Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B38B. Raven and Loon. .36.39.40.-.42.

Raven and Loon paint each other.

Yakuts, Forest and Tundra Yukaghirs, Russian Ustye, Coastal Koryaks, Northern Alaska Inupiate, McKenzie Estuary, Copper, Caribou, Netsilic, Igloolik, Labrador Eskimos, Western, South Eastern and Eastern Greenland, Kuchin, Atna, Slevi, Eyak.

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts [zap. Ergis, 1930, Ergis Nasleg); Loon was black as a Raven; envious of the colorful outfits of other birds, they decided to decorate themselves with colorful patterns; the Raven was the first to do so; Loon went to look into the water and dived; for such treachery, the Raven managed to hit her sacrum with his beak and cut it in half; the Raven remained black, and Gagara was colorful, but with his legs twisted]: Kulakovsky 1979:73 (=Ergis 1974:216-217; 1967, No. 49:170; quail in Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:23, in Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:15-16).

SV Asia. Yukaghirs: Jochelson 1926 (tundra) [Chomga asks the Raven to paint it, promises to paint it later; while the Raven sleeps, he smears him from head to toe with coal; the Raven chases Chomga, hits him with a stick; she falls into the water and stays there, because the Raven broke her tail bone]: 275 (=Johelson 1900:327; retelling in Slobodin, Slobodina 1998:105); Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1) (forest, p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District) [all birds are invited to the wedding of Owl and Little Goose's daughter, are painted; the Crow paints Gagara, now asks to paint her; she first painted Chomga, then The crow is bad; they began to fight; the crow broke the lumbar bones of Loon and Chomga; left alone, she painted herself completely black; the birds compete in singing and dancing; the Swan shoves Kuksha into the fire; at the last the moment Goose's daughter refused to follow the Owl; he began to shamanize, since then aquatic birds have been molting], No. 5:27-31; Russian Ustye [Gagara asks the Raven to fill her, he paints her with beautiful specks; tied The crow's eyes, smears it all with soot; he sits on the water, he manages to hit it on the tail, now it is flattened there]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986, No. 78:214; coastal Koryaks (Karagin dialect) [ The raven was white; asks Loon to paint it better with tar than other birds and animals; Loon stumbles, a tar bucket overturns on the Raven, he has been black ever since; Crows attack Gagar, forcing leave them from land to sea]: Zhukova 1988, No. 49:173.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Lucier 1958, No. 4 (Noatagmiut) [The raven wants to be invisible to the animals it hunts; first paints Loon, makes black spots around her neck; Loon asks him close his eyes, paints all black; says he will not be able to dive, but will hunt on black rocks]: 92-93; Gubser 1965:250 (nunamiut) [Raven and Loon paint each other; G. asks V. close your eyes, paints it entirely black; the Raven throws ash at Loon, that neck turns black] in Kleivan 1971:19-20; McKenzie's estuary [Raven and Loon paint each other; first G. makes the Raven black; the man scares off both, G. does not have time to use other colors]: Jenness 1924, No. 20 [First, the Raven paints the Loon with specks, makes her a yellow beak]: 47 (translated as Menovshchikov 1985, No. 139:337); Ostermann 1942:106-107; Ostermann 1942:106 in Kleivan 197:19; copper: Jenness 1924, No. 45 [The raven tattoos Loon speckled, painted his beak yellow; Loon throws at I soot the crow from the fat, it's now black]: 71; Rasmussen 1932 [the white Raven and Loon tattoo each other; G. throws soot from fat at the Raven]: 223; caribou [Raven and Loon paint each other friend; Loon doesn't like how she was painted; the Raven spits on, making him black; The Raven hits Loon on the hips, now she goes in transit]: Rasmussen 1930b:87; netsilic [Raven and Loon apply each other tattooed; V. loses patience, throws ash at G., making her back gray; G. throws soot from fat at V.]: Rasmussen 1931:399; needle: Boas 1901b, No. 19 (west coast of Hudson Bay ) [like the Baffin Land Eskimos; the Raven and Loon frame each other's clothes with black specks]: 320; Rasmussen 1930a [like the Eskimos of Baffin Land; the Raven and Loon apply to each other a tattoo; V. throws a flint at G., now she can hardly walk]: 277; Labrador Eskimos [a man paints his sons Gagara and Raven; V. laughs at what G. looks like; he runs into the water in shame; V. does not want to be painted like Loon]: Turner 1894:262-263; Zap. Greenland [Raven and Loon paint a friend]: Kleivan 1971:13 [Loon is annoyed that the Raven has smeared her legs black, smears him black from head to toe], 14 [The crow doesn't like that Loon painted it white; now she paints it entirely black]; SE Greenland [as in Zap. Greenland; annoyed that the Raven is not sitting still, Loon paints it entirely black]: Kleivan 1971:12-13; Angmassalik: Kleivan 1971 [Raven and Loon are both white; coloring each other beautiful spots; The Raven is dissatisfied, as long as it demands to be corrected until it turns out to be completely black]: 11-12; Thalbitzer 1923, No. 279 [Loon asks the Raven to paint it; then paints the Raven, that dissatisfied; then he smears it with soot]: 529-530.

Subarctic. Kuchin: McKennan 1965 [all the birds were gray, the Swan was the chief; the Raven offers to paint; the latter paints Loon, does not use bright colors; for this Loon and other birds dumps him in ash; all the birds still laugh at him]: 92; McGary 1984 [The Raven and Loon decide to decorate each other with dentalium beads; Loon insists that the Raven paint it first; then smears the Raven with charcoal , flies away, dives into the water; when she emerges, the left-handed raven throws dirt in her forehead, her forehead remains black]: 283-290; atna [The Raven invites Gagara to paint her; draws her a beautiful necklace; G. - bad artist, makes the Raven black; runs to the middle of the lake; V. throws black mud on her head]: Smelcer 1997:23-24; slevy [birds paint each other; Raven throws black paint at Loon, at Since then, a black head; angry birds dump the Crow in ash, he suffocates, since then he has been screaming, kraa, kraa]: MacNeish 1955:37; (cf. chipewayan: Lowie 1912 [all birds are white; man decides to paint them; paints Loon black specks, others in different colors; promises to paint the Raven like Loon, he doesn't like it; then paints it entirely black; runs away with the other birds, the Raven after them, catches up with the Rook, paints it black; builds a long fence, separating the deer from people; the one who painted the birds, sends the Owl to follow; people come to the pen; the Raven drives away everyone who approaches the entrance; Arctic foxes slip, free the deer; the raven makes the deer skins invulnerable to arrows; removes a spell when he is promised to leave giblets of dead animals for him]: 184-185).

NW Coast. Eyak [all birds are white; Raven and Loon paint each other; V. makes Loon a beautiful black necklace; without finishing work, asks to paint it now; G. is a bad artist, V. turns out to be all black; chases her, driving her into the lake; throws black mud on her head]: Smelcer 1993:69-70.