Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B31. Women are becoming aquatic mammals.


A woman (usually in conflict with a man or left alone) or a man and woman (spouses, lovers, brother and sister) become aquatic mammals.

Valman, San Cristobal, Palau, Khmer, Bulgarians, Faroese, Ainu, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Aleuts (Umnak, Unalashka, Atka), Central Yupik, Bering Strait Inupiate (and North Strait Inupiate) Alaska?) , netsilic, igloolik, caribou, Labrador Eskimos, Baffin Land, Polar Eskimos, Western and Southern Greenland Eskimos, Tanaina, Lower Chinook, Tillamook, Warrau, Lokono, Kalinya, Aparai, Galibi, Napo ( or canelo), carijona, cubeo, parintintin, spike, juruna, guarazu, tapirape, carage, puelche, southern Tehuelche, Selknam.

Melanesia. Valman [enemies attacked the village of Sial; men fled; women put on palm fiber blankets and turned into dolphins; dolphins are not just animals, but ex-women]: Becker 1971 No. 35:439; San Cristobal [a woman went to the sea to collect water, put a basin over her head, leaned to wash her hands; her husband's brother came up, poked her thighs with his scallop; out of shame, a woman threw herself into the sea, became a dugong (the origin of dugongs)]: Fox 1924:272.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [woman and daughter live alone, poor; daughter becomes pregnant; (premarital pregnancy leads to lifelong stigma); gave birth; mother: you must comply with all dietary restrictions; one day she left, and her daughter began to eat Tahitian nuts (Inocarpus edulis, a family of legumes); the mother suddenly comes in, the daughter ran out, threw herself into the sea and turned into a dugong; when the dugong realizes that she is being gathered kill, she cries because she was human; you can see {Tahitian walnut in her mouth} in the corner of her mouth]: Kesolei 1971:14-16.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [the banyan spirit falls in love with a girl, appears as a boa constrictor, turns into a young man at night, makes her parents rich; other parents bring a real boa constrictor from the forest, at the time of the wedding, he swallows the bride; she is taken out half-alive, soiled; she cannot wash herself, rushes into the sea, turns into a dolphin (dolphin origin)]: Foshko 1981, No. 10:40-48; (same text in Thierry 1977 retelling [the girl regularly sacrifices to spirits; the spirit of the tree learns from Indra that his karma is to unite with a girl; taking the form of a snake, comes to her house, turns handsome at night; shows her parents hidden treasures; neighbors recognize this marriage; other spouses are jealous; the father brings his daughter a boa constrictor, arranges a wedding, the boa constrictor swallows the bride; in the morning the father extracts the swallowed , she throws herself into the water, turns into a dugong]: 169-171); Vieta [daughter left home early; her brother saw her, did not recognize her, got married; once he looked for a scar in his wife's head; she said that she played with her brother as a child and he hit her head with a stone; her husband was horrified, but kept silent and went on a merchant voyage; in one place, the hostess secretly carried a golden turtle onto the ship, accusing the owner the ship was stolen; he had to hand over the ship; he threw a fruit into the river with a note, his wife found and learned about a turtle, and about a dry tree that begins to turn green when transplanted on special soil , as well as about two cats who keep lights on their heads all night; the wife took a jeweler with her (he melted the turtle into a bar), changed the ground and let rats see the cats; the owner and her husband had to become sailors on a ship; they were thrown into the water, they became a pair of killer whales]: Coyaud 2011, No. 6A: 16, 44-47.

The Balkans. The Bulgarians [Tsar Alexander went to the ends of the earth for the water of immortality; it is dark there; to find a way back, he left mares and foals alternately, they laughed at each other; returning, A. left a vessel of immortality water on the window, went to bed; his three daughters drank the waters of immortality, and his sister knocked over the vessel; A. hacked her, she became a dolphin; A. died, and his three daughters are immortal, living under by the church to the springs in Asenovgrad; at night they call "Where are you, Tsar Alexander"; A. dug the Bosphorus, the water that flooded Bulgaria came down; he saw fish devouring each other, decided that they should people also do; wars have begun since then]: Iliev 2001:33-34.

Baltoscandia. Faroese [seals come from people who threw themselves into the sea and drowned; on the thirtieth night of the month they go ashore as human beings and dance; Skálavik says that locals women are descended from seals]: Jiriczek 1882, No. 18:15.

Japan. Aina [the brothers of the sea god ask her beautiful sister to marry the youngest son of another sea god; she rejects all suitors; jumps into the water, turns into a dolphin, becomes the leading pack dolphins]: Etter 1949:77.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Belikov 1982:39-40 [father tells his daughter to go for belts and oars; they are frozen, she cannot cope; he hangs her down a cliff; in summer she sails in a boat with her sons; walrus lifts her hood, this is a daughter, kills her father, sends her brothers to her mother], 99-101 [father and five brothers cannot marry their sister; then they hang her upside down from belts above the sea; she turns into a walrus, sinks a boat with her father and brothers; her mother stays with her youngest son, he grows up to be a hunter].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [girl rejects suitors; father tells everyone to sail away, leave her alone; she throws herself into the water, turns into a sea lion]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 119:286-287; central Yupik : Alaska Native Writers 1986 [husband hunts for a long time, every time he is surprised that there is no one around; surprised that they have no children; wife gives birth; husband tells her to sew a rain park; takes her to the flooded in the tide of the island leaves it there with the child; the woman turns into a killer whale, the child into her dorsal fin; she catches up and drowns her husband, before showing him her human face; he too turns into a killer whale]: 59-74; Orr, Orr 1995 (lower reaches of Cuskoquim) [the bride dies; the groom digs up her grave, hugs her corpse, then buries him; she comes to him, sings a song; he runs away, rushes into the sea, she follows it; they become male and female Lakhtaks]: 327-335; Woodbury 1984 (Chevak) [father forbids his daughter to marry his beloved; after that she rejects the suitors; one day he saves the muskrat, who was driven by the boys; marries a stranger; he does not tell him to dry his clothes and shoes; she dries his shoes by the fire, he rushes into the lake, she follows him; both turn into a muskrat]: 59-63 (quail in Smelcer 1992:83-84); Aleuts: Beklemishev 1884 (Athinsky Department) [many Ogolguz brothers, water men, lived together; in the morning they went to sea to fish, and in the evening they returned to their drum and found her tidy; they did not know what a woman was and did not need her; to find out who was in charge, the brothers left the youngest; he lay down on the floor; saw the woman come in and cook everything; wanted grab her when he got closer, but fell asleep; rushed to her when she went out, but she pushed him away; the next day his middle brother stayed; he listened to her song and realized that it would be good for someone who will take a woman; when the brothers returned, they called the middle one, but he did not respond; another brother went down to the drum and also disappeared; the elder looked in and saw that the brothers were fighting over a woman; he became Beat them; they all jumped out and, continuing to fight, rushed into the sea and turned into sea otters (sea beavers), and the woman into a beaver uterus; swam, continuing to fight and chasing the uterus]: 11-12; Veniaminov 1940 (2) (Unalashka) [translated into English in Golder 1907, No. 3:139-140; on the south side of Unalashki Island, the village of Igagak; a wealthy man has an adult son and daughter who has just reached his age; she is isolated a period; someone goes to see her at night, but she refuses to be close; then he raped her, and when he left the house, she cut his veins under his knees; in the morning, parents tell their daughter that her brother went fishing, fell off a cliff, cut his tendons, died; her sister told the maid to wear her best outfit and jewelry; tore the front of the park from collar to hem and came to the common yurt, where my brother was lying; she sang merrily: "You are my brother, get up to her, get up to look at the one for whom you were deprived of sleep", approaching her brother's body and opening her naked body; so three times; the brother began to come to life, came to life, rushed To hug her; she jumped out of the yurt, he followed her, followed by her parents and relatives; the girl rushed off the cliff into the sea, followed by her brother; they came up with sea otters and swam into the sea, alone to the east another to the west; this is how sea beavers appeared]: 293-297; Aleuts (Umnak) [Aatluung's sister has her first period; someone comes to make love to her at night; one day she quietly cut off her back part of his bird park to identify later; in the morning she sent the slave to the men to see whose park was torn; it turned out to be the girl's brother, A.; in the evening she sharpened her knife and when her brother was about to leave, cut it off his leg calf and then pushed him out; in the morning his parents hear crying; his sister said that his brother fell off the cliff while hunting; the brother died; the sister washed herself, put on the park, tore it from the front, went to her brother and began to sing: look at my vulva, which kept you awake, even if it won't let you sleep now; she repeated this until her brother came to life and rushed to her; hugging them, they rushed into the sea; A. became a male sea otter and swam west and she swam as a female and swam east; according to one option, parents ran after their children crying, but saw only sea otters]: Jochelson 1916, No. 1:294-295 (translated into Jochelson 1990) No. 42:324-327; there are minor differences - apparently several options); Bering Strait Inupiate (Port Clarence) [father throws his daughter overboard, she clings to the food; the father consistently cuts her off finger joints; the first one severed turns into salmon, the second into seals, the third into walruses, wrist bones into whales; (west in Chicago from the Alaskan Eskimos)]: Boas 1894b: 205; inupiate (northern Alaska? the exact place of recording in the publication is not a decree.) [the woman is tired of her son hunting so many animals; she asks evil spirits to blind him; she points his arrow at a polar bear, lies that he missed, eats meat herself; her daughter (the younger sister of a blind man) lays pieces for him, gives them to him when his mother takes her to hunt caribou; Gagara dives with him five times, he sees the light; his mother comes back, he goes with her in a boat, throws her into the water; she grabs side, he cuts off her fingers, she tries to catch her hair, he cuts them off; she turns into a black whale, her severed hair is a whale mustache in a whale's mouth]: Frost 1971:62-67; netsilic: Rasmussen 1931:225-226 [people raft across the strait; they push an orphan girl Nulyayuk into the water, cut off her fingers; her fingers turn into seals, N. becomes the mistress of marine animals] 227-228 [A father in anger tells his daughter to marry a dog; his dog in human form sleeps with her, she becomes pregnant; her father takes her to the island; she gives birth to puppies, father brings her and them meat; she asks his children for him tear her apart; sends her away, they become the ancestors of Indians and whites; she wants to sail away with them, they push her into the water; they cut off her fingers, the stumps turn into walruses and seals; she becomes the mistress of sea animals N. ]; igloolik: Rasmussen 1930a [girl rejects suitors; her father tells her to marry a dog; takes her to the island; the dog kayaks her meat; she gives birth to children and puppies; the father puts the dog in the boat rocks, he sinks; she tells her children to tear up her father's boat, he manages to return home; her children become Indian and white ancestors; she returns to her father; Stupid comes to pick her up; she discovers that he has ugly eyes; gives birth to him a child; his father comes to pick her up; a foolish man sends a storm; a father throws his daughter into the sea; she grabs his boat, he cuts off her fingers; they turn into seals lahtaks, walruses; she becomes the Mistress of Marine Animals; her father and drowned dog come to live with her]: 63-66 [the husband beats his wife in anger every now and then; she goes to the river, lets her hair loose; the husband asks her to come back in vain, wants to grab her, she rushes into the water, turns into a narwhal; her hair, spiraling on the river rapids, has become the horn of a narwhal]; caribou [according to notes Captain Comer, Nuliayoq takes Sedna's place among the inhabitants of the west coast of Hudson Bay; Lyon's myth about her coincides with the legend of Sedna in all its main moments; he mentions that it is also called Ai -willi -ay -oo (Avilayoq); this name also refers to Sednya (cf. Boas 1901b: 163)]: Boas 1901b: 145-146; West Greenland [girl rejects suitors; father throws her into the water in anger, cuts off her fingers, she drowns]: Holtved 1966-1967:146-147; Southern Greenland [an orphan girl lives with a hunter, who joins her; throws her dog and lamp into the water, cuts off her fingers, leaving her thumbs and little fingers; she builds a house on the bottom of the sea; hides marine animals under At the base of the lamp, sometimes releases them; her dog watchman lies on the roof of her house]: Lytzen 1874:209 in Holtved 1966-197:147; polar: Holtved 1951, No. 9 [A silly man marries a girl, takes them to the island; one day she sees his ugly eyes when he takes off his snow goggles; a woman's relatives take her away; a silly man raises a storm, she is thrown into the water; she clings to the side of the boat, her father cuts her off with an oar fingers, they turn into commercial animals; my father now lives with her at the bottom of the sea; shamans come to them if animals go missing; translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 267:490-491]: 60-63; Kroeber 1899, No. 25 [the girl rejects the grooms; at night she begins to devour her parents; they run away, go kayaking away with other people; the father pushes the daughter into the water, cuts off her fingers; the fingers turn into different seals, walruses, narwhals]: 179; Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916 [a woman takes a dog as her husband; her father is disgraced, takes her to a deserted island; she throws her overboard into the sea; she grabs the edges of the boat, he cuts off her fingers; his thumb became a walrus, an index seal, a middle polar bear; (in the previous paragraph: Thornkarsoak (the creator of man) put the puppies in old shoes, let them go through the water; one came back with Indians; later the other with Europeans; appeared as a man but then became a dog again]: 152; Turner 1894 [when moving to another place, people leave an orphan girl; she grabs the edge of the boat, her fingers are cut off, they turn into seals, walruses, whales, polar bears]: 261-262; Baffin's Land: Boas 1888:583-585 [girl rejects suitors; marries Silly; he deceived promising a clean, cozy house, a lot of meat; her father comes for Sednaya, kills Silly, takes her back; other stupid people cause a storm; the father throws his daughter into the water, cuts off her fingers, they turn into the sea animals; foolish people think she drowned, fly away; father takes Sedna back into the boat; at home she tells dogs to eat his arms and legs; he asks the earth to swallow them and him; now they're all in the world of the dead], 585 [ the same, but her father and brother come for Sednaya; her father kills her in a boat, gouging one eye out; leaves her at home lying on the shore, covered with dog skin; the sea takes her away; shamans visit her, she has one left eye; her father has three fingers or only one hand], 637 [girl rejects suitors, takes a dog as her husband; she gives birth to children with dog legs and puppies; her father takes them all to the island, tells the dog to supply her with food; puts stones in his boat instead of meat, he drowns; the daughter tells the dog children to eat his father's arms and legs; the father sails with her in a boat, throws her overboard, cuts off their fingers; they turn into seals, whales; her father takes her on a boat; her children become Indian ancestors, her puppies become Europeans].

Subarctic. Tanaina [a man marries the chief's daughter; leaves her on a rock to marry another; the tide floods the rock, the woman turns into the first sea otter; drowns her husband by biting a hole in his kayak]: Osgood 1937:185.

The coast is the Plateau. Lower Chinook [men eat all the sea lion meat on the island, hide it from women and children; Raven's little son takes the women away, turns them into killer whales; it is not known how she recovered normal life; men are led by Blue Jay; Raven's son puts on eagle skin, flies and sees men eat meat; brings a piece to women and children; turns them first into birds; attaches shells to the stones (they used to lie freely)]: Boas 1894a, No. 11:140-143; tillamook [Ice with his people and his son-in-law Raven go to sea, each time they bring only oysters to wives and children; Ice eats seals himself, does not bring them home, because he is afraid that if his wife has a period, he will lose his hunting luck; the Raven hides meat under oysters in the basket, brings it to women and his adopted son; when Ice comes back, he is surprised that women are indifferent to oysters; the son grows up quickly; puts the digging sticks of Ice's wives on their backs, turns women into killer whales, diggers into their dorsal fins; men do not they can even find more oysters and roots, they are hungry; only the son sends meat to the Raven; the ice was left giblets, he brought them, but they turned into a frog]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 4:15-19.

Guiana. Varrau [the husband warned his wife not to laugh with other men; but the wife went fishing with another man at night; they began to swim, the woman turned into a dolphin, the lover into a caiman]: Wilbert 1970, #70:168-169; curl: Roth 1915, No. 4 [another sister turns into a hawk], 183 (curl?) [The two sisters have a tapir lover; they bring him a fruit drink, whistle him; their brother watches them, calls Tapir with the same signal, kills him with an arrow, cuts them to pieces; the sisters find them, throw them into pieces river; one turns into a manatee, the other into a freshwater dolphin]: 121, 245; kalinya [three options; no other men around; two sisters take Tapir as lovers, scream every time, Go drink kashiri; their brothers watch them, summon Tapir with the same words, kill them with arrows or machetes; the older sister decides to become a manatee, the youngest decides to become a dolphin]: Magaña 1988a, No. 125-127:226-227 ; Galibi: Magaña 1988a, No. 128:227-228; aparaí [a woman takes a tapir as a lover, her brother kills him; she and her sister throw themselves into the water, become dolphins, she gives birth to a dolphin] : Rauschert 1967, No. 12:187.

Western Amazon. Napo (or canelo): Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 22 [the shaman got lost, the Eagle invited him to his place, three months later the shaman returned home; his children said that the mother had a different husband; in image The eagle shaman took out the eyes of his wife and her new husband at night; the husband decided that he would not become a tree because he would die, so he would not become a snake, he would become a dolphin; the wife also became a dolphin; the shaman took the children to the forest so that became eagles], 38 [the grandmother tells her grandson and granddaughter not to tease the Owl; they tease; the owl says that the beans are ripe; when the grandchildren fall asleep, she sucks their eyes; grandchildren ask their grandmother to throw them into the river, turn into a pair of dolphins]: 49-50, 71-72.

NW Amazon. Delfin. Karijona [vultures kidnap Kuwai's wife, he returns her; her next lover is the owner of the Kanakananyi waters; calling him, the woman spanks him on the water with an inverted calebasa; two sons of a waterbird tell K. about this; he calls the monster with the same signal; the water parts, the maloka (house) and Kanakananyi fruit trees appear; K. sends two gadflies to bite him into the testicles; Kanakananyi dies, K. cuts off his penis, sprinkles him with pepper and salt, gives his wife instead of a palm larva, as if inadvertently breaks all the water vessels; the woman runs to the river to drink, K. kills her with a club, she turns into a river dolphin; all dolphins are her children; the burning smut in her hand has become a stinging stingray, K.'s club is an electric eel]: Schindler 1979, No. 3:66-69; cubeo [Wanari is sailing in a boat, a woman appears in it; in his absence, she agrees to fly away with the Royal Vulture (KS); W. took the form of an old man, knocked out a bird, which promises to take him to his wife if he will cure her; his wife did not recognize him; after the end of the dabukuri holiday, W. is younger; the COP agrees to take W. and his wife to earth; asks on the way, is my belching fragrant? - Yes! On the ground, W. screams that belching stinks; after the death of his first wife, W. takes the youngest of the old woman's two daughters; she converges with the Serpent in the guise of a man; W. followed, killed his lover with an arrow, let the penis eat to his wife disguised as a fish; said that she ate; mother-in-law asked W. to clear the plot; the birds helped to do this in a day; the snake son came out of W.'s wife's womb to collect fruit for her; the tip remained in the womb; the woman threw him at the foot of the tree, ran home with her sister; W. made all the participants of the festival look like him, left himself; people rose to the sky, a storm began; W.'s wife turned into a river dolphin , her sister and mother threw her into the river; the serpent son screams to his mother, Inhom, inhom! ]: Pereira 1980 (1): 268-277.

Central Amazon. Parintintin [a woman brings tapira cakes, sings; he gets out of the water, copulates with her; men made tortillas, summoned the tapir with the same song, killed it, ate it; some of the roasted meat gave it a mistress; a woman and her son turned into freshwater dolphins by tapir; females have genitals like women, males have penises like tapirs]: Pereira 1980 (2): 621-622.

Eastern Amazon. The shaman turns his unfaithful wife and lover into dolphins; he flees from her brothers, falling underground and going far away. Hissing [the shaman has a second set of eyes on the back of his head, he sees lovers with them; they clench their arms, he does not allow them to separate; they fall into the water, turn into dolphins]: Nimuendaju 1922:387; Juruna [Uaiçá finds a tree from which he falls asleep; in a dream he gains knowledge; so several times; Sinaá tells him that it is enough; he becomes a shaman; he has a second set of eyes on the back of his head; he sees his wife with her lover; watching them with his eyes on the back of his head, he comes up unnoticed, making his wife unable to leave her lover; she jumps into the river, dragging him along, both turning into dolphins ; his wife's brother and her other relatives try to kill him when they come up from behind with a club; W. sees everything with his eyes on the back of his head, goes through the ground; next time he is lured to a rock; but the blow of her club splits, W. hides again; says he will not return again and teach Zhurun what he was going to]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:143-146.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [the hunter brings meat to his sister, but it immediately disappears; he watches her, sees her knock on a tree with a stick, summoning Tapir, feeding him, copulating; brother calls Tapir in the same way with a signal, kills with an arrow, buries them, hangs severed genitals on a tree; a woman sees them, rushes into the river with her young son, turns into a freshwater dolphin]: Riester 1977, No. 21:260.

Araguaia. Tapirape: Wagley 1977 [Apuvenona came down from heaven, married Anuntero; she gave birth to a son, Imanavungo; brought cassava, corn, yams, peanuts, cotton, among others cultivated plants; people did not know how to grow them; A. told herons, wild goose, parrots and other birds to help them in the field; his wife taught how to spin cotton, make hammocks and bracelets out of it; Having grown old, A. took a son and went up to heaven; both are visible among the stars (A., possibly Venus, and his son Vega); his wife was carried away by water, some believe that she turned into a freshwater dolphin]: 178; carage [women come to the lake shore, paint themselves, summon Cayman, copulate with it; it gives them fish and peka fruits that men do not yet know; women bring only peel to men; a boy watches women; hides peks and other food in a flute, brings it to men, talks about what he sees; women attack men; women have sharp arrows, men are stupid, men are killed; women cut off their left chest, put a calebass on their head, jump into the river, turn into dolphins]: Aytay 1985 at Baer MS and Prinz 1997:89-90:16.

The Southern Cone. Puelche [two sisters love their sons excessively; sons die, sisters carry their corpses with them; their brother mocks them; they throw themselves into the sea with the corpses of their sons in their arms; they become manatee and some other marine animal; the sea overflows, brother sinks]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1919:207; southern Tehuelches [Elal flies on the Swan to the Sun and Moon; the Sun's servant bird warns him of dangers; 1) The sun creates a swamp in the way of those who come, E. dries it by throwing a stone; 2) makes a hot fire, E. blows it out; E. asks their daughter to marry; the Sun demands 3) kill a dangerous guanaco and 4) a bull (E. kills with an arrow), 5) bring a dangerous flint scraper (it is not specified what the danger is, E. brings); the Sun makes the daughter ugly and the maid beautiful, but E. the right choice, gets a wife; they have a son; the wife gives him the wrong name, so the son rushes into the sea; E. leaves his wife after him, she turns into a lapantine]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 52:88-89; selknam [The Sea Lion kidnaps a woman, she falls in love with him; her brothers find her, but the Sea Lion takes her away again, settles in a place accessible only from the sea; they have many children, herself turns into a female sea lion; there are many sea lions in this place]: Gusinde 1931:666-668 (=Wilbert 1975a, No. 46:129-131).