Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B45A. Winter versus summer.


The alternation of seasons and/or differences between the climate of individual areas are explained by the struggle between characters associated with heat and the other with cold. See motif B45.

Italians (Tuscany?) , Macedonians, Serbs, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Scandinavians, Altaians, Mongols, Tundra and Forest Nenets, Ents, Nganasans, Mansi (Northern), Northern Khanty, Kets, Central (?) Yakuts, Itelmen, Azaitic Eskimos, Bering Strait Inupiate, Koyukon, Chipewayyan, Taltan, Tlingit, Hyda, Wimshian, Bellacula, Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouet, Kalispel, Flethead, Curdalen, Snookually, Pugit Sound, vasco, clackamas, wishram, tillamook, ne perse, western sachaptin, modoc, winnebago, western and northern ojibwa, potauatomi, steppe crees, naskapi, penobscot, delaware, teton, santi, omaha and ponca, Iowa, Shayen, Arapahoe, Chirokee, Hopi, Zunyi, Western Ceres, South Tepehuans, South Tehuelches, Selknam.

Southern Europe. Italians [Metelitsa-Borea offers marriage to the south wind of Scirocco; who says they are both poor; Borea blows to show how much silver she has; in response, Cirocco blows, the snow melts; Borea blows says that he has squandered all his wealth and refuses to marry]: Kotrelev 1991:310.

The Balkans. Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:154-155 [The South Wind tells the North that it will melt the snow planned for the week in a day; but the North hid a handful of snow from one woman the next day showed it to the South Wind - it didn't melt everything!] , 155 [The North Wind froze the water in a week, and the South Wind was supposed to melt it in a week; if it failed, it would lose an eye; the North Wind hid some ice under one woman's back; pulled out the South Eye; therefore The South Blow is weaker than the North], 156 [Snow was supposed to marry Severko, but the South Wind was godfather, Snow got scared and refused to marry]; Serbs, Bosnians, Bulgarians [In the region Polanici and Klisura (southeastern Serbia) explain the name of the southern wind Orcha with the following fairy tale: "Once South (= south wind) melted all the snow and was proud of it, but one old man kept a ball of snow and shouted to him that all the snow had not melted yet. When the South challenged this statement, the old man threw the same snowball at the South and knocked out his eye"; Veselin Chaikanovich cites a version of the same fairy tale, remembered from childhood, in his article on the name of Jorava Angielija. The South and North (=the north wind) were arguing about which of them was stronger; who would win the bet would knock out the other's eye. The first one blew North and froze everything, then the South began to blow and melted everything except for one lump of snow hidden under a pile of straw. So, the North knocked out the South's eye, and as a result, the South was nicknamed Choravac. In another version, from Bosnia, the South knocked out Bure's eye (Bura here meaning the NE of the wind) when she attacked him because he melted her ice palace. Chaikanov also points to the Bulgarian version published by D. Marinov, according to which South's eye was fraudulently knocked out by the Miner (west wind), who he defeated in the competition]: Loma 2008:202.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [The father of summer is serene Swasud, and the father of winter is evil Windloney (or Windsville [Cold as the Wind)]: Younger Edda 1970:26.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians (Onguday aimag) [the land is surrounded by water; one fish gives a cold stream of air, the other gives a warm stream; therefore, winter and summer alternate]: Novikov 1949:161; Mongols [(in Mongolian publications); the old man of Cold and the old man of Heat began to measure their strength; the Cold froze everything for 9 days; put the giant Ox as his protector; The heat melted everything in 8 days, but snow remained under the Ox's hooves; Furious heat hit him on his hooves, so the cattle's hooves are split; we had to admit that the forces of Cold and Heat are equal, they split the year in half]: Taube 2004, No. 5:19.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Golovnev 2004 [the Yenisei Nenets have a conflict between the North and the South in the fact that the god of the North wants to marry his son to the daughter of the god of the South, but the matchmaking remains unsuccessful, since the groom can't stand the heat, and the bride can't stand the cold]: 304; Lehtisalo 1998:16 [the sorcerer Vyrir rose to heaven alive and now travels with the spirits of thunderstorms; he said that the spirits of thunderstorms have one hand, one leg and one eye; during a thunderstorm, they oppose the Northern Ox, but cannot kill him, and their arrows hiss into the water; the Ox fights them with water; when the spirits of the thunderstorm are defeated, the north wind drives them with rain in the form of rare clouds to a warm country; if the Ox is defeated, the thunderstorm spirits let the stuffy air rise; then there is a bad year and many diseases], 22 [The Ox of the Northern Country looks like a human or wild deer, lives on the northern edge of the sky; forest yuraks say that when they shake off their backs to allow their hair to sleep, it snows; breathes cold; sometimes they also talk about the Ox warmth at the southern edge of the sky; it sends warmth, southern wind, rain and snow during the thaw]; Tereshchenko 1949 [the woman's Solar Warmth and Blooming Grass had a daughter Sunny Sunset; Cold tried to take her away, but the girl froze on the road and crumbled across the ground in the form of a blueberry, since then called a "hiding woman"] in Golovnev 1995:436, in Khomich 1976:19; Tereshchenko 1949 [Invincible Cold marries to Sunny Sunset, the daughter of Sunny Warmth and Blooming Grass; takes her north on bears, she froze, the sledge rolled to the ground through a hole in the board, crumbled into blueberries; the Cold promised that she will be dead most of the year; in summer she ripens]: 139-140; Khomich 1976 [thunder is the noise of a sledge on which the sons of the North and the South come to fight to take their daughter, once married to a son North and after his death returned to his father; lightning - sparks flying from sledge runners]: 19; Mansi (Northern Sosva) [Louis-wot-Oika (North Wind) fiercely blew, froze to death; one a man hit him with an arrow in the jaw; it was hot, people began to hurt; then his jaw began to heal, but L. no longer had the same strength]: Lukina 1990, No. 111:297; Northern Khanty (b. Kazim) [man in the house behind a locked door (Torum?) freezes; sends her eldest daughter to the North Wind so as not to blow too much; she does not listen to her father's advice (she ties ties her fur coat and kitties, drives rather than kisses bears, cuts wood with a sharp, not a blunt ax); cleaning the house, finds pieces of moose and sable meat, eats them; The wind brings sables, tells them to take the sable meat to the next house; the girl finds no one; the wind tells me to do it before he returns sable fur coat; woman comes in, asks to look in her head; girl refuses; does not have time to glue the skins together, the Wind kills her; the same with her middle daughter; the youngest follows instructions; pieces of meat from the floor - Wind sharpener; the girl is looking for a woman in her head, sees little women behind her ear, they make a fur coat; The wind takes her as his wife, her father is getting warm]: Lukina 1990, No. 12:73-74; chum salmon: Alekseenko 2001, No. 40 [(=Dulzon 1969, No. 61:199-203; =Kupriyanova 1973:144), 41:93-98, 98-100; Osharov 1936a: 161-165; Entsy: Prokofiev 1953:202; Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 44:183-187; Nganasany: Dolgikh 1968:216 [from the cohabitation of Moo-nyama and Duiba-nguo, children have eyes, children are born; children's souls were imagined as little birds; D.], 217 [ people die because they are taken by Syrada], 218 [all Syrada-nyantu (ice guys, there are 7 or 9 of them) are married to Kounyam (Sun's mother) and Mou Nama (Earth's mother); usually they sleep, but when they wake up they come to K.; then the wind blows, it snows; they visit her all winter, as a result, winter, cold, blizzard; when they spend the night at M.'s place, wild deer disappear]; Simchenko 1968 [thunder Cadu'o carries warmth in a heavenly argish; when she leaves, the evil Kodu-Nguo comes; when she combs her hair, dandruff and snow flies from her hair; frozen young men die from her caresses, and girls are killed from jealousy; in other legends, Kodu-Nguo is a masculine creature constantly struggling with Kadu'o (Cadö)]: 196-197.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [Yakuts personified winter as a white bull with blue spots, it has huge horns and frosty breath; when it went around the earth, everything froze, people and animals suffered from the cold; At the end of January (Tohsunnu), winter reached its peak; the day before the end of Tohsunna, an eagle flew from the south, shoveled snow from its nest and made a loud scream; from the eagle's scream, the spirit of winter receded, its horns broke one by one, and then his head fell off by spring; in the ice drift, the body of a winter bull floats down the Lena River into the Arctic Ocean, the ice drift takes the souls of people and cattle that died during the winter]: Ionov 1913:1, 27; Ergis 1974:123.

SV Asia. Itelmen [North Wind marries Kutha's two daughters; when he checks the tops, blood comes from the cold from under his fingernails; K. sends his son-in-law, passes off his youngest daughter as South Wind; all It gets damp, clothes rot from the rain; the eldest daughter sends her son to her father; the North Wind returns, brings good weather]: Bogoras 1902, No. 27:656.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [the man is poor, his cheeks freeze in winter; one day he comes to a rock and hears voices; one wind describes how it will freeze everything and the other how it will bring warmth; they they ask a person which one is better; a person chooses a warm wind; he has lived well since then, the children have also grown up and are lucky]: Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 40:548-554; Bering Strait Inupiat (hall. Kotzebue) [the north wind is the breath of a giant living in the north; when he builds a snowhouse for himself, it snows; the south wind is the breath of a woman living in the warm south]: Nelson 1899:515.

Subarctic. Koyukon [two of the four most powerful spirits are Zadu-the epitome of cold and winter, and Rolel-Ten, the epitome of heat]: Jette 1911:98; Chipewayan [Bigfoot interferes come in spring; he is told that people in the north are killing his children; he goes there, getting warmer]: Lowie 1912:186; taltan [(two var.); Warm and Cold Winds are constantly fighting; first Warm Winds are coming north, then retreat, and vice versa; rain is the urine of Warm Winds]: Teit 1919, No. 8:230.

NW Coast. Tlingit: Swanton 1909, No. 61:219; Hyda (Masset): Swanton 1908a, No. 14:396-400; Tsimshian: Boas 1916, No. 10:121-125; Bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 44 [North Wind and his wife is blowing cold from her anuses], 676-677 [four brothers bury a boy on the shore; he is alive but unable to move; their mother tries to freeze them in her house; they give her son back, she gives them a cold bubble; they meet the Sun; it tries to incinerate them with heat, but is defeated by the cold himself; since then, winter alternates with summer], 1948 (2): 433-435 [two var; winter stands all year round , The Cold Wind kills people; plants, animals, birds, people go to fight it; Halibut lies in the doorway, the Cold Wind steps on him, slides, tied; agrees to blow only in the morning in March].

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap: Boas 1895, No. 2 [The glacier freezes everyone, animal people die; the Coyote comes to Glacier's house, also freezes; his friend Fox tied a dentium to the tail of the shell; where he goes, there fire breaks out; all the ice has melted; the Coyote has come to life]: 5; Teit 1909a, No. 32:701-702; Thompson: Teit 1898, No. X: 55-56; 1917b, No. 8:21; 1917b, No. 36:56-62; lillouette: Elliott 1931:166-168; Teit 1912b, No. 10:310-311; Hill-Tout 1905:204-205; Okanagon [Coyote asks his excrement how to overcome the Ice (Cold) People - husband, wife and their daughter; excrement tells him their names; Coyote calls owners by name, pretends to be one of the same breed of people, complains about the heat; lights dry needles, the sun melts the house of Cold; the daughter was saved, otherwise the cold and ice would disappear altogether; but kill people as before, Cold can no longer]: Teit 1917c, No. 5:74; kalispel: Teit 1917e, No. 11 [the people of the Cold and Warm Wind are constantly fighting, letting the corresponding winds out of their bags; someone has reconciled them and reduced their strength, it became like it is now], 12 [Heat and Cold were brothers, one handsome, the other ugly; one day Cold went south, but the Heat came back and killed him, saved people]: 124; flethead [five brothers Warm Winds are killed by five Cold Winds brothers; the youngest son of those killed learns to swim in cold water, raise mountains; defeats Cold Winds; snow melts; in spring the winner goes further north]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:26-28; kordalen [Cold is Zhara's younger brother, their dwellings on opposite banks of the river; when Heat comes in, the cold is all sweaty, complains of the heat; the heat replies to him sorry for the people on the way]: Reichard 1947, No. 34:191; snookually [The North Wind and its people are killing South and its people; the hedgehog woman remains with her son; the South Wind sister tells the boy about the fate of his relatives; the North Wind offers him wives; a young man burns his enemies in the house; one boy is saved, so summer doesn't last forever]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 19:398-399; Puget Sound [ The North Wind kills Sea Wind; the victim's widow gives birth to his son; he comes to his father's mother; she makes baskets of rain; the people of the North Wind are destroyed by him, he himself flees north]: Ballard 1929:56-57 [the widow is taken by a slave to the land of cold; the boy's name is Storm Wind], 57-59 [North Wind crows stain the face of Sea Wind's mother with their droppings; her grandson gives her an arrow to kill crows; revives parents] 59-60 [The Beaver gives his daughter to the Sea Wind; the North Wind kills him out of jealousy; the boy's name is Storm Wind; crows are killed], 62-63, 64 [see motive K64; Sea Wind men win competitions North Wind people]; clackamas: Jacobs 1958, No. 22:185-187; Vasco: Hines 1996, No. 15A [five Wolf Brothers and five brothers of the cold SV of the Winds fight against the Salmon; with the Coyote Wolves; they fighting on the ice, all Salmon are killed, it's cold; Coyote sees he's taken the wrong side; one egg remains in the crevices of the rock, it's washed into the water, little Salmon (=Chinook Wind) found his grandmother; she told how his father was killed; he trains strength by swimming in cold water; grandmother's sister is a slave to SV Winds, their limp sister relieves the slave's hair in the morning; young Salmon with her breath melted the ice on the slave, hit the limp on the bare ass with a rose hip branch; in a duel he killed all the Winds, only the limp escaped, so winter happens; during the battle, the ex-slave pours oil under her feet; The Coyote led the people against the Wolves, drove them into the mountains], 15B [when five Cold Winds brothers fight, their lame little sister pours water under her feet to make the enemy slide on the ice; five Winds Brothers Chinook live with Eagle; Eagle's son died in a duel with the Cold Winds, the Chinook brothers also died; a limp pours cold water on the elderly (parents of the dead) to laugh; Orel's pregnant wife went to her parents gave birth to a boy; the young Eagle defeated the Winds (during the battle, the grandmother pours fish oil under his feet, and the limp pours water under his feet); the Coyote cut off the heads of the loser; two rocks are visible - the sister of the Cold Winds and the watchman her Coyote]: 65-78, 79-84; Vishram [five Wolves and five Cold Wind Brothers defeat Chief Salmon, kill all his men; one egg remains in the crevice of the rock; Coyote first supports Wolves, then repents; salmon born from an egg sails to his grandmother, becomes a boy, trains strength; he is a warm Chinook Wind; comes to the Cold Winds; Grandma Salmon's sister is their slave, The crippled sister of the Cold Winds recovers on her hair in the morning; Salmon tells her aunt to beat the torturer with a rose hip branch; defeats and kills the Cold Winds, only their sister is saved; so winter does It happens, but not so harsh; Wolves go to the mountains]: Hines 1991, No. 7:73-87; tillamook [a woman tells her son that Ice killed his South Wind father; the boy creates a warm wind; Ice and his wives Snow and Hail are melting]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 13:42; ne perse: Clark 1966 [Winter and his four brothers kill Leto and his four brothers; one of those killed a young son remains; his mother and grandmother go south with him; every day he develops his endurance while sitting in a steam bath; the mother first refuses, then agrees to tell us about his father's fate; he kills Winter and his three brothers; spares the youngest, shares a year with him]: 35-36; Phinney 1934 [two brothers come to the ugly old man and his daughter Gusty Wind; they are not given food; icicles instead of firewood; brothers go to the house of another person and his daughter Warm Wind; they are fed abundantly, they marry the hostess's sisters; the Gusty Wind attacks, but her icicle spears melt]: 335-338; Spinden 1908, No. 12 [Coyote turns into a handsome young man, comes to the sister of five hunting brothers; she gives him meat, he does not eat; falls asleep, she sees that he has no teeth, inserts mountain sheep teeth in him; the younger brother found out Coyote, others don't believe it; the Geese brothers carried the Coyote by air, told him not to sing, he sings, they threw him into the river, told her sister that her husband was dead; she killed two older brothers, two younger ones, with arrows they managed to kill her; in winter, the brothers are starving, they came to Winter's house, he has five daughters, he and the youngest Hlp-Hlp; the other sisters brought food, but the father and youngest ate everything themselves; lives in another house Warm Weather and his daughter, they fed the brothers; the brothers married five daughters of Warm Weather; Winter's spears melted]: 149-152; Western sachaptines: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 3:144-148; modoc : Curtin 1912:76-80 [Laska is Norkey's loser brother; goes to kill North Wind, freezes (then revived); Mink kills South Winds then North Winds, picks up both hats; wearing a hat Northern, defeated by five Thunder Brothers; accompanied by Raven and Jackdaw, in the house of the Thunder they eat the man he offered, now they do not disdain any meat; Mink ties the hair of the sleeping Thunders, sets them on fire home; only the younger's heart jumps out of the fire; this is the current Thunder - a little man with long hair], 93-94.

The Midwest. Winnebago [after receiving power from the Creator, a man destroys the Ice Giants coming from the north]: Smith 1997:169-172; Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [Dipper invites Gabibonica to visit (Frost); makes a fire; icicles on Frost's face melt; he runs north; spring begins]: Barnouw 1977, No. 19:154; Western Ojibwa [The dive stayed in the swamp to wait out the winter; flying by south, the Cranes and Ducks left him a crane and a duck to take care of them until they returned; the Winter Creator tried to freeze him, cover the water with ice when the Dive dived for fish; eventually The dive defeated him]: Jones 1916, No. 15:371; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [a person has twins; the Fire spirit says four winds will come to him in February; the North brings cold, The Western is dark, the Southern is warm; the Winds decide to divide the year equally]: Ray, Stevens 1971:62-63; potauatomi [four gods (some believe brothers) are connected to the four sides of the world; white The Wabozo rabbit is with the north; sometimes they quarrel, so warm weather alternates with cold weather]: Skinner 1924:46-47; steppe crees [pine roots grow around a lazy young man; four come sisters, he gets up, tears his roots, his name is now Root-Pine; the names of the sisters Blizzard, Severe Cold, they produce snowstorm, frost; the young man says that his brothers are Dozh-Shilyev, Hot Weather; produces it rains, it's hot; it's placed in a cold house; it fires an arrow, it gets warm, and the berries ripen]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 15:85-86.

Northeast. Naskapi [Wolverine has fallen into the swamp; asks Tciwetinowinu to freeze; it's getting terribly cold; Wolverine pretends to be warm, imperceptibly pouring fat into the hearth; T. blames melting, admits defeat]: Millman 1993:29-30; Iroquois [Flint is the master of winter, lives in the west; goes east to his twin brother to freeze his corn]: Ceci 1980:309; mikmaq (?) [Gluscap goes north; the winter giant wants to freeze him; Gluscap sleeps six months; when he wakes up, looks south; sees elves dancing, their queen Summer; Gluscap brings her to Wigwam Winters; Winter melts, runs away]: Leland 1968:134-135; penobscot [Gluskabe goes to get summer; on the way he hides one eye in a hollow, tells Chickady to guard him; comes to dancing people; in summer lies in the bark, two girls are dancing next to him; G. turns them into toads, makes it dark in the wigwam, summer takes away; the Ravens chasing him grab the leather balls that cover his head thinking that they have grabbed his head; the Horned Owl took G.'s eye away; he catches it, puts her eye in; brings summer to the wigwam of Winter; it is an ice man; both he and his home are melting]: Speck 1935b, No. 11-12:45-47; Delaware (unami): Bierhorst 1995, No. 34, 39, 124 [the man of the North and the man of the South agreed to argue which of them would rule the world; they lit pipes; the smoke from them is the haze of Indian summer]: 35, 58.

Plains. Teton (oglala): Neuhardt, Brown 1997 [two girls look at stars, one wants her husband bright, the other dim; two men appear, girls agree to marry them; there is a bright star in the sky turns out to be an old chief; asks a pregnant wife not to press the digger hard to get roots; she presses, falls through the sky, crashes, the child remains alive; birds argue who will Raising the Shooting Star (PZ), this honor goes to Lark; the young man grows up, goes to the camp, where Vaziya (the source of snow) takes all the prey from people; the PZ cuts off his head, kills his relatives, one child hides; so there is winter; the White Raven scares away the buffalo, people are starving; the PZ turns into a dead bison, the Raven goes down to peck at him, the PZ grabs him, smokes him in the chimney; The raven turns black, flies away after losing its strength; the PZ turns into a boy, lives with an old woman; The Thunders take the leader's hand, he promises a daughter to the one who returns his hand; in the form of the PZ king arrives in tipi, where the hand hangs; overturns the cauldron on Iktomi (Spider) and others, takes his hand, returns to the chief, marries]: 496-513; Walker 1915:174-179; 1983:183-186; 1991:125-127; santi [see motif K19B; two girls sleep outside; one wants a big and bright, the other a weak star as her husband; both are taken to heaven; a bright star is a big man, a weak star is a young man; the first wife is pregnant, her husband does not tell her dig up the rhizomes of Psoralea esculenta; she digs up, falls through the sky, breaks to death, her baby remains alive; an old man picks him up, brings him to his wife; throws him over the tipi, a baby turns into a young man; goes to travel, destroys monsters; the spirit of winter Vazia will take all the bison meat; the young star points at him with his finger, nothing happens; when V. points to the Star, V.'s hands are paralyzed; the Star cuts V.'s blanket, from there the hidden bison meat falls; V.'s wife repairs the blanket, V. shakes it, the snow covers the ground; the star fanns the south wind; the snow melts, V., his wife and children are dying from the heat; the youngest child is saved]: Riggs 1893:90-94; Omaha, ponka [Winter is an ogre; the rabbit comes to him, does not eat human beings; finds out from his wife Winter that her husband Only fears the head of a mountain ram; throws this head at him, Winter dies; his wife remains, she causes less severe winters]: Dorsey 1890:11-12; iowa [The hare comes to the Master of the North, calls himself his relative; pretends not to believe that he is not immortal; the Master of the North replies that touching his testicles of the elk's kneecap will take his life; The hare does it also kills the entire Master of the North family; one child hides in the crack; that's why it gets cold now]: Skinner 1925, No. 47:502; Shayens [Thunder fights against the Winter Man in spring and summer]: Grinnell 1907-1908:171-172; arapaho [Thunderbird argues with the White Owl; drives black clouds, Owl drives white clouds and blizzard; Thunderbird wins, wins the day]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 101:231.

Southeast USA. Chirokee: [The hunter from the south killed big game, the hunter from the north killed small game; the northern one was jealous, carried the south's wife across the sky to the north; when he grabbed her, she rubbed the corn; her dog ate the rest of the flour ran after her; as she ran, food fell from her mouth, forming the Milky Way; as soon as the prisoner was in the north, it became warmer, the ice began to melt; the north had to bring her back together with his own; the weather is normal]: 364-365; Mooney 1900, No. 70 [The North fell in love with the daughter of the South; parents object, fear that his son-in-law will bring cold; he promises to take his wife home; in his homeland, home from ice; when a young woman comes, they melt; people ask her to be returned to her parents, the North has to agree], 71 [people set fire to the forest, the fire on the poplar roots goes to the ground; people ask the Ice Man with Put it out in the north; hail and rain coming from the Ice Man's hair extinguish the fire]: 322, 322-323.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [the vegetative spirit makes a date with a girl; the Ice Boy comes in his place, takes the girl to the mountains; the Spider helps the real groom; in the mountains in one half of the sanctuary he raises corn, on the other, his rival covers everything with ice and snow; corn yields, the snow melts; the groom returns the bride]: Titiev 1948:37-40; Western ceres: Boas 1928a (Laguna) [Summer boy in a shirt decorated with pumpkin flowers gives the chief's daughter corn and melons; her husband Winter dressed in icicles is afraid of melting, goes north, brings Summer to fight; Summer is armed with lightning, Winter is hail, snow and ice; Summer's companion Rock Boy drives Winter; Summer and Winter agree that summer will last seven months, and winter will last seven months, and winter will last (lunar months); Summer returns to Akoma (not Laguna), tells you to sow corn]: 33-35, 245 [summary]; Pradt 1902 (Akoma) [Chief Cochin's daughter marries Shakok, the spirit of winter; harsh winter is coming; the spirit of summer Miochin gives K. corn; calls for help from the summer, Sh. - winter birds and animals; shield M. - bat, shield Sh. - forty; M. wins, snow melts, M. gets K.; M. and S. divide the year into two parts; southern animals and birds smoked from smoke and turned black; the northern ones were burned with lightning and turned white]: 88-90 (quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:241-243): Titiev 1948:37-40; zunyi [cold winds from the north that drive away rain clouds (=kachina) are referred to as giant chiefs, frost chiefs]: Parsons 1939:178.

NW Mexico. South Tepehuan [Ishkaitiung descended from the sky; asked the sky to give him a deer horn to sweep the snow; in this place many died from such snowfalls; the mountains were women, I. overcame them; asked them for fruit (an orange, apparently an avocado), one girl gave it, he began to dance with her; warmth came from the coast in the guise of a man; he was placed in the middle (dancing?) between I. and the girl; I. covered them all with his eagle feather serapes; the girls were out of snow, many men died while sleeping with them; now they have melted; the one who gave the fruit asked I. to let her go; he lifted up serape; there is now some snow on the highest mountain]: Hobgood 1970:405.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [the swan brings Elal to Mount Fitz-Roy (Chalten); birds warm him; Cold, Ice, Snow try to kill him; he makes the first fire with flints; enemies are afraid that he will teach birds how to use fire; agree to stay in the mountains, leave E. the plain]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 65:108; Selknam [many tried to approach the North and defeat it, but he too strong; the South decided to do this and marry the daughter of the North; the Southeast had already tried to do this several times, but the North put insurmountable obstacles in its way; the South carefully hid how much deeply in love with the daughter of the North; the people of the South went north, but when food supplies ran out and clothes were worn out, I had to return; on the second attempt, the South and its people reached the North's parking lot; the North did not began to fight openly and offered competitions - martial arts between participants; the people of the north won; one bent the Rainbow (he was with the South) so much that it remained crooked; but then he came out the South itself defeated many, and then threw the North beyond the site where the struggle (this is considered a defeat); then he grabbed the hut in which the daughter of the North was staying and took her with the girl; The North set off in pursuit; trying to overcome the mountain during the rain caused by the North, people from both the North and the South fell and slid; both sides decided to take a break; the South sent a man to his father with asking for the worst weather; people from both the North and the South hunted; the people of the North made a parcel resembling a guanaco, rolled down the mountain; the people of the North started shooting at him, and the people of the South laughed; here The father of the South sent such a snowstorm that the North had to retreat urgently; the South began to live with the daughter of the North; sometimes North and South attacks the enemy]: Wilbert 1975a, No. 16:49-55.