought home, the Sun spat, the female was fat; they changed again, but The sun spat again; poured hot fat on the belly of the sleeping Month, said it was by accident; sent it to cool into the river, told him not to touch the turtle at the bottom; He touched the month, the stream carried it away, he hardly clung to tree; the Sun and the Month agreed that when their children (i.e. people) die, they should be buried; the Sun killed the Month, put it at the foot of the tree; the Month came to life, the Sun said that it would be the same with people; Month killed the Sun, buried them in the grave; the Sun got out, but with difficulty; The Month said that the dead should be buried in the ground so that the Earth could eat and satiate them; the Sun agreed; both rose to heaven, leaving people with axes and machete]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 1:17-30.