Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B34. Caught on the first night. .19.57.-.

After the vessel is opened at night, a person caught in darkness turns into a bird or animal.

Melanesia. Siouai (Bougainville) [it was an eternal day; Firefly, Frog, Coconut Beetle, Rera (some spirit) were sent to Tupi (an area in the north) at night; they bought the night, carried it in a bundle; Firefly did not want open it along the way, but others discovered it; The frog broke off its ears in the dark, stayed in the forest; The beetle broke off its nose; Rera turned to stone; Firefly reached home with a twinkle at the end]: Oliver 1955:97.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritara [was out of night; Vanadi kept it in his shamanic purse; wanting to sleep, he put his head inside; told the Parrot to guard his purse; the Capuchin monkey opened his purse, so dark; the discoverer turned into a capuchin monkey]: Civrieux 1980:24-25.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 44 [it was not night, she was in one man's bundle; his sister's younger brother, out of curiosity, opened the package, it became dark; he began to cry, ran, turned into a Tobesia bird; the owner of the night was found by darkness in a palm grove; he went, illuminating the way with a torch, and came to the young man, the master of the sun; as he was pulling the sun by the rope tied to his house, night fell when he let go - day; (or rather, he could do it); the owner of the night gave him a woman, for which the owner of the sun released the sun for 6 o'clock; the owner of the night decided that this was not enough, but he did not have another woman; carved the Usidamani woman out of wood; the owner of the sun could not get along with her because she was wooden; told the Monkey to make holes in his body, he could not; the Woodpecker did; when he made a vagina, blood splashed, painted his head red; the woodpecker called Simocu, painted it whole red; the parrot only painted his breast; gradually the blood began to change color, so the rest of the birds dyed in different colors; when the blood turned white, the Heron and other now white birds came; when the blood rotted, the Vultures came, turned black, disgusting]: 151-152; Wilbert 1970, No. 113 [the night found in the forest parents with two daughters; the fifth person fell behind, shouted, Wait for me, became an owl, still screams; dawn does not come; father sees light in the distance, sends his eldest daughter; the girl wandered a lot, for she has already lost her virginity; an old man and his wife are in the house; their son came; did not give a day, for who came is not a virgin (or is not suitable for him as a sexual partner); the youngest went straight, the master of the day with He gladly converges with her, gives her a day], 172 [Imanaidarotu owned the night, Hokohiarotu owned the sun; kept the night in a scarf in a basket; in his absence, his wife's brother, a boy, opened the package; darkness came, the boy turned into an owl; I. came to H., in his house dancing and music; when H. wanted the sun, he pulled it up on a rope; for the girl H. gave a day of 6 hours, for the second he promised to give a normal one, 12 o'clock; I. did not have a second girlfriend, he carved her out of Usirou wood; her name was Usirumani; H. could not sleep with her, asked the woodpecker to make a vagina; all the birds were smeared in the leaked blood; the crane in white blood , in curled black - crows]: 239-240, 377-379; curl [the hunter catches the Vulture's daughter; she takes off her feathers, turns out to be a girl, brings him to heaven to her parents; one day he expresses a desire to visit his mother; he is left at the top of a tree whose trunk is covered with thorns; he asks animals for help; spiders weave a thread, birds support him with wings, he descends to the ground; with birds he returns to heaven; defeated and killed by a young warrior, his son; then the vulture house is burned; the Lanius sulphuratus bird did not want to fight, put cotton wool on his head as if she were sick; she was exposed They told me to wear this cotton wool at all times; the trumpeter bird (Psophia crepitans) and the kingfisher quarreled, shoved each other into ashes; the first one was covered in gray spots, the second was completely gray; the owl found a bag of darkness, discovered, since then she can't stand daylight]: Brett 1880:29-30 (=Roth 1915, No. 142:212).

Central Amazon. Munduruku [the night is short, Awareubö wants to lie longer with his wife; she advises him to go to her father for the thread of the night; his father-in-law gives A. bags with the thread of night and the thread of the day, tells him not to open it along the way; A. opens, turns into a night bird, flies away, carrying the thread of the day]: Murphy 1958, No. 20:88-89.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 4 [the sky was close to the ground; the birds decided to raise it; the Bat refused to work with everyone; for this it is now hanging upside down; it was eternal day; Azang had (demon, forest spirit) there were two black vessels; people carry them away, hear the voices of owls and night monkeys; they break a smaller vessel, the night spreads around the world, but is too short; they decide to break the big one; the night follows Uruwawa did not have time to escape for the runners, turned into a night bird]: 289-290 (quail in Koch-Grünberg 1920, No. 66:187-188); Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 16 [the old woman in the woods kept the night in vessels; young man Mokwani ran fast, he was sent after night; the old woman asked him to choose a vessel, he took a small one; opened it, darkness came out with owls and bats; when M. reached the village, the darkness cleared, came day; people sent him back to the old woman; he chose a large vessel, opened it again along the way; turned into a night bird, whose sad voice can be heard deep in the forest at night]: 142.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [first an eternal hot day, food was cooked in the sun; the man went to look for the night; the Jaguar, the Monkey, did not have surucu á; the Owl had a vessel with the night; the man broke it, it became dark; those who worked on the site (forest birds are listed) did not find their way home (apparently turned into birds); people in the house fell asleep, woke up in the morning, it was light again]: Pereira 1995, No. 36:94; nambiquara [shaman; var.: The owl (Speotito cunicularia) keeps the day in white, the night in black calebasses; opens them alternately; the night was shorter than the current one; leaves, tells the Nightjar (Nyctibius sp.) to do how he; the Nightjar takes the beads out of the black calebass or keeps it open for too long; night falls; some hunters died in the forest, others have returned to the village; the nightjar is now a bird mourning its act; the shaman pressed his neck deep into his body]: Pereira 1983, No. 3:18-20.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Posey 1981 (gorotire) [there was no night, men could not sleep with other people's wives; they came to the owner of the night, who gave him a vessel, told him not to open it on the way; one person opened it and bit him a scorpion, which was also in a vessel; a man turned into a nightjar, screams at night in pain]: 60-61; Wilbert 1978, No. 19 [Metraux 1960:18-19; a group of people went towards Aragwaia; along the way we met various monsters (people with hands sharp as bamboo chips; with long penises wrapped around the waist, etc.; passed the land of darkness; Tyoipekro lived near the border of the second country of darkness; when he went away, they kidnapped his daughter; brought him home; she met with her lover, then with another; the first saw, was offended; she ordered to bring the night from her father so that there would be no such misunderstandings; T. gave Calebas, told me not to open a scorpion on the way, there was a scorpion inside; one man wanted a little night to sleep; opened the calebasa, the scorpion bit him, he became an owl; with a mako feather, T.'s daughter packed the night back to the calebasa, leaving a part for sleep and love], 20 [Banner 1957:38-39; first an eternal day; the little nephew opened a bundle of leaves that belonged to a shaman, from there darkness spread; the shaman turned the boy into an owl; some of the people who were in the forest at that time did not wait until dawn, died], 21 [Lukesh 1968:43-44; eternal day first; the warriors captured and brought Dyoibekro's daughter; she told her to go to her father for the night, otherwise can't sleep; people went through the lands of various monsters, came to the land of darkness; D. gave Calebass at night, told him not to open it along the way; one person discovered him, was bitten by a scorpion, he turned into an owl], 107 [people did not know the secrets of the night; one ordered not to touch what was dry leaves on the ground (scorpion, spider, big ant, snake, etc.), it belonged to the night; people did not believe it, one went at night but the leaves were bitten, became an owl, has been screaming at night ever since]: 88-90, 91, 92-93, 266-267.