B30A. The victim turns into fish. .
Fish comes from the remains of a murdered person or creature. At first, it is concentrated in one place, then it spreads through water bodies.
Nghaimbom, tangu, Pentecost, (Ticopia), mestizos Cubas, Taino, Sicuani, Puinawa.
Melanesia. Nghaimbom [Lupuabisa's son is the best hunter; others killed him out of envy; L. found her son's corpse, he became small, she carried him, asking permission to bury him; no one wanted to; in the village Ngaimba Liwowo took a woman, she buried her son, asked him not to cover the grave with earth; the worms in the corpse became fish, there was salt water in the pit; Liwowo eats delicious fish, and his younger brother Monumbo tasteless without salt; begged Liwowo to reveal the secret; he ordered not to hit the biggest fish; M. pierced the biggest fish with a spear, it broke through the walls of the pond, the stream flowed into the mountains; L. told his son to flow in the other direction, the river filled the sea; it was clear and smooth; when mud was poured, it turned dark; they threw a snake - waves like snakes; cockatoo - on the waves of lambs]: Höltker 1965, No. 1:97-98; tangu [a lonely woman went fishing fish, left her little daughter in the village, a stranger killed and buried her; in a dream, the woman found out where the grave was, dug her body, carried it from village to village, found a place for burial, married the youngest of the two Brothers, gave birth to him two sons; found that salt water and fish were flowing from her daughter's grave; she gave this fish to her son to eat, he immediately became an adult; her husband's brother is jealous, wants the same for his son, grabbed the biggest fish, water poured out of the grave, formed the sea, dividing the brothers; they sent messages to each other on the leaves; the younger brother invented everything Europeans have]: Burridge 1960:84-85 (= 1967:34-36); Pentecost [a hair-covered cannibal killed a woman's two children; he was killed, thrown into the sea, and turned into all types of fish]: Tattevin 1931, No. 29:879-880.
(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Tikopia [Sun's son Resa shattered Tangaroa's head with a stick; the shrapnel turned into different types of fruit trees (chestnut trees, arek palms, coconut palm) and different species edible slave]: Firth 1970:187).
The Antilles. Central Cuba [Amao is the first man, son of Huion 'a, a Sun man; Guanaroca is the first woman to be the daughter of Maroya (Moon); Amao is the son of A. and G.; A. refers a child in the mountains, he dies; A. hides the corpse in the fruit of a guira, hangs it on a tree; G. finds a fruit, drops it, water gushes out of it, floods the ground; fish and turtles appear]: Borodatova 1992:158; Feijoo 1986:13- 15; Oriente mestizos [a man kills his son, hides a guir in the fruit, hangs it on a tree; the fruit falls, breaks, water pours out of it, fish in it]: Borodatova 1992:158; Taino: Fouchard 1972 [ paraphrase from comment, mostly Pane]: 87-92; Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9 [Chief Haya puts his son's corpse in calebas; when he returns, he sees whales and marine animals inside, tells others that in the calebass sea; four brothers, whose mother died in childbirth, decide to take possession of a pumpkin for fish; H. catches them by surprise; they drop calebas in fear, water floods the world, only islands remain]: 170-171; Pane 1932 [Hyaiael wants to kill his father Giaya; he sends him out of the house, then kills him; puts the bones in a calebass, hangs him from the roof of the house; later turns him over, and fish jump out of there ; Itaba-Tahuuana dies in childbirth, four twin brothers are taken out of her womb; the eldest is Dimivan Caracarakol; only he dares to take Giaya's calebasa and get fish out of her; Giaya comes back, the brothers hurry to hang the calebass in its place, she falls, the water floods the ground, and the fish are in it]: 190-191.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 63 [only the Kuemási electric stingray lived, there was no other fish; he teased Purnamináli ("uncombed"); he fatally wounded him with a hook; grandson The murdered Chaika told P. (he is the brother of wife P.), who is flying to plant yams, and he himself found his grandfather's bones on Kudíido Rock at the edge of the world, carried the bag of bones back; P. put the door to the sky, forcing Chaika to go down; offered to bury his bones with him; to prevent the hole from being deep, he placed a wide stone in the soil that prevented him from digging; when the Seagull left, P. moved the bones to the forest, ground them into flour, took cassava from his wife to eat it; Hummingbird (husband another sister P.) peeked, also began to eat flour; P. poured the rest of the flour into a mortar, filled it with water, the mortar turned into a fish pond; the hummingbird forced P.'s youngest son to tell me where the pond was; contrary to the ban, shot a big fish, it swallowed the boy, the fish broke the dam, went into the rivers; trying to stop the fish that swallowed his son, P. created rapids on Vichada; consistently puts four guards harpoon that fish; but they only catch small fish, turned into 4 types of herons; the fifth was Osprey, who caught and threw P. big fish, who named them; finally killed that fish, P. took out and revived his son; Seagull made the dead master], 64 [the children cried because they ate only pepper; old man Inójobonë told them to kill himself, turned into a big valentón fish; two became seagulls, carried a vessel of fish food; Tsikirrírri ("very hungry") said that he also did not want to live, ordered him to be buried face outside with the vessel; left alone, he got out, opened the vessel, hid it in the forest; asking his sister for cassava, said that goes to the forest to eat ants; his sister's husband traced, hid the vessel; poured into the lake, the contents turned into fish; T. forced his sister's husband's son to tell me where his father was fishing; harpooned the largest one, the dam broke through, the fish went into the rivers], 65 [Kuamasi's sons teased Furnaminali's sons; F. found the hook, killed K.; Seagulls and corbateros, K.'s sons fried their father's flesh, threw pieces into the water, they turned into fish; Matsuludani told them to bury K.'s remains in his house; discovered it, threw them into the water, they turned into fish; Astro forced M.'s son to take him to where M. kept the fish; said he needed a lot fish, shot at the stingray, staggered, the dam broke, the fish went into the river; M. tried to stop the fish, now there are rapids in these places], 66 [the seagull brought the man a vessel of fish food; he hid it in in the forest, each time asked the sisters to give him cassava as a seasoning for grasshoppers; Kuwaiti peeked, hid the vessel, fenced off the pond with a dam, threw the contents of the vessel there, it turned into fish; people peeked, began to beat big fish, it broke the dam, went into the rivers], 67 [valentón jumps out of the water, shouts that Furná does not have a navel; F. catches it on the hook, cooks it, puts the pieces in the dug to do this, creating a lot of small fish; The otter spied, dug a hole, the fish went into the river; F. creates larger fish - the same thing; F. turns the Otter into an otter; since then, fish in rivers]: 251-258, 259-263, 254- 266, 267-268, 269-270; Yépez 1984 [the sky was low; Kuwait caught Cwepi, entangled in the sky, he fell off the hook; Kwepi had the flesh of all fish in his body; three types of ducks heal him, but he dies; his body fried, crushed, flour put in a vessel to populate the rivers with fish; Sikiriri lies to the Seagulls that he is K.'s brother, asks him to be buried next to a vessel in which his brother's ashes, but leave his head outside; eats flour; not gives her sister, so the sister complained to Tsamani; he flew in the form of a hummingbird, threw flour into the water, all kinds of fish appeared; corn grew from flour poured into a hole in the ground; Kajuyali takes a vessel with fish in a boat to populate all rivers with fish; S. tells his son to show where his father's harpoon is, otherwise he will eat him; harpoons the biggest fish; she breaks the vessel, jumps into Orinoco; they try to detain her ( the origin of the rapids); fish are now unevenly distributed]: 13-16.
NW Amazon. Puinawa [has nothing to eat; the father suggests that his sons kill him, dry his body, crush him, scatter him across the field like seeds for sowing, throw the rest into lakes and rivers; they grew out of the scattered field all cultivated plants (corn, yams, bananas, pineapples, etc.), fish that was thrown into the water]: Cardozo 1968:51-52.