Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B42P. The Big Dipper is a bear.

.15. (.16.) . (.34.) .

The Big Dipper is identified with the bear.

Latins, Portuguese, (Spaniards, Italians, French), Jews, Phoenicians, Arabs, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Ingush, Megrelians, Mordvians (Erzya and Moksha), (Chelkans), Northern Khanty, Northern Selkups, Ainu, Chilkotin, Quarry, Lillouet, Thompson, Shuswap, Kordalen, Kutene, Vasco, Fox, Seneca, Mohawki, Mikmak, Penobscot, Delaware, Chirokee, Oriental Ceres (Sia), Zunyi, (Towa-Hemes).

Volpati 1933a ["Bear" is only in Latin; in Romance languages, only as a book word that has only occasionally penetrated the people]: 453.

Southern Europe. Latins [Ovid's "Sorrowful Elegies" (Line of Era): "A small beast and a large one, one of which directs the Greek way of ships, the Phoenician path is the other/You, who all see the sky from the top, /Do not immerse stars in the waters of the sunset seas (trans. S.A. Osherova)]: Ovid. Trist. IV. 3. 1-4; ["Medea" by Lucius Anney Seneca (1st century); Medea to herself: "As long as the sky is in balance, /As long as the world goes through a constant circle, /And there are no grains of sand, and there is no day behind the sun, /Stars at night they follow, and Arct {arctos} is dry/It runs from the waves, and the rivers run to the seas, /Until my anger is full of punishment /And will increase" (trans. C. Osherova)]: Sen. med. 401-407; [in search of poison, Medea turns to heaven: "Come down to me from heaven, a snake like/The huge river has constrained two beasts/In mighty loops - bigger and less/ (Shines the first for us, the second for the Sidonians)" (trans. C. Osherova)]: Sen. med. 694-697; [Medea: "I violated the laws of the universe:/The sun was shining among the stars, and the Bears {ursae}/touched the sea. I mixed the course of time" (trans. C. Osherova)]: Sen. Med. 757-759; ["Astronomy" by Marc Manilius (1st century): Two Bears]: Manil. Astr. I, III, V; (cf. Spaniards, Italians [no reference to sources; Ursa Major is a bear chased by hunters]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:15); Portuguese [Ursas Major and Ursas] : Camões in Allen 1899:421; Latins [Magna minorque ferae ("big and small animals (bears)"]: Ovid., Tristia in Allen 1899:420

(Wed. Western Europe. The French [no reference to sources; Ursa Major is a bear chased by hunters]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:15).

Western Asia. Jews {Old Testament}, Phoenicians, Arabs [everywhere - "bear" (Dub, Dubbe, etc.)]: Allen 1899:423.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [on the shield of Achilles, Hephaestus also depicted the constellations that crown the sky; /The Pleiades, Hyades and the power of Orion were visible/Also the Bear, the one also called the Wagon; /Walks along She stealthily watches Orion in the sky, /And only one is not involved in bathing in the waves of the Ocean" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hom. Il. XVIII. 485-489; [on Odyssey: "He also watched the Pleiades vigilantly watch Boopas approach late, /Also the Bear, the one also called the Wagon. /She walks across the sky and stealthily watches Orion, /And only one is not involved in bathing in the waves of the Ocean./With her Calypso, the light between the goddesses, told Odysseus/The way to agree, leaving her on her left hand" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hom. Od. V. 272-277; [at Hom. Il. XVIII. 487 and Od. V. 273 uses the terms rktos 'bear, bear' and μαα 'four-wheeled cart, cart' (other than a two-wheel combat chariot and called rμα)]; ["Ion" Euripides (5th century BC): "the constellation/Bear that turned its tail/To the golden star Polyarnaya" (trans. AND. Annensky); in the original - 'bear, bear']: Eur. Ion. 1153-1154; ["Apparitions" by Arat Soliysky (c. 315 - ca. 240 BC): "Two Bears are running around /They run in conjunction with the axis, for which they were nicknamed "Carts." /They always hold their heads at each other's loopholes , /The shoulders of one shoulder are flush with the other, /They look to the sides, however, nasty. Believe it, /From Crete, they ascended at the behest of the great Zeus/To heaven, as a reward for being a baby/Beside the ideological spurs on the fragrant Dict/ They hid it in a cave and there for They fed for years; /Meanwhile, the Kurets were distracted by the Dictean Kron./Distinguishing them, one was named Kinosura, /Helika was the name of the other. According to Helik, the men of the Achaeans/In the sea of open ships, they determine the direction, /And the Phoenicians surf the space, trusting Kinosure. /It is true that Heliki is clear it is easy to guess the outlines: /It is fully visible immediately with at nightfall; /But Kinosura, although small, is more convenient to helmsman, /For it rotates in a smaller circle: /It is with her that the Sidonians check the infallible path. /Between the Bears it is like a river stream, /Winding is a great wonder! - Dragon" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Arat. Phaen. 26-46; [other references to Ursa Major as a bear]: Arat. Phaen. 49, 93, 140, 652, 723; [Strabo's Geography (Line of Er): "After all, Homer means "Arctic Circle" with "Bear" and "Chariot"; otherwise he would not say that "she is the only one" He does not want to wash" in the Ocean, as so many stars move in the same part of the sky that he has always seen. It is therefore not good to accuse him of ignorance for knowing only one Bear instead of two. After all, probably, during the Homer era, another Bear was not yet considered a constellation and this group of stars was not known to the Greeks as such until the Phoenicians marked it and used it for navigation & lt;... > Heraclitus does better and more in the spirit of Homer, using the word "Bear" instead of "Arctic Circle" in the same way: "The bear is the border between morning and evening, and the wind is blowing against the Bear from the blue"" (trans. G.A. Stratanovsky)]: Strab. I. 1. 6; ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (I-II centuries): About the Big Dipper "Hesiod says she is the daughter of Lycaon. She lived in Arcadia, but chose to hunt animals in the mountains with Artemis, where Zeus seduced her. At first she managed to hide her position, but in the end, when it was time to give birth, the goddess caught her when she saw her bathing. Angry, Artemis turned her into a beast, and so, already a bear, she gave birth to a son named Arcade. She was still wandering through the mountains when she was caught by some goat herds and given to Lycaon with her cub. After some time, she decided, out of ignorance of custom, to enter the protected temple of Zeus. She was chased by the Arcadians, led by her own son, and, by virtue of this custom, her death was nearing, but Zeus, bearing in mind their union, delighted her and placed her among the constellations, calling her Bear in the honor of her transformation. It contains stars: seven dull on the head; two on both ears; one bright on the shoulder blades; two on the chest; one bright on the ridge; two on the hind legs; two on the edge of the foot; two on the edge of the foot; three at the end of the tail. Twenty-four in total" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. I; [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "Callisto, Lycaon's daughter, is said to have become a bear because of Juno's anger for lying down with Jupiter. Then Jupiter listed it as a star and it's called Seven Stars. This constellation does not move or enter, because Tethia, Ocean's wife, Juno's nurse, forbids him to enter the Ocean. This is the great Seven Star, about which the Cretan Poem {probably belonged to Epimenides, who lived in the 7th century BC}, says: "Also, you, a Lycaonic maiden, were born, who changed /Appearance, who, kidnapped from the cold peaks of the Nonakriys/Tefis always forbids bathing in the waves of the Ocean, /For the maiden dared to rise on the pet's bed" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 177; [Pausanias's Description of Hellas (2nd century): "In love with this Callisto - I'm telling you what the Hellenes say - Zeus combined with her. When Hera discovered this deception, she turned Callisto into a bear, and Artemis shot her with a bow to please Hera. Then Zeus sends Hermes to save a child who was already carried in Callisto's womb, and Callisto made herself the so-called constellation Ursa Major; Homer also mentions him in the description Odysseus' departures from Calypso {here is a quote from Hom. Od. V. 272-273}" (per. S.P. Kondratyeva)]: Paus. VIII. 3. 3; Greeks [The Big Dipper is a bear's skin nailed to the sky when it was still low above the ground]: Mladenova 2006:79.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Ingush [bear is the personification of ugliness; if you count 1000 stars, you will become a bear; this happened to one girl who became the constellation Ursa Major]: Semenov 1963:120; Megrelia ["Bear"]: Andrew 1878:104

Volga - Perm. Erzya [Neshke-Pazyn-Ovto - "the bear of the god Neshke; N. controls the average beekeeper, i.e. the world; rides a bear, a honey lover]: Potanin 1883:711 (the location of stars in Mordovia interpretation of the Big Dipper in Svyatsky 196:115); moksha [ofta - "bear"]: Potanin 1883:711.

(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkans [ayu ~ ayuu 'bear; Bear (constellation) '{without specification}]: Baskakov 1985:136).

Western Siberia. The Northern Selkups [cannibal bear Kyshka-Porya lived between Pur and Taz; the eldest, middle son follow her, disappear; the youngest kills two "dogs" (also bears) guarding her house, kills herself, cooks pieces of meat, puts the chopped corpses of her brothers in the same pot, returns to her father; the brothers come to life, come home; Kyshka-Porya turns into the constellation Ursa Major]: Pelikh 1998:57-58; Northern Khanty: Karjalainen 1996 ["seven-star constellation" (obviously Ursa Major): "bear", Pupi (along with other names)]: 48; Steinitz DEWOS (Kazim; V.V. Napolskikh, hp 22.12.2016) [pupije 'B. Bear' (< pupi 'bear')]: 1195.

Japan. Aina [the man won, dismembered the bear, threw parts of the carcass into the sky, they became the Big Dipper; he himself is the North Star]: Spevakovsky 1988:65-66 (=Arutyunov, Shchebenkov 1995:186).

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [in autumn, a hunter with two dogs drove a bear; dogs led the owner to a stump on which the man was sitting; he was a bear and at the same time Yitai, the constellation Ursa Major; dal bear skin hunter, marten, fishing marten (fisher); since then he has always caught up with these animals; Yitai has returned to heaven]: Farrand 1900, No. 14:30; quarry [time determined by Yaxte - Big Bear; the young bear hunter woke up twice, looked at the sky, but Y. barely changed his position; the hunter told him that he had one leg shorter, which is why he was moving so slowly; in the morning a dog The hunter was picked up by a bear and chased him all day; he saw an old man sitting on a stump; he explained that he was Y., that he was moving slowly, and yet the hunter did not catch up with him; the hunter was ashamed, Y. returned to heaven]: Jenness 1934, No. 66:248-249; lillouette [the four stars of the Big Dipper bucket are the Bear; the three stars of the bucket handle are hunters; the asterisk next to one of them is a dog]: Elliott 1931: 180; Thompson [the Quaktwetl brothers drove a bear to heaven; the younger one turned them, their dog and bear into the constellation Ursa Major ("Grizzly Bear")]: Teit 1917b, No. 3:16; shuswap [" all Shuswap and Thompson tell stories about the transformation of hunters or humans and bears into the constellation Ursa Major "]: Teit 1917b:16 (note 4); kordalen [husband of the sister of three brothers, the Grizzly; the youngest warns him that the older two want to kill him; the brothers drive the Grizzly, everyone turns into stars; 1) the four corners of the Big Dipper bucket; 2) The grizzly is the bucket, the brothers are the three stars of the bucket handle]: Teit 1917e, No. 3 [shorter version]: 125-126; Teit, Boas 1930:178-179 (Quail in Clark 1966:108-109, Monroe, Williamson 1987:20-21); coutene [Big Dipper is a grizzly; perfume tied her to the pole is the North Star, and it walks around it]: Turney-High 1944:96; Vasco [five Wolf Brothers hunt, Coyote lives with them; they agree to tell him they see two Grizzlies in the sky; The Coyote fires arrows into the sky, makes a ladder out of them; they all go up to heaven; the Coyote decides that the Grizzly and Wolves look beautiful together, leaves them in the sky, goes down, breaking the stairs; three older The wolf is the handle of the Ursa Major bucket; the oldest is the middle star, followed by the small one is his dog; two younger Wolves are part of the bucket closer to the handle; two Grizzlies are the opposite part of the bucket; Skylark tells Coyote that stars are rising, ready to fall, then the earth will die from the cold; Coyote climbs back into the sky, arranges stars differently; the Milky Way is the Coyote's trail]: Clark 1953:153-155; Hines 1996, No. 5:32- 35.

The Midwest. Fox [three brothers chase a bear, find themselves in the sky; kill it in autumn, put it on oak and sumac branches for cutting; the foliage of these trees turns red with blood in autumn; pieces of the bear's body - stars seen in winter; the bear is the Big Dipper bucket, the hunters are the bucket handle; the asterisk next to one of them is their dog]: Jones 1907, No. 4:71-75.

Northeast. The bear is the four star bucket, the hunters are the pen stars. Seneca, Mohawks and other Iroquois; mikmaq; penobscot; delaware.

Southeast USA. Chirokee: Hagar 1900 [hunters lose track in winter; they find a bear in the spring, drive a bear across the sky in the summer, kill in the fall; they melt fat, and honeydew falls to the ground]: 98; 1906 [1) out of seven stars The Big Dipper is four, forming the bucket is a bear, the three star handles are hunters; the middle one carries the cauldron to cook the bear; from the den (Corona Borealis?) he comes out in spring; in summer, hunters drive him across the sky, kill him in August; at this time honeydew falls - his fat melted over the fire; 2) a group of hunters killed a bear and cooks its meat by the fire ; then they go home carrying a carcass; they lose their way, they find themselves in the sky; the next evening people see the Big Dipper for the first time]: 357.

The Great Southwest. Oriental Keres (Sia), Zunyi [Big Dipper - Bear]: Lankford 2007:133; (cf. tova (Hemes) [Sun's wife Moon went to get water, carried her away by the Bear; kept her in his cave, bringing a rock to the entrance; the Moon gave birth to the son of the Sun; when he grew up, she said who his father was; he pushed the rock away, they ran west, where the Sun was setting; the bear almost caught up with them, but they had time to jump into the hole; the young man went out to defend the Sun Palace, with him another son of a heavenly deity; the first became Morning, the second - As an evening star, they guard places where the Sun rises and sets; the bear was placed in the cold night sky]: Reagan 1927:726-727).