B44D. The black and white beast is night and day .46.47.
Night and day alternate because the dead animal was black and white, spotted.
Plains. Pawnee (skidi) [the gods make clay a boy and a girl; to determine whether there will be light or dark, they send various animals to run in front of the young man; some are white, others are black, he kills spotted black and white; day comes, night follows]: Dorsey 1906, No. 9:44; wichita [at the beginning of time, a voice tells a man to kill a third deer; three deer jump out of the water; the first is black, the second white, the third is black and white; celestial bodies move, night and day alternate; three deer, along with the hunter, turn into a constellation {Orion?}] : Dorsey 1904a, No. 1:26
Southeast USA. Caddo [people want light; the shaman replies to Coyote that there are yellow, black, spotted, half-spotted, and white deer; if they kill yellow, everything will turn yellow, etc.; people kill black and white, now night and day alternate]: Dorsey 1905, No. 2:13-14.