Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B33. Wind-woman.

. (.42.) .43.50.

There is a female character who embodies the wind or is considered the mother or mistress of the winds.

Dinka, Italians (Basilicata), Walloons, Germans (south), Simalur, Ancient Greece, Slovenes, Serbs, Hungarians, Czechs, Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson), Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Balkarians, Nogais, Ingush, Chechens, Lucks, Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Tajiks, Yagnobes, Pashays, Uzbeks (Chimkent), Latvians, Lutsies, Finns, Estonians, Livons, Warlords, Chuvash, Mordovians, Mari, Bashkirs, Altaians, Telengits, Teleuts, Forest Nenets, Nganasans, Udege, Nivkhs, Chukchi, (Haida), Upper Coquil, Teva.

Sudan - East Africa. Dinka [Ayum (yum - "wind) is the goddess of the wind, or rather the wind itself; if the juet is too strong, the lamb is sacrificed]: Johnston 1934:125.

Southern Europe. Basques [tornado - "old woman's wind"]: García Mouton 1984:84; Italians (Basilicata) [poor fisherman curses everything; hell rises out of the water, promises a rich catch for life if a fisherman will give the child who will be born when he is 13; the fisherman is sure that his wife will not give birth again, promises; Lionbruno was born; at the age of 13 he goes ashore, makes small crosses out of sticks; hell requires them destroy, L. did not destroy the last, the head of the fairies Colina took L. away from hell; raises him to make him a husband; L. wants to go see his parents, K. gives him a wish-fulfilling ruby, other fairies too they give something; L. turns his parents' house into a palace; comes to town; with the help of a ruby, wins competitions three times; the king demands that he take his daughter; L.: my wife is much more beautiful; the king demands show it; L. turns to ruby; K. sends maids one after another; when she comes by herself, accuses L. of betrayal, he will find her by trampling 7 pairs of iron shoes; three robbers they stole speeding boots, an inexhaustible purse and an invisible cloak; they ask L. to judge them; he picks up objects and disappears, the robbers continue to fight; L. stops at the old woman, she is Borea, the mother of the winds; she hides it in a chest from her sons; in the morning she promises them not to harm L.; Scirocco brings L. to K.'s room, who hides under the bed, drinks the coffee, chocolate and broth he brings for K. maid; L. opens, wedding]: Crane 1885, No. 36:136-147.

Western Europe. Wallons (Picardy) ["witch" and "old woman" as tornado]: Rohlps, p. 19ff in García Mouton 1984:84; Germans: Schönwerth 1858, No. 1 (Upper Palatinate) [Wind's wife is much more stronger than him]: 106; Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 24 (Upper Palatinate) [Schönwerth 1858:194f; after his father's death, the blacksmith's son went on a journey; met a beautiful woman at the well; married her; she asks that if sometimes she is not there on Thursdays, that he does not look for her; they have lived for almost 14 years, they have seven sons; her husband decided to spy on her, saw her siren tail; rejected her; she said that if When she was 14 years old, the spell was over; that the howl of the wind would be her voice, dust would be food, her tears would be what she would drink; her seven sons followed her, and their moans and howls could also be heard, when the wind blows], 25 (Upper Palatinate) [Schönwerth 1858:108f; Selamina admired her daughter's beauty, considered her equal to St. Virgo; decided to take her to heaven, but in the middle of the journey she was thrown off and separated from her daughter; they did not reach the ground, but were in the air; the howling of the wind is their voices]: 40-42, 42; García Mouton (1984) Upper Germany) [tornado - Drudenwind]: 184; Grohmann 2015 [when the wind howls and blows heavily, it is said to be Melusina flying in the air with her children and crying; the bride of the wind, or Melusina, lives in a whirlwind; during a strong wind, they put sauerkraut, a broom and a brush on the threshold so that the demon "wind" does not harm the house {and other data; apparently, are ubiquitous and treated like Czechs , and to the Germans in present-day Czech Republic}]: 13; Meier 1852, No. 286 (Swabia) [the tornado is "The Bride of the Wind"; you must throw a knife at it with three cross signs; otherwise it will take away a whole a carriage of hay; The bride of the wind is also called a sudden strong wind that hits after calm]: 257.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Simalur: Koehler 1964:74-78 [the jealous Raja hides his wife, the merchant took her away; the Raja found her, they are arguing who owns the woman; the merchant and wife vomited with grilled meat, and the merchant with leftovers of bread; but because . a woman does not want a laj, he tells her to become the wind, and he has turned into seawater], 151 [men caught in the sea by a storm put their naked penises towards the wind, as if wanting to embarrass a storm woman and make her turn her back on them].

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Hes. Theog. 378-382 [Theogony by Hesiod (8th-7th centuries BC): "The Eos goddess ascended to Astrea's love bed, /And she had strong winds from God, -/Fast-flying Boreas, and Note, and White-foamed Zephyr./ Also, the star of Zarenos and the host of crowning the sky/Bright stars were born early in the morning by Eos" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]; Apollod. Bibl. I. 2. 4 [The Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodorus (I-II centuries): "Crohn and Philyra gave birth to the dualistic centaur Chiron, from Eos and Astrea to Anema and Astra <... >" (per. V.G. Borukhovich); in the original - "winds and stars']; Quint. Smyrn. II. 549-555 ["After Homer" by Quintus Smirnsky (3rd century): "Eos cried out when Achilles killed Memnon}, wrapped in a veil of clouds. /Twilight enveloped the whole earth; and fast winds obedient/mothers by mournful order, the road to the Priam Plain/at the same moment they overcame and hugged the dead body./They raised their son Zarya, carried a radiant one through the air, /even though their hearts were depressed by sadness because of the death of their brother, /and heavy moans swept across the wide sky" (trans. A.P. Bolshakov)]; Slovenes [the wind imagined an old woman who rules specific winds and vortices and blows winds out of a hole (when she is angry)]: Kropej 2012:177; Serbs [oldest Vila directs the clouds, her image is related to the female demon of the whirlwind "crooked Angelina" and the one-eyed witch guarding the wind in the cave]: Loma 2008:209; Hungarians [Hungarians have a mother of the wind, a daughter of the wind, a son the wind, the king of the wind, etc., that cannot be blasphemed]: Karjalainen 1996:49.

Central Europe. The Czechs [when the wind howls and blows violently, they say that it is Melusina, flying in the air with her children and crying; the bride of the wind, or Melusina, lives in a whirlwind; during a strong wind, they put on sauerkraut threshold, broom and brush so that the demon "wind" does not harm the house {and other data; apparently widespread and applies to both Czechs and Germans}]: Grohmann 2015:13; Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [Ivan was orphaned; served for three years, began to burn incense; God sent an angel to ask what I. wanted; wife; God gave a wife, they went to look for work; people are in a hurry to threshing; wife: not hurry up, it won't rain; the owner wants I.'s wife for himself, tells him to bring 12 wolves; the wife gave a ball, he brought wolves; 12 bears are the same; harp; the wife gave a towel, a bottle of water and a piece of bread, told me to go to the hut, which is light; there the mother of the winds offers to eat, drink, and bed; I. refuses - he has everything of his own; when he took out his towel, the old woman recognized her daughter; sent her sons, winds turn around the sea and get the harp from the bottom; then they took the man home; the storm demolished the owner's house, it burned down, I. and his wife live well]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 7:130-134.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basangova 2002 [1) the wind sleeps in a hole with red edges, it is covered with felt; the old woman makes sure that the felt does not fly off and the wind does not escape; sometimes it breaks out, but the old woman again closes the hole; 2) a lame daughter lived with the old woman in the steppe; sometimes the two of them run together, this raises the wind; when the daughter gets tired and sits down to rest, the wind stops]: 216-217; 2017, No. 14 [wind lives in a huge red hole covered with felt; an old woman watches her; she always covers the top of the hole with felt from the chimney; sometimes the wind throws off the felt and rushes free; then the old woman takes from felt at home and plugs a hole; this is how it makes the wind subside], 15 [a lame old woman and her daughter live in a deserted desert; when she leaves (from home), the wind rises; subsides when the old woman is tired]: 53- 55, 55; Abkhazians [addressed "Mrs. Wind" during a prayer ceremony]: Janashvili 1892:43 in Seferbekov, Tatieva 2009:374; Balkarians [a rich woman adopted an orphan Kulidam to make her a worker; once K. grazed a cow and spun her wool, but the wind blew her yarn away, threw it into a deep hole; K.: Kibitka's Wind Mother, back broom, give me my yarn; she told me to go down; asks mix wheat on the roof; there are gold coins, K. mixed but took nothing; when Mother of the Wind asked K. to shake off, the gold did not fall; the woman made one cheek K. the sun and the other the moon, filled her sinus with gold, gave yarn and sent it home; the rooster screams: a moon-cheeked, sun-cheeked girl is coming; the stepmother sent her own daughter to herd the cow; with the same thing, but she collected gold on the roof and coins fell on the carpet; the old woman placed a donkey on one cheek, a dog wart on the other; a rooster: with a donkey wart, with a dog wart, a girl goes! ; after learning about K., the khan came to pick her up; her stepmother hid K., but she was found; then she dressed her own daughter in her clothes and covered her veil; the khan noticed that he ordered her stepmother to be torn apart with four horses; married K.]: Malkonduev 2017:293-296; Nogais: Aleinikov 1893 [the wind produces a burr jacket (old sorceress) living in the east; it is neither good nor evil; if it blows for less than three days, it purifies the air, if more - angry, even attacks the moon and the sun, covering their light]: 5-6 (=Khalidova 2012, No. 176:207); Kapaev 2012 [a childless woman put a pillow on her stomach; when the deception was revealed and her husband beat, she picked up a dead mole and told her husband that his beatings had caused a miscarriage; the husband asked why the baby had teeth and hair; the woman, along with the mole, jumped into the well and turned into a female mole; when she goes outside, a cold wind blows]: 40-41; Khalilova 1984a ["Burr jacket" means "old glutton woman"]: 102-103; Ingush: Akhriev 1875 [the widow's son goes to God to ask him something; angels, seeing the boy's torn clothes, do not allow him to come to God; the boy returns home, meets God's son, Yelta; Elta takes the boy under his protection; the boy and his mother sow wheat, they harvest crops that no one else had; angels tell God about this, he is angry, orders the mother of thunder and thunderstorm to send her children to destroy arable land boy; Elta tells the boy to hurry to harvest bread; the boy and his mother have time to clean their bread before rain, thunderstorm and hail destroy all the bread in the fields; the angels tell God what has happened he orders the mother of the winds to raise the storm and spread the boy's bread; Elta tells him to transfer all his bread to the threshing floor and cover it; the boy and his mother do so; a storm rises, spreads all the neighbors' bread is in the air; when God learns of what has happened, God orders that all residents make only one measure of bread per current; on Elta's advice, the boy tramples his bread one sheaf at a time (and everyone gets a measure of wheat); neighbors suffer from crop failure, the boy helps them; angry God points his finger in Yelta's eye, since then he has been one-eyed]: Akhriev 1875:12-14 (quail in Dalgat 1972:258- 260; Malsagov 1983:356-357); ["the wind brings fear to the Ingush and in his imagination is the personification of a woman called the "mother of the winds". Monday is devoted to her during the field work, and it is strictly observed that no one works in the village on this day"]: 40: Dalgat 2004 [Mother Vyug's seven sons went to heaven and became Ursa Major; mother A blizzard sits at the top of Kazbek, will throw down anyone who crosses the circle it has drawn; (=192:258)]: 157-158; Chechens [at God's behest, the Mother of the Winds raises a storm, brings the good of the sinners mortals {this phrase in Dirr 1908:1072 referring to Dalgat's manuscript and stating that Chechens; Dalgat 2004 refers to Ingush}; Monday is a day dedicated to the winds, you can't work on this day, otherwise mowed bread or hay will be blown by the wind]: Dalgat 2004:166; Lucky: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006 [Lucky called the wind "the warhorse of the mother of the winds Chassazhi"]: 55; Kapiyeva 1974 [stepmother tyrannite stepdaughter; red-headed cow Zaza gives that honey from the right horn, oil from the left horn; stepmother gives her stepdaughter a spin of hair, the whirlwind took the wool, Z. says where to find what was taken away; greet people who they harvest corals, gold, pearls, they will show the way to the mistress of the Chassages winds; take bones from horses, give dogs, dogs to horses; drink from the river, praise the sweetness of the water, the waters will part; C. will offer to shake up her house, you need to clean it up; tear her dress, ruffle her hair - you have to dirty her hair, comb it; C. pours the girl from a jug, her hair turns gold; the girl pulls the wool from under C. pillows, runs away; everyone lets her through, the river gives shoes with golden heels; the stepmother sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she is rude to everyone, calls the water dirty, gives bones to cows, hay to dogs, turned everything in C.'s house upside down, she splashes water into her face, it is covered with warts; her stepmother orders Z. to be slaughtered, she tells her bones to be buried under an apple tree; buried bones give a beautiful outfit to go to the wedding ; one slipper fell into the stream, the khan picked it up, ordered him to be tried on, found the owner, ordered him to be brought to the palace to marry him; on the way, her stepmother does not give her water, pushes her into the well, gives her shoes his own daughter, Khan had to marry her; the merchants pulled the girl out, she became a turtle; the gardener hears her telling the trees in the khan's garden to dry up; the khan catches her, she turns into a true bride; Khan expels stepmother and her daughter]: 24-35; Khalilov 1976, No. 46 (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the same in a shorter translation in Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:54-62; the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil flows from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return; the cow teaches people who grind pearls, gold, corals to go to everyone, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay in front of dogs, hay must change; call the muddy river oily, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Air Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear them apart clothes - comb, wash; that's how it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger became gold; C. poured golden water on her head, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way ; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, her fingers are covered with ulcers from the water of the muddy river; she tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body become covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was slaughtered, the stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he was just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his place wife; stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; when she flew into the prince's garden, she asks the gardener to say hello to the prince and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife told her slaughter, a tree has grown out of blood; dates fall on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: 109 -119); Avars: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006:54-55 (Khunzakh people) [p. Tunusi: Inside Gjorol Ebel (tornado) is a woman with long, loose hair trying to ride a "wind horse"; the children were frightened by "The Mother of the Winds Will Take You"], 55 (Andalans) [pp. Batsada and Shulani: the wind was personified as "daughters of the wind" - beautiful girls with long flowing hair]; Dargin residents: Seferbekov, Tatiyeva 2009 [Tsudakhars: "Windy Aisha" or "Windy Aisha" Ashura"; Kharbuktsy: "Mother of the Winds"]: 373; Lezgins [The wind ("gar", "kay") was perceived by the Lezgins of the Valley as a woman in rags with fluttering hair]: Seferbekov 2013:154-158.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (including mountain ones): Andreev 1927c [old woman Ojuz, or Ojiz, is identified with winter or at least a cold wind, a short period of cold weather before spring; in the region of Moscow . Khovalinga this period is called Kampir dar Gory ("The Old Woman in the Cave" - her knees froze and this made her climb into the cave); Tajiks are Khshartobs (who no longer speak Yagnob), Ojuz is called "Kur-i Momo Ojuz", i.e. "Ojuz's blind grandmother; this is an old woman crooked in one eye, she eats children]: 23-25; Tolstov 1931 ["Grandma", who controls the cold wind, can also send a storm that harms crops; to stop its destructive effect on the harvest, special spellbinding women's processions are held among the sedentary population of Turkestan]: 341; Pashayas [for the elder and for the elder the youngest sister on the daughter; the youngest is dead, the eldest adjoins the youngest's daughter; gives cotton to spin and herd the cow; the cow tells her to feed her yarn, a ball of thread comes out behind her; once the wind blew away part yarns; the aunt beat her niece, sent her to find what was carried away; the girl complains to the North Wind; he tells her to go to his mother, let her pick up her black bowler hat, the cotton in red; the girl comes to a house in the mountains; the mother of the wind asks if she will walk under or above the door, sit on the floor or in a chair, eat cheese or whey, lie on the bed or under the bed; the girl replies that under the door, on the floor, whey, under the bed, the hostess does the opposite (puts her in a chair, feeds cheese, etc.); in the morning she makes her beautiful, gives her cotton taken away, sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she beats her , the cow eats yarn, fills the girl's apron with manure; the wind blows away the yarn, her own daughter goes looking for her, scolds North Wind, says in his mother's house that she will pass above the door, sit in a chair, etc.; the mother of the wind puts her on the floor, etc.; tells her to remove the red pot, get cotton out of the black, the donkey's penis sticks to the girl's forehead; at home she tells her mother to slaughter the cow, then she will recover; the cow tells the orphan not to eat her meat, collect all her bones, bury it in the ash pan, come in 7 days; she finds seven doors there, behind them springs, honey, gold, shoes, clothes; she swam in the river, the water took away one a shoe, the king's son finds it, promises to marry the owner; the aunt hides the orphan in the back, the rooster screams that she is there, the prince finds her, marries, a feast; Muslims were given boiled food, the Hindus raw, Hazaras (they are Shiites) burnt]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 16:100-109; Uzbeks - Karamurts (Chimkent) [etti-momo ("seven grandmothers") are the spirits of the legendary ancestors of the Karamurts (other Uzbeks are not known); such a spirit chose a minister among the residents of Karamurt who treated with methods close to shamanic ones; one of them (Chaimomo, less often Changmomo, Chormomo) was in charge of the wind blowing from the slopes of Talas Alatau; the wind is preceded by a white cloud, when it hides in the mountains, the wind begins; the wind was wager in the villages - the masters of the wind; if the wind wanted to stop, orphans numbered 5 or 7 ( perhaps 4) they performed a ceremony: they dragged a pestle tied to a broom with them; they buried 7 cakes at the place where the wind was blowing; when they smelled them, Choimomo stopped the wind]: Taizhanov, Ismailov 1986:113-116.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [Daina: "The Mother of the Winds is spinning, /This is how it will turn:/Sweeps Diev's house/Mesyatseva Gorenka"]: Abyzov 1984, No. 21:18 (Russian translation), 19 (Latvian original); ["Oh, Good Mother Winds, /The winds did not make noise, /After all, I'm darling alive/I'll carry my darling to the temple today"]: Abyzov 1984, No. 102:58 (Russian translation), 59 (Latvian original); ["Mother of the Winds, calm down, /Don't hit our door: /Ours Mother fell asleep,/You won't wake up now"]: Abyzov 1984, No. 346:176 (Russian translation), 177 (Latvian original); ["Perkon rides over the sea/On a silver cart: /Mother of the Winds rushes follow/Gold in the sea shakes"]: Abyzov 1984, No. 352:178 (Russian translation), 179 (Latvian original); ["Is it really, Mother of the Winds, /Does not hurt my head, /Does my head hurt, /Days and nights are duyuchi?"] : Abyzov 1984, No. 353:178 (Russian translation), 179 (Latvian original); Lutsi (Western 1893) [husband and wife found a handful of grain, the husband grinded, tormented his wife, the wind carried her away; the man came to complain to his mother winds; she fed him and put him to bed; the wind came: what does it smell like? I did not do anything bad, but gave a goat that litters silver; on the way back I spent the night, the owners replaced the goat; the wind gave a magic table - the same; the third time the wind gives a box, sticks in it; beaten owners returned the goat and table]: Annom et al. 2018:278-282; Estonians: Masing 1998 [Livonians and Estonians have a mother of the wind a fairly friendly creature]: 56-57; Normann, Lätt 1968:21-23 [two the owner's daughters and an orphan pick strawberries in the forest, see a sleeping woman, her clothes are torn, her body is naked; the owner's daughters laugh, the orphan covers her with an apron; the woman wakes up and says she is the mother of three winds; if the girl gets tired of work, let her call her to help; the owner sent an orphan to mow in the haymaking; she called the Mother of the Winds, she mowed everything, told her not to tell anyone; and so on; the girl was married by a hard-working guy, they have three children, they have healed richly; the neighbors are jealous, the husband insisted, the wife had to tell her who was helping her; the Mother of the Winds did not come to the rescue again], 125-129 [ the old man and the old woman found a handful of grain, ground it, but the wind scattered the flour; the old man came to the mother of the Wind to complain; the Wind came, found out what was going on, gave a goat with which gold was falling; on the way back the old man stayed in a wealthy house, he was replaced by a goat; the same was a magic tablecloth; then the Wind gave a box of batons; batons began to beat the owner, he had to return everything]; Livs: Loorits 1926, No. 7 [so far The mother has no wind or God, her children open a bag of wind or a windmill]: 38; 1998 (1) [a tired woman with matted hair approached a peasant woman in the field; she invited her to sit; a woman replied that she could not because she is the mother of the winds; she ran away; there is also the father of the wind, but his image is mixed with the image of the forest owner; the shaggy growth on the birch branches is the hair or head of the wind mother]: 60; Finns [the spells refer simply to the wind, but also to the "wind woman"]: Holmberg 1927:232; counselors [wind mother tullõemä inflates strong winds]: Ariste 1958:32 in Konkova 2009:22.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Marchenko 1993 [mother sent 10-year-old Ivan to carry grain to the field, he dropped the bag, the son of the Wind woman scattered the grain; his mother sent Ivan to Vetra's mother; she asks her sons who of them scattered the grain; the youngest was to blame; the brothers asked his mother to give I. a pie, told him not to fix it on the way; he spent the night with his married sister, who broke the cake at night, gold and silver fell out, the sister changed the pie; the mother sent I. to return the cake; the sons of the Wind gave the goat, she defecates with gold, the sister changed it again; the third time they gave a baton; the sister, contrary to the ban, said, "Chysh, chukmar, chish", the baton began to beat her, she returned the cake and the goat]: 322-325 (=Eysin 1993:43-45); Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [the wind has a father çil ashsh( "father of the wind") and a mother çil amăş( "mother of the wind"); they are dangerous, causing much damage to home buildings and bread on the vine]: 70; erzya 1952 [A tree with three branches and three roots grows in the center of the earth, its foliage obscures the sun; the bird has nestled on it, three eggs were born to the mother of norov-ava, the mother of the wind varma-ava and the mother of the forest vir-ava]: Harva: 141-142; Mordovians [Varma-ava ("wind-woman/mother" - wind holder; especially dangerous if it is along with Tol-Ava ("fire-woman/mother"); including spreading diseases around the world; in conspiracies: Varma-ava, Varna-Baba; related to the Mari wind deity Mardezh-ava ("wind woman/mother"); allegedly Varma-Atya, but there is no specific information about him]: Mokshin, Mokshina 2005:71-73; Bashkirs [vizier Urtan-Sultan goes to marry; the horse advises choosing the most unsightly of the three doves that the magician king will show him; she turns into a girl; takes with her copper kumgan, water from who can turn her ugly and beautiful at will; the mustache lives with his wife in a bathhouse on the outskirts of the city, but the king saw his wife and decided to lime him; the wise men advise telling him to get 1) three lions; the wife teaches how to bring lions; 2) the music box from the cave (the same); 3) an iron box; the wife gives a towel, the old lady of the winds learns from it that the mustache is the husband of her older sister's daughter; the winds are not they know where the box is, the old woman sends it to the lady of the birds; the birds say that the lame frog knows; in the underworld in a stone bath a cup of human milk; it must be poured; 60 will return in the evening pahlevans, they will think that someone ate human, they will kill each other; you must kill the last guard, drink water from his bottle, become strong, pick up the stove, the box under it; the mustache covered the chicks from the thunderstorm Samrigush birds, who for this raised him to the earthly world; there was not enough meat, the US cut off a piece from his leg; S. regurgitated, put it back; warriors came out of the box, killed the king, threw his head to the wolves; MUSTACHE and his wife went home]: Barag 1989, No. 30:153-159.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [a boy, a widow's son, catches birds, a kaan's sons take them away; the boy comes to the kaan, argues with him, turns into a bird, the bird sat on a caragan {the text is just "acacia"}, that tore off a piece of meat from the bird's leg; sheep refuse to eat karagan leaves - tough; wolves - eat sheep (kaana mares have not finished eating yet), kaan sons - protect mares (you have to play with money), kaan - order sons (they cannot raise their fat), mice to suck kaan fat (they cannot finish eating sour cream from women), women have no time to hide from mice, diapers cannot dry; the bird flies to the mistress of the winds Sarah -Kaat, pierces her cheek with an awl, the wind breaks out, dries her diapers, the women drove the mice away, the mice sucked the fat from the kaan, he scolded his sons, they drove the wolves away, the wolves ate the sheep, the sheep ran to the Karaganda resident, they ate all the leaves; then the bird flew to the caan, became a boy, so he took revenge]: Sadalova 2002, No. 13:119-125; telengites [the spirit of the wind is a bright (sary) woman with long hair, the spirit mistress of the whirlwind is a pale woman]: Yadanova 2013:120, 227; Teleuts (Chelukhoy ulus, 1913) [the bustard ripped off its legs on the top of the grease; flew to the sheep: "Sheep, sheep, chew the top of the grease"; sheep: "Oh, we can't even eat our sweet grass"; bustard: "Wolves, wolves, sheep would go catch or something"; wolves: "Oh, we can't overeat even three-year-old mares from Khan's sons"; bustard: "Khan's sons, wolves would be caught, or something"; Khan's sons: "Oh, we even knead our solid food (digest it) ?) we can't"; bustard: "Khan, Khan, your sons have wolves of mares, drive them away"; khan: "Oh, (let alone) drive them away, I don't even get up (drive them away)"; bustard: "Mouse, mouse, khan's geese would go suck or something"; mouse: "Oh, let's not like sucking khan's geese, I don't even have time to eat oil from women"; bustard: "Women, women, mice, (they) are going to eat your oil"; women: "Oh, we're even black We don't have time to roll our felts"; the bustard flew to the mistress of the wind Sary-Kaat: "The mistress of the wind, Sary-Kaat, scatter the women's felts"; SK: "Oh, my head hurts"; the bustard found an awl in the wall, pricked them with SK in heart; she cried out and took the women's felt; the women drove the mouse away; the mouse went to "suck" the khan's geese; the khan drove away the sons, they drove the wolves away, and the wolves drove the sheep away; the sheep chewed the top of the grease; so the bustard took revenge on everyone (MAE Archive. F. 11. Op. 1. #54)]: Funk 2020:171-172.

Western Siberia. Forest Nenets [The eastern old woman lives on the eastern edge of the sky, sends a bad east wind; when going prey, her son told her that she looks kind today, went naked; mother asked him to get dressed, but he did not listen; after sunset, the cold came, the son froze to death]: Lehtisalo 1998:23; the nganasans [after catching a bumblebee, they tear off his head and, putting sticks on the end or a stalk of grass, stick it into the ground, saying, "Bumblebee, ask your mother for wind"]: Popov 1984:54.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [the wind is sent by the mistress of the wind (go bangoni); it looks like a gray snake because it leaves a snake trail on the ground; a shaman can summon it, then she can raise a dog, a boat, human]: Podmaskin 1991, No. 20:125; nivhi [Lauzne is the mistress of the wind in the form of a dancing woman, the faster she dances, the stronger the wind; in a prolonged wind, the man directed an arrow towards the wind] : Podmaskin 2013:101; Nanais [Mom and Mapa are old and old man, masters of the wind; in September they were asked by fishermen to suppress the north wind; M. and M. blow the wind with furs in a mountain cave] : Podmaskin 2013:105.

SV Asia. Chukchi ["In the polar wind system, qeralgp and eżenee are husband and wife. Although they want to meet, they are unable to do so and are forced to fly past each other. Others say the opposite: when they fly past each other, they collide and enter into a fleeting squabble. The cold wind is produced by a giant who lives at the end of the earth and spends his time constantly whipping the snow with a huge shovel made from a whale blade. They also talk about an old woman, a mistress of the winds, making a blizzard by shaking snow off her home"]: Bogoraz 1939:35 (=Bogoras 1907:322).

(Wed. NW Coast. Hyda (Skidgate) [the chief's daughter consistently asks the slave to give her father's ten nephews an invitation to become her husband; the slave lies each time that the chosen one is afraid of her father; she marries a slave ; the father tells the tribe to leave her and the slave alone; her youngest uncle's wife hides some food for her; on the shore, the abandoned one finds a baby; he grows up, hunts; gets to his father; the carved beams of his house - living creatures; when a young man sits facing the sea, the weather is good; catches a huge halibut; comes to his maternal uncles; the tribe returns to her; the young man turns into cumulus clouds; his mother - Good Weather Woman]: Swanton 1905:26-28).

The coast is the Plateau. Upper coquil [The Wind-woman lives alone; ripping off the bark from the tree, she finds a baby; he stops crying as soon as she calls him "my brother"; he becomes a good hunter; rejects the girls who come; the daughter of Thunder goes to marry; the Wind woman hangs a pestle - if the young man is in trouble, he will fall; the young man first stops on the other side of the river with the elderly; they have two daughters, he takes their wife; Thunder's second daughter has long nails, she is dangerous and ugly, she kills people; Thunder tells 1) to bring eels (these are rattlesnakes, the young man hits them with a stick, brings them, Thunder throws them back into the river); 2) after the steam room, Thunder offers to dive, covers the river with ice, the young man breaks through the ice, goes out; 3) fight, Thunder cannot defeat the young man; 4) the ugly daughter of Thunder invites the young man to look in his head, wants cut it off with your nails, but they break, and she falls dead; 5) The thunder leaves the young man in the hot steam room, closes the exit; the young man digs a passage to the river, gets out; 6) The thunder bends the tree, sits down on the top of his head, tells the young man to stand at the base, jumps, breaking the tree, but the young man also jumped back; 7) get the nest from the tree; the young man climbs, the tree grows almost to the sky; the young man smoothly descends through the air like a piece of moss; 8) The thunder leaves the young man in the snowy mountains, he is barely alive, but returns; at this time the pestle cracks, the Windwoman comes, blows down the Thunder house, destroys it, brings firewood to those poor old people with whom the young man stayed and whose daughters he married]: Jacobs 2007:172-279.

The Great Southwest. Teva [the wind is the old woman is the wind and the old woman is the wind]: Parsons 1929b: 265.