Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B44C. Whether it should be warm and light.

. (.35.) .36.40.-.50.74.

The characters argue about whether the earth is dark or light, cold or warm. See motif B44.

Melanesia. Pentecost.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lhota; ao; hyamnyungan; rawang.

Malaysiaâ€"Indonesia. Central Flores; East Sumba; East Timor.

Turkestan. Kazakhs.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Nganasana [it was eternal summer, mice could not hide; the mouse asked that it be winter and be able to hide under the snow]: Popov 1984:52).

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts: Kulakovsky 1979, No. 11 (no place of recording, first published in 1923; central?) [Yurung Ayyi Toyon created the world, asked the man if he would like a long winter or a long summer; he gave the Stallion and the Ox the choice; the Ox wished him a long winter because his nose would get wet in summer; The stallion kicked the Ox for this, knocking out all his front teeth; in response, the Ox butted the Stallion by piercing his gallbladder; since then, winter has been longer than summer, cattle have no front teeth, and horses have bile]: 73 ( retelling to Ergis 1974:149); Ergis 1964, No. 37 (Nemyuginsky Nasleg of Khangalassky Ulus, 1934) [God asks a man whether to make winter or summer long; he suggests asking a stallion and a bull; a stallion wants a long summer, his hooves freeze in winter; a bull in winter, his nose gets wet in the heat; God does what wants the Ox; the stallion kicked him, knocking out his upper teeth; the Ox butted, pierced the bile; horses now have no bile, cattle have front teeth]: 107 (resume in Ergis 1967a, No. 69:174; retelling in Sivtsev- Omoloon 1976:27, in Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:18).

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate; Copper; Caribou; Netsilic; Igloolik; Polar Eskimos; Labrador Eskimos; West Greenland.

Subarctic. Koyukon {The bear does not mind if it's eternal night, the Fox wants the day} [the sun is gone; people tied a rope to the Bear so that when he looks for berries, they will find it; The bear thinks it's not in it it's okay, let it be dark; people ask the Raven for help, give him as much food as he wants; the raven flies away; turns dust and grass into good clothes and shoes; the sun owner suspects it A raven, but others say he is rich and handsome; his daughter fell in love with Raven, he began to live in their house; he noticed a dog, asked him to hang it; people notice that someone with a three-toed paw pecked over the corpse; all must show bare feet; the raven orders that the veil cover their eyes, the audience does not notice that he has three toes on his feet; sent his wife to fetch water, threw a fir needle into the water, the woman drank, swallowed; gave birth to a boy; in the same place where it was dark, the Foxes sang, Let there be light; rattles were tied to the sun and moon in the house so that no one would touch secretly; the boy cries, asks for sun games, grandfather gives; The raven wants the dog to grab the salmon; everyone rushed to the yard for the dog, but the Raven back into the house, grabbed, released the sun, it became light; kicked the child, he turned into a bunch fir needles; grabbed the moon, began to tear off a piece, giving each one of the months of the year the name; December became Nameless; the Raven came back, everyone is happy with the light]: Attla 1983:89-105; kuchin; inner Tlingit; southern tutchoni; chipewayan; taltan; hea.

NW Coast. Tlingit; Hyda; Tsimshian.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry; Shuswap; Thompson; Puget Sound; Upper Chehalis; Cowlitz; Kerdalen; Clackamas; Yakima; Klamath; Modoc ; tillamook; ne perse; clickitat.

The Midwest. Menominee; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake); Ojibwa; Illini; Fox.

Northeast. Iroquois.

Plains. Assiniboine; crowe; comanche.

Southeast USA. Yuchi; screams.

California. Atsugevi; yana; kawaiisu.

Big Pool. Northern Payut; Northern and Western Shoshones; Goshiyute; Utah; Chemewevi.

The Great Southwest. Lipan; Western Apaches; Chiricahua; Jicarilla; Western Ceres (Laguna, Akoma).

The Southern Cone. Araucans; Puelches; Northern Tehuelches; Southern Tehuelches.