Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B41A. The animal tells about the life of its owners.


A dog or other pet talks about details of the owners' lives that they would like to hide from others; punished for this, losing the ability to speak.

Bilbil, walman, mountain arapesh, lower arapesh, kiwai, keraki, masingle (?) , Lepcha, Mishmi, Vieta, Koya, Tsotsil, Blackfoot, Mandan, Seminole, Kawaiisu, Uncompagre Ute, Zunyi, Tsotsil, Tseltal, Chol (?) , half-time (?) , sikuani.

Melanesia. Bilbil [seeing the owner go to his wife, the dog said it loudly; he was ashamed, called the dog to eat, cut off the tip of his tongue; dogs have not spoken since]: Dempwolff 1911, No. 10:102 ; walman [Mur man and Posami woman make love on a boat; drop a bone spoon into the water; on the shore, the spoon owner asks the dog where the spoon is, the dog tells what In circumstances, the spoon is gone; P. feeds the dog with a brew of their inedible tubers as punishment, it is speechless]: Becker 1971, No. 50:807; mountain arapesh [(two options); Dog sees his wife cheating to her husband, wants to tell him; his wife hits him with tongs to shift the fire, since then the dogs have not talked]: Mead 1940, No. 5:362; lower arapesh [while the husband is hunting, the dogs in the garden are pretending sleeping, they see how the wife converges with her husband's younger brother; they bring her bone knife lost in the garden, she demands to give it back, they ask how it happened that the knife was lost in the garden; they do not believe her explanations, she hits them with a bamboo poker; when her husband comes, they only howl speechless; she cut her wife's throat with a stone ax; she was buried, a long yam grew, there was no long yam before]: Fortune 1942, No. 35:220-221; keraki [Kambel and his wife Yumar have Gufa's son; while K. is at the precinct, G. sees his mother sleeping naked, converges with her; K. comes soon, realizes that someone was before him; hides; sees G. making love to his mother again; gives him a special type of tarot, he dies; the Natekari dog reproaches K. for killing; K. pierces her tongue with a cassowary pen; when he tries to talk about What happened, he only barks; since then, dogs have not spoken; G. comes to life and returns; K. covers the trap pit with palm leaves, G. falls into it, K. falls asleep; Y. goes, K. goes to heaven, after her; he is the Month; According to some options, his wife Y. - The sun, he haunts her forever]: Williams 1969:312-314; kiwai [dogs were like humans, but on four legs; the owner met in the woods with his wife; dogs at home in the evening began to laugh, talk about what they saw; the owner clenched their jaws with hearth tongs, they no longer talk]: Landtman 1927:443.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kaman [childless couple took care of the dog like a son; while her husband was away, the wife met her lover, the dog told her husband about it; the wife said he was lying, the husband believed, cut the dog language, dogs have not spoken since; feeling remorse, the wife said that from now on the dog will live in the house and eat the same as its owners]: Elwin 1958a, No. 17:379-380 (=1958b: 421); lepcha [Guru Rimpoche created the world; created the first humans; they were brother and sister but married, gave birth to mung (dangerous spirits); the gods told them that such incest was forbidden; brother and sister denied everything, but the dog exposed them, told them what she saw; the sister beat the dog with a stick, and since then the female and the male have not been able to separate for a long time during copulation; the gods decided to separate brother and sister; gave them animals; brother I carried my own in a basket to Tibet, these are pets; my sister had a basket with holes, the animals ran away and became wild]: Sieger 1967, No. 1:172-173.

Burma - Indochina. The Viets [after driving the buffaloes to the pasture, the shepherdess began to play, the buffaloes remained hungry, complained to the owner, who beat the boy; when he heard him cry and found out what was going on, the Lord deprived him of Heaven buffaloes ability to speak]: Cadière 1901:187.

South Asia. Koya [the guy met a girl in the forest, was refused, killed her; was afraid that the dog would tell her about it; called animals, fed her honey; promised that if animals changed their tongues backwards In advance, it will taste even better; as a result, the animals are speechless]: Elwin 1954, No. 4:339.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsow [dogs could talk; they smelled it after people copulated and commented on it; then people gave them a tincture of yellow hashish and they were speechless]: Tu 1959, No. 9:541.

Plains. Blackfooted [wife meets lover; dog informs husband; husband beats wife; wife beats dog, makes him unable to speak]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 6:133; mandan [dogs husbands talked about their wives' nighttime adventures; someone cuts dogs from ear to ear; dogs have been silent ever since]: Beckwith 1938, No. 46a [Coyote cuts]: 300; Bowers 1950 [Son of the Month cuts]: 204.

Southeast USA. Seminoles [the husband often leaves, returns at night; the wife sends the dog to watch him, which finds the owner with his mistress; when the husband returns, he says that dogs will now be speechless]: Gallagher 1994:63.

California. Kawaiisu [two options; man has sex with his wife; Dog sees it, says, What a muck! A coyote or a woman sews up his mouth, leaving him speechless]: Zigmond 1980, No. 57:189

Big Pool. Uncompagre Utah [the dog sees the owner copulating with a girl; talking about it at home; the man beats him; the dog is offended, falls silent forever]: Smith 1992:40.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [The dog tells the owner that his wife is sleeping with the son of the rainmaker; other dogs also tell their owners about their wives' infidelity; this leads to quarrels and divorces; brothers gods wars gather dogs, give them all a potion, tell them to remain silent from now on]: Handy 1918, No. 17:464-467.

Mesoamerica Tsotzil [wife meets lover; dog tells her husband about it; he kills lover and wife; God puts the dog's head to the ass so he doesn't talk anymore]: Gossen 1974, No. 64, 87:286- 287, 297; Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [lover urinates through a crack in the house wall; husband creeps up, cuts off penis; lover dies; husband gives wife a penis disguised as agouti meat; she eats, feels thirsty, drinks while doesn't die; God turned a dog's face into an anus]: 261; Laughlin 1977, No. 86:278-286; Laughlin, Karasik 1988:225-231; Tseltal [the hunting dog tells the owner that his wife has a lover; the husband is watching; after finishing the act, the lover sticks the penis into the slit outside to urinate; the husband cuts off the penis, the lover dies, the wife buries it shallow under the bed; the husband gives her a penis under the guise of animal meat, tells cook with tortilla; wife eats, thirsty, drinks, bursts; Jesucristo moved the dog's ass and head to prevent dogs from talking anymore]: Stross 1977:13-15; chol [?] : Anderson 1957:313-316 in Gossen 1974:297; (mountain camps [?] : Foster 1945:236 [that's not here!] in Gossen 1974:297).

Llanos. Sicuani [the hunter takes his wife to the forest; on his return, their dog talks about how the owners made love; they lengthen his tongue so he can no longer speak]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 62:250.