B42. Space Hunting, F59.2.
.10.-.12.14. (.15.16.) .
Hunters, their dogs, and animals running away or killed can be seen in the sky in the form of stars and constellations.
Hottentots, Bushmen, Chokwe, Luba-Kasai, Songe, Kongo, Gogo, Karanga, Tswana, Temne, Bambara, Kpelle, Sapa, Yoruba, Hausa, Tuareg (Ahaggar), Spaniards, Italians, French, Australia, Maori, Tibetans, Vedas, Ancient India, Northern India, Mapun Ancient Greece, (Armenians), Rutulans, Sami, Finns and Karelians, Mari, Chuvash, (Komi-Zyrians), Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, (Uighurs?) , Tuvans, Altaians, Teleuts, Telengits, Shors, Khakas, Tofalars, Chulym Turks, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Khalkha Mongols (everywhere), Kukunor Olets, Forest and Tundra Nenets, Mansi, northern, eastern and southern Khanty, northern and southern Selkups, Kets, Nganasans, central, western and northeastern Yakuts, Evenks (Sym, Erbogachen, Turukhansky, Nizhneangarsk, Orochons), Evens, Anadyr Krai, Negidals, Orochi, Udege, Nanai, Chukchi, Markovites, Asian Eskimos, Northern Alaska Inupiates, Mackenzie Eskimos, Copper, Netsilic, Igloolik, Labrador, Baffin Eskimos Lands, polar, angmassalik, eyak (?) , Tlingit, Quarry, Chilcotin, Lillouette, Thompson, Shuswap, Halkomelem, Snohomish, Puyallup-Niscually, Twana, Curdalen, Vasco, Cous, Ojibwa, Fox, Nascapi, Montagnier, Seneca, Mohawks, Iroquois (band is not a decree.), mikmak, penobscot, delaware, sarsi, grovantre, wichita, chirokee, cahuilla, cupeño, luiseno, nordic payut, chemewevi, panamint, yavapai, mojave, maricopa, cocopa, kiliwa, diegeño (tipai, kamia), seri, ( papago?) , Western Apache, Mescalero, Lipan, Lokono, Akawai (or Carinha?) , kalinya, siona, sekoya, napo, (bakairi), kamayura, matako, chorote, toba, pilaga, mokovi, vilela, tehuelche.
SW Africa. Hottentots: Marshall 1975 [Schapera, The Khoisan People of South Africa, ch.14, reported Theophilus Hahn; the hunter is Aldebaran, the husband of women- Pleiades; zebras are two groups of three, six in total; the Pleiades told her husband not to return without prey; but he missed, and on the other hand, Leo is waiting, so Aldebaran cannot find an arrow; the Pleiades say to other men that they think in vain that they (women) are their equal]: 454; Schultze 1907:367f in Nilsson 1920 [three stars of the Orion Belt are three zebras; Orion's sword is a hunter who fires two arrows at the middle zebra]: 120; Bushmen! kung (Ju/wā NW of Botswana) [Orion belt - three zebras, male in the center, female at the edges or center, male along the edges; in narons, the first is male, followed by two females; the Great Magellanic Cloud - a grass meadow; the god Old Gaú is on it, he shot zebras, but the arrow did not reach (this is Orion's Sword)]: Marshall 1975:453-454.
Bantu-speaking Africa. The Chokwe [the three stars of the Orion Belt are beast (kashitu), hunting dog (kawa), hunter (mutu); this dog is often referred to as muta, i.e. the hunting spirit of a dog, the dog of the first hunter Cimbundu; the animal is not directly identified, but perhaps kai is Grimm's gazelle; the three-circle painting on the house wall may depict Orion's Belt; after a successful hunt, the hunter turns to Orion, praises the fetish-dog (muta)]: Vieira 2009:559-560; Congo [three stars of the Orion Belt have a hunter following a dog that runs after a palm rat]: Weeks 1909a: 477 (=1914: 293); luba-kasai [during the dry season, God created Kongolo ka Mukanda ("spiral of law") with a human head, body parts of various animals; then created man and woman, animals; even earlier God's messenger Maweja and three other spirits; two of them persuaded a man and a woman to eat plants forbidden by God; KM met a woman in front of a man, then told a man to copulate with her (Var.: KM eat a hermaphrodite, copulated with both); God told the Sun, Month, Man, Man's Star to bring beer; sedated them; the Sun woke up the next day, a month later; Man and his Star had to wake up; they violated the ban on not drinking beer, became mortal; M. rebelled against God, other spirits, led by his son Tschame and Longbeard, on God's orders, drove the rebels like game, drove them away sky; in the west, the four stars of Orion forming a quadrangle are the four great spirits of the summer sky; the three stars of the Orion Belt are a dog (Long-bearded), a hunter (son of the spirit of Tshame, identified with Jesus), game (M.); M. and other spirits fell towards the Pleiades ("lightning farmer"); M. - in the lower world in the west; God turned KM into the main swamp serpent, his breath was a rainbow; Orion has not been seen for three months in high dry season]: Fourche, Morlighem 1973:105-127 at Studstill 1984:127-129; Songye [three stars of the Orion Belt - "dog, hunter, game"; hunter - Wind, it takes the souls of the dead to Kalunga (the land of the dead; the dog is his assistant Rainbow; game is the ancestor of Mpuela humans and all mammals; the rainbow is a snake in a number of episodes]: Wouters 1949:232-246 in Studstill 1984:130-131; gogo [The western star of the Orion Belt is a boar, the middle star is a dog, the eastern star is a hunter]: Claus 1911:39 in Nilsson 1920:119-120; Tswana: Clegg 1986 [Orion's belt - three dogs that are chasing three boars (pigs; Orion's Sword)]: 35; Koekemoer 2007 [Orion stars are three dogs chasing three warthogs (whathogs) of the Orion Belt]: 75; (cf. suto [three stars of the Orion Belt - three pigs]: Norton 1909:206); karanga (shona) [three stars of the Orion Belt - Nguruwe, "(wild) pigs"; Mbwa ("dog" or "dogs") - Orion's Sword; {author tries to reconstruct the meaning of "Sirius" for Mbwa, but is mainly based on ancient Greek data}]: Sicard 1966:42-43.
West Africa. Temne [Thomas 1916:179: "They only know the Masare constellation - probably the Pleiades and/or Orion, although no one has been able to show it to me, and the indications of when to see it are contradictory; M. is a man . shooting at a bird or a sacred bush in which buffaloes; when they shoot, meteors fall and it starts to rain; so we are talking about April"; Spieth: "Koklovino is a constellation in which small stars are small - chickens, and the big one is their mother; it is on the left and at a great distance from Dzeretsia; D. is holding a stretched bow aimed at a hen with chickens; D. is a large constellation (gröβte Stern); he is determined when he works in the field; he is represented by a man with two legs, two arms, and a penis; he has a tattoo of three men on his belt; he has a stretched bow; the constellation (Stern) comes in once a year immediately after sowing yams; rises in the east, sets in the west; when the highest, then yams are sown; when the constellation disappears, it starts to rain; it says that "D. stepped into the water with his foot"; if At sunrise, D. will be the first to see snakes, and in the coming year people will die from diseases; if monkeys, then the year will be peaceful "]: Hirschberg 1929:326-327; Bambara (southern Mali): Pâques 1964:166 [ Sirius is a dog, Orion is a hunter, the Pleiades and Hyades are the Bintu and komo antelope], 170 [three stars of the Orion Belt - antelope (westernmost), dog, Hunter]; sapo [one group of bright stars in Orione is a "load-carrying man", the other is a "hunter", the third is an "elephant"]: Schwab 1947:413; Kpelle (Liberia) [four stars (unidentified) form the figure of an elephant, followed by a hunter]: Westermann 1921b: 515-516; Yoruba [in Benin, Orion is an Ago hunter with three dogs; he cut his arm so it's red (two {?} stars that form the shoulder); in Ijeba, the upper star of the Orion Belt is a monkey that picks corn in the farm, the middle star is a dog chasing it, and the third is the dog's owner; in Sabongida: Agolo's father-in-law told him to work on his farm; A.'s hand twisted because of hard work; Orion's belt - three dogs they went hunting with; Uzia Orion had Owibielame ("animal hunter"); four big stars are the pillars of his house, the three stars of the Orion Belt are the hunter, his dog and game; in Ekbe Orion is Ogolua; four bright stars are his arms and legs, the Sword is his body, the three stars of the Orion Belt are the hunter, his dog and game]: Thomas 1919:180; Hausa [Orion: kare da zomo da maharbi - "dog, hare, hunter"]: Bargery 1934:567, 747, 1141, 1197
North Africa. Tuaregs (Ahaggar and Tadjebest en Amanar) [this is Duveyrier 1864:424, where is the same; Orion is a gazelle hunter (constellation Hare), Sirius is his dog]: Basset 1910:16.
(Wed. Southern Europe. Spaniards, Italians [Big Dipper is a bear chased by hunters]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:15). {There are no references; at best, the motif goes back to the Greek original through Latin means}.
(Wed. Western Europe. The French [Big Dipper is a bear chased by hunters]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:15).
(Wed. Western Asia. Sumer, Babylonia: Kurtik 2007:243-250 [GAG.SI.SA - šukudu, "Arrow" - Sirius, Betelgeuse and nearby stars (Little Dog, partly Korma and Pyxis); the arrow was tied to Ninurta, was part of his weapon; the mythology of the transformation of Ninurta's arrow into a constellation is not known; it is likely that the bow and archer were sometimes found in the figure of the constellation (in one text it is described as an anthropomorphic figure with an "elbow" and a "left leg"); the constellation was revered as a deity and was popular in Mesopotamia], 388 [Ninurta, the son of Enlil, a heroic god, defeated a demon Asaga (acc. Asacca) and the bird Anzu, a military deity, but also the god of vegetation, fertility and agriculture]).
Australia. Australia (no range specified; conditionally in SE) [Chapel is a kangaroo chased by Castor and Pollux]: Bonwick 1870:189; (cf. plains of Womma [Orion - kangaroo hunters, get closer with whom Pleiades girls aspire (who are courted by the fair maidens of the Pleiades)]: Bonwick 1870:189; NW Victoria, Watjobaluk [emu cannibal pursues a crow man, a man- opossum; two Brahm Brahm brothers see a star, this is the eye of an emu; kill an emu with a spear; split each feather lengthwise, from these halves, the current emus, males and females; only the wattlebird was able to lift an emu egg, stained with yolk; B. is told to lay smaller eggs; emu is a dark spot between the Southern Cross and the legs of the Centaur; the Crow is Canopus]: Waterman 1987, No. 3860 (1): 99).
(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori [the heavenly maiden went down to bird hunter Taotoru every night; contrary to the ban, he wanted to see her face, looked at her in the morning, she flew away forever; while hunting, T. fell from trees and shattered; seeing many birds gathered from above his body, the heavenly wife mourned him and let his relatives know T.'s death; they carried T. to the village, but Tane took him to heaven and made him the Orion constellation; it also has flowers (cluster of flowers) and bird snare; small stars are many pigeons around]: Reed 1999:210-211).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Orion are three deer chased by a hunter who mercilessly exterminated living creatures; when they reached the cave where the monk, poet and philosopher Milaraiba lived, his mercy touched his mercy hunter, he became a Buddhist; deer, hunter and dog were carried to heaven]: Potanin in Okladnikov 1950:300.
South Asia. Vedas [Daksha made the first sacrifice, did not call Rudra; R. Sati rushed into the fire; furious R. pierced the victim with an arrow; the victim became an antelope, rushed to heaven, now it is the constellation of Mrigashirsha (three stars of the Orion Belt); the star Ardra (α Orion, Betelgeuse) - a wild hunter who chases her]: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 3:18, 238 (note); Ancient India: Allen 1899 [Sirius is a hunter (Lubdhaka) who fired an arrow (Orion Belt) at a deer Praja-pāti; also Saramā is one of two watchdogs on the Milky Way]: 119; Gibbon 1972 [Orion is Mriga, a male deer; three stars of the Orion Belt are the arrow that pierced him]: 245; Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987 [Prajapati, who took the form of a male antelope, was overtaken by Rudra, who blew his head off with an arrow or trident for sinful intentions towards his daughter; this myth is read in the constellations, one of which (part of Orion) is called "Antelope" (mga) or "Antelope Head" (mgaširas)]: 701; northern India, Hindi ["Harina Harin Stars. Hindu mothers teach children to distinguish between Deer and Doe in the sky {Y.V. Vasilkov: male and female of the same species, i.e. either deer and deer, or male and female fallow deer}; next to them is a constellation that looks like hunter with a bow and arrow. The Purva Chitti Apsara lived in the sky in Brahma's country. Once she was dancing and all the gods looked at her. Brahma fell in love and wanted to have it. He chased her and she turned into a doe. Then he turned into a deer and continued his pursuit. Shiva was furious about this behavior, took the form of Ardra (the constellation that the shooter represents) and decided to help the fallow deer. Brahma became frightened and stopped persecuting him. Now you can see them all in the sky"]: Crooke 1895, No. 517:182.
Taiwan - Philippines. Hama Mapun [Big Dipper is a fish trap with a rope tied to it; if you see many stars, fishing will be successful; the Pleiades are the pig the spear is aimed at - Orion's Belt; The Pleiades mark the beginning of agricultural work; the Milky Way is a snake; the V-shaped pig's jaw is associated with Orion and the hunting myth]: Peralta 2013:213.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Arat. Phaen. 326-343 ["Apparitions" by Arat Solia (c. 315 - ca. 240 BC): "And under Orion's back, when he rises above the sea./The guard is a dog on his front paws, -/Variegated with the stars, but not even, by no means endowed with radiance/Black on the belly; but it is marked with an unprecedented luminum/The tip of his beard is so piercing heat/This star is burning that people gave her/"Sirius". At a time when he rises together with the Sun, /Trees will not be able to deceive him with stunted foliage: /They will be easily sorted out in rows with an unmistakable eye, /Giving strength to some, drying out any juice from others./ We also know his visits. And other stars/Only the outlines of the Dog are barely distinguishable. /At orion legs, fleeing from the chase, /The hare every day. Sirius rushes relentlessly on the trail: he is not one step behind the Hare at sunrise, /He remains waiting for him even after entering. /Next to the tail of the great Dog, Argo makes his way aft forward" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]; cf. Ps. -Erat. Cataster. XLII ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (I-II centuries): Procyon "is in front of the great Dog, hence its name. This dog is attributed to Orion because it is believed that he was a dog hunter. In addition, you can see the Hare and other animals near it" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]; Ovid, Met. 2,420-538, Allen 1899:420 [Artemis Callisto's companion hunted, lay down to rest, Zeus saw her and met her; jealous Hera, when she learned that Callisto had given birth to a son, Arcade, turned her into a bear; or K. turned Zeus into a bear, and Hera convinced Artemis to shoot her; one day she saw A., who grew up to become a hunter; K. rushed to him, but he did not know that his mother, the bear, fired an arrow at her; or Arcade and other people found the bear in the temple; Jupiter stopped the arrow and, wanting to protect Callisto and Arcade from Hera, threw both into heaven; K. became Ursa Major, Arkad-Arktofilak ("Bear Keeper") - Boopas or Arcturus only; Hera asked Tethys and Ocean not to let Callisto swim in the sea, so the Ursa Major does not go for horizon].
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rutultsy [Khylibyr is Orion's Belt with Orion's Sword; the far right star of the Belt and its adjacent sword star are "goats"; the middle star of the Belt is "wolf", the left star is "dog"; the wolf is chasing goats, dog after wolf, can't be caught]: Bulatova 2003:222; (cf. Armenians [the ancestor of Armenians Haik and his dogs after death turned into the constellations of Orion and the Hounds of Dogs; the relief from the tomb of the Armenian Arshakids in Akhtsa (4th century AD) depicts a warrior with two dogs , hitting a wild boar with a spear; perhaps an illustration of the myth of Heike the Hunter]: Stepanyan 1971:13 (cit. Rayevsky 1955:128).
Baltoscandia. Western Sami: Billson 1918 [Kalla-parnek are the sons of the Sun's daughter, who invented skis, domesticated deer; they are now in the sky; among them Orion, Sirius, etc.; the Big Dipper is their bow, the Pleiades - pantry, Cassiopeia - stalked deer, Jupiter - Elk, Venus - motley vazhenka]: 180; Potanin 1893, No. 87 [(by Castrén, Finn.Myth.:320); Orion is a Kalla parneh hunter, his bow is B. Bear; Cassiopeia is an elk he drove with his dog]: 328 (probably the same spring in Kharuzin 1890:347, but the hunter is named Colla Parne, Cassiopeia is "deer"); Eelsalu 1995 [by Eero Antio, 7 options; Mändash has golden horns, a white body, a black head, and he flies along the "path of the sun"; Orion is the hunter Tiermes, the deer is Taurus, the horns are Hyades, the deer's tail is Perseus]: 611-612; Lundmark 1982 [in scene space hunting Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Chariot are represented by elk, Castor and Pollux, or three stars of the Orion Belt, hunters; in Jokmokk it is also "three dogs of Steel"; var.: hunter - Arcturus hunting with a bow for an elk; when an elk is killed, the world will end]: 93-100; Eastern Sami: Kharuzin 1890 [(according to Nemirovich-Danchenko. Lopar land//Picturesque Russia 1:171; the same to Lviv 1916:84); Aroma-Telle as tall as ten pines, his dogs are a deer, drives a white deer with a black head, golden horns; when he hits him first with an arrow, the mountains will fall apart, fire will throw away, the rivers will flow back, the lakes and the sea will dry up; the second in the forehead - the fire will spread across the ground; the dogs will rush, the hunter will stab the heart with a knife - the stars will fall, the moon will go out, the sun will drown]: 148-149; another retelling in Czarnoluski 1962 [Tiermes throws lightning from a rainbow, chases the Mändash-Pyrre deer; when he catches up with the first arrow, the rivers will flow back and run out lakes; second, the ground will be covered by fire, the Old Man from the North will burn; when dogs rush to M. and T. stabs a knife into his heart, the stars will fall from the sky, the earth will turn to dust]: 80-81; Finns and Karelians: Goršič 2015 [Lemminkainen pursues Hiisi elk (Kalevala, rune 13) across the sky: across kirjovuori, kirjokansi; kirjovuori is "a mountain in specks, chips", in this case a starry sky (according to Toivonen 1955:198)]: 213 {cf. the ancient Greek idea of the night sky as "dotted with stars"; Zakharova, torshilov 2003:123}; Frog 2012a [kirjokansi "ornamented cover") - "sky", according to Setä lä 1932:524-528]: 230; (cf. Petrukhin 2003 [the hunter tries to ski the giant moose Hiishi rushing across the sky, but cannot do so (or misses the prey, dreaming of the skin of an unkilled beast); {more: "hunter turned into the North Star, his ski track into the Milky Way, his elk into the Big Dipper" - this is not in runes}]: 68; see also Evseev 1950, No. 9 (Karelians) [Lyulicki skis, caught up, killed Moose Hiisi , dreams of lying down with a girl in his skin], 66 [Lyusmukko skis, catches up with Hiishi the elk, the ski split into a stump, on the shoulder blades of an elk; L. regrets that there is no girl to lie on her moose skin with]: 42, 147; Karelian petroglyphs: Ravdonikas 1936, Tables 22, 64 and 65 (=Ernits 2010, fig.7) [an anthropomorphic character, probably skiing and an elk; the character's long arms may have a crescent moon and a sun circle] ; 1938, Tables 5, 13 and 47 (Zalavruga) [No. 15: anthropomorphic character, in front of him an elk, a character, may have aimed a bow at an elk; No. 17 (=Ernitz 2010, fig. 8): a similar anthropomorphic character on skis and an elk; apparently, the character touches the moose with a club], 33 and 73 (Demon footsteps, southern group; an anthropomorphic character touches an elk with a club or aims a bow); (cf. Devlet, Devlet 2005 [one-story with Zalavruga and Demon Nose, as well as profile images from the Deer Cliff on the Hangar (Figure 115.2) and from the Second Stone Island on the Angara (Figure 116): ski hunter haunts an elk; the iconography of an elk is more different from Karelian than the character's iconography]: 133, Figure 116).
Volga - Perm. Marie (zap. Potanin in the village. Bims of Yelabuga Uyezd) [Big Dipper (Shordo-Shudyr, "elk star") is an elk with four cubs and a hunter with a dog; the latter are sentenced to spin the sky forever for killing the first, i.e. young moose with a queen]: Potanin 1883:713; Chuvash [(according to Paasonen); two hunters with three dogs on a pair of horses froze on the road and became Ursa Major]: Ashmarin 1984:26; (cf. Komi Zyryans [Milky Way - reindeer skiing trail; {source not specified, Komi are listed along with the Khanty and Mansi; see i84}]: Gibbon 1972:239).
Turkestan. Kazakhs (Tarbagatay) [three Orion stars - Ush-arkar ("three stone rams"), the other three are Ush-Mergen ("three hunters"); seventh star - Multukning-agy (Rifle Bullet); hunters on the ground too many animals were killed; the sheep complained to God; he took them to heaven, the hunters also climbed the lasso]: Potanin 1972:54; Kyrgyz [Tootai hunter on horseback with a dog chases three argali; they took to heaven, became the Orion Belt, are still running away]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:350.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. For an overview of the Turkic-Mongolian versions, see Neklyudov 1980. Tuvans, Altaians: Dyakonova 1976 [Orion (Ush-Maigak - Altaians and Western Tuvans, "three maralukhs"; Kurbun Soga - southern Tuvans) is associated with a legend about a hunter who He chased maralukhs with a dog with an arrow and a bow in his hands; before and during the hunt, the hunter looked at Orion, especially at the star that marked the arrow, and treated her to tea]: 285; Tuvans : Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 1 [Oskus-ool ("Orphan Boy") chased three maralukhs, followed three dogs; maralukhs took to heaven; O. on a red stallion followed them into the Upper World, shot into the middle of maralukh; they turned into stars, the middle one is brighter than the rest; O., his stallion and three dogs also turned into stars]: 43; Potanin 1883, No. 38n [Kogudey-Mergen shot three maralukh (Ush-Myigak - Orion); his stallion is a big star that comes out after Orion]: 206; Teleuts: Potanin 1883, No. 38a [Kuguldey-Matyr drove three maralukhs on horseback; they rose to heaven; he left horse in the east (big star), shot twice; one of the star arrows is white, the other is red, bloody, piercing the maralukha; KM itself is also visible in the sky]: 204; Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [ Kajigei Mergen exterminated animals; chased three marals with his dogs, they ran across the sky, K. dismounted; one arrow passed by, the other pierced all three maralukh; one of the three dogs was enough maralukha by the leg]: 179-181; Nikiforov 1915:251 [Kanzhigei killed almost all the animals, left a maralukha with two cubs; an arrow pierced her, came out bloody; three stars of the Orion Belt - maralukha with cubs; under it K., an arrow above her, three dogs beside the maralukhi; the stars on the right are a hat and (away) an abandoned horse], 251-252 [Cogoldey exterminated animals, rose to heaven; Kudai created Uch-muigak for the test; the horse was tired, K. left it, the dog began to grab U. by the legs; the first arrow passed by, the second pierced W., came out bloody; both are visible]; Potanin 1883, No. 38b [ Kogol-Maiman drove three maralukh (Uch-Myigak; uch - "three", but described as one animal); one Orion star is his dog, the other is a golden eagle, the third is an arrow; the other three are the tail of a maralukh; KM hunters ask for good luck], 38c [Cogoldey promised to kill all the marals; for this God cursed him; three maralukhs became stars; Orion's fourth star is K. himself, the fifth is a horse, the sixth is an arrow, seventh is a dog]: 204; Surazakov 1982 [Kogyudey-Mergen meets six heroes in turn on the way (listening, moving mountains, jumping, shooter drinking a lake, throwing stones); KM hits them with a whip, they accompany him to matchmaking to Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter; she does not know which of the CM who has come; those who come are imprisoned in an iron or stone palace, heat it; a drunk lake pours water, cools the palace; others defeat the local strongman, learn about the trap pit, catch the failed ones; the Kaan kids are seven identical Kogyudey-Mergen going to a wedding; the North Star is the daughter of Ai-Kaan Altyn -Kyuskyu, wife of Kogyudey-Mergen; the red star above the constellation Three Maralukh is the KM arrow that spread the stomach of one of them]: 127-128, 134; telengits: Potanin 1883, No. 38g [the orphan was a clever hunter ( Mergen); said that he was shooting the beast not at God's command, but at his own will; drove Uch-Myigak, who rose to heaven, followed by a shooter, a horse, a dog; they and a bloody arrow can be seen among the stars], 38d [ Kobon Chagan chased Uch-muigak; fired a dog, then an arrow, it pierced the beast's heart; Uch muigak, a dog, an arrow can be seen in the sky]: 204-205; Shors [hero Kan-Yergek with nine dogs was chasing moose; he jumped into the sky, KE followed by a horse and three dogs; in the sky the horse was tired, KE let him go, he became a star; pierced the moose with an arrow; the pierced elk became a star; the arrow, KE, three dogs became Orion stars]: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 53:283 (quoted in Okladnikov 1950:298; quail in Dachshunds 198:343); Khakas: Butanayev 1975 [Orion's Belt and Sword - six horses (three cheerful and three tired), running away from seven wolves - the stars of the Ursa Major]: 237-238; 2003 [author's note; Tulun-hara hunter saw seven blue gray hair, chased them for seven years; they eventually retired to heaven and became the constellation "Duck's Nest" (Pleiades); the hunter followed and became Aldebaran]: 48; Butanayev, Butanayeva 2001 [=Butanayev 1975:236-237; Koketey climbed Sulu-Khaya Rock, got it for the first time a laid scoter egg; it gives birth to the winged dog Hubai-Hus, but the scoters always break and eat the first egg; no one can escape from X., K. became rich; after drinking, he sold H. to the Mongolian Khan; he ordered H. to get the invincible arsylan (lion), gave his son the raw heart of a lion, the son recovered; H. fell off the chain, ran, drove the maralukha with two marals; K. rushed after them; three marals asked the mistress of the lake to save them, she lured H. under water; K. cursed the marals; they turned into three rocks in the swamp, their souls were the three stars of the Orion Belt, Us Muygah; H. - Koketey Adailara (Orion's sword), K. himself - Sirius, Koketey Chyltys; the eternal chase in heaven lasts; at the end of the world, H. will descend from the sky, his barking will spread across the Yenisei Valley]: 59-61; Katanov 1907, No. 181 [Ursa Major - Chettygen; there are three brothers behind them, two dogs in front of them, two maralukhs in front; the middle brother carries a cauldron on his head to cook meat (the cauldron is an asterisk under the sixth star)]: 273-274; Potanin 1893 [retelling in Alekseev 1980:87-88; Ursa Major - seven foxes driven into the sky by a hunter]: 322; Tofalars: Katanov 1891 [=1907:640; there is a constellation ush myigak (three raisins); one of the three stars is human, the other is a red deer, the third is an arrow (bullet)]: 51; Rassadin 1996, No. 2 [the hunter let two dogs after three maralukhs, the burkhan took them to heaven; the hunter came for them, tied a horse, hit the middle one with a bullet maralukha]: 9-10; Chulym Turks [seven hunters caught up with an elk; the first was clairvoyant, three assistants behind, the other three were carrying food; frost hit, they froze and turned out to be Milky Path]: Lukina 2004, No. 5.2:98; Baikal Buryats (Tunkinsky, upper reaches of Irkut) [Kuutey-Mergen shot at Gurba-Kogon (three maralukhs); both maralukhs and he and his dog are visible in the sky {pro identification with specific constellations is not mentioned, but the general title for texts number 38 is Orion}]: Potanin 1883, No. 38m; Baikal Buryats (Balagan) [Khokhoosei Mergen drove three maraluchs; they began to rise to heaven, he shot them to catch up; the deer became the constellation Gurban Maral (Orion); the arrow (three stars) is visible below Orion]: Khangalov 1960, No. 10:16 (retelling in Sharakshinova 1980:57); Baikal Buryats: P.P. Batorov (archive) in Zhambalova 2000 (Alar) [Huhedei Mergen drove three marals, followed them to heaven, shot them all with one arrow through; they became Orion; below three smaller stars are his dogs; a reddish star above Orion is a bloody arrow; H. stayed in the sky, sometimes shooting thunder and lightning, making shamans those at whom hits]: 283; Potanin 1883, No. 38l (Alar) [Gurun-Baryk or Gurun-Gurogen - three stars side by side; below them are three dogs of Kogodey-Mergen, guarding animals; KM put all of them on the sky is a memory of people; his horse stands aside; to the right of Orion is an arrow (red star) that shot through the middle roe deer; KM was sent from the sky to save people from Mangyt-Khai, who destroyed everyone except for seven old women]: 206; Rinchen in Sharakshinov 1980 [Huhuday Mergen drove three maralukhs; hit the middle arrow with an arrow, the arrow is still visible; calves ran after the maralukhs, followed by XM dogs - Asar and Basar; seven elders behind the dogs; all are now visible in the form of constellations]: 58; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Khorin) [Orion is "three deer"; to the right of the three stars is a bright star; this is an old man, who chases deer; below are his three hunting dogs]: Potanin 1893:328; darkhats: Potanin 1883:137 [Gurbu Soga - Three Maralukhs], 205 [No. 38i; the hunter who shot Gurba Sogo was called Kobundei-Mergen]: 205; Oirats (derbuts) [Kokde-Mergen on a white horse Kobon chased Gurba Maral (three maralukhs) with two dogs]: Potanin 1883, No. 38e: 205; Kukunor Olets [Orion there is "one who has dogs Asyr and Basyr and two birds shot through Gurban Maral (i.e. three maralukhs) with an arrow from a quiver"; the informant drew a symmetrical drawing in which the two stars above are two shooter]: Potanin 1893:327; Khalkha-Mongols: Potanin 1883, No. 38zh (Kobdo) [Koguldey-Mergen on horseback, with dogs Asyr and Basyr, chased Gurba maryl (or Gurba) with an arrow sogo) - three maralukhs; they reached the mountain where Saint Mele-Burkhyn sat; he took them all to heaven]: 205; 1893 [for Orion, the name "three maralukhs" is ubiquitous]: 326.
Western Siberia. Forest Nenets (Nizhnevartovsk District) [Tyaptukage (a heavenly goose with anthropomorphic features) chased a seminoid moose along the Milky Way; after catching up, he tore off his three legs; the seminoid elk became Ursa Major, and people can now catch moose]: Semenov 1994:115; Nenets ("Samoyeds of the Turukhansky District" between the Yenisei, Pyasina and Taimyr) ["The North Star is also called a hunter for the big bear 'Forred', which Russians know as the elk "]: Tretyakov 1871:415; the Tundra Nenets [they don't know the Russian name of the Pleiades constellation, they usually call it "a lot little stars"; the names of the Pleiades "they share the thigh of a wild deer" and the Milky Way "wild deer share fat"]: Adayev 2015:211-212; Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 110 [Mos-Hum heard that Menki chase a six-legged moose; jumped out of the cradle, drove himself, cut off two hind legs; the road he drove was the Milky Way, the elk was the Big Dipper; when the moose had six legs, people could not do it catch up]: 297; Munkácsi 1908 [a young forest man drove a sixth moose; asked Num-Torum to give him four legs, because six-legged people would not be able to chase; the elk was in the sky (Big Bear), ski track - Milky Way, home of forest people - Pleiades]: 251-253; 1995 [same; hero - mos boy; Pleiades - household of the mos man]: 112-116; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 43 [Moose had six legs, arms, no one could catch up; Moskhum went skiing, cut off Moose's hind legs with a sword, they fell nearby - four dim stars to the right of the Moose constellation; the elk has a convex ass since then; the elk has seven stars in the sky Moskhum Ski Track is visible]: 305-307; northern Khanty: Gondatti (namely northern ones, since Gondatti was in Berezovo and Obdorsk) [the six-legged elk lived in the sky; Noomi sent the hero Mos-Hum , he cut off two legs, threw him to the ground; the heavenly elk was the Big Dipper, the Milky Way was the path along which he drove the elk M.] to Potanin 1893:385; Lukina 2010 (Kazimsky, A.M. Moldanov) ["Ho's power is also ours people. He was chasing a six-legged elk, now stars in the sky. I cut off two of his legs with a sword so people could catch up. Kurng Voy is the Big Dipper, the song is about her." The power of ho hot - Pleiades (A.M. said: "Where there are many stars". T.A., who knows the starry sky well, explained that these are the Pleiades]: 222; Senkevich-Gudkova 1949 (Kazim) [Hunt, Nenets, Evenk chased the elk; Evenk decided to kill his comrades first; the hunt managed to kill himself moose with an arrow; all were carried to heaven; Big Dipper - Kuring Howy Hes, "Moose Star"]: 157; Eastern Khanty: N.P. Grigorovsky (missionary in Vasyuganya) in Potanin 1883 [ The Big Dipper is called Elk; the Tungus, Ostyak and Samoyed decided to kill the elk; the Samoyed wanted to roast meat on a spit, the Tungus was raw, the ostyak was boiled; at the beginning of the chase, the Ostyak returned for the pot, overtook Samoyed; the Tungus was ready to hit the elk with a palm tree (horn); asked the spirits for the moose to live in the land of the Tungus from now on, for which he promised to kill Ostyak and Samoyed; Ostyak managed to kill the moose with an arrow, breaking the spell tungus; therefore, moose are found in the ground of the Ostyaks; the four stars of the bucket are the legs of an elk; the first star of the tail is the Tungus, then the Ostyak, which leaned to the right, shooting; next to it is a bowler hat; the last star is a Samoyed; three stars in front of the bucket are an arrow; if the Elk goes faster than other constellations, spring is early, there are a lot of fish and animals]: 778; Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 1 (Vasyugan) [God created an eight-legged moose; sees that the hunter he drives (and cannot catch up); God's son put on skis, drove an elk, cut off 4 legs to make the hunter catch up more easily; the ski track is the Milky Way], 2 (Vasyugan) [God's son Torom-pah drove a six-legged moose, took off two legs, four remained; the trail remained in the sky, as T. killed the moose with an arrow; the arrow remained in the sky; once T. missed and the miss was visible], 3 (Vasyugan) [Torom-pah drove a six-legged moose, cut off two legs; said that people will be as small as a finger, how will they catch up; people began to be born with a little finger; where T. ran after a moose, there is a ski trail - the Milky Way; there is a six-legged elk nearby, each star is a part of his body]: 15; Honti 1978 in Lukina 1990, No. 8 (Tromoegan) [father-in-law laughs at Torum's son, believes he is a bad hunter; he can hardly catch up with a six-legged moose, cuts off a pair of his legs so that future people can catch up with the moose; attached the skin to the sky, ordered to mark the dawn; the moose trail he was walking on was nailed to the sky with the tip of an onion so that people could navigate; brings meat to the father-in-law, tells him to get lost and die]: 67- 69; Lukina 1990, No. 9 (Vakha river) [three winged men from Vakha, Ob and, perhaps, from the Yenisei ran after the moose; Vakhovsky threw the cauldron to make it easier to escape; the moose was the first to catch up; the handle of the Big Dipper - three hunter, bucket - cauldron]: 69; southern Khanty (Irtysh) [Tunk-Pokh chased a six-legged moose across the sky, cut off two hind legs; Big Dipper - elk, Milky Way - ski track]: Patkanov, 117 c Okladnikov 1950:299; Northern Selkups: Alekseenko 1974 [We heard the same legend (about moose hunting) among the Selkups of Upper Taz as the Kets]: 221; Prokofiev 1961 [Big Dipper - Moose, oh He has a legend; Yurak, Selkup, Tungus met an elk; the Selkup and the Tungus had bows, the yurak had a spear; before shooting, the Selkup ran after the pot; in his absence, the Tungus wounded the elk; the Selkup returned , killed him; in versions where Selkup, Ket and Yurak operate, the first two are a friendly couple against Yurak]: 64-65; 1976:198; Southern Selkups: Grigorovsky 1882:465 [in a space hunt plot" The Samoyed said that he would barbecue meat and eat; the tunguz wanted to eat raw meat, but Ostyak announced that he would eat boiled meat"]: in Kovtun, Marochkin 2014:105; Kuzmina 1977 (Keti's upper reaches) [ Big Dipper - "Itte is chasing an elk"; Itte, Grandfather (father of I.'s wife) with "son-in-law living on the Kazy River" chased a moose, did not notice how they found themselves in the sky, became three stars of the Big Dipper handle Bears; the bucket itself is the heavenly Elk; individual stars are I.'s arrows that pierced the Moose]: 74-76 in Tuchkova 2002:95-96, in 2004:134; Tuchkova 2002 (Middle Neobsky dialect) [elk in front, and Kana following him, the last is Kolgosse]: 96; Kuzmina 1977 (Chumylkup area, b. Chuzik) [The Big Dipper is a "moose shelf"; this is a seat in a cloud (boat) that Go and Kana smeared with resin, Pyungi's devil stuck to it; to avoid death and calm down, P., I. and K. promise to extract he has an elk, and all three of them (I., K., P.) follow the moose to the sky]: 73-76 in Tuchkova 2002:96; Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 45 (Ivankino, 1965, AI Kuzmina) [Going, Kanna, Kolgosse (the last) chase an elk , went up to heaven" "and they go forever, running"], 46 (Verkhnyaya Ket, 1964, AI Kuzmina) [four stars of the Bear and small ones in front are elk; three stars {bucket handles} - Ite, his father-in-law, and son-in-law from the Tym River; the last star is "like a bag" {does the second one have it?}] , 47 (p. Tym, A.I. Kuzmina) [Going with Kan, they put nets, Pönege stole fish; Going smeared resin on the boat bench, P. stuck; promised to eat them; Going with Kana offered to get the moose better; all three of them drove the moose, P. from behind, the elk flew to the sky, God made everyone stars: Punege-hell, Going, Kana]: 194, 195, 197; Alatalo 2004 (records by K. Donner, 1911-1914, No. 591 (b. Chaya) [Big Dipper - elk (four stars) and three hunters] ,1630 (Baidon yurts, Chulym) [four stars of the Ursa Major are elk; the other three are chasing moose Tungus, Ostyak and Samoyed] ,1645 (b. Tym) [Big Dipper - "(Jagd-) Zugnetz des Tym-Flußes"; four stars are elk legs, the rest are three hunters: Samoyed, Ostyak and Tungus]: 86, 234, 237; Kets: Alekseenko 1976 (pos. Alinskoye, between the mouths of Nizhnyaya and Podkamennaya Tungusok) [ket, Selkup and Evenk chased the elk; the Selkup, then the Ket overtook the Evenk, but Ket returned for the forgotten pot and fell behind; Evenk refused to shoot, said he would kill with a stick; the Selkup missed, the ket wounded the elk in the shoulder blade; everyone was in the sky; the four stars of the Ursa Major bucket were the legs of the elk, the left front (knocked down) was slightly pushed aside; three stars in front are the nose and ears of the elk; the bucket handle is selkup, ket, evenk (the last); the point near the middle star (Alcor) is a bowler hat; six stars (three outside the Ursa Major) are arrows; Malaya The bear is also an elk that was hunted before]: 84-85; 2001, No. 10 (Lake. Nyakold between the mouths of Nizhnyaya and Podkamennaya Tungusok) [ket, Russian, Evenk and Selkup drove the elk; where they stopped to eat, left the cauldron; ket realized that he had forgotten the cauldron, returned, began to catch up; The selkup was now in front, but Ket managed to shoot first, the selkup shot when the elk had already fallen; the hunters did not notice how they were in the sky], 11 (also Lake. Nyakold) [77 people drove the elk, found themselves in the sky; some with an ax, some with a shovel, some with what; steamed food formed on the river, 77 people hung like a cloud; Russians are there, Tungus, Ostyaks, everything; an elk formed in the sky]: 64-65, 65; A.I. Davletshin and E.N. Duvakin, personal report 2009 [Marya Maksimovna Irikova, August 2009; Big Dipper - elk people drive]; Donner 1933 [like the Ostyaks- Samoyeds, Pleiades stars {? usually it's Big Dipper} show four legs of an elk, and next to a Tungus, who failed to kill an elk, then a ket {Yenisei ostyak} who killed an elk, and finally a Nenets {yurak} who shot an elk, but missed]: 82; nganasans: Dolgikh, Feinberg 1960 [the Orion constellation is called Saint-Marse; this is a man with a bow in his hands; the Pleiades are called Dunade; these are people who are fishing wild deer; star bigger is a wild deer, the rest are hunters; it is believed that Saina-Marset missed an injured deer to Dunade; one of the stars behind Dunade is the arrow that Saen-Marcay missed a wild deer; so The Orion constellation says: "Saint-Marçais, from whom Dunade was stolen by a wild deer"]: 51; Popov 1984 [1) Ursa Minor ("seven stars") are hunters who catch wild deer with nets; in front is a vazhena with a calf, behind - lurking hunters; 2) Pleiades are wild deer hunters with nets; they say they catch the souls of dead people and dead deer with nets]: 48.
Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (Moruk Nasleg of Megino-Kangalassky Ulus) [hunter (Orion) chasing an elk (Ursa Major?) , drove him into the sky]: Ergis 1974:135; Western Yakuts (Olekma) [son of heaven Hallaan Wala skied a deer and left a road (trail) in the sky, i.e. the Milky Way]: Potanin 1916:97 c Ergis 1974:135; the northeastern Yakuts (Kolyma) [three Tungus went to heaven for an elk, starved for a long time; one died, the other two with a dog and an elk turned into Taiakhtaah Sulus stars ( Stars with a Moose); different faces pointed to different constellations, most often Orion]: Seroshevsky 1896:660 (retelling in Ergis 1974:135); Yerbogachen Evenks [the giant has a wife and daughter; in old age years old, the wife gave birth to a son Manga-Dyromgo with three eyes in his forehead; he curls the beasts' necks, brings them home alive so that the meat does not deteriorate; her sister asked to take her hunting, she is dull, MD twisted her neck, brought it as prey; her father wanted to cook it for dinner, but her mother straightened her neck, and MD ran away from home; decided to go to heaven; skis to the hole in the transparent cap above the ground, walks across the sky; catches up with two hunters; Hurry (extreme star B. Bears) hurries Khvastun (middle star B. Bears) to catch up with the moose (four stars of the bucket) before it disappears from view in the morning; The bragger, with a bowler hat (Alcor) behind his back, says in advance that he will be the first to catch up with the moose, will cook meat; Mangy- Döromgo (Orion) walks with them, overtakes them, crosses the sky on skis, kills a moose with an arrow (three stars from Orion to B. Bear) under the shoulder blade; calf (first star B. Bears) fell, found himself on the ground, the current moose come from him; MD comes to the tent in which the old woman and daughter; marries her daughter; misses the earth; walks to the edge of the sky and cries; answers his mother-in-law that his eyes are red because the peaks of the earth's forest hit his eyes; his mother-in-law goes to punish the forest, the trees explain that they are not to blame; the mother-in-law gives MD to an eight-legged horse with sharp hooves, who brings him to to her native camp; there is sister MD, who ate her parents and became a cannibal; at night she hides an ax under her headboard, but MD sees it with her third eye; sealed her sleeping sister's eyes, galloped off, but sharp the horse's hooves get stuck in the ground; manages to slip into a hole in the sky, where it jumps easily along the smooth surface of the sky, and the pursuer slides; the mother-in-law melted metals in the boilers, pushed the giantess into them- pursuer, kept in everyone; she rushed to the ground, crashed; since then there have been placers and deposits of gold, silver and other metals on earth]: Pezhemsky 1936, No. 2:273-275; Turukhan Evenks (Gainda, right tributary of Podkamennaya Tunguska, western 1920) [Russian, Ostyak, Tungus argued about who was better at skiing; they found Hoglen's trail (elk, Big Dipper); the Russian reached the foot of the mountain, the Ostyak jumped to the top, the Tungus was already down the mountain, overtook Hoglen; they can be seen at night {three stars of the bucket handle}]: Osharov 1936a: 22 (=1936b, No. 13:280); Evenks (Turukhansky Krai): Osharov 1936b, No. 17 [Moose Hoglen stole a day on the ground and carried it across the sky; Mani chased him on skis; the first arrow flew past from the left, the second hit; M. returned the day, carried him across the sky as long as his elk carried; this happens every day]: 282; Evenks (Understone Tunguska): Anisimov 1959:11-12 [Moose Haglen (Haglun) - Big Dipper; goes to the thicket of the heavenly taiga for a day, is not visible; at night she goes to the tops of the ridges; Malaya The bear is the calf H.; the moose is chased and killed by three hunters; the next night, the surviving calf comes out with its offspring and repeats itself], 12-13 [H. runs out of the thicket of the heavenly taiga, takes the sun away on her horns; Main runs after her on skis; by midnight she catches up, takes away the sun, returning the day every morning; the four stars of the bucket are H., the last star of the handle is M., the other two are his two arrows, one in flight, the other hitting an elk; among the Ilimpic, Yerbogachen and Barguzin Evenks, M. is the master of the upper world; the Tungirs have the owner of the souls and destinies of people (functionally coincides with Shaveki Amaka; A. means supreme deity, as well as bear - p.15)], 14 [in the spring, the pantomime of chasing a space moose (deer) was played out for many days; a killed beast resurrected with nature (cf. Vasilevich 1957; Sat.Mae 17)]; Nizhneangarsk Evenks [as a sun moose deer hunter - Manga's space bear; drives him from east to west; the Milky Way is his ski trail, The Big Dipper was the half-eaten legs of an elk, Orion was a moose turntable thrown by him; when he got around, the bear could hardly drag his legs at the end, so in the west the Milky Way has two, not one stripes]: Titov 1923 in Anisimov 1959:15; Western Evenks (Bachinsky - Podkamennaya Tunguska): Vasilevich 1959 [the boastful hunter comes first, but when they start chasing the beast, he is the last; he is followed by the hunter, carrying the cauldron; the smallest one walking behind drives the moose first; the bragger was afraid of the moose, was the last; these are the three stars of the bucket handle; the four stars of the bucket are the elk itself]: 162-163; Trans-Baikal Evenks (Vitim - Olekma, Chita Oblast) [giant Changit was skiing after the sky moose, demolished its tail and head; his body and legs were B. Bear, ski track - Milky Way]: Vasilevich 1959:163; Amur Evenks (b. Urmi) [Mangi chased an elk with a cub, his ski track is the Milky Way; the moose went to sea, became a mammoth; brought bone from the back leg of the cub, from which the earth's moose come from]: Vasilevich 1959: 163; Sym Evenks: Vasilevich 1959 [hero Chakiptylan wanted to kill a sky moose, chased, fired an arrow, it hit the leg of an elk; Akshary (the spirit master of the upper world) for wanting to kill sky moose, stopped it and made it rot in one place; four stars of Ursa Major were elk, three were its shadow, a small star near the lower right was Chakiptylan's arrow; the Milky Way tulngudek - "Chakiptylan ski route", between the Milky Way and the Ursa Major, a small group of stars is the ever-rotting Chakiptylan]: 163; Lukina 2004, No. 3.6 (b. Ket) [Evenk, Selkup and Russian drove the elk, he ran to heaven; the Russian fell behind, then the ostyak (i.e. Selkup); Evenk shot the elk's leg, took the cauldron, began to cook meat; they can still be seen in the sky; Milky The path is a ski track, on the other side of the track there is a shot leg; a small star is a bowler hat; it is seen by someone with good eyesight]: 70-71; Osharov 1936a (west 1928) [=Lukina 2004, No. 3.2:68; Hoglen's elk stole the sun, ran across the sky; Mani went skiing after him; the first arrow flew by, the second M. stopped Hoglen, brought back the day; this happens every night]: 13; Evenki Orochons: Mazin 1984:9-10 [there was no night, the sun was shining around the clock; bug elk (male during the rut) grabbed the sun, ran towards the sky; uterine elk (enneung), walking with the moose, ran after him; night fell; hunter Mani took a bow, two dogs, ran after them; the moose ran across the sky, M.'s dogs caught up and stopped them; the elk handed the sun to Moose, he himself became distract dogs; Moose ran to the heavenly hole (North Star) to escape from her pursuers; M. shot Moose, started shooting at Losikha, hit her with a third arrow; took the sun, returned it people; all participants in space hunting have turned into stars; since then, day and night have changed, space hunting is repeated; every evening moose steal the sun, and M. chases them by morning returns the sun; four stars of the Ursa Major bucket are the tracks of a male elk; three pen stars, three fifth magnitude stars near them, and the star closest to the constellation of Hounds Dogs is the tracks of Mani's dogs, who stopped moose; M. himself - five stars below the bottom of the bucket, which are part of the Ursa Major constellation; the Ursa Minor bucket - traces of an elk trying to escape from its pursuers; the first and second stars of the bucket handle - M.'s arrows; the third star of the bucket handle (North Star) - the hole, or hole, through which the moose tried to escape], 10 [in autumn, Evenk, Yukaghir and Chukchi argued which of them was the best hunter; they found an elk and chased him; the beast ran across the sky, the hunters continued to chase him: Evenk was the first, the Yukaghir was the second, the Chukchi was the third; they all turned into stars; the Big Dipper bucket was the elk, the first the star of the bucket handle is Evenk, the second is Yukaghir, the third is the Chukchi; the star from the constellation Hounds Dogs near the last star of the bucket handle is the Evenka dog]; the Evenks of the Khabarovsk Territory [the man chased moose and calf; the calf caught up in the sky, threw it on the ground, since then there have been elks on the ground; the ski trail remained in the sky (Milky Way - Mangi-Udyan); the uterus could not catch up, it fell into the sea, turned into whale; abandoned elk shovel - Cassiopeia]: Arseniev 1995 (3): 179; Evens: Bolshakova, Chaiko 2015 [three brothers chased animals, have already killed everyone; Khavki decided to punish the brothers, created three rams that the brothers cannot catch up with; rams have reached the ends of the earth and ran across the sky; hunters for them; all turned into stars (Ursa Major): three rams, followed by three hunters, followed by three hunters, followed by dog dragging a leash]: 55; Burykin 2001, No. 22 [mystery: three people chase a snow sheep all their lives on foot, and do not lag behind or catch up (Pleiades)]: 113; Danilov, Danilova 1991 [three strong people, leaning on the treetops like a staff, slaughtered animals; there were three mountain sheep left, which the devil sent to heaven; three sheep are visible in the sky, chased by three people, followed by a dog, dragging leash]: 22; The history and culture of the Evens 1997 [among the Even names of the constellations, only the general Tunguska name Ursa Major is Ilkun ("Sokhaty")]: 113; Keymetinov 2000 [even, Evenk and Yukaghir (or Chukchi, h eek) decided to find out which of them is stronger, faster and more enduring; we agreed that whoever gets the largest and fastest animal and brings home the whole will be considered the strongest, fastest and most enduring hunter in the middle world; chased an unknown animal; where he stepped with his foot, a lake appeared, where hunters went skiing, rivers appeared, and then, where they fled was the river (roll); the beast ran north, from where frost appears and where the sky is closer to the ground; left traces in the form of lakes (so there are many lakes in the tundra); this animal, i.e. moose, was called currents ("coming or leaving a trail"); hunters did not notice how they ended up in the upper world; there Havek turned an elk, three hunters (even, evenk and yukaghir) and a dog into stars for not being Haveck's permits rose to the upper world; the four stars of Big Dipper were the four legs of an elk; star-turned hunters froze near these four stars not far from each other, and not far from these seven stars another frequently flashing "North Star" {unlikely; the North Star does not blink; probably Alcor} is a hunting dog]: 125-127; Robbeck 2005 [three strong heroes left nothing alive only 5 snow sheep remain; Arisag (translated as hell) sent sheep to heaven, telling the heroes that they could not catch up with them; 5 rams are visible in the sky running away from a dog with a leash and three heroes; { rams - Pleiades, three hunters - Orion's Belt, dog with a leash - Orion's Sword?}] : 211.
Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals [Mangi chased Moose with his calf, caught up on the seashore; Moose jumped into the waves, became a whale; M.'s calf caught by the knee of his back leg (there is now a dimple), threw on the ground, it became a moose; the Milky Way is M.'s ski trail]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 8:57, 153-154; Orochi: Aurora, Kozminsky 1949 [The Big Dipper is a barn on four stilts into which he climbed bear; one pile squinted; three hunters sneak up to the barn - an older brother, a younger brother with a dog, and another]: 328; Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 44 [Mangi was skiing a moose and a calf; killed a calf; an elk jumped into the navel, died; M.'s trail remained in the sky (Milky Way)]: 192; Udege people: Podmaskin 1991 [Big Dipper (Zali Bangniani, Sky Barn) is tied with a bear hunting story; Cassiopeia (Ugda Hut, Nerpa and Omorochka) with a seal hunt story]: 12; Podmaskin, Kireyeva 2010 [Big Dipper - Zali Bangnyani, grocery barn; four stars the bucket is the barn itself, the three stars of the handle are three hunters filling the barn with meat; one day the bear climbed into the barn, one counter squinted; since then, the owner of the barn and the dog have been chasing the bear; hunters and that's it people worship Zali Bangnyani, asking him for health and well-being]: 15-16; Udege, Orochi [the four stars of the bucket are a barn on stilts; a bear creeps up on him and hunted him Egda and his brother making up the bucket handle; a small star visible only in good weather is a hunting dog]: Arsenyev (archive) in Bereznitsky 2003:80; Nanais [North Star - Hadau Hosiktani (Hadau star {i.e. pole, stake - obviously Polar}); rising to heaven, the heavenly shooter ambushes the goat; the hunter's ski track is the Milky Way]: T.Sem 1993:170 (=Yu.Sam 1990:117; Nanais on the left tributaries of the Amur River); Yu.Sam 1990:118 [Libra - "Half of a Bear's Skin"; a heavenly hunter killed a bear, hung his skin to dry], 120 [Northern Crown - "Bear Skin Constellation" ], 123 [The Milky Way is the trail of musk deer running away from a sky hunter].
SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoraz 1939:25 [Castor and Pollux are two moose running away from two hunters, each riding a reindeer sled; g and c, l and m Lynxes are hunters; one has a dog tied to a sleigh], 29 [ The Pleiades are a group of deer aimed at by hunter Rulteyet]; Bogoras 1924 [Orion is a reindeer hunter - Cassiopeia]: 243; Markovo [three brothers and three sisters chased moose skiing; the elk rises to the sky, they follow it; the elk turns into the Big Dipper, the catchers six stars near it]: Dyachkov 1992:232; Svyatsky 1961 ("Anadyr Krai", apparently recorded from the Russians) [three brothers and three sisters chased the elk on skis; he ran through the air, became the constellation Ursa Major; brothers and sisters are still catching up with him in Nebungelic, Olonetsok, Pskov, Novgorod time runs to the water to drink; while drinking]: 119; Koryaks (reindeer and coastal?) : Bogoraz 1939:28-29 [The Pleiades are a group of deer aimed at by the skillful shooter Rultejet (Orion)], 29 [The Big Dipper is a "wild bull deer"]; Krasheninnikov 1994 (2): 22 [The bear is called a cranchle ], 160 [Big Dipper - Yeluye-kying, i.e. wild deer]; (cf. itelmen [Ursa Major is called a name that means elk]: Grebnitsky in Potanin 1883:942).
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (relocated from Providence and Cape Whelen to Fr. Wrangel) [Ursa Major - reindeer, Pleiades - girls, Orion - hunter, Gemini - bow, Cassiopeia - bear trail, Cepheus - half tambourine]: Ushakov 2001:172; (cf. Aleuts on Commanders [Big Dipper - Itmakh, Malaya - Itmakucha; under Ithakh - "deer", "elk" in the language of the Unalashka Aleuts]: Grebnitsky in Potanin 1883:942); Northern Alaska Inupiate: Peet 1895 in Gibbon 1964 [Aldebaran is a polar bear chased by pleiade hunters]: 245; Simpson 1875 [Aldebaran with the Hyads and smaller stars around - Pa-chukh-lu-rin," sharing food"; the main star is the killed polar bear, the rest are hunters around it who are going to cut and distribute meat]: 272; the McKenzie estuary [hunters with dogs chase the bear, appear in the sky, now visible among the stars]: Ostermann 1942:78; copper: MacDonald 1998 [apparently up to the area west of Coronation Gulf, the Pleiades were occasionally associated with polar bear and hunt]: 70; Jenness 1922 [hunters with dogs chased a bear (Pleiades), they all ended up in the sky (Aldebaran with surrounding stars); but usually for the Pleiades, the name Agietat (meaning unknown)]: 179; Rasmussen 1932 [three hunters chase a bear, find themselves in the sky, turn into three stars of the Orion Belt]: 23; netsilic: Rasmussen 1931:211 and 385 [three brothers chase a bear sledge; their newly born sister looks at them, they turn into the Pleiades; a star is a dog chasing a bear; another lame dog is a reddish star behind the first one], 263 [ hunters chase a bear on a sledge; one jumped off to pick up a fallen mitten; Pleiades means Chasing a Bear]; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 10 (Smith Sound) [dogs chasing on ice bear; everyone is in the sky; the bear is the largest star among the Pleiades, dogs are her surroundings]: 173; Millman 2004 (Pond Inlet) [no one gives food to a woman because she has her period; she comes to the house in mountains, there are bears in human form; the bear feeds her, tells her to keep silent about what she sees; a woman tells her husband about bears, he goes hunting, kills the Bear, the Bear tells him not to be afraid, he will kill only his wife bites off her head, plays with her like a ball; dogs rush at him, he goes up to heaven with them, the bear and dogs become Pleiades; the husband is left alone with two orphans bears]: 34-35; Labrador Eskimos [like Igloolik; Orion instead of the Pleiades]: Kroeber 1899, No. 10:173; Polar Eskimos: Menoschikov 1985, No. 265 [=Holtved]: 488-489; Holtved 1951a, No. 6 [two var.; husband and wife got into a fight, the wife went to the mountains, went to the Bear; he feeds her seal, asks her not to tell her about the meeting at home, because he feels sorry for his children; at home, the wife whispers to her husband where the bears are; the husband leaves to hunt; A bear comes, rips off a woman's head, walks, giving her like a ball; dogs chase him; a bear and dogs go up to heaven, turn into Pleiades]: 50-55 (=1951a: 16-19); Kroeber 1899, No. 10 [dogs chase a bear, end up in the sky, now visible as stars; bear - Pleiades]: 173-174; Baffin's Land: Boas 1888 [three hunters with sledges take a boy with them, chase a bear; a boy falls out of a sleigh; tells in the village how the bear and the hunters took him to heaven; the bear to Betelgeuse, the hunters to the Orion Belt, the sleigh to the Sword of Orion]: 636-637; 1901b, No. 10 [ seven or ten dog sledding hunters chase a bear, rise to the sky, turn into stars (it is not specified which ones); one lost his mitten, apparently fell behind]: 174; West Greenland [Pleiades - bear surrounded by dogs]: Egede 1790:131f in Nilsson 1920:115; West and East Greenland ["Greenland and East Greenland have the same myth as Smith Sound's igloolik ( a bear surrounded by dogs)]: Kroeber 1899:173; West Greenland [Taurus (Kelluktyrset) is a pack of dogs that surrounded a bear; in this constellation they count the time at night]: Egede 1818:210; angmassalik [three stars of the Orion Belt - "pursuers" (polar bear)]: Thalbitzer 1914 (1): 214 in MacDonald 1998:85.
NW Coast. Eyak [as a result of the war between Alders and another group of people who were killed, left a woman and daughter; animals consistently come to marry their daughter (Frog, Bird, Snipe, Blue Jay, Magpie, Malinovka, Kingfisher, Goose, Fox, Brown Bear, Black Bear, Wolverine, Goat), the mother asks each time how the groom intends to get food, rejects him; accepts the offer Sun; he gives a woman a stick, tells her to put it on her head if he starts fire; a woman's daughter gives birth to eight sons from the Sun; the Sun makes them adults; the wife wants a daughter, the Sun creates her from the end of the bow; consistently lowers the sons in the basket, everyone asks to lift him back, for spears are pointing at him on the ground; the daughter says that these are just the tops of trees, she is not afraid of them, for she herself trees; in the fog, the children of the Sun are building a fortification on the ground, Chief Alder suspects bad things; the youngest of the sons of the Sun and his sister remained in hiding, seven went out to fight the Alders, half were shot, but and half of them are killed (then they came to life); the younger brother calls his father, he causes fever, all Alders die; contrary to the warning of the elders, the youngest says he wants to kill a colored animal, chases across the sky for an animal that is colored like a cloud; brothers return to heaven; specks on alder bark are wounds caused by the sons of the Sun]: Krauss 1970 in Johnson 1978:40-43, translated into Romanova 1997, No. 11. 2:36-39; Tlingits [brothers and dog chase the cloud or the Dry Cloud (character name); end up in the sky; the Milky Way is their ski track]: De Laguna 1972 [one of four or eight mischief brothers wishes for their dog to chase the red cloud in the east]: 875-879; Swanton 1909, No. 31 [Dry Cloud], 96, 97:102, 296-298.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 7 [see motive K47; the chief's daughter gives birth to puppies - four (or three) males and a female; people abandon her; the mother hears children's voices; leaves her torches burning by the river, finds sons, throws dog skins into the fire; daughter Upitz manages to pull her own, remains a dog; brothers bring a lot of meat and fish; people come back; one day the game disappears; the youngest gives the old woman instead of fat is rotten; she says: Let the caribou take you to the sky where you belong; the dog sister drives the caribou up the mountain, they all end up in heaven; brothers turn into four the stars of the Ursa Major bucket; in front of them W., even further away from the Caribou, turned into the Pleiades; a bright star below B. Bears - fallen luggage when brothers tried to make a rope out of their belts and go down to the ground; (Var. from the Fraser River: three brothers continue to chase the caribou in the sky; Blue Jay teaches them to tie belts, go down; tells you not to look if they hear a noise; they look, everyone turns into stars; Orion's Belt is the remnants of their meal; seeing new stars, the mother of the children commits suicide)], 66 [young man woke up and saw that Yashte (Ursa Major, who determines time; cf. Cannon 2014; Cannon, Holton 2014; Ursa Major may only be the central part of a constellation that includes other objects in the night sky) barely moves; shouted to him that one leg is short; during the day his dog drove a bear, chased him unsuccessfully all day; at sunset they saw an old man sitting on a stump; he explained that he was walking slowly, but the young man did not catch up with him; the young man returned home, and Yashte went to heaven] : 137-141, 248-249; Munro 1946 (Western 1943) [the chief (Toeneza; "a prominent man generally known as a chief") has a 20-year-old daughter Sak-esta; she had a dream that frightened her; so twice; after that she became pregnant and gave birth to four puppies; her parents They told everyone to leave the camp and leave her daughter alone without fire; but a man named Raven hid the fire for her in an old moccasin; she began to catch rabbits, the children grew up quickly; noticed their traces in the hearth - human footprints; she left her clothes {put on a stump}, went to the house from the other side herself; grabbed the dog's skins, threw it into the fire, but one of the children remained in dog form; began to hunt together with their brothers; when they first saw a bear in a hollow, they began to hunt bears; in the spring, the Raven came to see how things were doing; the woman gave him meat and fat for his family, told others not to tell anything; the youngest child choked and a piece of fat fell into the fire; it turned out that people had returned, the woman fed her mother; and the children gave the elderly grandmother a rotten tree wrapped in skin; she cursed them: let will leave and never return; at dawn, the mother saw seven moose rise into the sky, followed by a dog and three young men; they have since been seen in spring on the eastern edge of the sky; seven moose are the Pleiades {hunters - Belt Orion?} ; mother pierced the old woman's heart with a willow skewer and threw it into the sky; told her to become a Morning Star]: 99-104; chilcotin: Farrand 1900, No. 14 [in autumn, a hunter with two dogs drove a bear; dogs they brought the owner to a stump on which a man was sitting; he was a bear and at the same time Yitai, the constellation Ursa Major; gave the hunter the skins of a bear, a marten, a fishing marten (fisher); since then, he has always overtook these animals; Yitai returned to heaven], 15 [three young men hunt with two dogs; give their blind grandmother a rotten tree disguised as caribou liver; she witches, they can no longer descend from heaven; the elder tells us to cover themselves with blankets, not to look; they begin to descend, but the youngest peeks, they turn into three stars (probably Orion's Belt); dogs and elk are also visible among the stars; the Morning Star - their grandmother holding a torch]: 30, 31; lillouette [the four stars of the Big Dipper bucket are the Bear; the three stars of the bucket handle are hunters; the asterisk next to one of them is a dog]: Elliott 1931:180 ; Thompson: Teit 1900 [Big Dipper is a Grizzly; three stars of the bucket handle are three hunters chasing bears; the first is brave and fast, about to catch up with the beast; the second walked more slowly, beside him the dog is a little star; the third is cowardly, afraid to approach the bear]: 341-342; 1917b, No. 3 [the Quaktwetl brothers drove the bear to heaven; the youngest turned them, their dog and bear into a constellation Ursa Major (Grizzly Bear)]: 16; shuswap ["all Shuswap and Thompson tell stories about hunters or humans and bears becoming the Ursa Major constellation"]: Teit 1917b: 16 (note 4); Chalkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [Qäls (Kels) travels, turning ancestors and correcting their defects; a young man with dogs chases an elk; K. turned a boy and dogs into stones, an elk into four Big Dipper Bucket Stars]: Boas 18 95, No. III.1:19 (=2002:95; briefly in 1916, No. 61:604); snohomish [The creator stayed at Puget Sound and decided to distribute all the languages there (so the Salish have them so much); the sky was low, trees were climbing into the sky; people were pushing it with poles up; at that moment three hunters were chasing moose where heaven and earth converged; remained in the sky; hunters - the handle of the bucket Big Dipper (dull star - dog); bucket - four moose]: Clark 1953:148-149 (not fully baked in Monroe, Williamson 1987:25-27); puyallup-niscualmi [stars are people; there are rivers, but informants did not talk about the Milky Way; meteors are star people on the road; in the interior, 4 stars of the Ursa Major bucket are elk, 3 star pens are three hunters, Alcor is a dog; on the coast They don't know about the moose, the Big Dipper is a "vessel with a handle"]: Smith 1940:134; twana [Big Dipper is a group of moose walking along a winding mountain path; an asterisk next to the last star of the pen bucket is a stalking dog]: Elmendorf 1960:537; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 29 [Grizzly has a wife, she has three brothers; the youngest loves him, the elders hate him; ready to shoot, the eldest is closer just to the Grizzly, the youngest is farthest; at the last moment, the youngest warned the Grizzly, who turned around, everyone turned into stars; the four stars of the bucket were the Grizzly, the three stars of the pen were his wife's brothers, the youngest - closest to the bucket]: 184; Teit 1917e, No. 3 [as in Teir, Boas 1930, short version]: 125-126; Teit, Boas 1930 [the husband of the sister of three brothers is a Grizzly; the younger warns him that the older two want to kill him; The brothers drive the Grizzly, all turn into stars; 1) the four corners of the Big Dipper bucket; 2) The Grizzly is the bucket, the brothers are the three stars of the bucket handle]: 178-179 (baked in Clark 1966:108-109, in Monroe, Williamson 1987:20-21); Vasco [five Wolf Brothers hunt, Coyote lives with them; they agree to tell him they see two Grizzlies in the sky; the Coyote shoots arrows into the sky, makes a ladder out of them; they all rise to heaven; the Coyote decides that the Grizzly and Wolves look beautiful together, leaves them in the sky, goes down, breaking the stairs; the three older Wolves are the handle of the Big Dipper bucket; the oldest is the middle star, followed by a small one is his dog; two younger Wolves are part of the bucket closer to the handle; two Grizzlies are the opposite part of the bucket; the Lark tells Coyote that the stars are growing, ready to fall, then the earth will die from the cold; the Coyote climbs back into the sky, arranges stars differently; the Milky Way is the Coyote's trail]: Clark 1953:153-155; Hines 1996, No. 5:32-35; cous [7 stars (B. Bear?) - hunters; not found, but still looking for game]: Jacobs 1940, No. 4:241
The Midwest. Ojibwa [The Southern Star descends as a beautiful woman, brings water lilies; her brother is seen hunting a bear far north]: Emerson in Hagar 1900:97; fox [three brothers they chase the bear; the youngest shouts that the bear ran north, rushes after him; the middle one says that the bear is running east, running after him; the eldest is that the bear is running at sunset, attracts him with his dog; looks down, sees mother earth, realizes that they are in the sky, but it's too late to return; their dog is next to the second; in autumn they kill a bear, put it on oak and sumac branches for cutting; foliage these trees turn red with blood in autumn; the pieces of the bear's body are stars that can be seen in winter; his head was thrown east, at dawn it can be seen low above the horizon as a group of stars; the spine thrown north, you can see it among the stars; the bear himself is the Big Dipper bucket, the hunters are the bucket handle; the asterisk next to the second star of the handle is their dog]: Jones 1907, No. 4:71-75 (quail in Lankford 2007 : 129-130; in Marriotte, Rachlin 1968:57-58).
Northeast. (Wed. Naskapi (mistasini) [boy cries, requires summer birds to shoot at them; people go hunting for Summer; don't want to take fisher, mustela pennati) with them, who is funny; the muskrat gnaws on the oars of the owners of Summer; lets a tree resembling an elk with horns on the water; the owners of Summer rush to catch it; only Sucker and Sturgeon remain to guard Summer; they they seal their mouths, carry Summer away; the owners start chasing, but their oars break; they catch up with the Fishing Marten; he says that enemies themselves will die if they try to burn or beat him; pretends to be afraid waters; he is thrown into the river; his pursuers shoot at him; he runs from a tree to the sky, turns into a Big Dipper; the second star of the bucket handle is where the arrow hit]: Speck 1925:28-31; 1935a : 66-69; Montagnier [in winter, the mother leaves her lousy son; the forest spirit saves him, takes him to his mother, calls her a monster; the boy cries as the spirit goes away; then like the nascapi; the muskrat gnaws through the bottoms boats; summer birds hang in bags on the walls of the fish dwelling; Porcupine, fishing marten are caught, they turn into a porcupine, a fishing marten; Sturgeon (whitefish) hit the tail of the Forest Marmot (woodchuck, Marmota monax), who jumped into the sky and became the North Star]: Desbarats 1969:35-41); seneca [at the time of the first humans there were 7 brothers, one was a lazy person; said he could not stand up, four suffered he was on a stretcher, one walking in front with a torch, one behind with a pot; the one in front noticed the traces of a bear; the man lying down asked him to drool so that they could give him some of their strength; five rushed after as a bear, the seventh began to collect firewood for the fire; the brothers said that they could not drag the lazy man, left him; he jumped up, rushed forward full of strength, hacked a bear with an ax, refreshed him; began to cook bear, saw that they were in the sky; blood and fat spilled, colored the autumn foliage; every year the bear comes to life and repeats itself; in the constellation Ursa Major, a man with a bowler hat is a star in the middle of the handle bucket]: Parker 1989 [1923], No. 4:81-82 (=Curtin 2001:503-504); mohawks [a huge bear chases away game; three brothers and a dog drove him away; arrows pierce the beast, blood drips, stains yellow and red fallen maple leaves; bear climbs a mountain, from there to the sky; becomes four stars of Ursa Major; hunter - three stars of the bucket handle; dog - star Ji-e (name dogs)]: Rustige 1988:32-34; Iroquois (group not specified) [hunters chase a bear; stone giants kill hunters; three remain alive, end up in the sky with the bear; the first a bow in his hands, a bowler hat at the second, a third picks up brushwood; hunters' arrows pierce the bear only in autumn; blood stains the foliage]: Smith 1883:81; mikmaq: Hagar 1900 [Chickady tracked down the bear (bucket Ursa Major), called for help from six more hunters; took a pot to cook meat; the pot (Alcor) is so important that others placed Chickady in the middle, putting one large hunter bird in front him, one behind to prevent Chickady from going on the wrong track (three stars of the handle); in spring, seven hunters begin to chase the bear; in early autumn, two Owls first, then the Blue Jay and the Dove are losing track (these stars, i.e. Boopas, are hiding beyond the horizon); Malinovka, Chikady, Blue Jay continue to chase; in the middle of autumn, Malinovka killed the bear with an arrow and immediately rushed at her to eat fat ; covered with blood, he flew to the maple tree and began to peel his feathers, but a red speck on his breast remained; blood splashes colored the autumn leaves; when Chickady and Malinovka began to cook meat in the cauldron, he came up lazy Blue Jay; he didn't spend his energy chasing and calculated to show up to share the loot]: 93-97 (quail in Monroe, Williamson 1987:19-20); Leland 1968 [(or passamaquoddy?) ; stars (Milky Way?) - the road of the dead; among them are three hunters who always chase bears]: 379; Whitehead 1988 [by Chretien LeclercQ (between 1675 and 1683) [Mikmaq's Big and Minor are also Big and Small Bears; three The guardians of the North Star is a boat with three people chasing a bear]: 233; penobscot [the hunter chases the bear until mid-September; pierces his heart with an arrow; the chikadi fills the bucket with blood, and when blood flows over the edge, it drips to the ground, coloring autumn leaves; when white bear fat drips, it turns into snow that covers the ground (The bear was trying to escape from a hunter who followed him until about the middle of September. In the meantime the chickadee with a kettle or dipper on his back was keeping close behind the hunter. When the hunter overtook the bear he put an arrow through the bear's heart. As the blood fell from his side, the chicadee filled his dipper until the blood overflowed and when it fell to the earth it redded the leaves as we now see then in autumn. The white grease then dripping from the bear's body became snow upon the earth - whence winter)]: Speck 1935b:19; Delaware [three hunters with a dog (star Alcor) chase a bear, find themselves in the sky; the bear's body is the four stars of the Ursa Major bucket; the severed bear's head is three stars outside the bucket; when a bear is killed, its fat falls to the ground, turns into dew drops on the fallen trees]: Speck 1945:56 (quoted in Gibbon 1972:243).
Plains. Sarsi: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 40 [Orion's belt ("three balls"); in the days before the flood, hunters crept up to three buffaloes; one dismounted and took aim, but at that moment the buffaloes climbed sky, hunter (star in front of the Orion Belt)], 41 [Pleiades ("many together") - seven or eight antelopes that rose to the sky when the hunter was about to shoot them; the bright star below {Aldebaran?} - hunter]: 49; grovanter [Orion Belt - three male bison; two stars below - hunters preparing to shoot them in the sky]: Kroeber 1908b: 280; wichita [early voice tells a man to kill a third deer; black, white and black and white deer jump out of the water; a man shoots black and white; the stars move, night and day alternate; three deer and The hunter has been visible in the sky ever since; it's three stars in a row {obviously Orion's Belt} and one behind them]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 1:26.
Southeast USA. Chirokee: Hagar 1900 [hunters lose track in winter; they find a bear in the spring, drive a bear across the sky in the summer, kill in the fall; they melt fat, and honeydew falls to the ground]: 98; 1906 [1) out of seven stars The Big Dipper is four, forming the bucket is a bear, the three star handles are hunters; the middle one carries the cauldron to cook the bear; from the den (Corona Borealis?) he comes out in spring; in summer, hunters drive him across the sky, kill him in August; at this time honeydew falls - his fat melted over the fire; 2) a group of hunters killed a bear and cooks its meat by the fire ; then they go home carrying a carcass; they lose their way, they find themselves in the sky; the next evening people see the Big Dipper for the first time]: 357.
California. Cahuilla [Orion Belt - mountain ram, Orion's sword - arrow fired, Rigel - hunter]: Hooper 1920:362; cahuilla (all groups), cupeño, luiseno [Orion - mountain sheep , left-handed hunter and arrow]: Drucker 1937a:26.
The Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [the same mountain sheep always escapes the hunter; he asks his younger brother to sit by the path; he sees a ram carrying an older child between his horns brother; understands that the ram himself is the brother's wife; while his wife is gone, the husband turns himself, brother and child into mountain sheep; the woman pursues them, shows her breasts to her son, her vulva to her husband; threw pieces of her own at them genitals, since then mountain rams have bloating at the back of their heads; they became three stars of the Orion Belt, a woman follows them]: 147-148; Lowie 1924, No. 12 [the antelope escapes two brothers again; married I saw that it was his wife, in antelope skin, who made her vulva marks similar to hoof prints; she put the baby on her horns; at home, his wife, as always, asked for tendons to be given to her, as if children love to play with them; brothers turn themselves and the child into an antelope, leave a scarecrow in their place; when she sees an antelope, the wife runs to tell her husband; when she sees that it is a scarecrow, that they were her men, she threw her vulva at her husband's antelope, hit the back of the head; Fly and Coyote's son shot at an antelope; a child antelope was hit by a fly, and Coyote proved that his son's arrow had hit; husband, child, husband's brother - three Wu'yuä'r ö stars seen in winter; the fourth behind is a woman]: 232-234 (Quail in Walker 1980:182-183); Southern Payutes: Fowler 1995:147 ( Las Vegas) [Orion Belt - three wild rams; Rigel (probably) is a shooter in cover; the star to the right of Orion's Belt is a hidden shooter; three stars above Orion's Belt (apparently Orion's head) - arrow (or rather its tip); Orion's Sword stars - broken arrow (probably the shaft of an arrow that pierced the middle of the rams)], 149 (kaibab group, northern Arizona) [Orion Belt is a mountain ram, but not real, but created by Coyote from pebbles; when Puma killed a mountain ram, Coyote said that (and) his son killed a ram; Orion's sword was Coyote's arrow; some other star was the arrow of Coyote's son], 149-150 [ there are other fragmentary evidence]; chemeuevi [three stars of the Orion Belt are three mountain rams; the one in the middle is pierced to the ground by the arrow of a blind hunter (Coyote?) ; arrow plumage - Orion's sword, tip - Orion's head; Betelgeuse, Rigel - hunters in ambush; Aldebaran, Sirius - beaters]: Fowler 1995:147-148; panamint [pakampotsa: arrow, identified with the Sword of Orion and flying into a mountain sheep, which is identified with the Orion Belt; wasüppin is the "Orion Mountain Sheep"]: Dayley 1989:182, 379 (the material was identified by M.A. Zhivlov); southern Utah [Orion Belt - mountain sheep or deer; {hunting is not mentioned}]: Gifford 1940, No. 2266:60.
The Great Southwest. Northeastern yavapai [Puma, Tiger (?) , Wild Cat hunts, Coyote cooks at home; chases four women who come, calling them lousy; returning hunters are angry, Coyote returns women; Bear comes for his wives, kills Coyote, The Tiger kills the Bear; the hunters revive the Coyote, who drives the women away again; the hunters chase them, they turn into mountain rams; the famous archer Kyamkisamajah kills all four with one with an arrow, they turn into a muu constellation (Mountain Sheep, part of Orion's Belt)]: Gifford 1933a: 381-382; western yavapai [Coyote lives with Puma, kidnaps Bear's wife; he comes for her, the Cougar kills him; the Coyote has three daughters; he asks one to bring him a knife, walk across the river in a deep place; the girl lifts up her clothes, the Coyote sees her vulva, rapes her; a mother with three their daughters fly to heaven, the Puma after them; the Coyote asks a blind archer to shoot one daughter; his arrow pierces the girl, almost hits the Puma; he turns red in anger - a red star; the constellation is called a muu]: Gifford 1933a: 413-414; mojave [three stars of the Orion Belt - mountain ram (his eye, body wound, anus); Canopus is an old hunter; his arrow pierced a ram; plumage - Orion's sword, the tip is three stars of Orion's head; the ram runs west, where Sirius, Canopus' young son, is waiting for him]: Fowler 1995:147; maricopa [three stars of the Orion Belt: deer (above the rest) a mountain ram (middle), an antelope (the lowest); a hunter (a star low above the southern horizon, apparently Sirius) shot a mountain ram; three stars to the east are the tip of his arrow, three in a line to the west ( Orion's sword?) - its plumage; the hunter seeks to go ahead of the ram, moves parallel to it across the sky]: Spier 1933:146-147; cocopa [Orion is a mountain sheep (without details)]: Gifford 1933b: 286; kiliva : Meigs 1939 [Memipáio has a son, Metáilkwa'ipáiv, who has two wives; the eldest is expecting a child; the youngest stepped over her husband out of envy so that menstrual blood dripped on him; he He killed her with a stick in her heart; blood splashed in the sun, now there are spots; he chased three wild sheep, they became three stars of the Orion Belt; Orion's sword is an arrow, another star next to her is its tip; Orion rises every night from the sea where the rams jumped; when he returned, his wife had already given birth to a son named Maikwiak; people killed his father, his son revived him; so twice; the third time cut to pieces; head - Valle Trinidad; body - slope towards the San Pedro Desert; right hand - trough on the other side {what?} ; there is no left hand, it was torn off; legs are two plains; the son killed evil people; in the sky he made a hut made of bent branches, but instead of branches, a rainbow; took a dog with him]: 69-78; Mixco 1985 [Man Lands (? Ser-del-Alrededor) was the father of the Underworld (Ser Subterráneo); the son always brought his father wild sheep, who ate bone marrow; once he did not find a bone marrow by touch (he is blind); son thinks why he doesn't eat the fried blood, the head he brought him; the father became angry; the next day the son ran south, north, west - got nothing; in the east he noticed sheep, chased, pierced with an arrow; these are three stars of the Orion Belt, landing across the Gulf of California in winter]: 342-343; diegueño: Drucker 1937a [Orion is a mountain ram, left-handed hunter and arrow]: 26; Gifford 1931 (kamia) [Amuh constellation (three stars of the Orion Belt) is a "mountain sheep"; more specifically, one star is an antelope, the second is a deer, and the third is a mountain sheep; two hunters, chemeuevi and yavapai, are sent to shoot, for they are the best of shooters, their arrows pierced the deer and the antelope; at the beginning of time, all three animals were killed by these two hunters, and the souls of all five were in the sky; hunters below Orion's Belt, arrow above]: 67-68; series [three stars of the Orion Belt - mountain ram; Sirius is the dog following him; Betelgeuse is an antelope]: Kroeber 1931:12; (cf. papago []: Mathiot 1973 [ce şo ñ: 'mountain sheep; one of the stars in Orion's Belt']: 73 (material identified and provided by M.A. Zhivlov); Western Apaches ( northern and southern tontos, San Carlos) [Orion Belt - mountain sheep; Betelgeuse (?) blushed because the hunter almost hit it; Orion's sword is an arrow]: Gifford 1940, No. 2266:60, 155; mescalero, lipan [Orion's belt is a deer, shot by a hunter]: Gifford 1940, No. 2266:60, 155.
Guiana. Lokono [The Milky Way is the tapir trail; the tapir chasing it and the jaguars chasing it have three dark spots on the Milky Way]: Roth 1915, No. 205:260; (cf. akawai or kariña of Guyana [Wawaya (wawa means sister or wife) takes Tapir as a lover; he promises to take her to where heaven meets earth; her Serikoai's husband (sirikio means star) climbs a tree for fruit; when he begins to descend, she cuts off his leg with an ax; his mother cares for him; he walks east on crutches in the footsteps of lovers; kills Tapir with an arrow, cuts off his head; V. and Tapir's spirit run to heaven, S. after them; V. turns into Pleiades, Tapir's head into Hyades (Aldebaran - eye), S. to Orion]: Brett 1880: 191-200, =Roth 1915, No. 211:265-266); Calinha: Magaña 1983, No. 1 [(Ahlbrinck 1931:433-44; =Jara, Magaña 1983:125); seven brothers chase tapir for a whole year; kill, fry, they return to the village; decide to go to heaven, because their sisters are late in cooking; they turn into Si:Rito (Pleiades), the head of the tapir (Maipuri Yuman) they took with them - into the Hyades, the lattice for roasting (Sirityo sura-ri) in Pegasus], 2 (Maroni County) [as in (1); the brothers' mother does not prepare food for them on time], 1 [two brothers, taking bows and arrows, go hunting curasso birds; they hunt in the sky and are always visible there (Southern Cross is the constellation Bird Curasso)]: 32, 35.
Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya [Baira creates land after the flood, helps people get out of the ground, kills his father-in-law, who turns into Tapir; B. goes to heaven, tells his nephews chase Tapir; they follow the trail of Tapir's excrement, it's getting fresher; Cayman carries them across the river, bites off their younger brother's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, reach out their leg; the Pleiades brothers , axe - Orion Belt, Hyades - Cayman's jaw, Milky Way - Tapir Trail]: Vickers 1989:161-167; Napo: Mercier 1979 [for a year, a person follows Tapir's trail; finds more and more fresh litter ; kills Tapir, cuts in half; the back part turns into a manatee, the front into a tapir; the Milky Way - Tapir Trail]: 49-51; Wavrin 1979 [two brothers kill their mother's monstrous Penis, their mother's lover; they go towards the Morning Star; Cayman takes them across the river, bites off the youngest's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, take out their leg, put them back; they follow Tapir for several years, find increasingly fresh droppings; the elder kills Tapir with a spear (the spear is now visible in the sky); the brothers chop Tapir; the back part turns into a manatee, the front into a tapir; later the brothers turn into a constellation ( Pleiades?)] : 65-66.
Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [Turtle boys throw Tapira from the tree not the fruits of the genipa, but the peel; he shakes them off the tree, tramples them, leaves; some are alive, follow Tapir's trail for a year, find everything fresher excrement; ends up in the sky; they kill Tapir, cut to pieces; they decide to stay in the sky; these are the Pleiades, rising after a constellation that eats Tapir's grilled meat]: 187-190; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [as in Münzel; after falling from a tree, some boys turn into turtles; they don't end up in the sky, but go up there after Tapir is killed]: 171-173; (cf. bakairi [tapir silhouette seen on the Milky Way]: Steinen 1897:324).
Chaco. Unless otherwise: game is an ostrich (nandu); hunters follow dogs. Matako [two brothers' dog chases a pack of nandu ostriches, they find themselves in the sky; one brother puts the other on his shoulders, they also go up to heaven; now they are two stars; they walk across the sky, continuing the chase]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 1:37; chorote [dogs chase a cougar; she climbs a tree and farther into the sky; hunters attach wings to dogs; a cougar descends back to the ground, killed hunters]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 135:254; toba: Lehmann-Nitsche 1935b [Nandu's neck begins at the Coal Bag, the body extends to Antares and Ophiuchus; then you can see a fan of tail feathers; 1) Nandu head - Coal Sack, α and β Centauri - boy hunter and dog]: 549; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 2 [three hunters; Nandu - Centaur constellation; 2) 4 Southern Cross stars - head (α - beak), and at the same time 2 dogs that clung to the neck], 7 [boy and girl]: 27-28, 40-41; 1989a, No. 13 (eastern toba) [Pinyolqa's brother and sister stayed in the forest eating honey obtained by their father, did not find a way home; the boy wanted to kill the bird, which warned that the cannibal was going to fry them; they pushed it into the fire themselves, cut its breasts, and there were two dogs {this is a European motive}; rainbow fish Magonalo sent a storm, people are running; dogs killed the rainbow; they chased the red nanda, he flew, they too, the children are behind them, everyone is now in the sky], 14 (eastern toba) [like (13)], 15 (eastern toba) [father tells Pinyolqa waits for him, leaves himself; at night, the beast man wants to eat them, the boy puts honey-smeared stakes in his mouth, he dies; as in (13); a huge snake with a sparkling tongue (rainbow?) blocks the path, the wind spews, dogs kill her, children take their tongue; as in (13)], 16 [husband and wife cannot feed their children, leave them in the forest; they hide from the jaguar in a tree, kill it with an arrow in the eye; as in (13; dogs kill a monster living near the lake)], 17 (eastern toba) [as in (13; the widow promises to marry the one who kills the Rainbow; the boy cuts off the monster's tongue; another person claims that he is a hero, but the boy shows his tongue)] and 19 (pilaga) [the boy and sister hunted battleships, their dogs drove Nanda, everyone was in the sky], 20 (pilaga) [as (19) , in short], 21 (eastern toba) [two men with two dogs drove nanda, nanda and dogs are now in heaven], 22 (eastern toba) [the dog in the forest gave birth to two boys; they drove Nanda, grabbed the tail, Nandu flew with them, and now they and Nandu can be seen in the sky], 23 (eastern toba) [the hunter drove Nanda, shot all his arrows, and now Nandu took off in the sky]: 24-27, 27-30, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40-41; mocovi: Guevara; Lozano in Rivera de Bianchi 1973 [dogs chase Nanda first on the ground, then across the sky (origin of a particular constellation; Coal Bags)]: 704; Wilbert, Simoneau 1988 [humans they kill the cannibal nanda; some constellations and nearby stars include this nanda and dogs], No. 5 and 10 [Milky Way], 6 and 9 [Southern Cross], 7 [some constellation], 8, 10 [the Milky Way is nandu, his head is big star; dogs drove him and grabbed him by the neck], 11 [parents went to collect honey, took the children; the boy put his hand in the hollow to get honey, his hand was stuck; the parents decided that the children were eaten by jaguars, left home; the boy pulled out his hand; wants to shoot the pigeon, he tells me not to shoot; warns that they will come to the house of nesogoy (witches); you will have to ask her to fan the fire herself, push it there; cut it off right chest, two dogs will jump out from there; dogs kill jaguars approaching children, catch game for children; children grew up to live with the king; dogs killed an underground lightning snake, the young man cut off its tongue; the black man said that he killed the snake, demanded the king's daughter; the young man showed his snake tongue belt; after the wedding, he was put on a bed with needles, he died; dogs dug him up from the grave, revived him; killed him nandu ogre; nandu and dogs are now visible in the sky; the dove is also in the sky, and brother and sister are left behind], 12:17-26, 26, 27-30, 31-33; vilela: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 5 [(Cipolletti ms); hunters surrounded Nanda the ogre, who was hiding in a hole under a tree; three chicks escaped and became snakes (the origin of snakes); Nanda was killed, his skeleton was the Milky Way], 10 [The Milky Way is the master of all Nandu; the star near his head is two dogs clutching his neck]: 17-19, 26.
The Southern Cone. Tehuelche [{links seem to be in the source, but I couldn't figure it out}; Patagonians saw the Milky Way as old hunters chase Nanda; or it's one hunter; Southern Cross - Nandu legs, Orion's Belt - abandoned bola; Magellanic Clouds - piles of nandu feathers collected by this hunter or someone else]: Müller 1867:256.