B42K. Space hunting - Pleiades.
In stories about space hunting, the object of persecution or hunters is identified with the Pleiades. See motif B42.
Temne [hen with chickens], Western Sami [old hunter], Khakas [ducks], Tundra Nenets [hunters], Northern Khanty [hunters], Nganasans [hunters], Evens [wild sheep], Koryaks [deer], Northern Alaska Inupiate [hunters], McKenzie estuary (?) [bear], copper [bear], netsilic [hunters], igloolik [bear and dogs], polar [bear and dogs], West and East Greenland [bear barking dogs], quakiutl [sea otter], quarry [caribou], (chilcotin [moose?] , Thompson [animals?]) , sarsi [antelopes], akawai or carinha [hunters], kalinya [hunters], Siona and Sekoya [hunters], napo (?) [hunters], kamayura [hunters].
West Africa. Temne [Thomas 1916:179: "They only know the Masare constellation - probably the Pleiades and/or Orion, although no one has been able to show it to me, and the indications of when to see it are contradictory; M. is a man . shooting at a bird or a sacred bush in which buffaloes; when they shoot, meteors fall and it starts to rain; so we are talking about April"; Spieth: "Koklovino is a constellation in which small stars are small - chickens, and the big one is their mother; it is on the left and at a great distance from Dzeretsia; D. is holding a stretched bow aimed at a hen with chickens; D. is a large constellation (gröβte Stern); he is determined when he works in the field; he is represented by a man with two legs, two arms, and a penis; he has a tattoo of three men on his belt; he has a stretched bow; the constellation (Stern) comes in once a year immediately after sowing yams; rises in the east, sets in the west; when the highest, then yams are sown; when the constellation disappears, it starts to rain; it says that "D. stepped into the water with his foot"; if At sunrise, snakes will be the first to see him, and in the coming year people will die from diseases; if monkeys, the year will be peaceful "]: Hirschberg 1929:326-327.
Baltoscandia. Sami [Pleiades: Sarvaagalba "bull deer+shield" (?) , Roavggut is "pelt rug", Nieidagearregat is a "conference of girls", Boares aahku is "an old woman (who chases a moose deer with her dogs)": Porsanger 2005:26-27.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [hunter Tülün-hara chased seven blue ducks for seven years, they rose to heaven and became the Pleiades; the Kyzyl people call the Pleiades Örek Uyazi or Hus Uyazi (Dutinoye nest); T. turned into Aldebaran, he still hunts]: Butanayev 1975:238 (=2003:48).
Western Siberia. Nganasany: Dolgikh, Feinberg 1960 [the Orion constellation is called Sain-Marse; it is a man with an onion in his hands; the Pleiades are called Dunade; these are people who fish wild deer; a larger star wild deer, the rest are hunters; it is believed that Saint-Marcay missed a wounded deer to Dunade; one of the stars behind Dunade is the arrow that Sain-Marset missed a wild deer; so about the constellation Orion says: "Saint Marset, whose wild deer was stolen by Dunade"]: 51; Popov 1984 [1) The Little Bear (Seven Stars) are hunters who catch wild deer with nets; there is a vazhena with a calf in front, and a calf in the back lurking hunters; 2) Pleiades are wild deer hunters with nets; they say they catch the souls of dead people and killed deer with nets]: 48; tundra Nenets [they do not know the Russian name of the Pleiades constellation it is usually called "many little stars"; the names Pleiades "share the thigh of a wild deer" and the Milky Way "wild deer share fat"]: Adayev 2015:211-212; Northern Khanty (Kazim, A.M. Moldanov) ["Ho's power is also our people. He was chasing a six-legged elk, now stars in the sky. I cut off two of his legs with a sword so people could catch up. Kurng Voy is the Big Dipper, the song is about her." The power of ho hot - Pleiades" (A.M. said: "Where there are many stars". T.A., who knows the starry sky well, explained that these are the Pleiades)"]: Lukina 2010:222; (cf. Chum salmon [like Samoyed Ostyaks, Pleiades stars {usually Ursa Major - almost certainly a mistake} show four legs of an elk, and next to a Tungus, who failed to kill an elk, then killed an elk ket {Yenisei ostyak}, and finally a Nenets {yurak} who shot an elk but missed]: Donner 1933:82).
Eastern Siberia. Evens: Burykin 2001, No. 22 [mystery: three people have been chasing a snow sheep all their lives on foot, and they are not far behind or catching up (Pleiades)]: 113; Robbeck 2005 [three strong heroes left nothing alive, only 5 snow sheep remain; Arisag (translated as hell) sent sheep to heaven, telling the heroes that they could not catch up with them; 5 rams are visible in the sky running away from a dog with a leash and three heroes ; {rams - Pleiades, three hunters - Orion's Belt, dog on a leash - Orion's Sword?}] : 211.
SV Asia. Koryaks (reindeer and coastal?) [The Pleiades are a group of deer aimed at by the skillful shooter Rultejet (Orion)]: Bogoraz 1939:28-29.
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Peet 1895 in Gibbon 1964 [Aldebaran is a polar bear chased by pleiade hunters]: 245; Spencer 1959 (tareumiut) [Pleiades - hunters]: 258; McKenzie estuary [hunters with dogs chase a bear, find themselves in the sky, now visible among the stars]: Ostermann 1942:78; copper: MacDonald 1998 [apparently all the way to the area west of Coronation Gulf Pleiades were occasionally associated with polar bears and hunting]: 70; Jenness 1922 [hunters with dogs chased a bear (Pleiades), they all ended up in the sky (Aldebaran with surrounding stars); but usually for the Pleiades, the name is Agietat (meaning unknown)]: 179; netsilic: MacDonald 1998 (Coronation Gulf) [Aldebaran and Hyades are a hunter with dogs, the Pleiades are a bear]: 70-71; Rasmussen 1931:211 and 385 [three brothers chase a bear on a sledge; their newly born sister looks at them, they turn into the Pleiades; a star is a dog chasing a bear; another, lame dog, is reddish star behind the first one], 263 [hunters chase a bear on a sled; one jumped off to pick up a fallen mitten; Pleiades means Chasing a Bear]; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 10 [dogs they chase a bear on the ice; everyone is in the sky; the bear is the largest star among the Pleiades, dogs are its surroundings]: 173; MacDonald 1998 (Pelly Bay) [Pleiades is a bear surrounded by dogs]: 70; Polar Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 265 [=Holtved]: 488-489; Holtved 1951, No. 6 [two var.; husband and wife got into a fight, wife went to the mountains, got to the Bear; he feeds her seal, asks not to tell at home about the meeting because he feels sorry for his children; at home, the wife whispers to her husband where the bears are; the husband goes hunting; the bear comes, tears off the woman's head, walks, giving her like a ball; dogs chase him; they all take to heaven, turn into Pleiades]: 50-55; Kroeber 1899, No. 10 [dogs chase a bear, find themselves in the sky, are now visible as stars; the bear is the Pleiades]: 173-174; Western and Eastern Greenland [Pleiades - dogs barking a bear]: MacDonald 1998:70; (cf. Labrador, Greenland Eskimos [like an igloolik; Orion instead of the Pleiades]: Kroeber 1899, No. 10:173; MacDonald 1998 [Kreber was wrong: the Orion Belt is associated with hunters, and dogs and bears are associated with the Hyads and Aldebaran]: 70); (cf. Baffin's Land: Boas 1888 [(=1964:228-229); three hunters with a sleigh take a boy with them, chase a bear; a boy falls out of a sleigh; talks in the village like a bear and him hunters took to heaven; bear - Betelgeuse, hunters - Orion Belt, sleigh - Orion's Sword]: 636-637; 1901-1907, No. 10 [hunters in seven or ten dog sleds chase a bear, climb to the sky, turn into stars; one lost his mitten]: 174-175).
NW Coast. Quakiutl [Orion is a hunter, owner of the fog; in another Pleiades story, a sea otter chased by hunters who became Orion]: Boas 1966:306.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 7 [see motive K47; the chief's daughter gives birth to puppies - four (or three) males and a female; people abandon her; the mother hears children's voices; leaves her torches burning by the river, finds sons, throws dog skins into the fire; daughter Upitz manages to pull her own, remains a dog; brothers bring a lot of meat and fish; people come back; one day the game disappears; the youngest gives the old woman instead of fat is rotten; she says: Let the caribou take you to the sky where you belong; the dog sister drives the caribou up the mountain, they all end up in heaven; brothers turn into four the stars of the Ursa Major bucket; in front of them W., even further away from the Caribou, turned into the Pleiades; a bright star below B. Bears - fallen luggage when brothers tried to make a rope out of their belts and go down to the ground; (Var. from the Fraser River: three brothers continue to chase the caribou in the sky; Blue Jay teaches them to tie belts, go down; tells you not to look if they hear a noise; they look, everyone turns into stars; Orion's Belt is the remnants of their meal; seeing new stars, the mother of the children commits suicide)], 66 [young man woke up and saw that Yashte (the Big Dipper, who determines the time) was barely moving; shouted to him that one leg was short; in the afternoon his dog drove the bear, chasing him unsuccessfully all day long; at sunset, we saw an old man sitting on a stump; he explained that he was walking slowly, but the young man did not catch up with him; the young man returned home, and Yashte returned to heaven]: 137-141, 248-249; Munro 1946 (western 1943) [the chief (Toeneza; "a prominent man generally known as a chief") has a 20-year-old daughter Sak-esta; she had a dream that frightened her; so twice; after that she became pregnant and gave birth to four puppies; her parents They told everyone to leave the camp and leave her daughter alone without fire; but a man named Raven hid the fire for her in an old moccasin; she began to catch rabbits, the children grew up quickly; she saw their tracks in the hearth - human traces; she left her clothes {put on a stump}, went to the house from the other side herself; grabbed the dog's skins, threw it into the fire, but one of the children remained in dog form; began to hunt together with their brothers; when they first saw a bear in a hollow, they began to hunt bears; in the spring, the Raven came to see how things were doing; the woman gave him meat and fat for his family, told others not to tell anything; the youngest child choked and a piece of fat fell into the fire; it turned out that people had returned, the woman fed her mother; and the children gave the elderly grandmother a rotten tree wrapped in skin; she cursed them: let will leave and never return; at dawn, the mother saw seven moose rise into the sky, followed by a dog and three young men; they have since been seen in spring on the eastern edge of the sky; seven moose are the Pleiades {hunters - Belt Orion?} ; the mother pierced the old woman's heart with a willow skewer and threw it into the sky; told her to become a Morning Star]: 99-104; (cf. chilcotin [{the text is clearly similar to the text quarry in Munro 1946, so it is likely that the elk is the Pleiades}; three young men hunt with two dogs; give their blind grandmother a rotten tree under the guise of caribou liver; she witches, they can no longer descend from the sky; the elder tells them to cover themselves with blankets, not to look; they start to descend, but the youngest peeks, they turn into three stars (probably Orion Belt); dogs and elk are also visible among the stars; the Morning Star is their grandmother holding a torch]: Farrand 1900, No. 15:31; Thompson [Pleiades are called "bunch" (bunch or cluster); following their star is a "dog following the trail"]: Teit 1900:341).
Plains. Sarsi [Pleiades ("many together") are seven or eight antelopes that took to the sky as the hunter was about to shoot them; the bright star below {Aldebaran?} - hunter]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 41:49.
Guiana. Hunters - Pleiades. Akawai or carinha; kalinya.
Western Amazon. Hunters - Pleiades. Siona, sekoya; napo?
Southern Amazon. Hunters - Pleiades. Kamayura.