Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B42H. Orion's belt is game, hunter is another star.


Orion's belt is game; another star or group of stars within or outside Orion is a hunter.

Hottentots, Bushmen, Tibetans, Ancient India, Northern India (probably), Kalmyks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tuvans, Teleuts, Altaians, Telengits, Khakas, Shors, Tofalars, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Oirats, Darhats, Kukunor Olets, Khalkha Mongols, Sarsi, Grovantre, Wichita, Cahuilla, Cupeno, Luiseno, Northern Payut, Southern Payut, Chemeuevi, Panamint, Southern Utah {probably}, yavapai, mojave, maricopa, cocopa {probably}, diegueño (tipai, kamia), kiliwa, seri, western apache, mescalero, lipan.

SW Africa. Hottentots: Marshall 1975 [Schapera, The Khoisan People of South Africa, ch.14, reported Theophilus Hahn; the hunter is Aldebaran, the husband of women- Pleiades; zebras are two groups of three, six in total; the Pleiades told her husband not to return without prey; but he missed, and on the other hand, Leo is waiting, so Aldebaran cannot find an arrow; the Pleiades say to other men that they think in vain that they (women) are their equal]: 454; Schultze 1907:367f in Nilsson 1920 [three stars of the Orion Belt are three zebras; Orion's sword is a hunter who fires two arrows at the middle zebra]: 120; Bushmen! kung (Ju/wā NW of Botswana) [Orion belt - three zebras, male in the center, female at the edges or center, male along the edges; in narons, the first is male, followed by two females; the Great Magellanic Cloud - a grass meadow; the god Old Gaú is on it, he shot zebras, but the arrow did not reach (this is Orion's Sword)]: Marshall 1975:453-454.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Orion are three deer chased by a hunter who mercilessly exterminated living creatures; when they reached the cave where monk, poet and philosopher Milarepa lived, his mercy touched his mercy hunter, he became a Buddhist; deer, hunter and dog were carried to heaven]: Potanin in Okladnikov 1950:300.

South Asia. Vedas [Daksha made the first sacrifice, did not call Rudra; offended by this, R. Sati rushed into the fire; furious R. pierced the victim with an arrow; the victim became an antelope, rushed to heaven, now it is the constellation of Mrigashirsha (three stars of the Orion Belt); the star Ardra (α Orion, Betelgeuse) is a wild hunter who chases her]: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 3:18, 238 (note); Hinduism: Allen 1899 [Sirius is a hunter (Lubdhaka) who fired an arrow (Orion Belt) at a Praja-P&# deer 257; ti; also Saramā is one of two watchdogs on the Milky Way]: 119; Gibbon 1972 [Orion - Mriga, male deer; three stars of the Orion Belt - the arrow that pierced him]: 245; Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987 [ Prajapati, who took the form of a male antelope, was overtaken by Rudra, who blew his head off with an arrow or trident for his sinful intentions towards his daughter; this myth is read in constellations, one of which ( part of Orion) is called "Antelope" (mga) and "Antelope Head" (mgaširas)]: 701; see also Eggeling 1963:208-209, 284-285; Kramrish 1992:326; northern India, Hindi ["Stars Harina Harin. Hindu mothers teach children to distinguish between Deer and Doe in the sky {Y.V. Vasilkov: male and female of the same species, i.e. either deer and deer, or male and female fallow deer}; next to them is a constellation that looks like hunter with a bow and arrow. The Purva Chitti Apsara lived in the sky in Brahma's country. Once she was dancing and all the gods looked at her. Brahma fell in love and wanted to have it. He chased her and she turned into a doe. Then he turned into a deer and continued his pursuit. Shiva was furious about this behavior, took the form of Ardra (the constellation that the shooter represents) and decided to help the fallow deer. Brahma became frightened and stopped persecuting him. Now you can see them all in the sky"]: Crooke 1895, No. 517:182.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [three stars of the Orion Belt - Three Maralukhs {it is not specified whether the story of the sky hunt itself has been preserved}]: Basayev 2004:10.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Tarbagatay) [three Orion stars - Ush-arkar ("three stone rams"), the other three are Ush-Mergen ("three hunters"); seventh star - Multukning-agy (Rifle Bullet); hunters on the ground too many animals were killed; the sheep complained to God; he took them to heaven, the hunters also climbed the lasso]: Potanin 1972:54; Kyrgyz [Tootai hunter on horseback with a dog chases three argali; they took to heaven, became the Orion Belt, are still running away]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:350.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. For an overview of the Turkic-Mongolian versions, see Neklyudov 1980. Tuvans, Altaians: Dyakonova 1976 [Orion (Ush-Maigak - Altaians and Western Tuvans, "three maralukhs"; Kurbun Soga - southern Tuvans) is associated with a legend about a hunter who He chased maralukhs with a dog with an arrow and a bow in his hands; before and during the hunt, the hunter looked at Orion, especially at the star that marked the arrow, and treated her to tea]: 285; Tuvans : Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 1 [Oskus-ool ("Orphan Boy") chased three maralukhs, followed three dogs; maralukhs took to heaven; O. on a red stallion followed them into the Upper World, shot into the middle of maralukh; they turned into stars, the middle one is brighter than the rest; O., his stallion and three dogs also turned into stars]: 43; Potanin 1883, No. 38n [Kogudey-Mergen shot three maralukh (Ush-Myigak - Orion); his stallion is a big star that comes out after Orion]: 206; Teleuts: Potanin 1883, No. 38a [Kuguldey-Matyr drove three maralukhs on horseback; they rose to heaven; he left horse in the east (big star), shot twice; one of the star arrows is white, the other is red, bloody, piercing the maralukha; KM itself is also visible in the sky]: 204; Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [ Kajigei Mergen exterminated animals; chased three marals with his dogs, they ran across the sky, K. dismounted; one arrow passed by, the other pierced all three maralukh; one of the three dogs was enough maralukha by the leg]: 179-181; Nikiforov 1915:251 [Kanzhigei killed almost all the animals, left a maralukha with two cubs; an arrow pierced her, came out bloody; three stars of the Orion Belt - maralukha with cubs; under it K., an arrow above her, three dogs beside the maralukhi; the stars on the right are a hat and (away) an abandoned horse], 251-252 [Cogoldey exterminated animals, rose to heaven; Kudai created Uch-muigak for the test; the horse was tired, K. left it, the dog began to grab U. by the legs; the first arrow passed by, the second pierced W., came out bloody; both are visible]; Potanin 1883, No. 38b [ Kogol-Maiman drove three maralukh (Uch-Myigak; uch - "three", but described as one animal); one Orion star is his dog, the other is a golden eagle, the third is an arrow; the other three are the tail of a maralukh; KM hunters ask for good luck], 38c [Cogoldey promised to kill all the marals; for this God cursed him; three maralukhs became stars; Orion's fourth star is K. himself, the fifth is a horse, the sixth is an arrow, seventh is a dog]: 204; Surazakov 1982 [Kogyudey-Mergen meets six heroes in turn on the way (listening, moving mountains, jumping, shooter drinking a lake, throwing stones); KM hits them with a whip, they accompany him to matchmaking to Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter; she does not know which of the CM who has come; those who come are imprisoned in an iron or stone palace, heat it; a drunk lake pours water, cools the palace; others defeat the local strongman, learn about the trap pit, catch the failed ones; the Kaan kids are seven identical Kogyudey-Mergen going to a wedding; the North Star is the daughter of Ai-Kaan Altyn -Kyuskyu, wife of Kogyudey-Mergen; the red star above the constellation Three Maralukh is the KM arrow that spread the stomach of one of them]: 127-128, 134; telengits: Potanin 1883, No. 38g [the orphan was a clever hunter ( Mergen); said that he was shooting the beast not at God's command, but at his own will; drove Uch-Myigak, who rose to heaven, followed by a shooter, a horse, a dog; they and a bloody arrow can be seen among the stars], 38d [ Kobon Chagan chased Uch-muigak; fired a dog, then an arrow, it pierced the beast's heart; Uch muigak, a dog, an arrow can be seen in the sky]: 204-205; Shors [hero Kan-Yergek with nine dogs was chasing moose; he jumped into the sky, KE followed by a horse and three dogs; in the sky the horse was tired, KE let him go, he became a star; pierced the moose with an arrow; the pierced elk became a star; the arrow, KE, three dogs became Orion stars]: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 53:283 (quail in Dachshunds 1988:343); Khakas [Koketey climbed Sulu-Khaya Rock, took out a scoter egg laid for the first time; it gives birth to a winged Hubai-hus dog, but scoters always break and eat the first egg; no one can escape from X., K. got rich; after getting drunk, he sold H. to the Mongolian Khan; he ordered H. to get the invincible arsylan ( lion), gave his son the raw heart of a lion, the son recovered; H. fell off the chain, ran, drove a maralukha with two marals; K. rushed after them; three marals asked the owner of the lake to save them, she lured H. under water ; K. cursed the marals; they turned into three rocks in the middle of the swamp, their souls are the three stars of the Orion Belt, Us Muygah; H. is Koketey Adailary (Orion's sword), K. himself is Sirius, Koketey Chyltys; lasts eternal chase in heaven; at the end of the world, H. will descend from the sky, his barking will spread across the Yenisei Valley]: Butanayev, Butanayeva 2001:59-61 (=Butanayev 1975:236-237); Tofalars: Katanov 1891 [=1907:640; yes the constellation ush myigak (three red deer); one of the three stars is a human, the other is a red deer, the third is an arrow (bullet)]: 51; Rassadin 1996, No. 2 [the hunter let two dogs after three maralukhs, the burkhan took them to sky; the hunter came for them, tied his horse, hit the middle maralukha with a bullet]: 9-10; the Baikal Buryats (Balagan) [Hohoosei Mergen drove three maralukh; they began to rise to heaven, he shot them to catch up; deer became the constellation Gurban Maral (Orion); the arrow (three stars) is visible below Orion]: Khangalov 1960, No. 10:16 (retelling in Sharakshinov 1980:57); Baikal Buryats: P.P. Batorov (archive) in Zhambalova 2000 (Alar Buryats) [Huhedei Mergen drove three marals, followed them to heaven, shot them all with one arrow through; they became Orion; below are three stars smaller - his dogs; a reddish star above Orion is a bloody arrow; H. remained in the sky, sometimes shooting thunder and lightning, making shamans those he hits]: 283; Potanin 1883, No. 38l (Alar) [Gurun-Baryk or Gurun-Gurogen are three stars side by side; below them are three Kogodey-Mergen dogs guarding animals; KM put them all in heaven as people remember themselves; he stands aside a horse; to the right of Orion is an arrow (red star) that shot through the middle roe deer; KM was sent from the sky to save people from Mangyt-Khai, who killed all but seven old women]: 206; Rinchen to Sharakshinov 1980 [Huhuday Mergen drove three maralukh; hit the middle with an arrow, the arrow is still visible; calves ran after the maralukhs, followed by XM dogs Asar and Basar; seven elders for dogs; seven elders; everything is now visible in the form of constellations]: 58; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Khorin) [Orion is "three deer"; to the right of the three stars is a bright star; this is an old man chasing deer; below are his three hunting dogs]: Potanin 1893:328; darhats [the hunter who shot Gurba Sogo was called Kobyundei Mergen]: Potanin 1883, No. 38i: 205; Oirats (derbuts) [Kokde-Mergen on a white horse Kobon chased Gurba Maral (three maralukhs) with two dogs]: Potanin 1883, No. 38e: 205; Kukunor flies [Orion is "having dogs Asyr and Basyr and two birds shot through Gurban Maral in the middle of Gurban Maral (i.e. . three maralukh) with an arrow from a quiver"; the informant made a symmetrical drawing, in which the two stars at the top are two arrows]: Potanin 1893:327; Khalkha-Mongols: Potanin 1883, No. 38zh (Kobdo) [ Koguldey-Mergen on horseback, with the dogs Asyr and Basyr, chased Gurba Maryl (or Gurba Sogo) with an arrow - three maralukhs; they ran to the mountain where Saint Mele-Burkhyn was sitting; he He took them all to heaven]: 205; 1893 [for Orion, the name "three maralukhs" is ubiquitous]: 326.

Plains. Sarsi [Orion's belt ("three balls"); before the flood, hunters crept up to three buffaloes; one dismounted and took aim, but at that moment the buffaloes took to heaven, their hunter (asterisk in front of the Orion Belt)]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 40:49; grovanter [Orion's Belt - three male bison; two stars below are hunters in the sky preparing to shoot them]: Kroeber 1908b: 280; wichita [at the beginning of time, a voice tells a man to kill a third deer; black, white, and black and white deer jump out of the water; a man shoots black and white; the stars move night and day begin to alternate; three deer and a hunter have been visible in the sky ever since; these are three stars in a row {obviously Orion's Belt} and one behind them]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 1:26.

California. Cahuilla [Orion Belt - mountain ram, Orion's sword - arrow fired, Rigel - hunter]: Hooper 1920:362; cahuilla (all groups), cupeño, luiseno [Orion - mountain sheep , left-handed hunter and arrow]: Drucker 1937a:26.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [the same mountain sheep always escapes the hunter; he asks his younger brother to sit by the path; he sees a ram carrying an older child between his horns brother; understands that the ram himself is the brother's wife; while his wife is gone, the husband turns himself, brother and child into mountain sheep; the woman pursues them, shows her breasts to her son, her vulva to her husband; threw pieces of her own at them genitals, since then mountain rams have bloating at the back of their heads; they became the three stars of the Orion Belt, the woman follows them]: 147-148; Lowie 1924, No. 12 [the antelope escapes two brothers again; married I saw and saw that it was his wife, in antelope skin, who made her vulva marks that looked like hoof prints; she put the baby on her horns; at home, his wife, as always, asked for her tendons, as if children love to play with them; brothers turn themselves and the child into an antelope, leave a scarecrow instead; when she sees an antelope, the wife runs to tell her husband; when she sees that it is a scarecrow, she chases the antelope herself; realizing that they were her men, she threw her vulva at her husband's antelope, hit the back of the head; Fly and Coyote's son shot at an antelope; a child antelope was hit by a fly, and Coyote proved that his son's arrow had hit; husband, child, husband's brother - three Wu'yuä'r ö stars seen in winter; the fourth behind is a woman]: 232-234 (Quail in Walker 1980:182-183); Southern Payutes: Fowler 1995:147 ( Las Vegas) [Orion Belt - three wild rams; Rigel (probably) is a shooter in cover; the star to the right of Orion's Belt is a hidden shooter; three stars above Orion's Belt (apparently Orion's head) - arrow (or rather its tip); Orion's Sword stars - broken arrow (probably the shaft of an arrow that pierced the middle of the rams)], 149 (kaibab group, northern Arizona) [Orion Belt is a mountain ram, but not real, but created by Coyote from pebbles; when Puma killed a mountain ram, Coyote said that (and) his son killed a ram; Orion's sword was Coyote's arrow; some other star was the arrow of Coyote's son], 149-150 [ there are other fragmentary evidence]; chemeuevi [three stars of the Orion Belt are three mountain rams; the one in the middle is pierced to the ground by the arrow of a blind hunter (Coyote?) ; arrow plumage - Orion's sword, tip - Orion's head; Betelgeuse, Rigel - hunters in ambush; Aldebaran, Sirius - beaters]: Fowler 1995:147-148; panamint {on identifying the shooter with There is no data for a specific star, but most likely like neighboring chemeuevi} [pakampotsa: an arrow identified with Orion's Sword and flying at a mountain sheep identified with Orion's Belt; wasü ; ppin - "Mountain Sheep Orion Belt"]: Dayley 1989:182, 379 (material identified by M.A. Zhivlov); Southern Utah [Orion Belt - mountain sheep or deer; {hunting is not mentioned}]: Gifford 1940, No. 2266:60.

The Great Southwest. Northeastern yavapai [Puma, Tiger (?) , Wild Cat hunts, Coyote cooks at home; chases four women who come, calling them lousy; returning hunters are angry, Coyote returns women; Bear comes for his wives, kills Coyote, The Tiger kills the Bear; the hunters revive the Coyote, who drives the women away again; the hunters chase them, they turn into mountain rams; the famous archer Kyamkisamajah kills all four with one with an arrow, they turn into a muu constellation (Mountain Sheep, part of Orion's Belt)]: Gifford 1933a: 381-382; western yavapai [Coyote lives with Puma, kidnaps Bear's wife; he comes for her, the Cougar kills him; the Coyote has three daughters; he asks one to bring him a knife, walk across the river in a deep place; the girl lifts up her clothes, the Coyote sees her vulva, rapes her; a mother with three their daughters fly to heaven, the Puma after them; the Coyote asks a blind archer to shoot one daughter; his arrow pierces the girl, almost hits the Puma; he turns red in anger - a red star; the constellation is called a muu]: Gifford 1933a: 413-414; mojave [three stars of the Orion Belt - mountain ram (his eye, body wound, anus); Canopus is an old hunter; his arrow pierced a ram; plumage - Orion's sword, the tip is three stars of Orion's head; the ram runs west, where Sirius, Canopus' young son, is waiting for him]: Fowler 1995:147; maricopa [three stars of the Orion Belt: deer (above the rest), a mountain ram (middle), an antelope (lowest); a hunter (a star low above the southern horizon, apparently Sirius) shot a mountain ram; three stars to the east are the tip of his arrow, three in a line to the west ( Orion's sword?) - its plumage; the hunter seeks to go ahead of the ram, moves parallel to it across the sky]: Spier 1933:146-147; cocopa [Orion is a mountain sheep (without details)]: Gifford 1933b: 286; kiliva : Meigs 1939 [Memipáio has a son, Metáilkwa'ipáiv, who has two wives; the eldest is expecting a child; the youngest stepped over her husband out of envy so that menstrual blood dripped on him; he He killed her with a stick in her heart; blood splashed in the sun, now there are spots; he chased three wild sheep, they became three stars of the Orion Belt; Orion's sword is an arrow, another star nearby is its tip; Orion rises every night from the sea where the rams jumped; when he returned, his wife had already given birth to a son named Maikwiak; people killed his father, his son revived him; so twice; the third time cut to pieces; head - Valle Trinidad; body - slope towards the San Pedro Desert; right hand - trough on the other side {what?} ; there is no left hand, it was torn off; legs are two plains; the son killed evil people; in the sky he made a hut made of bent branches, but instead of branches, a rainbow; took a dog with him]: 69-78; Mixco 1985 [Man Lands (? Ser-del-Alrededor) was the father of the Underworld (Ser Subterráneo); the son always brought his father wild sheep, who ate bone marrow; once he did not find a bone marrow by touch (he is blind); son thinks why he does not eat the fried blood, the head he brought him; the father became angry; the next day the son ran south, north, west - he got nothing; in the east he noticed sheep, chased pierced with an arrow; these are three stars of the Orion Belt, landing across the Gulf of California in winter]: 342-343; diegueño: Drucker 1937a [Orion is a mountain ram, left-handed hunter and arrow]: 26; Gifford 1931 (kamia) [Amuh constellation (three stars of the Orion Belt) is a "mountain sheep"; more specifically, one star is an antelope, the second is a deer, and the third is a mountain sheep; two hunters, chemeuevi and yavapai, are sent to shoot, for they are the best of shooters, their arrows pierced the deer and the antelope; at the beginning of time, all three animals were killed by these two hunters, and the souls of all five were in the sky; hunters below Orion's Belt, arrow above]: 67-68; series [three stars of the Orion Belt - mountain ram; Sirius is the dog following him; Betelgeuse is an antelope]: Kroeber 1931:12; Western Apaches (northern and southern tontos, San Carlos) [Orion Belt - Mountain Sheep; Betelgeuse (?) blushed because the hunter almost hit it; Orion's sword is an arrow]: Gifford 1940, No. 2266:60, 155; mescalero, lipan [Orion's belt is a deer, shot by a hunter]: Gifford 1940, No. 2266:60, 155.