Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B36A. Bathing in blood.


Birds or fish color by smudging themselves in liquids that have leaked or removed from the character's body, or by sharing their skin or clothing.

Tanna, Pukapuka (South Cook Islands), Pileni, Dafla, Sema, Shuswap, Quinolt, Quileut, Katlamet, Shasta, Ojibwa, Biloxi, Guajiro, Sanema, Yanomam, Yanomami, Warrau, Arekuna, Akawai, waiwai, hishkaryana, kalinha, lokono, oyana, trio, oyampi, manao, maue, parintintin, munduruku, urubu, sipaya, kashibo, shipibo, amuesha, ashaninka, machigenga, kashinahua, matses, eseeha, chacobo, kamayuyuga ra, kayabi, iranshe, rikbakza, paresi, chamakoko, kaduveo, nivakle, chorote, maka, matako, toba, mokovi, vilela, yagani.

Melanesia. Tanna: Humphreys 1926:95-97 [one woman left her baby daughter to eat tree sap; she and all others were eaten by the giant Semsem; the Nepkalam girl ate a piece of edible stone, gave birth to twins Kasasaou and Kaniapnin; taught them how to make spears; they killed S. with spears; asked the birds to check if he was dead; two flew into his wound, stained with blood; the third (now this parrot is whole red) flew through; the brothers cut the ogre's body, the pieces turned into swallowed] (paraphrase in Poignant 1967:95), 99-100 [Ramsumas ate everyone, left a group of boys to feed for a stone with a fence; Matiktik (the name is known all over Oceania) broke the wall, told the boys that R. wanted to eat them, climbed a tree with them, which made them first low and then tall again; R. sees the reflection hiding in the pond, dives; they laugh; he asks how they got in; on his knees; on his back; R. just got hurt; M. lowered his vine, cut him off, R. crashed; three birds a follower fly into his wounds to make sure the ogre dies, get red plumage; the body was cut into pieces, blew into a horn from shells, the pieces turned into people eaten by the cannibal].

Micronesia-Polynesia. Pukapuka (Southern Cook Islands) [fish were white; Yina was menstruating; standing on the seashore, she called fish, supposedly to feed them; as they swam, she grabbed them and scratched, leaving stains and stripes of different colors; with her hand in her vagina, she stained two species of fish with menstrual blood; another one turned red after swimming in blood-colored water; another swallowed a coconut fiber swab, it's stuck in her throat and now it's swollen; Yin's whale's tail is torn, so it's split; similar but "less brutal" versions in Tokelau, Niue, Tonga and Ontong Java (Luanguia)]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938:? (quoted in Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 177-178 citing Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1936:13-14)]; Pileni [cannibal pig and cannibal pacola devoured people on Taumaco Island; they fled the island, Kahiva remained, hid, gave birth to twins Lauvaia and Hemaholuaki, they killed a pig and a cannibal; the brothers collected all the birds; attached pig bristles to the bat's back and sent them to the orphanage Taumako's people to Pileni; the bat is tired and returned halfway; then the cardinal was sent, smeared with pig blood; the same; then they send all the birds one by one, staining different pigs with blood parts of their bodies (the origin of the birds' color); the last to be sent was a small parrot with black blood on its back; it flew and people returned to Taumaco]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 170-171.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Dafla [only Nyirying Tapio managed to kill the animal Hinte gyoi gyop; his blood grew a vine from which red paint is made, from his intestines a tree from which red red is made; all birds and the animals came to the body and painted in the appropriate colors]: Bora 1995, No. 7:8; sema [The Lizard and the Weaver quarreled; the Lizard called for help from all the birds crawling, and the Weaver called for help from all birds; after a long struggle The eagle defeated the King Cobra; the birds shared its meat; the Raven (Corvus macrorhyncus) smeared itself with bile, turned black; Minevit (Pericrocotus speciosus) was smeared with blood, now scarlet; Ruby-Throat ( Calliope tsebaiewi?) I was late, got only a little bit of blood, and smeared my throat]: Hutton 1968:312-313; (cf. Angami [The lizard muddied the spring where the Bird took water; they quarreled, the Lizard called snakes, the Bird called the birds; the birds carried away all the snakes, but the big snake could not; the crow dropped it; finally, the big snake a bird killed her]: Hutton 1921:267).

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [The Red-headed Woodpecker and other Birds turn into fish to steal Rednosed's magical jail; when the Woodpecker swims in the form of a fish, the Red-Nosed tells his son to hit with a jail; Woodpecker cuts off the tench, carries the tip; The birds come to the Red-nosed; he agrees to change his red feather cloak to a tip; the birds share the cloak, get their red plumage]: Teit 1909a, No. 6:659- 661; quinalt [people shoot a sparkling duck whose body sounds like copper; the chief has no son, only two daughters; they secretly make arrows, hit a duck, make potlach; all birds get pieces of magic plumage, finding bright feathers and tufts; chiefs get the best; Blue Jay is dumped in what's left]: Farrand 1902, No. 2:92-94; quileut [no one can shoot an unusual bird; the leader of the Golden Eagle has no son, only two daughters; they secretly make arrows, the eldest hits the bird; asks the father to tell his slave Blue Jay to convene all the birds; gives them colors to everyone (potlach origin)]: Andrade 1931, No. 57:171-175; katlamet [a shining piece of copper floats in the sea; no one can harpoon it; the chief's two daughters disguise themselves as young men, hit the target; copper they divide, give blood to birds; they dye green, white, black; Blue Jay gets the best part; the mollusk takes it away (the origin of mother-of-pearl); the jay is painted with copper excrement]: Boas 1901a, #5:39-44.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [the giant killed everyone, the grandmother hid Manabazoo in a hole from the teepee pole; M. made all the animals out of the ground, revived them, released them into the forest; greased the boat to swim across the resin near the giant's house; bribed the guards - made the whale the greatest fish, gave poison to rattlesnakes, painted them; gave the bears (like the whale) tobacco; fed parrots, they did not raise the alarm; they reported that the giant's vulnerable place under a scythe at the back of his head; M. hit this place with an arrow, took out the paints, released the birds from captivity, painted it; the woodpecker made it beautiful for help, left the crow and the crow black for ridicule; the squirrel showed where is the bag with the hearts of the dead people; on the way back, M. and the squirrel were swallowed by a whale; M. pierced his heart with an arrow, released black paint; the grandmother saw it on the water; M. told the birds to hammer a hole outside the whale, M. and the squirrel went out; M. painted the seagull white, gave claws to the crowd, made the leader of the birds; on the feast, M. gave voices to the birds; the squirrel carried their hearts to the graves, M. revived people; gave the squirrel the right to all nuts; people named M. Hiawatha, "All Father"]: Blackwood 1929, No. 3:329-332

California. Shasta [Coyote comes to treat a girl, copulates with her; people chase him, he hides in a hollow oak tree, tells the hole to overgrow; a small woodpecker comes to hammer an oak tree; Coyote asks him call the rest of the birds to help; when he goes outside, he pulls out his guts, paints all the birds with blood]: Dixon 1910a, No. 22:33-34.

Southeast USA. Biloxi [Goldfinch is the elder, Redbird is the younger brother; every time their father does not tell them to open the door to one of the buildings, Goldfinch opens; lice, fleas, bison; lice and fleas pop up from there father puts back; after losing buffalo, he wants to kill his sons; they tear hornet nests, father's people are bitten to death; father hides in a hollow; Goldfinch pulls him out, cuts him, bathes in his blood; Redbird runs away, his brother sprays him with blood, but this bird's plumage is not entirely red]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 31:114-116.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 26 [the hero takes the form of a woman, comes to a jaguar; he causes rain; the hero enters the house, the house turns into a rock; ants make a hole; the hero squeezes, is scratched; the birds smear his blood], 30 [the girl bit off the penises with her toothy womb; Maleiwa turned into a boy, whistled, the girl's vagina responded; M. knocked out the vaginal with a stone teeth; various birds flew in, painted their feathers with spilled blood], 32 [Big Belly wounds a girl with an arrow; her father calls the offender and his brothers to his house; the house turns into a rock; birds they peck a hole; the bird that finished this work was scratched; others are stained with its blood], 34 [the women had teeth in their vulvas; to remove the baby, the pregnant woman had to rip open her stomach; then the stomach was sewn up; Mareiwa throws a stone at the vulva, knocks out their teeth, now babies can be born normally; that woman's name was Worunka; this place is now a rock, like her vulva; birds touched this rock and got their red plumage; while their vulvas had teeth, men inserted their penis into the navel of women; at Vorunka's time, a woman bought a man and came to his house to have sex with him; Mareiwa did the opposite (a man moves into a woman's house and manages it)], 35 [Mareiwa created a woman named Borunka, the mother of all guajiros; gave her a companion, but she could not give birth because of vaginal teeth; M. removed her, inserted her two additional ribs, taking them out of her husband; each time B. gave birth, M. told the birds to bathe in her blood, so they were colored]: 75, 87, 89-90, 91-92, 93-94.

Southern Venezuela. Two girls are looking for a groom; the Opossum pretends to be a worthy contender; the girls go to Med, the Opossum kills him; fleeing persecution, hides on a tree or rock; the first ancestors (mostly birds) cut down a tree or rock; smear the blood of the possum, getting the current color. Sanema [(Colchster 1981:78-86); Samonamaniapada (samonala ola: sweet honey) works well on the site, speaks Makiritare, Possum does not work well, does not know the language; two partridge girls ( Odontophorus gujanensis) came, saw Kashtali (a little inedible mouse) in the hammock, began to poke him in the eye with a lit knot; he ran to his older brother Opossum; Opossum dressed up, came home, lay down in a hammock; the girls try to play with him, but push him away because of the stench; Honey came, all the girls surrounded him; Opossum went to the Lizards, took their witchcraft grass, blew on Honey, he died; girls they mourn; the Opossum is just pretending; the snakes understood this, chased him, he climbed a tall tree; all the bird and woodworm people began to cut him down, everyone's axes broke; all the animals came; Ant ( his name means wide-ass little agouti) climbed a tree, killed Possum with an ax, killed him, blood flowed; the trunk was cut, the tree remained hanging on the sunny vine; Small The Sloth, then the Big, White Monkey, Squirrels, Ocelot, Puma, Jaguar tried to cut it, but not completely, tried to descend quickly; the Squirrel cut, crushed the Little Sloth; the birds painted with Opossum's blood, regained their current color]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 132:240-246; Yanomami: Polykrates 1967 [into the hammock of the hard-working and fragrant Nianonamauró, around which bees and honey { next - Honey} two girls come at night, and his smelly brother Naroríwe (Opossum) is alone; while Med is on the site, Opossum brought the girl tapir meat, but they drove him away; then Opossum witchcraft sent a tree cut down on the site to fall on Honey; his body was burned, ash was drunk with banana chicha; two reeds of the species that bees love grew at the site of the burning; there was honey and a pleasant smell; People accused the Possum of killing Med; at night he ran, but the ants showed where his trail was; the Opossum climbed a rock; people sent the Frog to find out how to kill him; she said that the Opossum hid in a hole; then they decided to knock down the rock; Woodpecker, then they cut down the Toucan, broke their beaks; finally, the mountain collapsed, everyone painted themselves with Opossum blood]: 287-289; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 131 [(Cocco 1972:221-224); girls rejected the Naro opossum because of its stench; The Bee and N. were at a festival in another village; N. rejected everything, the girl followed the Bee; when she came, N. was the first to see her, but she rejected it, came to the Bee; N. cooked witchcraft grass, shot grass at the Bee with a wind gun; when he returned home, he died; N. went and shot guaricongo, but he woke up, said at home that N. had also killed Meda; N. ran away, became turn into an opossum; boys were sent to watch him, they became birds; N. hides in a tree, the Ant climbs after him, then turns into an ant; everyone began to cut down the tree, broke off the axes, so these birds have short beaks; finally, the trunk was cut, but the tree hangs on the vine; the Little Sloth cut it, fell for free, N. crashed; birds and animals painted with blood, brain, possum crap, found current color, became birds and animals], 133 [(Lizot MS); Opossum was in a neighboring village, left a love remedy there, two girls followed him, he met one on the road; came back, met with the second, her name is Honey; both came to his house; his mother Smelly Mushroom cut the meat off her thighs, gave them tapir under the guise of meat; the sisters went from the Possum to Honey; the Opossum did witchcraft a remedy made from rodent hair and vegetable fibers, sent him to Meda; also to the Lizard, but he survived, saying that the Opossum was only pretending to be grieving, he was the murderer; the Opossum fled, the Woodpecker saw him in a recess on the rock; the Earthworm was sent to cover the Possum with a stone; people began to cut the rock; many axes (=beaks) broke; the rock began to fall, but it was held by a vine; the Sloth cut it, Opossum crushed; birds and animals stained with its blood, excrement, brain, turned into hekura spirits; Smelly Mushroom became a mushroom; ash from burned Honey became bees], 134 [(Lizot MS); two girls came marry a handsome man, entered the house; sat to the right of the entrance where Possum and his mother Smelly Mushroom lived; Opossum returned from the site (pretending to work), dressed up, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, gave it to the girls disguised as tapir meat; they saw Honey, went to him; at night, Opossum hears their laughter; makes a witchcraft, tries it on the Lizard, he survived; Honey is sick, died; Opossum lies as if his "little brother" bequeathed wives to him; the lizard tells the truth, the Opossum is running, the Woodpecker sees him on the rock; the Earthworm climbed, covered the recess where the Opossum took refuge; the birds began to cut the rock, axes (i.e. beaks) they were dull, bent; the rock began to fall, hung on the vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum crashed, the birds and the sloth painted his blood, brain, became hekura spirits]: 235-239, 247-256, 257-262; Yanomami [When Opossum was working in his garden, two women came to him; his Mushroom Mother was at home; Opossum painted himself and decorated himself, lay down in a hammock, but it smelled disgusting around him; the mushroom woman carved a piece of meat from his thigh and offered them; they refused; the possum sent the women to buy the tobacco that was in Med's house; when they saw the handsome honey, the women stayed with him, forgetting about the Possum; attached the poisonous fur of a red rodent to his darts and killed Honey with a blowpipe in the morning; his body was cremated, the ashes turned into honey bees; the opossum fled; he was covered with feathers and flew away, took refuge in the rock, but they found it; when the birds tried to extract it, they bent their beaks against the rock; the toucans with their massive beaks managed to bring down the rock that crushed the Possum; the blood spread and the birds painted themselves ; the gokko covered his beak with blood, and since then his beak has been orange-red; the partridges have drawn circles around his eyelids; the toucan dipped the base of its tail in blood, the kingfisher rubbed blood into its chest; the macaw parrot stained his feathers; when everyone was painted, Toucan assigned each bird a rock as a home: they all became immortal hekura spirits]: Lizot 1885:109; Yanomam [(Albert MS); two sisters- The doves reject the stinky Possum, want to marry Honey; their brother tells them that Mead's house will have mako feathers; Opossum wears Honey's jewelry, throws mako feathers around himself; Honey works on the site. The opossum only pretends to cut trees; the girls see mako feathers, hang hammocks in the Opossum section; he cuts off a piece of meat from his thigh, gives it to them under the guise of tapir meat; Honey demands its mako feathers back The opossum has to hang motmot feathers; Honey takes his wives; Opossum burns his hair from his armpits, makes it a code remedy, kills Honey with it in his hammock, the girls also died; Opossum fled , hid in a hollow in a tree; two Ants got up and crushed it with a stone; bird people cut down the tree, the axes became dull, but it still fell; birds and animals painted with blood, bile and the brain of the Possum ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 130:229-234

Guiana. Varrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 120, 172 [owned Imanaidarota at night, Hokohiarota owned the sun; kept the night in a scarf in a basket; in his absence, his wife's brother, a boy, opened the bag; darkness came, the boy turned into an owl; I. came to H., dancing and music in his house; when H. wanted the sun, he pulled it up on a rope; for the girl H. gave a day of 6 hours, for the second he promised give a normal one, 12 o'clock; I. did not have a second girlfriend, he carved her out of a usirou tree; her name was Usirumani; H. could not sleep with her, asked the woodpecker to do a vagina; everyone was smeared in the leaked blood birds; in white blood there is a crane, in curled black blood there is a raven]: 247-248, 377-379; arecuna [The fox kidnaps the child, gives it to Tapiriha; he grows up, she makes him her husband; he returns to people; Tapiriha is killed; the father takes his son out of her womb; when diving into the water, the boy kills fish; the stork persuades the boy to bathe at a waterfall where there are many fish; the Water Serpent kills the boy with an arrow; the father asks for birds kill a snake; most birds and animals cannot dive deep; two diving birds kill a snake with arrows; along with pieces of snake skin, birds receive voices and colors; animals also apply pieces of skin that get colored, a deer turns such a piece into its antlers; at first, a forest deer had savanna deer antlers and vice versa; they have changed because it is difficult for a forest deer to walk with large antlers; from The bones, blood, flesh of a murdered boy grow various types of timbo (vines containing poison for fishing)]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 22:72-75; akawai [humans and birds go to war on a water snake with iridescent skin; Duckler (Plotus anhinga) ties a rope to an arrow, pierces the snake's neck; the snake is pulled ashore; each bird takes a piece of leather for color; Duckler is dim because he got the head]: Brett in Im Thurn 1966:382; in Roth 1915, No. 162:225-226; waiwai [hunters eat a harpy eagle, at night the forest spirit comes screaming: You ate an eagle's liver! Some wake up, poke the rest on the cheeks with smut, they run away, becoming kibihee (some animal, hunting object); so they have a white spot on their cheeks; Kurum-yenna (people- Vultures) play flutes, inviting them to dance in their village; Kworo-yenna (Parrot People) and other Birds come and take local girls; some of the current waiwai bands descend from them; when they parted home, became real birds; Kamara-yenna (Jaguar people) came to the river; turtles formed a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it; Kurum Yenna asked the turtles to destroy the bridge; the Jaguars were eaten by a giant piranha , the boy escaped, part of his foot was bitten off; Kurum Yenna kept him with him; a woman married to a red mako (Kworo-yenna); she keeps the Petalï anaconda in a fenced place in the river; feeds her meat, which her husband brings; but she gives her ish agouti, and she eats the meat of large animals herself; someone told the anaconda about this; when the woman called her, the anaconda jumped out and swallowed it and swam away; the shaman husband caught an otter, went with them to catch up with P.; aquatic people answer every time that P. had just swam; they come to the place where P.; otters surround her, these places are now the whirlpools of Mapuera waterfalls; otters P. jumped down the throat, collected the woman's bones, went out carrying them out through the anaconda's ass; when they returned home, they washed the old woman's hands and feet, collected water in a vessel, poured them into the river, the fish began to die; Kingfisher grabbed two fish, lifted it to the sky so that he would then have something to eat; P. began to jump out, people shot her, cut it in half, began to drag her ashore, the tail jumped back into the water, the current ones come from him anacondas; all bird people bathed in anaconda blood, became birds; it rained, some hid in hiding, others did not; so some birds remained red, others had only a few red feathers; those who were bathed in bile turned yellow, and those who were then caught in the rain turned blue; birds tried on wings and tails; animal people also became animals; women who married remained human, the rest became birds and animals; the old woman has become various plants from which fish poison is made]: Fock 1963:62-66; hishkaryana [a woman catches a snake, grows; she swallows the mistress, crawls into the river; the shaman scrapes off her dirt, throws it into the water; all anacondas die; bird people are stained with blood and other fluids that have leaked out of the body of the anaconda that swallowed the woman]: Derbyshire 1965:93-94; kalinya, curl [birds kill the Great Serpent; everyone takes a piece of its skin; this is how birds become colorful]: Goeje 1943, no. d27:114; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 76 [birds kill an anaconda, bathe in its blood, take on color], 82 [birds cut down a tree with their beaks; finally, it falls, the birds smear its juice, take color]: 49, 50; trio [someone steals fish from the top of Yaravare (Orion); the Frog, the Hummingbird and other watchmen fall asleep; the Nightjar sees the Royal Vulture remove its feather crown, dive for fish; the Nightjar carries away the crown, I give; in the absence of I. The Royal Vulture comes to the village, asks the children to try on the crown, says that it does not suit them, puts it on himself, flies away; bird people hit him with arrows, smear his blood, share fat; at a general festival The sloth has been shoved into the fire since then its skin has been stained; Monkeys have burned their hands; Frogs have been given a drink made from Vulture fat]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 2:22-25; oyampi [birds peck anaconda, they smear blood and other fluids; the spirit of the anaconda becomes a rainbow]: Grenada 1982, No. 19:154-163

Central Amazon. Lower Rio Negro (manao?) [Does the turtle kill (drags it under water?) Orla Harpy; his son finds feathers, his mother says they are his father's feathers; he hunts turtles; they say their father killed him; he trains strength by digging trees; he lifts the Turtle into the air; all birds bite it, get dirty with blood, bile, etc., gaining colorful plumage]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:171; maue [Harpy Eagle wears the son of monkeys; he cries and wants fish; the Eagle suspects that the wife has a lover who brings fish; sends a fly to watch her, kills her lover, the Soko bird, drives his son away; tells his wife to put her hand in the hollow to catch a rat; the hand gets stuck, the wife turns into the creaking of trees; the eagle asks Aram to eat the corpse, take the twins out of the womb of the murdered woman; eat Soko's son too, and give his son (Eagle) to his mother; she washes the baby in the river, he slips away, becoming a fish; the brothers of the murdered offer Eagle to pick up a log in the middle of the water; it breaks, the Eagle falls into the water, he is killed by the Big Turtle; the grandmother asks the sisters of the killed to catch her grandson; he asks his grandmother who killed his father; answer, Wind, then Hot Summer; he scratches aunts, they say their father killed his father; he finds feathers, later his father's leg on the ceremony court; trains pick up logs and stones; pulls the Turtle out of the water; the Toucan, then the Dove, cannot penetrate its shell, the Woodpecker pierces; these birds are stained with its blood; the Jaguar and the fish also color]: Ugge 1991, No. 2: 130-146; parintintin [Canauréhu and Ipanitégué went to ruin the harpy eagle's nest; I., who remains below, asks about the chicks; K. replies that the chicks have fluff like I.'s wife's pubis; he throws away the stairs; the Eagle flew in, K. hid; he saw him, laughed while listening to the story, turned him into an eagle; taught him to fly, lifting heavier branches; they flew to the village together, tormented I. beaks and claws, lifted into the air by the legs and behind the head; all birds paint their beaks and feathers with its blood and brain, and ate their meat]: Pereira 1980 (2): 582-585 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1964:319-320); Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 26:633-634; Murphy 1958, No. 54 [The Harpy Eagle grabs the Turtle but she drags her under water; other eagles feed her son; he trains strength by lifting a log of the same the weight that the Turtle lifts the Turtle into the air, brings it to the nest; the birds hammer its shell; the Toucan fails, the Woodpecker pierces; all birds are colored with blood, bile and fat; the rapina eagle gets the head to blow her like a horn, but the tivito eagle asks you to give her head to him; since then, t has a low voice, and the river has a piercing voice]: 128-129.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [(beginning at p. 611-612: the huge Madjou-ã serpent lived in water, swallowed people; the shaman Karará-Ramoui sharpened the edges of two calebas, let himself be swallowed; those swallowed with knives could not cut M. from the inside, and Calebas K. cut all his ten hearts one by one; M. began to swallow water, but K. cut his side, emerged, went home, died of fatigue; another shaman revived him; M. died, rose to the sky, his shadow there is the Milky Way; he himself fell, pushing the ground, so the sea formed); this is where a new text begins: K. collected M.'s colorful blood, first painted all the birds , then forest animals; the snake was the last, K. poured rotten blood on it, so the color of this poisonous snake is disgusting]: Ribeiro 2002:612-613; spiking [one of the two brothers notices that their sister pregnant; advises her to smear her night lover's face with genipa juice; she turns out to be another brother; lovers run to heaven; quarrel, sister falls to the ground with a meteor, turns into a tapir; brother gets done A month; another brother tells the warriors to shoot; only the Battleship's arrow hits the Month; blood is shed; women wipe themselves from the bottom up, are under the influence of the Month; men wipe from top to bottom; birds bathe in blood, getting colored plumage]: Nimuendaju 1920:1010-1011.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo: Estrella Odicio 1977, No. 5:81-83 [Uirakocha]; Frank et al. 1990, No. 3 [Irakucha]: 65-68; Tessmann 1930 [The Inca had fire, cassava, corn; kashibo lived on on the other side of the river, I. did not give them anything; they sent a dwarf parrot (Chiricles L.), I. noticed it; the parrot grabbed the coal; first dropped it while flying back across the river, the next time he brought fire to people; all the bird people pressed their coal to their chest, some burned themselves; therefore, tinamide's chest is always warm; they sent the battleship to dig a passage into I.'s house; they crawled over it, killed I.; the red arara swam into it blood, the marsh bird dipped its beak into the blood, the trumpeter bird put fat on the wings of the stripes; the battleship took long nails I.]: 149; shipibo [Inca owned cultivated plants, did not give others; he was killed]: Bardales Rodriguez 1979:37-38; Bertrand-Rousseau 1984 [summary of two texts; shipibo cook meat in the sun, the sun was closer to the ground; wild fruits are harvested; at the Inca eating corn, bananas, cassava; giving others plants makes them unsuitable for breeding; a group of children climbed a tree to look at I.; he threw a stone at them from a sling, they turned into monkeys; Having blown on the flute, I. created a straight road through the forest; people decide to kill him; chameleon (Battleship?) digs a course under I.'s path; he fails, but gets out; next time he attacks stakes; everyone takes part of his strength; this is how birds get color, habits, and the ability to fly]: 215-222; Roe 1982, No. 10 : 68-70; Waisbard 1959 [no details]: 65; matses [has a motive for birds and animals to color after killing Irakocha; {most likely like a shipibo}]: Wistrand MS in Erikson 1994:79; amuesha [Yompor Eror (yompor - "father") paints the birds in bright colors; black Curasso asks everyone, he is told that they have always been like this; the woodpecker speaks the truth; angry , Curasso hacked YE with an ax; the birds were going to bathe in blood, the yellow feathers of those who dyed themselves fat; when he died, YE told Curasso to wear his ax forever; so he has black feathers but his beak is red speckled]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 16:218-219; Ashaninka (river camps) [relatives chase K íri; along the way he plants corn; in the first field they see pursuers, the corn is ripe; on the last one it has just been planted; they try to kill K. with arrows, but only kill each other; K. tells the rest to pierce themselves so that the stake goes over their heads and the body has pierced into the ground; turns into a peach palm (kir í, Guilielma speciosa); its blood forms a lake, birds bathe in it; good ones only once have beautiful plumage ; bad twice, they look ugly; The vulture wiped its ass on the palm tree, its trunk was covered with thorns]: Weiss 1975:328; Ashaninka [Avíveri lived with his nephew Kiri on his shoulders and, when he walked, he transformed people; his sister Sawoni hated him because she knew that he had transformed her husband; made masato from cassava and told her son K. to call A. to drink masato; when A. started drinking, he began to sing and everyone around him shuddered because of it; S. sang what night and darkness wanted, and A. wanted day; if he hadn't sung, night would have reigned; when A. fell asleep, S.'s husband dug a hole under him and A. failed (to the mouth rivers); K. went to look for him; sent Paul, who was fast, but he did not find A.; when he reached the lower reaches of the river, K. blocked it and the water flooded the ground; K. ordered him not to be killed, but pierced with a pole head next to (some) tree; they did it; K. began to move upstream, becoming a peach palm; a lake of blood flowed out of it and all the birds swam in it {listed who has which feathers made red}]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 16, option 1:177-178; ashaninka []: Zolezzi 2014, No. 17:188-188; machigenga: García 1935-1937 (18) [birds found red and yellow feathers, dyed with blood and bile, the first ancestor (tasorinchi) Yab írir í]: 94 in Weiss 1975:344 (note 10); 1942 [(cf. Ashaninka); Yabiveri constantly turned people into animals; when I went to the menstrual hut, I turned the girl into a tapir; sister (or mother) I. Parény invited him to the party, stole his amulet and pushed him into the abyss; he tried in vain to get out, becoming an ant, a wasp, a vine; asked P. for corn kernels, and strengthened his strength with them, got out, went, sowing corn everywhere; the pursuers first reached the ripe field; the farther the corn was sown recently; I tried to fill the river, his uncle, Father Quinteroni, asked Don't do it; I couldn't move, K. carried him on his shoulders, Y. turned K. into a battleship; Uncle I. Berenákoni carried Y. to the ends of the earth and nailed seven spokes to the ground, piercing his arms, legs, knees, chest; if he moves, the earth will collapse and be flooded; another name is I. - Pachá kamue; because it was pierced, people are now dying]: 234-235; kashinaua: Ans 1975 [Yawashikonawa owns cassava, maize, bananas, all cultivated plants; they are guarded by wasps, snakes, rays; the lizard took up his corn, hid the seed behind the tooth; Y.'s wife tore her mouth to look at it; I myself twisted the lizard's arms and legs; she lost consciousness, then ran away brought people corn; humans also had fire at first, but either the towayo nocturnal bird or the pauhil dropped a large shell into the fire, it went out; I. gives smut only by lowering it into the water; The parrot became screaming near Y.'s house, smut was thrown at him, he brought it to people, his beak turned black; the inhabitants of Y.'s house began to beat their magic stones, it rained; the birds hid the fire in the hollow; many suffered from fire and smoke, turned red and turned black; Cayman wants to steal cassava shoots, but he was bitten by wasps, he threw himself into the river, became a caiman; battleships dug a passage into Y.'s house; bird people walked through it, killed I. with arrows, smeared in liquids that had leaked out of his body, became colored; when flying away, the hummingbird sat on large branches, they broke; since then it has sat on thin ones; birds, animals, and poisonous creatures scattered around the world]: 81-82; Capistrano de Abreu in Tastevin 1926 [old Yauchiku nawa owns fire and cultivated plants, her gardens are guarded by wasps, scorpions and snakes; kashinahua roasts meat on in the sun; the father of black iguanas stole a grain of corn, hiding a tooth in the hollow; the ancestor of the tyontyon songbirds stole the cassava shoot; var.: cassava was stolen by the caiman father; the hornets guarding the field bit his eyebrows; he threw himself into the water, became a caiman, his eyebrows were still swollen; the ancestor of the little black-headed parrots began to cry plaintively near YAN; she threw coal at him, thought he was extinguished; the parrot brought coal to people, its beak turned black; people made a fire; YAN began to beat the bone of a creature that had drowned in the flood, it began to rain; bird people spread their wings, saved the fire; people, turning into battleships, they dug an underground passage (no one could get into the little one's hole, the large battleship dug a good passage); the bird people killed YAN, painted it with blood and bile, killed snakes and scorpions, took bananas, cotton, corn, peanuts, cassava; maize was first planted on the cob, cassava with branches, peanuts in pods, roofs were covered with leaves that let water through; Kumau taught me to do the right thing]: 164-166; yaminaua [the bird was sent to steal corn from the dawa (foreigners); D. gives roasted grains; the bird hides the unfried ones under the phalloscript; it is searched, it flies away, brings people corn; the Iguana comes to D. grabs pepper, carries it away; the Grand Battleship digs a tunnel to the village of D., people kill the leader (only the little bird Tiko can do this); people burn the body, paint all birds with blood, ash and bile]: MacQuarrie 1992, no.2:122-124.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [various birds (primarily spider - yellow-goose casik, Cacicus cela, sem. Icteridae) attack and kill the first ancestor; parrots and other birds smear red, blue and yellow blood and get colored]: Chavarria Mendoza 1984:31-32; chacobo [see motif J16; Kako swims, the waves washed away the shore, the stream became a wide river, K. can't get out; Stork (Alcedo sp.) pulls K. behind his back; K. does not know who saved him, he gives his clothes to all the birds, so they get colorful feathers; when the Stork admitted that he is the hero, K. There was only a neckerchief left; the stork tied it, was offended, flew away]: Kelm 1972, No. 1:214.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [Uvaiacá drinks a potion to become strong; imperceptibly from him, the pigeon drinks from the same vessel; W.'s mother throws out the pigeon, it flies, regurgitates the swallowed water, all the water in it inhabitants and monsters; a lake forms on the site of the village, fish eat W., his wife and children; his brother wants to be eaten too; makes a platform, shoots fish from it, kills their leader's son; finally, two fish managed to jump, grab him by the ears, drag him into the water; he was eaten, everyone is painted with the colors he used to paint his body, this is how the fish take color]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:201-205; kayabi [the old woman is the owner of jaguars and all animals; kills the first jaguar when he brings a child in his teeth; the parrot spreads the news; all animals smear blood, brain, etc.; son of a jaguar has been taking revenge on people ever since]: Grünberg 1970:166; an Iranian woman [Vanali has a second mouth on his hand; steals fish from a fisherman, throwing his hand through the wall of the hut at night; the fisherman leaves the Owl to guard, cuts off his hand; Marten promises to find V.'s house on a trail of blood, instead collects honey; V. finds the Maned Wolf; Parrot, Toucan, Mutum and other birds kill V., dye his blood; Parrot and Arara makes beaks for themselves from his axes]: Pereira 1985, No. 30:138-142; Rickbacz [the first ancestors of the birds ask the Sloth to throw fruits from the tree; he refuses, says that the fruits are imripe; birds they tear off his tail, smear his blood, take on color]: Hahn 1976 in Pressman 1991:84; paresi [Cocotero, Zatiamare's wife, first menstruated; he leaves him in her hut for menses a large supply of meat, but the wife is losing weight; Z. notices a hand stealing meat, cuts it off; follows a bloody trail, various animal people follow him; come to the house of shaman Vanare, killed him; birds smear his blood, take on color; animals dismantle his property]: Pereira 1986, No. 3:102-112.

Chaco. Chamacoko [a woman's sons or husband kill her eel lover; sons shoot arrows into the sky, open a door to the sky, or pull the sky closer to the ground; the hole closes when the leg closes the youngest of the three brothers is still hanging down; the mother sends the birds to cut off her leg; paints the birds with colorful blood spilled out of her leg]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 75 [], 76 [], 77 [husband brought Lalhorha to his wife a small eel, let their child play with it; L. put an eel in a pot on the edge of the swamp; the eel grew; the woman knocked on the pot, the eel came out, copulated with it; instead of sperm he spewed eggs; she was hers cooked and ate, fed her child; he does not like these "berries"; he watches his mother, tells his father; the father causes an eel with the same signal (hitting the pot), cuts off the tail; cooks with the meat of others eels, gives to his wife, tells her son not to eat; the wife guesses, finds a dead eel; the village is empty, everyone has run away, the youngest son is the last to run away; the sky was low; firing arrows, the boys pushed him away; pierced hole, climbed into the sky; when the last one climbed, the hole closed, the boy's leg remained hanging; the mother saw its reflection in the water, then looked up; tells the birds to cut off their leg; the hawk bites his leg, red blood first flows into the vessel, then black and white blood; when the hawk cut off his leg, the sky closed forever; the woman colored the birds depending on whether they sang well; the vulture sang bad, it was painted with black and white stripes]: 260-261, 267-268, 270-272; caduveo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 30 [three children always play late; a painted vessel with flowers in it descends from the sky; children climb after them, the vessel begins to rise; the mother clings to the last boy's leg; her leg comes off; blood stains the sky, since then there is a red stripe on the horizon (at sunset); white birds come to bathe in a pool of blood, take on color; The vulture can't withstand the heat, wipes off with coals, turns black; (original in Riveiro 1950, No. 8:140-142; comm. Ribeiro: 14: Some of the spilled blood has formed a rainbow], 31 [children play late, then lie down in the yard; the old man yells to others that the creature (bird?) comes down from heaven and takes children away, but parents don't pay attention; children sing when they get up; the old man grabs the creature, sticks to it; parents grab the old man's leg, it comes off; they collect blood in vessel, birds are called to swim; Vulture cannot bear itching, falls out in burnt grass, turns black; other birds acquire colorful plumage]: 55-56, 57-58; nivacle [hero kills royal vulture]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 94 [the young man sent his younger brother to his mother for water, who refused; all the young men decided to become birds, each of their own species; they glued feathers from poles to their bodies arrows flew away like birds, mothers offered them water in vain; Axtitá killed the royal vulture; everyone is trying to peck a hole in his body, but only Woodpecker succeeds; the birds are covered with blood vulture, coals and ash, taking on their current color; when the world turned upside down, birds and thunderbirds were in the sky; one person ate the fruits of the caraguat (Bromelia serra), he, his wife and all the people of the village turned into bakers and also found themselves in heaven; bakers on the ground are their relatives], 165 [bird people come to hammer the corpse with their beaks and axes; only the little woodpecker manages to split it; birds color with blood, also ash and coal], 96 [animals cut meat; tapir came first, now it is the most meaty; the cardinal is stained with blood], 97 [=№ 94 + 96], 164 [Stavuun (royal vulture) kills people his children play with their bones; Ajti't't'a trains to run fast; the sky used to be in the place of the earth and vice versa; the sky wanted to be clear, and the earth decided that people would not stain it; they swapped places after how two menstruating women got out of need and wiped their anuses; now they're two spots in the sky {Magellanic clouds? Coal Sacks?} ; The Milky Way is where S.'s children played with bones; A. killed S.'s children; when S. approaches, the sound {thunder?} is heard , it's raining; A. hides with his wife S., asks to send S. alternately to four directions of the world; S. returns each time and hurries in a new direction; finally notices the hole in which A. hid; digs it up, he releases the butterflies he has taken with him, S. eats them (thinking that A. ate?) ; finds a snake, shows it to his wife, asks if it is A.; meanwhile A. runs away through another exit; successively turns into a tree, into another plant, into a flower; S. does not recognize him, flies by; A. wants to hide in a bottle tree, it replies that it can't hide it, suggests hiding in Palo Mataco; he hides; when S. tries to penetrate the same hole, the tree pinches him; animals and birds came to share his flesh; the deer was well suited; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, leaving only specks, others kept their red color]: 238-241, 246-247, 250-252, 388-391, 396-397; chorote [eagle]: Wilbert, Simoneai 1985, No. 100, 101:194-195, 198; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 9 [at the boy's insistence, the grandmother says that his father was killed by Sinj (y) ena'x (royal vulture); he trains on the run; paints himself red, comes to S.'s children, says he has become handsome, pierces his tongue and is covered with blood; piercing them, kills; saves the youngest, tells his follower to point his father to the four sides of the world, the zenith and the nadir, when he asks where the man ran; he hid in the sky among red butterflies; runs away from S., hides in trees, one of them squeezes a hollow around the stalker's neck, the man finishes him off; comes to his grandmother; all birds try to punch a hole in S.'s body; only Maly The woodpecker succeeds; inside it is white, yellow, red; all the birds are colored, and S. put pieces of flesh on their bodies], 10 [the young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, a male and a female; the young man lets himself be swallowed by a male, cuts off his heart, then the same with the female; comes to his grandmother, who says that his father was killed by Sinjenaj (royal vulture); hereinafter referred to as in (9)]: 35-42, 43-45; matako [Takwah eats Wasp's baby; she covers all holes in his body with wax or clay; birds pierce a hard crust, splashing blood stains their feathers]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 99-103:197-205; toba [fox anus broken]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 129:249; 1989a, No. 210 [seeing Iguana eat mistol fruits, the Fox eats them too, they constipate him; various shaman birds treat him, i.e. they try to punch a hole in his anus; only Woodpecker manages to pierce; everyone is sprayed with blood, their feathers are red or brown]: 292-293; mokovi [Fox ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 56 [Chunga invites Fox to dive; at this time it steals his supply of mistol seeds; puts the Fox on a sharp branch; the tornado removes him, but the food now falls out of his ass; he asks the bees to seal it with clay; now the Fox suffers from constipation; the woodpecker pierces the plug, the excrement splashes on the gathered birds; they have had colorful plumage ever since], 57 [about the same; passing animals remove the Fox from the stake; the woodpecker first seals his anus, then pierces the cork; now the birds are brightly colored], 58 [as in (56); the wasp seals; details of the red and yellow coloring are described] 59 [The raccoon and the Fox got into a fight over the seeds of the mistol, the Raccoon put the Fox on a sharp branch; tears himself; further like (56)], 60 [The duck is the Woodpecker's girl; the fox kills her, puts on her feathers; the woodpecker smells strange, Ant invites, he bites the imaginary girl in the genitals, the Fox screams, runs away; the Woodpecker asks the Raccoon to punish the Fox; the Raccoon and the Fox fight over the mistol, the Raccoon puts the Fox on the branch; he gets off, further like in (56); The fox bleed out and died], 61 [Kotaá made the Fox's wife (i.e. the Fox) immediately fall out of her ass; further like (56); since then, the fox has a red ass], 63 [Woodpecker punched Fox's anus plug, all birds are colored]: 77-79, 80-81, 82-83, 83-84, 85-86, 87-88, 89-90; vilela: Lehmann-Nitsche 1925b: 221-225 [contrary to his mother's warning, the young man kills a lot of hummingbirds; finds colorful pebbles on the river bank, makes a necklace out of them; turns into a snake in a dream; promises his mother not to leave her; the snake sits on a tree for three days, grows, sparkles at night; then begins to devour people and animals; in the distant, only man tells everyone to go, goes to the snake; the pigeon advises to fire arrows when running away; they turn into palm trees, the serpent climbs on each, loses time; the same with thrown by a bowstring, a bow; a dove summons birds to war; Storks rush to attack, but a serpent (aka rainbow) swallows them; Little Owl Caburé manages to blind a snake; birds tear his body, from the womb they come out swallowed; after the rain, the corpse disappears, a rainbow appears in the sky; the Little Owl is made the leader], 226-227 [a timid and unsociable young man turns into a snake in a dream; out of shame he rises to heaven in in the form of a rainbow; descends to earth to devour people; the latter runs; the mother of the snake advises him to call birds; Hummingbirds, Herons, Falcons and others have come; only the owl Caburé achieved success, pulled out the snake's eyes; They opened his stomach, the swallowed ones came out blind, for the gum in his womb covered their eyes; one bird offered to wash their eyes, but the hawk Carancho said that birds should not make flutes from snake bones, gaining voices; they take pieces of skin for themselves, taking on color].

The Southern Cone. The Yagans [Akáinix, Brother of the Sun (Lem), painted himself more beautiful than anyone else; at this time, women were in power and sisters A. trained in kina's sacred hut to pretend as if they are dead; they failed, A. came up, showed how to freeze while holding his breath; when he returned home, A. pretends to be dead; other men sleep with his sisters and wife, but the imaginary dead man is still sees; when men go hunting cormorants, he gets up, scares off birds, kills men with a sling; their relatives attacked A., but failed to break, but only bent him and his son, who came to help to his father; A. is the rainbow, his son is the second, smaller rainbow, sometimes visible with the first; the attackers got dirty with the paint with which A. painted himself, since then on the feathers of these birds (which ones are not specified ) red spots]: Wilbert 1977, No. 4:21-24.