Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B42N. Orion is one person .10.12.-.



Orion constellation is identified with a man, usually a giant, warrior, hunter.

Hottentots, Temne, Bambara, Scrap, Manja, Sudanese Arabs, Tuaregs, Ancient Egypt, Latins, Basques, Irish, Sumer, Old Testament, Arameans, Arabs (written tradition), Hadramaut, Pitjanjara, Western Australia, Virageri, Euahlayi, Kamilaroi, Maori, Miri, Tibetans (Amdo), Bataks, Nias, Clementan, Western Toraja, Puyuma (?) , ami (?) , paywan (?) , Bukidnon, Ancient Greece, Armenians, Sami, Nganasans, Central and Northeastern (Kolyma) Yakuts, Yerbogachen Evenks, Chukchi, Koryaks (reindeer and coastal?) , Asian Eskimos, Copper, Baffin Land, Quakiutl, Ojibwa, Navajo, Guajiro, Sicuani, Makiritare, Panara, Carinha na Orinoco, Akawai or Carinha Guyana, Kalinya, Galibi, Lokono, Palicur, Makushi, wapishana, trio, akuryo, desana, chikuna, amuesha, ashaninka, chiriguano.

SW Africa. The Hottentots [The Pleiades are Orion's wives, who put him out because he missed and did not catch the game]: Sicard 1966:44.

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Como [Mokúphé constellation of five stars - head, two arms, two legs; near Orion in the constellation Hare; next to his wife (three stars); when M. is on the horizon in the evening, it's time to clear for sowing plot; in front of it, the Pleiades is a "machete basket"; Ursa Major is Abálu-bálu; in the structuring of the year, the Ursa Major is less important than Mokúphé and the Pleiades]: Mahieu 1973:3, 6, 9 ).

West Africa. Temne [Thomas 1916:179: "They only know the Masare constellation - probably the Pleiades and/or Orion, although no one has been able to show it to me, and the indications of when to see it are contradictory; M. is a man , shooting at a bird or a sacred bush in which buffaloes; when it shoots, meteors fall and it starts to rain; so we are talking about April"; Spieth: "Koklovino is a constellation with small stars - chickens, and the big one is their mother; it is on the left and at a great distance from Dzeretsia; D. is holding a stretched bow aimed at a hen with chickens; D. is a large constellation (gröβte Stern); he is determined when he works in the field; he is represented by a man with two legs, two arms, and a penis; he has a tattoo of three men on his belt; he has a stretched bow; the constellation (Stern) comes in once a year immediately after sowing yams; rises in the east, sets in the west; when the highest, then yams are sown; when the constellation disappears, it starts to rain; it says that "D. stepped into the water with his foot"; if At sunrise, D. will be the first to see snakes, and in the coming year people will die from diseases; if monkeys, the year will be peaceful "]: Hirschberg 1929:326-327; Bambara (southern Mali) [Sirius is a dog, Orion - hunter, Pleiades and Hyades - Bintu and komo antelope]: Pâques 1964:166; scrap [axe-handle man]: Schwab 1947:413.

Sudan - East Africa. Cuff [Orion is Seto's cultural hero with his hands up, looking at the Pleiades, a group of girls he wants to master and who will later become his wives; Orion's Belt is his penis; neighbors The gang's manja is also called Orion Seto]: Sicard 1966:44; Sudanese Arabs [Aby Raya; looks like waving a flag; he has two wives, the Pleiades (El Tiraya) and Scorpio (El Agrab) {on the celestial realm The Pleiades and Scorpion's tail are at opposite ends, 180 o}; when he was walking from one another, four villains came out to meet him and stabbed him with 4 darts (Orion's Belt) {why 4 instead of 3?} ; the villains don't know if they killed AR or not, so they're waiting and watching; these are Sirius, Procyon, Canopus, and Aldebaran (or Capella)]: Aglen 1936:355.

North Africa. Tuaregs: Basset 1910 [this is Duveyrier 1864:424, where is the same; Orion 1) a man coming out of a tinny well is still pulling one leg (Rigel) out of the mud; 2) (Ahaggar and Tadjebest en Amanar) gazelle hunter (Hare constellation), Sirius is his dog]: 16; Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989 [Orion is "guide"; Orion's sword is his genital organ, Rigel is one of his legs, left and right hands are Betelgeuse and Bellatrix; the Pleiades ("daughters of the night") are the wives of Aldebaran and Orion; six women, and the seventh star is a boy from whom Orion took his eye in payment for a portion of Boerhavia grain spp. ]: 145; Ancient Egypt [Mountains in a boat; Osiris]: Allen 1899:307-308.

Southern Europe. Latins [(various Greek and Roman authors); Orion is a giant, warrior, hunter]: Allen 1899:304-306; Basques [Soldadua; Three Thieves]: Knörr 2001:412

Western Europe. The Irish [Caomai - 'armed king']: Allen 1899:310

Western Asia. Sumer, Babylonia: Kurtik 2007:123 [Dumuzi as a shepherd Ana is identified with Orion], 445-454 [SIPA.ZI.AN.NA (Var. SIPA.AN.NA) is a constellation in Orion; navel - α (Betelgeuse), crown - λ (Head of Orion), ν (below the Sword) - right hand; Righteous Shepherd Anu, was depicted as a bearded male being in a long cloak and usually wearing a horned hat with a rod in one hand and the other hand extended along the body {it is not clear how to combine this with Orion's usual outline}]; Arameians [Gabbārā - "giant"]: Allen 1899:306-307; Arabs (written tradition): Ahmad ibn Majid 1985 [Ahmad ibn Majid's "The Book of Benefits of the Fundamentals and Rules of Marine Science", written in 1475-1490: "The Curl {Orion Belt} - this is the top of the image of the Motley Sheep, also referred to as the image of Luckman, the Giant, and Two Pile of Pearls <... > This image was used to be worshiped in the time of Ignorance as an image of a man standing with his head to the northwest and his feet to the southeast; he has a girded belt with a sword on his belt: Some nomadic Arabs call this belt Skewers"]: 259-260; Rosenfeld 1962 (in the Biruni catalog) [Orion is a "giant"]: 184; Old Testament: Allen 1899 [apparently "giant"; same in later Jewish tradition]: 308-309 (=Krappe 1938:154); Job, 9.9 (translation and comm. L.E. Kogan, personal report on April 21, 2014) ["Created as, Kecil and Hima"; these are the Pleiades - "family", Orion - "squirt or fool", Big Dipper - "lioness"]; Hadramaut [Orion - "knight, rider", "giant" ]: M.A. Rodionov, 2006, personal report.

Australia. Pitjanjara [the old man pursues seven sisters; they create a man's teeth-pulling ceremony along the way; the old man outlines sacred points on the ground with his spear; creates around the fleeing a ring of steep cliffs; girls jump into a pond, an old man drowns them there; the girls are the Pleiades, the old man is Orion]: Waterman 1987, No. 270:34; Western Australia [a female organizer played the role of Njuru ( Orion men), who chased his sisters across Western Australia; the sisters hid in a cave, but Orion still caught and raped one of them; because the girl was the (classification) sister of Father N. , this act is considered incest, and she fell ill and died; the remaining 6 sisters kept running away; stopped and sat on the ground, and N. sent his penis to one of them underground; but the women let the dogs down, they they bit off their penis and it became an independent creature Jula]: Johnson 2011:293; Virageri, Euahlayi, Kamilaroi and neighboring groups [Orion is an anthropomorphic figure]: Leaman, Hamacher 2019:6-8.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori [the heavenly maiden went down to bird hunter Taotoru every night; contrary to the ban, he wanted to see her face, looked at her in the morning, she flew away forever; while hunting, T. fell from trees and shattered; seeing many birds gathered from above his body, the heavenly wife mourned him and let his relatives know T.'s death; they carried T. to the village, but Tane took him to heaven and made him Orion constellation; it also has flowers (cluster of flowers) and bird snare; small stars are many pigeons around]: Reed 1999:210-211.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tibetans (Amdo) [the red star Gachari was jealous of his wife (Pleiades) of Orion and lowered a stone on his back; this constellation in the middle has since been broken]: Potanin 1893:327; miri [ Orion's belt is a young man or boy chasing Pleiade girls across the sky]: Hutton 1925:114.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki [Orion (more precisely Orion's Belt with the Sword) is the "grandfather of the big snake"]: Maaβ 1921:46; Nias [begins after the Pleiades sunrise; these are seven children who have risen to heaven; parents and slave (Orion) followed them]: Loeb 1935:139; Clementan [daughter of Palai (Pegasus constellation) fell in love with an earthly young man Lafaang (Orion), brought her to her place, his father allowed marriage; L. puts food in her mouth not with a needle, like laid in the sky, but with his hands; must clear the area, putting an ax near the trees, instead cutting himself; a fallen tree tore off his arm; his wife is pregnant, but L. decided to return to the ground; his wife sprouted sugarcane and banana roots, lowered it on the vine; before reaching the ground, L. heard the scream of a newborn baby, wanted to go back, but not picked it up; he did not throw cane and bananas on the ground, but planted so they are worse than they were in heaven; died on earth, but the constellation of his name (without an arm) is now in the sky]: Hose, MacDougall 1912 (2): 139-141; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938 (4) [Kawatuna: seven children - Pleiades, one of them turned into rice; Sigi: the wife turned into rice, the husband into the Orion Belt; Koro: The Pleiades woman told her son to prepare fields on seven hills, began to ride on the slopes, rice grew]: 4-5 in Mabuchi 1969:38; Maaβ 1933 (then bana) [Ampuë - Orion+Pleiades Belt+Sirius, with Sirius and the Pleiades being "A. going ahead" and Sirius "behind", the main anthropomorphic character being the Orion Belt; A. decided to get rice for his child; told his wife not to go after him; but she went and saw the ax and machete working themselves; they stopped right away; A. said that now he would have to work on his own, and he will go to heaven with a rooster; when he (i.e. Orion) is not visible in the evening, you must set fire to the vegetation cut down on the site; when he releases his rooster, you must plant rice; {not it is said that the Pleiades are a rooster, but since the new annual cycle is based on the heliacal sunrise of Orion and the Pleiades, this is extremely likely}]: 297; Teselkin 1959 [the old man's wife gives birth to a son from the right palms; a passerby gives him the name Pong Bulu Pala ("hairy palm"; a wart with hairs is considered a sign of happiness); three older brothers are jealous of PBP, 1) chase buffaloes at him (they bypass the boy), 2) they throw them into manure (buffaloes are not trampled), 3) thrown into the river (the river brings ashore); he goes up the river, marries, bringing good luck to his wife's house; 4) the brothers come, offer to dig the grave for his father, ask for PBP try it on, bury it (the dog and the rooster tear it off); 5) the brothers suggest making a coffin for the father, tell the PBP to try it on, tie it with rattan, throw it into the river; the wife, the rooster and the dog take the coffin out of the sea, revive it Bone PBP; after the death of their parents, PBP and the rooster fly to heaven, turn into Orion and Sirius; the wife into a winged white ant (these ants fly out on the eve of the rains when Orion and Sirius appear) , dog in wingless]: 85-96.

Taiwan - Philippines. {Bukidnon is unlikely to be identified with the Pleiades, which increases the likelihood of identifying the Orion constellation in Taiwan as well}. Bukidnon [Magbangal hunter killed wild boars on the mountain; once told his wife that he would clear the plot there; forbade his wife to go with him; in the morning he refused to eat his wife's food, promising to come by dinner; made a bench in the forest, sat down and told the axes and machetes to first sharpen themselves on the stone and then clear the forest; hearing the sound of falling trees, the wife decided that her husband was not working alone and went to see who was with him; as soon as he began to look, M. woke up and cut off his own hand with the machete; realized that someone was peeking; told his wife that he would now go up to heaven to tell people the time to sow, and the wife the way will become a fish; Cole's comment: near the Magbangal constellation, a V-shaped constellation is the jaw of one of the wild boars he killed; the other constellations are a hill, axes, a bamboo water vessel, and the Magbangala pet lizard ; comm. Emmanuel Salas (http://www.filipinoastrologer.com/magbangal-the-agricultural-guide-of-the-bukidnons/): the constellation M. - Orion {considering that within the annual cycle it rises and enters completely different times, it's very likely; definitely not Ursa Major}]: Cole 1916:127-129; puyuma (Katipol village; similar texts by ami and some paiwan) [two men named Katagulian and Pakulian were returning from hunting, found a box on the shore with a woman with a toothy womb; everyone wanted it for themselves, but a chief named Sihasihaw got it (it is not specified how they got rid of their teeth); she gave birth to him sons Basakara and Luasayaw and daughter Rarihen; R. washed by the river, swallowed by a snake; his younger brother killed the snake with a spear, took out the bracelet of his deceased sister from his womb; fearing the consequences of killing the snake, The brothers consulted their grandmother, who ordered a sacrifice; they met and killed their father; their grandmother scolded them; then she began to steal sugar cane; people poured ash and found them in the footsteps younger brother; he escaped captivity by flying away on a hawk (kite); the brothers met, the eldest committed suicide, the youngest became the Berukatawan constellation, which determines the landing time dry rice; in different versions, it seems to be either the Pleiades or possibly Orion]: Yamada 2009b, No. 3:67-68.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["About the Unbelievable" by Palephate (probably 4th century BC): "Orion is the son of Zeus, Posidon, and Hermes. Giriya, son of Posidon and Alkyona, one of Atlanta's daughters, lived in Tanagra, Boeotia, and, being very hospitable, once received gods. Zeus, Posidon, and Hermes, well received by him, ordered him to ask for what he wanted. He, being childless, asked for a son. Then the gods took the skin from the bull they had sacrificed, let seed into it and ordered Gyria to hide it underground and get it ten months later. When this period passed, Urion was born, so named because the gods had urinated <в шкуру>; then he was renamed the more euphonic Orion. While hunting with Artemis, he tried to rape her; an angry goddess summoned Scorpio from the land, who bit him in the leg at the ankle, and he died. Zeus, taking pity, turned him into a star" (trans. V.N. Yarkho)]: Palaept. LI; ["Apparitions" by Arat Soliysky (c. 315 - ca. 240 BC): "And under Orion's back, when he rises above the sea./The guard is a Dog with his front paws - /Variegated with stars, but not even by no means endowed with radiance/Black on the belly; but it is marked with an unprecedented luminary /The tip of his beard is so piercing heat/This star is burning that people gave her/"Sirius". At a time when he rises together with the Sun, /Trees will not be able to deceive him with stunted foliage: /They will be easily sorted out in rows with an unmistakable eye, /Giving strength to some, drying out any juice from others./ We also know his visits. And other stars/Only the outlines of the Dog are barely distinguishable. /At orion legs, fleeing from the chase, /The hare every day. Sirius rushes relentlessly on the trail: he is not one step behind the Hare at sunrise, /He remains waiting for him even after entering. /Next to the tail of the great Dog, Argo makes his way aft forward" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Arat. Phaen. 326-343; ["And the giant Orion flees a shameful flee./Ancestors' legend says, "May Artemis have mercy on us! -/ That Orion dared to touch her robe, /Chios slaughtered game with a heavy mace, /Enopion in an effort to please an unparalleled hunt. /But the goddess immediately split the Chios Hills, /Producing from The lands of an unprecedented Scorpio: /He, because Orion herself insulted Artemis, /By hitting with a sting, he mastered someone who was impotent. /That's why, they say, immediately after sunrise/Orion beyond The Earth is running away" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Arat. Phaen. 636-646; [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the era, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury were King Giriay's guests in Thrace. Because he welcomed them warmly, they let him choose what to ask them. He chose kids. Mercury skinned the bull that Giriay sacrificed to them. They urinated in it and buried it in the ground, and Orion was born from it. When he wanted to rape Diana, she killed him. Then Jupiter transferred it to the number of stars, and this constellation is called Orion" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 195; [The Catasterisms of Pseudo-Eratosthenes (1st to 2nd centuries): Orion "threatened to exterminate every single animal on earth, and Gaia, angry, produced a pretty scorpion wounded with a sting whom Orion died. At the request of Artemis and Leto, Zeus placed Orion among the constellations for his courage, where he raised Scorpio as a reminder that such a beast exists and of what they once did. Other storytellers claim that Orion became mature and loved Artemis, and she sent him a Scorpio, and he died, stung. But the gods, having mercy, made him a constellation in the sky, as well as a reptile, in memory of what happened" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. XXXII.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians: Abeghyan 2012 [Movses Khorenzi: Armenian ancestor Hayk killed Bel with an bow, embalmed his body and buried him on the mountain]: 776-777; Stepanyan 1971:13 in Rayevsky 1955 [Armenian ancestor Haik and his after death, dogs turned into the constellations of Orion and the Hounds of the Dogs; the relief from the tomb of the Armenian Arshakids in Akhtsa (4th century AD) depicts a warrior with two dogs hitting a wild boar with a spear; illustration to the myth of Heike the Hunter]: 128.

Baltoscandia. The Sami: Billson 1918 [Kalla-parnek are the sons of the Sun's daughter, who invented skis, domesticated deer; they are now in the sky; among them Orion, Sirius, etc.; the Big Dipper is their bow, the Pleiades are pantry, Cassiopeia - stalked deer, Jupiter - Elk, Venus - motley vazhenka]: 180; Potanin 1893, No. 87 [(by Castrén, Finn.Myth.:320); Orion is a Kalla parneh hunter, his bow is B. Bear; Cassiopeia is an elk he drove with his dog]: 328 (probably the same spring in Kharuzin 1890:347, but the hunter is named Colla Parne, Cassiopeia is "deer").

Western Siberia. Nganasana [the Orion constellation is called Sain-Marse; it is a man with an onion in his hands; the Pleiades are called Dunade; they are people who fish wild deer; the larger star is wild deer, the rest hunters; it is believed that Saint-Marcay missed a wounded deer to the Dunade; one of the stars behind Dunade is the arrow that Sana-Marset missed a wild deer; so the Orion constellation is said to be: "Sea-Marçais, from whom the wild deer was stolen by Dunade"]: Dolgikh, Feinberg 1960:51.

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (Moruk Nasleg of Megino-Kangalassky Ulus) [hunter (Orion) chasing an elk (B. Bear?) , drove him into the sky]: Ergis 1974:135; northeastern (Kolyma) Yakuts [three Tungus went to heaven for an elk, starved for a long time; one died, the other two with a dog and an elk turned into stars Tayakhtaah sulus (Stars with a Moose); different faces pointed to different constellations, most often Orion]: Seroshevsky 1896:660 (retelling in Ergis 1974:135); Yerbogachen Evenks [by the giant wife and daughter; in old age, his wife gave birth to a son Manga-Döromgo with three eyes in his forehead; he curls the beasts' necks, brings them home alive so that the meat does not deteriorate; her sister asked to take her hunting, she is dull , MD twisted her neck, brought her like prey; her father wanted to cook her for dinner, but her mother straightened her neck, and MD ran away from home; decided to go to heaven; skis to the hole in the transparent cap above the ground, walks across the sky; catches up with two hunters; Hurry (extreme star B. Bears) hurries Khvastun (middle star B. Bears) to catch up with the moose (four stars of the bucket) before it disappears from view in the morning; The bragger, with a bowler hat (Alcor) behind his back, says in advance that he will be the first to catch up with the moose, will cook meat; Mangy- Döromgo (Orion) walks with them, overtakes them, crosses the sky on skis, kills a moose with an arrow (three stars from Orion to B. Bear) under the shoulder blade; calf (first star B. Bears) fell, found himself on the ground, the current moose come from him; MD comes to the tent in which the old woman and daughter; marries her daughter; misses the earth; walks to the edge of the sky and cries; answers his mother-in-law that his eyes are red because the peaks of the earth's forest hit his eyes; his mother-in-law goes to punish the forest, the trees explain that they are not to blame; the mother-in-law gives MD to an eight-legged horse with sharp hooves, who brings him to to her native camp; there is sister MD, who ate her parents and became a cannibal; at night she hides an ax under her headboard, but MD sees it with her third eye; sealed her sleeping sister's eyes, galloped off, but sharp the horse's hooves get stuck in the ground; manages to slip into a hole in the sky, where it jumps easily along the smooth surface of the sky, and the pursuer slides; the mother-in-law melted metals in the boilers, pushed the giantess into them- the pursuer, kept in everyone; she rushed to the ground, crashed; since then, there have been placers and deposits of gold, silver and other metals on earth]: Pezhemsky 1936, No. 2:273-275.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoraz 1939:24 [Orion is an archery with a humpback; Orion's belt is his back, the Sword is his genital organ; Leo is Krivospinnik's wife, who was jealous of the Pleiades and hit him with a cutting a board that made his back hunchback; after a fight he kicked his wife out; the Pleiades are a "group of women" (six); Krivospinnik tried to marry one of them, but they drove him away because of him too much large organ; he started shooting at them, they ran away; Aldebaran is an arrow that did not reach the women; the Kolyma Chukchi say that the arrow was stuck in the net (small stars) that the Pleiades cover themselves (=Bogoras 1907:308-309)], 29 [The Pleiades are a group of deer aimed at by hunter Rulteyet]; Bogoras 1924 [Orion is a hunter chasing a reindeer - Cassiopeia]: 243; Koryaks (reindeer and coastal?) : Bogoraz 1939 [Pleiades - a group of deer aimed at by the skillful shooter Rultejet (Orion)]: 28-29; Jochelson 1908 [Orion's belt - Ena'nvenanaña ("scraper handle"), or Ulveiyinitilan ("holding across the bow", he who carries the bow across)]: 123.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (relocated from Providence and Cape Whelen to Fr. Wrangel) [Ursa Major - reindeer, Pleiades - girls, Orion - hunter, Gemini - bow, Cassiopeia - bear trail, Cepheus - half a tambourine]: Ushakov 2001:172; copper: MacDonald 1998 [by- Apparently, as far as the area west of Coronation Gulf, the Pleiades were occasionally associated with polar bears and hunting them]: 70; Jenness 1922 [hunters with dogs chased a bear (Pleiades), all of them found themselves in the sky (Aldebaran with surrounding stars); but usually for the Pleiades the name Agietat (meaning unknown)]: 179; Rasmussen 1932 [three hunters chase a bear, find themselves in the sky, turn into three stars of the Orion Belt]: 23; Baffin's Land [three hunters with a sleigh take a boy with them, chase a bear; a boy falls out of a sleigh; talks in the village like a bear and him hunters took to heaven; bear to Betelgeuse, hunters to Orion's Belt, sleigh to Orion's Sword]: Boas 1888:636-637.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [Orion is a hunter, owner of the fog; in another Pleiades story, a sea otter chased by hunters who became Orion]: Boas 1966:306.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [The Milky Way is the road of souls; Orion is Nanabush; Leo is Misha Peshu, lynx, the guardian of the lake. Upper]: Coles 1991:158.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [Orion is a dancing god (it's not clear who exactly); the Pleiades and Hyades are feathers on his head]: Tozzer 1908:29-32.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [evil monkey spirits look at a young woman, she dies; her husband buries her, seeks death, leaves, telling his four children he will return with the Pleiades season; went to Mars (or Venus); when he reached the sea, he met a man, told him that he was the son of Iiwa (Pleiades Man) and Spica's grandson; the bird offers to report about him to the stars; the Pleiades tell Orion, the uncle of man mothers; Pleiades, Altair, other stars lift a person beyond the clouds; the Pleiades ask him to go to his mother's house, this is Earth; makes his body like their body, without joints; advises to get along with girls who turn into calebasses; young men turn out to be corncobs; a man wants to go home, stars put him on a cloud; Orion, other stars, and Rain raise his dead wife to heaven, leaving cultivated fields on land with a rich harvest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 67:661-673.

Llanos. Sicuani: Baquero 1989, No. 1 [Kuwai (Furnaminali) turns into an insect, clings to the genitals of Puakali (Mashunashunali), daughter of Quemi (anaconda, Eunectus murinus), who at that time "occupied the world"; marries her; one day Kuwai's son enters the house in the guise of Aguchi, Kuemi devours him; Kuwait picks up pieces of his flesh, creates two of them are eagle chicks; raises them to take Quemi to heaven; to lure him out of his lair, Kuwai releases Attalea sp. ants, Quemi crawls out to eat them; a trace of his body - The Milky Way; eagles take him to heaven, he himself is the Milky Way; his widow Yaniluava (= Tenteluva = Tsikiri) is the mother of all poisonous creatures (scorpions, spiders, snakes, ants); she tries to avenge her husband's death, falls into the trap of Kuwai, is eaten by piranhas; her daughter grabs her thigh bone, cuts off the leg of Kuwaii's other son, Kahuyali (Orion), throws her in water, it turns into catfish; K. is considered a jaguar and the creator of shamanism; he used to ride his stone boat, spreading fish along rivers; the giant eagle became an ogre, Kuwait killed him; there, where he fell, savannahs appeared in the forest]: 80-81; Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 6 [Purna puts the tops, two female sisters from the sky steal fish from them; P. points an arrow, she injures the youngest; P. heals her, goes up to heaven with both; they warn him not to slip on the mat, otherwise their father will eat it; Huemuéni's father-in-law (a snake) tells him not to slip on the mat; P.'s younger brother comes in the form of a paki, killed, eaten, P. revives him; next time in the form of capybara; P. finds some fat from the capybara eaten, makes two eggs, from which ferocious chicks hatch; one P. grows in the forest, he turns into a condor capable of lifting logs; P. lures his father-in-law into the forest to eat ants; the condor rushes at him, but only hurts; a year later he manages to pick him up and carry him away; mother-in-law tries to poison his son-in-law , throwing garbage from the roof into his food; puts piranhas in his daughter's bosom; P. puts his wife in the river, throws timbo; piranhas swim out and die; the latter stays, causes menstruation; at this time it is impossible copulate; mother-in-law entered the river, piranhas ate her; the eldest daughter turns her mother's jaw into a digging stick, chases P.; in the first village, when asked by P., people answer that they are waiting to kill P.; he turns them into wasps; in the other, into snakes; in the third, into biting ants; the Kahuyáli man makes a boat, the stalker does not believe he is not P., cuts off his leg; he throws his leg into the river, she turns into catfish; P. hides in a tree in the form of a mako, takes his wife's digger, turns his wife into a duck; K. creates several birds screaming that he has no leg; he is brought home], 7 [Furná ; minali turned into a tick, clung to the genitals of Kwameimi's daughter; the girl's hammock over her parents' hammock; at night they hear her daughter whispering to someone; F. is recognized as a son-in-law in the morning; F. asks for a younger brother bring a whetstone; do not go to K. as an edible animal; he came in as a paki, killed; F. asked for two pieces of meat, raw and boiled, puts them in a nest in a tree, they turn into chicks; grow into giant eagles; on the third attempt they are able to raise a palm trunk to the sky; F. lures Snake-K., creating leaf-cutter ants, the eagles raise K. to the sky, it turns into the Milky Way; K.'s wife lets F. see through the flared from the head of her young son F.; admits that the tick was from her genitals; F. creates a piranha pond, calls his mother-in-law to fish, piranhas eat her; her daughter takes out her mother's pelvis, made an ax out of him, chased her husband; came across a Kahúyari man making a boat, cut off his leg, he turned into Orion, turned F.'s wife into a duck; painted his leg with blood, made catfish; Orion is seen in the sky with his leg severed]: 39-49, 51-54.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Kuamachi and his grandfather Mahanama decide to take revenge on the Stars for the murder of K.'s mother; lure the Stars with their leader named Vlaha (Pleiades) to trees for fruit; M. says he will weave baskets to put fruits in them; K. climbs a tree, drops fruit; water floods the forest; M. with his baskets and K. jump into the boat; M. throws baskets into the water, they turn into anacondas, caimans, piranhas; devour many Stars, which K. knocks down from trees with arrows; V. shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbs there with the remaining Stars; Ihette (Orion Belt) climbed slowly, bleeding and dragging his leg bitten off by a caiman; others who climbed into the sky include the Mönettä scorpion and the Morning Star]: Civrieux 1960:179-180; 1980:110-114; panare [ The Pleiades are Orion's wife, their son Sirius]: Dumont 1976:94 (quoted in Magaña 1989a: 214).

Guiana. Dominica Caribbean [mother-in-law poisons sleeping son-in-law, blowing winds in his face; his friend advises stabbing an old woman in the ass; an old woman stalks her son-in-law and daughter; when they begin to rise to the sky, she cuts off his son-in-law's leg; son-in-law turns into Orion's Belt, mother and daughter into other stars]: Taylor 1952, No. 2:270; carifuna [Bahama is the youngest of six brothers (Scorpio, Aquarius, part Capricorn), next to Abedim (Orion Belt), next Sirigo (Pleiades); E. marries; catches fish, it is always bitten in half; he ties the hook with wire; pulls out the shark, cuts it into pieces; wife says he killed her mother; stalks him into a shark; he runs away; she bites off B.'s leg]: Taylor 1951, appendix 2:153; carinha on Orinoco [two hunting brothers they hide in a tree above the pond from the cannibal Tarunmio; she grimaces, one of the brothers laughs; T. causes a wind that breaks branches; one brother falls in a seed, T. eats it; the other with a frog, T. brings him home; her daughter takes him as her husband; he creates piranhas by throwing pieces of bark into the water; T. enters the water to devour fish, they devour it themselves; the head remains, it rises into the sky, turns into The Morning Star; the wife avenges his mother; the husband tells objects in the house not to chase him, forgets the spindle; the spindle and the wife catch up with him; the baby in the woman's belly wants a flower; she asks her husband to climb on a tree gets a flower, at which time it cuts off its leg; it turns into the Orion Belt ("Thot-Who-without Legs"); the woman turns into voletolo]: Civrieux 1974:87-89; akawai or Guyanese carinha [ Roth 1915:265: In Caribbean, Sirikio is a star, Wallya is a watchman, Wawa is a sister or wife; but Sahtai in akawai means "axe"; Wawaya takes Tapir as a lover; he promises to take her east where he meets heaven and earth, where he will take human form; her husband Sirikoai climbs a tree for fruit; when he begins to descend, she cuts off his leg with an ax; his mother cares for him; he walks east on crutches in the footsteps of lovers; kills Tapir with an arrow, cuts off his head; V. and Tapir's spirit run to heaven, S. after them; V. turns into Pleiades, Tapir's head into Hyades (red Aldebaran - eye), S. into Orion, Rigel is the upper part of his healthy leg]: Brett 1880:191-200 (=Roth 1915, No. 211:265-266); caliña: Magaña 1983, No. 2 [a man tells his wife he would like to sleep in the rain; it's a joke, but his wife's brothers tie him to a tree for the night; he takes his wife to the forest, asks for help weaving a meat basket, roasts his wife alive in this basket, gives meat to her mother; she eats it with her daughter's brothers; under finds her jewelry with meat; brothers chase her husband, one cuts off his leg; her younger brother turns into a palm tree; Tamoussi agrees to make one-legged his messenger; he turns into a constellation Epietembo], 4 [as in (2); after losing a leg, a man jumps to the sky; Tamoussi leaves him hanging there as punishment for a crime], 5 [as in (2); brothers cut off his leg and leave him in a boat; he thinks about what to become; does not want to be a tree (cut down), fish (caught), animals (killed and eaten), etc.; decides to become the constellation of Epietembo], 6 [as in (5); rejects becoming water (they will drink), wild boar (kill and eat), tree (cut down and burn); turns into the constellation E.]: 23-25, 25-26, 26-28, 28-29; Magaña 1987, No. 67 [the young man must hunt excessively for relatives his wife; the Seiba spirit cuts off pieces of the snake, gives him to feed his family with them; everyone but father-in-law eats and turns into wild pigs; father-in-law ties his son-in-law to a pole in the rain; the son-in-law rises to heaven, turns into Orion; father-in-law manages to cut off his leg]: 249; 1988a, No. 1-8, 36, 37, 49, 124:11-36, 54-55, 76-77, 225; Penar in Magaña, Jara 1982 [man to wife: It's raining, I'll sleep well; the wife tells the brothers that he wants to sleep in the rain; they tie him up in a hammock, leave him in a hammock for the night; while hunting, he tied his wife in a basket, fried him alive on the bars; fed her mother-in-law meat; brothers they catch up with him, cut off his leg; he rejects opportunities to become various constellations, becomes Orion]: 119; Galibi [like Caliña]: Magaña 1988a, No. 30, 31, 38, 39:53, 55-56; curl: Brett 1968 [Pleiades - Orion's wife]: 191-200; Magaña 1983, No. 7 [a man tells his wife he would like to sleep in the rain; it's a joke, but his wife's brothers tie him to a tree for the night; he takes wife in the forest, asks for help weaving a fish basket, roasts his wife alive in this basket, gives meat to her mother; under the meat she finds her daughter's arms and legs; brothers chase her husband, find his parking lots (all traces the old sites in the forest are left to him); they cut off his leg; he turns into a mabukuli constellation]: 29-30; 1988a [the hero kills his cannibal mother-in-law (swallows her by a shark); his wife cuts off his leg, he turns to Orion], No. 33, 60-61:53, 107-109, 240; Roth 1915, No. 208 [the hunter, without catching game, brings his beloved mother-in-law his severed leg wrapped in leaves; when he rises to heaven, he turns into Orion (more precisely, into the Belt and Orion's sword, Mabukuli, "One-legged")]: 262; palicur [wife and her brother put her tied husband under mosquito bites for the night; the husband kills his wife, roasts, gives her liver to his brother; when he finds out what he ate, brother cuts off her husband's shin when he climbs a tree; the husband shoots into the sky, climbs into the sky with a chain of arrows, turns into Orion]: Nimuendaju 1926:90; tops: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890 [two single a brother lives far from a married man; one single man kills another in the forest (piercing him with a sharp stake), cuts off his legs; a married man's wife finds a corpse; the murderer throws his feet into the river; the body of the victim turns into Orion , legs in fish; the same legs can be seen in the sky near Orion; the killer is Venus, the married brother is Sirius]: 229-230 (German translation in Teschauer 1906:735-736), 230 [the hero cuts off his frog wife's leg; leg turns into a surubim fish, a woman into a star or constellation (German translation in Teschauer 1906:735-736)]; Magaña 1988a, No. 68:115; Vapishana: Farabee 1918:101, 107 [Baukur killed people, Tuminkar began to dream of lightning at him, he was shooting stars, killed his son T. with an arrow; T. tied B. in the sky, he turned into Orion; when the rock above the grave of son T. was wiped off, he would come out and become a leader; (quoted in Goeje 1943:40: B. is probably the same as Ma-buku-lu's curl, "thighless", Orion])]; Ogilvie 1940 [Tuminikar fights a giant named Baukur; throws shooting stars, B. - lightning; T. hid his son in the mountain, threw her at B., cut his thigh, tied him up, threw it into the sky, he turns into Orion; T.'s son died; the layer of rocks above him is thinner, one day he will get up, everyone will live in prosperity]: 68- 69; trio [man tells an animal to swallow his voracious mother-in-law; her daughter chases him; climbs into a hollow for honey, her head gets stuck, cut off; the body turns into agouti; the man hurts himself his leg is an arrow, his leg decays; he rises to heaven, turns into a constellation]: KR 1987, No. 3 [mother-in-law swallows an anaconda; Yaravare cuts off his wife's head himself; his head predicts that he will hurt himself leg, chopping wood, monkey meat, baker meat, etc.; he falls asleep, does not hear the name of the little fish; pierces his leg with an arrow, shooting at this fish; shoots at the sky, making a chain of arrows; rises, the chain falls]: 26-30; Magaña 1987, No. 99:153 [mother-in-law swallows a manatee; an old woman in the woods lures Yalavale's wife into a hollow, cuts off her head; Yalavale turns into Orion], 183 [up When the Month took to heaven, the biggest star was Sirius (Urutula), after which he shrunk; Urutula was Orion's wife]; Akurio [Orion is the man with his leg severed; his name is (Ipetimü) is the same as Oyan, Kalinya and Arawaks, and the trio has Yalawale]: Jara 1989:204 (=1990:69).

NW Amazon. Desana [Orion is an Animal Master, a hunter who walks along the Milky Way carrying certain game, a fish kukan, a fruit basket depending on the respective season]: Reichel-Folmatoff 1982:169-170; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:147 [two brothers hunt; find a basket of boiled yams; the youngest eats; at night the demon tears off his leg; in the morning he says that bats have eaten his leg; deftly jumping on one leg, a cripple kills game with a club; he kills a vulture tapir, asks him to be taken to heaven; turns into Orion]; 148 [a woman runs away from the house of the monkey owner (=jaguar), smashes his brother's knee with a club; he turns into Orion].

Montagna - Jurua. Yompor Pencoll took to the sky playing the flutes and dancing, became Orion's Belt (a good constellation); his father-in-law Oncoy {the name is borrowed from Quechua} sang and beat the drum, became the Pleiades ( evil constellation); on the way I remembered that I had forgotten the tapir's jaw, returned for it; the tapir's jaw became the Hyades]: Santos-Granero 1991:70 (=1992:117); ashaninka [the sky was close to the ground; the Sun ordered fix the vine staircase there, climbed into the sky with his son and daughter; three ferocious warriors followed; the Sun dropped the rope, the warriors fell, becoming Porcupine (his arrows are needles), the Sloth, the Wasp; the sky departed from the ground], 406 [the sky was tied to the ground with a rope, at the level of the roofs of houses; the warrior Porínkari (Orion) climbed a rope, running away from the warrior Sáni ("wasp"); was wounded by an arrow in the leg, cut off the rope, the sky is gone]: Weiss 1975:389-390, 397

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [Tatu-tunpa (Battleship) met a girl; she left him pregnant; twins from her womb each ask to pick a flower for him, put it on her chest (en su seno); when ask again, the mother replies that there is no more space on her chest; the twins fall silent, do not show the way at the fork, the woman gets to the Jaguar Mother; she hid her; the jaguars came, the last Yawa with with two heads, one is sleeping, the other is awake; the woman has flowed milk, the jaguars smelled her, lowered her (from under the roof); the mother of the jaguars asked for her insides, hid the twins in a vessel; birds hunting they reproach them for feeding their mother's murderers; that the mother of the jaguars has a medallion (medallita milagrosa) that belonged to their mother; at a watering hole, the twins kill jaguars one by one; double-headed only one head was cut off; he jumped to the moon, the twins behind him; Luna Woman hid it under her clothes, told the twins that she did not have a jaguar; the jaguar ate it, the Moon called for help (eclipse); The twins said that one day he would eat the moon, the sun, the stars, come out from under the moon's clothes, the earth would end; one of the twins was Kembiliá (Venus), the other Yasotátobos (Orion's Belt)]: Cipolletti 1978, No. 1:48-51.