B42S. Wounded by a spear. .41.44.45. (.52.)
The Big Dipper or the North Star is a small animal (ermine, marten, forest marmot) or anthropomorphic character with animal features hit by a spear or arrow .
Koyukon [Ursa major: anthropomorphic character; ermine], Kuchin [Ursa major: bench character with tail], tagish [Ursa major: anthropomorphic character], southern tutchoni [Ursa major: anthropomorphic character], yellowknife [anthropomorphic character], menominee [Polaris: fisher], montagne [Polaris: fisher], montagne [Polaris: forest marmot], viandot [ Ursa major: fisher], (quiche [mako? a vulture? Ursa major?]).
Subarctic. Koyukon: Jetté, Jones 2000 [The Big Dipper is "the one who spins"; this is the character from whom the Raven stole the sun and the moon; they killed each other and then amicably came to the land of the dead; there one began to measure time, the other became the Raven; the Raven pierced him with a spear between his shoulders, so his back twisted; the first star of the bucket handle was his head, Mitzar, where he hit him with a spear {obviously a wound or spear - Alcor}; legs are small stars, the last two stars of the bucket are buttocks; in February-January he turns his head east]: 500; Nelson in Vanstone 1978 [people die, the Raven looks for the cause, follows the trail An ermine to a big house; a big man screams that he feels a stranger looking at him; the Ermine and the Raven eat together, the Raven puts something black in his food; he says that if he if the Raven dies, the Raven gets home and dies; finds himself on the bank of the river; meets the Ermine; he decides to fly north, the Raven to the east; when the Ermine takes off, the Raven throws him at spear's ass; Ermine turns into Big Dipper, Raven into Morning Star]: 56-58; Kuchin [Big Dipper - "bench" (yati, the Seat), Ursa Minor - yatiqvl ("small bench"), The Dragon is "hook, fork" (gaigvlsvt, the Crotch); the Bench and the Little Bench began to fight; Hook separated them by stepping between them, so his legs were wide apart; he threw his spear into the Bench, hitting him back and tail almost torn off; a star in the constellation Ursa Major {obviously Alcor} is a spear wound]: McKennan 1965:73; tagish [Ursa Major is a big-headed man who took rabbits out of traps, saying Hoo, hoo; one man shot him in the back; arrow - faint star near the second bucket star {Alcor}]: McClelland 1975 (1): 78; southern tutchoni [testing traps for rabbits, the young man sees that someone has stolen prey; after the third time he ambushes; on a moonlit night, a big-headed man approaches silently, makes sounds reminiscent of an owl hooting; the young man hits him with an arrow in the spine; he says that the next night the young man will see him in the north; the next night, the Big Bear rises, and the pierced arrow is Alcor; everyone in the Yukon knows this story]: McClelland 2007, No. 12:78-80; Yellowknife [yéhdaa/yehdaa is an anthropomorphic constellation consisting of the stars Boopas and Ursa Major; it is used to determine the time and pray for it; betl'á, Fkmrfbl (buttocks); wek'aehta (bek'arelka) - "the place where y éhdaa was hit with an arrow" - Alcor; "back" - Alcor, Aliot, Merak, Fad; "right hand" - Dubhe et al.; "left hand" - Merak et al.; the character's wife is the 6 main stars of Cassiopeia]: Cannon 2015.
The Midwest. Menominee [Menapus finds a dead moose; brings some of the meat home; returns with his wife to pick up the rest; at this time, the Fisherman hid the meat; M. shoots at him breaks the tail with an arrow, turns it into a North Star]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 86:247-253; (cf. Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 39 [the chief's daughter refuses everyone; the young man plays the flute, the girl agrees to marry him; a year later they move in with his parents; he has a mistress; he spreads a rumor that killed in war, marries his mistress; the first wife recognizes the voice of his flute; wants to kill a mouse; she says that her husband's death is in a bundle of dry bones; the wife opens the bundle, the bones crumble; turns into a fishing marten (Fisher), chases her husband, his new wife and her relatives all over the world, bites them to death; rises to the sky, becomes the Big Bear ("Mustess Star")]: 471-474) ; ojibwa (timagami) [man catches and binds little birds; they cannot bring summer; puts Freshwater Herring as a watchman; fisher, mustela pennati) seals the Herring's mouth with resin, frees the birds; the man chases the fishing marten, who runs to heaven, turns into Ursa Major; the arrow hits his tail (the bend of the bucket handle; the wound is Alcor)]: Speck 1915d, No. 11:63-64.
Northeast. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [a little boy cries, demands summer songbirds; father promises Wolf, Wolverine, Otter and Muskrat that he will not hunt them if they get summer; they have come to To the beaver, he cooked three of his beavers, cut off pieces of his own fat for the guests; they came to the old man, asked for summer, he refused to give it back; his wife was a sucker fish; the otter lowered the log, everyone mistook him for an elk, rushed in pursuit; at this time, the guests carried away the bird baskets; the old man chased them, but Muskrat could not be drowned, and the paddle was stuck in Porcupine's needles; the arrow pierced Fisher's ass, which became a star into the sky Fisher; sent brought birds; boy killed one, put on skin, became a bird, flew away with birds; told his father he would see him next year]: 110-103; Speck 1925 (mistasini) [boy cries, demands summer birds to shoot at them; people go hunting for Summer; don't want to take fisher, mustela pennati, who is funny; Muskrat gnaws on the owners' oars Summer; a tree that resembles an elk with horns lets in the water; the owners of Summer rush to catch it; only Sucker and Sturgeon remain guarded by Summer; their mouths are sealed, Summer is carried away; the owners begin to chase, but their oars break; they catch up with the fishing marten; he says that enemies themselves will die if they try to burn or beat him; pretends to be afraid of water; he is thrown into the river; his pursuers shoot at him; he the tree runs to the sky, turns into the Big Dipper; the second star of the bucket handle is the place where the arrow hit]: 28-31 (=1935a: 66-69); montagnier [in winter, mother throws her lousy son; forest spirit saves him, takes him to his mother, calls her a monster; the boy cries as the spirit goes away; then like the naskapi; the muskrat gnaws through the bottoms of boats; summer birds hang in bags on the walls of the fish dwelling; Porcupine, They catch a fishing marten, they turn into a porcupine, a fishing marten; Whitefish hit the tail of Woodchuck, Marmota monax, who jumped into the sky and became the North Star]: Desbarats 1969:35-41; viandot [cold; Fisher's little son wants to shoot Squirrel; she says how to get summer; he must cry until his father promises to get summer; The Big Otter, Beaver, Lynx, Badger and Marten Father come to the old man; they warn the Big Otter not to laugh; he laughs, the old man tries to kill him, he slips away; when he returns, he does not laugh; the old man shows the way to the top of the mountain; only Badger manages to break a hole in the sky; the Otter follows the Badger; the sky is warm, people are playing ball; those who come hole in a vessel with birds, those they rush to the ground, where it gets warm; the hole closes before the Marten can go down; he is fatally wounded at the tip of his tail; he turns into Ursa Major]: Walker 1995, No. 12:113- 130.
(Wed. Mesoamerica Quiche [Vucub Caquix - Ursa Major; in Popol Vuh, he climbs a tree to proclaim himself the Sun, but Hunahpu hits him with an arrow, ending his reign as false suns; his wife is Chimalmat; Tedlock believes that the word nahua is associated with chimal ek, i.e. Ursa Minor; in images from the Classical Period, Hun Ahau twins kill the Main Bird Deity, possibly Vukub-Kakisha; VK is the ancestor of the scarlet mako, but the images are more like vulture features]: Milbrath 1999:274).