B38E. Swans and crows. .22.34.-.36. (.43.)
Abird with white or bright plumage refuses to marry a bird with dark plumage after learning that the bride or groom feeds on carrion or sewage.
Thais [swan's daughter and son of a crow], Tuvans [peacock and magpie], Nenets [swan and crow], Nganasans [swan and daughter of a crow], Ilimpic Evenks [swan and daughter of a crow], (upper coquil [a raven and a woman]).
Burma â€" Indochina. Thais [the king of swans agrees to marry his daughter to the son of a crow; the yellow swan is against this marriage, the black swan is for; the young fly to visit her husband's parents; on the way, the raven eats carrion, the wife with leaves him with disgust]: Kornev 1963:148-151.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [at first forty was black as soot; a peacock came to her and began to dress up his wife; when she painted white paint, he felt a stench: forty ate human sewage; a peacock horrified and flew south; if not for this case, the magpie would have been painted; now she screams plaintively, halak-halak]: Alekseev 2010, No. 22:71.
Western Siberia. The Nenets [(quail in Paderina, Plitchenko 1986:102); Swan flew in in the spring, married Raven; in the fall, the Raven persuades him to stay; the Crows decided to treat the Swan, they fell; The Swan did not could eat it, he ran, hit his feet in the cauldron, pulled them out of the fall, flew away; the dirty fall made his beak and legs black]: Osharov 1936a: 211; nganasany: Dolgikh 1987, No. 12 [was orphan, met a swan, who brought him to the land of swans, the guy became a swan himself; marries a crow girl; her mother was cooking something, it turned out to be crap, the swan got his legs and beak dirty, and it used to be all white] 13 [The swan came to visit the crows, he was offered boiled blood, it smells like crap; the swan stained its legs and beak, they turned black]: 56-57, 57).
Eastern Siberia. Ilympic Evenks [The swan married the beautiful daughter of Raven and Voronikha; at the wedding he was given food, it smelled bad; he flew away, dropping the dish off the table; his legs and the end of his beak got dirty and remained black]: Vasiliev 1936, No. 2:255).
(Wed. The coast is the Plateau. Upper coquill [the raven takes his wife; asks to put crap in the food they cook for him; he eats with pleasure; the wife and her parents leave the crow, leaving him a basket of crap]: Jacobs 2007:261).