Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B37. Bird or fish coloring, A2217.1. .11.14.19.-.22.24.-.

The character paints two or more different birds (less often fish), they paint each other, smear in paint, and attach pieces of colored leather and cloth to their bodies. Since then, birds' feathers, beaks, legs (fish skin and scales) have been of different colors. See motif B36A (birds color randomly).

Bulu, Berbers (?) Morocco, Vatut, Fr. Fergusson (koluvava), Aore, Tanna, Palau, Marshall Islands (Ujae), Kapingamarangi, Tokelau, Hawaii, Maori, Samoa, Tonga, Niua, Pukupuka, Rennel, Bellona, Pileni, Ontong Java, Dafla, Sema, Rengma, Lakher, Viets, Khmers, Sedang, Thais, Kayans, Apayao, Bagobo, Bontok-Igorot, Isneg, Chinese, Karachays, Balkarians, (Terek Cossacks), Yazgulyam, Swedes, Chelkans, Central Yakuts, Udege, Japanese, Northern Ryukyu, Ainu, Tundra and Forest Yukaghirs, Russian Estuary, Coastal Koryaks, Asian Eskimos (Naukan), Kodiak, Chugach, Northern Alaska Inupiate, McKenzie Estuary, Copper, Caribou, Netsilic, Igloolik, Labrador Eskimos , Baffin Land, Polar, Western and SW Greenland, Angmassalik, Kuchin, Upper Tanana, Atna, Taltan, Slevi, Chipewayan, Eyak, Tlingits, Hyda, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Shuswap, Comox, Cowlitz, Quinolt, Quileut, Katlamet, Ojibwa, Western Marsh Cree (North Manitoba), Steppe Cree, Blackfoot, Biloxi, Yurok, Karok, Shasta, Hoopa, Lipan, Guajiro, Sanema, Yanomam, Yanomami, Warrau, Arekuna, Akawai, Waiwai, hishkaryana, kalinya, lokono, oyana, trio, oyampi, manao? , maue, parintintin, munduruku, urubu, spipaya, kashibo, shipibo, amuesha, ashaninka, machigenga, kashinahua, chacobo, kayabi, iranshe, rickbacza, paresi, caduveo, ayoreo, chamacoco, nivacle, chorote, maka, matako, toba, mokovi, vilela, yagani.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bulu [all the birds were gray; the parrot had a pond of coloring water; he painted himself first and then the others; the dove was embarrassed to ask him to paint, only dared in the evening; the parrot threw a brush at him, covered it with green paint (as he wanted), and then threw a brush with red paint, making the green dove's beak and legs red]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2014:65-67; fang [ all animals were black; the boa constrictor swallowed one of the turtle's children; the father turtle threw coloring leaves into the water, told the children to tell them that he was a strong sorcerer and would paint everyone beautifully; he was the first to plunge starling, received a colorful coloring; the turtle boa constrictor lured him to him, began to peel off his skin piece by piece; ripped open his belly, found his child still alive, so he did not kill the boa constrictor, but placed pieces skin back {apparently scales}; boas have not eaten turtles since then]: Dähnhardt 1910:499.

North Africa. Berbers (?) Morocco (Taroudant, southern Morocco) [the birds saw a cloud of mosquitoes attack the rainbow; they began to exterminate them; the grateful rainbow gave the birds the colors they deserved; some received many flowers, some alone; those who only watched remained black and white]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 102:115-116.

Melanesia. Vatut [the girl refuses everyone; the bird Tsuktsuk; at first, all the characters are anthropomorphic) goes to the bird Minjur for a love potion; M.'s mother puts her son on her head, but not on C. an ornament that provides the girls' attention; at the dance, the girl drew attention to M.; then all the birds injured themselves (schlugen sich); chukhchukh burned his feathers; the dove smeared his back with ash; the bird- the rhino was painted with charcoal, and she has a circle of white tapa on its tail; everyone has parted, the birds don't dance anymore; M. and his wife stayed in the village]: Fischer 1963, No. 22:166-167; Fr. Fergusson (coluvava) [raven and Kulokulo bird (does it look like a dove?) were friends; the raven invited K. to paint it and did it well; K. undertook to paint the crow, but only smeared it entirely with charcoal; the raven chased K., and she shouted "uu-uuu" and "wawawa"]: Guderian, Guderian 1999:4; Aore [Two Birds, Fowl (Chicken?) and Big Legg (chicken-shaped, whole black) go to the party; the Chicken offers to paint each other; the Bigleg painted it white, black and red, and the Chicken painted it with one black; he sees his reflection in the water, indignant, refuses to go to the holiday, retires to the forest; says that from now on people will eat chicken eggs, and his egg will be difficult to find (big legs do not hatch eggs, but hide them in warm ones heaps of humus)]: Guérin 2008:492-496; Tanna: Humphreys 1926:95-97 [one woman left her baby daughter to eat tree sap; herself and all other people were eaten by the giant Semsem; girl Nepkalam ate a piece of edible stone, gave birth to twins Kasasaou and Kaniapnin; taught them how to make spears; they killed S. with spears; asked birds to check if he was dead; two flew into his wound, got dirty blood; the third (now this parrot is all red) flew through; the brothers cut the ogre's body, the pieces turned swallowed] (retelling in Poignant 1967:95), 99-100 [Ramsumas ate everyone, left a group of boys to feed behind a stone fence; Matiktik (a name known all over Oceania) broke the wall, told the boys R. wanted to eat them, climbed with them the tree he made first low and then high again; R. sees the reflection of those hiding in the pond, dives; they laugh; he asks how they got in; on his knees; on his back; R. just hurt himself; M. lowered his vine, cut him off, R. crashed ; three follower birds fly into the wounds to make sure the ogre dies, get red plumage; the body is cut into pieces, blew into a horn of shells, the pieces turn into people eaten cannibal].

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [the old woman loves her son Uek, is indifferent to her son Malek (Rooster); asks M. to go to the men's house, let W. stay; M. overhears, finds out that his mother told W. to come before dawn to get all the good things from her; M. adjusts so that in the men's house he tells fairy tales first and can go to bed, and W. is the last to go to bed later than anyone else; in the pre-dawn darkness, M. comes to his mother under looking W., receives all the colors (plumages) from her; then W. comes; the mother has no more colors left, she makes W. black, only a red speck on her head; but the mother gives W. the opportunity to eat tarot on the field, as much as he wants, and M. must look for food all day]: Mitchell 1973, No. 14:48-50; Marshall Islands: Davenport 1953 [heavenly god Lōva creates the first island, then sends a man accommodate the rest; Namorik Island fell out of the basket, now aside; a boat with people and animals sailed, sank at the entrance to the lagoon, everyone rushed ashore; the Octopus sent the Rat, and she jumped on the shore, relieved him; everyone was tattooed, and the Rat was the last when the soot was completely diluted with water; so the rat is gray, ugly]: 222; Kelin 2003 (Ujae) [Lowa created the islands and their inhabitants, but everyone looked like everyone else; then he sent artists Lewoj and Lanis from heaven to earth, they painted fish, birds, animals, tattooed people]: 149-143; Kapingamarangi [Tern (Bridle-turn) and The starling decides to paint each other; the Starling paints the Tern white with a black spot on its head; the Tern paints the Starling everything black; he is upset, for not only he, but also his children will be like this]: Elbert 1949:245; Tokelau Islands (Fakaofo) [{similar text, but no fish coloring, in Tuvalu; Koch 1966:119-120}; people laid out mats to dry in the sun, went to work in the fields; Rainy Day, Windy Day, Heavy Rain, Thunder Strike, Distant Thunder, Clear Day discuss how to ruin the mats; if it rains, Sina will have time to collect them; POISON: I will deceive Sina's vigilance and then the wind will throw the mats into the sea ; and so it happened, and S. fell asleep; her brother Te Lupe (dove) tried in vain to wake her up, tickling her beak; people came and beat S.; she went to the reef, called the fish, asked who the fish had come, Does it swim straight; three species of fish come successively, she tattoos them (the origin of the fish's color); the turtle replies that it swims straight, S. swims away on it; thirsty, then eat, the turtle tells her to get everything out from under her shell; break the coconut on the shell, but S. smashes on the head; the turtle got angry, dived, but then swam out and carried S. on; the tattoo oil bottle went to the bottom, the contents spilled out, it was swallowed by one fish, the other swallowed the cork, now these fish are fatty; the turtle brings S. to the Chief of Fiji, then to the Chief of Tonga, both times Sina does not like their names; I liked it when they came to Vavau, where Chief Tinilau; S. married him and they sailed to live on Fakaofo]: Burrows 1923:154-157; Hawaii [the birds were invisible, people only heard their voices; Maui them colored and made visible]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 176-177; Maori [woman asks sea god Tangaroa to punish her husband and his men who have left her; Tangaroa brought down waves of fish ashore, those began to smash villages; as a result, the fish became colored with their own and others' blood, acquiring their current color; after the battle, T. rewarded each fish species with the appropriate color and shape]: Reed 1999, No. 2:22-25 ; Samoa [Sina comes to the birds and asks if they've seen her missing husband; paints as a reward]: Richter-Gravier 2019:177; Rennell [Sina rubbed turmeric; the birds have come, asked to paint them; she does it; she painted some, accidentally touched others with her turmeric soaked hand; tattooed others; scorza turned all black]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1 ): 177; Bellona: Monberg 1966:88-89 [text T53: Sina paints various birds in white and black], 89 [text T54: Sina sells birds colorful clothes, needles, fans, etc., identifying them current appearance]; Pileni [the cannibal pig and the cannibal pacola ate people on the island of Taumako; they fled the island, the Kahiva woman stayed, hid, gave birth to the Lauvaia and Hemaholuaki twins, they killed a pig and a cannibal; the brothers gathered all the birds; attached pig bristles to the bat's back and sent them to the Taumako men's home in Pileni; the bat was tired and halfway back; then the cardinal was sent, smeared with pig blood; the same; then all the birds are sent one by one, staining the pigs with blood on different parts of their bodies (the origin of the birds' color); the latter sent a small a parrot with black blood on its back; it flew and people returned to Taumako]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 170-171; Pukapuka (Southern Cook Islands) [the fish were white; Yina was menstruating; standing on the seashore, she called the fish, supposedly to feed them; as they swam, she grabbed them and scratched them, leaving stains and stripes of different colors; with her hand in her vagina, she stained two a species of fish with menstrual blood; another one turned red after swimming in blood-colored water; another swallowed a coconut fiber swab, it got stuck in her throat and now it's swollen; Yin's whale's tail broke, so it's split; similar but "less brutal" versions in Tokelau, Niue, Tonga, and Ontong Jawa]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938:? (retelling in Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 177-178 with reference to Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1936:13-14)];.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [Rita birds (Munia, Uroloncha Striata Acuticauda) and Vacchu (Gorlinka) make beaks to each other; V. painted R.'s beak with brass; R. covered V.'s beak with wax; it's no good, they fight; a branch fell on a forest chicken, which hooked an ant, an ant bit the boar's testicles, the boar knocked down a banana, a bat lived on the banana, it flew into the elephant's ear, the elephant trampled on the white ants, they gnawed stairs, the widow's daughter fell; the widow tells the bird to punish R. have a goiter around her neck]: Parry 1932:567-569; duffle [only Nyirying Tapio managed to kill the Hinte gyoi gyop beast; a vine grew out of his blood, from which red paint is made, intestines are the wood from which red red is made; all birds and animals have come to the body and painted in the appropriate colors]: Bora 1995, No. 7:8; sema [Lizard and The weaver quarreled; the Lizard called for help from all the crawlers, and the Weaver called all the birds for help; after a long struggle, the Eagle defeated the King Cobra; the birds shared its meat; the Ravus macrorhyncus smeared himself bile, turned black; Minevit (Pericrocotus speciosus) was covered with blood, now scarlet; Ruby-throat (Calliope tsebaiewi?) I was late, got only a little blood, smeared my throat]: Hutton 1968:312-313; rengma [God promised the throat to paint her legs; the green magpie heard, appeared first in the morning; God painted her legs in bright red, and when the throat came, the paint was only on the bottom, so the neck's legs were faded]: Mills 1937:269.

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam: Cadière 1901 [The peacock invited the Raven to paint each other; the Raven was the first to paint the Peacock; then the Peacock painted the Raven black, adding a white collar around the neck; said he saw people butchering buffalo and had just thrown giblets into the stream; the Raven rushed there, it turned out that there was nothing; the Peacock ran into the forest, and since then he has been living separately from the Raven]: 192-193 (= 1955:247, =Coyaud 2011, No. 15:65-67); Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [Raven and Peacock were white, Raven invited each other to paint, was the first to paint Peacock; when Peacock began to paint the Raven, he I heard a pig screeching and drums beating, began to hurry Peacock to have time to eat pork at the sacrifice; impatiently jumps into a vessel of black paint and flies away]: 177-178; Ho 1967, No. 151 [The crow and The peacock was white; the Pheasant says we should dress nicer for Mr. Tiger's wedding; the Peacock suggests going to King Annam's palace to paint, where the artists left the colors they painted walls; the crow painted Peacock beautifully; he says as if he hears the voice of an eagle, tells him to hide, pours black paint on the Raven; her voice became hoarse in horror]: 314-316; Khmers [the birds decided to paint, the Heron was appointed an artist; at the end she and the Raven remained unpainted; in the evening, the Heron asked the Raven to paint it first; when she began to paint the Raven herself, she diluted the coal and, unwittingly , smeared it all in black; in the morning the Raven saw herself, rushed to the Heron; since then, herons have been hiding from crows in the forest during the day, getting food at night]: Foshko 1981, No. 8:38-39; sedang [the crows were white, and the peacocks are black; the Raven and the Peacock decided to paint each other; the Raven made the Peacock bright and colorful; the Peacock tried to do the same, but the Raven saw the Hawks come to peck for carrion, rushed there; The peacock just managed to pour black paint on it]: Nikulin 1976:148-149; the Thais [Crow and Peacock were both white; the Peacock first invites the Raven to wash himself, then paint each other; The Raven paints Peacock as he asks; the Peacock was going to paint him the same way; the Raven saw a dead dog swimming along the river, ordered him to paint it quickly in the simplest way; the Peacock filled him with black paint , Raven fly to peck dog]: Toth 1971, No. 15:116-120.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Kayan [coucal, Centropus sinensis) and Pheasant (Argusinus grayi) agreed to decorate each other with a tattoo; Kukal painted Pheasant beautifully, who poured paint on him and flew away; with Since then, the koop has a black head and neck, a brownish (tan) body]: Hose, p. 247-248 in Ho 1967, No. 150:314.

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [The Crow and the Oriole agree to paint each other; the Crow brightly colored the Oriole, and she made it black; since then, crows and orioles have been chasing each other]: Wilson 1947b:100 (quail . in Ho 1967, No. 148:312-313); bontok igorot [two friends decided to tattoo each other; one did it nicely and the other smeared it black; they got into a fight, the first became a lizard, the second crow]: Ho 1967, No. 147:311-312 (apparently the same text without specifying an ethnic group with reference to L.L. Wilson. The Skyland of the Philippines, p.156-157 in Eugenio 1994, No. 241:392; Isneg [Iguana and Raven decided to tattoo each other; Raven did it properly and Iguana said she could hear dog barking, poured black paint on the Raven, ran away]: Ho 1967, No. 149:313.

China - Korea. At least four records, no area listed. The Raven Colours the Swan. Whoever painted birds or another bird pours black paint or mud on the crow or Crane. Since then, that black (or part of its feathers are black): Ting Nai-Tung 1978, no. 232A*: 41.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [The Crow and Owl were white, the Raven offered to paint each other; Owl liked the coloring book, she also made the Raven beautiful; then she envied her, poured all the soot on her, flew away; the crow turned black, promised revenge]: Dzhurtubayev 2007:24; Balkarians (Western 1060) [the owl and the crow were white, they decided to paint each other; the crow painted the owl beautifully; then the owl painted the crow beautifully; afraid that it would be more beautiful than herself, poured out the remaining soot on it and flew away]: Malkonduev 2017:143-144; (cf. Terek Cossacks (art. Ardonskaya) ["On Annunciation Day, you should not work at all, because on that day the bird does not make a nest either. It is believed that the female peacock removed her peacock, painted her tail perfectly, wanted to dress up her wings and head; but when they rang in the morning, the female should have stopped working. The peacock is still left with only its tail decorated"]: Gusev 1893:327).

Iran - Central Asia. Yazgulyamtsy [Magpie invites Partridge to paint each other; paints herself well, Partridge has only two feathers; they got into a fight, Magpie poured ash into Partridge's face, now Partridge ashy; The partridge threw a poker at Magpie, the poker became its tail, it looks like a stick prevented by fire in the hearth]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 80:511.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [God decided to paint the birds; they raised a hubbub; God told them to be silent - he will choose the colors himself; when he finished and cleaned the brush, the little bird said it had not yet been painted; God painted it with leftovers, be careful, it has become one of the most beautiful]: Balzamo 2011, No. 65:107-109.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkans [Owl and Bullfinch adorned each other; Bullfinch turned out to be beautiful; Owl's eyes came round and deep; for this, Filin put Bullfinch's head into the fire, it turned red]: Kandarakova 1988:158-159.

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts [zap. Ergis, 1930, Ergis Nasleg); Loon was black as a Raven; envious of the colorful outfits of other birds, they decided to decorate themselves with colorful patterns; the Raven was the first to do so; Loon went to look into the water and dived; for such treachery, the Raven managed to hit her sacrum with his beak and cut it in half; the Raven remained black, and Gagara was colorful, but with his legs twisted]: Kulakovsky 1979:73 (=Ergis 1974:216-217; 1967, No. 49:170; quail in Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:23, in Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:15-16); Evens [the crow and the owl were friends and were white, decided to paint; the crow tried for a long time, the owl liked it, but she decided that it was boring to paint for a long time; told the crow to close its eyes while she was painting it, poured black paint on the crow and flew away; since then, the crow hates the owl]: Robbeck 2005:203-204.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [the old man catches the Zabdal runner in the net; he leads him to the hollow, there is a baby; the old man adopts both, gives the boy the name Nadiga; D. explains that he will become human when he loves him girl; N. splits a pebble, invites the girls to find the other half, quietly gives it to the one she likes, Ladika; she will come out of the hero; agrees to marry D.; that good hunter; L. sisters watch him take off his snakeskin; bring it to L., who throws her skin into the fire; D. sits on a stone in a burning robe; he will be saved by the one who sews a robe with the same pattern (i.e. like a skin) snakes); only L. succeeds; L.'s sisters also make such robes, but N. detained them; when L. put her robe over D. recovered; the rest of the girls gave their robes to animals, birds, snakes, butterflies, since then, they have the appropriate color; those who did not have enough dressing gowns have been embroidered on feathers or skins]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:189-173.

Japan. Japanese (Tohoku, Honshu Center, North Ryukyu): Ikeda 1971, No. 249J [I. The White Raven asked the Owl to paint it. II. (1) He was mistakenly painted black. (2) The raven came last among the birds and then asked for one thing or the other, testing the Owl's patience. (3) While it was being painted, the Raven twitched with excitement and moved, Owl ran out of patience. III. Now seeing the Owl, the Raven attacks her, so she hides during the day. IV. Hawk asked for a favor, but didn't pay. The Raven was painting, now, seeing the Hawk, he croaks, demanding payment. In these versions, the Hawk and the Raven can change roles]: 60-61; Japanese: Markova 1956 [the owl painted the birds; the raven asked to paint it beautifully; the owl planted it in a pot of black ink; the raven promised to take revenge on her; now the owl is afraid of him and hides during the day]: 105; 1991 [The crow is tired of the white outfit; the owl offers any dress, but he wants an unprecedented color; then Owl dyes his clothes black; The raven is angry, and since then he rushes to the Owl, during the day she hides in hollows]: 241; 2000 [The owl was a dyer, God told her to paint the birds in different colors; the Raven was the last to have the Owl left only black paint]: 83; Ainu [God has finished creation; the birds gave him a farewell feast; they did not say a sparrow; everyone had finished the tattoo, but the Sparrow did not; only the top of his beak is tattooed]: Batchelor 1927:53.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs [Chomga asks the Raven to paint it, promises to paint it later; while the Raven sleeps, he smears him from head to toe with coal; the Raven chases Chomga, hits him with a stick; she falls into the water and stays there because the raven broke her tail bone]: Jochelson 1926:275 (=Jochelson 1900:327; retelling in Slobodin, Slobodina 1998:105); forest yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District) [=Zhukova, Shadrin 2004:48-50; all birds are invited to the wedding of Owl and Little Goose's daughter, are painted; the Raven paints Loon, now asks to paint it; she first she painted Chomga, then the Raven badly; they began to fight; the crow broke Loon and Chomge's lumbar bones; left alone, painted herself completely black; birds compete in singing and dancing; Swan shoves Kuksha into the fire; at the last moment Goose's daughter refused to follow the Owl; he began to shamanize, since then waterfowl have been molting]: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 5:27-31; Russkoe Ustye [Gagara asks the Raven to fill her, he paints her with beautiful specks; blindfolded the Raven, smears it all with soot; he sits on the water, he manages to hit her tail, now she is flattened there]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986, No. 78:214; coastal Koryaks (Karagin dialect) [The raven was white; asks Loon to paint it better with tar than other birds and animals; Loon stumbles, a bucket of tar overturns on the Raven, he has been black ever since; Crows attack Gagar, forcing them to leave their land at sea]: Zhukova 1988, No. 49:173.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Naukan) [two options; Owl and Raven are white, decide to color each other; The Raven painted the Owl long and diligently, the Owl poured black paint on him when he closed his eyes eyes; crows and owls have been at odds ever since]: Menovshchikov 1969:22-23 (=1972:53-54; =1985, No. 6:32-33); Kodiak [the chief's son follows five geese; they turn into girls, swim in the lake; he hides the youngest's clothes; she gives birth to him a son; his sister calls her a goose; she puts on her feather outfit, takes her son and flies away; her husband comes to Bird Heaven for her; sees a tree splitter along the way; chips turn into salmon and trout; the wife agrees to live with him if he does not leave the house; he looks into another house, where the birds dress up and paint; the Seagull and the Raven have not finished this procedure; in panic, she paints it whole black, it white; birds are reluctant to take it back to the ground; the raven carries it, falls, turns into a floating log; the man turns into a floating log beluga whale]: Golder 1903, No. 10:98-104; chugach [The Raven is about to marry Duck; he was white, asked to be made as handsome as she is; Duck agreed, but then a kayak appeared, Duck said she wouldn't be able to finish the painting; the Raven replied that she should just smear it with charcoal; The duck did it, dived into the water]: Birket-Smith 1953:64 (=Johnson 1984:70); northern inupiate Alaska: Lucier 1958, No. 4 (noatagmiut) [The raven wants to be invisible to the animals it hunts; first paints Loon, makes black spots around her neck; Loon asks him to close his eyes, paints the whole black; says he won't be able to dive but will hunt on black rocks]: 92-93; Gubser 1965:250 (nunamiut) [Raven and Loon paint each other; G. asks V. to close their eyes, paints him entirely in black; Raven throws ash at Loon, that neck turns black] in Kleivan 1971:19-20; McKenzie's estuary [Raven and Loon paint each other; first G. makes the Raven black; man scares off both, G. does not have time to use other colors]: Jenness 1924, No. 20 [first the Raven paints Loon specks, makes her a yellow beak]: 47 (translated as Menovshchikov 1985, No. 139:337); Ostermann 1942:106-107; Ostermann 1942:106 in Kleivan 197:19; copper: Jenness 1924, No. 44 [The Raven is angry that the Seagull is stealing his food; the Seagull paints it black, the Crows used to be white], 45 [The raven tattoos Loon speckled, his beak painted yellow; Loon throws soot from fat at the Raven, he is now black]: 71; Rasmussen 1932 [the white Raven and Loon tattoo each other; G. throws in Raven soot from fat]: 223; caribou [Raven and Loon paint each other; Loon does not like how it was painted; the Raven spits on, making it black; the Raven beats Loon on the hips, now that one goes in transit]: Rasmussen 1930b:87; netsilic [Raven and Loon tattoo each other; V. loses patience, throws ash at G., making her back gray; G. throws soot from fat into V.]: Rasmussen 1931:399; igloolik: Boas 1901b, No. 19 (West coast of Hudson Bay) [like the Baffin Land Eskimos; Raven and Loon frame each other's clothes with black specks]: 320; Kroeber 1899, No. 13 [The hawk painted the Raven speckled; when a man approached them, the Hawk knocked over the soot vessel, the Raven turned black; before that he speckled the Hawk]: 174; Rasmussen 1930a [like the Eskimos of Baffin Land; Raven and Loon tattoo each other; V. throws flint at G., now she can barely walk]: 277; 1930c [Loon smears the Crow with excrement]: 39-40; Spalding 1979 ( Repulse Bay) [Raven and Loon agree to tattoo each other; Raven fiddles, shudders, Loon is tired of it, she knocked over a fat soot vessel on him, went to her home; Raven threw a paint jar at her, it damaged her tail, so the loons cannot walk normally on land]: 78; Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916:160 [Owl and Raven quarrel; Owl knocks over A crow a lamp, making it black]: 15; Turner 1894 [a man paints his sons Gagara and Raven; V. laughs at what G. looks like; he runs into the water in shame; V. does not want to be painted in a manner Loons]: 262-263; Baffin Land (Cumberland Sound): Boas 1888 [(=1964:233); The Raven makes black and white clothes for the Owl, the Owl makes white clothes for the Raven; he does not sit still while trying on; in Owl throws fat and soot over him in his hearts]: 641; 1901-1907, No. 39 [as in Boas 1888; they decorate each other's clothes]: 220-221; polar Eskimos [children (=birds) paint each other in speck; the man frightened off Falco rusticolus, who knocked over fat and soot on the Raven (commentary in Kleivan 1971:14)]: Holtved 1951, No. 61b: 92-93 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 208:418); Zap. Greenland [Raven and Loon paint a friend]: Kleivan 1971:13 [Loon is annoyed that the Raven has smeared her legs black, smears him black from head to toe], 14 [The crow doesn't like that Loon painted it white; she now paints it entirely black]; SW Greenland [(Rasmussen 1906:138, 1921:66); Raven and Loon decide to paint each other; Raven colored Loon black with beautiful white specks; Loon painted the Raven in the same way, he didn't like it, Loon poured black paint on him]: Kleivan 197:12-13; Angmassalik: Kleivan 1971 [(Rasmussen 1921:146); The Raven and Loon are both white; they paint each other with beautiful spots; The raven is dissatisfied, until he demands to be corrected until he turns out to be completely black]: 11-12; Thalbitzer 1923, No. 279 [Loon asks The crow paints it; then the Raven paints it, who is dissatisfied; then he smears it all with soot]: 529-530.

Subarctic. Kuchin: McKennan 1965 [all the birds were gray, the Swan was the chief; the Raven offers to paint; the latter paints Loon, does not use bright colors; for this Loon and other birds dumps him in ash; all birds still laugh at him]: 92; Leechman s.a. (p. Porcupine) [the birds did not differ in color; seeing colorful pebbles at the bottom of the river, Coyote decides to paint the birds; everyone agreed, the Raven doubted, was the last to come when all the colors were over; Raven said he took some of each paint, let Coyote paint patterns on the brown background now; he is naughty, makes Coyote redo the work; agrees that Coyote try the last remaining paint; it turned out to be black]: 226-230; McGary 1984 [The Raven and Loon decide to decorate each other with dentarium beads; Loon insists that the Raven paint it first; then smears the Raven with charcoal, flies away dives into the water; when she emerges, the left-handed raven throws dirt in her forehead, her forehead remains black]: 283-290; Khan (Eagle) [The Raven paints the birds; Coot promises to paint the Crow with bright colors, but smears it all with charcoal; he throws white clay at her, leaving white spots on her head and back]: Schmitter 1910:26 (=1985:39); upper tanana [Raven paints birds]: Rooth 1971:310; atna [The Raven invites Gagara to paint it; draws her a beautiful necklace; G. is a bad artist, makes the Raven black; runs to the middle of the lake; V. throws black dirt on her head]: Smelcer 1997: 23-24; taltan: Teit 1919, No. 10 [1) The raven paints the birds in different ways; calls them to a party, but starts to fight with them; the birds run away, remain as he painted them; 2) The raven paints his warriors - birds and small animals; gives them weapons (spears - beaks, etc.); cooks meat for the holiday, eats it himself; the birds are angry, he threatens them with a stick, they run away, turn in birds]: 208-209; slevy [birds paint each other; Crow (Crow, i.e. the large northern raven) throws black paint at the Loon, which has since had a black head; angry birds dump the Raven in ash, he suffocates, has been screaming ever since, kraa, kraa]: MacNeish 1955:37; Chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930 [birds have no names at first; others tell the Raven to be called Black Beak; he dissatisfied, they drag him, smear him with soot, dive into the water themselves; the crow manages to grab the Rook, he also smears him with black; others emerge, he throws chalk at them (?) , gives names to everyone]: 89; Boas 1916 [Dene makes the Crow black after he is dissatisfied with the color given to him]: 665; Lowie 1912 [all birds are white; the person decides to paint them; paints Loon in black specks, others in different colors; promises to paint the Raven like Loon, he doesn't like it; then he paints it entirely black; runs away with the other birds, the Raven after them, catches up with the Rook, paints it black; builds a long fence to separate deer from people; whoever paints birds sends an Owl to follow; people come to the pen; the raven drives everyone who approaches the entrance; Arctic foxes slip, free deer; Raven makes deer skins invulnerable to arrows; breaks the spell when promised to leave him the giblets of dead animals]: 184-185.

NW Coast. Eyak [all birds are white; Raven and Loon paint each other; V. makes Loon a beautiful black necklace; without finishing work, asks to paint it now; G. is a bad artist, V. turns out to be all black; chases her, driving her into the lake; throws black mud on her head]: Smelcer 1993:69-70; Tlingits [(the motif is briefly mentioned in connection with the image of a woodpecker on a totem pole); woodpeckers were hidden under the arms of Raven's mother; he freed them; when he gave all the birds their colors and behaviors, he gave the woodpeckers their red feathers]: Garfield, Forest 196:140; Hyda (Skidgate) [y Raven paints birds at home; the house is full, some have long necks; B. refuses to paint two birds; they cry, go to the Master Carpenter (=Boat Maker, this is a favorite deity), he makes them the most beautiful]: Swanton 1905:128 (paraphrase in Boas 1916:664-665); bellacula: Boas [Masmasalanish and his three brothers paint birds living in the sky; the raven flies to heaven, wants to be painted first, not happy with the color; deities make it black] 1895, No. 1:241; 1916:665; MCIiwrath 1948 (1) [The raven should have been the most colorful, but everyone is dissatisfied, demands repaint; Alkuntem tells you to shower it with ash, it turned black]: 386; Quakiutl: Boas 1910, No. 18 [Omean (raven) sends Loon, seal, Hobe duck to get the soil and leaves from the bottom; the first ones emerge before reaching, the Duck brings soil and leaves, Omean drags it into the boat; since then there has been soil and leaves; O. painted Kamenushka, Gogol and other birds; he was in a hurry, so the Raven managed only rub it with coal and the Seagull with clay; the flood began; those who dived became seabirds; those who did not reach the water became land birds; (translated in Romanova 1997, No. 55.2:209)], 21 [Omeal (Leader- The ancients, Raven) summons people to a holiday (birds, some plants and animals); paints everyone; hurries, so some birds are black or white; his boat has been set on fire, he tells everyone in anger scatter on the ground; The deer is the last to be turned into an animal]: 223-225, 287-297; Boas 1916 (neveti) [Omean paints the birds; then rubs the Seagull with clay and the Crow with coal; everything is flooded with the tide; not those who managed to escape now live on the water, the rest on land]: 665; 1935 [birds are invited to the festival; the crow is rubbed with coal, the seagull with clay; those who run away from the tide become land birds flooded with a wave - maritime]: 139.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap; quinolt; quileout; catlamet; comox (Çatlo'ltq) [The converter paints birds; the raven wants to be more beautiful; gets bored with its own requirements, the Converter paints it black]: Boas 1895, No. VIII. 1:64 (=1916:665); Cowitz: Adamson 1934 [Shwanee lies to an old woman as if he has four brothers, asks for them food; eats everything himself; the old woman puts the hornets under the roots in the basket; S. climbs into the stump, tells him to close, starts eating; hornets bite him, the stump no longer opens; he eats up his flesh, eats up his flesh, eats him eyes; woodpeckers and all birds punch a hole; he makes eyes out of flowers, paints birds, they are happy; changes eyes with a boy (-bird?) ; at first he sees well, but then the flowers wither]: 252-251; Wilson 1998 [when a stranger approaches, Xwani hides in the cedar hollow, wants it to close, starves, eats his flesh, eats his testicles ; birds hear his screams, Woodpecker and four others are hammering cedar, making a hole; grateful S. paints his saviors in the colors they now have]: 60-61.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [the giant killed everyone, the grandmother hid Manabazoo in a hole from the teepee pole; M. made all the animals out of the ground, revived them, released them into the forest; greased the boat to swim across the resin near the giant's house; bribed the guards - he made the whale the greatest fish, gave poison to rattlesnakes, painted them; gave the bears (like the whale) tobacco; fed parrots, they did not raise the alarm; they reported that the giant's vulnerable place under a scythe at the back of his head; M. hit this place with an arrow, took out the paints, released the birds from captivity, painted it; the woodpecker made it beautiful for help, left the crow and the crow black for ridicule; the squirrel showed where is the bag with the hearts of the dead people; on the way back, M. and the squirrel were swallowed by a whale; M. pierced his heart with an arrow, released black paint; the grandmother saw it on the water; M. told the birds to hammer a hole outside the whale, M. and the squirrel came out; M. painted the seagull white, gave claws to the crowd, made the leader of birds; at the festival, M. gave voices to the birds; the squirrel carried their hearts to the graves, M. revived people; gave the squirrel the right to all nuts; people named M. Hiawatha, "All the Father"]: Blackwood 1929, #3:329-332; Western Marsh Cree (northern Manitoba): Clay 1978:38-42 [all birds are white, Keche Manitoo asks to color them; this is what Wesukechak does; Woodpechak does; Woodpechak does (sapsucker) was the last to arrive, the paint was over; the other birds gave it their bright colors each], 43-47 [The goose and the Raven decide to paint each other; Wesukechak has only black paint left; The raven painted the Goose with beautiful specks; the Goose painted badly, the Raven chased him, the Goose threw the rest of the paint at him, the Raven turned all black]; steppe crees [Vesakaicak suggests waterfowl closes their eyes to dance; paints them before dancing (the origin of the color of the species); the water chicken opens its eyes, V. steps on her tail, making it flat]: Ahenakew 1929:331.

Plains. Montenegrins [Napa ("The Old Man") builds a hut, invites waterfowl to dance, paints everyone according to their wishes; then invites them to dance with their eyes closed, strangles one at a time; cautious Loon does not go into the hut, raises the alarm; N. kicks Gagara with her foot, says that from now on she will not be able to walk normally on land; birds that open their eyes will turn red]: Linderman 1995: 7-9.

Southeast USA. Biloxi.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. E1 [Vohpekumeu steals salmon and acorns from two women in the sky, brings them to the ground; falls asleep between two trees; the trunks thicken, V. is inside; everything woodpeckers and other birds punch a hole; V. rewards the Woodpecker with a red tuft, the Crow paints black], J1 [as in E1; steals only acorns, hides in a hollow, the hole overgrows; the offended Raven throws several birds into the ash, they turned gray]: 266, 317; Sapir 1928b, No. 8 [to get feathers for birds, they kill a huge bird with feathers of all colors; each bird gets its own color; The raven insists that he be made entirely red; then he is made completely black; he gets angry, rolls some birds in the mud]: 258-259; karok [The Coyote asks the stump in the way why he stands here; he is silent, the Coyote hits him, his limbs get stuck; Woodpeckers and other birds release him; he paints them; when the Raven comes, only black paint remains]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. D6 [The coyote takes possession of a girl who has her first period; her relatives are chasing him; he hides in a hollow, the hole is overgrown; birds cannot open the hole, only Woodpecker succeeds; Coyote paints his head is red], II24 [The Coyote asks the stump why he is standing on the road, hitting him, his arms and legs get stuck in a stump; woodpeckers and other birds are hammering a stump, freeing the Coyote; for this, the Coyote paints them; When I wanted to paint the Raven, all that remained was black paint]: 44, 173-174; shasta [from the other side of the Coyote River is called to treat a sick girl; he tells him to leave him in the house with the patient, the holes are tight close; The snake peeks, sees that the Coyote copulates with the girl; the Coyote runs away, rushes into the hollow of an oak tree, tells the hole to close; the little woodpecker arrives to hammer the oak; the Coyote asks him to call everyone birds to the rescue; when he goes outside, pulls out his intestines, paints all the birds with blood]: Dixon 1910a, No. 22:33-34; chupa [the hero falls asleep in the hollow; the hole overgrows; the little woodpecker comes to hammer; flies away when he hears a voice inside and is frightened; two larger woodpeckers make a hole; the hero paints birds, the crow paints with charcoal]: Goddard 1904, No. 1:131.

The Great Southwest. Lipan: Opler 1940:87-93 [ferocious beasts play against harmless animals; you have to guess which moccasin the bone is under; the bet is life; Rabbit, Antelope are playing on the side of the evil; if they won, it would be eternal night; the good win the day because of the Possum, who climbed under the moccasins and changed the bone; for this, the evil beat it into the ground; from some losers, the winners take their fat; day, birds are painted with white clay, now many have white feathers; the turkey is colored variegated to match the colors of the daytime sky; The bear hurriedly put moccasins on the wrong leg, so the clubfoot; the birds beat the Bolshoi An owl, he hides his heart in his leg, the Lizard hits him there with an arrow; his body turns into flints, an ordinary owl flies out of it, asks for some darkness, lives in caves], 94-95 [Sun, Morning Star they play on the side of the good; the bear put moccasins on the wrong leg].

Mesoamerica Nahuat (Puebla) [brother and sister were orphaned after the flood; they were thrown into the fire; the boy was well burned, became the sun, the girl was burned smaller, became the moon; all the birds and animals gathered, to determine which side the sun would rise from; only the dog knew - God told her; the birds took up pieces of cloth to make clothes for themselves to meet the sun; the battleship began to weave a dress; the dog ran east, telling everyone where the sun would rise; God hit her speechless; the battleship did not have time to weave the dress, now half seemed to be woven, and the other half was just a base without a duck; God blessed the audience, and they can no longer take off the clothes they were wearing then]: Taggart 1983:102.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema; yanomam; yanomami.

Guiana. Warrau; arekuna; akawai; waiwai; hishkaryana; kalinya, lokono; oyana; trio; oyampi.

Central Amazon. Manao? ; maue; parintintin; munduruku.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu; spiking.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo; shipibo; amuesha; ashaninka; machigenga; kashinaua; yaminaua; amuesha [Yompor Eror (yompor - "father") paints the birds in bright colors; black Curasso interrogates everyone, he is told that they have always been like this; the woodpecker is telling the truth; angry, Curasso hacked YE with an ax; the birds are going to swim in blood, yellow feathers from those who dyed themselves fat; when he died, YE told Curasso to wear his axe forever; so he had black feathers, but his beak was red speckled]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 16:218-219.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo [see motif J16; Kako is swimming, the waves have washed away the shore, the stream has become a broad river, K. can't get out; a stork (Alcedo sp.) pulls him behind his back; K. does not know who saved him, he gives his clothes to all the birds, so they get colorful feathers; when the Stork admitted that he is the hero, K. There was only a neckerchief left; the stork tied it, was offended, flew away]: Kelm 1972, No. 1:214.

Southern Amazon. Paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 3 [Cocotero, Zatiamare's wife, had her first period; he leaves a large supply of meat in her menstrual hut, but his wife is losing weight; Z. notices his hand , stealing meat, cutting it off; follows a bloody trail, various animal people follow him; come to the house of shaman Vanare, kill him; birds smear his blood, take on color; animals dismantle his property], 49 [Maretekokoyni, son of the eagle chief (Morphnus guianensis) and acauã (snake eagle?) married to Jararak; went to check the fish tops, water snakes killed him and ate him; the birds found his remains, demanded that the snakes pay for blood; they paid with pendants and necklaces, this was not enough, then they painted the birds with genipa; there was not enough paint for acauã and carancho (Polyborus plancus); the last drop (an ugly black spot on the head) was thrown into the quarantine, and acauã only painted their eyes; since then offended acauã eats snakes]: 102-112, 434-436; kayabi; Iranshe; Rickbacza.

Chaco. Kaduveo; nivakle; chorote; maka; matako; toba; mokowi; vilela; chamacoko [a woman's sons or husband kill her lover- eel; sons shoot arrows into the sky, open a door in the sky, or draw the sky closer to the ground; the hole closes when the leg of the youngest of the three brothers is still hanging down; the mother sends the birds to cut off leg; paints birds with colorful blood spilled out of their legs]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 75 [], 76 [], 77 [the husband brought Lalhorha's wife a small eel, let their child play with him; L. placed the eel in the pot at the edge of the swamp; the eel grew; the woman knocked on the pot, the eel came out, copulated with it; instead of sperm, she spewed eggs; she cooked and ate it, fed it to the child; he does not like these "berries"; he watches mother, tells his father; the father calls the eel with the same signal (hitting the pot), cuts off the tail; cooks other eels with the meat, gives it to his wife, tells the son not to eat; the wife guesses, finds the dead eel; the village is empty, everyone ran away, the youngest son was the last to run away; the sky was low; firing arrows, the boys pushed him away; pierced a hole, climbed into the sky; when the last one climbed, the hole closed, the leg closed the boy remained hanging; his mother saw her reflection in the water, then looked up; told the birds to cut off his leg; the hawk bites his leg, first red blood pours into the placed vessel, then black and white; when the hawk cut off his leg, the sky closed forever; the woman painted the birds depending on whether they sang well; the vulture sang poorly, it was painted with black and white stripes]: 260-261, 267-268, 270- 272; aioreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 53 [The sun creates and paints birds; one small bird did not like the coloring book and promised to make the sun go out; Sun scared, painted the bird in a different color, she is happy; Vulture paints black; everyone is happy; the Sun also made an armadillo and a guinea pig, painted an armadillo], 54 [The sun painted a wild cat, jaguar, puma, rattleship, coral and other snakes], 55 [The sun colored the jaguar, wild cat, lice], 434 [kagua fish asks the Sun to give it a beautiful drawing and a nice coloring; the Sun makes it yellow and reddish, she is happy], 435 [Orokoshna woman comes to ask the Sun to paint her, but he is busy; angry, the Sun paints her black; out of grief she became a fish], 436 [as in (435), in brief], 437 [Oechapigutó woman asks the Sun to paint her as beautifully as other animals; he makes her eyes green; people kill her, she turns into fish], 438 [The sun covers the fish Dope has a beautiful drawing, she is happy]: 99-101, 102-103, 103-105, 500-501, 501, 502, 503.

The Southern Cone. The Yagans [Akáinix, Brother of the Sun (Lem), painted himself more beautiful than anyone else; at this time, women were in power and sisters A. trained in kina's sacred hut to pretend as if they are dead; they did not succeed, A. came up, showed how to freeze while holding his breath; when he returned home, A. pretends to be dead; other men sleep with his sisters and wife, but the imaginary dead man is still sees; when men go hunting cormorants, he gets up, scares off birds, kills men with a sling; their relatives attacked A., but failed to break, but only bent him and his son, who came to help to his father; A. is the rainbow, his son is the second, smaller rainbow, sometimes visible with the first; the attackers got dirty with the paint with which A. painted himself, since then on the feathers of these birds (which ones are not specified ) red spots]: Wilbert 1977, No. 4:21-24.