Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B3B. Grown land.


Initially, the land or the world as a whole was small in size, then grows; fertile soil grows from a small amount of the original substance. See motif B3A (earth grows from a piece of solid that is thrown onto the surface of the water).

Songe, Fang, Yoruba, Manus, Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain, Majprat, Samap (SV New Guinea), Kanaka, Yap, Palau, Ngulu, Uliti, Fayu, Lamotrek, Ponape, Kapingamarangi, Marshall Islands wa, Bellona, Rennel, Tikopia, Nukuria, Tonga, Samoa, Tibetans, Garo, Kachari, Sherdukpen, Gallong, Mikir, Apatani, Mishmi, Nokte, Rengma, Kachin, Ahom, Shans, Karen, Lao Black Tai, Khmer, Rigveda, Hinduism, Barela-bhilala, Nepal, Varli, Chero, Birkhor, Munda, Santala, Bhuya, Baiga, Bhumia, Bondo, Sora, Koya, Gondas, Oraons, Kond, Agaria, Maria, Telugu (Yanadi), Sinhalas, Semangi, Nias, Bataks (Toba, Dairi), Ibanas, Kayans, Dayaki SE Borneo, Minahasa, Tetum, Timor (group is not a decree), Tirurai, Manuvu, Mansaka, Mangyan, Bilaan, Negrito Luzona (Ragai), Ancient China, Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovenes, Gagauzes, Russian written tradition Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Kostroma, Kaluga, Ryazan, Smolensk, Vyatskaya, Kazanskaya, Orlovskaya, Tambov, Penza, Saratov), Eastern, Western and Northern Ukrainians, Belarusians, Karachays, Ingush, Nogais, Terek Cossacks, Gilgit (Shina, Burish), Avesta, Sami, Finns, Karelians, Livans, Latvians, Lithuanians, Komi-Zyrians, Komi-Permyaks, Udmurts, Mari, Mordovians (Erzya, Moksha), Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Karakalpaks, Yellow Uighurs, Chulym Turks, Altaians, Chelkans, Shors, Khakas (Kachins), Baikal Buryats (Balagan, Alar, Ida, Verkholensky), Mongols (Khalkha, Inner Mongolia), Mongors, Nenets (Forest, Yamal, Nadym, Yenisei), Northern and Southern Mansi, Eastern Khanty , Nganasans, Ents, Southern and Northern Selkups, Kets, All Yakuts and Evenks, Evens, Kamchatka Evens, Nanai, Ulchi, Negidals, Udege, Nivhi, Manchus, Orochi, Ryukyu (Miyako Islands), Kojiki, Ainu, Forest Yukaghirs, Markovo, Chukchi, St. Lawrence, Central Yupik, Nuniwak, Kodiak, Inupiat (Northern Alaska?) , koyukon, upper kuskoquim, kuchin, upper tanana, southern tutchoni, tagish, inner tlingit, helmet, beaver, hea, slevi, doghrib, chipewayan, yellowknife, eyak, tlingits, hyda (Masset, Skidgate), bellacula, Quakiutl, Quarry, Thompson (Nicola Valley), Shuswap, Puget Sound, Upper Chehalis, Okanagon, Tututni, Cous, Molala, Modoc, Menominee, Western Swamp Cree (North Manitoba), Eastern Marsh Cree, Eastern Cree, North Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), North Solto, Timagami Ojibwa, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Sauk, Fox, Kickapoo, Potauatomi, Steppe Cree, Ojibwa Steppe, Montagne, Naskapi, Hurons, Oneida, Seneca, mohawki, onondaga, tuscarora, delaware, sarsi, blackfoot, assiniboine, grovantre, arapaho, crowe, santi (wahpeton), teton (Brule), dakota (sioux, group not specified), mandan, hidatsa, iowa, sheyen, kuapo, arikara, skidi pawnee, shawnee, yuchi, chitimacha, taskegi, alabama, koasati, choctaw, viyot, yuki, pomo, vintu, patvin, achomavi, atsugevi, maidu, mountain miwok, coastal miwok, chukchansi yokutz, yokutz, salinan, monache, tubatulabal, kawaisu, luiseno, northern payute, northern payute (Owens Valley), mono (Owens Valley), Bannock, Eastern Shoshone, Chemewevi, South Payut (Moapa), Southern Utah, Walapai, Yuma, Seri, Mojave, maricopa, cocopa, zunyi, navajo, western apache, hopi, western keres (Laguna, Akoma), mojave, yuma, pima, valapai, varigio, huichol, cora, mihe, mixheki, bribri, cabecar, bokota, oriental Panama (kuna?) , kogi, guayabero, sikuani, piaroa, macushi, aparai, siona, sekoya, kofan, baniwa, tariana, letuama, desana, barasana, andoque, uitoto, bora, ocaina, tatuyo, Moya (dep. Huancavelica), prov. Wari (dep. Ancash), kashibo, amuesha, ashaninka, machigenga, takana, chimane, paresi, kamayura, kaingang, sheta, kaigua, mbia, nivakle, chorote, matako, toba, chamakoko, tereno, nyandeva.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Songe [Mwidi lived with their people on tiny land; after a long wait, his wife became pregnant, gave birth to Fidi Mukulu a month later; then Lufwa, Tschitenga, Jakaboa were born; FM deployed the earth was like a mat, it became big; his father gave it fire (in flints), he burned it, FM fell, valleys and mountains formed; FM created vegetation; created a couple of people from different tribes]: Frobenius 1983:99- 101 (briefly in Kotlyar 2009, No. 20:47); fang [Mebege and the Diboia spider were between water and sky; D. advised to create earth; M. took hair from under his arm, added something from his brain, dipped it, took out the pebbles, got an egg, put it into the sea, told D. to bring the egg when it was hot; he brought it, M. added sperm, the god Zame ye Mebege, his sister Nying Mebege, his brother Nlona came out of the egg Mebege, responsible for the evil principle; ZM saw a raffia palm tree (leaf) in the sea, transformed it into a cross responsible for the four cardinal points; took the hair from under his mouse, his brain, made ants and termites out of them The earth formed bowel movements; it grew in the sea, hardened; ZM and his sister and brother came out of the egg, stepped on the ground; ZM erected a cross, it became a raffia palm; then created people]: Scheub 2000:147-148.

West Africa. Yoruba.

Melanesia. Manus; Gazelle Peninsula; New Britain; Majprat; Samap (NW); Kanaka.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap; Palau; Yap; Ngulu; Uliti; Fayu; Ponape; Lamotrek; Kapingamarangi; Bellona; Rennel; Tikopia ; Nukuria [A.I. Davletshin, Field Nabl., February 2013; in the water, a slide of white sand, a seaworm house, grows up, rises, becomes dry; Haraparapa and Kateariki found it; but Roatuu says these are her islands, she rose with the sand; then H. and K. took away the sweet potatoes and tarot they had brought, leaving only the coconut palm and the kanokano (?) ; R. stayed, began to give birth, gave birth to snakes, birds, fish and all creatures of the sea and land, but not humans; K. and H. returned, one ran along the eastern coast, the other along the western shore of the atoll, created the current configuration reef and islands; so the reef is on the NE side of the straight line, because K. saw normally; and on the SV {obviously, the error is the southern} curve because H. was blind; they divide people into births and create tarot fields]: Davletschin 2018:128-129; Tonga; Samoa; Marshall Islands: Erdland 1914 (Ratik) [the first creatures were two snakes - Ullip man and Lejman woman ("rock woman"); W. became a stick to spread the world around them until he reached the height of the sky and the width of the sea; Lewōj and Lanēj came out of the abscess on his forehead, W. sent them to the sky to place stars; Ledgman gave birth to two girls, Lino ( Tidal Wave) and Ni; W. collected blood in a coconut shell from a cut in his leg, from which Etao ("Greedy") and Jemelud ("Rainbow") were born; they took to heaven to defeat its inhabitants; it was in the north, therefore, the north of the sky is less populated than the south (i.e. there are few stars); Liködaner lived on Aylinglapalap, she is the mother of all bright stars (see p. 154 and 167; motifs I108, M7)]: 310-311; Lessa 1961 [data on the emergence of islands from sand, etc., thrown into the waters]: 281-286

Tibet - Northeast India. Tibetans; garo; kachari; sherdukpen; gallong; mikir [gods Hèmphū and Mukráng placed four pillars on the edges of the future land, tied them together with the hair of her mothers; the wife of the god Bāmon was sent to Hāyóng, the god of the lower world, but he did not give land; when she left, she picked up the scum of the worm, hid it on her chest; they sent the king of earthworms, he processed this particle, it grew and turned into earth; blacksmith Kapráng dried the earth with furs]: Stack, Lyall 1908:70-71; apatani; mishmi; nokte; rengma; kachin.

Burma - Indochina. Ahom; shans; black tai of Laos [the earth was from a ficus leaf, the sky with a snail shell; the earth tried to expand, and the sky tried to compress it; the sky was close to the ground]: Bourlet 1907:921; Karen [the supreme god created the male Tha-lu to rule the sky, and the female Tha-lu to rule the earth; the earth was at first the size of a spinner; thanks to an earthworm, she grew; first the earth was covered with water; God squeezed it with iron and silk, the water came down to form rivers; a spider in the sky could go down to earth and rise back; God created two suns, a man and a woman; they they lived in a closed palace, they were not visible; the pangolin gnawed through a hole, losing all his teeth; both suns came out, it was unbearably hot; God allowed man to kill one sun; he hit him with an arrow from a bow and it became the moon]: Mason 1865:175; the Khmers [first only water and sky; Krn Pãli hit the sea eight times with its tail, formed foam, became like flour for tortillas; seven years later the earth grew and continued to grow; first it was triple, then quadrangular, then turtle shaped; Buddha in heaven made Práh Thorni's head, right arm in the east, legs in the north, left arm in the west ; made a man out of the ground, then a woman for him; gave the woman three cakes, told him to give two cakes to the man, but she ate two herself, gave the man one; then they copulated; the woman gave birth to the Sun, the Moon, Mars, etc., and then a boy and a girl; their children inhabited the earth]: Porée-Maspero 196:605-606.

South Asia. Rigveda [Indra and Soma fortified the sky with a column, expanded mother earth]: Ogibenin 1968:18; barela-bhilala: Stiglmayr 1970:155 [Hamara Bhagwan decided to create land; out of mud on his chest created a winged dog, sent a letter to Dhuda darian; next to that was Lika darian, who could read; a plant grew out of a letter buried in the sand, the wasp fertilized it, and the Earth came out of one fruit, from the other, animals, from the third, the spirits of diseases; Bhagwan told the Earth to create the earth; she made a hoe out of her tooth, and the Benahor worm promised to get dust from Duli raiya; he first did not give, then gave; she sculpted small earth on a potter's wheel, the earth grew; it was installed on 12 iron poles], 161-163 [Pini meher decided to make earth, rolled dirt off his chest, created a dove, gave him a letter, sent him to To the ocean (Dhuda sanat), he slept, the pigeon buried the letter in the sand, a plant with six or seven branches grew, it is a woman, the wasp became her husband, 5 fruits appeared; of which 1) grains (seeds), 2) wild and pets, 3) metals, 4) Kala nag (black snake), 5) Welu bai (Earth); Bhagwan told her to mold the ground on a potter's wheel; two frogs hit the tooth to make an ax and a shovel, she dug up ores to make the circle itself, the bird helped to make it, but broke its beak; Duli raja made six or seven spools of earth, the wasp carried them away; he made a snare out of his hair, the wasp was caught, so she had a narrow waist; but let go, giving five pellets for Welu bai; she made the land and the earth grew; Kala nag could not hold it, the bull could not either, so Bhagwan put the earth on 6 pillars; Ram and Lakshman swayed the pillars, the ground staggered; then Welu bai placed fish below; there was cancer on the fish's tail, sometimes it bites it; during the famine, the ocean dried up, the fish was naked; people cut off pieces from it; only brother and sister were against eating fish alive; the fish told them to sit in the basket and sent a flood; everyone drowned, brother and sister to the wretched man (they rose above the waters with the female mountain, but the man was taller); he asked who they were, they answered that brother and sister; you turned them opposite sides, asked them again, they said that husband and wife; their excrement, urine and saliva had become a multitude of people of all castes], 164 [the goddess Welubai sent bring clay to the wasp to make the earth; Indraz-Bhagwan put a snare, the wasp got caught, her waist became narrow; V. sent the wasp again, she brought clay, V. gave it to the potter, he made the earth; God made a house watchman, land was laid on him]; Hinduism; Nepal; Chero; Birkhor; Munda; Santals; Bhuya; Bondo; Sora; Baiga; Koya; gondas; orahons; cond; kond (Kuttia) [there are only rocks on the ground; Nirantali and Sarantali sent two conds to bring land; they scratched the rock with their nails, took out a red, black one, white, yellow earth; N. and S. scattered it through a sieve, soil formed; but sometimes rocks protrude to the surface]: Elwin 1954, No. 10:7-8; agaria; maria (Bison-Horn Maria); Telugu (yanadi) [the old man grew a huge pumpkin, tied it with a long rope to a banyan; when it rained and the flood began, he climbed into it with his daughter, waxed the seam; Parameswara saw with his third eye that inside the pumpkin, people created an earthen hill where the pumpkin landed; asked the old man who the woman was, he replied that she was a daughter; told him to think it was a wife; the woman began to give birth to a huge number of people, the earthen hill began to grow; then a crane flew in and asked for space for it, the land grew even more]: Raghaviah 1962:415-416; the Sinhalese [at the end of Kalpa, rain floods the ground; Saman replies Vishnu, that only the king of the asurs Rahu can revive the land; R. asks V. to grow a lotus; descends its stem to the bottom, brings a handful of land; V. puts it on water, creates land; Surya and Chandra came ( sun and month) to illuminate the earth; S. and V. sculpted a brahmana, who sculpted a woman for himself, revived her]: Parker 1910, No. 1:47-49 (=Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 1:28-29); varley: Dalmia 1988 [Mahadeva and Ganga Gauri created the world; M. called the gods, no one came, then he flooded the earth with a flood for 12 years; then asked Naranadeva and Brahmadeva {then Barham is the same?} bring land from the world of Gunderideva (ghunderi is a fly that collects clay and makes it a nest on the corner of the house; they brought clay, painted on it, made cakes, they began to grow, they turned them into heaven and land; only Bhimabali was able to lift the sky off the ground; the earth was unstable; to secure it, Mahadeva ordered Naran and Barham to bring stones from the world of patheri (a species of small rat, always at her hole many stones); hills and mountains were made of stones; to create vegetation, M. sent N. and B. to the world of squirrels and ants for seeds; they brought them, but not enough; he sent them to King Lakhapati to bring more; M. and The Gauri dug a hole to get water at the foot of the date palm tree, got drunk; G.: let no one do that; M. created dense forests, G. created trees in savannas; two children were saved in the tree during the flood; M.: who are you ? - Brother and sister; the gods separated them, brought them together - the same thing; so 7 times, but then did not recognize each other and said that husband and wife; people from them; gods created animals; animals and plants multiplied, the earth became it was impossible to bear such a burden; she turned to her brother King Pandu ("white" in Sanskrit and Marathi), but he picked it up and threw it; M. and G. returned, the land complained to them, they called the gods; M. punished Panda by making him master of the lower world; a bull in this world told the cow: Our world will now be the realm of death; Jum Joshi (god of death) sent messengers to P., but P. put them in prison; himself disappeared; JJ sent him poisoned berries and he died; after that, people began to die and the earth felt better; before that, people were like snakes - they changed their skin and renewed themselves]: 25-30; bhumia [mother of five The Pandava brothers Kotma complains to the heavenly god Bhagavan that there are only rocks on earth; B. invites Pandava to descend into the underworld of the serpent king Burha Nang; the turtle king Kichhul descends down a crack in the ground, with him an earthen wasp, an earthworm, a white ant; the wasp sent everyone to the other side of the river; the serpent king set seven traps, next to the Kakramal crab; one of his claws is in the underworld, the other reaches the sky ; the crab is sleeping, Kichhul and his companions pass; Mother Earth agrees to go upstairs, hides in Kichhul's mouth; K.'s companions swallowed white clay, red clay, black soil; leaving, K. gets entangled in trap; K. and his companions are placed under the press, the ground is squeezed out of them; a few grains are stuck between K.'s teeth; the Earthworm cut them off with a knife, found grains; the Wasp brings Mother Earth back to life; son Kotma Bhimsen makes a whorl out of Python, wrapped a Stone Serpent around, Kotma began to knock down the ground in a stone cauldron; an intoxicating drink must be poured onto the ground; he is in the hollow of a tree, he is driven into barrels two Blue Starlings; they let Bhimsen drink enough, give them a jug of drink; they pour it on the ground, it overflows the edges of the cauldron, spreads over the ground; Nanga-Baiga becomes her husband; cuts off a sixth finger, nails four pieces at four ends of the earth]: Fuchs 1970:16-22.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangi; Nias [while creating the earth, the divine character stretched it and shaped it, after which he fasted for many days; then received nine plates of different types of food; he began to eat a ripe banana, not crayfish, so humans are prone to decay like a banana; the snake has eaten discarded crayfish and is immortal]: Chatelin 1881:114 in Dixon 1916:182; bataks (toba and Daīri); ibanas ; kayan; dayaki SE Borneo; minahasa; tetum; Timor (group not specified).

Taiwan - Philippines. Tirurai [God Sualla lived in the sky, his sister Sinoggol lived in the lower world; in the palace of the rising sun there were 8 pillars from the core of hard wood leaning against the walls of the sky; one of them was S. turned him into a man, turned his rib into a woman; their son Mantalalan fell ill, his mother sent her husband to S. for medicine; on the way, the demon king changed the medicine, the child died; S. thought it was his machinations sisters; S. sent his four brothers from four parts of the world to heaven to the Prophet Mohammed, who gave soil to bury M.; corn grew from his teeth, rice from his navel, bananas from his hands; Sister S. threw his comb, he became a pig to ruin banana plantings and serve as food for itself; he spat to create rats; because of it, people die and starve; she lives in a world of the dead, so she wants to come to her More people, animals, insects - everyone who dies came there]: Eugenio 1994, No. 181a: 304-305; Manama created the world, asked Diwata Panayangan to cover the rocks with soil; he sent bees and wasps, they found soil in the (apparently underground) world of Ogassi, brought it; M. created mountains, sea, rivers; sculpted human figures out of the ground; due to O.'s intervention, some nostrils were open upwards, they drowned in the rain; M. went to look for ways to breathe life into the figures; at this time O. breathed life into them with abaca knotty fibers; therefore, human life is short]: Eugenio 1994, No. 184: 310; mansaka [Taganlang sat on a rock; sent Oribig to fly to the end of the world to bring land; she brought it; T. placed it on a rock, created land with vegetation on it; kasili made wood first man and woman]: Eugenio 1994, No. 38:94; mangian [Mahal Makanaako held a tree in his hands, it gave shade; a worm fell from the tree into his hand, his bowel movements became ground; in the ground other worms appeared, and there was more of it; MM created the brothers Malvay and Dalidali, ordered the earth to be sculpted; M. worked hard, valleys appeared; D. was in a hurry - mountains; a grain of rice was enough to feed everyone; The machete cleared the field himself; people shed their skin and became younger; men gave birth to children from their calves; the first were born to M.; Doug's woman ("earth") felt sorry for men, told her brother that women would give birth; stepped over his leg, the baby was in her stomach; the sky was low, preventing rice from breaking; D. hit him with the upper end of the pestle, it rose; Wild Chicken gave people eggs; D. impatiently ran to see, there was droppings in the basket, Wild Chicken refused to give more eggs; D. watched one rice fill the pot; the rice was ashamed to be looked at, now it needed a lot of rice]: Eugenio 1994, No. 25:73-74 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 1:27-28); bilaan [Melú and Fiuweígh men, Dwata and Saweígh women lived on tiny land the size of a hat; sent a Saswit bird bring land from across the sea; M. took what he had brought, made land, sowed seeds brought by the bird; made people out of wax, they melted by the fire; then out of mud; F. placed their noses upside down, M. imperceptibly corrected, the dent remains; M. and S. now live underground, D. and F. in the sky]: Cole 1913:136-137; Negrito Luzay [the earth was small at first]: Garvan 1963:211.

China - Korea. Ancient China [a turtle and an owl tell Gong that the heavenly palace keeps the self-growing land of the Sezhans; its lump turns into mountains and dams; G. kidnaps it, the water falls down; after learning about In abduction, Shang-di sent fire god Zhurong to the ground, who killed G. on the Mountain of Bird Feathers, took the seizhans; the flood continued]: Yuan Ke 1987, Ch. VII: 166-167.

The Balkans. Bulgarians (Bessarabia; northwestern Bulgaria); Slovenes; Romanians; Hungarians (Moldavia, Bukovina, western Transylvania); Gagauz people.

Central Europe. Poles: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 2450.1 (central Poland on the Vistula) [the devil sent a duck to dive; she brought land to the goiter from the bottom of the sea, but dropped it when she saw her chasing her hawk], 2450.2 (Lodz Voivodeship) [the devil tries to drown God sleeping on a small island; he drags him to the edge, but the earth grows and turns into a continent]: 173:173; Russian written tradition (hands. Solovetsky Library; from Palea in the late 16th or early 17th centuries) [God walked on water, saw Gogol's bird; began to ask her, she replied that he was the God of the gods, from the upper ones, and she was from the lower ones; God told her to give it from the lower ones; the bird dived, brought God foam like silt, God made it earth; called the bird Sotonail, made it chief over the heavenly forces; he decides to throne over the stars; God handed over power over heavenly forces to Michael; M. first retreated from S., but God removed S.'s divinity, M. overthrew him from heaven; he fell, fell into the ground, with him part of his strength; others fell to the ground, became demons; still others remained in the air, pretending to be angels]: Porfiriev 1877:87-89; Russians (apocrypha) [there was only the vast Sea of Tiberias, Satanael in the form of Gogol and God swim in it; lead dialogue; - Who are you? - God. - And who am I? - God of the gods. Where are you from? - Ego ex infimis. - Where am I from? - De superis. - Da mihi ex infimis; the bird dives, brings land...]: Dragomanov in Köngäs 1960:160; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Yaroslavskaya, Vladimir, Kostroma, Kaluga, Ryazan, Smolensk, Vyatskaya, Kazanskaya, Orlovskaya, Tambov, Penza, Saratov) [a story about diving underground and creating land from a small amount of land, brought from the ocean floor]: Kuzmina 1998:56-67; Russians (Olonetskaya) [Two gogol sailed along the previous Okiyan Sea: one white gogol and the other black gogol. And the Lord Almighty himself and Satan sailed with these two gogols. By God's command, with the blessing of the Virgin, Satan summoned a handful of land from the bottom of the sea. From that handful, the Lord created flat places and rolling fields, and Satan made impassable abysses, shilli, and high mountains. And the Lord hit the stone with a hammer - and created the powers of heaven, Satan hit the stone with a hammer - and created his own army. And a great war broke out between the armies: at first Satan's army prevailed, but in the end the power of heaven prevailed. And Michael the Archangel overthrew Satanin's army from heaven, and they fell to earth in different places: who fell into the forests became forest dwellers, who into the water became watermen, who fell into the house as housewives; others fell into baths also became bayenniks, some in the yards became courtyards, and others in Riga became rigachniki]: Rybnikov 1864:191-192; Russians (Vologodskaya) [there were two brothers - a dove and a gogol; they take the earth out of the depths waters; create a man from sand, a woman from bone]: Belova 2004, No. 70:47; Russians (Gorky Region, Makarevo, Western Author 1965) [Satan answers God that the land is at the bottom of the sea; dives in the form of a waterfowl, takes land in his mouth, loses it along the way; for the third time he brings it; God scattered it across the sea, islands and continents have appeared; S. he hid part of the earth behind his cheek, it began to inflate; he threw it behind his back, the northern cold lands arose from it]: Morokhin 1998, No. 455:425; Russians (Saratov Volga Region) [God created heaven and waters, rides on the water on a rock, spat, Titan came out of the abyss; says his name is Titaniel, but you can simply call him Gogol; ready to listen to the order; God tells you to fly to heaven, bring land; he brought it, but hid a pinch by the cheek; God scattered the earth over the water, became dry; to hold it, created three whales, a stone slab on them, earth on it; God sees Gogol's swollen cheek, tells him to spit out the earth, appeared a land with valleys and mountains; out of envy, Gogol rested, squeezed God's land, it also wrinkled; Gogol claims that this is more beautiful; the man will remember the Lord when he goes uphill, and the jester when he goes downhill; God orders to bring seeds from paradise, gave them to God from his right hand, kept them from his left hand; useful plants grew from those sown by God, useless, prickly, poisonous from those sown by Gogol]: Zavaritsky 1916, No. 1:67-69; northern Ukrainians (Kozeletsky y. Chernigov governorate) [There was no earth, no sky, water was everywhere; God was flying above the water; he saw a gun without arms and legs; it was Satanael; God said to him: "Dive into the water and get the earth in my name"; S. dived, said: "Take it, earth, in my name"; the land was not given; S. dived a second time, the situation repeated; the third time S. said: "Take, earth, in the name of God"; the land was given, S. gave it to God; God said that they would now sow; where the earth fell like a hill, there was a mountain; where it was flat, there were even fields; where the earth drowned and did not cover the water, there was a lake; when they sown, God crossed the earth and flew to heaven; this is how the earth appeared]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 96:359-360; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Kharkiv) [a story about diving underground and creating land from a small amount of land brought from the ocean floor]: Kuzmina 1998:64, 72; Ukrainians (Kherson region, Elizavetinsky district) [hell was friends with God; hell owned thunder, and God owned the sky; to take possession of thunder, God began to walk on earth; hell did not have water, he asks to teach him how to get land; God tells me to dive, take from the bottom of the earth, hold in your hand and the one that remains at least under your fingernails, scatter it across the water; the devil left his thunder on the rocks and dived; God to the Archangel Gabriel: hurry up the thunder, he's on our land, and what is put on our land is ours; G. hid behind a stone; hell dived, but popped up and looks: did anyone take the thunder, did not take it; the same second time; hell thought that God forgot about the thunder and dived to the bottom; G. grabbed the thunder; seeing that the devil was rising to the surface, God froze the sea; hell only broke through the ice with his head for the third time; chased G., already grabbed his leg and snatched out a piece of meat - now people there is a notch on his foot; God: yes, you hit him with thunder; G. broke off his wings with thunder, now the devils do not fly well; G. gave thunder to God; then God came down, the hell had already created the earth; God wet his finger, splashed a man appeared with water behind him; hell tried it too, but his man does not speak or walk, but is covered with hard skin; then he spat on him; God: you turn him inside out; damn it, drool and the snot is left inside, and that skin is only at his fingertips, it is his nails; God has returned to heaven, and hell has made people; he envies that he has a lot of people, but everything is on earth, and God has few, but in heaven; hell decided to take over the sky himself, and overthrow God from there; God to the archangel, who holds the sky in his arms: shake; devils fell down, where whoever fell, stayed there; now you can't build a hut everywhere; you will build in hell, you'll work all your life; then God came to hell again, he was building something, one hut was very big - hell; hell then had a receipt: after death, all his people; he tore this receipt Christ, when he went to hell; God to hell: show me how to sit in that heat; hell climbed in, closed the doors; God: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! the exits are completely closed; but one hand of the devil remains free; he asks the other devils to rescue him, or else he will disappear; the elder has come up, and the one sitting in the heat threw him against the rock; so now the eldest devil crooked, and the first one is still sitting, cannot go out; that's where God's friendship with the devil ended]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 1:119-121; Western Ukrainians (Galicia) [seven lists of carols of the early 1840s; two pigeons fly to two oaks in the middle of the waters; they bring sand from the bottom, from which they create the earth with everything on it, and a blue stone from which they create the sky and stars; options: gold stone, three pigeons, one (green sycamore), three trees (there is wood in all versions), two angels bring black earth, make it the sun, the month and stars; on the trees Paul, Peter and God are the first to dive poorly, God dives, brings sand; two brothers (unnamed), one dives]: Kuznetsova 1998:110-117; Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [at first there was water everywhere; God walked on the water, Aley (Ilya) slept in the clouds; one place on the water was covered with foam, God turned it into Aridnyk (Satan); told him to dive, he brought clay from the bottom under his fingernail, God made the ground out of it; God lay down to rest; A. tried to push him into the water, but as he dragged him to the edge , the earth grew bigger; when God woke up, threw A. into the water, which was covered with ice; A. broke through the ice with his head, climbed back to land; after that, God called him an enemy, not a friend; Alei woke up and saw the earth, pushed it in fear, valleys and mountains formed; to prevent this from happening again, God chained his hand to the rock; with one hand he can only shake clouds (thunder); only A. had the ability create and only God could revive creatures; so all creatures belonged to A., God had to steal them from him; their struggle ended with God throwing A. into prison; when they fought, a piece of leather God was torn off his hand and fell to the ground; from this came Adam; one day A. fell off the chain, found A., spat on him, and he became unclean; then God turned A. inside out, the impurity remained inside; when A. He slept, God put a willow branch next to him, Eve arose from it; she ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, caused people to be sinful; people multiplied; sinners became devils - helpers to A.; the first people were small and long-bearded ("lectobeards"); after them, giants inhabited the earth; they were evil, God destroyed them by the flood; only Noah and his family escaped; var.: a horn sticking out of the water, two clung to it and did not drown; from then on, fewer people will become dwarfs again]: Koenig 1936:369-371; Belarusians (Smolensk) [the sea is everywhere; the devil is in the body of a swan; God promises to release him if he gets it from the bottom of the earth; tells me to say, Lord bless "; The devil swan dives, takes sand in his mouth, but does not say what they ordered, the sand has washed away; the third time he says, brings sand, hides some in his mouth; earth The devil grows, including in his mouth, he spits it out, creating swamps]: Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 8:229-300; Belarusians: Grynblat, Gurski 1983, No. 4 [Damn saw God sow the earth, hid part in mouth; God asked what he was eating, Damn swallowed the earth, it began to grow; he began to burp, swamps formed in these places where devils live], 5 [at first there was water everywhere; God sailed in the boat, hell saw that is going to do; God sowed the land, land appeared from the forest and that's it; hell swallowed the land, it began to grow, he regurgitated it, swamps appeared, overgrown with rakita; the man began to tear his bast, damn asked, what was he doing; the man tied him to the oak; the devil rushed, dragged the oak tree with him, there was a trail in the swamps], 6 [God was in the air, saw a bubble in it answering that he was a god, and who asked that god is above the gods; God offered to get land; the one in the bubble brought it in his hands and hid what he took in his mouth; God sowed the land, it began to grow; so did the hell in his mouth; he regurgitated it, swamps and mountains appeared there] , 8 [first one water, God floats, sees a bubble, the devil has jumped out of there; God tells him to get the earth out of the water; the devil brought it in the hem, God sowed it; part of the earth The devil hid behind his cheek, the earth began to grow, he sowed it regurgitated, swamps appeared]: 37-38, 38-39, 40, 41.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays; Ingush [foam began to thicken in the boiling sea; a place was formed where Mecca is now; then the land grew and became large; to strengthen the land, God created hills and mountains]: Dakhkilgov 2003:23; Nogais (book: T.Akmanbetov. Syntastyn Yiluvy (Warmth of the Monument), Makhachkala, 2008; recorded by folklorist Tahir Akmanbetov in 1975 from Ozbek Amanbayeva, a resident of the village of Sarysu of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR, born in 1913; informant - storyteller, musician, played ancient melodies on the horn) [at first only the eternal sky - Tangri, his companion Umai, Umai has two birds - Ak-Ku ("white swan") and Kara-Bapiy ("black duck"); Ak-Ku laid an egg, it consisted of water; Kara-Bapiy swam in the water, but she was drawn down, she dived and swam; one day she felt silt and sand at the bottom; she began to pull them to the surface and built a nest; she continued to put silt and sand around the nest, which made her nose red and long; the nest grew and became dry; Kara-bapiy knew that she could not do anything; when she created the earth in fear punishment, dived into the lower world; she was restless and persistent, which is why she was named Erke Khan]: Kapaev 2012:30, 226; Terek Cossacks (v. Karabulak) [when the Lord created the sky and the sea, he "began to plant the earth"; sent the devil into the sea to bring sand; the devil climbed into the sea, collected sand in both handfuls, and hid one handful for himself the cheekbone to do what the Lord did; when he got out of the sea, he gave the Lord two handfuls; the Lord began to spread sand in all directions; where even one grain of sand fell, the earth began to grow out of it; the sand in the devil's mouth also began to grow; the devil screamed in pain; told the Lord that he wanted to hide some sand from him, and he began to burst his mouth; the Lord told the devil to run and spit until He will not spit out all the sand; the devil did so; mountains appeared where he spit]: Baranov 1899, No. 9:192-193.

Iran - Central Asia. Gilgit (shina, burishi); Avesta [when the kingdom of Yima was 300 winters, the land was filled with cattle, people, birds, dogs, and blazing lights; turning south, Yima ordered the earth stretched out, it expanded by a third; when the kingdom of Yima came 600 winters, the land overflowed again, J. expanded the land by two-thirds more than before; when 900 years old, by three-thirds]: Steblin-Kamensky 1993:176-178.

Baltoscandia. Sami; Finns; Karelians: Yevseyev 1981 [(Salminen 1908); Loon flies over the sea, Satan sends her to dive underground; she dives three times, each time most of the earth is washed away; still enough for Loon to be able to live on earth; God says that there is not enough land, S. hid part in his mouth; God ordered to spit it it out, he spit north, creating rocks and mountains; S. cut his finger, God spoke wound]: 311-312; Makarov 1959 [proverb: "Vesi vankhin vojtehista, payu puista, mätäsh maista, tiaini ilman lintusista (Ukhta)" ("Water is the oldest of potions, willow is made of wood, hummock is from sushi, a tit is from heavenly birds"]: 172; Lives [God throws a nut over his left hymen, The devil grabs it with his mouth, the nut begins to grow, the devil spits it out]: Loorits 1926:80; Latvians; Lithuanians.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyrians; Komi-Permyaks; Udmurts; Mari; Mordovians (Erzya, Moksha); Chuvash; Tatars; Bashkirs [the land was the size of a spoon, and the sky with a cup; people and animals grew in number, the earth and sky began to grow; all the spruce from the same cauldron; the Giant (Alyk) emptied it; made a new one out of silver, a bucket of gold; A. picked it up bucket, threw it in, it turned into the Big Dipper]: Nadrshina 1985, No. 3:10-11.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks [In ancient times, there was no land; instead, everything was covered with empty water. The Suymyryk bird (a mythical bird) began to pull dirt from under the water (1) with its beak to make a nest for itself. All kinds of dust, grass, and algae gathered in the nest for this dirt, and formed a large land. This is where the land was born. 1) "uyyk" in the Karakalpak-Russian dictionary of Baskakov 1958 (30,000 words) translates: 1) swamp, marshy place, quagmire; 2) dirt; (translated by Islam Saparbayev with clarifications and with a comment by Ruslan Doutaliev)]: Aimbetov 2014b: 25; yellow Uighurs [first only water and sky; Śākyamuni summoned the Black Dragon from the sky, put a piece of black silk on his back, ordered bring him gold; put white silk on the White Elephant's back, told him white soil; threw soil and gold into the sea, land appeared; at first it was small; S. went to heaven for advice to the god Layangjia; he replied that when four pillars are erected at the four corners of the sky, the God of Fire will create fire, and women will give birth to children, the earth will grow; when S. returned, the ocean has already shrunk greatly, appeared mountains and rivers, people on earth]: Stuart, Jhang 1996:13.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [water is everywhere, loon is swimming; God: what do you eat? - Earth. - Where is it? - Underwater. - Get it, thank you. Loon brought the earth three times, it turned out to be a cake, God lay down on it; the devil grabbed his leg and threw it into the water; God was on land, a lot of land was formed; the devil grabbed the sleeping God by the legs, pulled him into the water, and the earth expands; dragged until it was dry all around; hell asked for half the earth; God refused; well, at least stick the stake; God allowed, damn stuck the stake and took out mosquitoes, midges; God plugged the hole; did dog; made a man; went after his soul, told the dog to protect the man; the devil asked to miss: I'll feed and shower it with black hair; the dog missed; the devil pierced the navel and did not care; God told the dog serve humans; since then, people have been ill]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.1:97-98; Chelkan residents (Lebedin Tatars, Otkushtö, 1863) ["At first it was just water and there was no land anywhere. Then God sent a white swan into the water and ordered him to bring water to heaven in its beak. But when he was diving, a little bit of earth stuck to his beak. The swan blew the ground off its beak, and it fell into the water with small specks of dust and began to swim on its surface. These specks of dust began to grow and expand, and from them became earth. But the ground was smooth and flat. Then God sent a second bird to earth to blow up the ground with its beak, and this made mountains and valleys on the earth. But the trait did not like the beautiful treeless land, and he created a mob with its swamps, where people can hardly live and are very poor. At first, God created a man who lived alone on earth. It was a man. One day, while he was sleeping, the devil touched his chest and a bone began to grow from his thigh, and as she got longer, she fell to the ground and a woman appeared out of it"]: Radlov 1989:211 (the swan diving episode mentioned in Dyrenkova 1929:123); Altaians; Shors; Khakas; Baikal Buryats (Balagan, Alar, Ida, Verkholensky); Khalza-Mongols; Mongols Inner Mongolia; the Mongors [first only water, God can't find a piece of land; he saw a golden frog swimming; snatched a handful of earth out of the air, put it on its back; the frog went under water the ground was washed away; when the frog surfaced again, God shot, the arrow pierced it, the frog turned over on its back, pressed the ground with its paws to its stomach; this is how land and five elements were formed: metal, wood, water, fire , earth; because God shot from the east, there was a tree on this side (the arrow shaft); the frog had its head south, spewed fire from its mouth, so the south was fire; the metal tip was in the west - there are metals; the frog has wet itself, so the north is water]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:41.

Western Siberia. Nenets (forest, Yamal, Nadym, Yenisei, Taimyr); Nenets (Turukhansky Krai) [seven people escaped from the flood in a boat; were lifted under the sky by water, so they could not stand, bent under the sky; asked the loon to find land; she dived, and a few days later carried out some land with sand and grass; throwing it into the water, people asked Nua to arrange land for them; the water began to decline and disappeared altogether; one woman sucked her own breasts, died from it; another drank her urine, survived; people guessed to dig a hole, found water; they began to starve, and the boy remained and a girl; fed up with mice; a mammoth tore mountains and ravines, lakes and rivers formed; Nua was angry, a mammoth drowned, now lives underground; one man made a bow out of wood, the other made a mammoth arrow bones, killed a deer; skinned with a mammoth bone knife]: Tretyakov 1871:201-202; Mansi (Berezovsky District), Southern Mansi; Mansi; Eastern Khanty: Lukina 2004, No. 1.1 (Tomsk Oblast) [only the sea is everywhere; Torum began to pour soil and wheat on it out of a handful; hell appeared, made swamps, hummocks, holes; stuck his staff; T. fell asleep, the devil began to carry it to drown, the earth became everywhere; T. flew to heaven, and the devil began to live underground]: 13; Shatilov 1931 (R.Vakh) [water was everywhere, Loon flew above it, Torum swam on the water; told Gagara to dive, she brought silt in her beak; T. created from it land with mountains, rivers, vegetation, animals]: 100; nganasans; nganasans: Long 1987, No. 1 [land first - bare ice; the first man finds the first woman all white; she says that she gave birth to worms, birds, all living things; they gave birth to a blade of grass, which gradually covered the icy ground with grass; the man is afraid that "something flying" will destroy the child, the earth will not grow ; they give birth to a second child, this is a hornless deer; the flying one appeared, this is a horned deer, defeated the hornless; he asked the White Man to give him horns; the father made one of a stone horn, the other from a mammoth bones; the son of the White Man defeated the enemy, he left; the earth became big; many flying flew in, the son of the White Man defeated everyone; the White man and woman gave birth to many people; the son of the White Man asks him to clean his horns; cleaning the stone horn strengthened the earth with stones, it was soft, moved; cleaning the mammoth horn became a mammoth bone; the mouse asks for help, everyone overcomes her; the son of White the man threw his stone horn, clouds became out of it, it snowed; the mouse wants a long winter not to be found under the snow; so it was; the mammoth horn threw up - it became frost, clear; thunder - stones above they knock, lightning is sparks from stones], 10 [first water is all around, you can see the tops of the stones, then some earth, on it a talnik of both men and a woman; then the earth became big; a man and a woman found two calves; people and deer multiplied]: 39-44, 54-55; Ents; southern Selkups [recorded by I.N. Gemuev, 1980, an informant shamanil when he was young; "The earth was the first to sink. God sent a loon, it didn't get anything. Gogol (porya) took out sand. This is our land. God let the snake go, then the bird, the speckles. And earlier - to a hoof. And the speckle frightened the hoof. The hoof began to bite at him, which is why the grouse only has a little white meat, the rest is black. And he let everyone go ahead - he let people go. People got into a fight, he let the snake go to disperse them. He let the dogs go, as he let a naked man go. She's freezing - damn it. - What happened? I'm freezing. Got the hell out of her skin. Now we are sick - we cough. God sent - made a man out of clay, he sits like a man. And the hell spit, I spit. This is what we are rooting for]: Baulo, Tuchkova 2016, No. 4, fragment 3; northern Selkups; chum salmon [Marya Maksimovna Irikova, Kellogg, August 2009; father said that a bird, a swallow Lee, she brought a piece of land in her beak; then the earth began to grow from this land]: Davletshin, Duvakin 2009, personal message.

Eastern Siberia. Northern Reindeer Yakuts; Yakuts (Vilyuisky Districts and Ugulyatsky Nasleg of Oleneksky District); Yakuts (Turukhansky Krai); Verkhoyan Yakuts; Central Yakuts ( materials from 1741-1745, the place of recording is not specified, most likely Yakutsk) ["Ar-Tojon, Urung Tojon and Suga Tojon unanimously agreed to create heaven and earth and, as they say: Sir Tangara ödübita, Kuin, Cui, U, Kisi, bari Kamnür Kara ongnorbutag - "Earth, sky has begun. The sun, the month, water, man, and all those who drive are black are created." Adsjarai bögo also created meteors because he wanted the whole world under his rule, like the previous ones, but Ar-Tojon and his brothers cursed him and plunged him into hell, Ödangnia, so he has become an enemy of the human race and animals and at times torments them with frost, snow and rain. The Yakuts have a story about this. He, Adsjarai bögo, only demanded sun and water for himself, which they wanted to give him if he caught a gleam - Dsergelgen, but since he could not do it, everything remained the old one. The world they created consisted first of a sky that was like a small ring and an earth that looked like Tellak {a horseskin rug in the shape of an oblong quadrangle}, but only she It was big. Later, it increased even significantly. According to the Yakuts, this world will stand for another two generations, 200 years, after which it will die from fire. Only two children - a boy and a girl - will be left, and the sky will be like a ring again and the earth will be like Tellak. The world will be given to these children and will expand again as it was before"]: Lindenau 1983:44-45; Kirensk Evenks; Sym Evenks; Evenks - Orochons; Evenks of Turukhansky Krai; Chumikan Evenks from the Okhotsk coast; equestrian Evenks of the Nerchi-Chita district; Far Eastern Evenks (Aldan-Uchursky) [When the top of the earth is like a plague the tip the size of an ear the skins of the wild deer's head erupted, the tree, being a tree, was only beginning to grow stiff; the middle land of Doolin Dongne was only beginning to turn black with its chernozem land, the mountain, like a standing squirrel tail, up She began to rush, growing; the Yane River began to gleam like an ermine of shiny white wool; on the surface of the middle land, Doolin Buga, in the middle of the sea, appeared and grew Nyungurmok, a girl, orphan. After that, the land began to increase]: Varlamova et al. 2015:12-14; Ilimpic, Ayan, Trans-Baikal Evenks; Ilimpic, Ayan, Trans-Baikal Evenks ( north of Transbaikalia, 1951) [water is all around; in the upper world, two brothers are discussing how to make land; the eldest had a duck; the youngest let it get sand from the bottom of Lake Baikal; the duck brought sand, the youngest put it on water leaf and earth on top {sand}; wind blew, leaf crumpled, mountains appeared; the youngest made a dog and a man, covered the whole man with a shell - it will be strong; put the man in one barn, the dog in another ; went to make rivers, told the dog not to give the keys to his older brother; he came, promising the dog a warm, colorful skin; she opened the barn; the elder brother tore off the man's shell, leaving only his fingernails; little brother came back, punished the dog by preventing him from speaking]: Pinegina 2019:70-71; the Evenks of China [was only the creator Purkan {from Burhan}; tired of loneliness, he created a kite and sent it look for sand and clay; the kite returned with a small piece of clay-sand; P. flattened it, it stretched out and first became the size of an umalan rug, and then grew even more and became vast earth; but it is deserted; then P. makes trees grow on the ground, rivers, seas, birds and fish, wild animals and pets appear]: Dyakonova 2018:54-55; Evens; Kamchatka Evens [ the earth was only stones; the eagle flies to the ends of the earth, brings sand in feathers above the cat, scattered it over the stones, land has formed, forest, moss have grown on it, deer have appeared; since then, the Evens have not killed the eagle]: Chadaeva 1982:60 in Shanshina 2000:33-34 (in Chadaev 1990:123 a little different: the Creator sends and scatters the eagle); the Evenks of China [was only the creator Purkan {from Burkhan}. Tired of being alone, he created a kite and sent it to look for sand and clay. The kite returned with a small piece of clay and sand. P. flattened it, it stretched out and first became the size of an umalan rug; then it grew even more and became vast earth. But it's deserted. Then P. makes trees grow on the ground, rivers, seas, birds and fish, wild animals and pets appear]: Dyakonova 2018:54-55.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais; Ulchi; Negidals; Udege; Nivhi; Manchus [The sky has 17 levels, the earth has 9 levels; controls the seventeen-level sky and the heavenly spirit of Abukaenduli was a nine-level earth; there was no land, only water and sky; A. created a man and a woman in his own likeness, put them in a stone jug, put the jug in water, the jug became swim in it; a man and a woman got married, gave birth to many people, generation after generation, the jug also grew; when there were too many people in the jug, A. built another place for people to live ; created a big earth from clay, put it on the surface of the water, told three fish to support it; also sent a heavenly spirit to bring food to the fish every few days; sometimes small the heavenly spirit was lazy and brought food at the wrong time; fish, hungry, pulled their bodies, and the earth also swayed, they were earthquakes; there were more and more people, they could no longer fit on the ground; then A. cut down the largest and thickest tree in the sky, placed it on the edge of the earth, and humanity has since begun to develop along the branches of this tree; therefore, various peoples have appeared in the world]: Chen, Wang 1989:13-14; Orochi [the land has just cooled down, covered with water; a family of eagles and a family of ravens fly above it; they find a rock, become like people, eagles give birth to a son, crows a daughter; the sea recedes, the land it grows; the water that covered the earth was worried, so the mountains are like waves]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 48:194-195.

Japan. Ryukyu: Maruyama 2009:32 (Miyako Islands) [by order of Heavenly Lord, Koinutsu descended to the tiny island of Miyako, piled up stones (making the island bigger); married a heavenly island the goddess Koitama; they gave birth to the god Sotatsu and the goddess Kagyoku; the god Mokusu (tree) and the goddess Sousou (grass) appeared from the earth, all of them became the ancestors of the people of MiyakoOkinaya show his footprints; rakon;], 34 (Taketomi Island near the main island of Yaeyama) [the divine brothers Shinshimi and Masoba descended from the sky; S. found a rock, piled up stones and clay around, creating Taketomi Island; M. created Mount Ishigaki, stayed on it; together, the brothers created the large Ishigaki Island, then divided it into 8 parts]; Kojiki; Ainu [first there is one water, then it grows island]: Etter 1949:21.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs; Russkoe Ustye; Markovo; Chukchi.

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence; central Yupik; Nunivak; Kodiak: Gedeon 1994 [Kashshikhilyuk began to blow into straw, causing the earth to expand and come out of the water, then The sky opened, stars appeared, then animals and people]: 77-78; Lisyansky 1812 (2) [The raven brings light into the world; at the same time a bubble falls from the sky, a man and a woman in it; they blow, the bubble grows; they legs and arms stretch out, mountains appear; a man scratches his head over the mountains, his hair falls, mountains are covered with forest, animals grow in them; the sea arises from a woman's urine; a man pulls ditches and holes, a woman spits in them, lakes and rivers appear; a woman pulled out one tooth, the man made an ax out of it, began to cut wood; fish arose from chips that fell into the water; from the fragrant cypress, pink salmon, from red is coho salmon; their eldest son played with a stone, Kodiak appeared out of stone; putting a man and a sukah on him, he shoved the island to its present place, where people then divorced]: 77 (=Lisiansky 1814:197-198 c Lantis 1938, No. 1:131, in Oswalt 1967:212); inupiat (Northern Alaska?) : Ostermann 1952:184 [people are crowded on an island; a raven harpoons a huge sea monster, land emerges from it; it is cut into pieces, thrown into the sea; they turn into islands, then merging into the mainland], 224-225; Spencer 1959 [Tulungishirak (Raven) lives with his parents on a tiny island; a bubble hangs in the house; T. asks him to play, tears, makes light; father wants It was also night, it does not allow it to be torn to the end; T. swims in a kayak, sees the ground; it rises above the water, then dives; he harpoons it; the earth becomes earth, grows]: 384-385.

Subarctic. Koyukon; upper kuskoquim; koochin [people are crowded on an island; land swims in the ocean, occasionally showing up on the horizon; a raven throws a harpoon at it; a continent emerges]: McKennan 1965:90; Kuchin; Khan; Upper Tanana; Southern Tutchoni; Tagish, Inner Tlingits; Helmet; Beaver; Hea; Dogrib, slevy; chipewayan; yellowknife.

NW Coast. Eyak; Tlingit; Hyda (Masset, Skidgate); Bellacula; Quakiutl; Quakiutl [people know there will be a flood; some are hidden under the ground, some have climbed into boats; after the flood, everything was washed away, there was no soil; those who came out of the ground reported that there was a lot of land; the chief told them to carry it in baskets, and they built a village on this land]: Wallace, Whitaker 1981:37-40.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry; Thompson (Nicola Valley); Puget Sound; Upper Chehalis; Okanagon [The chief above created the land; it was small; he rolled it out (like a ball) clay) before it becomes huge; a pillar or tree connecting the worlds runs through the sky, earth, and the lower world in their center]: Teit 1917c, No. 3:84; shuswap [some believe that the earth continues grow up and die someday]: Teit 1909a: 595;; tututney (joshua); cous; molala; modoc.

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 6 [all birds and Thunders go down to play ball against fish, snakes, otters, land animals, polar underground Bears; Myanyabush watches the game, kills with the arrows of three underground gods; they fall into the lake. Michigan; the water rises, chases Myanyabush; he climbs to the top of a pine tree on the mountain; tells Beaver and Muskrat to get the earth from the bottom; both emerge dead; on Muskrat's paws, Myanyabush finds a little silt, makes an island out of it; the waters come down], II1 [there was only water; God sends an old woman down from heaven, puts some land under her in the center of the sea; she makes the land big]: 255-260, 305; ojibwa : Barnouw 1977 (chippewa) [see M60 motif; Venebojo kills underwater serpent chiefs; water chases V., he climbs a tree on a mountain], No. 1 [asks Otter to dive, then Beaver; both emerge dead, V. revives them; Beaver says he saw the earth; Muskrat brings earth in his mouth and paws; V. throws the earth into the water, it grows; sends Caribou to find out if it is big; Caribou returns - small ; V. throws more land; this time Caribou does not return], 3 [as in (1); Loon dives first unsuccessfully, then Otter; Muskrat pops up dead with the ground in its paws; V. revives it; V. sends birds to fly around the earth, making it bigger; the big bird comes back, W. says it's not enough; the Eagle returns; Enough]: 38-41, 64-69; Coleman et al 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [ Nanabozho hunted with the wolf and his two sons; it freezes at night, the wolves cover it with their tails, then it is too hot; he stayed with one of the young wolves, dreaming that he fell into the river in pursuit of game; the wolf was gone; the kingfisher said that there was someone near the shore, advised to shoot not at the underwater puma itself, but at its shadow; N. pretended to be a stump, the animals could not recognize it; shot in the shadow of the cougar, ran; the shaman frog goes to heal the cougar; N. killed her, put on her skin, came to the wounded man, plunged the arrow deeper, killing him, took away the wolf's skin; it rained, the animals gathered on N.'s raft; the loon dived, emerged half-dead, N. revived her; crane-necked toadstool, beaver - the same; the muskrat brought sand in her paws; N. blew on it, placing it on the water, land appeared; N. sent a hawk, he returned black after 10 days; N. sent a muskrat again for sand, blew, sent a hawk again, the land became very large]: 70-72; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 9:12-16; steppe ojibwa (bungs, lake. Winnipeg): Simms 1906:337 [At first there is water everywhere, only occasionally a few geese come in; Weese-ke-Jak asks where they come from, they say that from the south, where there is land; he asks for some land, does from this land], 340 [The creator causes a flood, saves animals in the boat; tells them to dive underground; the Otter sinks; the muskrat brings the earth, but immediately dives back; the Creator grabs it by the tail, that becomes long and naked; The beaver dives, brings land, is rewarded with beautiful skin and strong teeth]; Eastern Marsh Cree (Albany) [Wicágatcak catches a beaver, it scratches its ass, V. breaks a beaver dam, water floods the world; V. makes a raft; The muskrat is sent to get the earth from the bottom, sinks; the Raven (a) - to bring the earth from afar, returns with an empty beak; V. has some moss; he tells the Wolf take it in your mouth, run around the raft; the earth comes and grows; the wolf runs so far that he no longer returns; because the earth is created on top of the waters, springs come out of the ground; there are no trees, V. digs deep a hole, hoping to find his raft and get a log for Beaver, but does not find the raft; tells Beaver to eat grass roots temporarily; then see M53 motif, "game dances around the hunter"]: Skinner 1911:83; western marshes Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak and his brother Wolf live together; Wolf hunts successfully; animals ask the Sea Lion to eliminate the hunter; V. warns not to approach the water, not to jump over the stream; The wolf drives the deer into the water, the Sea Lions kill it; V. repairs Kingfisher's broken beak, gives him a white necklace; for this he says that Sea Lions play with the Wolf's tail on Sea Lions Island; V. crosses on a raft to an island, turns into a stump; Sea Lions go ashore to sleep; V. hits them with a spear; the flood begins, the animals climb on V.'s raft; the Muskrat, the Beaver dive, do not reach the bottom, the Otter dives, barely alive, V. pulls her out by the rope, there is some clay on her paw; V. rolls it into a ball, blows it, throws it, land appears; V. sends Wolverine to find out if the earth is big, she returns after 20 days; V. again blows, the earth expands, Wolverine runs away and does not return; since then he has been wandering forever; snakes have made riverbeds, the wolf pushed through the basins of lakes with his paws, the ground has been forged with his nose, mountains have risen; V. ordered to appear vegetation]: Clay 1978:14-23; Eastern Cree [the world is covered with water, animals dive to get the ground from the bottom; The muskrat brings clay on its tail, but little and the clay sinks; the Otter fails, the Beaver brings enough to form an island; it grows]: Swindlehurst 1905, No. 1:139; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Oh-ma-ma-ma, Mother Earth, gives birth to Visakajak 'a, Wolf, and others world spirits; V. knows that the water monster Mishipizhev and his two sons will kill the Wolf; Kingfisher talks about the death of the Wolf, V. paints his throat red; hides on the beach, shoots monsters; The frog goes to treat them; V. kills her, puts on her skin, hurts M.'s heart, runs away; the flood begins; V. ties ropes to Beaver, Otter, Muskrat; animals dive one by one, emerge dead; on Muskrat's paws are clay; V. revives animals, creates land; sends Wolverine to see if it is big; the third time Wolverine does not return, the earth is ready; V. puts clay on the turtle's back, does it first blacks, then whites, then Indians; animals get their habits; The raven climbs without waiting in line, for which he eats carrion; the dog wins the race, for which he lives with a person; dogs have refused the gift speeches not to be sent with messages]: Ray, Stevens 1971:20-26; Northern Solto [see M60 motif; Visekajac kills an underwater Puma; other Pumas cause a flood; Visekajac with animals escape on a raft; animals dive to get the ground from the bottom; Beaver, Otter, Muskrat emerge dead; Visekajak finds clay on Muskrat's paws, makes earth; sends the Raven to find out if it is big; she comes back twice; the first time the earth is small, then it grows; Visekajak sends the Wolf; he does not return, the earth is big]: Skinner 1911:173-175; timagami ojibwa [girl sees The sun in a dream, now unable to look at it, goes to live in the Sun; after 4 days, four boys, one with horns, find themselves in the remaining wooden bowl of the house; this is 4 winds; sung - Nenebuc; he went to punish the west wind, blowing too much, this food is not enough; broke one horn with a club; killed three geese, told his anus to guard; he signals, N. angry, tells to be silent; people stole meat; to punish the anus, N. sits down in the fire; finds and eats burnt pieces of his flesh, thinking it is animal meat; defecates on partridge chicks since then they are not white but brown; he sleeps at the edge of the cliff, his partridges have thrown him down; the burnt pieces of his flesh have become lichens; kills a bear; two trees creak, N. sticks his hand between them, gets stuck; all animals came to eat bear meat; only the rabbit did not eat, remained skinny; N. became an ant, climbed into a bear's skull; became human again, unable to pull out his head; bumping into trees, asks what kind of trees they are; so reaches the river, swims, people think a bear is swimming; N. fell on a rock, the bear's skull crashed; N. wounds the queen of the Giant Lynxes with an arrow; the Toad goes to heal her; N. kills the Toad, puts on her skin, pierces his arrow deeper into the Lynx's body, killing her; Lynxes send a flood; N. tells Beaver to reach the ground, he does not dive to the bottom; the muskrat pops up dead with the ground in his paws; N. makes the ground; sends white The crow finds out if it is big; he eats dead fish, turns black; The seagull eats a little, the ends of its wings turn black; the owl eats fresh fish, does not return]: Speck 1915d, No. 1:28-38; Ojibwa : Blackwood 1929, No. 2 [Grandma confesses to Manabazoo that his parents were killed by a snake living on the island; the water around is covered with resin; M. greases the boat, sails to the beach, pretends to be a stump; Serpent sends a smaller snake, squeezes the bear, injure the stump, but M. does not move; hits the Snake who has fallen asleep with arrows, returns home; the old woman goes to treat the wounded, M. takes off her skin, puts on herself; pierces the edge deeper, the Serpent dies; rain floods the earth with a flood, M. and animals flee on a raft; Beaver, Loon, Otter, Muskrat consistently dive, emerge dead, M. revives them, in the claw of the Muskrat finds some land; M. sends Muskrat for the second time, she brings more; M. creates land, blows on it, it expands, valleys and mountains appear; blows gently - flowers, heavily - snowstorm; sends the Wolf to know whether the earth is big, he returns in 10 days, six months, does not return for the third time; sends Eagle, Hawk, Dove, Raven to the east, west, south, north; as long as they fly, the earth will become stretch; creates trees, rivers, lakes, man and woman; goes east, now looks at us]: 323-328; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 9 [Wolves give Nenabojo the young Wolf as nephews; N. tells him to jump over the stream; he jumps when he finds himself in the river; Kingfisher tells N. that he was eaten by water Snakes, advises him what to do; N. turns into a stump; when the Snakes crawl ashore to warm up, injures the one who killed his nephew; The frog goes to treat the wounded; N. asks her, kills her, puts on her skin; kills the Snake, not heals him; runs away, taking the Wolf's skin; the water gushes after him; N. escapes to the raft, revives the Wolf; the Beaver, the Otter, the Loon do not reach the bottom, the Muskrat brings the earth in its paws; N. throws the earth into the water, it grows; sends the Wolf to see if it is big; the first time he returns; the second dies before he runs around the ground; it is big]: 12-16; Radin 1914, No. 9 [Nenebozho paints Kingfisher's feathers; for this he reports that water Pumas killed Brother N.; N. turns rotten stump; beats Pum who come out of the water to lie on the beach; water chases N.; he climbs a tree, makes a raft; Otter, Beaver emerge without bringing sand; Muskrat brings in his paws and mouth; N. creates dry land; sends the Raven, he does not return; the Hawk, who reports that the Raven is biting corpses; for this, N. tells him to eat only stolen goods; sends Caribou; he reports that the earth is not large enough; N. blows out again sand from the horn on the water; tells the Ducks to dance with their eyes closed; see motif M53], 10 [Nenebojo and the Fox lived together; N. warns the Fox not to hunt at the lake shore; The fox is gone; N. found traces, aquatic creatures the Fox was dragged away; N. pretended to be a stump on the shore; when the water creatures came ashore, fell asleep, N. shot them, but one wounded man disappeared into the water; the frog shaman cries, says that N. wounded the water spirit; N. kills her, puts on her skin, comes under the guise of a Frog to treat the wounded; asks everyone to go out, does not take out the arrow, but kills the wounded with it; runs away, the water follows him; he makes a raft on the mountain; tells the Otter dive, she pops up half dead; then Muskrat, N. finds grains of land on her paws; blows on them, they have formed land; N. makes mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers with his rod]: 19-21, 22-23; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 2 (southeastern Ontario) [Manabozho injures a Minito Leo, an old frog goes to treat him; without recognizing M., she says that Minito is going to catch M.; M. kills her, wears her skin , coming to the minito, drives the arrow deeper into the body of the wounded, killing him; the water rushes after M., he climbs a tree, makes a raft; tells Beaver, Otter, Muskrat to dive; they float up one by one without feelings; between the fingers of Muskrat M. finds grains of earth, makes land; sends Norka (mink) to find out if it is big; the first time he returns, the second time he does not return, so the land is great], 3 (west Ontario) [while Vissekejak is hunting, his younger brother M. disappears; V. gives the Crane a white stripe around his neck; he tells how the Minito Sea Lions killed M. and hung his skin in his possession in the doorway; V. turns into a stump on the shore, where the minito go to warm up, shoots into the shadow of a black minito, injuring him; the water rushes after V., he makes a boat; further as in (2); Fox instead Minky; then the Frog Healer episode; V. runs away, carrying M.'s skin and the body of the murdered Minito; hides in a groundhog's hole], 4 (Minnesota) [Manabozho wounded Puma, who decided to take revenge; Puma's spilled blood flooded the ground; M. managed to make a raft; sends the Otter to dive, she emerges dead in 4 days, M. revives it; the same, Beaver, surfaced many days later; then Muskrat, pops up almost a month later, on the face and Under his claws on his paw, M. finds pieces of earth; blows on them, they grow into islands, merge into land; M. sends the Raven, the Falcon, the Eagle to find out if the land is large; the Raven returns seven days later, Falcon a year later, the Eagle does not return; it means that the land is big], 5 (Minnesota) [M. lives with his grandmother; the Sea Lion lives on an island surrounded by resin; M. covers the boat with fat, sails on tar; during the Battle of Blue Jay advises M. to shoot at the little finger on the enemy's leg, M. kills the Sea Lion; takes the young Wolf as his comrades, warns not to jump over streams; The wolf chases the moose, jumps across the stream, that turns into a turbulent stream, carries it away; then in (3), Wolf instead of M., Kingfisher instead of Crane, minito Snakes; water rises but falls; the episode with the Frog and the Minito's murder; Beaver, Otter, Loon, Muskrat dive; Raven, Dove are sent to find out if the land is large; the Raven returns in four days, the Dove does not return; now M. lives in the east]: 62, 63-67, 67-70, 70-76; Ottawa: Chamberlain 1891 [a girl lives with her grandmother; gives birth to two sons; the youngest is a flint, killing her by going out through her side; the elder Na-nav-bo-ju and his dog (this is a wolf) are chasing him, breaking off pieces (the origin of flints); where it kills, a rock appears; the "god of the depths" kills the Wolf out of jealousy, water monsters gather for a holiday; N. pretends to be a stump, they pull him, they cannot move, they believe it's a stump; it kills the "god of the depths"; the flood begins; the Beaver dives, pops up dead; the muskrat too, but the earth is on its paws; N. sends the Raven to fly, the earth dries up]: 204-205; Charencey 1884 [The Great Hare sends Beaver to dive; he sinks; the Otter dives to the bottom, brings land; the Hare makes land] in Danhardt 1907:82; sauk, fox [Visakya and Kshyapatya are sons supreme deity; Snakes kill K.; the spirit of the killed comes to his brother; he does not let him in, tells him to go west; the dead will go to him; the bird tells V. that two manitus are murderers are underground; V. paints her feathers under her eyes red; wounds the Snakes with arrows; the Toad goes to treat them; V. persuades the Toad to return; he comes under the guise of a Toad Healer, finishes off the wounded; other Snakes They cause a world fire first, then a flood; V. escapes in a boat or at the top of a pine tree; sends a Pigeon to bring a branch, tells Muskrat to dive, get the ground from the bottom; both complete tasks, but fall or emerge dead; V. revives them; puts a branch of clay on the water, creates earth]: Andrew 1871:231 in Dahnhardt 1907 [without details; V. tells big fish to bring clay from the bottom, creates the earth]; Jones 1901: 226-235; 1907, No. 17 [without episodes of the Toad sent and the world fire; the brothers' mother is Earth (Mother All Earth)]: 337-379; kickapoo [Visaka confronts evil horned underground cougars; they try to freeze him; two birds come to warn him one by one, but he continues to sleep in his house; a third comes to peck out his eyes, he chases her; she says to the cougars that they cannot kill V.; they surround V. with water; he makes a boat, tells the Turtle to dive to the bottom; when it floats up, he scrapes off the silt from its legs and belly; the Dove brings branches; V. makes a ball of branches and dirt, puts on water, creates land; horned cougars stay hidden underground; Thunders help keep them there; when the world ends, horned cougars will come out and devour everyone]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:261-262; potauatomi: Pokagon 1986 [a huge black wolf served as the hunting dog for Nenaw-bo-Zhoo; aquatic deities lured him to the water by sending a deer, killed him and ate him; the fox told N.; when aquatic deers the inhabitants fell asleep on the beach, N. pierced Neben Manito with an arrow; the water poured in, flooded the ground, N. found himself in a boat with birds and animals; sent Beaver, who did not reach the bottom, surfaced dead, N. revived him; A muskrat, but N. found some land on her paw; N. rolled it into a ball, tied it to the Raven's neck, told him to fly over the waters; as the Raven flew, the earth dried up]: 242-243; Skinner 1924 [ Visakya swims in a boat; Muskrat offers to dive, brings earth from the bottom first in its paws, then in his mouth; White Muskrat, Beaver then also brings; V. makes a pillar from the ground from bottom to surface, creates land; outlines rivers, Muskrat digs them up]: 332-333; steppe crees [see motif K27, motif L5; two brothers escape from their mother chasing their head; Waimesosiv takes the eldest named Vesakaicak in his boat, leaves the youngest; he turns into the Wolf; his brother finds him; tells him not to go ashore; he comes; the Kingfisher tells Vesakaicak that the Water Pumas have killed Wolf; Vesakaicak paints it beautifully; turns into a log on the shore, kills Pum who have come out of the water; the wounded rush into the water; the Toad goes to heal them; he kills the Toad, puts on its skin, finishes it off wounded; the remaining Pumas cause a flood; Otter, Beaver, Muskrat dive, emerge dead, he revives them; finds a tree leaf under the claw of the Muskrat; he dives again, brings clay from the bottom on his foot; Vesakaicak puts it on the water, makes the earth grow; sends the Wolf twice to see if it is big; the Wolf returns; sends the Raven, she doesn't return; the earth is big]: Ahenakew 1929:320-327; Steppe Cree: Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [cf. B3A; Visakechak's younger brother turns into a wolf; Water Pumas and Snakes eat the Wolf; V. injures the Pisces Chief; Frog goes to heal him; V. learns from her normal behavior, kills her, accepts her appearance; shoves an arrow deeper into the Chief's body, he dies; the flood begins]: 16-20; Skinner 1916, No. 1 (1) [see motive F73; Visakecjak meets Volkov, makes the wolf cub his nephew; tells not to approach the lake; it comes up, disappears; the Sun tells V. that it was dragged away by underwater Lynxes; V. turns into a stump, then into a tree on the shore, lies in wait for the Lynx; the Sun tells him to shoot in the shade The White Lynx; the wounded Lynx hides in the lake; the old toad goes to heal her; V. kills her, wears her skin, comes to heal the Lynx; instead kills her, runs away, carrying her nephew's skin, revives him; later the flood begins; V. asks Fish on a raft, then Beaver to get the land; they cannot; the muskrat brings the earth from the bottom, pops up dead; V. revives it, blows to the ground, it grows; Deer, others animals run around; Wolf is sent fourth; goes so far north that he becomes too old to return; the earth is big; V. sends his nephew to the Sun], 1 (9) [the flood begins; Visukezhak asks Beaver and Muskrat to dive; after many attempts, Muskdatra brings sand from the bottom; V. creates land]: 341-346, 350; steppe ojibwa: Howard 1965 [underwater cougars resemble cougars, but covered with scales and have bison horns on their heads; they are the masters of all aquatic creatures, as well as snakes; they fight the Thunders forever, are defeated, but return to battle; they killed Wolf, Nanapus' younger brother, who killed several of them; they caused a flood, N. revived the earth from a piece of silt brought from the bottom to the diving animals; then the cougars made peace with N. and taught him the midevivin ceremony]: 4-5; Skinner 1919, No. 6-8 [Nanny lives with wolves; leaves, taking the youngest as companions; does not tell him to approach the water; The wolf jumps over the stream, it becomes wide, the Horned Snakes drag him under water; N. finds his trail , turns into a stump on the shore; wounds the three largest snakes with arrows; the old toad goes to treat them; N. recognizes her song, kills her, wears her skin; cries when he sees the Wolf's hanging skin; kills snakes, driving arrows deeper into their wounds; grabbing Wolf's skin, runs, the water behind him; he tries to hide in Woodchuck's hole, he pours earth into his eyes; N. climbs a pine tree, it grows; he defecates, crap pops up in front of his nose; he asks the Otter, Beaver, Loon, Muskrat to get the earth; everyone emerges dead, he revives them; silt remains on the Muskrat's paws; N. sends it three more times; scatters silt, creates land; revives the Wolf, sends him to find out if the earth is big; the Wolf returns at middle age; next time he is old; N. is happy, turns the Wolf into a wolf]: 283-288.

Northeast. Montagnier: Greer 2000 (Paul Le Jeune 1634) [lynxes serve as hunting dogs for Mass; they enter the lake, stay there; the bird informs him about it; he goes to return them, water He floods everything from the lake; M. sends the Raven to find the land, he does not find it; tells the Otter to dive, she does not have enough land; the Muskrat brought land from the bottom, M. creates land]: 29; Savard 1979, No. 7 [see motive M53; Mesh takes Wolf as his companion; he says he dreamed that he could not chase the Caribbean by swimming across the lake; M. insists that the Wolf swim; the Wolf disappears; The bird says that lakes during the day stones take the Wolf to the island and pull them back at night; M. rewards the Bird with fish; hides in the hollow of a tree on the island; when the stones fall asleep, hits them with a spear, runs away with the Wolf; the Frog goes to heal wounded stones; M. asks her what she is doing, killing her, pulling her skin; whistles, pouring cold water on the rocks, the stones do not recover, but die; M. meets women, they answer that they sew bags for the bodies of the stones killed by M.; he kills them themselves, gives them to their daughters; they find them inside the body of mothers; inserting the L33 motif, racing with the Boulder; more: the stones began to chase M., the water flooded the island, animals gathered on a raft; M. tells us to dive, Kalan (loup-marin), Orlan (huard) do not dive; two Minks (muskrats? - visons) dive, one brings earth in her mouth, M. blows into her anus, the earth falls out, becomes big; the Eagle flew from one end of the earth to the other; the second time did not reach the edge - the earth became big]: 28-32; Naskapi [during the flood Wolverine sits on the last stones left above the water; asks the Otter to dive, he brings grass and fish; Beaver does not dive; Muskrat brings a mouthful of land; Wolverine blew in her ass - the earth flew out of her mouth, land formed]: Millman 1993:22-23; hurons; oneida; seneca; mohawki; onondaga; tuscarora; delaware : Bierhorst 1995, No. 9 [collected in the 18th century; survivors of the flood gathered on the Turtle's back; they ask the Loon to reach the ground; he does not dive to the bottom, flies away, returns with the ground in its beak; points out to the Turtle where to swim; people land on the ground], 30 [there was a sun-like object in the sky, it was called a cornstalk; there was a woman with a child, she fell ill; she thought of recovering by pulling out the stem; everything fell into darkness; people threw it with the child into the hole where the stem grew; it was picked up by the Hawks, placed on the Turtle's back; Loon dived, brought earth from the bottom], 44 [the husband in heaven is jealous wife to Comet; throws her into a hole in the place of an uprooted sky tree; falling, a woman grabs a blackberry bush, the Comet gives her corn seeds, a pot, a beaver bone, a mortar and a pestle; Pike offers to become her support, but beckons only laugh at him; the Turtle becomes a support; a woman gives birth to a daughter; she gets pregnant from the wind, gives birth to twins, these are Flint and Mosky ("hare", "rabbit"); Flint goes through the mother's navel, killing her; the grandmother buries her daughter with her head west, marking the path that the souls of the dead must follow], 65 [The Great Spirit created the world, then flooded with a flood (some Mansi say it was Nanapush, but others claim that this is the influence of Ojibwa); the Great Spirit sent different animals to dive; Muskdatra brought land from the bottom, placed it on the Turtle's back, the earth grew], 77 [the earth rests on a huge Turtle; when there was only water everywhere, Muskrat began to create land by placing it on the Turtle's back; then the Beavers added land], 187 [zap. 1977; the turtle is the "mother of the earth", for at first it is brought silt from the bottom, from which the Creator made the earth]: 30, 34-35, 38, 44, 46, 71-72; Hitakonanu'laxk 1994 [(similar to a summary of versions at different times); The Toad was the mistress of the water; the Toad's battle with the Horned Serpent leads to a flood; Nanapush picks up animals, first climbs a tree, then swims on a raft; Loon, Otter, Beaver emerge dead, N. revives them; Muskrat brings silt in his mouth and paws; N. puts it on the Turtle's back, the earth grows; N. sends the Wolf to find out if the earth is big; he returns at increasingly long intervals, finally disappears altogether; the first man was born from tree roots, first woman from the top of her head when she leaned to the ground]: 49-51; Dorson 1959 [Dutchman Jasper Danckaerts asked an 80-year-old Indian on Long Island where his people came from; he drew a circle with four legs, a head and a tail with coal on the ground; explained that at first there was only water; the turtle slowly surfaced, the water subsided, land formed; then the Indian stuck it into the circle a straw; a tree grew in the middle of the earth, a man from its top; the tree bent over its head to the ground, put down a second root, and from there a woman grew up; people come from them]: 19.

Plains. Sarsi; blacklegs; assiniboine; grovantre; arpaho; crowe; santi (watchpeton); teton (Brule); dakota (sioux, group not specified) ); mandan; hidatsa; iowa; sheyen; kuapo; arikara; skidi pawnee.

Southeast USA. Shawnee: Trowbridge 1939 [After the Flood, the Great Spirit tells the Shrimp to dive; it brings some clay from the bottom; the Great Spirit makes the earth]: 60; Voegelin 1936 [1) Eastern Shawnee: Our Grandmother's Grandson pierces the belly of the Big Man with a knife; from there water flows out, floods the ground; grandson and Grandmother escape to the tree; Grandma sends the Shrimp, which brings silt from the bottom; Grandma makes new land; sends Vulture fly and dry the ground with flapping its wings; 2) shoni absinthe: the same, but the grandson violates Grandma's ban on going west; pierces the belly of the Monstrous Fish; Grandma and grandson escape in the boat]: 9-10; yuchi ; yuchi [The lobster dives, pours a hill at the bottom, the top of which appears above the water; the Vulture dries the earth and spreads it in breadth]: Swanton 1929, No. 90:84; teal; chitimacha; taskegi; alabama, koasati; choctaw [people flee in a boat; send a crow and a dove; a crow flies south, east, west; brings a magnolia leaf from the north, it turns into an island]: Bushnell 1910, No. 4:528-529.

California. Vilyot; yuki; pomo; screw; screw: Curtin 1898 [after the flood, the creator tells Mole and the Possum to bring soil from the west; sprinkles it down through the stretch over earth net]: 27-28; Kroeber 1906d [at first the world was much smaller than it is now, Old Coyote stretched the earth]: 324; patvin; achomavi; atsugevi; maidu; mountain mivok; coastal mivok; chukchansi yokutz; yokutz; salinan; monache; tubatulabal; kawaiisu; luiseno [man Heaven and woman Earth create a little piece of land; then they make it big]: DuBois 1908:143.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [water is everywhere first; the top of Mount Grant was the first above the water; at the top there is fire, water overwhelms it, sage-hen (Centrocercus urophasianus) has made a nest there, she drove away the water with flaps of her wings; the feathers on her chest were burned and remained black; then a rabbit ("he is like a god") helped to get the fire from the mountain; Our Father came from the south, followed by Our Mother; they have two sons and two daughters, children got married, couples fell out, some became ancestors of Lake Walker Payut, others Bannock; Our Father and Our Mother went to heaven]: Mooney 1896:1050-1051; North Payute (Owens Valley); Southern Payut (Moapa) [an old woman lives with her son and daughter on a small dry patch in the middle of the sea; land grows after an old woman throws the earth around]: Lowie 1924, No. 1:157; mono ( Owens Valley); Bannock; Eastern Shoshones; Chemewewi; South Payut (Moapa); Southern Utah; Walapai [Primary Ocean Mountain]: Kroeber 1935:245-246.

The Great Southwest. Yuma; series; mojave: Kroeber 1948 1972, No. 9 [to wash away ashes and bones after burning the first dead, Matambo created wind and hail, but this was not enough; then plunged into the staff took it out, the water poured out; he directed it south, swam in a boat, leaned to the right and left, so the Colorado River has different widths; holding people in his arms, M. walks on the water, remains an island, everyone is squeezing on it; M. stepped in four directions, the earth grew; when he made holes in it with a stick, a flood poured out of the hole; M. dried it, two ants scraped it, helped the waters come off, so far build sticks on water sticks], 16F [as d (7); also flood, sea]: 8-9, 88-89; maricopa; cocopa; papago; zunyi; navajo: Klah 1960 [island fourth below (=our) world]: 5-6; Matthews 1994 [at first the earth is small, so the sun is low above it, unbearable heat; people asked for four winds to move mountains apart; for four days the earth expanded, and the sun's path across the sky went higher; then it was like now]: 223; O'Bryan 1956 [a floating island in the lower world; four deities drive water away]: 2; Western Apaches: Curtis 1907-1930 (1): 23-35 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The creator wipes sweat off his face with his hands, rubs his hands, shakes it off to create a Parentless Girl, then the Sun, the Boy, the Tarantula, the Wind, the Big Dipper, The Lightning Thrower; he and the first three created mix their sweat, creating a brown ball the size of a bean; the wind blows it, it turns into the ground; the Tarantula ties it to it from the east, south, west, north black, blue, yellow, white ropes; The Creator sends a Hummingbird, who says that the earth is good; The Creator puts black, blue, yellow, white pillars on four sides, claiming they are earth; sends the Dove; four days later he returns, reports that there will be a flood; after the flood, mountains and rivers appear; the Creator lights a fire, ascends to the sky on a column of smoke]: 101-104; Goddard 1918 (San Carlos): 7 [Black Tornado rubs his chest with his hand, makes the ground out of peeled skin scales], 27 [as in (7); creator is the Sun]; hopi [mound in the waters]: Cushing 1923, No. 8:166; Wallis 1936, No. 1:8; western ceres (Laguna) [first water everywhere, then land rose; waters subsided, Nautsit y 'i and Itctsit y 'i appeared]: Boas 1928a: 9, 228; western ceres (Akoma) [god throws clots of his own blood into space]: Stirling 1942:3; mojave; mojave [to wash away ashes and bones after burning the first dead, Matambo created wind and hail, but this is not enough; then he plunged a staff into the ground, took it out, the water poured; he directed it south, sailed in a boat, leaned to the right and left, so the Colorado River has different widths; holding people in his arms, M . walks on the water, there is an island left, everyone is squeezing on it; M. stepped in four directions, the earth grew; when he made holes in it with a stick, a flood poured out of the hole; M. dried it, two ants scraped it, helped the waters come off, they are still building sticks on water], 16F [as No. 7; also the flood, the sea]: Kroeber 1972, No. 9:8-9; yuma [the first ancestor interferes with water in the dark with his index finger; in An island appears in the primary ocean]: Harrington 1908:328, 332; pima or papago: Neff 1912 [creator throws a ball up, it hovers in space, turns into earth]: 51; Underhill 1946 [dark at first; The Creator of the Earth (NW) and the Yellow Vulture (JS) meet four times in the void, each forcing the other to create peace; the NW has taken something out of his heart or rolled dirt off his skin, he put it in the palm of his hand, a green branch, greasewood; the louse on the plant produced resin and from this NW created the earth; he sang, bored it, it became flat; he placed mountains on the ground, on the tops of the mountains bird fluff (clouds) and shamans; when the earth spread, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he was small, bearded, gray or blond; from the northwest, a Coyote came out from under the bush; the earth swayed, Coyote, I. and JS unsuccessfully confused to fix it; two Spiders did this, connecting heaven and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all the rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, the rivers flowed in different directions; the NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon appeared and the sun; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the earth with a flood; the NW escaped on a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, the Coyote in the reed, the JS pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees and took root; others with their dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever emerges first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the oldest; all three began to sculpt new people; made The coyote is shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW made is also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; the NW and I. began to argue; the NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, who died; he was burned (maricopa has been cremated since then); Coyote stole the heart from the funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, from there water or the wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown at her; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed the cannibal eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack the girls during the adulthood ceremony; people killed him three times; to the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); after 4 years, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into the pen; two brothers paid the shaman to hunt everything; JS is scalped, so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underworld]: 8-12; pima: Bahr et al. 1994 [at the beginning, the Doctor of the Earth sailed in the void; scraped off the dirt from bodies on my chest, put it in the palm of my hand, for the fourth time it turned into our world; created a bush (greasewood), told little ants to live on it, they were of no use; then white ants began to work, expanded the earth to stand on it; created Noo-we Vulture from the shadow of his eye; created water; placed a frozen piece of ice in the sky, making the sun (north, west, south; when east, it turned out right); the same with the moon; again scraped off the dirt from the body, made a man and a woman; people multiplied, began to kill and eat each other; ZSH brought down the sky on them, together with N. found himself on the upper On the side, he created people again, who were still babies; brought down the sky again; the third time people began to smoke as babies; on the fourth they were as they are now; first the earth is tilted to the west; N. began to fly, created valleys and mountains with his wings, the water stopped flowing immediately, the land became habitable; the Man Sun met the Woman Moon, who gave birth to a Coyote Son, left her in the bushes on earth; he grew up, came to ZSH; someone who called himself Big Brother came from the north; he was told that they were older, but in order not to quarrel, they agreed to call him that]: 53-58; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [in the dark Djivut Maka (Earth Shaman) picked up a ball of clay from the bottom, threw it up, stood on top of it, began to sing, the lump grew, covered most of the water, the current ocean remained; the earth was swaying, DM told the spider to braid it on the edges with a web, the land was established; he created two Pimas and two Apaches, they spoke different languages, he resettled the Apaches, now those enemies; DM Siöhö's son picked up the one he liked in the village the baby, left under the bush; when he returned to this place, water was beating from there, the flood began; the woodpecker clung to the sky with his beak, his tail was soaked; people ran to the mountains, turned into stones; Woodpecker, Coyote, DM and S. began to make new people out of clay; the Coyote made one-legged, DM threw them into the sea; DM people could do anything, S. sent diseases out of envy; people asked Vulture to kill him; he made water in the pond where S. bathed, boiling, S. died; Vulture said that he would revive in four years; after four years S. came to his father, who began to reproach him for his attitude towards people; S. went underground, promising send a new flood; it will come again]: 187-190; Russel 1908 [Earth Doctor takes some dust from his chest, makes a cake out of it, grows a bush on it; creates a termite, which makes the earth big as it is now; at first it trembles; the SHZ makes a gray Spider, which cobwebs the edges of the earth and the sky, the earth stops fluctuating; the SHZ makes water, mountains, plants; pours water into the bowl, it freezes he throws this piece of ice west, north, south; it slides down every time; thrown east, turns into the sun, it begins to move as it should; similarly, a month is created; typing it in his mouth water and sprinkling it into the sky, the SHZ makes stars; the Milky Way is his staff, at the ends of which he poured ash]: 51 (retelling in Judson 1994:29-31); Valapai [one mountain rises in the middle of the primary ocean; then the water around dries up]: Kroeber 1935:245-246.

NW Mexico. Varigio; Huichol [Sun-fertilized Earth-Woman grows, turns into earth]: Negrin 1979:18; bark.

Mesoamerica Micah [before the flood, the animals came to the village, people killed them, began to cook them, but the pots burst, the animals ran away; God meets an old man who has gone for brushwood, tells them to announce the flood; above him they laugh; God tells you to make a box, not let others into it; an old man with children, Raven, Fox, Dove, escaped in the box; rain flooded the ground with a flood; the dove has been sent for reconnaissance, stains his paws with the blood of the dead, now they are red; when the water has come down, there is no fertile land; the raven flies, brings land from the land of the devils three times (they shake off almost everything from it every time, a little remains); the earth grows; the fox He sends him to the owners of the fire, asks him to warm up, puts his tail into the fire, comes running; the tip of the tail is now black; the eldest son sees the father drunk and naked, tells the youngest; he beats his father, the father no longer drinks; tells his sons to swim early three in the morning; the youngest bathes, brightens, becomes master; the elder is lazy, his skin darkens, he must work]: Miller, Villa Rojas 1956, No. 5:104; mixteks [at first, only mud floats on the water; God and goddess Deer raised a rock into the sea; they put a copper ax upstairs to support the sky; their sons ask to make the earth bigger; after the flood, the Creator (again) does earth and sky]: Fray Francisco de Burgoa 1674 in Krickeberg 1928, No. 24:201-202 (text recorded at Quilapa Monastery by Gregory Garcia; lengthy quote in Dahlgren de Jordan 1966:259-260).

Honduras-Panama. The baby was stolen from the mother, turned into soil. Bribry: Bozzoli 1977:172-175 [world is only rocks; Bat flies to suck Earth Girl's blood; Bat excrement grows trees; Shibyo sends the Mouse again, mother and grandmother The Earth is cut by the Mouse in half with a thread; now the bats hang upside down to prevent their insides from falling out; S. sends people to dance in front of Earth's dwelling; Earth's mother drops it, the dancers trample on it child, fertile soil is spreading; Earth's mother and grandmother say that now they (=Earth) will devour the dead; grandmother's tears turn into birds of prey and animals], 175 [old woman holds a child- The ground behind the stone door; the hurricane breaks the door, the Tinama bird takes the child, brings it to the dancing people, gives it to one of the Frogs; she drops it, the dancers trample it, it turns into fertile soil]; 1982:154-155; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1982 [old Sula lives in the lower world; S. kidnaps her granddaughter and turns her into fertile land]: 6; 1987 [The land was a little orphan girl, lived with her grandmother; The bat sucks her blood; where the Bat relieves her need, plants grow; he is trapped; the grandmother is invited to dance; she drops the girl, she turns into fertile land; the grandmother S. says that the dead will go to her, i.e. to the ground (grandmother is also Earth)]: 32; 1989, No. 1-2 [there were only rocks; Shibyo kidnaps the girl from her grandmother, turns her into fertile land; the Earth girl is alive; people grow plants with it]: 8-10; Wilson 1974 [there was no soil, only stones; Sibu notices that where the Bat defecated, a forest grows; she explains that a woman lives underground- Jaguariha, and she (the Mouse) sucks the blood of her newborn girl; S. adjusts so that when the Bat enters Jaguariha's home, she slams the door, cutting the door in half; S. gives the Mouse two legs gives her the opportunity to hang upside down, allows her to suck the blood of humans and animals; arranges a party inviting Jaguariha; she dances, the rope breaks off, her newborn falls to the ground; turns into blood; S. blows on it, the soil covers the whole earth]: 419-420; cabecar: Stone 1962:53-54, 54-55 [jaguar baby]; bocotta [Doya lives in a world where there are only stones, Chube lives in another; his father sends him to defeat D.; C. (again) born a woman; D. kills all newborns, but instead of C. destroys a doll; C. and D. agree to compete; D. cannot make land, and C. throws the earth in four directions, it arises; before these were only stones; C. creates a living boy, D. cannot; D. throws a lot of salt into the water, but cannot create the sea; C. throws a handful, the sea becomes salty; C. makes good animals, D. makes bad animals]: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 1:42-46; Eastern Panama (kuna?).

The Northern Andes. Kogi [soil girl stolen from her mother]: Chaves 1947, No. 1:468-469; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2): 20-22.

Llanos. Guayabero; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 22 [the land is small, flat; it has two Amacahielaboto trees, and Nacuabetuira and his wife Irratsap live on it yorto; N. throws clay along the perimeter of the earth, creating a new large one; the old one goes down; now those two trees support our land; N. draws riverbeds with his finger], 25 [Kúwei comes in deep into the forest, whistles, calls the woman Awalibéya ("the core, spirit of the tree"); she agrees to go with him, but at first she can't stand the bright light of the savannah, K. covers her eyes with her clothes; calls monkeys, foxes, agouti, pak and other animals made her vagina; the monkeys could not, their penis became flat; fox K. put a core of Brazilian walnut wood in his penis, so he was able to do it vagina; now the woman's name is Pumenérrua; when she went to fetch water, she was kidnapped by the fisherman Kúkuli; monkeys helped Kuwait reach the island in the middle of the sea; there he took the form of an old man with skin illness, began to dance with P.; she suspects that he is K., but he denies; he threw away his scabs in the forest, they turned into two types of edible tree mushrooms and fish; P. happily hugged K., they sailed to on a boat, he turned Kukuli into a cuckoo duck, her voice was like barking; the world at that time was as small as a small hill; they swam back and forth, making it big; more about the kidnapping of K.'s wife by a vulture]: 112 -114, 115-120.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [large and small battleships make the earth grow]: Boglar 1977, No. 26:282.

Guiana. Makushi; aparai.

Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya; Kofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 1 [all people died from the earthquake, all were flooded with water; three people were saved by clinging to trees; when the water came down, they met ; only sand was around; God came up, they asked him to create land; God gave them a piece of land wrapped in a leaf, with a red worm in it; they scattered it, went to bed, the earth grew; then balsa grew; At the request of men, God created the forest; then a machete; one man went hunting with a wind gun; when he returned, it turned out that one of the two remaining men had become a woman; the other was frightened when he came from hunting turned him into a coati; married a woman; they have four children; God came and made them a boat; the first was made of a simaco tree pod, the second came from a fallen trunk: a man knocked down a tree, it fell on God's head split in half, two boats appeared; God decided it was too easy, let people work, and the charter thank God]: 21-32; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 2 [was just a small fraction earth; Chiga (Sun) placed a worm to eat it; from its excrement, land arose - a big island, then became even bigger], 3 [as in (2)], 4 [C. brought a lump of earth; then trees grew , birds appeared]: 69-70.

NW Amazon. Baniva: Brüzzi 1994 [when the initiation patron got his mouth, the world became big]: 250-251; Hill, Wright 1988 (vacuenai) [the initiation cartridge is burned, a palm tree grows out of the ashes, from it sacred flutes were made; after that, the world became big]: 85-86; tariana [the virgin Coadidop (grandmother of the days) lived in emptiness; she made a cigar holder out of her legs, tobacco out of her body, and tobacco into it milk sprayed out of her breasts, put it in a cigar holder, smoked and chewed coca; on the third attempt, a man came out of the smoke; she said he was thunder, the son of thunder, her grandson, a man, his name was Enu, he was omnipotent over the world, must make comrades for himself; he made Enu Koana and Enu Pokurano out of tobacco smoke; the fourth Thunder prevents hunger from starting; K. made women Kaisaro and Paramano; there were 4 thunders and 3 women; Coadidope taught women what to do when menstruation occurs, younger Thunder how to make a ritual hut for girls; created a land for women - a circle of rope, dripped inside milk - became earth; said they should work because people cannot eat tobacco and coca like the Thunders; see motive C18D]: Biocca 1965 (1) in Brüzzi 1994:100 and S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 8:303 ; letuama: Palma 1984:51 [this world arose from a handful of lower world land that four Ayas brothers (they're cuñados or brothers of the Moon) placed on the water that flooded the world], 72; desana [in The Grandmother of Peace (or Earth) appears in darkness, sits on a white stone bench, smokes a cigar; peace has formed around, like a room, a community home; she creates five thunder men, "grandfathers of the world"; each has its own room, and the last Bat, aka the Harpy Eagle; she told the Thunders to create light and people they could not; then she created the Great-grandson of Peace; he erected his staff, she decorated it with feathers, the sun came; it divided the world into tiers, the sun at the top]: Brüzzi 1994:346-353; tatuyo: Bidou 1972:99 [adyawara is a group of characters acting as one, or older and younger brothers; went to look for land; the owner gave a vessel; before reaching the house, the brothers opened it, the earth spread, ulcers appeared on the brothers' bodies; they went after night to the owner of the night; opened the vessel, it became dark; it began to rain; the younger brother flattens the chewing gum of coca leaves, puts it on the tree trunk; the chewing gum turns into a tree mushroom, a shelter from the rain; it has begun to dawn; the brothers threw Cannes flour after the anteater, now he has long tail], 225-226; 1983:10; barasana [cassava grater]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 1A: 263; andoque [Nenefi's foremother is a female cicada, her doll; builds a tower out of clay to the sky, Rises to the top, waiting for the flood; then the fire; brings new land from below both times]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:73; 1984:72; Uitoto: San Roman 1986 [original land the size of a plate; God steps on her and she grows]: 115; Wavrin 1932 [no details]: 135; bora; ocaina [the land created by a falcon is first small, then grew]: Wavrin 1932:143.

The Central Andes. Mine (dep. Huancavelica); prov. Wari (dep. Ancash) [original owner spreads the soil himself]: Yauri Montero 196:119.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo; amuesha [Yato' Yos (from Dios?) created a land below the land of the gods, but his classification brother Yosoper (Lucifer?) took possession of it; Yato' Yos asked Yosoper to give him a handful of clay from that land, made another one between the land of Yosoper (i.e. the lower world) and the land of the gods (i.e. the sky); created man from clay, breathed into him soul, then animals, plants; each time Yosoper creates 10 similar creatures and Yato' Yos curses them (they become demons)]: Smith 1977 in Santos-Granero 1991, No. 10:99; Ashaninka (riverine kampa) [god creates the world from a small amount of land received from another character; in detail Christian influence?] : Weiss 1975:407; machigenga.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana; chimane.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [there were two types of water and a pile of land; Miore (one of the heavenly people) digs a hole in the ground, climbs into it, raises and carries the earth in four directions; the earth grows; M. hung it on ropes to the sky; the cardinal's bird turned into a heavenly tree, growing upwards; its leaves fell and turned into various fish; M. put the leaves in a frying pan, sprayed juice, ate]: Pereira 1986 , No. 1:22-23; kamayura [the earth was small; Mavutsini placed the first Kwarïp (wooden figures of the first ancestors), began to stomp with his right foot, the earth grew; at first it was yellow, infertile, but M. covered it with black]: Agostinho 2009:154.

SE Brazil. Sheta; kaingang.

Chaco. Nivakle; matako; toba; chamakoko [after the flood, the land could be crossed in three days, then it gets bigger]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 34:114; Terreno [people taken out of the ground were naked and cold, Orekayuvakái (two brothers born from one body cut in half) warmed them by the fire; the people were dumb; the brothers lined them up and called lobinho (=cachorro do mato; apparently from the canine family); he failed to get them to talk; then they told Toad to walk back and forth; looking at her, people laughed, each spoke in their own way; brothers divided them into races and languages, settled them on the ground, so they made them larger]: Baldus 1950:218-219, 223-225; chorote [at first only dust; the wife of the Month does not believe he will be able to create the ground; The month drew a square with his hand, spat on it, the dust settled down, the Month poured water on it, the earth began to grow, the wife is happy; The month grows wild and cultivated plants on the ground]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 8:23-24; toba [in emptiness?] : Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 48:101

Southern Brazil. Caigua [the earth grows around a cross placed by a deity (in emptiness?)] : Hanke 1956:229; mbia [Nyane Ramoi creates a handful of land, from which a large land grows; the first Para-ra tree, each branch is a special tree or bush; or all the others plants grow from the seeds of Cedrera sp.]: Cadogán 1968a: 85; nyandeva [the earth first small, then grew; the moon and stars appeared later than the sun; the Moon is the sister of the Sun]: Novaes da Mota 1992: 57.