B36C. Fat animals .
Animals get meat, fat, melted from a creature or appeared differently. Some got a lot, others stayed skinny.
Western Sami (Sweden), Menominee, Sauk, Chippewa, Ojibwa, Timagami Ojibwa, Western Marsh Cree (North Manitoba), Eastern Marsh Cree, Steppe Cree, Montagnier, Seneca, Mikmak , delaware, angaite, caduveo.
Baltoscandia. Sami (Sweden) [god Djumel began to distribute fat among animals by collecting it in a deerskin bag; invited the hare to lie in fat, but he decided that there was little fat and left, so the hares were skinny ; and the bear fell out properly and became fat]: Simonsen 2014:47.
The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 92 [The raccoon makes a ball out of his excrement, gives it to the hungry Wolf to eat, hides in a tree; the watchman under the tree, the Wolf falls asleep, the Raccoon smears his eyes with resin; the blind Wolf stumbles upon trees, asks them their names; drowns in the lake; the old man catches a corpse, melts fat, summons birds and animals; who took how much fat is from him now; The bear wants eternal night; Chipmunk - as many summer months and as many winter months as there are stripes on his body; repeats, Day, Day; Bear repeats, Night, night, but accidentally says Day; The chipmunk wins, the Bear cannot catch up with him; the Puma wants to hunt Man, but the Dogs drive him away; the Birds decide to fish; the Turtle chases the Otter; the Mosquito decides to drink Human blood], 93 [ as in (89); The owl begins to hunt the Hare]: 303-323, 323-339; sauk [Visakya tells every animal and every bird what they will be called, what they should do; creates a lake of fat, Dips everyone in it; Mink jumps ahead of turn, V. pulls him out, so the minks are skinny]: Skinner 1928, No. 8:150-151; timagami ojibwa [girl sees the Sun in a dream, now she can't look on him, goes to live in the Sun; after 4 days, four boys, one with horns, find themselves in a wooden bowl left at home, their grandfather sends them to 4 directions of the world; these are 4 winds; the fifth is Nenebuc; he went punishing the west wind, blowing too much, is not enough from this food; broke one horn with a club; killed three geese, told his anus to guard; he signals, N. is angry, tells him to be silent; people stole meat; to punish the anus, N. sits down in the fire; finds and eats burnt pieces of his flesh, thinking that it is animal meat; defecates on partridge chicks, since then they are not white but brown; sleeps at the edge rocks and partridges threw him down; burnt pieces of his flesh became lichens; kills a bear; two trees creak, N. sticks his hand between them, gets stuck; all animals have come to eat bear meat; only a rabbit did not eat, remained skinny; N. became an ant, climbed into a bear's skull; became human again, unable to pull his head out; when he bumped into trees, he asked what kind of trees they were; so he reaches the river, swims, people think that the bear is swimming; N. fell on a rock, the bear's skull crashed; N. wounds the queen of the Giant Lynxes with an arrow; the Toad goes to heal her; N. kills the Toad, puts on its skin, pierces his arrow deeper into the Lynx's body, killing her; Lynxes send a flood; N. tells Beaver to reach the ground, he does not dive to the bottom; the muskrat pops up dead with the ground in his paws; N. makes the earth; sends the White Crow to find out if it is big; he eats dead fish, turns black; The seagull eats a little, the ends of its wings turn black; the owl eats fresh fish, does not return]: Speck 1915d, No. 1:28-38; chippewa [Venebozho kills two underwater snake chiefs; their bodies turn to fat; all animals take their share]: Barnouw 1977, No. 3:69; Ojibwa: Carson 1917 [Nenabosho catches ordinary trouts first, throws them away, wants catch their leader named Ogima; in the spring he hides Laska under his nephew's clothes; shouts O. to swallow the bait, he swallows the boat; Laska gnaws at his heart; trouts bury him at the bottom, but N. releases bile and O. pops up; N. comes out, comes to his grandmother's house, there are many dead birds near him; they teased the old woman, imitating N.'s voice; he dries two ponds, O. cooks in one, and O. in the other releases fat; convenes animals; Rabbit was the first to throw himself into fat; The elk was the last, pulled the Rabbit out and wiped it off, said he was too young to feast with others; The rabbit replied that now it will be much easier for rabbit hunters to kill than moose; when everyone is gone, Rabbit put fat on his neck and legs, now only there he has fatty meat]: 492; Coleman et al. 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac , 1958) [Nanabozho killed a bear, ordered Nokomis to burn fat, called animals; the rabbit put fat only on his neck and shoulders, the bear took a lot]: 82; Western Forest Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak calls the Bear his younger brother, says that it is good to drip berry juice into his eyes; the Bear goes blind, V. puts hot stones in his eyes, finishes him off, melts fat, asks Muskrat to cool him in the lake; he himself asks two trees to squeeze him to make room for a new portion of bear meat; the trees do not let him go; the muskrat dives, the fat spills out of the vessel, the animals come and eat it; released V. only the Hare manages to grab, throws it into ir on the water, the Hare sinks up to the neck; therefore, the hare's fat is only on the neck]: Clay 1978:85-88; Eastern Marsh Cree (Albany) [Wic√°gatcak stuffs asks the Bear if he sees that thing protruding from the water; the Bear replies no; V. explains how to improve his eyesight; you need to fill your eyes with berry juice, go to bed with a stone under your head; breaks the head of a sleeping Bear with a stone, melts fat; asks Muskrat to take a bubble of fat, swim in cold water to make the fat freeze; cuts off the fat from the Muskrat's tail so that it swims faster; before The muskrat's tail was like a beaver; the muskrat swims so fast that the bubble bursts; since then, there has been an oily trail on the water behind the muskrat; V. eats bear meat; asks two birch trees to squeeze it to empty it the intestines eat further; birch trees hold it, call animals to a feast; The seal eats the most fat, the Rabbit the least; when free, V. twists birches; since then, seals are fat, rabbits are lean, trees grow in a spiral]: Skinner 1911:86-87; steppe crees [Visakachak invites two bison to identify which one is older; feels their testicles, pierces their bellies, bakes meat, convenes to a feast of birds and animals; tells two birch trees to pinch it; then pushes it apart; but they pinch it again, animals and birds eat all the meat; V. gushes birch trees, traces on the trunks remain; V. splits bones bison, extracts fat, tries to freeze it, fat spreads along the river; animals come to eat it; the hare ate a lot, but V. squeezed the fat out of it back; determines what and how all types of birds and animals feed]: Dusenberry 1962, No. 4:238-236.
Northeast. Montagnier: Desbarat 1969 [the girl has a penis lover; she drives him swaddled on a sledge; descends into the river from the mountain; The penis tears its wet wrappers, gets out of the ice, chases the girl; the old woman kills him with a needle; all animals come to share fat (the origin of the species); the rabbit wanted to be Caribou, he was not allowed]: 4-5; Savard 1979, No. 2 [Ayasheo (apparently from the word crow; note 17:74) takes his son named Ayashish to the island to collect bird eggs; sails away, leaving him there; a horned serpent carries him to the metric; tells him to take a stone with him, say if a cloud appears; at the sight Clouds A. hits him with a stone in his horns, he swims faster, reaches the shore, he is now an adult; to overcome the obstacles sent by his father, his grandmother gives him his white Fox as his companion; a crest turns into a forest, A. goes through it; the fox makes a hole through the thrown resin; the bone pestle turned into a rock; he walked around it; met his mother; she says that his father throws hot ones at her coals; A. comes to his father, shoots up and down; the ground lights up; he advises his father to hide in the prepared fat; he rises with his mother; the father dies in boiling fat; all animals come to the lake of fat, they drink; the sea lion dived, became fat; the beaver crawled through his chest; the caribou just drank, the fat is in his stomach; the partridge rubbed its wings and back; the hare soaked its paws and touched his shoulders]: 12-14; seneca [grandmother tells his eldest grandson that his father is Wind; he comes to the Wind, gets a bag; on the way he looks inside, the animals that were there jump out, run away; at home, the grandmother sees animals, gives them names; the young man himself creates a pond with fat; animals dive (or do not dive) there, depending on this, they are now fat (bison, bear, raccoon, porcupine, skunk, woodchuck) or skinny (wolf, puma, fox); Deer says he will bite hunters; his upper teeth have been removed; the same goes for other horned animals]: Beauchamp 1922:215-216; mikmaq [the big whale has been washed ashore; all animals and birds take his flesh; the elk put a piece on his back, the people on his feet; Gluscap shoved the skeleton into the water, it turned into an island; the partridge was late, remained skinny; G. told her to wrap her legs in yellow birch ( you can see a yellow ring on your legs)]: Wallis, Wallis 1955, No. 5:327-328; delaware [humans and animals defeat the grandfather of monsters; everyone takes part of his brains; each animal species acquires its own peculiar features; people get a mix of different parts, easy to change]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 56:42.
Chaco. Angaite [the battleship was killed, all the animals ate; whoever ate has so much fat; the deer just got blood and stayed skinny]: Cordeu 1973, No. 10:208-209; caduveo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 2 [someone steals fish from God's trap; dogs can't detect a thief, God sends nocturnal birds; one of them sends him on the trail of a dangerous beast; God finds a hole in which they were humans and animals, pulls them out, caduveo after Europeans; the beast ate people coming out; God kills the beast, distributes its fat between animals; the pig came first, got a lot of fat as well caiman; nandu, deer remained skinny], 32 [Heron, then some animal refuses to borrow Go-noeno-walk their skin (=appearance), Kingfisher borrows; in the form of a kingfisher G. struck his heart a big snake living in the lake; called animals; a pig, a cow ate a lot of fat; the Jaguar took a part, Cayman stole it, hid it in the water; the turtle got fat mixed with mud, so its liver is black]: 21-22, 59-60.