Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B43. Purusha, D287.5. .14.17.20.-.23. (.24.) .

.31.35.36. (.39.) .

Elements of the landscape or part of the universe are created from the body of the original being.

Berbers of Morocco (Nador), Babylonia, Chamorro, Gilbert Islands (Tuvalu, Mangaia), Tibetans, Apatani, Kachin, Bori, Minyong, Ede, Ancient India (Rigveda, etc.), Oraons, Bhuya, Gondas, bondo, juang, maria, muria, cond, bicol, manobo, tboli, Ancient China, Chinese (Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Henan, Shandong), Li, Russian written tradition (Pigeon Book), Kalmyks, Karachays, Scandinavians, Lithuanians (Samoites), Eastern Khanty, Evens, (Itelmen), Seneca, Aztecs, Caruas, Tacana.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Nador) [the first creature was a peacock in paradise; walking past the mirror of life, he was amazed by the surrounding light and began to sweat; from the sweat on his nose, God created angels, from the sweat on his face - sun, moon and stars, prophets and saints on the chest, Jerusalem and Kaaba on the back, mosques and all holy places, Muslims on their eyelashes, Jews and Christians on their ears, earth on their feet]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 1: 7-8.

Western Asia. Babylonia [God Aya kills Apsa (noise. Abzu, the embodiment of the pristine water element); Marduk was conceived by E. in the dwelling he built over the victim; his wife A. Tiamat (the appearance is unclear, more of a dragon than an anthropomorphic creature) decides to take revenge; the gods are terrified, M. promises to defeat T. if he is made the supreme god; drives T. The "evil wind", preventing her from closing her mouth, strikes with an arrow, deals with her retinue, cuts her body into two parts, makes the sky from the upper, from the lower earth; divides 600 gods into 300 upper, heavenly and 300 lower, underground]: Afanasyeva 1982a: 110.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Chamorro: Flood 2001 [zap. Adelbert von Chamisso; there were only Puntan and his sister Fu'uña; when he died, P. ordered to create a world out of it; his eyes became the sun and the moon, the chest became the sky, the heartbeat alternated between time of day and year, her back was earth, breadtree, tarot, coconuts grew on it; eyebrows were a rainbow; F. swam, sailed to the islands, became a rock, the rock crumbled into pieces, all people arose from them]: 2-4; Frazer 1939 [according to P. Murillo Velarde and Luis de Torres; Poontan lived in space, died, telling his sister to turn his chest and shoulders into heaven and earth, eyes into sun and moon, eyebrows into rainbows]: 140; Gilbert Islands: Grimble 1922 [the sky was lying on the ground; Na Arean (Spider, although anthropomorphic; Na - "Master") felt for a booming place with his staff, told Sand to connect with water, they gave birth to Na Atibu and Nei ("Lady") Teakea; their children Older, Woman In The Middle, Wave, Octopus, Ricky's Eel; the youngest Na Arean Junior, a trickster, was born last; after that, Na Arean the elder retired; NA Jr. gave reason and movement to the Deaf and Dumb Fools ( these are the children of Sand and Water); they slightly raised the sky, cut off the connection between it and the earth, Ricky raised the sky high, the earth fell; N. cut off R.'s legs (when they fell into the sea, they became eels), and R. himself was The Milky Way; to prevent the sky from falling, NA put four women on four sides of the world to hold it, they grew roots like trees; N. killed his father Na Atibu, turned his right eye into the sun, left to the moon, brain into stars, pieces of flesh into rocks and rocks, bones into trees, including the Samoa Tree (Tamoa in Gilbert), ancestor]: 91-96; Maude, Maude 1994, No. 6 [the sky was lying on the ground; the Nareau spider he felt for a booming place with a staff, made a hole, connected the Earth to Water, the Earth gave birth to children, including Ricky's eel; the youngest Nareu was the last to be born; he gave reason and movement to the Deaf and Dumb Fools; they raised the sky , Ricky raised him high; N. cut off R.'s legs (now an eel without legs), and R. himself is the Milky Way; N. killed his father Na Atibu, turned his right eye into the sun, his left eye into the moon, his brain into stars, his spine to the Tamoa tree, the body in the rocks, the right side to the North, the left side to the South Solstice (=Poignant 197:72, here is the explanation that Nareau is a spider)]: 34-37; (cf. Tuvalu [sun and moon - Laukiti's eyes)]: 34-37; (cf. Tuvalu [sun and moon - Laukiti's eyes) ]: Turner 1861:292 in Williamson 1933 (1): 117; Mangaia [Avaiki is like a coconut with a root, with layers inside it; the earthly world outside it, on its upper surface; at the root base, Te-aka-ia-roe ("root of existence"; roe is a worm, thread-worm); above him is the demon Breath of Life, on it Long-lived; these three form the root; at the lowest and narrowest part within Avaika itself, crouching sits demon woman Varima-te-Takere ("the very beginning"); from a piece of her right side created the first Avatea (Vatea) man - Noon, a half-human half-fish (vertically; more precisely, a half-human half-dolphin); his his eyes are the sun and the moon; he went to the very top of Avaiki, just before leaving A. outside; his eyes come out of the hole every day and return there; from the other piece on the right side, a great mother created her second son Tinirau (Countless); he is also half-fish (like sprat); lives on a tier below Avatea, master of the fish; from the left side of the foremother Tango (Opora), then daughter Tumuteanaoa (Echo), then son Raka (Trouble, controls the winds); sixth, again from the right side, Tu-metua's beloved daughter (Stick-by-the Parent); they occupied tiers from top to bottom, Tu-metua is the lowest with her mother; Vatea married the Pope ("foundation"), them Tangaroa and Rongo's first sons (the first purely anthropomorphic creatures); Rangi and Rongo's other two grandchildren pulled Mangaia out of the lower world, ancestors of its inhabitants]: Gill 1876:1-11 (retelling in William 1933 (1) : 11-14), 44 [The sun is the right, the moon is the left eye of Vatea]).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Ogneva 1982c (bon mythology) [the sky emerges from the head of goddess Lumo, the moon from the right eye, the sun from the left eye, the planet from her upper teeth; when she closes her eyes, night falls, when day opens; thunder from her voice, rain from tears, wind from her nostrils, rivers from her veins, earth from her body]: 74; Tucci 1949:712 in Allen 2011 [the queen of snakes arose from emptiness; from the top of her head arose sky, sun and moon from eyes, thunder from voice, mountains from bones, etc.]: 61; apatani: Elwin 1958a, No. 1 [at first, the Earth (Kujum-Chantu) was like a human being with a head, limbs, and with a huge fat belly; she decided that if she got up, everyone would fall and die, so she died voluntarily; her head became snowy peaks, her back bones into hills, her chest into the Apa Tani Valley, her neck the northern country of Tighin people, her buttocks are the Assam Plain; because her buttocks are high in fat, Assam's soils are fertile; her eyes have become the sun and moon; Kujum-Popi was born from her breath, sending the sun to the sky and moon], 1 [Kenku was born first, he is Wiyu (god, ancestor) shaped like a ball of earth; she said she was Chantu, gave birth to Apo Tani, told him that he should give birth to humans and she would die; he asked where then people would live; she replied that her thighs would become earth, her eyes would become the sun and moon, her blood would become water]: 8, 37; Kachin [Janun is dead, his breath turned into wind, his hair and beard turned silk, eyes, nose, teeth - gems, brain - silver mines in China and Kalas, skull - Shan and Chinese drums, ears - mushrooms, chest - bananas and other fruits, heart and entrails - rubies, skin and stomach - the thickets where the Chinese and Kalas live, their hands are their guns and cannons, Kalas's spine is a huge gun; etc.]: Gilhodes 1908:886-887; bori [first one water, buffalo lives in it without knowing each other ( younger) and an elephant (elder); they meet, quarrel, kill each other; from the flesh of the buffalo, the earth has formed, from the bones of trees, from the wool of the grass; from the bones of the elephant, rocks have formed from its flesh, mountains from its flesh; After that, Sedi-Melo was born, determined where to be mountains, rivers, plains]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:8-9; miniong [first water, land below it; Kayum-Sedi-Nane-Wiyu ordered Kayum-Polung-Sabbo-Wiyu, who had the appearance of a huge buffalo (mithun), to dig the runoff into the waters with horns; the earth appeared; Wiyu Sedi-Irping-Puing-Idum-Botte lived on the surface of the waters; when the earth dried, he died, his bones became trees, his wool - grass; when cutting the forest, he must make sacrifices, otherwise other Wiyus will shake the ground]: Elwin 1958b, No. 8:96-97.

Burma - Indochina. Ede [the head of the supreme deity Aedié symbolizes the heavenly dome, the frowning forehead - clouds, the breath - air, the genitals - fertility, the right eye - the sun, the left eye - the moon, hands - two the pillar on which the sky rests; his wife Heba (mother earth) gave birth to him a sun-woman and a son who died from a scolopendra bite; since then A. has settled in a large house on the upper tier of heaven]: Nikulin 1980:49.

South Asia. Ancient India: Rigveda X, 90 [Purusha is sacrificed by the gods by dismemberment; the mouth becomes brahmanas, the arms are kshatriyas, the hips are vaishyas, the legs are shudras, the spirit is the moon, eye - sun, mouth - Indra and Agni, breath - wind, navel - airspace, head - sky, legs - earth, ear - cardinal points]: Elizarenkova 1972:259-261, 403, Toporov 1982a: 351; Shrestha 1996 [" Swasthani", listed in Sanskrit in 1573) [the story is structured in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati); giants Madhu and Kaitabha appeared from the earwax of sleeping Vishnu; they went up from the lotus stem from the water; they began to rock the flower to throw Brahma, who was sleeping, into the water; he asked the goddess Yogamai to wake up Vishnu; V. fought against the giants for a long time, promised them to fulfill his request; it consisted in allowing them to be killed; they the condition for killing them where there is no water; he killed them on his lap; their fat spread over the water, hardened; flesh became mountains, bones became stones; B. created the earth, six heavens, seven underground tiers]: 12-13; cf. Hegewald 2000 (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, etc.) [among the temple Jain sculpture, there is an anthropomorphic figure whose belt corresponds to the middle world, below the waist there are lower, hellish tiers, above the celestial tiers]:? ; bhuya: Elwin 1949, No. 2 [Baski Mata was born on a floating lotus leaf; ordered a world to be created from the blood and bones of Boram Burha's son named Parihar; the gods sent the tiger to kill him; blood splashes on the water became earth, bones became seven rocks, hair became seven trees; the fact that the gods walked on the ground that was still wet gave rise to mountains; Basques Mata dived, stood on her head, began to support the ground with her feet; when moving, earthquakes happen], 3 [there were 14 parts of water and 7 parts of clay, all mixed; Dharam Deota came out of the water; after collecting dirt from the right side of his body, he sculpted a female doll on the left the sides are masculine; revived, it's Boram and his wife; at first they are brother and sister, but DD changed their features by sending smallpox, they met and did not recognize each other; they have a son Parihar; the gods created the tiger and sent him grab P.; the tiger poured ash on P. who had slept and ran away in horror; P. found a sleeping tiger, also poured ash and ran away; the gods told the tiger to attack when P. went swimming and left his weapon on the shore; the tiger killed P.; his blood spilled to the ground, the ground became hard and reddish; his legs turned into large trees, his hands into small trees, his hair into grass, his bones into rocks and stones, his head became the sun, his chest became the moon; the moon can see the tiger's paw print; B. lamented the loss of his son, but DD gave him many other children (named)]: 28-29, 29-30; Oraons [first the ocean, in the lotus water, lived on it by Mahapurub; from his A boy and a girl were born; they played, disturbed M., they killed them; their flesh became earth, their bones became stones, their blood became water, their hair became grass; this is how the world was created; from M.'s womb, a boy was born again and girl; they closed their eyes because they thought it was a sin to look at each other; M. hit them, they opened their eyes but refused to marry; M. directed them in different directions; after 12 years they again met, didn't know each other, got married, M. gave them the whole world]: Elwin 1949, No. 23:42; gondas [Nansur Dano was standing on Earth; she said he was too heavy, let him marry her; from the shadow of her head Brahmin was born from the eyes, Sonar from the eyes, Chamar (Nakua) from the nose, the stake from the ribs, the gonda from the foot, the punk from the urine; Dano turned the Earth's breasts into the sun and moon, the clitoris into lightning; he pulled out his pubic hair, it became grass; pulled out testicles - rocks, penis - trees; so the bodies of Dano and Mother Earth gave birth to the world and everything in it]: Elwin 1949, No. 17:39; bondo: Elwin 1950 (same as Juang, maria) [Mahaprabhu spat, the water turtle swallowed his saliva, conceived; her womb was swollen but there was no hole to give birth; M. cut it from behind, a girl was born; she grew up asking the turtle about her father, she sent her to M.; she wanted to lie down with him, he killed her; blood flowed, formed the earth; her left eye became the moon, the right sun; the bones became hills, her hair turned into trees and grass; from her M.'s womb took out a boy and a girl; they gave birth to humans]: 137-138; 1954, No. 2 [Bati Mundli and Bati Sisa found a little boy; BS's wife took him to bathe; his penis was gigantic, he wrapped him around the waist; when BS's wife saw this penis, she offered to have sex and died as a result; BM and BS saw blood in her vagina, killed the boy; his arms and legs turned into trees, hair in grass, bones into rocks, blood colored the ground, a coconut palm grew out of her head]: 3-4; Muria (Raja Muria): Elwin 1949, No. 30 [Kaitab, pregnant with earth, sat on the waters; Mahapurub created man told him to kill her; her flesh became earth, her bones became rocks; at first the earth staggered; M. pulled nine hairs out of his leg, hammered like nails in the nine corners of the world], 31 [brother and sister swam among the waters in the pumpkin; pumpkin hit a Terminalia tormentosa tree; Mahapurub was disturbed, killed brother and sister, earth arose from their bodies; kicked halves of a pumpkin, a boy reappeared in one, a girl in the other; they were descended people]: 47, 48; (cf. Hill Saora [after the creation of the world, Akangpang, the white mushroom, grew from which Gadejangboi was born; her long hair fell into her mouth, she cut it off, it gave rise to trees and herbs; her lice turned into all kinds of animals and birds, she named them]: Elwin 1954, No. 9:341-342); cond (Kuttia): Elwin 1954, No. 9 [water everywhere; Chanchenga and Pachenga surfaced, found a rock; asked for land from Nirantalui and Kapantali; N. took a handful out of her hair, threw it on four sides, land arose; when a cow, buffalo and pig were sacrificed, the land dried up; the bones of these animals became rocks, wool with grass], 12 [when Nirantali and half of the people came out of the hole in the ground, the cannibal wolf also appeared from there; N. smashed his head with a stick, he fell back into that hole, jamming the door; N. cut him off the head turned into an anthill; the eyes turned into stars, the tongue into the sun, the legs into 4 mountains, the tail a vine, the ears were banana plants, the intestines turned into river snakes, the blood the Kambell River, the liver was a rice field; people who remained underground could not get out]: 7, 432.

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali: Hooyakas 1974:33 [Bhattāri Iśvara made a man skin, Bh. Brahma is blood, Bh. Visnu - bones, Bh. Maha-déva - muscles, Bh. Two Siva - flesh and head], 99 [Kursika created skin for man, Garga created flesh, Metri created tendons, Kurushya created bone marrow]; murut [the sky was low, lying on treetops; giant Lahangau (" tall") could not straighten up; his son drowned, he rushed to look for him in the gorges, was tired of walking bent, straightened up, raising the sky to its current height; people complained that they would not be able to talk now with the dead who went to heaven; L. pleaded guilty, asked him to kill; the weapon does not hurt him; he ordered an ax to be made out of porcupine bone and shoulder blade, they hacked him; his legs remained in Membakut, there are good walkers there ; stick in Sook (where they make holes in the field with a digging stick); dog chain in Permantoman, where dogs are good; belly in Tenom, this valley is now full of rice and sago; chest in Peluans, they brave; long-haired head in Tagul hills, people wear long hair there]: Wooley 1928, No. 21:378-380).

Taiwan - Philippines. Bicol: Eugenio 1994, No. 21a [grandchildren of a heavenly deity have bodies made of stone, gold, copper; a stone grandson tries to take possession of the sky with his brothers; killed by lightning, falls into the sea, from his body the earth is formed; from the body of the golden brother, the Sun, the copper brother, the Month, the sister turns into stars], 21b [Bulan attacked his older brother Adlao in the sky; he repelled the blows, knocked out B.'s eye, flattened and cut off his hand; his hand fell, formed the ground, B.'s tears were water; two hairs, a man and a woman, grew up, and people came from them; B. - Month, A. - Sun (see motif A11A)]: 65-66, 67; manobo [Kezenan created Andaw (Sun), a man with a hot body, and Bulan (Moon), a woman with a cool body; B. gave birth to a child, left him in the cradle, he began to cry, get out; A. wanted to pick him up, but burned to death; the couple quarreled, separated, cutting the child apart and throwing them apart; one part turned into earth, the others into celestial bodies]: Eugenio 1994, No. 67b: 132; (cf. tboli [in seventh heaven, the divine couple has seven sons and seven daughters; they are married; s'Fedat and Bong Libun are childless; S. asks his wife to kill him, his body turns to earth with vegetation; another brother, Dwata, has many children; BL gives him land for promising to marry one of his sons]: Eugenio 1994, no. 39:95).

China - Korea. Ancient China: Blumchen 2010 ["San wu li-ji" (Records of the Trinity and Five Cycles); quotes lost but preserved; man arose as a result of the death of the giant Pan-, who divided Heaven and Earth Gu is one of the parasites on his skin after they were fertilized by the wind]: 107-108; Kravtsova 2004 [the plot of the separation of the world's egg is first described in a text from the 3rd century AD, dated in extracts contained in later encyclopedic works; the plot of Pan-gu's death and the transformation of his remains in even later sources; perhaps the influence of the beliefs of South Asian peoples and Indo-European cosmogonic narratives in Indo-Buddhist writings]: 322-323; Yuan Ke 1987, ch. II [(Imperial Review of the Tai-Ping Encyclopedia, Interpretation of History" by Ma Su, Ren Fan, "Description of the Amazing"); the universe resembled an egg; Pangu was born in it; he woke up and split an egg with an ax; light and clean rose up, became the sky, heavy and dirty down, became earth; P. rested his head on the sky, grew up, raising the sky higher; when P. died, his sigh became wind and clouds, his voice - thunder, left eye by the sun, right eye by the moon, torso with legs and arms - four countries of the world and five famous mountains, blood by rivers, veins by roads, flesh with soil, hair on the head and mustache - stars , skin and body hair - herbs, flowers, trees, teeth, bones, bone marrow - metals, precious stones, sweat - dew and rain; var.: tears - rivers, sigh - wind, voice - thunder, eye gloss - lightning; When happy, the weather is good, when angry, heavy clouds]: 34-35; Chinese (Shaanxi) [In ancient times, space was a bunch of energy that rotated in emptiness until one day life began in it. It was a giant that grew fast, tore the clot into two parts and one with its head, and stepped on the other with its feet, and while it grew fast, these pieces also grew, became thicker, and the distance between them was increasing. The upper piece turned into the sky, and the lower one into the ground. Because the giant was the oldest man, he was named Panga (Curled Up Ancient). This is how he lived, with the sky above his head and the ground under his feet, his breath became wind, his voice became thunder when he blinked, lightning flashed, and when he cried, tears formed rivers. After a few centuries, he grew old. To have offspring, he took two of his ribs, blew on them, and they became man and woman, gave birth to children and grandchildren, and so humanity was born. After Pangu died, his head turned into a mountain, his eyes into the sun and moon, and his body hair into trees]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, no. 2a: 5; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Jingning) [Once upon a time, heaven and earth were in the same chicken egg and everything was dark and dark. A giant named Pangu appeared, sleeping in this egg for several hundred years. One day he yawned, reached out, heard a rumble, and the egg split. He got out of the dark egg and stood as a pillar, and he was ninety thousand or so tall. He saw that there was nothing around him, stamped his foot angrily, and fragments of the shell fell down. He pushed away from them and rose into the void. The fragments of the egg turned into the ground, and the place where it stood turned into the sky. After heaven and earth separated from each other, the earth was white and white. When Pangu saw this, he became upset and cried. His tears became rain and his sobs became thunder. To this day, when thunder comes, raindrops fall from the sky. The air he breathed out turned into wind and clouds. In the end, he died from sobbing, and one of his eyes turned into the sun and the other into the moon. His body fell on eggshell fragments and turned into mountains, blood vessels into rivers, muscles into roads, hair on his head into trees, and bones and teeth into silver lying underground]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 2:3-4; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 1 (wu. Fengtse) [there was no sky and earth in the world, only chaos, fog and darkness; King Pangu took his magic axe that cut through the mountains and separated the sky from the ground; cut chaos and dark fog in half; heavy half went down, and the lung went up; after 18 thousand years, the light half became heaven, and the heavy half became earth; the sky rose, the earth became thicker, King Pangu grew old; when he died, he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, and cried out, and his voice turned into thunder, shed a few tears, and they turned to rain; after his death, his left eye turned to the sun and his right eye to the moon, limbs into mountain ranges, blood into rivers, muscles into fields, hair on his head into constellations, hair on his body into grass and trees, his corpse gave rise to all things in the world], 1a (y. Baxian) [at first there was no heaven and earth, they were created by King Pangu; he had a dragon head and the body of a snake; he grew very fast, a day according to Zhang; grew 18 thousand years, grew huge, and then he became create heaven and earth; first created earth and it was flat; then hastily created a sky that looked like a cauldron cover: curved upwards in the center and low at the edges, it covered the ground; when creating the sky, P. forgot to compare the dimensions, the sky came out small and the whole earth did not cover; P. squeezed the ground, and it fit in size, but it had folds; since then there have been mountains and gorges, but there are also plains; King Pangu stood on the ground with his legs wide apart, opened one eye and closed the other; his eyes were the sun and the moon; he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, cried out, and his voice turned into thunder; sweat wiped off and it turned to rain, rain fell into the gorges on the ground, so rivers turned; P. threw a few hairs from his head and body on the ground, it turned into trees and grass, threw parasites living on his body and they turned into humans and wildlife], 1b (y. Chongqing) [in times of chaos, the world was filled with a qi ball; although there were ten suns around it, it was dark inside, heaven and earth were not separated, and the sun and moon did not shine; after many tens of thousands years, an embryo suddenly appeared in the balloon; he grew into a giant with a human body and a lion's head; several tens of thousands of years later, his body grew stronger; the balloon was hot, and then the giant became punching in all directions; the ball burst, the light part rose to the top and became the sky, and the heavy part fell down and became earth; after heaven and earth were divided, it became light; the giant began to jump and rejoice, but soon I felt that the earth was hotter than in the balloon; ten suns were warming so much that he soon fell screaming to the ground and died; his blood formed an ocean, his bones formed mountains, skin and meat to soil, hair on his body to grass, hair on his head to trees; his whole body turned into a world with green mountains and blue rivers; tens of thousands of years have passed, and Fusi and his People were created by a sister; then people called him "King Pangu" to honor the memory of the giant who separated heaven from earth; this meant that the world was like a plate (pan), and everything on it came from chaos after the giant appeared]: 21, 21-22, 22-23; Chinese (Sichuan, Deyang City) [After Pangu separated heaven from earth, Mother Nuiwa created people, and so life appeared on earth. But soon, the god of water Gungong began to fight with the god of fire Zhuzhong, lost, hit his head against the northwestern pillar of heaven - Mount Buzhou, the ground squinted, the sky tilted, and the flood began. N. saw how people were suffering and covered the sky with five-colored stones. With effort, her face turned yellow and her body became thin, and she lost her former majestic appearance. People were always hoping for her help, constantly looking at the sky, so their eyes hurt. Then they started screaming: Mom! Mom! Where are you? Save us! N. finished patching the sky, heard them screaming and went down to them. She saw that people's eyes were red and swollen, unable to open or see anything, and even when she stood next to them, they kept calling her. She cried bitterly and said: Children, I'm here! But they didn't recognize her, and then she said she was their mom, but they didn't believe her. N. wept bitterly, covering her face with her hands, ran them over the eyes of one of the people, his illness immediately went away, he saw the light, looked at her tired face and her kind eyes, and finally recognized her. Thus, people's eyes were healed thanks to N.'s tears, but she herself fell from fatigue, her limbs turned into mountain ranges, rivers and lakes, and her body turned into sky, earth and stars. As for the waters that flow continuously in rivers, these are N.'s tears]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 33:56-57; Chinese (Henan, Jiyuan City) [East of Mount Wangwu there is another one, on the slope of which Pangu Monastery is located. Pangu was born there. P. had neither a father nor a mother; he was born inside a huge chicken egg, and after being formed, he slept there for eighteen thousand years. When I woke up, I felt that his body seemed to be connected. He straightened his arms and legs, the egg crumbled. From P.'s movements, chaos began to fluctuate, the lung rose up, turned into a sky, the heavy one fell, became earth, and there was a small crack between heaven and earth. P. saw that the sky was too close, put his hands on the sky with his hands, began to push him up, growing one zhang every day, and the sky was also one zhang taller. It's been like this for another 18,000 years. P. grew by 90,000 or, and the sky rose by ninety-thousand. Hence the saying about the "nine-layer sky". From fatigue, P. became sweaty, exhausted and died. Before I died, I thought that heaven and earth were not enough; there must be sun and moon, mountains and rivers, people and animals. But he had already fallen from fatigue and couldn't create them. Before he died, he said he was leaving his body to the world. When he died, one eye turned into the sun, the other into the moon, his breath into wind and clouds, his voice into thunder, his arms and legs into mountains, his bones into ores, his blood into rivers, his hair into flowers, herbs and trees, his soul - into humans, livestock, birds, animals, insects and fish. The egg shell from which P. came out ended up under the mountain and turned into a shining, smooth folded stone. The carcasses made from it do not allow water to pass through. To honor P., a monastery was built on this site. Option (y. Tongbo): When heaven and earth were not yet separated, P. existed dressed and shod in clouds. Once a ball blocked his way, he split it with an ax. Air came out of the balloon and it began to descend. P. stood on him, fell asleep, and when he woke up several tens of thousands of years later, he found that his cloud clothes and shoes had disappeared, the balloon had turned into the ground, and the sky appeared above the ground. P. became the first person]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 1:3-4; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Liangshan) [heaven and earth were not separated, there were no people; Pangu slept between heaven and earth; grew rapidly in his sleep, reaching ninety thousand in length and width; woke up, opened his eyes and saw darkness; I groped and came across an egg, broke it with one blow, the world changed; heaven and earth split; the squirrel turned into clear sky and white clouds, and the yolk into the ground; P. laughed, and his pores turned into stars, body hairs into forests and grass, eyes into sun and moon, eye sockets into oceans, arms, legs and head into five mountain peaks, bones into mountain ranges, and sweat into rivers; when P. was angry, then he began to breathe intermittently, and his breath turned to wind and rain; sometimes he would stretch out his legs and clap his hands; this is the cause of thunder and lightning, as well as the earthquake]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 1:3; miao (Hainan, wu. Lingshui) [heaven and earth were not separated and were in chaos, like an egg surrounded by clouds; one day there was a sound of a splitting shell, a giant jumped out of the egg; the clouds against which it rested his head went upstairs and became the sky, and the clouds under his feet thickened below and turned into earth; this giant Pan-huang (August Pan {gu}) grew up to one zhang every day, and the sky it rose one zhang, and the earth thickened by one zhang; when heaven and earth formed, the world was still dark; Pan-huang pulled out his left eye, threw it into the sky, that turned into the sun; pulled out the right one, threw it into the sky and it turned into the moon; pulled out his teeth and made them constellations; separated day and night; tore out his hair, which covered heaven and earth, scattered them in all sides, they turned into forests; one of his fist turned into a mountain, the other into a mountain range; his bones turned into stones, his flesh into soil, his blood into rivers, and only his heart was left; it rose above the sky and became the spirit that ruled heaven and earth; later, the spirit of Panh Huang married Heavenly Immortal; they had five immortal maidens who were married to people from Deng, Jiang, Li, Zhao and Huang; this is how five Miao families appeared; Pan-huang lived 560 years and was buried in the Southern Mountains (Nanshan) after his death; the Miao people consider Pan-Huang their ancestor; New Year and other holidays make sacrifices to him]: Zhou 2002, No. 1:3; li (Hainan, wu. Ledong) [heaven and earth were only a few zhang apart; there were 7 suns and 7 moons in the sky, the earth was burned; during the day, living beings hid in caves, but did not dare to go out at night leaving the caves only at dawn and dusk, when the sun and moons replaced each other; the mighty spirit decided that people would not be able to live like this, and in one night raised the sky to ten thousand zhang; but still in the sky There were 7 suns and 7 moons; then a mighty spirit made a bow and many arrows; during the day he started shooting at the suns and knocked down 6 of them; people shouted for him to leave the last one; he fulfilled their request; at night the spirit started shooting at the moons, hit 6; when he shot the seventh, he missed and broke off a piece of it; people started screaming again, the spirit left the last moon as they asked; since then, the moon has been full or flawed; the mighty spirit decided that people would not be able to live without mountains, rivers and forests; took a rainbow from the sky and made it a rocker, took roads from the ground and made them ropes, and used them to carry them from the sea sand on the coast and pour mountains; small and large hills were made of sand waking up from baskets; the spirit scattered the eyes of its hair across the mountains, so hair-like forests appeared; living in the mountains animals and birds began to grow their heads in gratitude for the spirit's creation of habitats for them; the spirit began to draw lines between the mountains with its toes, creating valleys; the sweat from it filled them and they turned into rivers, the largest of which was Changhuajiang, flowing from Mount Wuzhishan to the South Sea; when he finished his work, his spirit ran out of strength and fell to the ground; before he died, he was afraid that the sky would again will approach the ground, open his hand, raise it, and hold the sky; this is Mount Wuzhishan (Five Finger Mountain)]: Zhou 2002, No. 10:14-15.

Eastern Europe. Russian written tradition (Pigeon Book, Orel Gubernia) [The Pigeon Book falls out of the cloud; Prince Vladimir asks the wise Tsar Davyd Yevseich to read it; then V. asks questions, D. answers them without reading, from memory; the white light "conceived" from the holy spirit, Christ himself; the sun from his face, the month from his breasts, the night from his hair, the morning dawn from the reese, the stars from the eyes, the wind from the breath, the rain from tears; above all kings the king is the white king, the mother of all cities - Jerusalem, mother to all churches, is a church in Jerusalem, with the relics of Christ; mother to all mountains is Fangor Mountain, mother to all rivers is Jordan, mother to all seas is Kiyon Sea, mother to all fish is a whale, because it has a whale all the white world is based, mother cheese is the earth; the Strafil bird keeps all the white light under its right wing when it hits, the storm on the sea; Vyndrik the beast walks through the dungeon like the sun across the sky; Cypress to everyone mother to trees (Christ is crucified on him), weeping grass - mother to all herbs (arose from the tear of the Virgin)]: Vlasova 1986, No. 5:10-16.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [the world came from Manzashirin (Manchushri bodysatva); trees from his blood vessels, fire from his body heat, earth from flesh, shores (mountains?) - from bones, water - from blood, grass - from hair, sun and moon - from eyes, seven stars (Big Dipper?) from teeth, other luminaries (Milky Way?) from the spine]: Zhiteysky, p. 67 in Harva 1933:76; Karachays: Karaketov 1995 [Baichi is a product of the dragon spirit; B.'s shadow took over the first man of Aigi-Kishi; since he was a fyrgauun (Arab: Pharaoh) and his body were so large that no one else could fit in the world, then the whole world and its objects began to grow on his body; if Tairi hadn't punished AK by turning it into a firmament earthly, it is unlikely that people, animals and plants could exist in the world (Dunya is Arab)]: 236; 2001 [Tairi creates mountains from his bones, from the smoke emanating from his smoking pipe, - clouds, sparks coming out of the tube - stars, leather (sweat?) - rivers, from bile - cyclops; then sledges were created]: 49; Lipkin 1973 [(Teiri's direct speech, he tells us what he did); breath is the sky, clouds are tube smoke, stars are sparks from the tube, earth is his skin, mountains - cartilage, trees and grasses - hair]: 81-82.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [at first it was only Niflheim (the dark world). Rivers flow out of the Boiling Pot in the middle of Niflheim. To the south is Muspell, where it is hot, and on its edge sits Surt (black) with his flaming sword in his hands. At the end of the world, Surt will burn the gods and the whole world. The poison from frozen rivers turned into frost, filling the global abyss in the north. From the combination of frost and warm southern air, the first man Imir arose. His sweat caused a man and a woman to appear under his left arm, and one leg conceived a son on the other. Imir's offspring are evil frosty giants. From the melted hoarfrost, the Audumla cow arose, which fed Imir. She herself licked salty stones and licked the Storm man (parent). He had a son, Bor (born). He married Bestle (daughter of the giant Bölthorne) and they were born Odin (mad, also spirit, poetry), Vili and Ve (priest). They killed Imir and frosty giants drowned in his blood. Bergelmir (roaring like a bear) escaped by sitting in the ark with his wife and children, and new frosty giants came from them. Bohr's sons made earth out of Ymir's body, sea and water out of blood; earth - flesh, hair - forest, mountains - bones, boulders and stones - teeth and bone fragments, brain - clouds; the ocean borders the earth with a ring, outside it round; they made a sky from Ymir's skull; they strengthened it above the ground, bending its four corners upwards, and planted a dwarf under each (Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern). The sparks coming from Muspelheim shone in the sky. Giants were given land along the ocean shore, and the world in the depths of the land was fenced off with a wall from the age of Ymir - this is Midgard]: Younger Edda 1970:15-18 (=2005:18); Lithuanians (Samogites) [God created a huge being: from a piece of the sky - head, from tree branches - hair, from a crack in the sky - mouth, from white sea stones - teeth, from a mountain - body, from earth - flesh, from stones - bones, from stars - eyes; the moon saw it and captured this image; this creature was bisexual, protected the earth from monsters, giants came from it; when the creature died and began to decompose, dwarfs crawled out of it; from the marriage of a giantess and The dwarf came people; God settled an angel in the middle of the earth; he was angry with him, tore off his head, threw it, it became the moon, you can see his face on it; he also threw his body, but it fell back, a hill formed, on it grass and trees grew; bones became stones, blood became sea and lakes; God cut off one angel's wings, cut them apart, threw them into the sky, they became stars, and God placed a wingless angel on earth - first man; from a part of his flesh God made him a wife, they have children]: Veckenstedt 1883, No. 47:210-211.

Western Siberia. Khanty (b. Wah, 2008) [brother and wagtail sister lived (wagtail is the incarnation of Alva); brother caught a pike, drove it on sledges, sledges broke, he sent his sister for others, also broke down, sent for iron; he ordered houses cook, leave him the best parts; the sister ate everything, left the bones; the brother became a wagtail, flew to Sevs-Iki's house, fell into the fat pot, fell asleep; SI found him, began to fry him, let him go for promising to give it back sister; A. came back, sister did not want SI; they dug a hole in front of the entrance, heated the foot, told SI to come in backwards, pierced the foot, burned it in a hole; the ashes from the head turned into lakes, from the hair into forests, from hands and feet into rivers; ash became midges, mosquitoes, SI: as people drank my blood, mosquitoes and midges will drink their blood]: Soldatova 2008, No. 13:121-122.

Eastern Siberia. Trans-Baikal (equestrian) Evenks [At first there was water, a bug and a buninka. Buga sent fire to the water, which overcame part of the water. Then land and water were formed. Bug separated light from darkness. He descended to earth, where he met a buninka who considered himself the creator of the earth. Buga "destroyed him, but not completely." Therefore, the bunin managed to spoil the bug harp. Bug got angry. They began to argue for power. Buga grew a pine tree from the lake, the bunin could not and admitted its weakness. Booga made his skull iron. It became difficult for Buninka to have such a skull and he asked the bug to be released "from flour". Buga complied with the request, but for this he asked the bunin not to harm him when he did the person. To make man, the bug brought iron from the east, fire from noon, water from the west, earth from the north, and created man and woman; from the earth meat and bones, from iron - heart, from water - blood, from fire is warmth. When humans began to breed, the buninka needed half of it. Then the bug promised him vicious people after their death, and he took those who lived virtuously on earth for himself; (retelling E.S. Novik)]: Spassky 1822:54-55; Evens: Robbeck 1986 (Srednekolymsky District) [ the girl is forced to go beyond the old man because her decrepit grandmother accidentally said his name; her sled deer kills the devil, flies with the girl to another country; becomes decrepit, asks him to be killed and cut; The skin hung in the talnik turns into a house, scattered entrails in wild deer and moose, bones into mountains, wool into birds and birds]: 82-83; Robbeck, Dutkin 1978 [girl expelled from heaven, on an eight-legged deer descends to the surface of the sea; on the advice of a deer, she scattered scraps of wool on the water, they turned into logs, she made a raft; at the request of the deer, she killed it, cut it as he ordered; the skin turned into earth, skull and bones into mountains, wool into forests, lice into wild deer; the crunch of broken bones became thunder, the dying sigh became wind; the heart turned into a hero, lungs into a boy and a girl ]: 157.

(Wed. SV Asia. Itelmen [Kutkhu created the land from his son called Symskalin, who was born by his wife Ilkhum while walking with him on the sea; or K. and his sister Khutlyzhich the land was demolished from the sky and approved at sea; (Orlova 1975:129: symt - "land")]: Krasheninnikov 1994 (1): 71).

Northeast. Seneca [in heaven, the Great Leader pulls out a tree, sends a pregnant woman down; the birds pick her up without letting her fall into the sea; the muskrat brings clay on its paw from the bottom; the clay is placed on the Turtle, the earth grows; a woman gives birth to twins; an evil woman comes out under her arm; she dies giving birth to good things; the good makes the sun out of her face, the moon and a star from her chest, gives the Earth her body; makes mountains, straight rivers; goes overseas to his father, who asks how high he can reach; the son reaches the sky; how much he can lift, raises the mountain; the father recognizes him as a son, gives two parcels, with birds at the head with an eagle, animals led by a deer; an evil brother makes rivers winding, creates storms, sea monsters, predators, reptiles; brothers fight, good brings evil into the underworld]: Converse 1908 in Turner 1978:36-39.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca descended from heaven to the goddess of Earth; all the joints of her body had eyes and mouths, they bit; both gods turned into two snakes, tore her apart in half, one took the left leg and right hand, the other by the right leg and left arm; from the half where the shoulders made the earth, from the other half the sky; to reward the Earth for the violence committed against it, others the gods said that fruits would grow out of her; they made trees, flowers and herbs out of her hair, small grass and flowers from her skin, wells, springs and small caves from her eyes, and from the shoulders of a mountain]: Histoyre du Mechique 1905 , ch. 7 [after the destruction of the first world, the goddess Tlaltentl (Tlalteutli) was the land itself, which some say is a woman and others say is a man; Tezcatlipuca entered her through her mouth and Ehecatl through her navel, both penetrated her heart in the depths of the earth, raised the sky, helped them with this; Eecatl (according to Mendiet-Solotl, note 6 at p. 26) went down to hell to Mitlantentli, carried out ashes from there dead and a huge bone, but it broke on the ground, so new people turned out to be small, and the people of the first world were giants; the gods sprinkled blood from the tongue, created a man and a woman; Alternatively (pp. 28-29), the goddess of the earth was Atlalteutli (=Ilamatecutli, the "old goddess", she had eyes and mouths in all her joints, she bit them like a predatory creature; Quetzalcoatl (aka Eecatl) and Tezcatlipoca took her right hand and left leg, the other by her left arm and right leg, tore her, tore her, one half made the ground, the other sky; to comfort her, they said that her hair would become trees, herbs and flowers, skin with low grass and little flowers, mouths with rivers and large caves, nose in valleys, shoulders in mountains; this goddess cries at night and does not calm down until she is given humans (to be eaten), and does not bear fruit unless it is irrigated with human blood]: 25-29; Krickeberg 1928:4-6; Mendieta 1870:81; Portal 1986 [translated in Spanish]: 41.

The Central Andes. Caruas (dep. Ancash) [the widow died; left alone, the little brother and sister saw a sparrow with a potato flower in its beak, followed him; Achiqueé lived in the same village, decided to kill the children and take possession of the potatoes herself, called into her house; at night she tried to kill the boy; the girl grabbed him and ran; Gallinazo hid them under her wings, hit the stalker in the face to blood; the girl promised him excellent eyesight and plenty of food; the same is Puma and other animals (all awarded); the last is the Fox, refused to help (it will smell disgusting, hunters will easily find it); Jan Jerónimo lowered the rope from the sky, brother and sister got up, they still live in the sky, there are a lot of potatoes; CX lowers a rotten rope and a rat for A.; the rat gnaws through it; A. asks to fall into the pampa, but falls on a rock; tells her flesh to become rocks, blood dried the vegetation; this is how the Andes and the sands of the coast appeared]: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947:130-134.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [cannibal Echua Rihi is killed, his body is dismembered; his head rolls back to the edge of the world, turns into the Morning Star; his body into the Andes, his legs in the Biboshi tree, his hands in Wurgfaige , guts into vines, penis and testicles in sayal palm, lungs and heart to wild papaya, ass to peanuts (?) , buds in cane, spine with ribs in bamboo, blood in biboshi latex, urine in a large lake in the mountains (Titicaca?) , fingernails in river shells, fingers in grass of a certain type, oily film excrement on water, hair under the arms and groin in hard herbs, navel in black shells, face in the hills]: Hissink, Hahn 1961 , NO. 24:63.