Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B42U. Bucket handle stars: running one after another. (.


stars of the Big Dipper bucket handle (and less often the four stars of the bucket itself) are characters that chase each other.

Basques, French, Khakas, Northern and Eastern Khanty, Northern and Southern Selkups, Kets, Nanais, Thompson, Venek, Iroquois, Mikmak.

Southern Europe. The Basques [two thieves stole the peasant's two oxen; he sent a servant in pursuit; when he did not return, the maid, then the dog, then went by himself; when he did not find it, he began to swear; as punishment, they all found themselves in the sky, became the constellation Ursa Major; the first two stars were oxen, the third and fourth were thieves; a servant, a maid, a dog, a peasant - four stars of the bucket handle (it is clear that including Alcor)]: Krappe 1930:264 (=1938:149).

Western Europe. The French (Gers) [thieves stole a bull and a cow from the barn; he chased a servant who did not return; then the maid and the dog were the same; he began to swear; God turned them into a Big The bear; the first star of the bucket is a cow, the second is a bull, the third and fourth are thieves, the first star of the pen is a servant, Mitzar is a servant, Alcor is a dog, the last star of the pen is the driver himself]: Kabakova 1998, No. 23 : 36-38.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Big Dipper - Chettygen; there are three brothers behind them, two dogs in front of them, two maralukhs in front; the middle brother carries a cauldron on his head to cook meat (the cauldron is an asterisk under the sixth star)]: Katanov 1907, No. 181:273-274.

Western Siberia. The Northern Khanty [hunt, Nenets, Evenk chased the elk; Evenk decided to kill his comrades first; the hunt managed to kill the elk himself with an arrow; all were moved to heaven; the Big Dipper - Kuring howl hess, "Moose Star"]: Senkevich-Gudkova 1949:157: Eastern Khanty: Lukina 1990, No. 9 (R.Vakha) [three winged men from Vakha, Ob and, perhaps, from the Yenisei fled for a moose; Vakhovsky threw cauldron to make it easier to run; the elk was the first to catch up; the Big Dipper's handle was three hunters, the bucket was the cauldron]: 69; Grigorovsky in Potanin 1883 [The Big Dipper is called Elk; the Tungus, the Ostyak and the Samoyed decided to kill elk; the Samoyed wanted to roast meat on a spit, the tungus ate raw, the ostyak boiled; at the beginning of the chase, the Ostyak returned for the pot, overtook the Samoyed; the Tungus was ready to hit the elk with a palm tree (spear); asked for perfume , in order for moose to live in the land of the Tungus from now on, he promised to kill Ostyak and Samoyed; Ostyak managed to kill the elk with an arrow, destroying the spell of the Tungus; therefore, moose are found in the land of the Ostyaks; the four stars of the bucket are the legs of an elk ; the first tail star is the Tungus, then the Ostyak leaned to the right when shooting; next to it is a bowler hat; the last star is a Samoyed; the three stars in front of the bucket are an arrow; if the Elk goes faster than other constellations, spring is early, there are a lot of fish and animals]: 778; Northern Selkups: Alekseenko 1974 [We heard the same legend (about moose hunting) from the Selkups of the Upper Pelvis]: 221; Prokofiev 1961 [Bolshaya The bear was an elk, there is a legend about him; Yurak, Selkup, Tungus met an elk; the Selkup and the Tungus had bows, the yurak had a spear; before shooting, the Selkup ran after the pot; in his absence, the Tungus wounded elk; the Selkup returned, killed him; in versions where Selkup, Ket and Yurak operate, the first two are a friendly couple against Yurak]: 64-65; 1976:198; Southern Selkups: Kuzmina 1977 (Keti's upper reaches) [ Big Dipper - "Itte is chasing an elk"; Itte, Grandfather (father of I.'s wife) with "son-in-law living on the Kazy River" chased a moose, did not notice how they found themselves in the sky, became three stars of the Big Dipper handle Bears; the bucket itself is the heavenly Elk; individual stars are I.'s arrows that pierced the Moose]: 74-76 in Tuchkova 2002:95-96, in 2004:134; Tuchkova 2002 (Middle Neobsky dialect) [elk in front, and Kana following him, the last was Kolgosse]: 96; the Kets: Alekseenko 1976 [ket, Selkup and Evenk chased the elk; the Selkup, then the Ket overtook Evenk, but Ket returned for the forgotten pot and fell behind; Evenk refused shoot, said he would kill with a stick; the selkup missed, the ket wounded the elk in the shoulder blade; everyone was in the sky; the four stars of the Ursa Major bucket were the legs of the elk, the left front (knocked down) was slightly pushed into side; three stars in front are the nose and ears of the elk; the bucket handle is selkup, ket, even (the last); the point near the middle star (Alcor) is the bowler hat; six stars (three outside the Ursa Major) are arrows; The Little Bear is also an elk that was hunted before]: 84-85; 2001, No. 10 [ket, Russian, Evenk and Selkup drove the moose; where they stopped to eat, left the cauldron; ket realized that he had forgotten the cauldron, came back, began to catch up; the Selkup was now in front, but Ket managed to shoot first, the Selkup shot when the elk had already fallen down; the hunters did not notice how they were in the sky]: 64-65.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Krapotkin (from the mouth of the Tunguska...) to Lopatin 1922 [father-in-law told his son-in-law to put stakes to dry the nets; he drove them in an incorrect quadrangle; they formed a quadrangle bucket B. Bears (Fulay); for inept work, the father-in-law wants to beat his son-in-law, who runs under the protection of his mother-in-law; the last star of the bucket handle is the mother-in-law, the middle star is the son-in-law, the closest to the bucket is the father-in-law]: 331; Smolyak 1976 [three bucket handle stars - a log with notches that serves as a staircase to the yukola hangers]: 136; Yu.Sem 1990 [the old man sent his son-in-law to make hangers for Jukola; the old woman shouted that he had hammered the poles incorrectly; the old man with The mother-in-law chases her son-in-law with an ax, trying to stop her husband; these are three stars of the handle, the stakes are the four stars of the bucket]: 118; Bäcker 1988, No. 30 (Manchuria) [the fisherman has a hunter friend; when he died, the fisherman took his son into his care; the young man was stupid and lazy, and did not know how to catch fish at all; once a fisherman told the young man to put fish dryers - four pillars and crossbars on top of which the fish were hung; when he was about to hang the fish, it turned out that the young man had just set up the poles, crooked; furiously, the fisherman grabbed the axe, the young man ran away from it, the fisherman's wife rushed to stop her husband; they ran, found themselves in the sky, the handles of the Ursa Major became stars; the brightest star is a fisherman, the star next to him {obviously Alcor} is an ax in his hand; in front is a dull young man, behind is the fisherman's wife; four-star bucket - dryer stakes]: 210-211.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson: Teit 1900 [Big Dipper is a Grizzly; three stars of the bucket handle are three hunters chasing bears; the first is brave and fast, about to catch up with the beast; the second walked slower, near For him, the dog is a little star; the third is cowardly, afraid to approach the bear]: 341-342; 1917b, No. 3 [the Quaktwetl brothers drove the bear to heaven; the youngest turned them, their dog and bear into Ursa Major constellation (Grizzly Bear)]: 16.

Northeast. Seneca [one of the seven brothers is lazy, pretends to be sick, others carry him on a stretcher; throw him, chase a bear; a lazy man overtakes everyone with fresh energy, kills a bear; brothers are not they notice how they gradually rise to the sky; turn into the Ursa Major; one holding a bowler hat (an asterisk next to the bucket); the bear is a star in the lower corner of the constellation; in autumn, at the first frost, oak leaves show droplets of fat (not water!) and the blood of a dead bear]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 54:276-277 (=Curtin 2001:503-504); Iroquois (group not specified) [hunters chase a bear; stone giants kill hunters; three remain alive, find themselves in the sky with the bear; the first has a bow in his hand, the second has a pot, the third picks up brushwood; hunters' arrows pierce the bear only in autumn; blood stains the foliage]: Smith 1883:81; mikmaq: Hagar 1900 [Chickady tracked down the bear (Ursa Major bucket), called for help from six more hunters; took a pot to cook meat; the pot (Alcor) is so important that others put Chickady in the middle, placing one large hunter bird in front of him, one behind to prevent Chickady from flying on the wrong track (three stars of the handle); in spring, seven hunters begin to chase the bear; at the beginning In autumn, first two Owls, then the Blue Jay and the Dove lose their trail (these stars, i.e. Boopas, hide behind the horizon); Malinovka, Chikadi, Blue Jay continue to chase; in mid-autumn, Malinovka killed the bear with an arrow and immediately rushed at her to eat fat; covered with blood, he flew up the maple tree and began to peel his feathers, but the red speck on his breast remained; blood splashes colored the autumn leaves; when Chickady and Malinovka began to cook meat in the cauldron, and the lazy Blue Jay came up; he did not spend his energy chasing and calculated to show up to share the prey]: 93-97 (Quail in Monroe, Williamson 1987:19-20).