Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B42o1. The Big Dipper is a fishing marten .43.45.

The Big Dipper is identified with a fishing marten (fisher, mustela pennati).

Menominee, Ojibwa (timagami), Montagnier, Naskapi

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. [the chief's daughter refuses everything; the young man plays the flute, the girl agrees to marry him; a year later they move in with his parents; he has a mistress; spreads a rumor that she was killed in the war, marries a mistress; the first wife recognizes the voice of his flute; wants to kill a mouse; she says that her husband's death is in a bundle of dry bones; the wife opens the bundle, bones crumble; turns into a fishing marten (Fisher), chases her husband, his new wife and her relatives all over the world, bites them to death; rises to the sky, becomes the Big Bear ("Mustess Star ")]: 39:471-474; (cf. Bloomfield 1928, No. 86 [Menapus finds a dead moose; brings some of the meat home; returns with his wife to pick up the rest; at this time, the Fisherman hid the meat; M. shoots at him breaks the tail with an arrow, turns it into a North Star]: 247-253); Ojibwa (timagami) [a person catches and binds little birds; they cannot bring summer; puts Freshwater Herring as a watchman; A fishing marten (fisher, mustela pennati) seals Herring's mouth with resin, frees birds; a man chases a fishing marten, who runs to heaven, turns into a Big Dipper; an arrow hits his tail (bucket handle bend; wound - Alcor)]: Speck 1915d, No. 11:63-64.

Northeast. Naskapi (mistasini) [boy cries, requires summer birds to shoot at them; people go hunting for Summer; don't want to take fisher, mustela pennati ), who is funny; The muskrat gnaws on the oars of the owners of Summer; launches a tree on the water that resembles an elk with horns; the owners of Summer rush to catch it; only Sucker and Sturgeon remain to guard Summer; they they seal their mouths, carry Summer away; the owners start chasing, but their oars break; they catch up with the Fishing Marten; he says that enemies themselves will die if they try to burn or beat him; pretends to be afraid waters; he is thrown into the river; his pursuers shoot at him; he runs from a tree to the sky, turns into a Big Dipper; the second star of the bucket handle is where the arrow hit]: Speck 1925:28-31; 1935a : 66-69; (cf. montagnier [in winter, the mother leaves her lousy son; the forest spirit saves him, takes him to his mother, calls her a monster; the boy cries as the spirit goes away; then like a naskapi; the muskrat gnaws through the bottoms of the boats; summer birds hang in bags on the walls of the fish dwelling; Porcupine, fishing marten, they turn into a porcupine, a fishing marten; woodchuck jumps into the sky, becomes the North Star]: Desbarats 1969:35-41).