Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B30B. The victim turns into animals.


Animals arise from the remains of a murdered person.

Hadza, dusun, tsotsil, tseltal, chol, ishil, aparai, waorani, barasana, maue.

Sudan - East Africa. Hadza [Quadudada's man asks his son to climb the baobab for fruit; he drives pegs into the trunk, rises, leaves the fruits on one branch uncollected, replies what he will collect in the next once; the next time the father cuts off the pegs, says that the son can eat the fruit left; after three months he returns, says he will not be able to drive the pegs; the young man is terribly thin, asks Hawk to lower it, he says that the Stork can do it; the stork cannot lift the young man either, he spreads his wings, tells him to jump; the Stork's children pecked and ate the young man; the knot with intact bones Stork takes Muliliv to the old man; he breaks bones; a goat and a hyena came out of one shoulder, a goat and a leopard from the other, a goat and a lion from the thumb, a nameless bull, a middle donkey and a zebra, from index dog and cat, from the little finger a dog and a jackal; from the thumb of the other hand there are two bulls, from an unnamed goat and a jackal, from the middle finger two goats, from the little finger a goat and a hyena, from one knee an elephant, from another rhino, from the hips - for a bull, from the tibia an ostrich and a buffalo, from the big and fourth toes, a big and a small daman, from the third marten, from the second a wild cat, from the fifth a tree rat; the other leg from the thumb is a hare and a warthog, from the fourth a dwarf and mountain antelope, izn spreads its wings, led the third black-fifth antelope dump, from the second baboon, from the fifth monkey; from eight ribs water goat, marsh antelope, lala, wild dog, nja antelope, hippopotamus, guinea fowl and shepherdess, 4 species of steppe partridges, chicken and pelican, wild pigeons and titiako bird, lackey bird; from the brain is different herbs, water flowed from the eyes, flooded the ground, dried up, many trees grew, from the snake's intestines; M. built a pen for all animals; the day did not come long; finally the Ishoko-sun descended from the sky, morning came; I. told the animals to separate, returned to heaven]: Col-Larsen 1962:23-28.

Melanesia. Chimbu [Mondo's older brother and younger Gande lived in the sky; went down to earth, landing on a bush; M. spent all his days in the forest; G. followed to find out what he was doing there; M. put a stick and hung his jewelry on it; when he left, he could not take it; realized that my brother was watching; ordered his brother to kill him, bury him and fence the place; Polygonum nepalense grew up on the grave ( peaches, not used) and Cordyline terminales (a type of asparagus); piglets of various colors (pig origin) were inside the fence]: Sterly 1977:48-49.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dusun [Kemharingan and Munsumundok had a son and daughter; they had nothing to eat, her parents killed their daughter; coconut came from her head, sugar cane from her hands, bananas from her fingers, rice from her blood; All animals also emerged from parts of her body]: Evans 1913:478.

Mesoamerica Tsotsil [The moon is the mother of the Sun, 6-8 years old; his older brother walks with him, wants to eat, throws him into the abyss; the sun falls to the top of a cliff; monkeys form a chain, lift it up; brother leads him into the thorny forest, sets fire to the thickets; the sun hides in a flea hole, returns home again; throws cotton thread on the branches of the tree, the branches turn into a hive; he invites his brother to go for honey , asks him to throw honey too; he throws only wax; the Sun asks Aguti to knock down the tree; turns pieces of wax into mice and scorpions, which help to knock down the tree; brother falls; the sun creates all kinds of animals made from the blood and flesh of the deceased; the red parrot is made of blood; the bakers' face is from a cake taken by the Sun from the mother]: Rubel 1964:51-53; tseltal [the sun turns its two brothers into various animals; lets wild animals into the forest, leaves pets at home]: Ramirez Hernandez, Melo 1988:39; chol: Aulie, Aulie 1951 [Sun brothers climb to the top of the tree for honey; Sun makes animals that undermine a tree; brothers fall, turn into wild pigs and other wild and domestic animals] in Thompson 197:434-435; Gebhardt Domínguez 2001 [Ch'ujtat brought the earth out of her heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water, mud, dirt with earth; in the four corners of the earth, put three Chuntewinikes people each to support her; these people they feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected his heart to the ground; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first humans smaller than Chuntewinikes, but more than the current ones, very smart; needing nothing, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them by the flood, sent Vulture to find out if anyone was left, ordered not to touch anything, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished told him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some had escaped on rafts; after staining her feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned the surviving people into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before; C. created two people, one tried to kill the other, C. destroyed him, gave the other a woman; their descendants inhabited the land; one woman hides from her eldest son Askun, that he has a younger brother Ijts'in; he noticed his traces, his mother showed I.; I. made gadflies and bees, told the gadflies to wake him up if he sleeps for a long time; A. is jealous, killed I. at the station, he returned; lured I. into an agouti trap, he returned again; cut it, fed the fish, he returned with fish; offered to climb the tree to get honey; he threw off his wax, not honeycombs, but wax 12 times, I. made 12 agouti, they they blew up the tree; it fell, A. crashed, I. made all animals out of it; from the teeth, blood, hearts of certain birds, and from the heart of hummingbirds; I. led the animals to the house; went through one door and left the other became domestic, the rest were wild; the mother was happy, but the Dog told her that the animals were made of her son's flesh; she cried, the rabbit and the deer did not go through the right doors in fear, and rushed to run, I. grabbed them by the tails, they broke away; other forest animals ran after these two; one day I. caught a white rabbit, gave it to his mother; lay down in a hammock, swayed, because of which the trees fell themselves; but in the morning the vegetation was intact; the young man waited for the rabbit given to his mother, who told the trees to stand up; he returned the rabbit to his mother, she never parted with it again; the son jumped into the sky, became the Sun, the mother By the moon, with the shadow of a rabbit on it]: 49-57; ishil [see motif K27; Marangani's daughter and her husband run away from his house; M. throws lightning at the fugitives; the woman is killed, the husband puts her bones in a vessel; gives To her aunt, she opens the lid out of curiosity; wild pigs, deer and other animals come out of there; the husband cries, the woodpecker promises to help, for which he gives him a red handkerchief; now the woodpecker's head is red; woodpecker she hammers a tree, bees fly out, they are a transformed woman; she scolds her husband for not watching the vessel himself; tells her bones to call; all animals and bees come; the husband gives shoes to the deer to run away from dogs; hair on the rabbit's feet so as not to leave a smell on the road; corn in fields for wild pigs; they can live in caves, hiding from the rain]: Colby, Colby 1981:182-183.

Guiana. Aparai [Snake man kills his son, tells his wife to cook him; she puts poison on her husband; cuts his stomach; from there his son's head sticks out, names tapir, wild pigs and all commercial pigs animals (there weren't any before); this child gave people arrows]: Rauschert 1967, No. 24:193.

Western Amazon. Waorani [during the flood, the old man and the old woman hide in the deck; after the flood, the Otters want to kill them; they throw down a bunch of burning firewood on the old man; all the animals in the forest jump out of the ashes; Otters wrap ashes into a leaf, sprinkled with water, a boy appears; an old woman carries him to wash, Otters turn into mosquitoes, bite her, she drops a child; Otters emerge carrying his arm and leg, the rest is eaten; the old woman burns the remains, a new baby appears after the same procedure as the first time; Otters play with him, lure him into a hollow, close him, turn a tree into a mountain; when a locked man hits the walls of his prison, thunder thunders]: Gartelmann 1977:166-168.

NW Amazon. Barasana [while dragonfly parents are on the site, Wati-Goode-Mangu (Spirit without Anus) comes into the house, tells the children to dance with wild pig teeth belts; the youngest tells the parents , they teach children how to steal a basket with belts; V. returns for it; pushes the children into a boiling pot; the youngest turns into a bird; the father turns the rest into edible animals: bones into capuchin monkeys, flesh in wild pigs Tayassu tajacu; V. meets the Dragonfly; he blows the wind; V. asks him to make an anus too; The dragonfly pierces him with a stake, V. dies; The dragonfly scatters flesh along the rivers, it turns in clay of different colors]: C.Hugh-Jones 1979:197-198.

Central Amazon. Maue: Pereira 1954 [all animals dream of marrying the beautiful Onhiamuaçabé; The snake left a pleasant smell on the trail, O. stopped, the snake touched her leg unnoticed, O. gave birth boy; his wife's brothers drove them away; the boy secretly came to pick the fruits of the Brazil nut that grew near the brothers' house; they killed him; his mother planted his eyes, and the left grew a false guarana (Paullinia cupana), real from the right; joined the parts of her son's body, rubbed them with leaves, buried them; a wild cat, a coatá monkey, wild pigs and other animals come out of his grave; then the first maue came out - a resurrected boy; his mother put clay teeth in him, so his teeth deteriorate; she began to wash the boy, but her brothers came and told him not to wash; so people do not change their skin like snakes]: 120-126 (=1980 (2): 729-733); Ugge 1991, No. 1 [mother joined her son's body parts, rubbed them with leaves, buried them; began to play the flute; wild cat, coatá monkey, wild pigs and other animals come out of his grave; woman tells every species where to live; wild pigs had strong teeth that humans should have; then the first maue, a resurrected boy, came out; his mother put in his deteriorating teeth, for they were already strong received pigs; without the motive of changing their skin and losing immortality]: 114-129.