Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B42D. Tapir hunting. 59.61.68.

In the space hunt plot, the object of persecution is a bear. See motif B42.

Guiana. Lokono; (akawai or Guyanese carinha); kalinya.

Western Amazon. Siona, sekoya [Tapir wanted to be a god; caught worms, thought they were fish; Baina took out splinters to Tapira, he became a tapir, B. killed him; B. taught the tapir what to eat; cut it in half, the back made a manatee ("water tapir"), the blood made a demon; the Turtle had water in the tree to the sky; the squirrel cut off the branches, B. knocked down the tree, formed a river; gave people bananas, went to heaven; Pleiades nephews were told to chase the tapir; they find more and more fresh piles of tapir droppings, ask them when the tapir passed; when they cross the river in Cayman, the older brother calls him grandmother; the youngest says this is not the case; they killed the caiman, took out their leg; went up to heaven, became the Pleiades (Usebob√£i); the jaw of the caiman-Hyada; the handle of the axe with which they hacked the caiman is the Orion Belt; The Milky Way is a tapir road]: Vickers 1989:160-167; Napo.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura; (bakairi).