Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B3E. The land fell on the waters. .11.12.19.-.25.28. (.31.) .32.34.-.40.42.-.

At first, there is only air and water below the sky, or (rarely) a swamp, an undefined abyss. The character descends from the sky, creates or creates support for him, earth grows out of it; the earth is lowered, thrown from the sky; the earth is abandoned, laid on the surface of the sea, grows into land; the land is brought from where then from the outside (not from the lower world) and put it on the waters. Cf. motif b79a1, "The bird dropped the firmament on the waters."

Baja, Yoruba, Majprat, Bogajim, New Britain, Guadalcanal, Kanaka, Yap, Palau, Lamotrek, Ngulu, Uliti, Fayu, Ponapa, Kapingamarangi, Marshall Islands, Rotuma, Tonga, Samoa, vieta, semangi, sherdukpen, miri, miji, wancho, varley, chero, sora, conda, (nicobars), bataki, kayan, bahau, dayaki sushi, udinum, dusun, boogie, toraja, tetum, bicol, manobo, visayas, bilaan, Russians (Saratov Volga Region), (Northern Ukrainians, Lithuanians), Komi, Mongols (Khalkha), Mansi, Forest Nenets, Trans-Baikal Evenks, Evens, Kamchatka Evens, Nanai, Udege, Kojiki, Nihon Seki, Islands Ryukyu, Chukchi, Itelmen, Nuniwak, Central Yupik, Kodiak, Polar Eskimos, Tlingits, Haida, Thompson, Upper Coquil, Steppe Ojibwa, Menominee, Hurons, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawki, Tuscarora, delaware, pawnee, yokutz, aparai, chemeuevi, chimane, kaingang.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Baja [first a swamp below the sky, a mixture of earth and water; Gbasso ("Big Soul") threw mountains from the sky]: Tessmann 1937:1.

West Africa. Yoruba: Frobenius 1913:283 [first below the ocean (Okun, or Olorun), above Olorun; Olorun gave his eldest son land and a five-toed chicken, sent him to create land; on the way he got drunk; then with He sent his youngest son with the same task; the chicken began to scatter the land he had brought, the water came down; the elder brother began to fight with the younger brother, but reconciled, both went to the underworld], 283-284 [same, both brothers turn into stones]; Parrinder 1967 [water and swamp first below the sky; The creator of Ol-orun gave the Great God Orisha Nla a snail shell filled with earth; he poured the earth into the swamp, the Dove and the five-fingered The chicken began to scatter it, land appeared; O. sent Chameleon to check; he said that the earth was large enough but still wet; the second time he said that it was dry; the creation lasted four days; since then, four working days a week, the fifth is devoted to honoring O.; the first people were created in heaven, sent to earth]: 20; Wyndham 1919 [first water and swamp below the sky; Arámfè sent his own the sons of Odúva and Orísha to create the world and people; Oruve gave regality, Orixa a bag of wisdom and arts; on the way down, Oduva gave Orisha a drink, stole a bag; lowered a chain from the edge of heaven, sent it along it Down priest Ojúma, giving him a snail shell filled with magic sand and a five-toed chicken; he scattered sand on the water, the chicken scattered it with its paw, land appeared, and Ife appeared in the center; then Oduva and Orisha descended on their own; Orisha began to make people; it was dark; Aramfe sent the sun, moon and fire; fire brought a vulture on his head, so she was bald; Oduva, Orisha, and the gods who supported everyone became fight for the bag with wisdom; Oduwa took it away, turning into stone and falling into the underworld; his son Ogun, the god of blacksmiths, became king]: 107-108.

Melanesia. Majprat [a flying fox lived in Fu Cave; its excrement fell into the water, formed a mound, it grew, became land; her son Sachaf and daughter Satoch married, gave birth to two daughters and two sons, who got married, came out of the cave, blocked the exit; the flying fox followed; whoever it bit the most, their skin is lighter; during disasters, people clean this cave]: Elmberg 1968, No. 52:208 (comm.), 280-281; bogajim [Mandumba is younger brother, Kilibob younger; they only fish, do not know agriculture, cook stones; one day a big woman comes, K. marries her because he is the elder ; in the absence of her brothers, she pulls yams out of her joints; first the brothers are afraid to eat, then they like it; M. pretends to be sick, stays with her brother's wife, converges with her; the leaf comes to K., tells him about treason; K. decides to build a mansion; carves a scene of treason on the butt, M. sees, frightened; K. digs holes for pillars, asks M. to go down to dig deeper, lowers a pole on him; M. is alive, an earthen bumblebee dug his way, but he sprayed betel juice and so high that the sky turned colored, the morning dawn appeared; M. began to live in the forest; he was found there when he came out to the sound of an ax, and the son of K., whose name is also Mandumba, remained with him; they made a huge boat where all the animals had gathered; it was carried into the sea, the storm broke the mast and sail, the Cassowary clawed the boat, it drowned; the elder M. sent the younger one out of his joints his mother's tendons, bring them; tied them up, repaired the boat; scraps of tendons and veins hid in bamboo; when the bamboo was opened, Tamo's people living in the east came out of it; both M. went to sea again, threw sand from the stern, an island appeared; released a cassowary, water under its claws; then he shed more sand, let the pig go, it began to dig it, there was no water; then he released all the animals, it became Bagabu Island; then they made another island; younger M. wanted to live there but did not understand the local people; the elder threw sand into his mouth, he began to understand]: Hagen 1899:281-283; New Britain [Tabui Kor cooks , her sons Tilik and Tarai work in the garden; they do not like the taste of food; one stayed to work with both axes, the other hid to spy; saw that his mother was adding seawater to her food and food for them, their own urine; they take it and eat its food; then TC pushes the stone away, the sea water pours out, fills the sea; the brothers throw land on the water, it turns into islands]: Brown 1910:354-355 (retelling in Lessa 196:278, also referring to Mackenzie 1930:150-151); Guadalcanal [Sivotohu and his wife Koevasi lived in the sky; K. told the hornet to go down to the waters, make land; appeared Guadalcanal; K. planted two trees, a ficus and a cordylina (=dracaena, Liliceae), ordered the hornet to tear off a leaf from each, they turned into men and women, giving rise to two fratria; the eagle became the totem of one of them, because eagles nest on ficus; S. lowered cultivated plants on the vine to people, cut off the vine; when it fell, it created a rugged relief; S. and K. first told the Sun to walk at night, and the Moon during the day, but everyone I didn't like that the nights were hot, so the order was changed]: Hogbin 1937:87; Kanaka [to create land, God threw a tarot leaf with earth on it, or a yam cake]: Leenhardt 1932:448 .

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap: Müller 1918, No. 86 [a tree grew from the sea to the sky; a crab lived on the trunk, gave birth to a daughter, who gave birth to a human son; on the fourth attempt, he climbed the trunk into heaven; there he was killed and nailed to the beam of the house; the mother got up, got God to revive her son; they threw down the heavenly earth with pebbles, islands appeared, they descended on them; God gave them a cat and needles; the cat caught mice and the cat's needles are still in his eyes; the mother returned to heaven; God said that the young man would be a spirit, but his son would be mortal; the mother came down again, gave birth to a daughter, there was still a nephew; from they are people]: 660-661; Walleser 1913 [a tree from the mallow family grew rooted in the sky, top of its head down to the ocean; a woman lived in its branches, gave birth to a son; did not order to rise to heaven; he rose, disappeared; she found him dead nailed to the beams of the house; asked the heavenly leader to bring him back to life; he did it, gave him sand, land, seedlings; the woman threw it all into the sea, an island appeared, she began to live on it with son]: 609-610; Palau, Ngulu, Uliti, Fayu, Ponape, Kapingamarangi, Marshall Islands [data on their origin from sand, etc., abandoned on the water)]: Lessa 196:281-286; Palau [there was only Bgaur Island (Angaur), inhabited by people with big thick legs; Akuab woman became pregnant, grew taller than home, to the sky, burst, parts her bodies scattered, fell into the sea, formed the Palau archipelago]: Frazer 1939:156; Lamotrek [at first the world is dark, the sky is close to the water; in the sea, the mother rock that gave birth to three gods; this is Saulal (lives in the lower world, Ilal, lord of the sea and fish), Sauaur (Souiaur, Mr. Vodukha, is responsible for the fruits of the breadfruit) and Alúelap, the upper, supreme deity, his wife Limarauarau is the Sky; according to Elato Islands, the mother goddess, grew a coconut palm (or rather a trunk without leaves), she rested against the low sky; told her son and daughter to climb a palm tree, scatter sand from there, islands appeared; a son named Eluelap raised the sky to its current height, expanded the sky; according to Lamotrek, E. Leboupboup (Ligóubub, Legóupup) descended from the sky, scattered sand and stones, created islands, created plants and animals; cut the tip of her finger on her right hand, and blood drops appeared Yat woman and Yol man, humans come from them]: Krämer 1937:143-146; Rotuma [(data from Gordon Macgregor); two winged women poured out baskets of land, creating the islands of Alofi and Rotuma]: Burrows 1936:26; Tonga: Permyakov 1970, No. 141 [Tangaloa Autolongolongo in the form of a seagull flies from the sky to search for land in the sea; notices a white stripe, returns; Tangaloa the Builder descends from the sky an avalanche of porous stones, the land of Eua appears; TA flies again to that strip, it turns into the mainland, into the Foremother Ata; Tangaloa Leader gives fruit, from which vegetation grows on the ground; in a fragment A worm started the vine, TA tore it with its beak, and three people appeared from the fragment that stuck to the beak; they are the ancestors of invisible spirits]: 363-365; Collocott 1924 [there are five Tangaloa in the sky; one of they send them, T. Atulongolongo in the form of a snipe, to visit the land; he finds only the sea, but in one place he is stranded; after seven nights he is sent again, stranded closer to the surface; to him they told T.-Tufunga to throw down chips and chips from his workshop; from them the earth arose and began to grow; T.-Eiki let him plant a vine seed, vegetation arose; T.-A. ordered to tear off a piece the root, it rotted, with a larva in it; T.-A. tore it in half with his beak; the first three people appeared from the two halves and from the piece left in the beak: the elder Rahai, the middle Koau, the younger Momo ("fragment") ]: 276-277; Samoa [Tangaloa turned the stone into a woman, she gave birth to his daughter Tuli ("plover", Charadrius fulvus); her father sent her to the ground, Tuli returned saying that there was only water below; Tangaloa or threw a stone from the sky on the water, or fished it from the bottom; the stone grew to become earth; to give shade, Tangaloa threw himself, a vine grew; Tuli said that there were no people on earth; her father advised her to tear it out vine; it rotted, larvae started, two of them turned into men; one was injured while fishing and died; Tangaloa made his body feminine, revived; humans come from this couple; Tangaloa gave them tarot and others useful stuff]: Makemson 1941:59-60

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sherdukpen [water is everywhere first; Lopong-Rimbuche and his younger brother Chom-Dande threw a lotus from the sky into the waters, the water was covered with flowers; the brothers told the winds to blow from four directions; eastern brought white dust, western yellow, southern red, northern black dust; dust covered the flowers, mixed, earth appeared; brothers began to level the land, did it unevenly, valleys and mountains appeared]: Elwin 1958a, No. 14:19 (=Pandey 1999:126-127); Hill Miri [only the Teri-Ramula tree rose above the water; it began to be sharpened by a worm, decay fell on the water, formed the ground; the tree fell; the bark at the bottom parts of the trunk became the skin of the world, the upper part became the skin of the sky, the trunk petrified, the branches became hills]: Elwin 1958a, No. 8:15; miji [Shuzanghu met Zumiang-Nui, who gave birth to a Sky Boy and a Earth Girl; there was no place for them, they fell down, they were swallowed by the Phangnalomang worm; when Z. gave birth to her second child, S. made a playground for him; M. wanted to swallow it too, but was trapped; S. cut it, removed it Heaven and Earth; they married and gave birth to two mountain gods; then Heaven and Earth were divided; in the course of this, Earth gave birth to two more children in the form of frogs; they married, had a son and a daughter; they were like humans, but covered in hair; they gave birth to three sons]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:13-14; vancho [first only the sky; Rang threw a star, it became earth; water leaked out of the ground, formed streams , they created a rugged terrain]: Elwin 1958a, No. 23:82.

Burma - Indochina. The Viets [three brothers caught frogs; they hear them say that animals will soon gather to judge a man; the brothers let the frogs go, the elder goes to a meeting with the old frog, hides in a hollow; animals accuse each other of being guilty to man; only frogs man destroys innocently; the frog promises that there will be a flood; animals run away; the frog tells brothers make a raft; water floods the fire, brothers want to fry crab, swim to the Sun's house; the eldest fell in love with the daughter of the Sun, baked the crab to black; now visible in the sun with a black crab in his hands; raft descended on bare rocks; an older brother threw a tree trunk with two termites and two earthworms from the sky; termites and worms turn wood into soil, brothers plant rice; younger brother studies magic, meets an old woman, turns him into a beauty; the middle brother fell in love with the bride, took her younger brother on his magic horse; contrary to the warning, he galloped him, which caused the earth to catch fire, mountains and the sea formed, a horse and riders jumped to the moon, can now be seen there; a pumpkin has grown in the fire, brought one fruit; the ancestors of peoples came out of it; their skin is darker or lighter, depending on who smeared more with charcoal; the unprepared hair caught fire, became curly; taoi, vankieu, ede, sedang, banar, viets came out; the younger brother became the Spirit of the Earth, told everyone where to live and what to do (vietu - better lands), ascended to heaven]: Vietnamese tales 1982:174-182.

South Asia. Varley [Mahadeva and Ganga Gauri created the world; M. called the gods, no one came, then he flooded the earth with a flood for 12 years; then asked Naranadeva and Brahmadeva {then Barham is the same?} bring land from the world of Gunderideva (ghunderi is a fly that collects clay and makes it a nest on the corner of the house; they brought clay, painted on it, made cakes, they became grow, they were made into heaven and earth; only Bhimabali was able to lift the sky off the ground; the earth was unstable; to consolidate it, Mahadeva ordered Naran and Barham to bring stones from the world of patheri (species a small rat, its hole always has a lot of stones); hills and mountains were made of stones; to create vegetation, M. sent N. and B. to the world of squirrels and ants for seeds; they brought them, but not enough; he sent them to the king Lakhapati bring more; M. and Gauri dug a hole to get water at the foot of the date palm tree, got drunk; G.: let no one do it; M. created dense forests, G. created trees in savannas; during the flood on the tree two children were saved; M.: who are you? - Brother and sister; the gods separated them, brought them together - the same thing; so 7 times, but then did not recognize each other and said that husband and wife; people from them; gods created animals; animals and plants multiplied, the earth became it was impossible to bear such a burden; she turned to her brother King Pandu ("white" in Sanskrit and Marathi), but he picked it up and threw it; M. and G. returned, the land complained to them, they called the gods; M. punished Panda by making him master of the lower world; a bull in this world told the cow: Our world will now be the realm of death; Jum Joshi (god of death) sent messengers to P., but P. put them in prison; himself disappeared; JJ sent him poisoned berries and he died; after that, people began to die and the earth felt better ; before that, people were like snakes - they changed their skin and renewed themselves]: Dalmia 1988:25-30; chero [first water, lotus floats; Bhagawan lived in the lower world, rose to the surface on the Turtle; stayed sitting on the lotus, told the Turtle to get the ground from the bottom; she placed the earth on its shell, but while it was rising, the water washed away everything; B. sent the Rat, which also failed to bring land; sent the vulture Garur, who took out the earth in the sky, brought it in its beak; B. threw the earth on four sides, land arose, four-sided land mass]: Elwin 1949:4, 7; paraya [first the earth is covered with water; Bhagwan lives in the sky, with a rooster and a chicken; the chicken laid eggs, they fell on the water, broke, the shell turned to dry land]: Prasad 1978:156-157; sora (Hill Saora) [the land went under water; Ramma and Bimma lived in the sky, they had a chicken and a rooster; the chicken laid seven eggs; the eighth fell into the sea crashed, the squirrel spread, became dry; the shell turned into rocks]: Melwin 1954, No. 13:9; condas [the rock fell from the sky into the world's oceans, bushes grew on it, brother and sister came out of the rock; ate bush sap; Burha Pinnu saw that people could eat this way, made the juice bitter; they separated trying to find partners, fell ill with smallpox, came back without getting to know each other, married, gave birth to people]: Elwin 1949, No. 82:288.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [a horned snake turtle swam to the surface in the middle of the ocean; a piece of land or excrement of a heavenly worm fell on its back from the sky, and the snake turtle itself or a bird descending from the sky -the carrier knocked sea foam into a ball; the substance extracted from the sky and the sea became Earth on the back of the snake turtle]: Endicott 1979 (batek): 33-34; bataks (toba) [supreme god Mula Dyadi lived on the upper of the seven tiers of heaven; created three sons; created a tree on one of the lower tiers, its branches reaching the upper one; created a chicken, she sat three eggs on the tree, of which three girls were born, he gave They were married to their sons; one had the face of a lizard, chameleon skin, the girl refused, began to spin, dropped the spinning wheel into the lower world; a snake swam in the sea descended along the unwound thread; put a handful of earth in it, brought at her request by the MD swallow; the serpent was tired and turned over, the world that arose was flooded with water; MD created eight suns, they dried up excess water; the maiden plunged her sword into the snake, nailing him tightly to the ground so that he would not turn over again; taking new soil, created the earth anew; MD shot the maiden's fiancé with a blowpipe; once on the ground, the young man shot the throat, that grabbed an arrow, flew away; following her and taking on a new, gorgeous look, he found a heavenly maiden, married her; they gave birth to people]: Warneck 1909:30 in Dixon 1916:160-161; at Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:51; a more brief retelling in Hatt 1949:33; Bataks: Pleyte 1897 [Batara guru's daughter saw from the sky that there is nothing below; BG sends Swallow to explore, she finds a rock in the sea, lies down rest; Patija raja is sent after her; reproaches Swallow for hesitating to return, but the headwind also prevents this bird from rising; BG's daughter sends an insect whose eyes are under her wings; all three climb Mount Nanggar jati, which almost reached the sky; Pr has almost reached, but can grab roots hanging from the sky; the princess gives him a ring containing cattle and seven chicken eggs with plants and trees inside; sends back down; when the eggs and the ring are open, the rock turns into land covered with plants and animals; BG's sister with the female bird Imbulu Man is lowered there, they are given various female accessories; IM gives birth to two girls, they are married by Swallow and Patija raja; gives birth to a son with an insect man; descendants got married, gave birth to people]: 103-107; Schmidt 1910 (Daīri) [pregnant wife supreme god Batara Guru wants meat; B. sent a crow for meat; crows found nothing in the world of gods; flew inside a cave going down, first dropping a bamboo stick, found himself over the ocean, found himself over the ocean, found dropped a stick, sat on it; found no hole in the sky to return; B. went to look for the crow, capturing a handful of earth, seven pieces of wood, a chisel, a goat, a bumblebee; he made a raft out of pieces of wood, shouting on eight sides, lit a fire; a goat and a bumblebee began to support the raft to the ground; B. gave this world to the crow so he could live in it]: 7 in Dixon 1916:161-162, in Hatt 1949:33-34; kayan [from heaven to primary the ocean fell a rock; the top remained above the water; under the influence of rain, silt formed on the surface, worms sharpened the rock, sand appeared; then the wooden handle of the sword fell from the sun, which became wood, and from the moon - a vine wrapped around the tree; the vine became the husband of a tree, they gave birth to two twins with no bodies below the waist; yet they gave birth to real people; animals, birds and fish arose from twigs and leaves wood; moss and small plants emerged from the silt on the rock surface]: Furniture 1899:6-13 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:38, more briefly in Dixon 1916:158-159, in Hatt 1949:34-35; dayaki (band not a decree., kayan?) [at first, only water below; a spider descended from the sky on the web, a piece of coral fell into the web, grew, became earth; a worm and a slug crawled along it, their mucus turned into soil, covered the whole earth; from the sky the shoot descended, took root, became a tree, other trees grew under its shade; a crab fell, began to crawl, creating valleys and mountains; rain filled water bodies; cultivated plants grew; male and a woman's perfume; a man made a sword handle, a woman made a spindle; the handle fell into the spindle, it gave birth to a human head, then a second; the spirits did not like these children, they returned to heaven; two heads they came together, their children also have necks, these children also have torso; the children of the last Amei Awi and Burung Une had long arms, they reached the sky; they have 9 human children and 4 lunar children, each one of quarters of the moon of the monthly cycle; 8 children climbed the mountain; those left at the foot became the ancestors of slaves, who reached the middle - vaulted people, climbed to the very top - rulers; AA built a house from bamboo, chips turned into dogs, chickens, pigs; BU gave birth to more children; they first spoke, ate cooked fish, but became the ancestors of the Bahau; AA and BU went to the lower world, responsible for plant growth]: 117-119; Bahau [a spider came down from the sky, weaved a web; a pebble fell into it, grew to the horizon; a lichen fell on the stone, a worm fell on it, its excrement made up the soil; then the tree fell, then a crab grew, cut through valleys and mountains with claws; a vine wrapped around the tree, they gave birth to a child without arms and legs, he gave birth to a pair of the same creatures, but then they turned out to be normal anthropomorphic gods Amei Awe and Buring Une; they ripped off pieces of bark from a tree, making them humans, pigs, chickens, dogs; humans are mortal because the bark is short-lived]: Nieuwenhuis 1904 (1): 129, 1917:55-56 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965: 39-40, more briefly in Dixon 1916:159; Bahau [two men in the sky plucked each other's eyebrows, dropped their forceps, they fell on a rock in the middle of the sea; a worm popped up, left its excrement on the forceps; the crab scattered them, the rock was covered with earth; the forceps took root, became a tree with copper foliage; the heavenly spirit Uwang found a hole in it, fertilized it; a male shoot and a female shoot grew on the tree, they had no arms or legs; the inhabitant of the earth tried to kill a leech with a sword, hit the trunk; men and women were injured but were able to get together; gave birth to Bahau ancestors; the copper tree continued to grow and let go of shoots; this is how evil spirits arose, then good spirits, then gods, and at the top the supreme god amei Tingei]: Nieuwenhuis 1917:57 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:41; let's give [(Schwaner 1853- 1854, 1:177; Münsterberger 1939:222-223, 227-228; Sundermann 1912:171-172); Mahadara drops earth from the sky on the back of seven snakes; the earth rests on the head of the Naga Bussai snake, decorated with a crown with diamonds; a snake swims in the ocean]: Launscher 1977:246-247; dusun [Kinoringan and his wife Yumun; K. went down into the abyss, made the sky out of his round shield and the sky out of a rice dish; to fix the land, put a mountain on it, where the dead go; threw pebbles for the weight, these are the Mantanani Islands off the NE coast of Borneo; K. and Yu dug and filled the sea with water; where they passed, there river valleys were formed; they made man out of stone, but he did not move or speak; they made man and woman out of wood; they talked but did not move; they were burned, the ash turned into deserts; then made ants out of a nest; these began to walk and talk, they are modern people; K. knits a knot on a rope; if he falls asleep without getting tied up, the child dies under one year; on the way to Mount Kinabalu, the Tempasuk River; After crossing her, the deceased approaches the home of old Oduk Nagatob, daughter of K. and Yu; she checks if the last knot on the rope has been untied, and if not, sends the deceased back; if untied, the deceased climbs mountain and 7 days later incarnates in a new child, i.e. a new rope on which K. ties a knot]: Villard 2013:13-15; dayaki sushi (SE Borneo) [at the beginning only the sky and the sea, snakes swam in it with a golden crown on its head; a heavenly deity threw earth on the serpent's head; an island arose that became earth]: Schwanger 1853:177 in Dixon 1916:159-160; Eastern Toraja: Adriani, Kruyt 1951, No. 2 [ Ndara is a woman earth, Lai is a heavenly man; N. lived in heaven with other gods, committed incest with a tribesman (cousin? - neef); the gods gathered for advice, the lord of heaven, Poee-mpalaboeroe, decided to lower N. on a copper wire into the world's oceans; on the water she collected foam, it thickened, formed the earth, N. now underground], 6 [there was no land, only a drifting island in the sea; Dewata looked down and invited his wife to create land; they made a ball of land, threw it into the sea, it became a large land, people began to live on]: 3-4, 8 ; boogie [Sangkuruwira is the god of heaven; his younger brother Gurusisileng is the god of the lower world; each has a twin sister; S. and G. are married to each other's sisters; G.'s wife's name is Sinau-Todya ("Living Under Water" ); S.'s wife's name is Datu-Palinge ("The Creator"); S. and DP send their eldest son Batara Guru to the non-existent land; he is killed by putting land in his hand, placed in bamboo, lowered down the rainbow into the space between the upper and lower worlds; HD comes to life, abandons the land brought, land emerges; daughter G. and ST Njilitimo (Born from the Foam of the Waves) with five princesses emerge from the sea, HD takes them all wives; slaves who come with HD from heaven marry princess maids, their children inhabit the land; the daughter of one of the princesses dies on the seventh day, turns into rice; HD and N. give birth to twins, a son and daughter; son and wife become the new rulers of the lower world, and daughter and her husband become the new rulers of the upper world; the earth's connection with the upper (rainbow) and with the lower world ceases; later from heaven to The ancestors of SW Sulawesi chiefs descend the earth]: Kruyt in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:95; Tetum: Hicks 1984, No. 8 [water is everywhere first; God in heaven sent two birds to fly above the water; adhering to them At their feet, lumps of clay fell into the sea, turned into land; a man and a woman fell on her feet; demons ate them; God turned the birds into two rocks as punishment for not saving people; God threw a man and a dog to the ground; the dog told the man to hide from demons inside the stone; a vagina opened in the stone, the man climbed into it, the stone closed; God told the demons to leave the man alone and There are people only when there are many; later many people descended from the sky through vines, others came from tubers and cereals]: 42-44; Vroklage 1952 (Ladak) [a piece of land the size of chicken eye; grew, became dry]: 145; pairara (Timor) [a piece of land ("head of the earth") descended from the sky into the sea, turned into land; Paunu, Navar-Lonu, Mau-Lonu appeared on it, they did not have limbs; first the Earth moves and speaks, Lightning has pressed it with rocks]: Azevedo Gomes 1972, No. 1. 1:10-12; (cf. Nicobars [there was an uninhabited island near the village of Kakana, people visited it to hunt; the Saka bird decided to carry it away, picked it up at night, carried it, dropped it into the sea at dawn, it fell, flipped over, it's now an island en route to Chowra]: Roy 2001, #7:18-10).

Taiwan - Philippines. Bicol [the grandchildren of a heavenly deity have bodies made of stone, gold, copper; a stone grandson tries to take possession of the sky with his brothers; killed by lightning, falls into the sea, his body forms earth; from his body golden brother - Sun, copper - Month, sister turns into stars]: Eugenio 1994, No. 21a: 65-66; manobo [Kezenan created Andaw (Sun), a man with a hot body and Bulan (Moon), a woman with cool body; B. gave birth to a child, left him in the cradle, he began to cry, get out; A. wanted to pick him up, but burned him to death; the couple quarreled, parted, cutting the child apart and scattered them; one part became earth, others into celestial bodies]: Eugenio 1994, No. 67b: 132; bilaan [earth arises from material brought from heaven]: Cole 1913:136 in Dixon 1916:163; Visayas [a bird brings stones and throws them at Kaptan and Magauayan to stop their quarrel; these stones have become islands of the Philippines]: Gaverza 2014:39.

Central Europe. Russians (Saratov Volga Region) [God created heaven and waters, rides on water on a rock, spat, Titan came out of the abyss; says his name is Titaniel, but you can simply call him Gogol; ready listen to the order; God tells you to fly to heaven, bring land; he brought it, but hid a pinch by the cheek; God scattered the earth on the water, became dry; to hold it, he created three whales, a stone slab on them, on them her earth; God sees Gogol's swollen cheek, tells him to spit out the earth, a land with valleys and mountains has appeared; out of envy, Gogol rested, squeezed God's land, it also wrinkled; Gogol argues that it is so beautiful ; a man will remember the Lord when he goes up the mountain, and the jester when he is down the mountain; God orders him to bring seeds from paradise, gave it to God from his right hand, kept it for himself from his left hand; useful plants have grown from what God sowed from those sown by Gogol - useless, prickly, poisonous]: Zavaritsky 1916, No. 1:67-69; (cf. Northern Ukrainians (Kozeletsky y. Chernigov governorate) [There was no earth, no sky, water was everywhere; God was flying above the water; he saw a gun without arms and legs; it was Satanael; God said to him: "Dive into the water and get the earth in my name"; S. dived, said: "Take it, earth, in my name"; the land was not given; S. dived a second time, the situation repeated; the third time S. said: "Take, earth, in the name of God"; the land was given, S. gave it to God; God said that they would now sow; where the earth fell like a hill, there was a mountain; where it was flat, there were even fields; where the earth drowned and did not cover the water, there was a lake; when they sown, God crossed the earth and flew to heaven; this is how the earth appeared]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 96:359-360).

Wed. Baltoscandia.{Source?} Lithuanians [God pierced an apple and threw it into the water - land arose]: Kerbelite 2001:64).

Volga - Perm. Komi: Doronin 2004 [Zap. P.G. Doronin in 1927, I knew it since childhood); at first there was no earth, no sky, one swamp; two frogs, blind and sighted, climbed onto the hummock; the sighted one was Yong, the blind was cunning Omel; falling off the hummock, turned into human beings; the sighted one broke two teeth, they turned into horns, all living things appeared from a drop of blood, all living things appeared from a drop of blood; and when they fell into hummocks, they turned into humans; the sighted broke two teeth, they became a woman; she became O.'s wife, met in E., O. beat him; E. tamed pigeons, created the sky, created a hole in the center, released pigeons through it; O. vorona, this one for them the hole is small, O. made the other wider, the crows flew into the sky, killed the pigeons, escaped alone; returned to E. with mud; O. sent a crow, he took the mud, E. grabbed the crow by the throat, squeezed it, the mud fell down, formed land; the water that spilled out of his beak was the sea; while E. was away, O. plugged the hole in the sky with the hut in which E. lived; flame burned around the hole; O.'s wife said it was from her silk mitt, gave a flap of her dress to make another mitten, her E. broke the flame; O. sucked the flame; O. from her silk mitt, let a flap of her dress make another mitten, to her E. with her crows and animals fell to the ground; O.'s wife stayed in heaven with E., gave birth to his daughter Yoma and son Wojpel; O. persuaded her to open a hole in the sky, broke in there, threw Y. and V. on the ground (they are the ancestors of people), found a mitten, grabbed half of the sun, but ran into a branch, got stuck in a tree; E. cursed him, O. threw away what he had captured, this half became a month, it had O.'s fingerprints; the female broke off, O. fell, the branch became his tail; E. went down to visit his son, who was making pots; demons O. flew in, boasting that they could cloud the sun or fit in four pots; E. closed the pots, but one crashed, E. drove the demon; whoever fell into the water became water, the goblin into the forest, his fingers became damn fingers; in the ground in the pot O. tries to escape; one day he will come out, fight with E.]: 392-396 (another translation in Russian in Novikov 1936:40; =Limerov 2005, No. 2:20-24); Limerov 2005, No. 7 [zap. Vladimir Klimov in 1976; the bird dropped droppings over the sea, it became the earth's root, the root grew, the earth hardened, Yong changed its name day; a bear came, scratched the ground, swamps and mountains formed; so bad Kama land appeared, miracles live there], 8 [zap. Vladimir Klimov in 1974; there is no land, only clouds, the bird is looking for a place to sit; pulled out its pen, threw it on the cloud, the cloud hardened, it turned out to be earth; the bird began to live on it]: 26, 27.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Urga) [the earth was created by Burkhan Shagji-Tubi; he threw a pinch of land he had brought from the sky into the ocean; a pinch grew to form the earth; grass and animals appeared on it; Sh. brought a man to her; people will gradually degenerate; they will live seven years, as tall as an elbow, horses will be the size of a hare; then 3 suns will appear, everything will be burned, mountains will remain; lead rain will level them, sand will remain; it will be swept away by the wind; then two whales and a frog on which the earth stands will be free; Maidari will create a new land by placing it on the same whales and a frog]: Benningsen 1912:13-14.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Munkácsi 1908:208-209 (northern, upper Soviet) [our mother Joli-Torem (=mother earth) was sitting in a city suspended by an iron chain between heaven and the lower world; her brother Numi-Torum said that it was time to create land for people; cut off the chain, the city fell down, land appeared], 209 (Sygva) [Father Torum lowered a woman and an old man in a silver cradle from heaven to sea; gave a sacred cup heavenly earth (from which the earth arose)]; Nettina-Lapina 1999:33-35 in Perevalova 2004 [The winged god Kurk iki ("Old Eagle") carried luggage land; its pieces fell, islands formed; on one of these islands, having expelled the forest spirit of Yalan-iki, built a nest of Kurk iki]: 136; Forest Nenets [(from G.D. Verbov's records); there was no sky and earth; the red sky began to grow, like blood; in the middle of it someone sitting looks down; below there is water; sitting: my name is god, we must create land; from somewhere he took a piece of land and threw it down; he fell, became big; then God decided create a population on earth; animals, fish and people have appeared, the earth's population has increased; God: it's not good, we must die; God created diseases; now the earth is better: its population cannot grow much and it can't go completely extinct either]: Barmich 2014:616-618.

Eastern Siberia. Trans-Baikal Evenks (Zap. A.A. Makarenko, 1913, archive of the Russian Ethnographic Museum, REM 6-1-216) [Everything was by sea; Buga and Khyrga chased the beast. They lived in a boat and everyone went and went. "And when will it be over," asks each other. Another: "we must make the land of the dunna." One left, wait, says I'm three years old. He brought Mount Gudynytsy, took out the middle of Gurrykachan (deer) from it and threw it into the sea - so the land became. He threw it in the other direction and became the other. They went to Dunna land. The land began to grow, grass, animals and birds appeared. A pike went to get water, where it will swim there, rivers and mountains form. Three pikes seem to hold the ground. On earth, you can see three gods with your eyes: Doing sun, light and warmth gives, Running gives light for a month, Togi gives fire, gives warmth and nutrition. The sun and the month stand in the sky, they do day and night. In the underground world of the dead, Buni is the owner of Hyrga. It's dark, and there's no running and no running. However, the dead live the same life there as people on earth. It's bad to see them]: Sam MS; Evens: The History and Culture of the Evens 1997 [the cosmogonic myth recorded by Robbeck and Dutkin can be considered all-Even: it is typical for the Evens of Kamchatka, Yakutia, Magadan Oblast]: 112; 2005 [people lived in heaven; the girl's parents died, she hired a rich man who decided to pass her off as an old man, and she wanted to be a young man; for this she was expelled: she was put on her the eight-legged deer was sent to the ground; when it was hungry, the deer gave it its horn, she sucked, she was full; below was the sea, the deer began to fall down, told him to rip out his hair, throw it down, throw it down, wool turned into logs, the girl made a raft out of them; she weaved nets from the deer's neck hair, caught fish, this is how they fed; the deer ordered him to be killed, his skin should be laid on the water - there will be earth, wool - forests, Put your head in the middle, break your bones around the edges; do not kill lice - they will become deer; put your heart to your left, your lungs to your right; the deer's last breath became the wind]: 212-213; Robbeck, Dutkin 1978 [ A girl expelled from the sky descends to the sea surface on an eight-legged deer; on the advice of a deer, she scattered scraps of wool on the water, they turned into logs, she made a raft; at the request of the deer, she killed him, cut it as he commanded; the skin turned into earth, the skull and bones into mountains, the wool into the forests, the lice into wild deer; the crunch of broken bones became thunder, the dying sigh became the wind; the heart turned into hero, light into a boy and a girl]: 157; Evens (Kamchatka) [the earth was only stones; the eagle flies to the ends of the earth, brings sand in feathers above the cat, scattered it over the stones, the earth has formed, on a forest, moss grew in it, deer appeared; since then, the Evens have not killed an eagle]: Chadaeva 1982:60 in Shanshina 2000:33-34 (in Chadaeva 1990:123 a little differently: the Creator sends the eagle and scatters sand).

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais: Beldy, Bulgakova 2012, No. 1 [there was only water; the eagle was flying, there was nothing to sit on; he saw a piece of land, sat down; the owner of this land was an old man; the eagle asks for land; old man: take how much You like; the eagle took the earth with its claws, put it in its beak; when it returned, it dropped the earth, so the earth appeared, since then it has grown bigger]: 9; Laufer 1899 [three people lived: Shanwei, Shankoa , Shanka; there were three dives and three swans; three men sent three dives and three swans to dive to get land, stones and sand; the birds were under water for seven days; when they came up, they carried them in their beaks land, stones, sand brought from the bottom; where they flew, land, mountains, plains appeared; riverbeds were marked; when they flew to the sea, the Amur flowed; three people made a Kado man and a woman Julcha , Mamilji's maiden; the people multiplied; it was three suns, too hot; K. went east, hid in a hole, shot the first and third suns, shooting at the second, missed; M. made drawings on stones while the stones were soft with the heat; decided that there were too many people, died to show them the way to the afterlife; chipmunk, tumna (?) , the snake sleeps in winter, does not die; the rest are mortal]: 749-750 in Okladnikov 1968:163-164; Chadaeva 1990 [there was only a quagmire, an Enduri eagle flew over her; saw an old woman sitting on an island; that allowed a lump of land to be grabbed from her island; E. flew, threw lumps of land into the mud, land and mountains arose]: 150 (quoted in Shanshina 2000:28-29); Shanshina 2000:28 [there were water and sky; the crow flew to heaven to Ask the Sun to make the earth; the Sun gave a piece, the Raven swallowed it, flew back, belched it, a piece of the Sun fell too deep, opened the way to the boonie (the afterlife); people began to die; the crow turned black, burned on the way to the Sun; then Magpie flew, turned around, so not everything was burned; brought land, life, healing trees], 28-29 [(zap. Lipsky; the same in Sogti Tohala Earth, em 1986:32); at first there was water; the hadon bird was flying, saw that a mammildi bird was sitting below; the hadon sat next to him, took a tohala in its claws -land, took off, dropped, land formed from the tokhal that fell on the water]; Udege people: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 58 [the old man tells the girl and her younger brother to go to the singm (water a monster that looks like a snake or crocodile swallows people); the wind starts, they sit on an inu singma, then hide in his mouth; when they go out, they are on an island, the sea is around ; the sister offers to marry; the old man tells them to push the upper and lower millstones off the mountain in different directions; if they join, they can marry; brother's millstone lay on his sister's millstone; they have many children; over A bird flew with water, saw an old woman standing on one leg on a small island; the bird sat down, the old woman drove her away; the bird grabbed the ground in its paws, flew, threw, land was formed; the descendants of brother and sister they were inhabited]: 323-327; Podmaskin 1991, No. 1 [an evil old woman lived on a tiny island in the middle of the sea; a sky duck descended there, lived there for seven years; on the eighth, the old woman drove her away; when taking off, the duck captured in the clutches of the earth, began to scatter it in the ocean; this is how small and large islands appeared]: 118.

Japan. Kojiki 1994, ch. 3 [the heavenly gods told Izanagi-no mikoto and Izanami no mikoto "finish the job with this land rushing along the waves of the sea} and turn it into a firmament; Izanagi-no mikoto and Izanami-no mikoto stepped on the Heavenly Floating Bridge, they loaded the precious spear, and rotating it, they squish-squish-kneaded the sea water, and when they pulled it out, the water that dripped from the tip of the spear, thickened, and became an island. This is Onogorodzima, a Thickened Island by itself; then we descended to the island, giving birth to eight more main islands and six other islands]: 39-42; Nihon Shoki 1997 (1), scroll 1, 1-4 [first The heaven-Earth was not divided; then the purple-bright thinned and stretched out to become Sky, and the heavy-dark held on to become Earth; eight generations of gods arose alternately; Izanaki no mikoto and Izanami no mikoto, standing on the Sky Floating Bridge, began to think that there was no country at the bottom; they felt for the ocean with a spear, drops that fell from their spear formed islands]: 115-117; Ryukyu Islands: Matsumoto 1928 [ a historical work by Chûzanseikan, 1650; Mr. Neba told God Amamiko that there is only water below, and we need to create a place for the gods to live; he went down and saw that the waves of the East Sea they connect with the waves of the West; returned to heaven and lowered the earth, stones, grass, trees, creating numerous islands; at the request of A., Mr. Neba lowered a man and a woman to the ground; they learned copulate while watching other living beings; a female goddess gave birth to three boys and two girls; the eldest son became the first king, the middle son was the first local elder, and the youngest was the first a peasant; the eldest daughter was the first princess priestess, the youngest was the first priestess; having risen to heaven for the third time, A. brought the seeds of five cereals from there, celebrated the feast of heaven, earth and gods; later the gods disappeared, Disasters hit the country]: 114-115; Maruyama 2009:32 (Miyako Islands) [by order of Heavenly Lord, Koinutsu descended to the tiny island of Miyako, piled up rocks (making the island bigger size); married the heavenly goddess Koitama; they gave birth to the god Sotatsu and the goddess Kagyoku; the god Mokusu (tree) and the goddess Sousou (grass) appeared from the earth, all of them became the ancestors of the inhabitants of Miyakokinawa show his footprints; with a shell;], (Yaeyama Islands) [sun god Kanashi told Aman to create an island, gave it clay and stones; he threw them into the sea from the sky bridge, whipped the water with a spear, and an island appeared Ishigaki; a hermit crab (aman in the local dialect) appeared, but there were no humans; the sun god sent seeds to people, of which a man and a woman were born; the Sun god told them to walk around the pond from two opposite sides, they met and came together, they had three boys and two girls].

SV Asia. Chukchi [Big Raven Kurkil and his wife live on a tiny piece of land in the void; the wife turns into a man, gives birth to two twin sons; they laugh at the father who is left a crow; K. decides to create land; flies to the horizon, the sky rubs against the ground; anthropomorphic creatures appeared there from friction from the dust; one of them tells K. create land; it defecates in the sky, its excrement falls, turns into islands and continents; K. pees when he reaches the ground, his urine becomes fresh, turns into rivers; he defecates again, mountains appear; trees grow on the ground; K. shatters chips from them, throws them into the water; pine trees turn into walruses, oak trees into seals; chips from dwarf cedar trees into polar bears, from stone birch - whales, from other species - fish, crabs, and other sea creatures; chips that fall to the ground - in land animals; at first there are only men, Spider gives birth to four daughters; companion K. marries alone, but they sleep separately; K. teaches them how to copulate]: Bogoras 1904 in Norman 1990:65-72; itelmen [Kuthu created the land from his son called Simscalin, whom his wife Ilkhum gave birth to him while walking with him on the sea; or K. and his sister Khutlyzhich demolished the land from the sky and established it at sea; (Orlova 1975:129: symt - land)]: Krasheninnikov 1994 (1): 71 .

The Arctic. Nunivac: Curtis 1930 [two brothers swim on an ice floe, strand on an ice-flow; the younger one cries, the Spirit of the Universe hears it; she relieves herself Standing with one foot on one kayak and the other on the other, her excrement becomes Nuniwak Island; her younger brother becomes a woman; this couple is descended from the islanders]: 74 in Cumming 1954:52-53; Himmelheber 1951 [two brothers kayak, lose their way, stick to an ice floe; the youngest cries; a woman descends from the sky, throws the ground, Nunivak appears, the ice floe turns into a mountain; the elder takes a woman as a wife; once his bowstring broke, he sent the youngest for a new one; the woman frightened him as a joke, and he died; she tried to hide the corpse, the eldest found it; the woman flew, the eldest I tried to grab her, couldn't, she returned to heaven, he turned into a wolf]: 33-35; central Yupik: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 2 [husband's name is Crow; his wife swims away on an ice floe; husband kayaks her, takes land with her, throws this land into the sea; the ice field stops, the land on the surface grows, turns into a big island]: 373; Ray 1968, No. 2 (south Norton Bay) [ The raven and his aunt lived in the sky; the raven took a straw from his shoes, dropped it down, it sprouted, he threw two handfuls of earth from above, it took the form of a crow (head to SW); the raven made a mountain there, a spring fresh water; once he chased a big animal, threw spears at it; when he returned, he found King Island in the place of the animal; went with Fox to get light; through the hole they saw in the house a sleeping man and his two daughters; two light sources hung on the sides; the Raven took the smaller one; if he took the bigger one, there would be no night]: 52-53; Kodiak [The raven brings light into the world; at the same time A bubble falls in the sky, a man and a woman in it; they blow, the bubble grows; they stretch out their legs and arms, mountains appear; a man scratches his head over the mountains, his hair falls, the mountains are covered with forest, in them animals start; the sea arises from a woman's urine; a man digs ditches and holes, a woman spits in them, lakes and rivers appear; a woman pulls out one tooth, the man made an ax out of it, began to cut wood; from fish appeared from the fragrant cypress that fell into the water; pink salmon from the fragrant cypress, and coho salmon from the red cypress; their eldest son was playing with a stone, Kodiak appeared out of stone; putting a man and a female on him, he shoved the island on the present place, where people later divorced]: Lisyansky 1812 (2): 77; Lisiansky 1814:197-198 in Lantis 1938, No. 1:131, in Oswalt 197:212; the polar Eskimos [the land along with all the mountains and rocks fell from the sky; then people grew out of the soil; people did not die, lived in darkness, burned greasy water; multiplied, after the flood, their number decreased; two old women began to argue; one wanted to continue to exist it's dark and people don't die, the other is for light and death to appear; this is how the sun, the moon of the stars appear, and the dead rise to the sky and become flashed]: Rassmussen 1921:28-29, 1925 (3): 47 at MacDonald 1998:27.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [The Raven flies above the waters; the Fish promises to marry him if he makes the ground; the Seal, the Frog agree to bring sand from the bottom, if he gives fur to the Seal, makes the Frog The guardian of the earth's treasures; the seal dives, gets sand-filled frog skin from the Frog; the Raven soars as high as possible, where the wind scatters the sand, the wind carries it around the world, grains of sand fall into the water, islands grow out of them; Fish dries their hair for the first time, becomes the wife of the Raven, they are the ancestors of the Raven family]: Smelcer 1992:7-8; Haida: Boas 1916:575 [No. 112: The raven flies with the Geese; they throw it, it sprinkles sand, creating Rose Spit], 630 [The raven lives in the clouds, the world is covered with water; the raven hits the water with its wings, the splashes turn into stones on which it rests ; rocks grow, turning into Queen Charlotte Islands].

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson (Nicola Valley) [The old man lives in the sky; takes land from the sky, sculpts the world, throws it into the waters; the earth appears; it rotates on a pole like an axis; at the base of the axis, the Old Man lives, watching her; when he decides the time has come, ask Beaver to gnaw through the axis, the earth will collapse down]: Teit 1912a: 320 in Haekel 1958:44 (also briefly in Boas 1916, No. 3:617); upper coquil [one water at first; c A house has descended in the sky, there are two people in it; they put five layers of earth on the water one by one; the first go to the bottom when they put the fifth, land with vegetation appears; they see the tracks of a dog and a wild cat ; one of them creates a woman, gives another as a wife; he becomes invisible, so the woman goes to look for him, forgetting about the baby; he almost died, the husband appears, reproaches her; their descendants inhabited the earth; they're dogs; Indians have doggy eyes and white people have cat eyes]: Jacobs 2007:218-221.

The Midwest. Menominee [was just water; God sends an old woman down from heaven, puts some land under her in the center of the sea; it makes the land big]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II1:305; steppe ojibwa (bungees, lake. Winnipeg) [at first there is water everywhere, only occasionally a few geese come in; Weese-ke-Jak asks where they come from, they say that from the south, where there is land; he asks for some land, makes it dry]: Simms 1906:337.

Northeast. A pregnant woman falls from the sky into the primary ocean; birds pick her up; animals dive, bring land from the bottom, put it on a turtle, the land grows; a woman or her daughter gives birth to twins; an angry brother is born through her mother's side; a woman dies from childbirth. See B3A motif. Hurons [husband throws a pregnant wife from heaven; she gives birth to twins]; Iroquois [in heaven, the Great Leader uproots a tree on which all the flowers and fruits grow; through the formed a woman sends a hole down; she gives birth to twins]; seneca [flowers in the sky that give light grow on the tree in front of the chief's house; he suspects his wife of infidelity; pulls out a tree, throws the woman through hole down; she gives birth to a daughter, she gives birth to twins]; oneida [brother and sister live in heaven; sister gets pregnant, people believe it is from her brother; he tells me to uproot a tree with glowing flowers, push her sister into the hole; in the middle world she gives birth to a daughter, she gives birth to twins; onondaga, mohawki [like seneca]); Tuscarora [a woman in the upper world is ready to give birth to twins; in this time falls down; sea monsters pull some land from the bottom, put it on the turtle; when a woman lands on it, land begins to grow]: Cusick 1827 in Leland 1968:24; in Beauchamp 1922:8-11; Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 30 [there was a sun-like object in the sky called a cornstalk; there was a woman with a child, she fell ill; she thought to recover by pulling out the stem; everything fell into darkness; people threw her and her child into the hole where the stem grew; she was picked up by the Hawks, placed on the Turtle's back; the Loon dived, brought earth from the bottom], 44 [the husband in heaven is jealous of his wife to the Comet; throws it into a hole in the place of an uprooted celestial tree; when she falls, the woman grabs a blackberry bush, the Comet gives her corn seeds, a pot, a beaver bone, a mortar and a pestle; the pike invites her to become her support, but they only laugh at him; the Turtle becomes the support; the woman gives birth to a daughter; she becomes pregnant by the wind, gives birth to twins, these are Flint and Mosky ("hare, rabbit"); Flint comes out through the navel mother, killing her; the grandmother buries her daughter with her head to the west, marking the path that the souls of the dead should follow]: 34-35, 38.

Plains. Throw off the pawnee [see motif B5A; The Morning Star receives a pebble from the Evening, throws it into the water; after a long time, the earth emerges from the pebble; the four gods of the cardinal points hit ( sea surface?) hands, the ground rose to the sides of the water]: Chamberlain 1982:25-26.

California. Jokutz [Falcon and Crow fly over the waters, decide to create land; Falcon flies to the west, Raven to the south, agree to meet in the south, meet decide to create land; Falcon flies south, Voronremenny ethnologists will one way or another see the world; everyone carries handfuls of land, throws grains down, hills grow out of them; the Raven asks why Falcon did not create mountains bigger; he replies that the Raven had more land with him]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 27:31.

Big Pool. Chemewevi [water is everywhere; the Woman of the Sea falls from the sky in the form of a worm; creates the earth by crumbling it into water; lies down, pushes and stretches the earth; exfoliates skin scales, makes them a Coyote; He runs around the earth to see if it is big; then JM creates Wolf and Puma; because Wolf is smart and Coyote is reckless, it is decided that Wolf will be the elder brother]: Laird 1974a:20.

Guiana. Aparai [world fire; animals escaped on mountain tops; only one man left, married; the world was flooded with water; a new land fell from the sky, a new world grew out of it]: Rauschert 1967, No. 9:185.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chimane: Daillant 1995 [Dohichi, Micha are brothers; their sister Dobose invites them to heaven to drink their third brother Tsun 'a (the sun) to leave him at his zenith and not let people sleep; it fails; D. and M. throw a balsa raft down, it grows, forms the ground; they cry, a vine emerges from their tears; D. goes down, M.'s vine breaks, he falls, breaks; D. his glues together, but puts his head to his ass; then the B2A motive]: 163-164; Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1 [Dohitt created the earth as a raft on the water; brought Kiri (the moon), his brother's wife, whose the name Mich; made a vine out of snot, went down to the ground; K. climbed, the vine broke off, it fell; the next day she returned to heaven; D. sent the Hummingbird and another bird to scout where the end of the earth was; that the bird returned quickly, Hummingbird searched for a long time; D. marked the center of the earth with his footprint, but Hummingbird said that the center was in the mountains; then D. made a salt rock here and the village in the mountains (var: La Paz); See further motif B2A]: 60-63.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [water flooded the ground, Mount Krinjijinbe remained; people from the Kaingang, Kayurukre and Kame groups swam, holding smoldering smut in their teeth to keep the fire; kayyurukre and kame drowned and penetrated inside the mountain, began to live there; the kaingang climbed the mountain, some of the trees on the mountain; the sarakura birds (forest shepherdess, Aramides saracura) began to sing, brought baskets of soil, poured them on the water, and to them ducks came to help; a plain arose; those who climbed the trees became monkeys; they began to pour the ground from the east, so the rivers flow westward to Parana; kayyurukre and kame climbed to the surface from different sides mountains; Kame's legs were injured, they were swollen, now their legs were big and kayurukre's legs were small; the shaman Kaiyurukre made jaguars out of coal and ash; when he made tapirs, there was only ash left; told them to eat meat; the tapir ears were small, the tapirs were asked again, the shaman was sculpting another animal, telling them to eat leaves and grass; by morning the shaman did not have time to finish the anteater, so he had no teeth; Kaiyurukre did good animals, including bees, and Kame bad animals so that they could defeat Kaiyurukre's created: cougars, venomous snakes, wasps; when they learned that jaguars were eating people, Kaiyurukre and Kame threw a log across the river; When the jaguars stepped onto the bridge, Kame pushed the log; got scared, let the parts go; kayyurukre, kame, and kaingang set rules for exchanging marital partners]: Borba 1904:57f in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 77: 209-212 (Russian lane. Siebert 1972:134-137; French retelling Ploetz, Metraux 1930:212-213); sheta [rain floods the earth with a flood; man asks birds to get a new one; sapakura (ibis) and sarakura birds ( forest shepherdess) bring some clay or soil in their beaks, throw it into the water; the earth dries up; where the earth fell, mountains appeared; before the flood, the land was smooth; Ducks showed man the lake where they swam girls; he grabbed one of them, married them; Sheta are their descendants]: Borba 1904 in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 78:212.