Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B2E. Earth is a man. 11.-.


Earth or the world as a whole is a male character (alone or along with a female character).

Ganda, Von, Ekoi, Moru Madi, Nuers, Ancient Egypt, Adelaide, Dugum Dani, Tuvalu, Tahiti, Ao, Bori, Apatani, Kachins, Viets, Rajastans, Malays Aboriginal (Temuan), Ibans (Sarawak) ), Ancient China, Miao, Lahu, Lee, Nogais, (all?) Sami, leaders, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Baikal region (?) Buryats, Nganasans, Manchus, Wilta, Shuswap, (Tolova?) , Northern Payut, Southern Utah, Kiliwa, Tewa, Mountain Totonaki, Azteca, Nahua (Huasteca Region), Tlapaneci, Tsotzil, Kekchi, Tsutuxil, Chorti, Maya Yucatana, Kalinha, Lokono, Tucano Actually, Kabiyari, Inca, Quechua and Southern Andean Aymara, kashibo.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ganda [Katonga is the creator god; Kitaka is the god of the earth; women ask him for crops from new plots]: Roscoe 1911:312.

West Africa. Background [Earth is elder, Thunder is the youngest sons of Moon Mawu and Sun-Liza]: Herskovits 1938:129; ecoi: Talbot 1912:17 [but one of the informants: I think Obassi Nsi is actually ours mother, and Obassi Osaw is the father, because sacrifices are made to Mr. Obassi and Mrs. Obassi; in addition, HE is kind, and it is known that the mother is kinder than the father], 70-71 [all created by Obassi Osaw and Obassi Nsi; first they lived together, but then OO took heaven and HE took the earth; the newborn falls to the ground, and the deceased returns to the land from which everything arises; HE controls all cultivated plants; the sky is bad, for sometimes it sends too much rain, then it doesn't rain at all].

Sudan - East Africa. Moru-madi [a male deity lives in the earth]: Zwernemann 1968:82; Nuers [mystery: Two big men will never meet (clouds and earth)]: Huffman 1970:105.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Geb Earth, son of Shu and Tefnut, a member of the Heliopolis Enneade; quarreled with his wife, sister Nebom-Nut, because she ate her children (heavenly bodies) every day, and then gave birth to them again; S. separated G. and N., leaving G. in a horizontal position, and N. lifting them up]: Mathieu 1956:86; Rubinstein 1980:267; 1980b [the embodiment of the earth in some nomas was the god Nut, in others god Acker]: 421; Gahlin 2007 [Shu is the father of Nut (heaven) and her brother Geb (earth); raised N., separating her from her brother; here is also a papyrus drawing from the Book of the Dead Tameniu, Third Intermediate Period, with depicting anthropomorphic Geb and Chickpeas]: 51.

Australia. Adelaide [the earth is a male being; there is a layer of water under the ground, and under it two monsters are wives of the earth; below are three more, who are breastfeeding, although they are not children and roar loudly all the time]: Waterman 1987, #3:21.

Melanesia. Dougum dani [Earth is male, Sky is woman; at first Heaven was on the ground; the first man Nakmatugi lived in Huwainmo Cave (5 km east of the dugum territory); he thunted and the sky rose to current height]: Heider 1970:140.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Nanumanga) [a sea serpent raised the sky; married a male land as a woman, giving birth to a Foelangi man and a Telahi woman]: Turner, p. 288 in Williamson 1933 (1): 72; Tahiti [ Ta'aroa was inside the Rumia egg; went out, picked up the upper part of the egg shell, turning it into the sky; at first, the sky was close to the ground; the Great Octopus, its four tentacles, held the ground and sky supported them on four sides of the world; T. created Atea (Space), the goddess of heaven; created the first pair, Tumu-nui (The Great Foundation) and his wife Paparaharaha (Rock Base); by Papa-tuoi (") Thin Earth") A. gave birth to the Sky Builders, who built 10 celestial layers; at the highest, god Tane; from Rua-tupua-nui ("The Source of Great Power") A. gave birth to all heavenly bodies; her third husband Fa'a-Hotu (" Making him fertile"); she changed sex with him, they gave birth to Ru; he raised the Sky, but not enough; then Maui cut off the octopus tentacles that held the world, they fell into the sea, turned into the Australian Islands ; called God Tanya from heaven; he fixed holes in the sky, raised it to its current height]: Henry 1928:336-344 (retelling in Makemson 1941:50-51, 68-69).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao [Lungkijingba is the Lord of Heaven, Lizaba is the Lord of the Earth, controls rain, storms, fertility]: Smith 1925:77-78; Apatani [the creation of land is attributed to the male deity Chandun, the creation of heaven is its feminine correspondence to Didun; as far as is known, other groups in the region have a more common identification of earth with a woman and heaven with a man; a couple of deities live in the earth ( man and woman) Kilo and Kiru, responsible for general well-being but not for fertility; they existed before C. created the land]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1962:133; bori [Sitking-Kedeng god land living in the ground; he has two eyes in front, two on the back of his head, two on the side, so no one could kill him while coming unnoticed; he once married a frog, but the frog flaunted herself to the guests, he kicked her out]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:152 (=Elwin 1958b: 166); Kachins [woman Sik Sawp (sky) and man Hkrip Hkrawp (earth) gave birth to Chanum and Woi-shunm, and from those things happen on earth and in heaven, including various spirits; then they created NGawn-wa Magam, who armed himself with a hammer and finally finished everything on earth]: Scott 1918:263-264.

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam: Knorozova 2000:40-41 [The God of Earth does not allow the God of Heaven to build a fortress, it turns out to be stronger], 41-42 [the young man goes to the Heavenly Lord Ngoc Hoang to ask him to make him rich; the god of earth suggests going instead of him to ask for a hundred years of life for him; the young man wants 30 years but in wealth; the god of the earth agrees, but the young man still wants to go by himself; the god of earth is offended, but the young man beats him; frightened, he conveys the young man's request to NH; the young man is generous in wealth, the poor intercede for him, NH gives him a hundred years of life]; Nikulin 1982d [earth god Tao Kuen has the form of a dragon, often an old man; for 7 days before the lunar new year, he goes to heaven to the supreme deity Tkauk Hoang; the earth is resting at this time, it cannot be disturbed with a plow, harrow, hoe; with the return of TC before the first in the afternoon before the new year, the earth awakens]: 494.

South Asia. The Rajastans [Ahir (cast/tribe of shepherds and farmers), a crow, a tiger and a donkey fell into the well; the king hunted and saw them; the crow promised to help, he pulled it out; she advised them to get them all out, except ahir; the donkey and the tiger then advised the same thing; but the king pulled out ahir; the tiger gave the king gold and silver, carried this load and the king himself on his back to the village; the crow stole and brought gold to the king the ring and bracelet that the woman took off; after that, the king came to ahir; in this village, the God of Earth demanded man and house for sacrifice every day; ahir called people, tied the king and sharpened the sacrificial knife; animals came to the rescue; the crow grabbed the sacrificial lantern, set fire to the village; people rushed to the fire, ate the remaining three tigers, and the donkey brought the king to his home]: Grierson 1908:231-232.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays are aborigines (Temuan) [the two main gods are heavenly and earthly; Heavenly created everything, controls the afterlife and spirits; the God of Earth dominates the world of the living, punishes violation all kinds of taboos]: Carey 1976; ibanas (Sea Dayaks, Sarawak) [when Simpang-Inpang (half man, in this case a woman) first gave birth, only blood came out; the blood of glass into the ground, became Pulang Gana is the owner of the land; his brothers began to clear the forest on the plot, the area was restored overnight; they watched, found PG; he explained what sacrifices he needed to make in order to get permission to cut down the forest]: Ling Roth 1896:177-178 (retelling in Jensen 1974:79).

China - Korea. Ancient China: Yangshina 1984 [later monuments (2nd century BC - 2nd century AD) testify to the feminine character of the deity of the land of Houth; the earliest monuments know male heroized the deity of the earth; Howth is in some cases identified with the earth itself (how falls, that symbol of male fertility remains)]: 76-78; 1977 [as a rule, Houtow is a male deity, but a number scientists believe that it was thought by Mother Earth]: 212; Miao (Guizhou): Bender et al. 2006 [Earth God appears in the story of placing suns and moons in the sky and destroying excess ones; see motive A2A]: 49- 70, 196 [The God of Earth goes out at night to wake the roosters to scream]; lahu [the widow got drunk from her elephant trail, became pregnant; she was expelled from the village; she gave birth to a son without a torso, alone head; he has grown up, tells him to be left alone in the field; every time she comes back for him, the woman sees that all the field work has been done; she is getting rich; the god of heaven Popayi and the god of earth Poyana , began to fight with each other (there are several gods of heaven and earth); Poiana promises one of his 7 daughters to someone who will help him defeat Poyaya; Head promises; becoming an eagle, Poyai takes the youngest Poyani's daughter; storm, lightning - this is the Head fighting Poyai, defeats him; Poyana asks her daughters, only the youngest Nala agrees to take the Head as her husband; he brings her to his mother; she is blind; when N. goes to the bazaar, he turns into a handsome young man, meets her, tries to seduce her, but she refuses; so twice; the third time he could not return to his head form, because a blind mother accidentally pushed her into the fire; the wife is happy; her sisters too, although her husband's wife, but he refuses; everything is fine]: Miller 1994:194-201; Lee (Hainan, wu. Ledong) [The Sun and the Moon are two sisters. Her older sister, the Sun, had dark grey skin, red face, and thick and strong arms and legs; she always left home in the morning, came back in the evening, and was very hardworking. Little sister Luna was pale, fragile, chubby, and as beautiful as a cinnamon tree flower that had just blossomed; however, she was lazy. The sisters were very welcoming and their favorite guest was Man Earth, who came to visit them every day. Earth fell in love with her sisters, but didn't know which one to marry. The sun is healthy and efficient, but not particularly attractive, and Luna is beautiful but lazy. In the twenty-third year, Earth decided that the creator of wealth was better than just taking advantage of what others had created, and married the Sun in his twenty-fourth year. People are descendants of the Earth man and the Sun woman. Our foremother has turned into a huge red lantern and hangs in the sky, giving light, and our forefather allows him to live safely on his body. And the moon is still sitting around, coming out in the evening when people are already resting, and hanging in the sky in emptiness and alone]: Zhou 2002, No. 16:23.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais: Kapayev 2012:30 [Er-Yeshi and Su-Yeshi - Lord of Land and Water Lord], 41 [su-ana - mother of water, yer-ana - mother of land, ot-ana - mother of fire].

Baltoscandia. Sami (Western and Eastern?) [Madderattje and Madderakka - Father of Earth and Mother of Earth]: Castrén 1853:88-89; counselors [maanemä and maanisä are mother and father of the earth; also maaukko and maaakka (grandfather and grandmother of the earth), maa isänt& #228; and maa emäntä (owner and owner of the land) were assessed as a bad force; if a person suddenly falls on the road, he is paralyzed by the earth's mother; the earth's mother lives in the cemetery, or the earth's spirits live in piles of stone; or in the woods, they invite children to their place]: Ariste 1958:32 in Konkova 2009:22.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the mistress of the land Tulaua is the wife of the deity of heaven Kyk Tənre; but sometimes the earth is called a red-bearded; there is a male character Yer Atasa (father of the earth)]: Khisamitdinova 2011:161; Chuvash [the midwife pours salt water into the gap between the floorboards and says, "Father of the Earth, Mother of Earth, don't look at the child"]: Salmin 2002:32.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal (?) The Buryats ["the Buryats have the deity of the earth also more often than God, although she later receives a male reincarnation"]: Galdanova 1987:26.

Western Siberia. Nganasana [two spiritual masters of the earth; one is a friendly gray-haired old man, the other is an unfriendly and evil Finnida (apparently "grave"), living under the turf; with his mouth open, he expects dead for himself; he is sometimes considered a man, sometimes a woman]: Popov 1984:60-61.

Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus (Liaoning, Zhuanghe County, Inlieshi County, Tsaoweibai Village, Farmer, Primary Education) [crops did not ripen prematurely, wind did not blow too much, and rain too much abundantly, in winter, the Heavenly Lord (HB) ordered wheat flour to be thrown down; people became lazy; many lands remained uncultivated; women went from the eastern gate to the western gate and spread gossip: "One man got out of a cat hole and climbed into a dog hole, causing jealousy; he ended up breaking his head and breaking his leg"; the earth's patron spirit could not hide it, the news went to heaven; Jade the emperor {apparently =HB} ordered the Fire Star (OZ, Mars) to go to the lower world and investigate everything; he took the form of a Taoist, began to collect alms; one day he went into the house, asked his daughter-in-law for food, she said that there was no food; then she took a white flour cake from under the child's ass and threw it away, put a new one under his ass; OZ was indignant; the woman slapped him in the face, told him to fail; OZ came to another village asked the old woman for food; she threw the bun at the dog, the bun rolled into the manure hole, the old woman scolded the dog for not being able to find food; Oz could not ask for food in any house, released a belly full of fire and came to heaven with a report; HB got angry; that year there were few seeds from the very beginning, hail passed in spring, hurricane in summer, flooding in autumn, no seeds left; buns, who threw at dogs, picked up, cakes that were used as diapers dried again; hoped that flour would save the sky in winter, but instead of flour it snowed; people collected it, but meltwater did not fed their stomachs, all winter and spring people gnawed on tree bark, ate grass and roots, many died; the Earth's Patron Spirit (DPZ) could not watch the human race decay, tried several times to go to heavenly halls asked for people, but he was put out of the gate; when HB was already hovering above the ground, his brother-in-law, i.e. the DPZ, was still small; when he first came to heaven, he went around and touched everything; stood at the gate a tree with small white flowers, and under them were set black shiny trihedral unprecedented fruits; the DPZ tore off the twig to look closer, but the fruits from it spread and scattered around the world people; it was a buckwheat bush; a scandal broke out in the heavenly halls, because nothing from the sky could be given to the human world; heavenly warriors and generals seized the DPZ and called it to account for the seeds that had woken up; The god of the wind blew out fiercely, covered the fallen grains with a layer of yellow earth; the god of rain sent a rainstorm, which mixed the grains and moistened the earth; the sky did not expect that in a few days the seeds would be in the humid ground they will shoot; after going through disaster, humanity has acquired its original virtues: hard work, frugality, philanthropy, justice; since then, after the storm, hail, etc., they have sown buckwheat; seeing flowers buckwheat and angry celestials sent frost to the ground, but buckwheat bloomed quickly and set seeds, and those that did not have time to ripen remained flowers; when buckwheat seeds were close to ripening, over black ones grains are snow-white flowers]: Liaoning 1994, No. 148:325-327; wilta [According to Japanese explorer Nagane Sukehatsi, the supreme deity of heaven was called Undori (a phonetic variant of Enduri), and the shamanic spirit of the earth - Ujinoho (Ejen's host variant)]: Sam et al. 2011:59.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [The Earth has power over the weather and the change of seasons; some believe it continues to grow and will die someday; if the Earth's spirit is hot, it makes the weather cooler; tired of The gravity of snow causes spring to melt the snow, and when it feels thirsty, it causes rain; earthquakes occur when it shakes off]: Teit 1909a: 595; (cf. tolova [world - man {no details}]: Driver 1939:344).

Big Pool. Northern Payutes [The Coyote asks Earth, addressing her "My Nephew", if he is handsome when he runs, if the feather, his footprints, his eyes are beautiful; the Earth says every time that he is not beautiful at all; The coyote makes furrows in the ground; lies in the shade; grass begins to sprout through him; he jumps up, dragging grass with roots]: Lowie 1924, No. 9:224; Southern Utah [earth is male]: Gifford 1940, No. 2303:61.

The Great Southwest. Kiliva [Memipáio has a son, Metáilkwa'ipáiv, who has two wives; the eldest is expecting a child; the youngest, out of envy, stepped over her husband so that menstrual blood dripped on him; he hit her in the heart with a stick, killed her; blood splashed in the sun, now there are spots; he chased three wild sheep, they became three stars of the Orion Belt; Orion's sword is an arrow, another star nearby is hers tip; Orion rises every night from the sea where the rams jumped; when he returned, his wife had already given birth to a son named Maikwiak; people killed his father, his son revived him; so twice; the third time cut into parts; head - Valle Trinidad; body - slope towards the San Felipe desert; right hand - trough on the other side (what?) ; there is no left hand, it was torn off; legs are two plains; the son killed evil people; he made a hut in the sky, which is made of bent branches, but instead of branches, a rainbow; took a dog with him]: Meigs 1939:69-78; teva: Harrington 1916 [The world is man, the Milky Way is its spine]: 41, 51; Parsons 1929b [Universe or World Man is mentioned in San Juan and Namba]: 288.

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [Earth is a woman, our grandmother, and a man at the same time; he/she supports people who stain her/him with their garbage; they must donate alcohol for this, dug]: Ichon 1969: 128-131; Nahua (Huasteca region) [Earth is a living being, soil is flesh, rocks are bones, water is blood; Earth has two entities - Father Earth and Mother Earth; human activities (defecation, childbirth, field cultivation) irritates the Earth, it must be appeased; if the crime is particularly great, shamans bury poultry alive]: Sandstrom, Effrein Sandstrom 1986:77-78; tlapanecas [god of earth Aku is a male and female character; a child is a gift to A.]: Schultze-Jena 1938, No. 1:140; Tsotsil [Yahval Balamil - "Lord (or Master) of the Earth"]: Vogt 1969:298; Kekchi [Tzul Taq 'a is the old God of Earth]: Van Akkeren 2000:233, 236; tsutuhil [Face of the Earth, Juan Martin et al.: people live on his back, his nose is mountains, his hands are hugged and supported by his hands world]: O'Brien 1976:385; chorty: Thompson 1977 [discusses Wisdom data; P'en - masculinity]: 356; Wisdom 1961 [Ihp'en is the god of earth, includes male (Manuel) and feminine (la Virgen) hypostases]: 454 (=1940:402); Aztecs, Mayans of Guatemala and Yucatana [God D is connected to both heaven and earth; as God of Earth he is named Itzam Kab Ain, i.e. "whale". Tzul Taq'a (God of the Earth in the Kekchi myth, see motif A3) has the same title, T'aktani, or Mat'aktani, which means "whale" or "swordfish" in kiche and kakchikel (Braakhuis n.d.). Vladyka Chichen in Verapaz from the B'atz line bore the title Mat'aktani, distorted in early colonial sources to Matal (Estrada Monroy 1979:172). Apparently, B'atz', as the former inhabitants of Rabinal, revered God D, i.e. the Old God of Earth, and the head of the line was his priest. Taube found it difficult to reconcile the translation of "whale" with Thompson's literal translation of Itzam Kab Ain as "Itzam Earth Caiman"; he concluded that the whale appeared on the basis of an archetypal Mesoamerican image land like a caiman floating in the world's oceans; in the case of the Maya, it's Itzamna caiman (Taube 1992:36-7). There are many images of Itsamna as a caiman or crocodile, a personification that became very popular during the Post-Classical period (1992: fig. 15, 16, 69). Zehler already assumed that God D had much in common with the Central Mexican old god Tonacatecuhtli, "Lord of our Sustenance", who, like Itsamen, sat on the upper tier of the sky, but was simultaneously connected to the land]: Van Akkeren 2000:235-236.

Guiana. Kalinya [Nono-yumu is the spirit of the earth that produces earthquakes (along with Grand Cayman, p. 48)]: Goeye 1943, No. 29:52; lokono [hororo-kuya, the spirit of the earth; associated with it ideas can be borrowed from blacks: each place has its own spirit and the well-being of those who live there depends on it]: Goeye 1943, No. 29:52-53.

NW Amazon. Tucano actually [1) The Creator descends from the sky along the vine, followed by the First Couple; 2) The Earth Woman (Pamuri-Mahsho's daughter) became pregnant after eating the fruit from a tree, braided with a vine; gave birth to Epa-Mahsho (Man Earth)]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985:245, note 18; Kabiyari [Yakamukute (Sky) did not have an anus; (his umbilical cord was connected to Pupuchu was a Banesteriopsis caapi vine; Hehechu Jaguar was her process; this is only in Bonnemère's paraphrase 2001:40); Hechechu is associated with land; I came to dance with H.'s children, killed them; One escaped, became a bird; I threw the other into boiling water like a worm; H. collected pieces of his body, joined him with cotton wool, he turned into a monkey (mico); I pretended to know nothing; invited Me to dance; I started the winds loudly; I asked him to make an anus; H. pierced his anus, he died; his body exploded, becoming the sky, that is, the sky separated from the ground; the remains of H. turn into a hill, the blood became clay; from The other remains are the sons of Y. - the four cultural heroes of Munully; they measure the land to determine where its center is; they build the first maloka by cutting down the only Teviji tree, the others are not yet; the roof flat, falls after the first rain; M. takes the night at the Karu toad; at first they do not pay, K. hands them a vessel with wounds; demands gold; after receiving the night, M. carelessly open the vessel, darkness sets in; M. create nocturnal animals screaming at a certain time; when dawn comes, the sun rises; M. receives a vessel with earth from the Mapitare worm, opened inadvertently, the earth is dispersed; water Pira-Parana is hot, fish cannot be eaten, sick, and there are no other rivers yet; M. come to a tree with water and fish, owned by Kamanatana, the wife of the Mapitare worm; brothers eat ants, and Camanatana feeds them with tapioca; the youngest is M. (his name is Mamitiri) spies, sees that this tapioca is Mapitare sperm; Mamitiri, in the form of a hummingbird, finds a tree owned by Kamanatana; M. opens a hole in which she kept animals and animals spread through the forest; M. dazzle Kamanatana, send them down the river to the rapids; they cut down trees that turn into different rivers; when a tree owned by Kamanatana is cut down, it does not fall, it is suspended for the vines; they send the white Maniritare squirrel to cut them down; the fallen tree turns into Apaporis, the vine turns into the Cananarí River; the sky at sunset is colored with squirrel blood; the brothers tell the snake to make a channel rivers winding; brothers turn into parrots, fly to Thunder, replace its lightning with a parrot's tail, carry it away, distribute it to all communities]: Bourgue 1976:121-131 [summary with comments and interpretations] 138-143 [exact summary].

The Central Andes. Incas: Silverblatt 1990 [Pachakuti Yamqui (1950:226) contrasts two rows of creatures and objects with a single Creator above them; the Male Sun is placed in one row. Morning Star (male), Lord Earth, male; in the other Moon, Woman, Evening Star (female), Mother Sea, woman {Lord the Earth is not there, there is Pachamama!}] : 33; Amantani Island in the NW part of the lake. Titicaca [two mountains with temples on their tops; one is Pachamama (small, round) and the other is Pachatata (larger, square in plan); pottery resembles pucará and tiahuanaku, but a peculiar, perhaps special local culture; during the ritual, people flee from two mountains to the saddle; if Pachamama wins, the harvest will be good, if Pachatata doesn't]: Niles 1987; 1988; Quechua in southern Peru (prov. Paucartambo, dep. Cusco) [along with Pachamama, there is a male god of the earth, Pachaqaqa, or Pachatira; he lives in abysses, rocks, produces earthquakes, landslides, causes people and animals to fall off rocks, he eats people's hearts falling asleep on the way (hemoptysis)]: Núñez del Prado 1974:246; Southern Andes [in Bolivia, NW Argentina and Chile, there is a colorless male character near Pachatata , Pachata]: Mariscotti de Goerlitz 1978:28.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [Bari's creator god comes to our world; it's just water; throws the earth onto the waters, creating red, yellow, white layers of the earth; these layers are his sons; asks the Earthquake to run; that runs, the ground is cracking; B. reinforces the ground with log fittings; The earthquake is running again; reports that the earth is strong]: Frank et al. 1990, No. 1:44.