Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B44D. The black and white beast is night and day .46.47.

Night and day alternate because the dead animal was black and white, spotted.

Plains. Pawnee (skidi) [the gods make clay a boy and a girl; to determine whether there will be light or dark, they send various animals to run in front of the young man; some are white, others are black, he kills spotted black and white; day comes, night follows]: Dorsey 1906, No. 9:44; wichita [at the beginning of time, a voice tells a man to kill a third deer; three deer jump out of the water; the first is black, the second white, the third is black and white; celestial bodies move, night and day alternate; three deer, along with the hunter, turn into a constellation {Orion?}] : Dorsey 1904a, No. 1:26

Southeast USA. Caddo [people want light; the shaman replies to Coyote that there are yellow, black, spotted, half-spotted, and white deer; if they kill yellow, everything will turn yellow, etc.; people kill black and white, now night and day alternate]: Dorsey 1905, No. 2:13-14.